Welcome To Prague Winter-Spring 2013-2014

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Winter – Spring 2013–2014



Official Guide Book

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CONTENTS • Winter–Spring 2013–2014 Tourist Information

Pages 8, 10–13, 48, 50, 59

8–9: Prague Information Service • 10–13: CzechTourism – Winter in the Czech Republic • 48–49: Prague Castle Information • 50: 10x Briefly about Prague • 59: Tourist Information Centres; Prague Sight-seeing Tours; Excursions; Guides; Public Holidays

Prague Directory

Pages 75–87

75: Entertainment • 76: Embassies • 77: Health Care • 78: Tram, Taxi, Bus, Train • 80: Car Break-down?, Rent-a-Car • 82: Airplane • 84–86: Accommodation and Travel Agencies • 87: Good Food, Good Drink

Mini-guide Culture

Pages 36–45 Pages 60, 62, 63–67, 68, 70, 72–73

60, 61: Cultural and Sport Events • 62: Advance Booking, Theatres • 63–67: Prague Cultural Events Programme • 68: Museums • 70: Concert Halls • 72–73: Galleries and Exhibitions

We recommend – the Best of Culture, Some Best Buys P. 14–25, 26–35 14–15: Prague Towers • 16: Ctěnice Chateau • 17: Carnevale Praha • 18–19: Year of Czech Music 2014 • 20–21: National Gallery – Ludvík Kuba 1863–1956; Rudolf Volráb – Artworks • 22: City Gallery Prague: Stanislav Podhrázský • 23: Divine Olbram Zoubek at Prague Castle • 24: National Theatre • 25: Laterna magika • 26: Some best buys • 27: Czech Fashion – Martina Nevařilová • 28: Gastronomy Museum • 29: Sweet moments with a chocolate fairy • 32: Glass inspiration for your senses • 34: Pilsner Urquell Gallery

Discover the beauty of the Czech Republic Page 94 95, 96: One-day trips • 97: The Terezín Memorial • 98: Invitation to the Czech Mountains • 99: Ore Mountains – winter and summer delight in the Heart of Europe • 102–103: Medical Spa Jáchymov • 104–105: Enjoy winter in the Hradec Králové Region •106–107: Winter holidays in the Olomouc Region • 108: UNESCO Czech Heritage

Maps 46: Prague Castle • 47: How to reach Prague Castle; Promenade at Prague Castle • 53–56: City map • 57–58: Subway and Tram Routes Scheme • 83: Václav Havel Airport Prague Cover photo: Josef Kaliba – Old-Town Bridge Tower, the entrance gate to the Charles Bridge

WELCOME TO PRAGUE AND THE CZECH REPUBLIC Tourist guide-book issued quarterly in German and English and twice a year in French, Spanish, Italian and Russian. Published by TRIANGL Edition • Editors: Alena Helclová, Daniela Krištůfková. Photos: Ivan Houser, Josef Kaliba, Milan Šusta, Zdeněk Thoma and Archives. Painting: Josef Kaliba. Layout: Kateřina Vlčková. © Triangl Edition. Translation: Precision Translations s. r. o., Aleš Dočkal. Printed by: Východočeská tiskárna, spol. s r. o. Sezemice. • © Triangl Edit. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher. The publisher is not responsible for the content of the texts supplied by the advertisers. The date of issue: 25. 11. 2013, IČO: 257 28 601, INDEX ISSN 47 745MK ČR E 13231 The date of next issue: 25. 2. 2014

Editorial board, distribution, advertising: Helvetica & Tempora, spol. s r. o. TRIANGL EDITION, Pod Kaštany 8, 160 00 Praha 6 ☎ /fax: +420 224 317 858 E-mail: triangl@helvetica-tempora.cz www.welcometoprague.cz




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SOUND OF CZECH MUSIC 2014, The Year of Czech Music – creativity and cooperation Along with Italian, French, German, and Russian, Czech culture ranks among the most famous in terms of classical music. It is remarkable how many musical initiatives, and leading personalities have come from this relatively small country in the center of Europe, and it is remarkable how many of these personalities are linked to dates ending with the digit 4. All years ending with 4 are spontaneously perceived in both the Czech Republic and abroad as the “years of Czech music”. Czech music lovers all over the world celebrate the anniversaries of more than 60 significant Czech composers and musicians of various genres. The tradition goes back to 1924, when the celebration of the anniversary of the national composer Bedřich Smetana (1824–1884) took place for the first time with a festival of contemporary music, under the auspices of yet another great personality of Czech music – Leoš Janáček (1854 –1928). Ever since 1954, we commemorate regularly the anniversary of the most famous Czech composer Antonín Dvořák (†1904). In 2004 an open program for the promotion of Czech music was organized for the first time. The year 2014 carries on this concept, and its slogan “creativity and cooperation” indicates that, on the relatively crowded European cultural calendar, can only succeed those who come together in a spirit of a shared visions, know what to offer audiences and how to make it possible for them to approach music more actively. The program of 2014 joins both prestigious organizations and projects (such as the National Theater in Prague, Ostrava, and Brno, the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra and other professional orchestras and opera ensembles, the National Museum, the National Gallery, and the Prague Spring festival), as well as smaller independent companies and amateurs. Visitors will have the chance to visit numerous concerts and exhibitions and purchase new recordings and publications. Special conferences are organized for various types and genres of music. The “Year of Music” is not a festival with a fixed program. It remains open to other projects united with the common logo of a triangle with a lit heart, an occasion for Czech music reflection, and professionals coming together in the “club of Czech music enthusiasts”. The program has not been finalized yet but the coordination center has registered more than 800 events both in the Czech Republic and abroad. They include, for example, the Czech Dreams International Music Festival, which takes place in 60 locations in Europe, a Czech music concert series performed by the British Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Jakub Hrůša, and a guest performance of Rusalka by the Opera Brno in Oman, in May 2014, to name just a few.

More info at: www.yearofczech-music.cz/projekty The honorary president of the program is Mr. Jiří Bělohlávek, the chief conductor of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra; the art benefactors are mezzo-soprano Magnalena Kožená, and Sir Simon Rattle, the chief conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. This is the first time where a program with a national vision can offer a foreign artist – by the way of the partner of M. Kožená. This is proof that national culture, namely music, lives naturally in a broader international, and generally human, environment. The Czech Philharmonic Orchestra opens the “Year” on 1 January, in Prague’s Rudolphinum, with a concert of Czech music, featuring mezzo-soprano Magdalena Kožená, and conductor Jiří Bělohlávek. The official theatrical opening is a performance of the opera Mirandolina by Bohuslav Martinů, at the Theater of the Estates, on 7 January in Prague. Even if we focused the “Year of Czech Music” only in Prague, there are numerous attractive performances, such as the Jewels of Czech Chamber Music series, Czech Chamber Music Weekend with leading Czech ensembles, as part of the Prague Spring music festival, the premiere of the Liška Bystrouška (Cunning Little Vixen) opera by Janáček, in March, or New Country opera by Alois Hába, in December. The “Year” will be officially closed with a gala concert by the Association of Symphonic Orchestras and Choirs in the Czech Republic, on 17 December, at Prague O2 Arena. The rich program offers something interesting for everyone. We invite all Czech music enthusiasts for beautiful and unforgettable experiences in the Czech Republic. More info at: www.rokceskehudby.cz see p. 18–19

PhDr. Lenka Dohnalová, PhD Year of Czech Music project coordinator

What can attract you in Prague? The winter months are ideal for visiting Prague, its landmarks, museums, galleries, and theaters. They offer visitors an unforgettable experience, enhanced by the fabulous atmosphere of the snow-covered city. Traditional fireworks will light the skies – if you decide to welcome the New Year in Prague – or you can listen to the famous Czech Philharmonic Orchestra at the opening concert of the Year of Czech Music 2014. At the beginning of February you can head to the beautiful interior of the State Opera Prague for the Opera Ball. The city also opens its gates to masques and street fun in numerous events during the Carnevale Praha 2014. By that time, the first signs of spring may already appear and Prague will shine with colors, the scents of spring and resound with tones. You can listen to the world famous violinist Václav Hudeček every month as part of the program of the Music Holidays in Prague, and also at Easter. For the Year of Czech music, the National Theater has prepared in March a new staging of the opera The Cunning Little Vixen by Leoš Janáček. This famous Czech opera is suitable for visitors of all ages. If you attend the performance, you can learn about the interior of the First Czech Theatrical Stage. If you visit some of the numerous Prague exhibition halls, you can learn about unique samples of the various architectural styles of several centuries. The Art-Nouveau / Vital Art 1990 exhibition offers an excellent combination of 400 top-class exhibits of Central-European art in the ArtNouveau interiors or the Prague Municipal House. In the monumental St. Agnes of Bohemia Convent (National Gallery in Prague) you can learn about Czech history. The exquisite exhibition named CM 863 – Saints Cyril and Method – History, Tradition, and Respect will take you through Czech history, from the early to the late Middle-Ages. The Prague Castle Riding Hall offers a touching encounter with 200 statues, on a retrospective exhibition of leading Czech sculptor Olbram Zoubek. If you still haven’t found the right thing for you, please, visit the Prague Information Service website at:


WINTER IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC OFFERS MANY UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCES CHRISTMAS A LA CZECH If you decide to spend Christmas or the New Year’s Eve in the Czech Republic, you will surely not regret it. The atmosphere of the traditional Czech Christmas will certainly enchant you. The tallest Christmas tree is traditionally on the Old Town Square in Prague, where there is also the most famous Christmas Market with Czech carols, hot mead, mulled wine, straw and glass Christmas decorations, and many other products hand made by local craftsmen. One of the inseparable symbols of Christmas is the “Czech Christmas Mass” by Czech composer Jakub Jan Ryba from 1796. You shouldn’t miss the chance to attend it during the Advent or Christmas time, for example, in the charming environment of the Theater of the Estates, where W. A. Mozart personally conducted the world premiere of its opera Don Giovanni in 1787. You can also choose from a wide selection of exhibitions, concerts, and music festivals both in Prague and throughout the Czech Republic. It would be a pity not to visit the regions, too.

ADVENT IN SOUTH BOHEMIA If you head for South Bohemia, taste the traditional Czech Christmas Eve treat: Fried Carp with Potato Salad. South Bohemian lakes are the place where the Czech carp is kept, traveling from there to the Christmas tables in many countries throughout the world. A mustsee place in South Bohemia is the city of Český Krumlov – a place with character, full of peace and poetry, and an official heritage site included in the UNESCO List. The Advent time there is characterized by wonderful encounters, starting with the lighting of a Christmas tree, carols, Saint Nicolas fest, and letters with wishes to Baby Jesus. A live nativity is the high point of the Advent – a biblical story expressed through songs and dances with a rich musical accompaniment. Advent weekends with Old-Bohemian Christmas Market, Christmas punch, and Christmas cookies that you can smell throughout the city will put everybody into a festive mood. 10

NEW YEAR’S EVE FUN If you are in Prague on the last day of 2013, take a boat trip through the city center on the Vltava. It’ll be exciting, and if you are lucky your trip will be onboard the steam ship Vltava or Vyšehrad, both listed as Czech cultural heritage in 2013. The traditional New Year’s fireworks is to light the metropolis on 1 January one minute past 6 p.m. The light show is best seen from the Dvořák Ëmbankment, and from the Charles, Mánes, and Čech bridges. You can say goodbye to the old year in the extraordinarily beautiful setting of the State Opera Prague, and welcome the New Year with music and a smile. You can enjoy the masterpiece melodies of the Fledermaus operetta by Strauss, and then dance on stage to an excellent swing band. Throughout the Czech Republic, more than 200 ski centers are also ready to welcome the New Year 2014. CARNIVAL FESTIVITIES If you walk the streets of Old Town in Prague at the end of February and beginning of March, you may hear jolly music, laughter, and you may happen to get surrounded by baroque cavaliers, their dames, pierrots, jesters, clowns, and bizarre characters. Seven years ago, Prague joined other world capitals in the celebration of carnival in a grandiose fashion. But carnival isn’t an unknown word for Czechs. Carnival has been welcomed and popular ever since the Middle Ages, and it’s popular still today. “Carnevale Praha” means not only jolly and noisy parades in the streets. It also means masquerades, fireworks, costume competitions, and theater performances. Even leading Prague restaurants offer their carnival menus. 11

Carnival is a popular folk custom in many Czech regions. Masque parades walk through towns and villages, accompanied by music. The parade stops in front of houses for a song and a dance. The original purpose of carnival was to eat a lot before the long 40-day fast from Ash Wednesday until Easter. Carnival always included the wintertime hog-killing festival, i. e. pork feasts, offering typical treats: liverwurst, black pudding, hog soup, sausages, headcheese, aspic, and special goulash. Though most people do not fast today anymore, the hog-killing tradition goes on, often as a social event with a cultural program. During that period, restaurants offer pork specialties in addition to their regular menu. Taste them in Czech and Moravian restaurants during this season. After cultural and culinary experiences, it is time to do something for your physical shape. Head for the Czech mountains! CZECH MOUNTAINS EARN AN EVER-GROWING CREDIT Along its borders, the Czech Republic is guarded by mountains that are ideal for sports activities. More than 200 ski centers are well prepared for even the most demanding visitors. You can choose from 450 downhill pistes and around 300 cross-country ski trails offering more than 3,000 kilometers of machine-groomed routes. If you take any of them, you can rely on perfect marking, unmatched in the world. The adrenaline sports enthusiasts can enjoy themselves in snow parks, and can try out snowtubing. The individual ski centers are constantly modernized, in recent years merging into larger to offer the more services for one ski-pass, and their popularity is growing. Come and see it with your own eyes! More info on page 98.



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THE CITY OF PRAGUE MUSEUM Na Poříčí 52, Prague 8 – Florenc, Tel.: +420 224 816 772 www.muzeumprahy.cz Open: Tue–Sun 9 a.m.–6 p.m., every last Wednesday of the month 9 a.m.–8 p.m. The City of Prague Museum was founded in 1881; its current building was constructed between 1896 and 1898. The museum collects, preserves, and presents collections documenting the history of Prague. Its permanent exhibitions include: Prague in Prehistory, Prague in the Middle Ages, Prague at the Turn of the Middle Ages and New Age, Baroque Prague, and Langweil’s Model of Prague from 1826–1834.

The City of Prague Museum invites you to visit Prague Towers ➀ Lesser Town Bridge Tower Charles Bridge, Prague 1 – Lesser Town Open: November – February open daily 10 a.m.–6 p.m., March open daily 10 a.m.–8 p.m., April – September open daily 10 a.m.–10 p.m. The higher of the two bridge towers, whose construction dates back to 1464, is a rare defensive, showcase landmark from Prague’s post-Hussite era; it is the youngest part of the Charles Bridge, and the entrance gate to the Lesser Bank (also known as Small Side) of Prague. ➁ Old Town Bridge Tower Charles Bridge, Prague 1 – Old Town Open: November – February open daily 10 a.m.–6 p.m., March open daily 10 a.m.–8 p.m., April – September open daily 10 a.m.–10 p.m. This tower is one of the most impressive Gothic constructions in Prague and Europe. The construction of the extensive stone tower and Charles Bridge was launched in 1357 on the order of Charles IV, the Roman Emperor and King of Bohemia. ➂ Powder Tower Nám. Republiky 5, Prague 1 – Old Town Open: November – February open daily 10 a.m.–6 p.m., March open daily 10 a.m.–8 p.m., April – September open daily 10 a.m.–10 p.m. One of the most significant medieval Prague landmarks; the famous Royal Path, followed by coronation processions of Czech kings, started here and led to Prague Castle.



➃ Town Belfry by St. Nicholas’ Church Malostranské nám. 556/29, Prague 1 – Lasser Town Open: November – February open daily 10 a.m.–6 p.m., March open daily 10 a.m.–8 p.m., April – September open daily 10 a.m.–10 p.m. This baroque belfry, finished in 1755, served as a fire watch tower and the site of the city’s night bellman. The tower was designed by one of the most significant baroque architects, K. I. Diezenhofer, and finished by Anselmo Lurago. ➄ Petřín Observation Tower Petřín Hill park, Prague 1 Open: November – February open daily 10 a.m.–6 p.m., March open daily 10 a.m.–8 p.m., April – September open daily 10 a.m.–10 p.m. If you climb the some 300 stairs to the observation gallery of this watch tower you can enjoy one of the most beautiful views of Prague. This structure, inspired by the Eiffel Tower, is unique evidence of the technical and construction skills of our forefathers from the late 19th century. ➅ Petřín Mirror Maze Petřín Hill park, Prague 1 Open: November – February open daily 10 a.m.–6 p.m., March open daily 10 a.m.–8 p.m., April – September open daily 10 a.m.–10 p.m. This is a unique structure, an exhibition pavilion from the famous “Jubilee Exhibition 1881,” inspired by the shape of a former Gothic gate in Vyšehrad. The maze consists of 35 regular and 15 warped mirrors.

www.prazskeveze.eu ➃


THE CITY OF PRAGUE MUSEUM INVITES YOU TO VISIT: The Ctěnice chateau, located in the outskirts of Prague, the West-Bohemian water castle Švihov, and the Saxonian chateau Mortzburgd… What do these undoubtedly beautiful architectural landmarks have in common? Throughout the fall and winter, until the beginning of March 2014, it is Cinderella what binds these three places together, or, rather the Czech-German movie Three Nuts for Cinderella. It has been 40 years since this movie was released, but it has refused to age. Several generations of kids have admired the goahead, handy, and jolly girl (so different from the original), and follow her exciting journey to a beautiful prince. All three sites offer exhibitions with original costumes, stage-sets, and items from the movie. At the Ctěnice chateau you can see Cinderella’s room and kitchen, her dress – both the normal one and the one she wore for the ball. To make the visit at Cinderella really interesting for the kids, the chateau staff have prepared an entertaining program for them. They can help Cinderella to bake biscuits, to answer questions about the exhibition in a quiz, or draw a picture of what they most liked in the exhibition. Both kids and adults who succeed in visiting all three exhibitions (in Ctěnice, Švihov, and Mortzburg) can take part in a competition and win valuable prizes. In Ctěnice you can also see from up close other costumes from numerous other popular Czech movies. More info at:


The Ctěnice chateau is located in the north-eastern suburb of Vinoř – Prague 9. The complex is managed by the Municipal Museum of Prague. The originally medieval Gothic fortress was renovated several times throughout the centuries, until it reached its current shape of a baroque castle with classicist elements. The last renovation, which also included the farmhouses, took place in 2008. The exhibition and the entire chateau complex is open: Tue–Fri 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Sat–Sun 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Zámek Ctěnice, Bohdanečská 259/1, Prague 9 – Vinoř e-mail: ctenice@muzeumprahy.cz www.muzeumprahy.cz Transportation: Metro C – Letňany, bus 185 or 302 Ctěnice

www.muzeumprahy.cz 16

SELECTED EVENTS OF THE YEAR OF CZECH MUSIC 2014 CZECH PHILHARMONIC 1 January 2014 – Official opening of the Year of Czech Music 2014, Rudolphinum, Dvořák Hall Compositions by: Suk, Martinů, Smetana, Janáček, Nedbal, Fučík Conductor: J. Bělohlávek 12, 13, and 14 May 2014 – Opening concert of the Prague Spring Festival, homage to Rafael Kubelík Municipal House, Smetana Hall. Program: My Country by Bedřich Smetana. Conductor: Jiří Bělohlávek 24 June 2014 – Open-air concert of the Czech Philharmonic with students of musical schools. Prague Castle – Hradčanské náměstí TOUCHES OF CZECH MUSIC INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL 2 January 2014 – Farewell, welcome, Municipal House, Smetana Hall Prague Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra Compositions by: Dvořák, Martinů, Kramář, Hybler. Conductor: J. Hrůša 5 January 2014 – Folklore Music in Metamorphoses St. Agnes of Bohemia Convent. Iva Bittová + Bardolino NATIONAL THEATER PRAGUE 7 January 2014 Bohuslav Martinů: Mirandolina (in the Estate Theater building) 8 January, 2 February, 19 March, 24 April, 30 May 2014 Bedřich Smetana: Two Widows 13 January, 28 May 2014 – Antonín Dvořák: Rusalka 17 January, 2 and 21 April, 3 May, 4 June 2014 Bedřich Smetana: Bartered Bride 18 January, 2 February, 3 May 2014 Antonín Dvořák: Kate and the Devil 31 January, 8 February, 2 and 22 May 2014 – Leoš Janáček: Jenufa 20, 22 and 28 March, 10 and 29 April, 1 and 14 June 2014 Leoš Janáček: The Cunning Little Vixen – premiere 17, 18, 20 and 30 April, 11 May, 18 and 25 June Czech Ballet Symphony II – premiere B. Martinů: Field Mass, A. Dvořák: Stabat Mater, J. Jirásek: Guru Choreographers: J. Kylián, P. Zuska, V. Konvalinka CZECH CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY 13 January 2014 – Jewels of the Czech Chamber Music Rudolphinum, Dvořák Hall – honoring the 25th anniversary of the Škampa Quartet. Compositions by: J. Suk, B. Martinů, A. Dvořák 15 January 2014 – Pavel Haas Quartet Rudolphinum, Dvořák Hall. Compositions by: B. Smetana, A. Dvořák 17 February 2014 – Bohuslav Martinů Chamber Orchestra Rudolphinum, Dvořák Hall. Compositions by: K. Kohout, J. V. Stamic, B. Martinů, E. Zámečník, L. Janáček 26 March 2014 – The Czech Nonet 90th anniversary Rudolphinum, Dvořák Hall. Czech Nonet Compositions by: B. Martinů, L. Janáček, A. Dvořák 22 April 2014 – Concert honoring the 100th anniversary since the birth of Rafael Kubelík Kubelík Trio. Compositions by: V. Novák, R. Kubelík, A. Dvořák PRAGUE SPRING INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL 15 May 2014 – Czech Radio Symphonic Orchestra, Municipal House, Smetana Hall. Program: Leoš Janáček: The Cunning Little Vixen – orchestral version, Fiddler’s Child, Our Father, Te Deum. Conductor: A. Skoumal 30 May – 1 June 2014 – Czech Chamber Music Weekend 12 concerts of Czech chamber music composed by Dvořák, Smetana, Janáček, Martinů, Dusík, Jírovec, Fibich, Novák, Gemrot, Klusák, Ježek, Foerster, Rejcha, Sommer, Fišer, etc. PRAGUE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 22 January 2014 – Hommage to A. Dvořák, Municipal House, Smetana Hall. Compositions by: A. Dvořák, B. Martinů. Conductor: Jac van Steen 16 March 2014 – Homage to J. Suk, Municipal House, Smetana Hall Conductor: M. Šedivý 18 June 2014 – Concert of Czech Music, Municipal House, Smetana Hall Compositions by: K Mařatka, L. Janáček. Conductor: M. Tang For more information: www.rokceskehudby.cz/projekty


National Gallery in Prague LUDVÍK KUBA 1863–1956 National Gallery in Prague – Wallenstein Riding Hall 5 December 2013 – 6 April 2014 In 2013, we commemorate 150 years since the birth of Czech painter, ethnographer, collector, writer, and composer Ludvík Kuba. His paintings initially developed outside the Czech lands – he left to Paris after short studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. 1896 to 1904 was his most important period, which he spent in Munich at the Ante Ažba private school, where he met the Russian painters Kandinsky and Yavlinsky. After 1904 he lived in Vienna and he would not return to Prague until 1911. His last comprehensive exhibition took place in Prague in 1968. Thanks to works borrowed from numerous private collections, it is possible now to present Kuba’s previously unknown works, and to position the artist’s work within the Central-European context. Self portrait, my palette, 1946 This new comprehensive exhibition presents Kuba’s paintings and drawings, including posters sketches, from his early works in France to the early 1950s. His extraordinarily long career makes Ludvík Kuba an artist of two centuries. Like his peers, he was also influenced by impressionisms and Art-Nouveau. During his stay in Munich he adopted a free and expressive way of working with his brush. His experiences from his travels in Europe forged a specific signature style for landscapes, still lives, and portraits, which he developed after returning to Bohemia. The works are presented with regard to how they overlap with his ethnographic and antiquarian activities. The exhibition also includes documentary films of the artist’s period. The exhibition takes place in the Wallenstein Riding Hall, which is part of the seat of the Senate of the Czech Republic. It is a traditional exhibition location for the most significant projects of the National Gallery. Playing with a child on the floor, 1905


Contacts: National Gallery in Prague – Wallenstein Riding Hall Valdštejnská 3 Prague 1 Admission: CZK 200, discounted CZK 100, family CZK 300 www.ngprague.cz Astra, 1937

RUDOLF VOLRÁB – ARTWORKS 1955–1969 National Gallery in Prague – Veletržní Palace; 23 January – 27 April 2014 The 1960s were a progressive era in Czechoslovakia, both in the social and cultural fields. Fine arts ranked among the important momenta in the emerging freethinking society. This trend was violently interrupted by the invasion of the Warsaw Pact forces to Czechoslovakia in 1968. Only after the “Velvet Revolution” in 1989, numerous leading artists returned to the official scene and a critical revision of the previous period began. Several significant monographs were published, dedicated to key personalities of the Czechoslovak post-war fine arts scene, such as Stanislav Kolíbal, the Vála sisters, Karel Malich, and others. The processing of works by artists who were not part of the mainstream of the Czech fine arts in the 1970s and 1980s, or that for certain reasons (emigration, death) failed to show up in the 1990’s, would later stagnate; a situation that is improving only slowly. And yet there are many interesting artists who, in several ways, established the pluralistic spirit of the fine arts of this period. RUDOLF VOLRÁB One of the artist who has not received adequate attention is Rudolf Volráb (1933 –1969), who, in his works from the late 1950s and early 1960s, developed an original way of working with shapes and colors. The exhibition should position the works of Volráb within a wider context, both domestic and global, for in his works it can be found, for example, a very early reaction to American pop-art. The exhibition presents some 60 works, including drawings, paintings, objects, as well as reconstructions of unpreserved installations. The exhibition is accompanied with an atypical author monograph. Contacts: National Gallery in Prague Veletržní Palace Dukelských hrdinů 47 170 00 Prague 7 Admission: CZK 180, discounted CZK 90, family CZK 240 www.ngprague.cz Colored drawing 4, 1968, acryl, transfer ink, and adhesive tape on paper


City Gallery Prague STANISLAV PODHRÁZSKÝ Restless Beauty House at the Stone Bell 25 October 2013 – 23 February 2014 The “Restless Beauty” exhibition presents works by one of the leading representatives of Czech post-war painting, Stanislav Podhrázský (1920–1999). His early works rank him among the radical representatives of the Czech post-war surrealism; his close friends included Zbyněk Sekal, Zdeněk Palcr, Josef Lehoučka, Emil and Mikuláš Medek, and Miloš Chlupáč. The artist’s later works have a solitary character, and, besides surrealism, he reflects, in a remarkably intuitive manner, formal templates of other important phases of the heritage of the international fine arts (especially Italian Renaissance and mannerism). Together with a permanently present disquiet, his works also feature spontaneity, formal supremacy, and great lyric values. This thorough retrospective in the House at the Stone Bell, along with a published monograph, should contribute to a deeper definition of this personality, as well as an appropriate evaluation of Podhrázský’s lifetime work. City Gallery Prague House at the Stone Bell (Dům U Kamenného zvonu) Staroměstské náměstí 13 Prague 1 Open: Tue–Sun, 10 a.m.–8 p.m. Admission: CZK 120, discounted CZK 60 www.ghmp.cz


Divine Olbram Zoubek at Prague Castle THE OLBRAM ZOUBEK EXHIBITION AT PRAGUE CASTLE Prague Castle Riding Hall 28 November 2013 – 3 March 2014 The most extensive retrospective exhibition of works by the renown Czech sculptor Olbram Zoubek thus far welcomes visitors to the Prague Castle Riding Hall. The exhibition, designed by Olbram Zoubek himself, offers the best from his life-long creative work. In the Riding Hall you can see more than 200 sculptures from the mid-1950s to the present. Some of the works are exhibited for the first time ever. “I make flying, levitating, and weightless sculptures, with which I play a little bit of theater: each of them bears some mood, gesture, and/or a silent cry as if they were trying to meet and understand each other. And this is what will happen now at the Riding Hall”, says Olbram Zoubek. His signature style was inspired by Classical models, the sculptures by the Swiss artist Albert Giacometti, and the female beauty. The concept of a single artist exhibition uses natural light and the impressive space of the famous Prague Castle gallery. The exhibition offers a wide selection of his works, as well as making it possible to Újezd – Victims of Communism Memorial look into the personality of a man who has managed to preserve his creative potential, masculine energy, and brave heart. Today he ranks among the senior generation of Czech sculptures. Zoubek’s sculptures decorate numerous city squares, interiors of banks, offices, and hotels. One of his most famous works include the tombstone for Jan Palach, who set himself on fire in protest against the occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968, the sculptures that decorate the family crypt of former Czech President Václav Havel at the Olšany Cemetery, and the Victims of Communism Memorial on Petřín Hill in Prague. In 1969, Olbram Zoubek removed the death mask of Jan Palach, which is now installed at the Philosophic Faculty of the Charles University in Prague. Despite many awards, he was not allowed to work freely for many years. For 17 years, he led the restoration works of the Renaissance chateau in Litomyšl. After the “Velvet Revolution” in 1989, he actively joined the renewal of artists organizations, and resumed his own creative work. His works are included in the collections of the National Gallery in Prague, and many private collections in Europe and the USA.

Olbram Zoubek and his sculptures


www.hrad.cz 23

National Theatre THE CUNNING LITTLE VIXEN Leoš Janáček Opera The National Theatre Premiere: March 20 and 22, 2014 After an interval of more than a decade, the National Theatre will again include in its repertoire Janáček’s celebrated “philosophical revue” on animals and people, desire, disillusionment with life and wise atonement with eternal Nature. The Cunning Little Vixen, inspired by the newspaper serial story of Czech writer and journalist Rudolf Těsnohlídek, transposed in 1921–1923 with great understanding, feeling and hyperbole into operatic form by famous Czech composer Leoš Janáček, is a title possessing significant potential to captivate the audience. Owing to its wit, profound ideas and emotionality, the work speaks to adults, while children are enchanted by its picturesque nature and exquisite scenery. This is one of the most famous Czech operas and part of the standard global repertoire. The new production of The Cunning Little Vixen will be a contribution to the Czech Music Year programme 2014. www.narodni-divadlo.cz

TANNHÄUSER Richard Wagner The State Opera Prague Premiere: 11 January 2014 In his Romantic opera Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg (Tannhäuser and the Singers’ Contest at Wartburg Castle), as its full title reads, Richard Wagner brought together several sources and themes, treating the story of the Minnesinger Tannhäuser, the singers’ contest at Wartburg Castle and the historical figure of Saint Elisabeth of Thuringia. Noteworthy is the fact that Wagner was inspired by the Czech castle Střekov, which he had visited in June 1842. Tannhäuser was premiered on 19 October 1845 in Dresden with the composer conducting and the titular role portrayed by the Czech tenor Josef Tichatschek (Josef Alois Ticháček). The opera was first performed in the Czech lands on 25 November 1854 at the Estates Theatre. A significant chapter in Tannhäuser’s final version was played by its staging in Paris in 1861. Wagner partially revised the work, for instance the second scene in Act 1 – at the Venusberg. He further amended the opera for its performances in Munich (1867) and Vienna (1875), with these changes considered the definitive (“Fassung letzter Hand”), even though the Paris version is often deemed to be the final one. One of the work’s major motifs is the contrast between sensual love, represented by Venus, and the pure love of Elisabeth. A similar theme appeared in Wagner’s final opera, Parsifal. The opera is a real feast for the audience owing to a host of impressive and well-known passages (the Overture, Bacchanalia, Tannhäuser’s songs, the arrival of guests at Wartburg Castle, Wolfram’s song to the evening star, Elisabeth’s scene, etc.). The State Opera most recently hosted Tannhäuser twenty years ago. The new production will mark the bicentenary of Wagner’s birth and 130 years since his death. 24


1 • Pařížská 16 1 • Malé náměstí 1 ▼ PHI LAT E LY • NUMISMATIC SHOPS Dům filatelie 1 • Klimentská 6 Jiří Vandas 1 • Pařížská 8 ▼ FA SHIO N Hugo Boss 1 • Pařížská 28 Versus–Boutique 1 • U Prašné brány 3 Gianni Versace Alfred Dunhill 1 • Pařížská 14 Christian Dior 1 • Pařížská 4 Couture CZ Louis Vuitton 1 • Pařížská 13


Name Quarter • Street/Square ▼ GOL DSM IT H’S, J E WEL LERY Boucheron boutique 1 • Křižovnická 3 Cartier 1 • Pařížská 2 Diamonds & Pearls 1 • Týnská 21 Frey Wille 1 • Havířská 3 Golden & Silver 1 • Pařížská 5 Granát 1 • Dlouhá 28–30 1 • Panská 1 Halada 1 • Pařížská 7 1 • Na Příkopě 16 Christian Dior 1 • Pařížská 4 Josef Drahoňovský 1 • Dlouhá 19 Pandora Jewelery 1 • V Celnici 4 Studio Šperk 1 • Dlouhá 19

1 • Rytířská 11

1 • Vodičkova 36

1 • Dušní 10

▼ GLASS, PORCEL AIN AND CERAMICS Rott Crystal 1 • Malé náměstí 3 Moser 1 • Na Příkopě 12 1 • Staroměstské n. 603/15 Sale of products, brands Moser, Meissen, Herend and Bernardaud ▼ MUSICAL INST RUMENTS Daniel Berdych 1 • Nekázanka 20 (Violin Maker) Hudební nástroje 1 • Jungmannovo nám. 17 ▼ SHEET MUSIC Talacko Hudebniny 1 • Rybná 29 Kanzelsberger 1 • Václavské nám. 42 (The House of Books)

Jozef Sloboda – boutique

Studio Hana Havelková if… Ivana Follová designer’s shop

Name Quarter • Street/Square Martina Nevařilová Boutique-Showroom 1 • E. Krásnohorské 4/11 Boutique Navarila 1 • Haštalská 8 (see p. 27)

1 • Celetná 10

▼ SHOPPING CENTRES Debenhams 1 • Václavské nám. 21 Underground line A, stop Můstek or Muzeum Dětský dům 1 • Na Příkopě 15 Underground line A, stop Můstek Galerie Butovice 5 • Radlická 117 Underground line B, stop Anděl Koruna 1 • Václavské náměstí Underground line A, stop Můstek

Choco-story (see p. 29, 31)

Name Quarter • Street/Square ▼ CD RECORDS • CASSETTES Bontonland Megastore 1 • Václavské nám. 1 Musicland 1 • nám. Republiky (Palladium) ▼ FISHERMEN AND HUNTER I TEM S Rybářství Jan Vytásek 1 • Dlouhá 3 Arms and Ammo 1 • Opletalova 6 ▼ GIFT SHOPS Baker Street 1 • Celetná 38 – pipes, cigars, drinks www.baker-street.cz Národní banka vín 1 • Křižovnická 1 (National Bank of Wines) ▼ CHOCOLATE PARADI SE Viva Praha 1 • Celetná 10 (see p. 30)

Shops are mostly open from 9 a.m. till 7 p.m. On Saturdays generally till 1 p.m. In the centre of the town, the shops are usually open on Sundays too.


Quarter • Street/Square 1 • Národní třída 63/23

Underground B, stop Národní třída Obchodní dům Kotva 1 • náměstí Republiky 8 Underground line B, stop náměstí Republiky Palác Flora 3 • Vinohradská 151 Underground line A, stop Flora Palladium 1 • náměstí Republiky (see p. 2) Underground line B, stop náměstí Republiky Pilsner Urquell Gallery – Experience Shop 1 • U Lužického semináře 11 (see p. 34–35) Underground line A, stop Malostranská Pasáž Myslbek 1 • Na Příkopě 19-21 Underground line A, stop Můstek ▼ M ARKETS River Town Prague 7 • Bubenské nábřeží 306 Fruits, vegetables Underground line C, stop Vltavská (cca 300 m) Havelské tržiště 1 • Havelská Fruits, vegetables, small ceramic items, rustical products ▼ BOOKSHOPS Kanzelsberger 1 • Václavské nám. 42 (Palladium) 1 • nám. Republiky Neoluxor 1 • Václavské nám. 41 Knihkupectví Fišer 1 • Kaprova 10

Name My Tesco

Martina Nevařilová belongs to the elite of Czech fashion creators. She graduated from the School of Applied Arts in 1992 and since, she has been creating her collections under the brand name Navarila®. 15 years ago, fashion designer Martina Nevařilová established a distinctive label of knitwear fashion made in limited editions in Czech manufactories. This is not regular fashion for just everyone. She respects the personalities of the persons who wear. No dictate but freedom of individualism. We invite you to visit our designer’s boutique in the heart of Old Town. 10% OFF CASH PAYMENT UPON PRESENTATION IF THIS AD. We are looking forward to seeing you!



Haštalská 8, Prague 1 Elišky Krásnohorské 4/11, Prague 1 Tel.: +420 222 311 748 Tel.: +420 271 742 091 Opening hours: Mon–Sun 10.00–19.00 nasila@navarila.cz; www.navarila.cz, www.fler.cz/navarila-design


Praha 1, Jakubska’ 12

Savour the Gastronomy Museum Prague!

This unique exposition packed with period illustrations and 3D reconstructions will guide you through the history of cooking from prehistoric to the present times. Explore the history of beer and distillates in the 100 year old tavern. Discover the life stories and recipes of the world's most famous chefs. Miniature models of ancient kitchens and shops will delight adults and children alike. All this and much more await you in the Gastronomy Museum. Come and be surprised!

Sweet moments with a chocolate fairy In 2008, Viva Praha – The Finest Belgian Chocolate Company – opened a store in the very center of Prague that offers the best Belgian chocolate. The store is located on Celetná Street, close to Old Town Square, and focuses on the sale of hand-made Belgian chocolate manufactured by the best chocolatiers from the world’s chocolate capital – the Belgian city of Brugge. The freshness of chocolate is critical; in the Viva store you will find supreme chocolate, imported regularly at short intervals directly from the artisan manufacturers. The exclusive suppliers include Chocolate Line, Pol Depla, Kathy, Chocoholic, Centho, and Valentino. Along with classical chocolate products such as pralines, chocolate characters, and bars, at the Viva store you can also purchase novelties from the world of chocolate, for example chocolates with high content of antioxidants, organic chocolate, and/or pralines with unusual flavors and combinations. If you don’t like chocolate you can enjoy excellent nougat, marzipan, and home-made fudge. The selection is supplemented by a “fastfood corner,” which offers treats like genuine Belgian wafers, fresh fruit dipped in chocolate, and the genuine hot chocolate that has won several prizes. The store also produces a sugar confection known as “Rock Candy.” There are special work desks directly in the store so you can follow the production that dates back more than 370 years. The store is combined with the Choco-Story Museum of chocolate that is part of the world museum network with branches in Brugge, Paris, and newly in Mexico. In the museum, you can immerse yourself in the 3000-year history of chocolate. You can learn about where it was discovered and who was the first to use it, who brought it to Europe, how it spread, and how it is made today. You will find out that chocolate is beneficial to your health, and you might recall good old times spent over a collection of chocolate wraps. In the showroom you will see how the chocolatiers make pralines, and taste them immediately. At 10 Celetna Street you can enter the fabulous world of chocolate and candy and feel it with all your senses.


VIVA Prague brings the best of Belgian Chocolate from the heart of the chocolate world – the city of Brugge. Great choice, Belgian wafers, live demonstrations of praline manufacturing

Open daily 10:30 a.m.–10:30 p.m. Celetná 10 Prague 1


Our chocolate fairy invites you to discover the more than 3,000 year history of chocolate.

Open daily 10 a.m.–7 p.m. In summer season 10 a.m.–9 p.m. Celetná 10, Prague 1


Glass inspiration for your senses Czech glass is a traditional, sought-after product all over the world. Its high quality stems from a rich and centuries-long glasswork tradition, which – in North Bohemia – dates back to the 13th century. This is the home of CRYSTALEX, the largest and most famous Czech manufacturer of stemware, and one of the leading glass manufacturers in Europe, too. Its portfolio includes numerous stemware suites, decanters, vases, and loads of decorative items. Most CRYSTALEX products that bear the “Bohemia Crystal” trade mark are exported to more than 60 countries all over the world. The most famous traditional sets are Angela and Claudia. The Angela set is characteristic with its modern elegance combined with classical elements. The Claudia set is inseparably linked to the CRYSTALEX name. It has been manufactured since 1974, and leads sales to the present. So far, more than 150 million sets have been made, and it is obvious that this number is to grow. The glassworks pays great attention to the development of new products. In cooperation with leadJIVE ing Czech designers, numerous interesting new sets that can satisfy a wide range of customers have been included in the portfolio, such as Diana, Lara, Natalie, Maxima, Vintage, Vicenza, Bastia, Barline, Ideal, and Gina, to name at least some. These sets are classical and modern, older and designed just recently. However, all of them are successful. Victoria set

Angela set

CRYSTALEX is extremely successful with its decorative items – the list of decorating techniques includes paint decoration (an old, recently revived technique), painting, silk-screen printing, labelling, sanding, spraying, Elisabeth set and – of course – combinations of those. Creativity, high quality, modern technology, and a satisfied customer – these are the principal items in the strategy of CRYSTALEX, this exclusive owner of the world famous Bohemia Crystal trade mark, and a burgeoning successor to Czech glasswork traditions.

www.crystalex.cz 32

Learn about a Czech legend – Pilsner Urquell beer Every country has its symbols and legends. The list of Czech legends also includes Pilsner Urquell Lager. Learn about its story in the Pilsner Urquell Gallery – the Experience Shop in Prague. Experience the story of a Czech beer legend. You will learn about the history and success of famous Pilsner Urquell beer in an interactive multi-media exhibition, which makes it possible to have a look at the Pilsner brewery plants, the most famous Pilsner pubs, and/or countries where Pilsner Urquell beer is sold. You can taste Pilsner Urquell lager, too. If you are over 18, during the tour you will have a chance to enjoy well-kept, Pilsner Urquell on tap, this delicious, lively, bottomfermented lager with its golden color and its snow-white head. As a brand new beer style, it was born in 1842 in a brewery in Pilsen, and happened to inspire more than two thirds of all the beer produced all over the world, and still marked as Pils, Pilsner, and/or Pilsener. You can purchase original Czech Pilsner Urquell beer souvenirs, gifts, and breweriana collectible items there, such as special editions of beer gift packages, beer glasses, Pilsner Urquell brand clothing, silver and gold medals commemorating the 170th anniversary of the first batch, and much more. In the rooms of the Pilsner Urquell Gallery you also can ORGANIZE special evening events. The picturesque courtyard of a Lesser Bank (Malá Strana) house, and the underground rooms of the gallery, are available for private and corporate parties, with a capacity of up to 80 guests.

Pilsner Urquell Gallery – Experience Shop Open daily: April – December: 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. January – March: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

www.galerie.pilsner-urquell.cz 34

MINI-GUIDE PRAGUE – UNESCO HERITAGE The historical core of the capital of the Czech Republic was declared a Prague Monument Reserve in 1992 and is listed in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage register. Over 60 information signs mark the perimeter of the reserve taking the form of 30x70 cm format D43 traffic signs with a UNESCO sign and the label “Prague Monument Reserve – UNESCO”.

Prague Castle (Pražský hrad) St. George Convent The St. George Convent was established in 973 by Prince Boleslav and his sister Mlada for the Benedictine order. It was dissolved in 1782, and reconstructed and newly opened in 1976. Open daily: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. St. Vitus Cathedral This Gothic Cathedral, which was built over nearly six centuries, was finally completed in

The site of the castle was established in the 9th century, and in the 12th century the Romanesque palace was built. In the 14th century, under the reign of Charles IV, it was rebuilt in the Gothic style, and the last reconstruction of the Royal Palace was carried out under the rule of the Jagellons at the end of the 15th century, At that time (1497 to 1500) the famous Vladislav Hall was built in the late Gothic style by Benedikt Rejt. The castle was enlarged in the 16th century following the great fire in 1541. The Spanish Hall in the new part of the castle was built under the rule of Rudolf II. After World War I, the interior and gardens of the castle were redesigned by the architect J. Plečnik. The castle is the seat of the president of the republic and the historical and political centre of the city and the state. The changing of the guards takes place at Prague Castle every hour on the hour from 5:00 a.m. to midnight (April to October), from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. (November to March), and the guard changes at noon are accompanied by a solemn fanfare. See the map on page 46. There is additional information on pages 48–49. www.hrad.cz

1929. In the 10th century a rotunda originally stood in its place. Construction of the cathedral was begun in 1344 by Mathias Arras and Petr Parléř, who also built the St. Wenceslas Chapel, which is adorned with frescoes and semi-precious stones; in the catacombs underneath there are tombs of Czech kings. Open Monday to Saturday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sunday, noon to 4 p.m. (Nov–Feb); Monday to Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. (Mar–Oct) 36

Golden Lane Golden lane features tiny houses from the 16th century, built into late Gothic fortifications. Daliborka Tower The fortified Daliborka Tower was built in 1496 by Benedikt Rejt as a part of the castle’s fortifications. It was converted into a jail until the end of the 18th century. Mihulka Powder Tower In the 15th century this tower, which is 20 meters in diameter, was used to store gunpowder. A permanent exhibition by the Castle Guard. Open daily: 9 a.m.–4 p.m. (XI–III); 9 a.m.– 5 p.m. (IV–X). Admission: 70/40/140 CZK Prague Castle Gallery Where there were once stables a gallery was built for the art collections at Prague Castle. Pictures from Rudolf’s gallery were discovered and designated in 1961–1962 (Tizian, Tintoretto, Rubens, and others). Open daily: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (summer); 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (winter). Admission: 150/80/300 CZK

1552 following the design of Paolo della Stella, and completed in 1563 by the architect B. Wohlmut. Its garden contains the Singing Fountain, where drops of water make music. The fountain was designed and built by Tomáš Jaroš from 1564 to 1568. Loretto Prague 1, Loretánské náměstí 7 Loretto was once a goal of pilgrims, with a copy of Santa Casa; it was built from 1626 to 1631. The Baroque Church of the Nativity of

St. George Basilica The Romanesque St. George Basilica was built in 920, close to the Benedictine monastery; it was reconstructed in the 10th and 12th centuries. The Burgrave’s House This Renaissance building was constructed in the 16th century. It now houses a toy museum. Open daily: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Admission: 60 CZK

Our Lord was built in 1734–35. The front façade was rebuilt from 1720 to 1722 by K. I. Dienzenhofer. The tower houses 27 Loretto bells which play the melody of the Our Lady Chorus. The most valuable item is the liturgical treasury, with a diamond monstrance called Prague Sun; it weighs over 12 kg and is adorned with more than 6,000 diamonds.

Royal Summer Palace (Belvedere) This is the most remarkable Renaissance building in Prague. It was built from 1538– 37

Open daily except Monday, 9 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The bells are rung every hour, starting at 9 a.m. and ending at 6 p.m. Admission: 110 CZK Royal Garden with Ball Game Hall (Míčovna) The Royal Garden was laid out in 1534 under the reign of Ferdinand I and refined under the rule of Rudolf II. The Ball Game Hall was once used as a barracks and is now used to house exhibitions.

Strahov Monastery Prague 1, Strahovské nádvoří 1/132 This monastery of the Premonstratensian order at Strahov was originally built in the Romanesque style, along with the Church of Our Lady and the Strahov Library. The historical library contains the early Baroque Theological Hall (1671–1679) and Classicist Philosophical Hall (1785–1794), adorned by frescoes of A. Maulbertsch. Open daily: 9 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Admission: 80 CZK Lobkowicz Palace Prague 1, Jiřská 3 Construction of this palace was begun in the middle of the 16th century by the Pernstein family. In 1627 it became the property of Polyxena of Lobkowicz. It was rebuilt by Carlo Lurago from 1651 to 1668 and has appeared as it does now since that time. New permanent exhibition: The Princely Collections. Open daily: 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission: 275 CZK

Open to the public only in the summer season (April to October), and the Ball Game Hall is open only for exhibitions. Černín Palace Prague 1, Loretánské náměstí 5 This is an early Baroque palace that was built from 1669 to 1687 by Francesco Caratti. It currently serves as the seat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Palace Gardens under Prague Castle led by the new owner – the State Preservation Institute. The reconstruction was bankrolled by governmental funds with a substantial contribution by the Prague Heritage Fund, under the supervision of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and Václav Havel, the Czech president. During the first phase, the Ledebour and Small Pálffy Gardens underwent reconstruction. These gardens were opened to the public in June 1995. The second phase – finished in August 2000 – covers the three remaining gardens (the Great Pálffy Garden was opened in 1997).

The palace gardens on the southern slopes of the hill crowned with the Prague Castle complex consist of five historic gardens: the Ledebour Garden, the Small Pálffy Garden, the Great Pálffy Garden, the Kolowrat Garden and the Small Fürstenberg Garden. These gardens represent a unique historic complex which is one of most significant Baroque garden works in Europe. Due to the lack of maintenance, these beautiful and historically priceless objects reached a state of catastrophe, and were closed to the public in the seventies. It was not until 1989 that reconstruction commenced, 38

located, there used to be a vineyard and a utility garden in 1517. However, a decorative garden was founded here in 1580. In 1784, Lady Marie Barbora Černínová applied a highly-demanding concept of a Baroque garden, designed according to Italian models by architect Ignatius Palliardi. The Prague palace gardens are linked and are accessible from both the Wallenstein street and the Prague Castle garden called “Na Valech.“ They offer their visitors relaxation, pleasant strolls in a cultivated environment, and unforgettable views of the capital. www.palacove-zahrady.cz

In the location of the Small and Great Pálffy Gardens, vineyards and gardens are documented as early as 1454. An engraving from 1685 depicts a large, terrace-like Renaissance-Italian garden at this location. Today’s design – or rather the architectural concept of what has been preserved – goes back to 1751. It is the result of a reconstruction carried out by the aristocratic Fürstenberk family. Despite several reconstructions that followed, the original Baroque design remained preserved; namely, the terrace-like setting, the axis location of the central stairs, the alteration of vacant and planted sections and many remarkable architectural motifs, including many well-preserved relics of art decoration, etc. Unlike other decorative and entertainment gardens, the Kolowrat Garden has a fourpurpose character. Its concept is much more modest and far less demonstrative. Also, where the Small Fürstenberg Garden is

Ledebour Garden is a Baroque, terrace garden from the first third of the 18 century, in about 1787 styled most probably by I. J. Palliardi. In between the salla terrena and the opposite–side wall, flat with the staircase and the fountain with the statue of a giant, a parterre with a recently-built basin. The Palace gardens are open daily: 10 a.m.–6 p.m. (IV, X), 10 a.m.–7 p.m. (V, IX), 10 a.m.–9 p.m. (VI, VII), 10 a.m.–8 p.m. (VIII). Admission: 80 CZK th


Lesser Town (Malá Strana) effigy of the Prague Child Jesus gifted by Polyxena of Lobkovic and brought to Prague at the end of the 16th century. Open: ❶–❻ 8:30 a.m.–7 p.m., ❼ 8:30 p.m.– 8 p.m.

The St. Nicolas’s Church Malostranské nám. 556/29 The construction of this church started in 1704 on the site of a small, older Gothic church. The frontispiece was finished in 1710 and the nave, with its wreath of chapels, was consecrated in 1711. This part was clearly built by Christopher Dienzenhofer. The sanctuary and the cupola were built in 1737–1752 based on Dienzenhofer’s design, and the structure was finished by A. Lurago between 1751 and 1756. The interior is an example of the high Baroque style; the decorations were created by Jan Lukáš Kracker. The Crucifixion (1646) in St. Barbara’s chapel and Christ’s Passion series (1670), all pictures by Karel Škréta, originally created for the Jesuit Profession House, form the most significant part of the interior decoration.

The Petřín Observation Tower The construction of the Petřín observation tower was initiated by the Czech Tourist Club on the occasion of the Jubilee Land’s Exhibition. It is a scale model (1:5) of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, designed by Ing. František Prášil from the famous ČKD factory. Its construction started on 16 March 1891 and was finished on 20th August of the same year. The tower is located at an altitude of 324 m above sea level and is 60 m tall. It weighs about 168 tons and the base of the tower is formed by an octagon with a diameter of 20 m. The observation point is at a height of 50.98 m and you can get there climbing up 299

Most of the sculptures in the church are works by I. F. Platzer. The oldest sculpture in the church is Our Lady of Foyen on the left altar, brought by the Jesuits from Belgium in 1629. The tower of the church (the baroque belfry) actually never was an integral part of the church as it was an independent property owned by the Lesser Town of Prague. It served as the bell- and observationtower. As a observation tower, it was also used by the Secret Police during the communist era, until 1989. Important facts about the church: Height of the cupola: 50 m inside; 70 m outside; 79 m with the clerestory Width of the church: 40 m Width of the nave: 30 m Length of the church: 60 m (without the stairs) Triumphal arch between the church and the presbytery: 24 m, depth 24 m Surface area of the murals: 3000 m The church is open daily: 9 a.m.–5 p.m. (III–X), 9 a.m.–4 p.m. (XI–II), closed 24. 12. The Observation Tower open daily: 10 a.m.–6 p.m. (XI–II), 10 a.m.–8 p.m. (III, X), 10 a.m.–10 p.m. (IV–IX) Admission: 70 CZK (the Church); 75 CZK (the Belfry) Church of Our Lady Victorious – Prague Child Jesus, Prague 1, Karmelitská 9 Early Baroque building from 1611, rebuilt in 1644. The church is famous thanks to the Spanish wax

spiral stairs. Senior citizens and handicapped persons can use the lift. Open daily: 10 a.m.–6 p.m. (XI–II), 10 a.m.–8 p.m. (III, X), 10 a.m.–10 p.m. (IV–IX) Admission: 105 CZK The Petřín hill funicular railway After its renewal in 1985, the Petřín hill funicular railway (lanovka) was integrated into Prague’s public transportation system. You may transfer onto it at the Újezd tram stop – it takes you up to Nebozízek and Petřín. To ride the funicular railway, you need a valid Prague transportation ticket which is good for transfers. The funicular railway operates daily from 9 a.m. until 11:30 p.m. (IV–X), 9 a.m.–11:20 p.m. (XI–III)


Petřín Mirror Maze A Maze with mirrored path set up originally for the Jubilee Exhibition and the diorama-Battle of the Praguers with the Swedes in 1648 on Charles Bridge. Open daily: 10 a.m.–6 p.m. (XI–II), 10 a.m.–8 p.m. (III, X), 10 a.m.–10 p.m. (IV–IX) Admission: 75 CZK


Charles Bridge (Karlův most) The Charles Bridge was built in 1357 by Charles IV. It is the oldest bridge in Prague, and the work was carried out by Petr Parléř. 30 baroque statues and the groups of statues are mostly from the 18th century. The wellknown are works of M. B. Braun and F. M. Brokof. It is 520 m long and 10 m wide. The construction consists of 16 arches. The bridge was fortified at both its ends by towers. Lesser-Town Bridge Towers The lower one dates from the 12th century, in Romanesque style, the higher one is 200 years younger and was erected in the 15th century. The latter one is accessible for the public. Open daily: 10 a.m.–6 p.m. (XI–II), 10 a.m.– 8 p.m. (III, X), 10 a.m.–10 p.m. (IV–IX) Admission: 75 CZK Kampa – Island under the Charles Bridge giving a view of the River Vltava and the National Theatre.

Old Town (Staré Město) Old-Town Bridge Tower Designed by Petr Parléř, the entrance gate to the Charles Bridge from the Old Town. At the tower are copies of the enthroned figures of Charles IV and Wenceslas IV, over the archway is a row of carved emblems of the territories belonging to Charles’s empire. Open daily: 10 a.m.–6 p.m. (XI–II), 10 a.m.– 8 p.m. (III, X), 10 a.m.–10 p.m. (IV–IX) Admission: 75 CZK

The Municipal House Prague 1, náměstí Republiky 5 One of the most precious memories of the period of “Art Nouveau” style containing the rich in door and outdoor decorations (Alfons Mucha).

Holy Cross Pilgrimage Rotunda Prague 1, ul. Karoliny Světlé Romanesque rotunda with rare Gothic fresco of the Adoration of the Magi. The rotunda is open Mon–Fri with prior reservation at: 222 221 676. Free admission Clementinum Prague 1, Mariánské nám. The building dates from mid 17th century, former Jesuit college, as a currently, there is a complex of significant libraries. Astronomic Tower, Baroque Library and Mirror Chapel. Open daily: 10 a.m.–4 p.m. (I–III), 10 a.m.– 8 p.m. (IV–X), 10 a.m.–6 p.m. (XI–XII) Tel.: 606 776 138. Admission: 190 CZK

Open daily: 10 a.m.–7 p.m. e-mail: info@obecnidum.cz www.obecnidum.cz Exhibition, concerts, social events Guided tours: tel.: +420 222 002 101

Convent of St. Agnes of Bohemia Prague 1, U Milosrdných 17 The ensemble of ecclesiastical and living quarters, founded by King Wenceslas II in 1234. Presently there is an exposition of the National Gallery and the concert hall. Open daily, except Mondays: 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Admission: 100/50/150 CZK

The Royal Mile The unique complex of architectural and historic memories, connecting today’s centre of the town (Powder Tower via Celetná 41

Street, Old-Town Square, Karlova Street, Mostecká and Nerudova Streets) with past, several coronation processions and the messengers from foreign countries followed this same path. The Estates Theatre Prague 1, Ovocný trh 1

Carolinum Prague 1, Ovocný trh 5 Charles University building, established in 1348. Gothic bay chapel of 1370, rebuilt in Baroque style in 1718. At present Charles University graduation ceremonies take place there. Bethlehem Chapel Prague 1, Betlémské náměstí 4 Originally a Gothic chapel of 1391, where Master John Huss preached. It was completedly damaged and reconstructed again, after old engravings and pictures, in 1950 –1953. Open daily, except Mondays 10 a.m.–5:30 p.m. (XI–III); 10 a.m.–6:30 p.m (IV–X). Admission: 40 CZK The House of the Lords from Kunštát and Poděbrady Prague 1, Řetězová 3 Romanesque building probably of 2 half of 12th century, once the seat of the Land Administrator Jiří of Poděbrady. Gallery Kunštát: open daily 11 a.m.–11 p.m. nd

Prague Ghetto, Prague 1, Old Town Seven synagogues are the remnants of the Originally called Nostic Theatre, founded in 1783. On October 29, 1787 it was the venue for a première of Mozart’s opera Don Giovanni.

old settlement, the Jewish Town Hall and the Old Jewish cemetery, the most remarkable in Europe. Prague Jewish Museum Klaus Synagogue – of 1694, Jewish Traditions and customs The Spanish Synagogue – The history of Jews since emancipation to the present Pinkas Synagogue – established in 1475 Memorial of Victims of Nazism Maisel Synagogue – History of Jews in Bohemia and Moravia Former Ceremonial Hall – Jewish Traditions and customs

Powder Tower Prague 1, nám. Republiky 5 Gothic building of 1475 constructed by Matěj Rejsek, once used for storing gun-powder. In 1875–86 modified. Open daily: 10 a.m.–6 p.m. (XI–II), 10 a.m. –8 p.m. (III, X), 10 a.m.–10 p.m. (IV–IX) Admission: 75 CZK


Jubilee Synagogue Prague 1, New Town, Jeruzalémská 7 – the most recent and largest synagogue in Prague. It was built in the so-called Moorish style. It was consecrated in September 1906. Open: 11 a.m.–5 p.m. (IV–X), except Saturdays and Jewish Holy Days. Jewish Holy Days 2014: April 15, 16, 21, 22; June 4, 5; August 8; September 25, 26; October 9, 10, 16, 17; December 16, 24. Admission: 80 CZK The Old Jewish Cemetery – with a tomb of Rabbi Löw The Old-New Synagogue – the early Gothic building of 13th century. Open daily, except Saturdays and Jewish Holy Days 9:00 a.m.–5 p.m. (XI–III); 9:00 a.m. –6 p.m. (IV–X). Jewish Holy Days 2014: April 15, 16, 21, 22; June 4, 5; August 8; September 25, 26; October 9, 10, 16, 17; December 16, 24. Admission: 200 CZK Ticket reservation: +420 222 317 191 rezervacni.centrum@jewishmuseum.cz

Open: ❶ 11 a.m.–6 p.m.; ❷–❼ 9 a.m.– 6 p.m. The Tower ❶ 11 a.m.–8 p.m; ❷–❼ 9 a.m.–8. p.m. Admission: 70 CZK, the Tower 100 CZK

Old-Town Square (Staroměstské náměstí) The historical centre of the town, the place of the most significant events, a unique complex of architectural and historic memories. In the middle there is a monument of Master John Huss by Ladislav Šaloun.

Church of Our Lady before Týn (Týnský chrám) After St. Vitus Cathedral it is the most remarkable Prague Gothic church with Baroque interior. In the church there is the tomb of Danish astrologer Tycho Brahe. Open: ❷–❻ 10 a.m.–1 p.m. and 3 p.m.– 5 p.m. Visits of groups are possible with reservations. Admission: 50 CZK

The Old-Town Hall with the Astronomical Clock (horologe) The Town Hall was built in 1338, in 1364 adjoining the tower with the chapel, in 1470 the Town Hall was reshaped in the late Gothic style. The horologe (orloj) is from the beginning of the 15th century; in the upper part every hour (9 a.m.–9 p.m.) the procession of the 12 apostles in succession appears at the window, in the lower part is a copy of 12 internal medallions with the signs of the zodiac by Josef Mánes.

House At the Stone Bell The most precious burgess house of medieaval age, originally Romanesque, whose rare Gothic form and two-storey front face of 14th century was renovated in 1988. Currently it serves as an exhibition hall (City Gallery Prague). 43

New Town (Nové Město) The National Museum Prague 1, Václavské nám. 68 Neo-Renaissance building designed by architect Josef Schulz in 1885–90. During its reconstruction visit the New Building on the opposite: Prague 1, Vinohradská 1. Open daily: 10 a.m.–6 p.m.; first Wednesday of every month 10 a.m.–8 p.m. Admission: 80/40/130 CZK New Town City Hall Prague 2, Karlovo náměstí 23 A complex of Gothic buildings from the turn

Wenceslas Square (Václavské náměstí) Prague 1, New Town Shopping centre of Prague; at the top of the square is the statue of St. Wenceslas with four patrons of Bohemia (St. Prokop, St. Adalbert, St. Ludmila and St. Agnes) by Josef Václav Myslbek. The National Theatre Prague 1, Národní 2 Neo-Renaissance building of 1868 to 1881 built according to plans of J. Zítek. In 1881 the finished theatre burnt, and was reconstructed by architect Josef Schulz in 1883.

of the 14th and the 15th centuries, reconstructed in the Renaissance style during the years 1520–1526. They include a tower with the Holy Virgin Chapel, two Gothic Halls with ribbed vault ceilings, and a Renaissance Hall. Here was the seat of the Administration Offices of the New Town of Prague from 1377 to 1784. The defenestration of Catholic city councellors by Prague Hussites occurred here on July 30, 1419. This date is considered to be the start of the Hussite Revolution. The Tower is open for tourists daily except Mondays from 10 a.m.–6 p.m. (May –September), halls can be visited while exhibitions are held there. Daily visits, except Mon., from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (V–IX) Admission (the Tower): 50/30/120 CZK Emmaus Prague 2, Vyšehradská 49 The Emmaus Monastery was founded by Charles IV in 1347 for Slavonic Benedictines with the Church of Our Lady and Slavonic patrons. At the end of World War II it was burnt by bombing. Two asymmetrical spires were finished in 1967. Open: ❶–❺ 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Admission: 30 CZK 44

tance grew with the founding of “Slavin”, the final resting-place of the most significant personalities of the Czech nation. Slavín was built between 1889 and 1893. Above the central memorial at Slavín is a sarcophagus with an allegorical winged statue the Genius Patriae. The motto of the Slavín cemetery is engraved above the name plates: Though dead, they still speak. To date, more than 600 personalities from the world of Czech culture and education are buried here. They include, for example, the composers Bedřich Smetana and Antonín Dvořák, the painter Alfons Mucha, the opera singer Ema Destinnová, the writer Karel Čapek, the Nobel Prize winner Jaroslav Heyrovský and many others. The Slavín-Cemetery is open daily: 8 a.m.– 6 p.m (III, IV, X), 8 a.m.–7 p.m. (V–IX), 8 a.m. –5 p.m. (XI–II) Vyšehrad Prague 2, V Pevnosti 159/5 On a rock over the River Vltava, this is the oldest seat of the Přemyslid princes. The most ancient building in Vyšehrad is the rotunda of St. Martin. In the vicinity of St. Peter and Paul’s Church is the residence of canons, casemates, a park, and a cemetery with the tombs of famous representatives of Czech culture (Slavín). From the southern part of the fortifications is a beautiful view of Prague. Visits to casemates are provided by Prague Information Service excursions. All objects are open daily: 9:30 a.m.–6 p.m. (IV–X); from 9:30 a.m.–5 p.m. (XI–III). Admission: 10 CZK, Casemates 30 CZK Slavín The Vyšehrad cemetery gained its current shape in 1869. It ranks among the most important Prague cemeteries. A cemetery stood in its place as early as 1260. Its imporSome impo rtant dates from the history of Prague after 870 Founding of Prague Castle 965–966 First written news of merchant Ibrahim Ibn Jacob about Prague 973 Founding of Prague Bishopric 1085 First Bohemian king – Prince Vratislav II after 1230 Founding of the Old Town quarter 1257 Founding of the Lesser Town quarter about 1320 Founding of the Hradčany quarter 1344 Prague Bishopric promoted to Archbishopric 1348 Charles IV founded first University in Central Europe 1419–1437 Hussite movement 1618–1620 Prague Defenestration and the Battle of White Mountain – first signals for the 30 years’ war 1883 Opening of the National Theatre

1918 Prague became the capital of the independent Czechoslovak Republic 1939–1945 Occupation by Nazi Germany 1948 First year of the Communist régime 1968 Prague Spring – attempt to create socialism with human face, military intervention of five member states of the Warsaw Pact 1989 Velvet Revolution, Václav Havel elected President 1990 Free elections January 1, 1993 After the split of the Federation, founding of the Czech Republic March 12, 1999 the Czech Republic joined NATO May 1, 2004 the Czech Republic joined the EU December 21, 2007 the Czech Republic joined the Schengen zone 45


































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NERUDOVA tram 12, 20, 22 stop Malostranské náměstí you have to go up in order to follow Nerudova street, then turn to the right where Nové zámecké schody (E) are situated.

JELENÍ tram 22 stop Pražský hrad, follow U Prašného mostu street to Prašný most (B).

For orientation, please note A = Hradčanské náměstí (Hradčany Square) B = Prašný most (Powder Bridge) C = Královská zahrada (Royal Garden) D =Staré zámecké schody (Old Castle Stairs)

POHOŘELEC tram 22 stop Pohořelec follow Loretánská street to Hradčanské náměstí (A).

E = Nové zámecké schody (New Castle Stairs) F = Rajská zahrada (Paradise Garden) G = Zahrada na Valech (Garden on the Ramparts)

Promenade at Prague Castle

KLÁROV tram 12, 18, 20, 22 stop Malostranská underground line A stop Malostranská as well you should go up to Chotkova street, then turn to the left where Staré zámecké schody (D) are situated.


III = 3rd Courtyard: i Information centres of Prague Castle 7 = Katedrála sv. Víta (St Vitus Cathedral) 8 = Staré proboštství (The Old Deanery) 9 = Socha sv. Jiří (Statue of St George) 10 = Starý královský palác (Old Royal Palace) 11 = Vladislavský sál (Vladislav Hall) 12 = Kaple všech svatých (All Saints’ Chapel)

II = 2nd Courtyard: 2 = Kaple sv. Kříže i (Chapel of the Holy Rood) 3 = Kholova kašna (Baroque Fountain) 4 = Obrazárna Pražského hradu i (Prague Castle Gallery) 5 = Španělský sál (Spanish Hall) 6 = Rudolfova galerie (Rudolf’s Gallery)

I = 1st Courtyard (Cour d’honneur): 1 = Matyášova brána (Matthias’s Gateway)

Towers: 01 Prašná věž – Mihulka (The Powder Tower) 02 Bílá věž (The White Tower) 03 Daliborka (The Daliborka Tower) 04 Černá věž (The Black Tower)

13 = Basilika sv. Jiří (Basilica of St George) 14 = Klášter sv. Jiří (St George’s Monastery) 15 = Ústav šlechtičen (Institute of Gentlewomen) 16 = Zlatá ulička (Golden Lane) 17 = Nejvyšší purkrabství (The Highest Burgrave’s House) 18 = Lobkovický palác (Lobkowicz Palace) 19 = Belvedere 20 = Míčovna (Ball – Game Hall) 21 = Arcibiskupský palác (Archbishop’s Palace)

PRAGUE CASTLE INFORMATION Prague Castle Administration The Prague Castle Complex is open in the summer tourist season (from 1 April to 31 October) every day from 5 a.m. to midnight and in the winter tourist season (from 1 November to 31 March) every day from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. Prague Castle gardens: The Royal Garden, the Garden on the Ramparts, the Paradise Garden, and the Upper Stag Moat are open daily in October and in April from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., in May and in September from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., in June and in July from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., in August from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. The Bastion Garden is open at the same times as the Prague Castle Complex. In the winter season the gardens are closed. The château park in Lány – Château Lány is a summer presidential residence (30 km outside Prague). The park is open on Wednesdays and Thursdays, 2 p.m.–6 p.m., on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. each year in the period from the Saturday before Easter until November 2. Premises requiring tickets – daily 9 a.m.–5 p.m. (summer season), 9 a.m.–4 p.m. (winter season) Admission: full/discounted/family Prague Castle – long tour – Old Royal Palace, permanent exhibition “The Story of Prague Castle,“ St. George’s Basilica, Convent of St. George – National Gallery, Rosenberg Palace, Prague Castle Picture Gallery, Powder Tower, St. Vitus Cathedral, Golden Lane – CZK 350/175/700 Prague Castle – short tour – Old Royal Palace, St. George’s Basilica, St. Vitus Cathedral, Golden Lane – CZK 250/125/500 Permanent exhibition “The Story of Prague Castle” – CZK 140/70/280 Prague Castle Picture Galley – CZK 150/80/300 Powder Tower – CZK 70/40/140 Great South Tower of St. Vitus Cathedral – CZK 100 Discounts apply to: youth from 6–16, secondary school students accompanied by a teacher – one person per at least 15 students (upon presentation of the list of names certified by the school), secondary school and university students, family (1–5 children up to 16 years of age and no more than 2 adults), seniors past 65. Admission is free for children under six. All tickets are valid for two days. Visitors can pay for services in euro and all sales points accept all major credit cards. Cash-free purchase of tickets (acceptance of travel vouchers) is widely expected. Other exhibition venues: Imperial Stables, Royal Summer Palace (Belvedere), Prague Castle Riding Hall, The Ball Game Hall of the Royal Garden, The Theresian Wing of the Royal Palace – daily, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. (only during exhibitions). Information about Historical Sites and Programmes: Prague Castle Information Centres Second Courtyard – tel.: +420 224 372 442; +420 224 372 415, 419 e-mail: info.hrad@hrad.cz Open daily 9 a.m.–5 p.m. during summer season, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. during winter season Information, guide services tel.: +420 224 373 208, 584 (professional guides: basic tour lasts 60 minutes, audioguides, tour routes to taste, tours for individuals and organised parties), admission tickets for the historic buildings. Third Courtyard – tel.: +420 224 372 434, 435, 368 (the organized groups with a guide) Internet: www.hrad.cz OVERVIEW OF CULTURAL EVENTS AT PRAGUE CASTLE, DECEMBER 2013 – MARCH 2014 EXHIBITIONS French Art – the Heritage of Aristocracy 22 November 2013 – 23 February 2014 • Imperial Stables The National Heritage Institute, in cooperation with the Prague Castle Administration, have has organized a special exhibition titled “The Rohans, French dynasties, and the Czech Crown Lands”. The exhibition observes the influence France and French culture have had, through the aristocratic families settled in Central Europe, on the arts and culture of the region. The exhibition features artworks by French artists, and artifacts as samples of the artistic craftsmanship of the era. The Olbram Zoubek Exhibition at Prague Castle 28 November 2013 – 3 March 2014 • Prague Castle Riding Hall The most extensive retrospective exhibition of works by the renown Czech sculptor Olbram Zoubek thus far welcomes visitors to the Prague Castle Riding Hall. The exhibition, designed by Olbram Zoubek himself, offers the best from his life-long creative work. In the Riding Hall you can see more than 200 sculptures from the mid-1950s to the present. Some of the works are exhibited for the first time ever. (see p. 23) PERMANENT EXHIBITIONS Prague Castle Picture Gallery • The 2nd courtyard of Prague Castle The permanent exhibition in the Prague Castle Gallery presents collections originally owned by Emperors Rudolph II and Ferdinand II, Archduke Leopold Wilhelm, acquisitions by the Masaryk National 48

PRAGUE CASTLE INFORMATION Fund during the First Republic period between 1918 and 1939, and new acquisitions from recent times. Open daily 9 a.m.–5 p.m. (IV–X), 9 a.m.–4 p.m. (XI–III). More information: www.kulturanahrade.cz The Story of Prague Castle Old Royal Palace – Gothic floor This permanent exhibition is a unique project that introduces the general public to the history of Prague Castle, from prehistoric times up to the present. It is the story of a complex that conceals within itself the mystery of the final resting place of the most important Bohemian rulers and saints, a place that houses the Czech crown jewels and the St Vitus Treasury, but also a place that serves as the dignified seat of the Head of state Czech Republic. The permanent exhibition is accompanied by many interactive programs and a children’s program called “Castle Game.” Recently, the exhibition has been supplemented with copies of the Czech Crown Jewels and the Crowns of the Hapsburg Family Members (1556–1792) section. It intends to present Prague Castle as a royal site where the most varied ceremonies related to Czech statehood and rule were exercised. Open daily 9 a.m.–5 p.m. (IV–X), 9 a.m.–4 p.m. (XI–III). More information: www.kulturanahrade.cz St. Vitus Treasury St. Cross Chapel on the second Courtyard After 21 years, the permanent exhibition of St. Vitus treasure has returned to the former Holy Cross court chapel. It consists of some 140 works of supreme artistic quality from the temple collection collected at the church, later the cathedral, of St. Vitus ever since the 11th century. The St. Vitus treasure experienced its grandest blossom in era of Charles IV, who endowed the cathedral with an extensive collection of relics of saints for whom leading goldsmiths and silversmiths manufactured precious shrines. The treasure was further enriched during the baroque era, and even more in the 19th and 20th centuries. Open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Admission: Full CZK 300, Discounted CZK 150, Family CZK 600 Armory – The Mihulka Powder Tower Open daily 9 a.m.–6 p.m. (IV–X), 9 a.m.–4 p.m. (XI–III) The ground and first floor are dedicated to the development of warfare in the 17th and 18th centuries. Castle Guard permanent exhibition This exhibition, bearing the subtitle “From Duke’s Train to President’s Castle Guard,” maps the historic evolution and present situation of the unit that secures the president of the republic. For December 2013, Prague Castle Administration has prepared a Christmas present for all art lovers; for 200 CZK it is possible to visit two of the five exhibition that are currently taking place, and younger that 18 have free admission. It tis possible to combine the Retrospective of sculptor Olbram Zoubek, French Art – the Heritage of Aristocracy, and three permanent exhibitions: Prague Castle Picture Gallery, St.Vitus Treasury and The Story of Prague Castle. Distribution of this Christmas present is underway from 1 December till 31 December 2013. MUSIC AT PRAGUE CASTLE 2013 The 9th year of a concert series Ballgame Room, Prague Castle Christmas with Chorea Music, songs, and dances by the Chorea Bohemica ensemble 13 December – 7 p.m. 14 December – 11 a.m., 3 p.m., 7 p.m. 15 December – 11 a.m., 3 p.m., 7 p.m.

16 December, 7 p.m. • Spanish Hall Czech Touches of Music Camille Saint-Saëns: Concerto for violoncello and orchesta No.1 in a minor, opus 3 Johanes Brahms (1833–1897): Symphony No.1 in c minor for symphonic orchestra, opus 68 The Janáček Philharmonic Orchestra of Ostrava, Jiří Bárta – violoncello, Petr Louženský – conductor 19 December, 8 p.m. • St. George Basilica Schola Gregoriana Pragensis Traditional Christmas concert David Eben – artistic director Changes possible. For more info, please, go to: www.kulturanahrade.cz 49



Emergency call 112 Emergency medical aid 155 Police 158 Fire Brigade 150 Road Breakdown Service 1230

Municipal Police 156 Information on trains 221 111 122 Prague Ruzyně airport information 220 113 314 • 220 111 111

Taxi round-the-clock service 140 14, 222 333 222 222 111 000, 257 257 257 Emergency dental service Prague 1, Spálená 12 222 924 295

Toll motorways and express roads Toll roads are signed with the following traffic signs www.ceskedalnice.cz

Map of the Czech motorway networks

Lost property Prague 1 Karoliny Světlé 5 224 235 085 General information 221 714 444

Post Office open 2 a.m.–midnight Prague 1 Jindřišská 14 221 131 111 840 111 240

Lost credit cards: American Express 222 800 222 Diners Club 267 197 450 Eurocard, Mastercard, Visa 272 771 111

Within the Czech Republic, the use of highways and speedways by motor vehicles with at least four wheels or vehicles plus trailers is from 1995 subject to a fee. A proof of payment of the fee is a 2part stickers. Part one of the sticker is to be stuck inside windscreen. Part two of the sticker is to be retained. Sales points: border crossings, filling stations, post offices. Validity and prices of the coupons: Annual – from 1. 12. 2013 to 31. 1. 2015. 1500 CZK (motor vehicle with total weight up to 3.5 tons). Coupon for 1 month: 440 CZK; 10 days: 390 CZK. In total weight of the motor vehicle above 3.5 tons: these vehicles are liable to electronic toll system.

● The most important border crossings (non-stop)


Unforgettable views of Prague offer the following spots: Smetanovo nábřeží – Novotného lávka • Tower of the Old-Town Hall • Powder Tower • Old-Town and Lesser-Town Bridge Towers • Tower of St Vitus’ Cathedral • Ramp at Hradčany square • Petřín Watchtower • Letenský park by Hanavský pavillion • Žižkov TV Tower in Mahler park • Vyšehrad • St. Nicholas Church Bell Tower


Area: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496 km Population: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 246 176 (30. 6. 2013) Situation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50°05'19" latitude N • 14°25'17" longitude E 235 m (average) height above sea level The very beginning of history: . . . . . . . . . . . 9 century – foundation of Prague Castle Historical parts: . . . . . . . Old Town, New Town, Vyšehrad, Hradčany and Lesser Town Administrative division: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 administrative areas, 57 city quarters operated by municipal authorities Vltava River: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in Prague territory 30 km, the widest 330 m, 9 islands, 18 bridges Number of spires: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . about 500 Parks and gardens: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 870 ha






i 1

▲ i i 2

1 2


▲ i

Underground stop



Prague Information Service Tourist Information Centres (see p. 8–9)


▼ Hotels Hilton Prague

▼ Theatres

Pobřežní 1, Praha 8 www.hiltonprague.cz

Ta Fantastika

Hilton Prague Old Town

Národní 4, Praha 1 (see p. 25)

Pilsner Urquell Gallery – Experience Shop U Lužického semináře 11 Praha 1 (see p. 34–35)

▼ Real Estates Agencies Professionals V Celnici 1031/4 Praha 1 (see p. 5)

▼ Carnevale Praha (see p. 17)

▲ ▲

Laterna magika

▼ Shopping

(see p. 14–16)

Karlova 8, Praha 1 (see p. 71)

V Celnici 7, Praha 1

Clam-Gallas Palace Husova 20, Praha 1

Old Town Square

Image (Black Light Theatre) Pařížská 4, Praha 1 (see p. 69)


▼ Museums and Exhibitions

2 3

Choco-Story Chocolate Museum

Celetná 10, Praha 1 (see p. 29, 31)

Viva Praha Celetná 10, Praha 1 (see p. 30)

Gastronomy Museum Jakubská 12, Praha 1 (see p. 28)

❺ ❻

Lesser Town Bridge Tower Charles Bridge, Praha 1 – Lesser Town Old Town Bridge Tower Charles Bridge, Praha 1 – Old Town Powder Tower Náměstí Republiky 5 Praha 1 – Old Town Town Belfry by St. Nicolas’ Church Malostranské náměstí 556/29 Praha 1 – Malá Strana Petřín Observation Tower Petřín Hill park, Praha 1 Petřín Mirror Maze Petřín Hill park, Praha 1


Subway and Tram Routes Scheme

COMPETITION!!! Win a weekend stay at the Nástup Hotel**** in Klínovec, Ore Mountains

Airport Express Václav Havel Airport Prague AE ↔ stop Dejvická underground (line A) ↔ Main Railway Station, stop Hlavní nádraží underground (line C)

The prize for our quiz winner was donated by the Hotel Nástup****, PRODECO, a. s. (see p. 51)




• accommodation for two persons (double-bed room) • full board for two persons • wellness procedures

The Nástup Hotel lies in the Ore Mountains at the feett of the Klínovec Mountain (1244 meters above sea level), near the Czech-German border cross Boží Dar / Kurort Oberwiesenthal. The Spa towns Jáchymov and Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad) lie not too far away. In winter you can ski on the north wooded slope of Klínovec, in Neklid near Boží Dar or on the slopes of the Fichtelberg Mountain on the other side of the border. Near the hotel and Boží Dar there are numerous cross-country ski trails. In summer this is an ideal destination for hiking and cycling enthusiasts, and beautiful countryside lovers.

The rules are simple. Just send us your answers to the following questions by 31 May, 2014 and you can win a weekend stay at the Nástup Hotel**** in Klínovec, Ore Mountains.

AE The Petřín hill funicular railway

many 1 How times have you been

● this is my first visit ● this is my second or third visit to Prague? ● I have been here many times

of my stay 2 Purpose

● a tourist visit ● a business trip

● historical monuments and sightseeing ● culture to Prague? ● shopping ● entertainment ● cuisine

attracts 3 What you

● at a hotel. Which one? copy ● at the airport 4 Imyofobtained Welcome ● other. Where? to Prague

information is missing in this issue, 5 What in your opinion?

What type of cuisine does the beautiful Hotel restaurant offer? (see p. 51) 6 2.1.Nástup What’s the name of the highest peak of the Ore Mountains? (see p. 99–101)

The Nástup Hotel offers: • upper scale lodging accessible for the handicapped in 3 apartments, 20 suites, and 9 single rooms, all available with additional beds • rooms with bathrooms, SAT TV, telephone, Wi-Fi, and a minibar • a restaurant with excellent Czech cuisine, gluten-free diet, day bar with a pool, dance floor and music, open-air terrace and grill during the summer months • for leisure activities there is an indoor relax swimming pool with a waterfall, whirlpool, and jet-massage, a rich wellness program, several types of massage, sauna and infrasauna, and refreshments in the bar • a tennis court and a miniature golf next to the hotel, mountain bikes rentals for trips in the vicinity • ski rentals, ski service, and skiing school in the winter, closed ski storage for hotel guests, equipped with boot-dryers Come and discover the beauty of the Ore Mountains. We are looking forward to your visit!

Change station Barrier-free access/with a lift 1


Tram line Tram terminal


Public transport buses (Airport) The Petřín hill funicular railway April – October ❶–❼ 9 a.m–11:30 p.m. November – March ❶–❼ 9 a.m–11:20 p.m. Park and Ride car – parks Bus station Railway station

Národní Třída – Out of service till 2014



Telephon ● Fax ● E-mail

Hotel Nástup**** 431 91 Loučná pod Klínovcem 104


E-mail: recepce@hotelnastup.cz, Tel.: +420 474 396 120, Fax: +420 474 396 207

http://www.hotelnastup.cz Facebook – hotel Nástup

Underground line

you travel to our country through a travel 7 Did agency? Which one?

Please send your answers to this address: TRIANGL EDITION Pod Kaštany 8, 160 00 Praha 6 Czech Republic tel/fax: +420 224 317 858 e-mail: triangl@helvetica-tempora.cz

The winner of the last competition: Madelaine Le Gall Sorède FRANCE Congratulations!


Quarter • Street/Square Telephone Fax 1 • Na Příkopě 18 221 447 242 224 216 324 e-mail: cedok.services@cedok.cz; www.cedok.cz/incoming DC Service 1 • Břehová 3 224 816 346, 224 811 274 222 325 420 Prague Information Service 1 • Staroměstské nám. 1 personally (see p. 8–9) 1 • Rytířská 31 Prague Passenger Shipping 2 • Rašínovo nábřeží 224 931 013, 224 930 017 224 930 022 (Pražská paroplavební společnost) (Steamer landing-place between Palacký and Železniční bridge)


Prague Sight-seeing Tours • Excursions

❶–❺ 8:30 a.m.–noon, 1 p.m.–4 p.m. ❶–❺ 9 a.m.–6 p.m. ❻❼ 10 a.m.–5 p.m.

❶–❼ 9 a.m.–6 p.m. ❶–❼ 9 a.m.–6 p.m.

❶–❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m. ❶–❼ 8 a.m.–8 p.m.

Open IV–X ❶–❼ 9 a.m.–7 p.m.

Day of the Re-establishment of the Independent Czech State 20.–21. 4. ’14 Easter 1 May Labour Day 8 May Liberation Day (1945) 5 July The Slavic Missionaries Saints Constantine and Methodius Day 6 July Day of the Burning of Master John Hus at the Stake (1415)

1 January

28 September Day of the Czech Statehood 28 October Day of the Establishment of the Independent Czechoslovakia 17 November Day of the Struggle for Freedom and Democracy 24 December Christmas Eve 25 December Christmas 26 December Christmas

Public Holidays in the Czech Republic

Quarter • Street/Square • Telephone • Fax Open XI–III 1 • Staroměstské nám. 1, (Old-Town Hall) • 221 714 444 ❶–❼ 9 a.m.–7 p.m. Guides: 236 002 562 • 236 002 569 1 • Rytířská 31 • 221 714 444 ❶–❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m. 6 • Prague Airport, Terminal 2 ❶–❼ 8 a.m.–8 p.m. 1 • Lesser-Town Bridge Towers • 221 714 444 Closed 4. 11. 2013–3. 4. 2014 Tourist services and information of Prague and the Czech Republic, Prague Card – four days ticket for more than 50 monuments, etc. rd Information Centre of Prague Castle 1 • 3 Courtyard • 224 372 434 • 224 372 435 ❶–❼ 9 a.m.–4 p.m. ❶–❼ 9 a.m.–4 p.m. (see p. 48–49) 1 • 2nd Courtyard • 224 372 423, 419 Service of guides for all the Prague Castle monuments e-mail: tourist.info@hrad.cz; www.hrad.cz CzechTourism 2 • Vinohradská 46 • 221 580 611-2 ❶–❺ 8:30 a.m.–noon, 1 p.m.–4 p.m. (see p. 13) 1 • Staroměstské nám. 5 • 224 861 476 • 224 861 587 ❶–❺ 9 a.m.–6 p.m. ❻❼ 10 a.m.–3 p.m. www.czechtourism.cz Information of Czech Republic www.czechtourism.com

Name Prague Information Service (PIS) www.praguewelcome.com (see p. 8–9)

Tourist Information Centres • Guides



10–12 January 2014

5–14 January 2014

4 and 11 January 2014 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.

1 January 2014 – 8 p.m.

31 December 2013 – 8 p.m.

16 December 2013 – 6 January 2014 18 December 2013 – 8 p.m.

12–15 December 2013

7–15 December 2013

1, 8, 15, and 22 December 2013 3 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. 7 December 2013 – 8 p.m.

Term through 31 January 2014

The World Famous Glenn Miller Orchestra Tour 2014 Concerts in 8 cities throughout the Czech Republic: Prague, Hradec Králové, Liberec, České Budějovice, Pilsen, Brno, Ostrava, and Zlín Tickets: www.ticketstream.cz Jizerská padesátka (Jizerské hory 50 km) – the 47th edition of this traditional cross-country ski race (classic style); www.jiz50.cz

Name Czech Press Photo – the 14th edition exhibition of the competition of journalist photos from Czech and Slovak photographers Info: Czech Press Photo, Rytířská 10, Prague 1; e-mail: info@czechpressphoto.cz Advent concerts by the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra www.ceskafilharmonie.cz Black Sabath – World Tour Tickets: www.livenation.cz, www.sazkatickets.cz, www.virtual-tickets.cz Women’s World Floorball Championships Tickets: www.wfc2013.cz Prague Christmas – the 14th edition of this international Advent and Christmas choir music festival www.choirs.cz Czech Touches of Music – the 15th edition of this international music festival www.czechculture.cz Elton John & His Band Tickets: www.livenation.cz, www.sazkatickets.cz, www.virtual-tickets.cz New Year’s Eve at the State Opera – Johann Strauss jun.: Fledermaus Tickets at: www.bohemiaticket.cz, www.narodni-divadlo.cz New Year’s concert by the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra – grand opening concert of the “Year of Czech Music 2014” series; www.ceskafilharmonie.cz Carl Orff: CARMINA BURANA Tickets: www.ticket-art.cz

DECEMBER 2013 – MAY 2014

Jizerské Mountains, Liberec Region

Convention Center Prague (4 January) GONG (the reconstructed hall of the former gasholder, the city of Ostrava) Moravian-Silesian Region (11 January)

Prague, Rudolphinum, Dvořák Hall

State Opera, Wilsonova 4, Prague 1

O2 Arena, Prague 9, Českomoravská 2345/17

Prague Castle, Municipal House, Rudolphinum

ČEZ Arena Ostrava, Moravian-Silesian Region, North Moravia; MSH Vodova Brno, South Moravia Prague concert halls and churches

O2 Arena, Prague 9, Českomoravská 2345/17

Prague, Rudolphinum, Suk Hall

Place The Cloister and Knight Hall at the Old Town Hall, Prague



15 May – 3 June 2014

10–11 May 2014

23 – 25 April 2014

5 April 2014

28 March 2014 – 7:30 p.m.

20–28 March 2014

20 February – 4 March 2014

16 February 2014 – 8 p.m.

14 February 2014

10 February 2014 – 8 p.m.

8 February 2014

1 and 2 February 2014 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.

18 January 2014

Term 15 January 2014 – 8 p.m.

Name ABBA the Show – A Tribute to ABBA www.arena-vitkovice.cz Opera Ball – Mahen Theater in Brno, theme: Elizabethan Era and Shakespeare Tickets at: prodej@plesvoperebrno.cz; www.plesvoperebrno.cz ICE AGE LIVE – a show combining film, figure skating, acrobatics, and puppets Director: Guy Caron Tickets at: www.ticketpro.cz, www.ticketportal.cz, www.livenation.cz Opera Ball – State Opera Praha, theme: Strauss, Strauss, and again Strauss Tickets at: www.plesvopere.cz/predprodej, www.plesvopere.cz Depeche Mode Tickets: www.ticketpro.cz, www.ticketportal.cz, www.livenation.cz Deep Purple Tickets: www.ticketpro.cz, www.ticketportal.cz, www.livenation.cz One Republic Tickets: www.ticketpro.cz Prague Carnival 2014 – masks, clowns, and acrobats in the streets of Prague, Opera Barocca – baroque soirées series, masquerade www.carnevale.cz FEBIOFEST – the 21st year of this international film festival www.febiofest.cz Rolando Villazón: Mozart – concert by the international opera star Tickets: www.eventim.cz, www.obecnidum.cz Hervis ½ Marathon – through Prague – 21.0975 km www.runczech.cz Wine and Delicacies – the 17th year of this international culinary art fair www.vinoadelikatesy.cz Volkswagen Marathon Weekend – Marathon through Prague www.runczech.cz Prague Spring – the 69th year of this international music festival. This year’s festival takes place within the framework of the “Year of Czech Music 2014” project www.festival.cz Start at 9 a.m. at Old Town Square (Staroměstské námětí) Prague concert halls

Prague Fairgrounds – Holešovice

Smetana Hall, Municipal House, náměstí Republiky 5, Prague 1 Start at 12 noon at Rudolphinum, Palachovo náměstí

Cinestar Multiplex Anděl, Prague 5

Old Town Square, Clam-Gallas Palace in Husova Str. 20, Prague 1

Lucerna Palace, Štěpánská 61, Prague 1

ČEZ Arena Pardubice, the city of Pardubice, East Bohemia

O2 Arena, Prague 9, Českomoravská 2345/17

State Opera, Wilsonova 4, Prague 1

O2 Arena, Prague 9, Českomoravská 2345/17

Place ČEZ Arena Ostrava, the city of Ostrava, Moravian-Silesian Region The city of Brno, South-Moravian Region


Ta Fantastika Black Light Theatre (see p. 71)

Estates Theatre Image Black Light Theatre (see p. 69) Musical Theatre Karlin

Name National Theatre (see p. 24) Prague State Opera Laterna Magika (see p. 25)



1 • Rytířská 12 www.ticketpro.cz 1 • náměstí Republiky 5 www.obecnidum.cz e-mail: info@obecnidum.cz 1 • Na Příkopě 16 1 • Malé náměstí 13 www.bohemiaticket.cz

Clasical black light theatre performance

Opera, drama Black light theatre, pantomime Operetta, musical

Note – genre Opera, ballet, drama Opera, ballet The very first multimedia theatre in the world!

MUNICIPAL HOUSE (Obecní dům) (Culture and Information Centre)


Quarter • Street/Square Telephone • Fax 1 • Národní 2 224 901 448 • 224 931 544 1 • Wilsonova 4 224 227 266 • 224 212 243 1 • Národní 4 224 931 482 e-mail: novascena@narodni-divadlo.cz; www.novascena.cz, www.laterna.cz 1 • Ovocný trh 1 224 901 448 • 224 931 544 1 • Pařížská 4 222 329 191, 222 314 448 • 224 811 167 8 • Křižíkova 10 221 868 666 www.hdk.cz 1 • Karlova 8 222 221 366 • 222 220 384 (sales on line: www.tafantastika.cz)

Quarter • Street/Square 1 • Old-Town Hall www.ticketpro.cz 1 • Lesser-Town Bridge Tower Charles Bridge (IV–X) 1 • Rytířská 31 TESLA ARENA 7 • Za Elektrárnou 419 ☎ 266 727 443 Tickets for sports and cultural activities at Tesla Arena e-mail: predprodej@hcsparta.cz CZECH PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA 1 • Alšovo nábřeží 12 ☎ 227 059 227 (Česká filharmonie) www.czechphilharmonic.com


Advance Booking


Černé divadlo TA Fantastika

Stavovské divadlo Černé divadlo Image Hudební divadlo Karlín

Original title Národní divadlo Státní opera Praha Laterna magika

Tel/fax: 224 215 031 ☎ 224 227 832 Fax: 224 218 167

☎ 222 002 101 ❶–❼ 10 a.m.–7 p.m.


THEATRE OF ESTATES Ovocný trh 1, Prague 1 www.stavovskedivadlo.cz



P. I. Tchaikovsky – THE NUTCRACKER – Ballet

P. I. Tchaikovsky – THE NUTCRACKER – Ballet

A. Dvořák – RUSALKA – Opera

S. Prokofiev – ROMEO AND JULIET – Ballet G. Verdi – AIDA – Opera

G. Puccini – TOSCA – Opera Ch. W. Gluck – ORFEO ED EURIDICE – Opera

S. Prokofiev – ROMEO AND JULIET – Ballet W. A. Mozart – COSI FAN TUTTE – Opera

G. Verdi – LA TRAVIATA – Opera B. Smetana – THE BARTERED BRIDE – Opera

G. Verdi – NABUCCO – Opera

P. I. Tchaikovsky – SLEEPING BEAUTY – Ballet W. A. Mozart – DON GIOVANNI – Opera A. Dvořák – RUSALKA – Opera

NATIONAL THEATRE Národní tř. 2, Prague 1 www.narodni-divadlo.cz

Sun 01/12 13:00, 18:00 STATE OPERA 14:00 ESTATES THEATRE 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Tue 03/12 19:00 STATE OPERA Wed 04/12 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Thu 05/12 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE Fri 06/12 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE Sat 07/12 14:00, 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Sun 08/12 14:00 STATE OPERA Mon 09/12 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Tue 10/12 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Wed 11/12 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE Thu 12/12 19:00 STATE OPERA

PRAGUE STATE OPERA Wilsonova 4, Prague 1 www.opera.cz


Mon 23/12 14:00, 16:00 ESTATES THEATRE 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE Wed 25/12 14:00, 18:00 NATIONAL THEATRE 14:00, 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE 19:00 STATE OPERA

Fri 13/12 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Sat 14/12 14:00, 18:00 NATIONAL THEATRE 19:00 STATE OPERA Sun 15/12 18:00 NATIONAL THEATRE 19:00 STATE OPERA Mon 16/12 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE 19:30 STATE OPERA Tue 17/12 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE Thu 19/12 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE Fri 20/12 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Sat 21/12 14:00, 18:00 NATIONAL THEATRE 19:00 STATE OPERA Sun 22/12 17:00 NATIONAL THEATRE 19:00 STATE OPERA

P. I. Tchaikovsky – THE NUTCRACKER – Ballet W. A. Mozart – THE MAGIC FLUTE – Opera A. Dvořák – RUSALKA – Opera


A. Dvořák – THE JAKOBIN – Opera G. Rossini – IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA (The Barber of Seville) – Opera

P. I. Tchaikovsky – THE NUTCRACKER – Ballet G. Verdi – DON CARLO – Opera

G. Verdi – LA TRAVIATA – Opera P. I. Tchaikovsky – THE NUTCRACKER – Ballet

G. Puccini – MADAMA BUTTERFLY – Opera W. A. Mozart – DON GIOVANNI – Opera

P. I. Tchaikovsky – SLEEPING BEAUTY – Ballet W. A. Mozart – LE NOZZE DI FIGARO – Opera

G. Bizet – CARMEN – Opera STEFAN MARGITA – Concert

P. I. Tchaikovsky – THE NUTCRACKER – Ballet J. Strauss – DIE FLEDERMAUS – Opera

P. I. Tchaikovsky – THE NUTCRACKER – Ballet G. Puccini – TURANDOT – Opera

G. Verdi – RIGOLETTO – Opera G. Verdi – SIMON BOCCANEGRA – Opera



Thu 26/12 14:00, 18:00 STATE OPERA Fri 27/12 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Sat 28/12 14:00, 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE 19:00 STATE OPERA Sun 29/12 14:00, 18:00 NATIONAL THEATRE 19:00 STATE OPERA Mon 30/12 17:00 ESTATES THEATRE 19:00 STATE OPERA Tue 31/12 20:00 STATE OPERA Wed 01/01 17:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Thu 02/01 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Fri 03/01 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Sat 04/01 18:00 NATIONAL THEATRE 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE Sun 05/01 18:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Tue 07/01 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE Wed 08/01 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Fri 10/01 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE Mon 13/01 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE

A. Dvořák – RUSALKA – Opera

P. I. Tchaikovsky – SWAN LAKE – Ballet Ch. W. Gluck – ORFEO ED EURIDICE – Opera

B. Smetana – THE TWO WIDOVS – Opera

B. Smetana – THE BARTERED BRIDE – Opera B. Martinů – MIRANDOLINA – Opera

P. I. Tchaikovsky – THE NUTCRACKER – Ballet

P. I. Tchaikovsky – THE NUTCRACKER – Ballet G. Puccini – LA BOHEME – Opera W. A. Mozart – DIE ENTFÜHRUNG AUS DEM SERAIL – Opera

G. Bizet – CARMEN – Opera

P. I. Tchaikovsky – THE NUTCRACKER – Ballet

B. Smetana – THE BARTERED BRIDE – Opera

J. Strauss – DIE FLEDERMAUS GALA – Opera

Mozartissimo – The Best Selection of Mozart Operas – Opera P. I. Tchaikovsky – SLEEPING BEAUTY – Ballet

P. I. Tchaikovsky – THE NUTCRACKER – Ballet G. Verdi – IL TROVATORE – Opera

W. A. Mozart – DON GIOVANNI – Opera G. Verdi – DON CARLO – Opera

G. Bizet – CARMEN – Opera G. Verdi – SIMON BOCCANEGRA – Opera

P. I. Tchaikovsky – SLEEPING BEAUTY – Ballet

Wed 15/01 19:00 STATE OPERA Thu 16/01 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE Fri 17/01 19:00 STATE OPERA Sat 18/01 11:00, 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE 14:00, 19:00 STATE OPERA Sun 19/01 16:00 STATE OPERA Tue 21/01 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Wed 22/01 19:00 STATE OPERA Thu 23/01 18:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Fri 24/01 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE Sat 25/01 14:00, 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Tue 28/01 19:00 STATE OPERA Wed 29/01 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Thu 30/01 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE Fri 31/01 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE G. Bizet – CARMEN – Opera L. Janáček – JENUFA – Opera

AMERICANA III – Ballet W. A. Mozart – COSI FAN TUTTE – Opera

AMERICANA III – Ballet A. Dvořák – THE JAKOBIN – Opera

A. Dvořák – RUSALKA – Opera

S. Prokofiev – ROMEO AND JULIET – Ballet G. Verdi – AIDA – Opera

G. Puccini – LA BOHEME – Opera W. A. Mozart – DIE ENTFÜHRUNG AUS DEM SERAIL – Opera

R. Wagner – TANNHÄUSER – Opera P. I. Tchaikovsky – SWAN LAKE – Ballet

G. Puccini – MADAMA BUTTERFLY – Opera

G. Puccini – TOSCA – Opera G. Donizzeti – L’ELISIR D’AMORE (The Elixir of Love) – Opera

G. Verdi – RIGOLETTO – Opera

G. Bizet – CARMEN – Opera P. I. Tchaikovsky – SLEEPING BEAUTY – Ballet

G. Verdi – NABUCCO – Opera

G. Verdi – LA TRAVIATA – Opera W. A. Mozart – DON GIOVANNI – Opera

P. I. Tchaikovsky – SWAN LAKE – Ballet


Sat 01/02 14:00, 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE 19:00 STATE OPERA Sun 02/02 14:00 STATE OPERA Tue 04/02 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE Wed 05/02 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Thu 06/02 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Fri 07/02 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Sat 08/02 11:00 NATIONAL THEATRE 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Sun 09/02 14:00 NATIONAL THEATRE 20:00 STATE OPERA Tue 11/02 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Wed 12/02 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE Thu 13/02 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE Fri 14/02 19:00 STATE OPERA Sun 16/02 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Tue 18/02 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE Wed 19/02 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE

J. Strauss – DIE FLEDERMAUS – Opera W. A. Mozart – COSI FAN TUTTE – Opera

G. Verdi – OTELLO – Opera W. A. Mozart – THE MAGIC FLUTE – Opera

B. Britten – GLORIANA – Opera

G. Bizet – CARMEN – Opera

W. A. Mozart – DON GIOVANNI – Opera

G. Verdi – NABUCCO – Opera W. A. Mozart – LE NOZZE DI FIGARO – Opera

B. Britten – GLORIANA – Opera

S. Prokofiev – CINDERELLA – Ballet G. Puccini – LA BOHEME – Opera

A. Dvořák – THE DEVIL AND KATE – Opera L. Janáček – JENUFA – Opera

G. Donizzeti – L’ELISIR D’AMORE (The Elixir of Love) – Opera

G. Puccini – TOSCA – Opera P. I. Tchaikovsky – SWAN LAKE – Ballet

P. I. Tchaikovsky – SWAN LAKE – Ballet

G. Puccini – MADAMA BUTTERFLY – Opera W. A. Mozart – THE MAGIC FLUTE – Opera

G. Verdi – OTELLO – Opera

Z. Matějů – KRABAT – Dance performance G. Verdi – LA TRAVIATA – Opera

G. Puccini – MADAMA BUTTERFLY – Opera W. A. Mozart – DIE ENTFÜHRUNG AUS DEM SERAIL – Opera Brel – Vysockij – Kryl (Solo for Three) – Ballet

G. Verdi – LA TRAVIATA – Opera

W. A. Mozart – DON GIOVANNI – Opera

G. Verdi – NABUCCO – Opera A. Dvořák – THE JAKOBIN – Opera

G. Puccini – LA BOHEME – Opera S. Prokofiev – CINDERELLA – Ballet

G. Bizet – CARMEN – Opera S. Prokofiev – CINDERELLA – Ballet

G. Verdi – LA TRAVIATA – Opera W. A. Mozart – THE MAGIC FLUTE – Opera

M. Ivanović – ENCHANTIA – Opera G. Verdi – RIGOLETTO – Opera

M. Ivanović – ENCHANTIA – Opera G. Puccini – TURANDOT – Opera

M. Ivanović – ENCHANTIA – Opera G. Puccini – MADAMA BUTTERFLY – Opera

G. Verdi – IL TROVATORE – Opera

19:00 Fri 07/03 19:00 STATE OPERA G. Puccini – TURANDOT – Opera 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE G. Bizet – CARMEN – Opera

G. Rossini – IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA (The Barber of Seville) – Opera NATIONAL THEATRE Brel – Vysockij – Kryl (Solo for Three) – Ballet

Thu 20/02 19:00 STATE OPERA Fri 21/02 18:00 NATIONAL THEATRE 19:00 STATE OPERA Sat 22/02 14:00, 18:00 NATIONAL THEATRE 19:00 STATE OPERA Sun 23/02 14:00, 18:00 NATIONAL THEATRE 19:00 STATE OPERA Tue 25/02 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE Wed 26/02 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Thu 27/02 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Fri 28/02 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Sat 01/03 14:00 ESTATES THEATRE Tue 04/03 19:00 STATE OPERA Wed 05/03 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE 20:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Thu 06/03 19:00 STATE OPERA


G. Verdi – IL TROVATORE – Opera W. A. Mozart – COSI FAN TUTTE – Opera

A. Dvořák – RUSALKA – Opera Brel – Vysockij – Kryl (Solo for Three) – Ballet Ch. W. Gluck – ORFEO ED EURIDICE – Opera

G. Bizet – CARMEN – Opera

W. A. Mozart – LE NOZZE DI FIGARO – Opera

G. Verdi – RIGOLETTO – Opera

A. Dvořák – RUSALKA – Opera

W. A. Mozart – DON GIOVANNI – Opera

A. Dvořák – RUSALKA – Opera G. Verdi – AIDA – Opera

19:00 Fri 21/03 19:00 STATE OPERA Sat 22/03 19:00 STATE OPERA Sun 23/03 14:00 STATE OPERA 14:00, 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE Tue 25/03 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Wed 26/03 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE

W. A. Mozart – LE NOZZE DI FIGARO – Opera

G. Bizet – CARMEN – Opera A. Dvořák – THE JAKOBIN – Opera

A. Dvořák – RUSALKA – Opera Z. Matějů – KRABAT – Dance performance W. A. Mozart – DIE ENTFÜHRUNG AUS DEM SERAIL – Opera

G. Puccini – LA BOHEME – Opera

G. Verdi – OTELLO – Opera

G. Rossini – IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA (The Barber of Seville) – Opera NATIONAL THEATRE B. Smetana – THE TWO WIDOVS – Opera

Sun 09/03 14:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Mon 10/03 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE Tue 11/03 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Wed 12/03 19:00 STATE OPERA Fri 14/03 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE Sat 15/03 19:00 STATE OPERA Sun 16/03 14:00, 19:00 STATE OPERA 14:00, 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE Tue 18/03 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE Wed 19/03 19:00 STATE OPERA

Fri 28/03 19:00 STATE OPERA Sat 29/03 14:00, 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE Sun 30/03 14:00, 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE 19:00 STATE OPERA Tue 01/04 19:00 STATE OPERA Wed 02/04 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Sat 05/04 14:00, 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Sun 06/04 14:00, 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE 19:00 STATE OPERA Tue 08/04 19:00 STATE OPERA Wed 09/04 19:00 STATE OPERA Thu 10/04 19:00 STATE OPERA 20:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Sat 12/04 19:00 STATE OPERA Sun 13/04 19:00 STATE OPERA Wed 16/04 19:00 STATE OPERA Thu 17/04 19:00 STATE OPERA Fri 18/04 19:00 STATE OPERA Sat 19/04 19:00 STATE OPERA W. A. Mozart – THE MAGIC FLUTE – Opera

G. Verdi – NABUCCO – Opera

G. Bizet – CARMEN – Opera

A. Dvořák – RUSALKA – Opera

W. A. Mozart – THE MAGIC FLUTE – Opera

G. Verdi – LA TRAVIATA – Opera

G. Puccini – TOSCA – Opera L. Janáček – THE CUNNING LITTLE VIXEN – Opera

G. Rossini – IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA (The Barber of Seville) – Opera

G. Verdi – NABUCCO – Opera

W. A. Mozart – DON GIOVANNI – Opera G. Verdi – OTELLO – Opera

Z. Matějů – KRABAT – Dance performance

G. Verdi – RIGOLETTO – Opera L. Janáček – THE CUNNING LITTLE VIXEN – Opera

G. Puccini – MADAMA BUTTERFLY – Opera

S. Prokofiev – CINDERELLA – Ballet G. Puccini – TOSCA – Opera

W. A. Mozart – THE MAGIC FLUTE – Opera

G. Puccini – MADAMA BUTTERFLY – Opera


IMAGE THEATRE – daily at 8 p.m. (see p. 69) DECEMBER AFRIKANIA: 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 28, 29/12 BLACK BOX: 6, 3, 20, 27/12 CABINET: 2, 9, 16, 22, 23, 26/12 STUDIO CLIP: 5, 12, 19/12 THE BEST OF IMAGE: 7, 14, 21, 30, 31/12 JANUARY AFRIKANIA: 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29/1 BLACK BOX: 3, 10, 17, 24, 31/1

IMAGE THEATRE Pařížská 4, Prague 1 www.imagetheatre.cz

NEW STAGE – LATERNA MAGIKA Národní tř. 4, Prague 1 www.laterna.cz

G. Verdi – IL TROVATOR – Opera

W. A. Mozart – THE MAGIC FLUTE – Opera

S. Prokofiev – CINDERELLA – Ballet G. Puccini – TURANDOT – Opera

G. Verdi – AIDA – Opera

B. Smetana – THE TWO WIDOVS – Opera

G. Bizet – CARMEN – Opera

B. Smetana – THE BARTERED BRIDE – Opera

G. Verdi – LA TRAVIATA – Opera W. A. Mozart – LE NOZZE DI FIGARO – Opera


Sun 20/04 19:00 STATE OPERA 19:00 ESTATES THEATRE Mon 21/04 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Wed 23/04 19:00 STATE OPERA Thu 24/04 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Sat 26/04 19:00 NATIONAL THEATRE Sun 27/04 14:00, 18:00 NATIONAL THEATRE 19:00 STATE OPERA Tue 29/04 19:00 STATE OPERA Wed 30/04 19:00 STATE OPERA LATERNA MAGIKA – at 8 p.m. (see p. 25) DECEMBER ANTICODES: 8/12 I SEE, I DO NOT SEE: 15/12 (at 5 p.m.) LEGEND OF MAGIC PRAGUE: 27, 28, 29 (at 5 p.m.), 30, 31/12 (at 5 p.m.) WONDERFULL CIRCUS: 6, 7, 8 (at 5 p.m.), 13, 14, 25 (at 5 p.m.), 26/12 (at 2 p.m. + 5 p.m.) JANUARY ANTICODES: 10/1 COCKTAIL 012 – THE BEST OF: 25/1 LEGEND OF MAGIC PRAGUE: 1/1 (5 p.m.) WONDERFULL CIRCUS: 4, 18/1 (+2 p.m.) FEBRUARY COCKTAIL 012 – THE BEST OF: 1, 21, 22, 28/2 HUMAN LOCOMOTION: 6, 7, 8/2 I SEE, I DO NOT SEE: 23 /2 (at 5 p.m.) WONDERFULL CIRCUS: 14, 15/2 (+2 p.m.) MARCH COCKTAIL 012 – THE BEST OF: 1/3 GRAFFITI: 27, 28, 29/3 HUMAN LOCOMOTION: 18, 19/3 LEGEND OF MAGIC PRAGUE: 20, 21, 22/3 (+2 p.m.) WONDERFULL CIRCUS: 7, 8, 9 (5 p.m.), 14, 15/3

JANUARY CABINET: 6, 13, 20, 27/1 STUDIO CLIP: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30/1 THE BEST OF IMAGE: 4, 5, 11, 18, 25/1 FEBRUARY AFRICANIA: 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19/2 BLACK BOX: 28/2 CABINET: 3, 10, 17 /2 GALAXIA: 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27/2 (previews), 28/2 (premiere) THE BEST OF IMAGE: 1, 8, 15/2 Ticket price: 480 CZK Box office open: Mo–Fri 9 a.m.–8 p.m.; Sat–Sun 10 a.m.–8 p.m.


Lapidárium Stone and sculpture monuments in the Czech lands, 11th till 19 th century The Czech Museum of Music Permanent exhibition: Man/Instrument/Music Historical Pharmacy (Pharmacies exhibition) The City of Prague Museum 8 • Na Poříčí 52 224 816 772 (see p. 14–15 – Prague Towers) e-mail: muzeum@muzeumprahy.cz; www.muzeumprahy.cz Permanent exhibition: The history of Prague and its people from ancient times until 1784 Langweil’s Model of Prague made from paper 1826–1834, area 20 m 2 Villa Müller (Loos) 6 • Nad Hradním vodojemem 14 224 312 012 e-mail: vila.muller@muzeumprahy.cz; www.mullerovavila.cz The Custom House na Výtoni 2 • Rašínovo nábřeží 412 224 919 833 History of water-rafting, boats and steamboats on the river Vltava Ctěnice Castle 9 • Bohdanečská 1 286 001 366 (see p. 16) e-mail: ctenice@muzeumprahy.cz 606 859 952


Národní divadlo marionet

❷–❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Exhibitions: ❷–❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m. (IV–X) ❷–❺ 10 a.m.–4 p.m. (XI–III) ❻❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m. (XI–III)



❷❹+❻❼ (by previous agreement only 10 a.m., noon–2 p.m., 4 p.m.) (XI–III) ❷–❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m.

❷–❼ 10 a.m.–5 p.m. (X–III) ❷–❼ 11 a.m.–6 p.m. (IV–IX) ❷–❼ 9 a.m.–6 p.m. (Every last Wednesday of the month 9 a.m.–8 p.m.)

Open ❶–❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m. First Wednesday of every month 10 a.m.–8 p.m. ❸ 10 a.m.–4 p.m. ❹–❼ noon–6 p.m. ❶❸–❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m.

Classic puppet opera






Admission (CZK) 80/40/130

224 817 377 224 819 322-4 • 224 819 322-4

224 819 322-4 • 224 819 324

Quarter • Street/Square Telephone • Fax 1 • Vinohradská 1 224 497 111 • 222 246 047 www.nm.cz 7 • Výstaviště, pavilion 422 233 375 636 • 224 497 364 (Prague Exhibition Grounds) 1 • Karmelitská 2/4 257 327 285 • 257 322 216 e-mail: c.muzeum.hudby@nm.cz; www.nm.cz 1 • Nerudova 32 257 531 502

1 • Celetná 13 (tickets and information) 1 • Žatecká 1 e-mail: festival@mozart.cz; http://www.mozart.cz

Top Theatre Tickets


1 • Žatecká 1 (information, tickets and booking) e-mail: festival@mozart.cz; http://www.mozart.cz

National Marionette Theatre

(no performances on Sundays December through February)

Tel.: +420 222 314 448, +420 222 329 191


50 50

222 220 082 • 220 220 082 224 918 013 • 224 923 363

Name Rudolfinum, Dvořák Hall – Czech Philharmonic Lichtenstein Palace, Martinů Hall Mirror Chapel of Clementinum National Museum – Historical stairs Congress Centre Prague St. Simon and St. Juda Church

Concert Halls

Quarter • Street/Square 1 • Alšovo nábřeží 12 1 • Malostranské nám. 13 1 • Klementinum 190 1 • Václavské nám. 68 4 • 5. května 65 1 • Dušní street

Telephone 227 059 227 257 534 206 www.ticketpro.cz 224 497 111 261 172 222 222 321 068

❷–❼ 9:30 a.m.–6 p.m. (V–X) ❷–❼ 9:30 a.m.–6 p.m. ❻❼ 9:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. (VI+IX) ❷–❼ 9:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. (VII+VIII) ❶–❺ 9 a.m.–7 p.m. ❻❼ 10 a.m.–7 p.m. (1. 4.–14. 10.) ❶–❺ 9 a.m.–6 p.m. ❻❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m. (15. 10.–31. 3.) ❷–❼ 9 a.m.–5 p.m. ❶–❼ 10 a.m.–7 p.m.

❶–❺+❼ 9 a.m.–6 p.m. (IV–X) ❶–❺+❼ 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m. (XI–III) ❶+❸–❼ 10 a.m.–noon, 12:30 p.m.–5 p.m. ❷–❼ 10 a.m.–1:30 p.m., 2 p.m.–5:30 p.m. (IV–IX) ❷–❼ 9:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m., 2 p.m.–5 p.m. (X–III) ❷–❺ 10 a.m.–6 p.m. ❻ 10 a.m.–5 p.m.

Spanish Hall 1 • Prague Castle 224 371 111 Municipal House-Smetana Hall (Obecní dům) 1 • náměstí Republiky 5 222 002 101 Information and ticket sales: Culture and Information Centre of the Municipal House nám. Republiky 5, 111 21 Prague 1 Open daily 10 a.m.–7 p.m., tel.: +420 222 002 101 e-mail: info@obecnidum.cz, www.obecnidum.cz

Exhibition of Franz Kafka 1 • nám. F. Kafky 5 222 321 675 40 THE MILITARY HISTORY INSTITUTE PRAGUE – www.vhu.cz The Aviation Museum Kbely 9 • Mladoboleslavská 902 973 207 504, 973 204 900 free The Army Museum Prague Žižkov 3 • U Památníku 2 973 204 924 • 973 204 900 free The Military Technical Museum Lešany Lešany by Týnec n. Sázavou 973 204 900 free The Prague Towers Museum 1 • Jindřišská 224 232 429 • 261 223 499 75 (Jindřišská věž – Henry’s Tower) www.jindrisskavez.cz National Museum of Agriculture 7 • Kostelní 44 220 308 276 60 Gastronomy Museum 1 • Jakubská 12 273 130 533 180/140/390 (see p. 28) e-mail: info@muzeumgastronomie.cz; www.muzeumgastronomie.cz


220 399 111 (101) 170 ❷–❺ 9 a.m.–5:30 p.m. ❻❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m. fax: 220 399 200 90 (Pensioners) First Thursday of every month 9 a.m.–8 p.m. 251 093 111 • 251 093 296 130 ❷ 10 a.m.–7 p.m. ❸–❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m.

7 • Kostelní 42

222 317 191 • 222 317 181

Telephone • Fax Admission (CZK) Open 224 497 500 • 222 221 418 80 ❷–❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m.

Quarter • Street/Square 1 • Betlémské nám. 1

1 • 17. listopadu 2 www.upm.cz The Jewish Museum – reservation centre 1 • U Starého hřbitova 3a www.jewishmuseum.cz Museum of Czech Music Bedřich Smetana exhibition 1 • Novotného lávka 1 Antonín Dvořák exhibition 2 • Ke Karlovu 20

The Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague

Name Náprstek Museum (Asian, African and American cultures) National Technical Museum

Karlova 8, Prague 1 predprodej@tafantastika.cz On LINE SALES: www.tafantastika.cz

“Aspects of Alice” is a classical Black Light Theatre performance based on motifs of “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll. Audiences in more than 30 countries on three continents have admired this theatrical performance for its imaginativeness, poetics, and perfect technical tricks. With a help of your imagination, Alice will go through all the beautiful and sweet moments of maturing, first loves, awakening adultery, knowledge of life, laughs, tears, joy, and sorrow. All of it takes place against the background of ancient Prague, its architectural jewels, its rich history, and Prague as a crossroads of Christian and Jewish cultures. Large-screen projections, animated film, puppets, unique on-stage tricks, black theatre effects, beautiful contemporary and classical music, and your imagination unite in a breathtaking show unseen in any other theatre.

Daily at 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.



7 • Dukelských hrdinů 47

Trade Fair Palace (Veletržní palác)

❷–❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m.

❷–❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m.

❷–❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m.

❷–❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m.

Prague Castle Picture Gallery (Obrazárna Pražského hradu)

1 • Prague Castle

❶–❼ 9 a.m.–6 p.m. (IV–X) 9 a.m.–4 p.m. (XI–III)

▼ PRAG UE CAS TL E – E xhibitio n ha lls – see p ag es 48 –4 9: Old Royal Palace 1 • Prague Castle ❶–❼ 9 a.m.–5 p.m. (Starý královský palác) Imperial Stables (Císařská konírna) 1 • Prague Castle ❶–❼ 9 a.m.–6 p.m.

1 • U Milosrdných 17

1 • Hradčanské náměstí

Salmovský Palace (Salmovský palác)

Convent of St. Agnes of Bohemia (Anežský klášter)

1 • Hradčanské nám. 2

Schwarzenberg Palace (Schwarzenberský palác)

Name Quarter • Street/Square Open ▼ NAT ION AL GAL L ER Y – P erman en t collections and Exhib itions– www.ngprague.cz Sternberg Palace 1 • Hradčanské náměstí 15 ❷–❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m. (Šternberský palác)

Galleries and Exhibitions


100/70/40 140 120/60






Admission (CZK)

French Art – the Heritage of Aristocracy – exhibitiion observes the influence France and French culture have had on the arts of the region (22 November 2013 – 23 February 2014) Permanent exhibition

Permanent exhibition: Gothic floor: The Story of Prague Castle

European Art from the Classical Era to the Close of the Baroque German and Austrian Masterful Art of 19th Century – from National Gallery Prague collections (till 2 March 2014) Baroque in Bohemia (Permanent exhibition) Imperial Arsenal – An exhibition of 550 of the most valuable historical weapons Ludvík Kuba (1863–1956) – In 2013 we commemorate 150 years since the birth of Czech painter, ethnographer, collector and composer (5 December 2013 – 6 April 2014) (see p. 20) Permanent exhibition Art of 20th and 21th Centuries Permanent exhibition of Foreign Art and Czech art 1890–1930 Jan Kotík (1916–2002) – A retrospective of Czech painter, graphic artist, designer (17 October 2013 – 23 March 2014) Rudolf Volráb – Artworks 1955–1969 – The 1960s were a progressive era in Czechoslovakia. One of the artist who developed an original way of working was R. Volráb (23 January–27 April 2014) (see p. 21) Medieval Art in Bohemia and Central Europe (Permanent exhibition) Exhibition: CM 863. Saints Cyril and Methodius – History, Tradition, Respect – exhibition to 1150th anniversary of theirs arrivels in the Great Moravian Empire (1 November 2013 – 2 March 2014)



Quarter • Street/Square 1 • Prague Castle 1 • U Prašného mostu 55

Open ❷–❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m. ❷–❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m. open only during exhibitions

▼ OT HE R GAL LE RIE S Kampa Museum – Sova’s Mills

1 • Mariánské nám. 1

The Municipal Library (Městská knihovna) The House at Golden Ring (Dům U Zlatého prstenu)

1 • U Sovových mlýnů 503/2 www.museumkampa.cz

1 • Týnská 6

7 • U Trojského zámku 1

6 • Mickiewiczova 1

Bílek Villa (Bílkova vila)

Troja Chateau

1 • Staroměstské nám. 13

The House at the Stone Bell (Dům U Kamenného zvonu)

❶–❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m.

❷–❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m.

❷–❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m. (IV–X) ❺ 1 p.m.–6 p.m. ❸+❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m. (XI–III) ❷–❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m. ❺ 1 p.m.–6 p.m., in winter closed ❷–❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m.

❷–❼ 10 a.m.–8 p.m.

St. Cross Chapel (Kaple Sv. Kříže) 1 • Prague Castle ❶–❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m. ▼ CIT Y GAL LE RY PRAG UE – h ttp ://ww w .citygalleryprague.cz Trade Fair Palace (Veletržní palác) 7 • Dukelských hrdinů 47 ❷–❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace 1 • Karlova 2 ❷–❼ 10 a.m.–6 p.m. (Colloredo-Mansfeldský palác)

Name St. Georg Convent (Jiřský klášter) Prague Castle Riding School (Jízdárna Pražského hradu)







Permanent exhibition: The Central European Modern Art Collection Exhibition

Petr Nikl – Game for Time – a retrospective (13 December 2013 – 23 March 2014) Art from 2nd half of the 20th century and contemporary art – a long-term exhibition – After Velvet The Life of the City Gallery Prague 50 The City Gallery Prague celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2013. The exhibition features both the history of the gallery since 1963, as well as earlier attempts to establish it. The process of its founding, its work, its collection build-up, and especially its exhibition activities reflect Czech history (25 September 2013 – 5 April 2014)

Eternal Summer in a Roman Villa (Permanent collection)

Alfons Mucha: The Slav Epic Sightseeing tour – permanent exhibition The Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace is an outstanding sample of Prague palatial architecture, with a long structural development that combines elements of high baroque, rococo, and late rococo (27 June 2013 – 30 January 2015) Stanislav Podhrázský – Restless Beauty – this exhibition presents works by one of the leading representatives of Czech post-war painting (25 October 2013 – 23 February 2014) (see p. 22) Permanent exhibition: The interior of the villa and works by F. Bílek, an Art Nouveau symbolist

180/90/240 120/60


The Olbram Zoubek Exhibition at Prague Castle – the most extensive retrospective exhibition of works by the renown Czech sculptor (28 November 2013 – 3 March 2014) (see p. 23) Permanent exhibition. St. Vitus Treasury



Admission (CZK)


❶,❷,❼ 7 p.m.–4 a.m. ❸,❹ 7 p.m.–5 a.m. ❺,❻ 7 p.m.–6 a.m. ❶–❼ 9 a.m.–2 a.m.

227 195 195

1 • Na Příkopě 10

Casino Palais Savarin

224 233 137

1 • Uhelný trh 2

Quarter • Street/Square 1 • Václavské nám. 5 4 • Milevská 7 8 • Pobřežní 1 1 • V Celnici 10

224 813 922

1 • Kaprova 5

Name Casino Ambassador Casino Panorama Hotel Hilton Prague – Casino Atrium Casino Millennium (Prague Marriott Hotel)


La Bodeguita del Medio (Cuban cocktail bar) La Fabrique (Cocktail bar, music club)

224 221 636

Telephone 724 747 401 724 747 403 224 842 705 221 033 401

❶–❼ noon–3 a.m.

❶–❼ 11 a.m.–1 a.m.

222 311 807

224 810 287 224 824 999

❶–❹ 4 p.m.–2 a.m. ❺,❻ 6 p.m.–3 a.m. ❼ 6 p.m.–midnight ❶–❼ 7 p.m.–2 a.m. ❶–❻ 6 p.m.–2 a.m.

222 241 040

1• Bartolomějská 3

224 811 165 602 780 076 296 222 292

1 • Lázeňská 6 1 • Ve Smečkách 12

605 000 500

1 • V Kolkovně 3

1 • Pštrossova 21

777 944 672

777 800 411

224 895 404

❶–❼ 5 p.m.–3 a.m. ❶,❷ 11 a.m.–11 p.m. ❸,❹ 11 a.m.–11:30 p.m. ❻,❼ noon–midnight

❶–❸,❼ 11 a.m.–1 a.m. ❹ 11 a.m.–3 a.m. ❺,❻ 11 a.m.–4 a.m. ❶ 2 p.m.–2.30 a.m. ❷–❹ 2 p.m.–4.30 a.m. ❺ 2 p.m.–5 a.m. ❻ 6 p.m.–5 a.m. ❼ 6 p.m.–2 a.m. ❶–❺ 1 p.m.–2 a.m. ❻,❼ 4 p.m.–2 a.m. ❶–❺ 11 a.m.–6 a.m. ❻,❼ 6 p.m.–6 a.m. ❶–❼ 7 p.m.–3 a.m.

American Roulette, Black Jack, Poker, Pontoon, Slotmachines

Note American Roulette, Black Jack, Poker, Pontoon, Slotmachines American Roulette, Black Jack, Poker, Pontoon, Slotmachines Roulette, Black Jack, Punto Banco, Poker American Roulette, Black Jack, Punto Banco, Poker, Pontoon, Slotmachines

Solidní nejistota (Coctail and music bar) Tretter’s Cocatil bar (Live jazz on Tuesdays 8 p.m.) Zanzibar (Coctail bar) Zlatá hvězda (Sport bar)

2 • Italská 18

1 • V Celnici 4

Nebe (Coctail Bar)

Popocafepetl – Cafe Bar

1 • Týn 1

Legend’s Sport bar

Open – days, hours ❶–❼ NONSTOP ❶–❼ 8 p.m.–4 a.m. ❶–❼ 2 p.m.–6 a.m. ❼–❹ 3 p.m.–4 a.m. ❺+❻ 3 p.m.–5 a.m. ❶–❼ 4 p.m.–3 a.m.

Open – days, hours ❶–❼ 11.30 a.m.–11 p.m.

Telephone 222 002 786

Quarter • Street/Square 1 • náměstí Republiky 5

Bugsy’s bar (Coctail Bar) 1 • Pařížská 10 Cloud Sky bar & longue 8 • Pobřežní 1 (Unique view of Prague) (Hilton Hotel) Da Nico Winebar 1 • Dlouhá 21 & Restaurant (300 Italian wines) Harley’s Bar 1 • Dlouhá

Name Americký bar (in the Municipale House) Al Capone Coctail bar



Meloun (music club) Reduta Jazz Club (founded in 1958) Rock Café (music club) Roxy (music club) Ungelt Jazz & Blues Club Vagon (music club)

1 • Dlouhá 33 1 • Týnská ulička 2 1 • Národní 25

1 • Národní 20

1 • Národní 10

1 • Michalská 12

❶–❼ 24 hours

❶–❼ 7 p.m.–2 a.m. ❶–❼ 9 p.m.–5 a.m.

❶–❼ 11 a.m.–4 a.m.

Open – days, hours ❶–❼ modern jazz 9 p.m.–midnight ❶–❼ 10 a.m.–2 a.m. – Restaurant ❶–❼ 9 a.m.–midnight – Live music ❼❹ 7 p.m.–4 a.m. ❺❻ 7 p.m.–6 a.m. ❸–❻ 7:30 p.m.–6 a.m. ❶–❼ 8 p.m.–1 a.m. ❶–❼ 8 p.m.–midnight

224 933 947 ❶–❺ 10 a.m.–3 a.m. ❻ 5 p.m.–3 a.m. ❼ 5 p.m.–01 a.m. 224 826 296 ❶–❼ programme from 8 p.m. 224 895 748 ❶–❼ 8 p.m.–midnight 221 085 599 ❶–❻ 6 p.m.–5 a.m. ❼ 6 p.m.–01 a.m.

❶–❼ 8 p.m.–3 a.m. every ❺❻ pop music ’80 and ’90 774 000 313 ❶–❻ 8 p.m.–3 a.m. (programme from 9 p.m.) 224 933 487 ❶–❼ from 9 p.m.

Name Quarter • Street/Square Telephone Agharta (Jazz club) 1 • Železná 16 222 211 275 (see p. 75) e-mail: info@agharta.cz; www.agharta.cz Bílý koníček 1 • Staroměstské n. 20 221 421 160 (Jazz club, Restaurant) e-mail: rezervace@bilykonicek.com www.jazz-prague.com Double Trouble 1 • Melantrichova 17 221 032 414 (music club) Duplex (disko club) 1 • Václavské nám. 21 224 232 319 Futurum Music Bar 5 • Zborovská 7 257 328 571 Charles Bridge Jazz 1 • Saská 602 208 811 and Blues Club (music club, live music) Jazz Dock 5 • Janáčkovo nábř. 2 774 058 838 (jazz and blues, café) Jazz Lounge U Staré paní 1 • Michalská 9 603 551 680 Karlovy Lázně 1 • Novotného lávka 222 220 502 (music café, discotheque) Klub Lávka 1 • Novotného lávka 1 221 082 299 (music club, garden restaurant) Lucerna Music Bar 1 • Vodičkova 36 224 217 108




LIVE MUSIC DAILY FROM 9 P.M. • jazz club & bar daily 7 p.m.–1 a.m.

When visiting Prague, make sure you experience: the ultimate atmosphere of a historic basement dating back to the 14th century affordable prices for beverages, including Original AghaRTA mixed drinks world famous Pilsner Urquell Lager beer on tap a CD store with a complete collection of Czech jazz artists and a wide selection of international recordings AghaRTA T-shirts designed by Jiří Votruba a first-rate local jazz band show



Quarter • Street/Square 1 • Panská 6 5 • Victora Huga 10 1 • Valdštejnská 6 1 • Panská 5 6 • Muchova 6 1 • Maltézské nám. 5 6 • Pelléova 14 1 • Hellichova 1 1 • Velkopřevorské náměstí 2 1 • Vlašská 19 6 • Na Ořechovce 19 6 • Pod Hradbami 17 6 • U Vorlíků 4 7 • Milady Horákové 60/93 1 • Tržiště 13 7 • Badeniho 2

Telephone 224 212 448 257 090 511 257 533 524 224 321 910 272 101 800 257 531 600 224 311 506 251 177 251 251 171 715 257 113 111 222 250 943 220 317 200 224 315 064 257 533 490 257 530 061 233 097 500

Fax 222 241 246 257 316 045 257 533 750 224 312 901 272 101 890 257 531 410 224 311 157 251 177 241 251 171 720 257 113 318 222 253 686 233 322 104 224 316 069 257 533 378 257 531 387 233 097 519

Country Italy Japan Mexico Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Republic of South Africa Russia Slovakia Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom United States of America Quarter • Street/Square 1 • Nerudova 20 1 • Maltézské náměstí 6 1 • V Jirchářích 151/10 6 • Gotthardská 6/27 1 • Hellichova 1 1 • Valdštejnská 8 6 • Pevnostní 9 10 • Ruská 65 6 • náměstí Pod Kaštany 1 6 • Pelléova 87/12 7 • Badeniho 4 1 • Úvoz 13 6 • Pevnostní 7 1 • Thunovská 14 1 • Tržiště 15

Telephone 233 080 111 257 533 546 283 061 530 233 015 200 257 323 737 257 099 500 257 311 230 267 311 114 233 374 100 233 113 051 233 097 211 220 313 200 220 400 611 257 402 370 257 022 000

Fax 257 531 522 257 532 377 233 550 477 233 015 256 257 326 827 257 530 399 257 311 234 267 311 395 233 377 235 233 113 054 233 341 770 220 313 240 224 311 312 257 402 296 257 022 809

Addresses and telephone numbers of other embassies and consulates are mentioned: http://en.zlatestranky.cz/businesses/–/q_embassies/1/ you can also get this information at Prague Information Service, ☎ 221 714 444.

Country Argentina Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Denmark Egypt Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Chile India Ireland Israel




☎ 112 ☎ 155

Quarter • Street/Square ☎ Ambulance Meditrans – International transport of injured and ill persones by ambulance and air plane – 4 • Mikuleckého 1310 244 471 072, fax: 244 472 910 Pharmacy with emergency service 1 • Palackého 5 – nonstop 224 946 982 2 • Belgická 37 – nonstop 222 519 731 Pharmacy – Hospital Thomayerova 4 • Vídeňská 800 (Krč) – open: nonstop 261 084 019 Pharmacy – Hospital Motol 5 • V Úvalu 84 – open: Mo–Fri 8 a.m.–4 p.m., then emergency service till 8 a.m., Sa–Su nonstop 224 435 736 Pharmacy BERYTOS 6 • Vítězné náměstí 13 – open: Mo–Fri 8 a.m.–8 p.m., Sa 8 a.m.–7 p.m., Su 9 a.m.–7 p.m., then emergency service till 8 a.m. 224 325 520 Pharmacy Letná 7 • Františka Křížka 22 – open: Mo–Fri 8 a.m.–7 p.m., Sa 8 a.m.–1 p.m., then emergency service till 8 a.m. 233 375 599 Královské Vinohrady Hospital Pharmacy 10 • Vinohrady, Šrobárova 50 – open: Mo–Fri 7:30 a.m.–6 p.m., Sa–Su 7:30 a.m.–noon., 00:30 p.m.–4 p.m. 267 162 823 First Aid 1 • Spálená 12 (New Town) 222 924 295 4 • Vídeňská 800 (Hospital Thomayerova) 261 082 520 5 • V Úvalu 84/1 (Hospital Motol) 224 438 590 6 • U Vojenské nemocnice 1200 (Hospital Vojenská) 973 208 333, 973 203 023 8 • Budínova 2 (Hospital Bulovka) 283 842 222 10 • Šrobárova (Hospital Vinohradská) 267 162 312 Stomatological First Aid 1 • Spálená 12 – open: Mo–Thu 7 p.m.–6 a.m., Fri 4 p.m.–6 a.m., Sa–Su nonstop 222 924 268

Emergency call First aid service

The medical treatment or any other medical care for foreigners is executed at the respective health centres nearest to the hotel or the place of accommodation. The treatment is done under contract prices in CZK. Patients to receive receipts for insurance companies in their own countries.


Tram No: 3, 9, 14, 24 – Václavské náměstí Metro – Line A, B – Můstek stop Line C – Muzeum stop

All Major Credit Cards Accepted

www.doctor-prague.cz e-mail: info@doctor-prague.cz

3rd schodiště (entrance), 2nd floor

Vodičkova 28, Prague 1

24 HRS SERVICE 603 433 833

“Home Care Abroad”

All Branches of Medicine


English and Other Languages Western Standard Medical Assistance


The maximum prices for taxi services in the district of the capital city of Prague: Fare for 1 km . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 CZK Basic fee for one ride . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 CZK Waiting time for 1 minute . . . . . . . . . . 6 CZK Taxis ordered throught the Dispatcher are cheaper. The driver is obliged to issue a receipt. The fare must be marked inside and outside the car.


Ticket prices: Basic ticket valid 90 minutes: 32 CZK, children 6–15 years of age 16 CZK. Short-term ticket valid 30 minutes: 24 CZK, children 12 CZK.

The tickets are available at some Underground stations, at Transport Inquiries, at shops selling newspapers and cigarettes (with inscription Tabák), at some groceries, at the reception desks, at some travel services, at yellow vending machines by the transport means stations. All lines of the underground operate from 5.00 a.m. till midnight. Tram and bus timetables are placed at all stops. Funicular [(Prague 5-Újezd), stop of trams 6, 9, 12, 20, 22, 23 – Nebozízek – Petřín)] operates from 9 a.m. till 11:30 p.m. (IV–X); from 9 a.m. till 11:20 p.m. (XI–III), daily. Transport fee and tickets are identical for all public transport means. (24 CZK/12 CZK).

AAA Radiotaxi, s. r. o. . . . . . . ☎ 222 333 222 (see p. 79) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 729 331 133 Taxi – Praha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 111 000 City Taxi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 257 257 Halotaxi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 114 411 Profi Taxi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 15 Speed Cars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 234 234

Internet: www.dpp.cz Magistrát – Prague 1, Jungmannova 29 Mon–Fri 7 a.m.– 6 p.m.

Transport Inquiries Tel.: 296 191 817, daily 7 a.m.–9 p.m. Underground lines A and C, station MUZEUM, daily 7 a.m.–9 p.m. Underground line C, station NÁDRAŽÍ HOLEŠOVICE, exit Plynární, Mon–Fri 7 a.m.–9 p.m., Sa 9:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Underground line B, station ANDĚL, Mon–Fri 7 a.m.–9 p.m., Sa 9:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Airport Ruzyně, Terminal I, Terminal II, daily 7 a.m.–9 p.m.

Tourist tickets: 1 day – 110 CZK – child (6–15) – 55 CZK, 3 days – 310 CZK. The tickets valid 24, 72 hours.

TRANSPORT – Tram • Bus • Underground…

Other bus stations in Prague Na Knížecí (Underground line B, Anděl stop) 5 • Nádražní Roztyly (Underground line C, Roztyly stop) 4 • Ryšavého Holešovice (Underground line C, Nádraží Holešovice stop) 7 • Partyzánská Černý Most (Underground line B, Černý Most stop) 9 • Chlumecká Želivského (Underground line A, Želivského stop) 3 • Želivského

Main Railway Station (Hlavní nádraží) (Underground line C) 2 • Wilsonova 80 ☎ 840 112 113 972 241 883-5 all international trains (train and seat reservation tickets abroad, berths, sleeping wagons)

Holešovice Railway Station (Underground line C) – 7 • Partyzánská

Smíchov Railway Station (Underground line B) – 5 • Nádražní

Masaryk Railway Station (Underground line B) – 1 • Hybernská

Information about train connections (in english, germain and russian) ☎ 221 111 122 (non-stop)


Florenc Central Bus Station (Underground line B, C, Florenc stop) 8 • Křižíkova 4-6 ☎ nonstop 900 144 444 (14 CZK/1 min.)

Tickets and seat tickets abroad Eurolines (Florenc Central Bus Station) Call centre: 245 005 245, 602 387 672 E-mail: info@eurolines.cz On line sales: www.eurolines.cz

Information about bus connections (domestic and international) ☎ nonstop 900 144 444 (14 CZK/1 min.)

Buses link the capital city not only with individual parts of the Czech Republic but also with all of Europe. Regular lines run to all the significant places in the European Union as well as outside of it. The most important bus depot is the Florence Central Bus Station, which is located in the very centre of the city.



CZK 14,90 / km

☎ +420 222 333 222

☎ +420 729 331 133

Prague taxi service with more than 22 years of transportation experience in Prague, the Czech Republic, and Europe

Call our cheapest taxi in Prague.


Non stop service • We speak English Free pick up service in Prague Approximate price calculation More than 1200 cars available Credit cards welcome

Watch how we fetch you. Download an app to a phone that runs on Android and order a taxi for a reasonable price.


☎ 112 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emergency call ☎ 150 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fire Brigade ☎ 155 . . . . . . . . . . . . Emergency medical aid ☎ 158 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Police ☎ 261 104 477 . . . . . . . . . . . Nonstop Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (for buses and camions) ☎ 1230 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nonstop Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Road Assistance ☎ 800 290 291 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nonstop technical service


Czech transport regulations are mostly identic with those of other European countries. It is necessary to remember: ● keep right ● use safety belts (obligatory) ● the highest speed is 90 km/hr, in aglomeration only 50 km/hr ● on highway 130 km/hr ● the highest speed for motorcycles is 90 km/hr; in aglomeration 50 km/hr; on highway 130 km/hr


Quarter • Street/Square Telephone ALIMEX ČR 7 • River Town Prague 233 350 001 6 • Václav Havel Airport 220 114 860 BUDGET 1 • Main Railway Station 222 319 595 6 • Václav Havel Airport 220 113 253 CZECHOCAR CS a. s. 4 • 5. května 65 261 222 079 6 • Václav Havel Airport 220 113 454 EUROPCAR 6 • Václav Havel Airport 235 364 531 1 • E. Krásnohorské 9 224 811 290



motorway tax: see page 50 it is forbidden to drink alcohol and drive headlights of motor vehicles must be turned on for 24 hours ● when driving, it is forbiden to make telephone calls unless you are using a hands-free set ● children under 36 kg and/or smaller than 150 cm of height must ride in safety seats ● drivers must yield to pedestrians on marked crossings

● ● ●

Telephone: Local calls 10 CZK/1 impulse International calls (one minute): see Prague Telephone Directory page 8–9. Telephone cards (200, 300 CZK) are available at post office, at shops called “Tabák” or “Trafika”, at newspaper and cigarette kiosks, etc. International direct-dial calls: 00 + country code + respective telephone number. Countries which can be contacted by dialing: see Prague Telephone Directory pages 6–11. International telephone numbers info: 1181 Information for Prague and Czech Republic numbers: 1180

Public Parking Garages – selection Praha 1, náměstí Jana Palacha Praha 1, Ostrovni (the National Theater) Praha 1, nám. Republiky 8 (Kotva department store) Praha 1, V Celnici 7 (Hotel Hilton Prague Old Town) Praha 1, V Celnici 10 (Millenium Plaza) Praha 1, náměstí Curieových 5 (InterContinental Hotel) Praha 1, Opletalova 9 (near Wenceslas Square) Praha 1, Wilsonova (Main Railway Station) Praha 1, nám. Republiky 1 (Palladium)

More info: www.dpp.cz/en/p-r-facilities

Praha 2, Wilsonova 77 (near State Opera) Praha 2, Vinohradská 151 (Flora) Praha 4, 5. května 65 (Congress Centre) Praha 6, Studentská 2 (Metro Station Dejvická) Selected Watched Car Parks (City, selection) Praha 1, Wilsonova (the Main Railway Station) Praha 1, Alšovo nábřeží Praha 1, Na Florenci Praha 1, Malostranské náměstí


Mail services in Prague are offered by 115 post offices in all parts of the city. The General Post Office: Jindřišská 14, Praha 1, tel.: 221 131 445 The Post Office: Hybernská 15, Praha 1, tel.: 224 219 714 Post Office with customs office: Plzeňská 139, Praha 5, tel.: 257 019 111 Postage prices: Domestic postcards 13 CZK. Local and domestic letters 13 CZK. Postcards in Europe 25 CZK. Letters (20 g) in Europe 25 CZK. Letters (20 g) and postcards for other continents (air mail) 30 CZK Information on postal services is available on: http://www.ceskaposta.cz






Airport bus stop – Arrival terminals T1 exit F or T2 exit E




Flying to Europa, Africa, America and Asia www.brusselsairlines.com Václav Havel Airport Prague tel.: +420 220 114 323, e-mail: infocz@brusselsairlines.com

ČSA (Czech Airlines) Internet: www.csa.cz Information, reservation: 1 • V Celnici 5 • Open: ❶–❺ 8 a.m.–6:30 p.m. and booking tickets • Call centre nonstop: ☎ 239 007 007 Information: Václav Havel Airport Prague: ☎ 220 113 314, 220 111 111

BOOKING AIR TICKETS: SmartWings – low-cost carrier by Travel Service a. s. Ticket sales over the telephone (EUR 10 fee) Mon–Fri: 8 a.m.–8 p.m. • Sat: 8 a.m.–2 p.m. Within the Czech Republic call: 900 166 565 (CZK 16 per minute) International calls: +420 255 700 827 • Information desk at the Václav Havel Airport Prague: Terminal 1: non-stop • Terminal 2: 8 a.m.–8 p.m. On-line reservations at: www.smartwings.com



Quarter • Street/Square 1 • Truhlářská 5 1 • Jungmannova 34 www.airfrance.com AIR MALTA 1 • Malá Štupartská 7 e-mail: info@airmalta.cz AUA (AUSTRIAN AIRLINES) call centre www.aua.cz BRITISH AIRWAYS 6 • K Letišti 57 www.britishairways.com CATHAY PACIFIC 1 • Kozí 3 CROATIA AIRLINES 1 • Na Perštýně 1 DELTA AIR LINES 1 • Národní 32 EL AL ISRAEL AIRLINES 1 • Václavské náměstí 33 FINNAIR 6 • Václav Havel Airport KLM (ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES) 6 • Václav Havel Airport LOT-POLISH AIRLINES 6 • Václav Havel Airport LUFTHANSA 6 • Václav Havel Airport MALÉV 1 • Jeruzalémská 13 SAS 6 • Aviatická 12 SAS Scandinavian Airlines call centre (Mon–Fri) www.flysas.cz SN BRUSSELS AIRLINES 6 • Václav Havel Airport SMART WINGS (TRAVEL SERVICE) 6 • K Letišti 1068/30 www.smartwings.com SWISS INTERNATIONAL AIR LINES 6 • Václav Havel Airport www.swiss.com TURKISH AIRLINES 1 • Václavské náměstí 19/1 e-mail: turkishairlines.cz VUELING (Prague – Barcelona) call centre (nonstop) www.vueling.cz


Václav Havel Airport 227 020 120 220 113 737

220 113 840

234 008 229

+349 315 181 58

237 708 708-17

220 115 069

220 114 323 220 115 069

224 810 270 222 222 235 224 946 733 224 226 624 222 253 924 (Terminal 2) 233 090 933 220 117 729 234 008 234 (Terminal 2) 602 299 210–11 220 116 031 00372 680 4328

239 000 299

227 231 231

224 815 372

Telephone 227 020 020 233 090 933







Luggage packing

Business lounges




Area for parents with children


AAA Radiotaxi


CEDAZ Prague transport


Exchange machines

Luggage claim


Exchange office Baggage claim


Bus Station

Taxi transport



Airline Offices

Baggage deposit Children’s corner

Passport control

Security control


















i Prague Information Service

Prague airport is situated in the suburb called Ruzyně, at north-west direction, approximately 20 km out of the centre. Except taxi and public transport – bus number 100 from Zličín underground stop, line B, number 119 from the Dejvická underground stop, line A, number 179 from the Nové Butovice underground stop, line B) or bus AE (Airport Express) from the Dejvická underground stop, line A and from the Hlavní nádraží (Main Railway Station) underground stop, line C, you can also use a bus shuttle service CEDAZ (see p. 81) or AAA Radiotaxi (see p. 79).

Václav Havel Airport Prague




1 • Národní 28 221 105 325-9 221 105 320 e-mail: info@czech-holidays.cz; www.czech-holidays.cz 1 • Na Příkopě 18 221 447 242 224 216 324 e-mail: reservation@cedok.cz; www.cedok.com 2 • Jana Masaryka 39 222 521 700 222 521 701 1 • Rytířská 12 www.ticketpro.cz Sale of cultural tickets, maps and souvenirs

Quarter • Street/Square

OK–TOURS PRAGUE TOURIST CENTER ▼ Ne ar t he c en tr e ESTEC 6 • Vaníčkova 5/1 233 107 511, 257 210 410 257 215 263 Accommodation service (hotels* *****, hostels) and travel service TC TRAVEL 7 • U Průhonu 5 266 704 607, 266 704 608 266 704 620 (see p. 84) e-mail: tctravel.prague@quick.cz; www.tctravel-prague.com ▼ Ou ts id e Pr a gu e MONTI SPA Franzensbad Kollárova 4/170 354 205 500 354 205 552 (Františkovy Lázně) e-mail: monti@monti-spa.cz, monti@franzensbad.cz www.monti-spa.cz FRANKENLAND REISEN Fitzendorfer Straße 11 +49(0)95 34 92 2029 D – 974 96 Burgpreppach e-mail: kontakt@frankenland-reisen.de; www.frankenland-reisen.de Branch in Prague: 6 • Patočkova 2386/85 233 350 367 233 931 440


▼ In t he c en tr e CZECH HOLIDAYS

Accommodation and Travel Agencies


Tr a n s c e n t r u m b u s

tel.: +420 266 704 607, 266 704 608 fax: +420 266 704 620 e-mail: info@tctravel-prague.com www.tctravel-prague.com

Accommodation for groups and individuals Central Europe round trips Transport City tours and excursions Guides

U Průhonu 5, 170 00 Praha 7


Type/Name Quarter • Street/Square Telephone ▼ Ca te go ry * ** * *, c en tre AMBASSADOR 1 • Václavské nám. 5–7 224 193 111 ARIA 1 • Tržiště 368/9 225 334 111 ART DECO IMPERIAL 1 • Na Poříčí 15 246 011 600 ESPLANADE 1 • Washingtonova 19 224 501 111 FOUR SEASONS HOTEL PRAGUE 1 • Veleslavínova 2a 221 427 000 HILTON PRAGUE 8 • Pobřežní 1 224 841 111 HILTON PRAGUE OLD TOWN 1 • V Celnici 7 221 822 100 INTERCONTINENTAL 1 • nám. Curieových 43/5 296 631 111 KEMPINSKI HYBERNSKÁ HOTEL 1 • Hybernská 1002/12 226 226 111 LE PALAIS HOTEL 2 • U Zvonařky 1 234 634 111 221 421 111 OLD TOWN SQUARE HOTEL 1 • Staroměstské nám. 19–20 & RESIDENCE e-mail: reception@otsh.com; www.otsh.com PALACE 1 • Panská 12 224 093 111 PAŘÍŽ 1 • U Obecního domu 1 222 195 195 PRAGUE MARRIOTT HOTEL 1 • V Celnici 8 222 888 888 PRESIDENT HOTEL 1 • nám. Curieových 100 234 614 100 RADISSON SAS 1 • Štěpánská 40 222 820 111 U TŘÍ ČÁPŮ 1 • Tomášská 20/16 257 533 833 ▼ Ca te go ry * ** * *, n ear the ce ntre CORINTHIA TOWERS 4 • Kongresová 1 261 191 111 PRAHA 6 • Sušická 20 224 341 111 SAVOY 1 • Keplerova 6 224 302 430 ▼ Ca te go ry * ** * , c entre ADRIA 1 • Václavské nám. 26 221 081 111 HOTEL POD VĚŽÍ 1 • Mostecká 2 257 532 041

sauna, wellness

Hotels (Selection)

4350–9300 315–120 € from 119 € 2700–9800 8800–15000 6000–12200 5000–7000 6150–11000 from 266 € from 180 € 4540–6440 6000–10770 4800–9600 5070–13100 4380–10500 4000–8000 4050–4860 7800–8600 3000–8270 9900–10500 3600–7100 4400–5100

224 221 240 224 225 475 222 888 889 234 614 110 222 820 120 257 210 779 261 191 011 224 311 218 224 302 128 221 081 300 257 532 069

Approximate prices (CZK) single or double room

224 230 620 225 334 131 246 011 699 224 229 306 221 426 000 224 842 378 221 822 200 296 631 216 226 226 123 222 563 350 224 239 539


safety box

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conference room


Quarter • Street/Square

JALTA 1 • Václavské nám. 45 JOSEF 1 • Rybná 20 LUNDBORG RESIDENCE 1 • U Lužického semináře 3 MONASTERY RESIDENCE 1 • Strahovské nád. 13/134 WALDSTEIN HOTEL 1 • Waldštejnské náměstí 6 ZLATÁ HVĚZDA 1 • Nerudova 48 ▼ Ca te go ry * ** * , ne ar the centre ANDEL’S HOTEL PRAGUE 5 • Stroupežnického 21 CORINTHIA PANORAMA 4 • Milevská 7 CROWNE PLAZA 6 • Koulova 15 DIPLOMAT 6 • Evropská 15 DORINT PRAHA DON GIOVANNI 3 • Vinohradská 157a MÖVENPICK 5 • Mozartova 1 PARKHOTEL PRAHA 7 • Veletržní 20 ▼ Ca te go ry * ** * , ou t of the centre CLUB HOTEL PRAHA Praha-e. • Průhonice 400 TOP HOTEL PRAHA 4 • Blažimská 4 ▼ Ca te go ry * ** , c e ntre ANDANTE 1 • Ve Smečkách 4 JELENÍ DVŮR 1 • Jelení 197 U KRÁLE JIŘÍHO 1 • Liliová 10 ▼ Ca te go ry * ** , n ea r the centre ADMIRÁL (Botel) 5 • Hořejší nábřeží RESIDENCE DOLCE VITA 4 • Otakarova 7 ▼ Ca te go ry * ** , o ut of the centre ADALBERT (Břevnov Monastery) 6 • Markétská 1 GOLF 5 • Plzeňská 215a MONICA 4 • Vlnitá 31a RACEK (Botel) 4 • Na Dvorecké louce


233 901 070 257 531 143 257 533 624 296 889 999 261 164 141 296 537 535 296 559 215 267 036 604 257 153 131 224 316 180 267 751 099 272 765 854 222 210 591 233 028 310 221 466 166 257 319 516 224 819 288 220 406 190 257 215 213 244 464 120 241 430 526

296 889 688 261 161 111 296 537 111 296 559 111 267 031 111 257 151 111 220 131 111, 224 312 376

274 010 740 267 284 111

222 210 021 233 028 333 221 466 100

257 321 302 224 819 365

220 406 170 257 215 185 244 464 465 241 004 811

222 822 833 221 700 999


222 822 111 221 700 111 257 011 911 233 090 200 257 533 938 257 532 867


1500–1800 1700–3000 1200–2400 from 981

• • • •

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125–140 € 1800–2800 1800–3100 2160–3380 2340–3960

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2800–5100 from 1434

6600–7500 6150–6700 3000–9000 7200–7900 80–180 € 2800–11000 3000–3500

4800–9000 from 119 € 6500–7000 from 1768 3190–3560 from 99 €

Approximate prices (CZK) single or double room

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15 €

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500 CZK

600 CZK 300 CZK

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U Zlaté konvice

Restaurant Rybí trh Restaurant Sarah Bernhardt (Hotel Paris) (see p. 89) Restaurant Vikárka (Prague Castle) Sushi house (Oasis Florenc)

Name China Fusion (see p. 88) (Slovanský dům) Francouzská restaurace Millhouse Sushi (see p. 88) (Slovanský dům) Pivnice Štupartská 1869 (Beer Hall) Pivovarský dům (see p. 90) Plzeňská restaurace Restaurant Parnas

Quarter • Street/Square Telephone • Fax 1 • Na Příkopě 22 777 910 458 www.fusionrestaurants.eu 1 • nám. Republiky 5 222 002 770 • 222 002 778 1 • Na Příkopě 22 221 451 771 www.sushimillhouse.com 1 • Štupartská 9 222 314 308 www.pivnicestupartska.cz 1 • Ječná/Lípová 15 296 216 666 • 224 921 256 e-mail: pivodum@iol.cz; www.gastroinfo.cz/pivodum 1 • nám. Republiky 5 222 002 780 • 222 002 778 1 • Smetanovo náb. 1012/2 224 239 604 e-mail: info@restaurantparnas.cz; www.restaurantparnas.cz 1 • Týn 5 (Ungelt) 224 895 447 • 224 895 449 1 • U Obecního domu 1 222 195 195 e-mail: fboffice@hotel-paris.cz; www.hotel-paris.cz 1 • Vikářská 39 233 311 962 e-mail: info@vikarka.cz; www.vikarka.cz 8 • Sokolovská 17 222 311 782 1 • Malé náměstí 11 www.sushi-house.cz 1 • Melantrichova 20 224 225 293 • 224 229 869

Historical environment of 14th century

Folk performances, historical music, fencing show, excellent cuisine Restaurant & “take away”, sushi menu Bistro

Czech cuisine specialities, Pilsner beer Czech and international cuisine, flambéed dishes; breathtaking view Fish dishes Excellent French and international cuisine



Characteristic • Note Menu price (CZK) min./max. Restaurant which combines the best from chinese and european gastronomy French cuisine, international cuisine The unique Japanese Sushi bar with a conveyor belt on the bar serves grilled sea fish using traditional Japanese recipes Czech cuisine specialities; international cuisine; unfiltered beer Gambrinus Special Brewery and restaurant, seven kinds of beer

❶–❼ 11 a.m.–midnight

❶–❼ Restaurant 11:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m. ❶–❼ Bistro 10:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m. ❶–❺ 11 a.m.–10 p.m. ❻ noon–10 p.m. ❶–❼ 10 a.m.–11 p.m.

❶–❼ 11 a.m.–midnight ❶–❼ noon–4 p.m., 6 p.m.–11 p.m.

❶–❼ 11:30 a.m.–11 p.m. ❶–❼ noon–11 p.m.

❶–❼ 11 a.m.–11:30 p.m.

❶–❼ 11 a.m.–midnight

❶–❼ noon–4 p.m., 6 p.m.–11 p.m. ❶–❼ 11 a.m.–11 p.m.

Open – days, hours ❶–❼ 11 a.m.–11 p.m.

More than 2,000 Prague restaurants and pubs invite you to taste good food and good drink. Do not hesitate to try “české knedlíky” (Czech dumplings), roast pork, fine sauces and delicate desserts decorated with whipped cream, and don’t forget to ask for a pint of well cooled beer or a glass of Moravian or Slovak wine. Of course you can try specialites from other countries, too. Enjoy it!

Restaurants • Taverns


Let us invite you to Restaurant Parnas which is part of the complex Café & Restaurant Slavia a. s. You can dine in beautiful art deco style interior from the 1930s by candles and enjoy the breathtaking view of the Vltava river, Petrin, Charles Bridge and the Prague Castle. We offer Czech and International cuisine and also flambéed dishes. We serve a wide variety of Moravian and International wine. The pleasant atmosphere is underlined with romantic piano music played by our pianists. Restaurant Parnas Smetanovo nábřeží 1012/2 110 00 Praha 1 Tel.: +420 224 239 604 www.restaurantparnas.cz


PIVOVARSKÝ KLUB RESTAURANT AND BEER BOUTIQUE CZECH BAR AWARDS 2011 WINNER Open daily 11.30 a.m.–11.30 p.m. – 240+ beer brands in bottles – 6 beer brands on tap – Traditional Czech cuisine – Specialties prepared with beer – Pork knuckles – Treats from the oven and grill Křižíkova 17° 186 00 Prague 8 – Karlín Tel.: +420 222 315 777 pivoklub@iol.cz www.gastroinfo.cz/pivoklub


1 • Smetanovo nábřeží 1022 224 218 493 e-mail: info@cafeslavia.cz; www.cafeslavia.cz 1 • Staroměstské náměstí 22 221 632 522 1 • Ovocný trh 19 224 224 240

Café & Restaurant Slavia (see p. 93) Grand Café Praha Grand Café Orient

257 313 562

5 • Vítězná 128

Café Savoy

Café Louvre (see p. 93) Café Montmartre

Quarter • Street/Square Telephone • Fax 1 • U Obecního domu 1 222 195 195 www.sarah-bernhardt.cz/cafe-de-paris/ 1 • Štupratská 7 224 828 686 1 • Na Poříčí 15 240 011 440 e-mail: cafe@hotel-imperial; www.cafeimperial.cz 1 • Valdštejnské náměstí 3 257 010 412 fax: 257 010 411 1• Národní 22 224 930 949 www.cafelouvre.cz 1 • Řetězová 7 602 277 210

Name Café de Paris (see p. 92) Café galerie Ungelt Café Imperial (see p. 92) Café Ledebour



Menu price (CZK) min./max.

View of the Old Town astronomical clock, home-made pastries First (in 1912) and last cubist café in the world

Café and restaurant opened in 1893, favorite cafe of Franz Kafka, close to the National Theatre and Kampa Centre of cultural and intellectual life, one of Prague’s legends

Founded in 1911, reopened 2000, specialty: home-made apple strudel

❶–❼ 10 a.m.–7 p.m.

Social events can be organised in the adjacent Ledebour Gardens under Prague Castle Founded in 1902, top café culture, summer terrace

❶–❺ 8 a.m.–11:30 p.m. ❺❻ 9 a.m.–11:30 p.m. ❶–❺ 10 a.m.–11 p.m. ❻❼ noon–11 p.m. (July and August noon–11 p.m.) ❶–❺ 8 a.m.–10:30 p.m. ❻❼ 9 a.m.–10:30 p.m. ❶–❺ 8 a.m.–midnight ❻❼ 9 a.m.–midnight Open daily ❶–❺ 9 a.m.–10 p.m. ❺❻ 10 a.m.–10 p.m. ❸–❻ 4 p.m.–7 p.m. live piano music

❶–❺ 10 a.m.–10 p.m. ❻❼ 10 a.m.–6:30 p.m. ❶–❼ 7 a.m.–11 p.m.

Smoke-free café, high-quality coffee, artistic works on exhibit Founded in 1914, reopened in 2007, Art-deco style with cubist elements

❶–❺ 10 a.m.–11:30 p.m. ❻ 11:30 a.m.–11:30 p.m. ❼ noon–10 p.m. ❶–❼ 9 a.m.–11 p.m. ❶–❼ 11 a.m.–11 p.m. ❶–❹ 11 a.m.–11 p.m. ❺–❼ noon–11 p.m.

Open – days, hours ❶–❼ 11 a.m.–11 p.m.

Open – days, hours ❶–❼ 8 a.m.–2 a.m.

Brewery and restaurant, 13° Flek stout, Cabaret, Brewery museum Radegast beer, Pilsner Urquell 12° beer, black Gambrinus beer Brewery and restaurant

New Town Lager

Characteristic • Note Pilsner Urquell beer

Characteristic • Note Located in the Art-Nouveau Paris hotel, excellent desserts

Name Quarter • Street/Square Telephone • Fax Malostranská beseda 1 • Malostranské nám. 21 257 533 968 (Pilsner Urquell Original Restaurant) Novoměstský pivovar 1 • Vodičkova 20 222 232 448 • 222 231 662 www.npivovar.cz; e-mail: sales@npivovar.cz; tel.: 602 459 216 U Fleků 1 • Křemencova 11 224 934 019 • 224 934 805 U Kalicha 2 • Na Bojišti 12 296 189 600 • 224 912 557 U Medvídků 1 • Na Perštýně 7 224 211 916

Beer Halls • Pubs

For 100 years, Prague cafés have been places for pleasant encounters of friends artists, journalists, and students. Café de Paris, located in the Art-Nouveau Paris hotel, definitely lives up to its name – the original interior and decorations reflect the culture and refined taste of famous Parisian cafés since the beginning of the 1920s, while elements of modern design and free WIFI connection offer guests maximal comfort. Franz Kafka loved our excellent desserts. You can bet that we faithfully follow our tradition. For a century people have enjoyed the famous “Paris” cake in a unique atmosphere. The menu of our café is extensive, with excellent salads, snaks, delicious soups and sandwiches, and other treats tempting guests for a light lunch and/or dinner. It’s up to you whether you choose the Café de Paris for a friendly appointment over a cup of coffee, and/or a business meeting. In the bar located in the back part of the café, our bartenders prepare excellent cocktails for you. The selection is truly wide, and you don’t have to hurry – we don’t close until early morning. U Obecního domu 1 Prague 1 Tel.: +420 222 195 195 www. sarah-bernhardt.cz/ cafe-de-paris/ Open daily: 8 a.m.–2 a.m.

Café Imperial has always been a heavily frequented hot-spot ever since 1914 when the Imperial hotel was built. Prague doesn’t have many places like this. Nowhere else you can find such a unique interior in the Art Deco style with cubist elements, and top Art-Nouveau mosaics. The recent successful reconstruction (the *****hotel and café were re-opened in 2007) even improved the firstrate quality of the café, and – at the same time – it succeeded in preserving the atmosphere, which is inseparable from the Grand Café style. Breakfast, dinner, afternoon cup of tea or coffee, night celebration with friends – everything will be taken care of to the slightest detail by the friendly staff. The menu presents the best of the Czech culinary art. The famous chef Zdeněk Pohlreich and his team are ready to fulfil all the wishes of all their guests. Café Imperial offers a unique chance to dine right in the kitchen and observe how your menu is prepared while you discuss the served wines with your sommelier. The Best Hotel Restaurant of the year 2009 (awarded by the Association of Hotels and Restaurants of the Czech Republic) Café Imperial is looking forward to your visit. Na Poříčí 15 Prague 1 Tel.: +420 240 011 440 cafe@hotel-imperial.cz www.cafeimperial.cz Open daily: 7 a.m.–11 p.m.

Some have vanished, but some still offer elegant interiors, comfort, morning newspapers, and – of course – good coffee. The Slavia Café is one of Prague’s legends. It is a centre of cultural and intellectual life. Its traditional atmosphere and unique interior – accented with the famous picture “Absinth Drinker” – invite you for a cup of hot and savoury espresso. Our pastry shop prepares daily home-made cakes, and we offer quiet breakfasts, business lunches, and/or romantic evening moments over a glass of wine with a view of the National Theatre, Prague Castle, and the river Vltava. Of our 320 seats, the one with the best view awaits you, and we’ll do our best to make the Slavia Cafe a special place for you, too. Live piano daily from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. Café & Restaurant Slavia, a. s. Smetanovo nábřeží 1022, Prague 1 Tel.: +420 224 218 493 Fax: +420 224 216 244 E-mail: info@cafeslavia.cz www.cafeslavia.cz Open daily: Mon–Fri 8 a.m. to midnight Sat–Sun 9 a.m. to midnight

The Louvre café was founded in 1902. We are honoured to carry on the tradition of this establishment, which has been a top café culture and cultural life centre ever since its origin. We are proud to have experienced repeated visits by personalities of world-wide significance such as Franz Kafka, Karel Čapek, Albert Einstein, and many others. The café opens at 8 a.m. and offers a wide selection of breakfasts and newspapers. The restaurant serves traditional Czech cuisine, and light fare specialties. The non-smoking part of the restaurant, and several salons, seat parties of up to 15–20 guests. We maintain the tradition of “café sports” – thus you can borrow chess sets and play pool on one of five pool tables. On hot days you can enjoy a stay on an open-air summer terrace. Covering 400 sq m, our newly opened Louvre Photogallery displays the best works of leading Czech photographers. Café Louvre – your meeting point Národní 22, Prague 1 www.cafelouvre.cz Tel.: +420 224 930 949, +420 724 054 055 Open daily: Mon–Fri 8 a.m.–11:30 p.m. Sat and Sun 9 a.m.–11:30 p.m.

Discover its beauties! 01)


Ore Medical Spa Jáchymov (102–103)

s (9 tain oun Terezín (97)



Hradec Králové Region (104–105)

Koněprusy Caves (95) Olomouc Region (106–107)

ONE-DAY TRIPS FROM PRAGUE Kost Castle Podkost 1–8, 507 45 Mladějov Bohemian Paradise Region Tel.: +420 493 571 144 www.hrad-kost.cz www.kinsky-dal-borgo.cz

One of the most beautiful and best-preserved Gothic castles in Bohemia was built in the first half of the 14th century, and radically rebuilt in 1370. Part of the castle was rebuilt once again in the 16th century in the Renaissance style, and the entire castle was enlarged. The principal castle tower’s ground plan is trapezoidal, and that is why an observant person might be surprised to see all its four edges at once. Kost Castle is also remarkable for its location: it is one of just a few Czech castles it wasn’t built on the top of a hill, but rather at a meeting point of three valleys. During the Prussian-Austrian war, on the night of 28–29 June 1866, the castle was used for a military purpose for the last time, and proved its excellent defence value: the Austrian army successfully diverted two Prussian attacks. The castle has an interesting history, and has had many owners. Kost Castle is owned by the Kinsky family today. Open hours: April, October ........................9 a.m.–4 p.m. (closed on Mondays and Tuesdays) May, June, and September .....9 a.m.–5 p.m. (closed on Mondays) July, August ...........................9 a.m.–6 p.m. Admission: 120 CZK, guided tours in foreign languages an additional 80 CZK Taking pictures an additional 100 CZK Reservations for groups: +420 721 756 041 e-mail: kost@kinsky-dal-borgo.cz

KONĚPRUSY CAVES The Koněprusy Caves are located near Prague, close to the famous Karlštejn castle, and constitute the most extensive cave complex in Bohemia. The length of all rooms totals 2,050 meters. The underground complex of corridors, domes and pits is situated on three levels. Only two levels are open to the public; the tour is 620 meters long. Visitors can admire a unique formation called the “Organ,” the largest underground room known as “Prošek Dome,” with a torso of a mighty “Mohyla” (Barrow) stalagmite, and the “Mint,” with remnants of a medieval secret money forging workshop. The most interesting speleothem decoration is known as the so-called “Koněprusy rose.” www.caves.cz Open hours: I–III+XII ...............................................closed IV–VI+IX ...................Mo–Su – 8 a.m.–4 p.m. VII–VIII......................Mo–Su – 8 a.m.–5 p.m. X.........................Mo–Su – 8:30 a.m.–3 p.m. XI................Mo–Fri – 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 2 p.m. .............................................Sa–Su – closed Reservation for groups, phone: +420 311 622 405 Admission: basic...............................................130 CZK seniors 65+.......................................90 CZK children 6–15, students ....................60 CZK chidren under 6.....................................free

Transportation directions from Prague: By car: R 10 speedway to Mladá Boleslav, Rte 16 to Jičín, at the Přepeř community exit (before Horní Bousov) head for Dobšín – Kost Castle (87 km) Bus: from the Černý Most bus terminal (end stop of metro B) to Sobotka, transfer to seasonal bus connection to Kost Castle

Direction from Prague: E 50 speedway direction Beroun Koněprusy: GPS: 49˚54‘58,1“N; 14˚04‘07,9“E 95

ONE-DAY TRIPS FROM PRAGUE the 14th century. Thanks to all these renovations and additional buildings, the castle shows all phases of Gothic style. Open daily: I, II, III (2014) .......................10 a.m.–3 p.m. (closed on Sundays) IV, X......9 a.m.–4 p.m. (closed on Mondays) V, VI, IX.................................9 a.m.–5 p.m. (closed on Mondays) VII, VIII...9 a.m.–6 p.m. (closed on Mondays) XI, XII ..................................10 a.m.–3 p.m. (open only on Saturdays, Sundays and state holidays) Admission: 160 CZK (Route 1), 240 CZK (Route 2) Direction from Prague: motor-way No. E50 Beroun, 46 km west, by train from Praha-Smíchov railway station

Karlštejn Castle 267 18 Karlštejn, tel.: 311 681 617 Karlštejn Castle was mitt in the middle of the 14th century by Charles IV for the safe-keeping of the coronation jewels. In the 16th century, it was rebuilt in the Renaissance style and in the 19th century was renovated in the Pseudo-Gothic style. In the Chapel of the Holy Rood, where the treasury is kept, is a unique collection of Gothic paintings by Master Theodoric which were done in 1360. Open daily: XII (2013)............................10 a.m.–3 p.m. (1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 25–31/12) I+II (2014) ...........................10 a.m.–3 p.m. (1–5/1; 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23, 24/2) III ..........9:30 a.m.–4 p.m. (except Monday) IV.....................................9:30 a.m.–5 p.m. (except Monday, 21/4 open) V......9:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. (except Monday) VI..........9 a.m.–5:30 p.m. (except Monday) VII, VIII ...................9 a.m.–6:30 p.m. (daily) IX..........9 a.m.–5:30 p.m. (except Monday) X......9:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. (except Monday) XI........................................10 a.m.–3 p.m. (1–9, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30/11) XII.......................................10 a.m.–3 p.m. (6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 25–31/12) Admission: guided tour (other than Czech) 330 CZK (booking necessary). Directions from Prague: R4 speedway – Černošice – Dobřichovice, 28 km south-west, by train from the PrahaSmíchov railway station

Kutná Hora, Unesco World Heritage Site Kutná Hora was an ancient mining town at the end of the 13th century. In the 14th century it was the second most significant town after Prague. In Kutná Hora, there are plenty of precious Gothic constructions such as the Cathedral of St Barbora (1388 to 1565), one of the most beautiful Czech Gothic buildings, and the Church of St James (1340– 1420). A direct witness to the mining glory of Kutná Hora is the late Gothic style Italian Court (Vlašský dvůr) where the famous Prague grosches were minted. St Barbora’s Cathedral – Open daily XI–III ....................................10 a.m.–4 p.m. IV–X ......................................9 a.m.–6 p.m. Admission: 60 CZK Italian Court – Open daily XI–II.....................................10 a.m.–4 p.m. III, X ....................................10 a.m.–5 p.m. IV–IX .....................................9 a.m.–6 p.m. Admission: 85 CZK Direction from Prague: Kostelec nad Černými Lesy, 68 km from Prague. Take train from Masaryk railway station

Křivoklát Castle 270 23 Křivoklát, tel/fax: 313 558 120 Today’s building is from the late 13th century. It was enlarged and fortified at the end of It is possible to book tickets by phone or by letter. Information: Excursions – Page 59


THE TEREZÍN MEMORIAL Small Fortress and National Cemetery Ghetto Museum ● Former Magdeburg Barracks ● Prayer room from the time of the Terezín ghetto and replica of attic ● Russian and Jewish Cemeteries and Crematorium ● Soviet Soldier’s Cemetery ● Memorial Plaque at the former railway siding ● Place of Remembrance on the bank of the River Ohře ● Columbarium with part of the fortifications, Ceremonial Halls and Central Morgue ● Litoměřice concentration camp Crematorium ● ●

▲ National Cemetery at the Small Fortress

▲ Permanent exhibition of the Ghetto Museum

▲ Former Crematorium on the Jewish Cemetery

Open: daily 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m. (XI–III), 9 a.m.–6 p.m. (IV–X) Closed: December 24–26, January 1 Group visits must be booked in advance Památník Terezín, CZ-411 55 Terezín Tel.: +420 416 782 225, 416 782 442, 416 782 131 Fax: +420 416 782 300, 416 782 245 E-mail: manager@pamatnik-terezin.cz, http://www.pamatnik-terezin.cz 97



The Czech Basin is surrounded on all sides by significant mountain ranges that pretty much mark the borders of the Czech Republic. In southwest, along the border with Kr Germany and Austria, stretches Šumava, with a length of cca 120 km. Český ko Jizerské hory no y les (Bohemian Forest) abuts its northern end. Krušné hory (Ore Mountaše r o h ins) make a continuous mountain range of more than 130 km, é š n Liberec Region a natural border between Bohemia and Germany. Next to Ústí Region r u K Krušné hory, the northern border is futher lined by Orlické Jizerské hory (Iser Mountains) and Lužické hory hory Hradec Králové Region (Lusatian Mountains). Krkonoše (Giant Mountains) are the highest mountains in the Czech Karlovy Vary Region Praha Republic. They spread in north-east, along the border with Poland. There you will also find Sněžka, Pardubice Region the highest mountain of the Czech Republic (1602 m). Central Bohemia Region Plzeň Region Further to the east rise Orlické hory (Eagle Mountains), whose 50 km ridge marks the border with Poland. In the northernmost corner of Moravia lie Jeseníky, also on the Polish border. The easternmost mountains, Beskydy, are Vysočina Region the most extended mountain range of the West Karpatians. South Bohemia Šumava Thanks to their natural beauty, the Czech mountains happen to Region be the most popular recreational destinations in the Czech Republic. Hiking and cycling are the most popular activities in the summer. Tourists can use perfect systems of marked trails and the services of mountain lodges. The mountains offer excellent conditions for skiers in the winter. You will find numerous ski centres with well-maintained ski lifts and runs, snowboarding parks, hundreds of kilometres of cross-country pistes, and functional services. Skiing at elevations of 700 to 1300 metres above sea level offers beautiful views of snowy peaks and picturesque valleys, and is suitable for both starters and advanced skiers, children and adults alike. Discover the beauty and keep coming back! South Moravia Region

PL se


Zlín Region

Olomouc Region



Medical Spa Jáchymov


Moravian Silesian Region

Regions of the Czech Republic

ORE MOUNTAINS – WINTER AND SUMMER DELIGHT IN THE HEART OF EUROPE All that skiers long for: Plenty of snow, beautiful tracks, countless cross-country routes Did you know that the most elevated city in Germany lies in the Ore Mountains? This record belongs to the spa town Oberwiesenthal, located at the feet of the Fichtelberg Mountain. Annually, during the cold months, this 1215-meter-high mountain becomes a destination for thousands of winter sports enthusiasts. Exactly opposite Fichtelberg, is the Klínovec Mountain; with its 1244 meters above sea level is the highest peak of the Ore Mountains. There you can find the longest pistes in the region, and numerous cableways and ski lifts for skiers. Winter sports enthusiasts appreciate the diverse terrain of the pistes and groomed crosscountry routes, as well as U-ramp and snowkiting. Throughout the Ore Mountains, the dreamy countryside encourages long trips on cross-country skis. In Český Jiřetín, Bouřňák, and Telnice there are ski lifts and pistes suitable for families with children. The Klíny sports complex at the feet of Šumný důl offers, along with a new cableway, a true specialty: a snowpark designed by professional snowboarders, with a unique BigAir summer facility. Those familiar with skiing can enjoy themselves on both the Czech and the Saxon sides of the Ore Mountains.

Cross-country skiers who love long runs can get from Lesná over Klíny, Dlouhá Louka, Bouřňák, and Fojtovice all the way to Telnice, without ever leaving the white track. The Ore Mountains invite cross-country skiers to its 250 kilometers of groomed tracks. If you are lucky, you can run into Lukáš Bauer, the Czech ski star who likes to train here. The entire Ore Mountains region offers some 1,000 kilometers of marked cross-country routes. But holidays for skiers in the Ore Mountains offer much more. After a busy day in the mountains, you can relax your body and soul. There are plenty of ways: from a sauna in your cozy hotel, to the services of the nearby spa town Jáchymov. Travel in a healing climate in medium-high mountains, through immaculate forests, fresh meadows, and clean creeks, and leave the rat race behind. As soon as the snow melts, the Ore Mountains turn to a cycling and hiking paradise. The Ore Mountains central trail and numerous other hiking and cycling routes take you through the forests along quiet roads. Without loosing elevation, you can cross the entire mountain ridge from Petrovice all the way to Klínovec. The climbs are very mild. If you prefer mountain biking, the trails on the ridge take you to picturesque locations and to places with unworn views. If you get hungry along the way, you can stop by some of the little pubs and restaurants offering various specialties. And if you get tired, you can use some of the lodging possibilities in the quiet mountain environment. All lodging information can be found at: www.krusne-hory.org Kids won’t get bored in the Ore Mountains, either. There is plenty of space for adventurous expeditions. You can also find three architectural landmarks: The Rýzmburk and Hasištejn castles, and the Jezeří Chateau. All of them are popular destinations for family trips. Children also like old mining tunnels open to the public: the St. Martin tunnel in Krupka, and the St. Mary the Helpful tunnel near Mědník. Down under the mountains there is the Ore Mountains Zoo in the city of Chomutov. Lesná is yet another location beloved by families with children. At the local museum you can wander through the life and long-gone world of the old inhabitants of the mountains; you can learn about their traditions, customs, and traditional handcrafts, and also visit an arboretum and a geological park. You can enjoy a full day in a region rich with places of

interest. Klíny also offers all kinds of activities and fun for families. You can try out a climbing wall, rent a scooter, use a sports hall, enjoy a wellness center, and take a ride on a four-seat cableway that runs throughout the year. The Klíny sports complex also offers a surprising number of activities for its visitors. An adrenaline experience awaits you in an adventure park that will test your proficiency and courage. The tree-top ropes courses with 15 steeples are 3 to 5 meters above the ground. You can also move to an open-air forest fitness center with a 1 kilometer long track with 8 stops with natural training machines in the fresh air. If you are (or wish to be) climbers, you can try out climbing on the indoor or outdoor boulder walls in Klíny, even bad weather will not spoil your plans. Team sports lovers can enjoy the outdoor grounds and indoor sports hall for all kinds of sports – volleyball, football, basketball, badminton and tennis. Families with children will appreciate a miniature golf, trampolines, and a beautiful playground. All necessary gear for all sports can be rented there, and you can use the assistance of an expert trainer who will take care of your safety, while you learn having fun (www.kliny.cz). The nearby Javořina watch tower offers a beautiful view of the Ore Mountains; and you can enjoy quiet moments in nature near the Černý rybník lake. The monumental Šumný důl will please your eyes and awake your imagination. In Cínovec you can play golf and, at the same time, enjoy the view of the Central Bohemian Mountain range. At the Fojtkovice farm you can take a horseback ride and learn about the Ore Mountains from a different perspective.

Destinační agentura Krušné hory, o. p. s. e-mail: info@krusne-hory.org


ENJOY WINTER IN THE HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ REGION KRKONOŠE MOUNTAINS AND ITS FOOTHILLS Krkonoše – the highest Czech mountains are interwoven with more than 600 kilometers of regularly groomed crosscountry ski trails. The Krkonoše cross country main trail (71 km) spans the mountains from west to east. There are more than 30 cableways, and 160 ski lifts in the Špindlerův Mlýn, Pec pod Sněžkou and others ski centres, and an 8-seat cableway in Jánské Lázně. Do not miss the great winter fun in Krkonoše. Updated info can be found at: www.krkonose.eu The Krkonoše foothills also offer great conditions for skiers, especially for beginners and families with children; you can find less demanding downhill tracks, and easy cross-country trails. Skaters will also find what to do. www.podkrkonosi.eu BOHEMIAN PARADISE The Bohemian Paradise natural reserve offers visitors many ways to spend their leisure time also in winter. You can enjoy winter sports and use ski lifts or cross-country ski trails, as well as to skate in some of the ice rinks. Winter strolls through the sandstone formations with up to 50 m high rock walls – the greatest attraction of Bohemian Paradise – also have their charm. In the snow-covered country, visitors can also find castles and chateaux. History enthusiasts interested in historical personalities can find their inspiration in the city of Jičín where Albrecht of Wallenstein left his trace in the 17th century. You can find more information on tourist attractions and interesting events on the region’s official website www.cesky-raj.info THE DVŮR KRÁLOVÉ ZOO – The Dvůr Králové ZOO keeps the greatest collection of African animals in Europe, including the largest zoo-kept herd of giraffes in the world. The zoo has also been breeding very successfully three endangered species of African rhinos and they also have the only white rhino in Northern Europe. The zoo complex also offers lodging, either at the Safari Hotel**** or in stylish bungalows in the Safari Camp. The zoo is open throughout the year. www.zoodvurkralove.cz


THE CITY OF HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ The traditional “Arrival of St. Martin on White Horse” event held on 11 November below the 72-meters-high White Tower is the start of the winter season in the biggest city in the region. Here on the lowlands, the winter season takes place mostly indoors, in theaters and concert halls, but also in the municipal woods with groomed cross-country ski-trails. The city itself is considered a representative of the modern and elegant urban architecture vision from the early 20th century, though the Gothic, Renaissance and baroque have also left their wonderful trace. Even in winter it is worth visiting the places of interest both in the closest and more distant vicinity of the city, such as an open-air museum in Krňovice that exhibits rural buildings from the entire Hradec Králové region; and especially the more than 100 years old and famous mechanical nativity in Třebechovice, which is part of the National Cultural Heritage. Visitors can find everything the Hradec Králové Region offers at www.hradecko.eu The Hradec Králové Region is the right destination for your travels! ORLICKÉ HORY MOUNTAINS AND ITS FOOTHILLS Big winter centers are ready both in the higher parts of the mountains as well as in suitable locations at the foothills. The diversity of the local downhill tracks makes it possible to meet skiers of all ages. Children learn skiing skills with the help of experienced instructors, and then relax enjoying the popular snow-tubing. Snowboarding enthusiasts can enjoy high-quality snow parks. The gentle mountain offers 250 kilometers of well kept ski trails that show beautiful parts of the mountain country. www.mojeorlickehory.cz THE KLADSKO BORDER REGION The Broumov Stone Walls, and the Adršpach-Teplice rock labyrinth, the largest rock labyrinth in Central Europe, are also worth a visit in winter. Steep ice-covered rock towers with snowcaps are a great experience for romantics and adventurers alike. Gentle climbs and slopes, great views of the country – these are the features of the regional cross-country ski trails. Their network consists of 300 kilometers of well-kept trails that can be found even in the outskirts of cities, though they mainly follow the kilometers-long ridges of the Jestřebí and Javoří Mountains close to the Czech-Polish border. They are connected with the trails serviced by a snow-groomer from the Gora Stolowa National Park in Poland. www.kladskepomezi.cz


WINTER HOLIDAYS IN THE OLOMOUC REGION Forty modern ski centers, the longest piste in the Czech Republic, and hundreds of kilometers of groomed cross-country ski trails await visitors in the Olomouc Region. Along with that – there are eight spa centers, and numerous historical cities with unique landmarks. Winter sports enthusiasts shouldn't miss a visit to some of the almost forty ski centers in the Jeseníky Mountains, the Moravian mountain range situated along the CzechPolish border. You can highlight your stay with night skiing, downhill rides in a boat, sled trips, and trips on skis pulled by horses. This state-of-the-art complex can be found in Kouty nad Desnou, with the very first six-seat cableway in the Czech Republic. The center offers new apartments directly near the piste, and advantageous packages combining lodging with ski-passes. The sports complex at Červenohorské sedlo offers four pistes and a four-seat cableway over 1 kilometer long, with a transportation capacity of up to 2.400 passengers per hour. Ovčárna under Praděd Mountain (1491 m above sea level), the highest mountain in Jeseníky, boasts the most elevated pistes and beautiful countryside, where the special climate ensures longer skiing season than in other centers. Ten pistes, a cableway, and a ski kindergarten can be found in the Kraličák family center. Families also head for pistes in the Ostružná ski complex. Visitors to Filipovice appreciate a new snow park, a park for children, and rides on a special inflatable boat on a special snow track.

Those who long for skiing on the longest piste in the Czech Republic (3.260 m), can head for the Bonera Ramzová ski center. The Jeseníky Mountains also offer hundreds of groomed cross-country ski trails through beautiful mountainous landscape. Updated information on the ski routes and snow

conditions is available at www.jesenikytourism.cz. For relaxation, the Olomouc Region is an ideal destination. The selection of spa towns and wellness centers will satisfy truly everyone. The relaxation baths, special massages, and other procedures attract visitors to the famous Priessnitz spa in Jeseník and Bludov near Šumperk. The list of the oldest Moravian spa towns also includes Velké Losiny, with its unique sulphur thermal springs. Healing and relaxation stays are also offered by the spa town Teplice nad Bečvou, Slatinice, and Bochoř. Those interested can immerse themselves in a nontraditional beer bath in the St. Wenceslas Brewery in Olomouc. It is pleasant to visit the aqua parks and indoor swimming pools in the winter. Among the most sought-after places is the Aquapark in Olomouc (with water rides, toboggan, water slides, and a relaxation zone), in Bohuňovice (a 100-meter-long toboggan), and in Hranice. Indoor pools can also be found in Přerov, Česká Ves, Zábřeh, and Šumperk. Kids and adults alike can take a ride on an indoor go-cart track in above-ground garages in Olomouc and Uničov. Fun for the entire family can be found on an indoor miniature golf course in the Olomouc City shopping center, or in the largest bowling center in Moravia with 18 professional lanes in the Šantovka new shopping gallery. The Zoo on Svatý Kopeček in Olomouc, with more than 400 species of animals and a unique common range for wolves and bears, is open throughout the year. The cities in the Olomouc Region offer dozens of


museums, galleries, and theaters. In Olomouc, visitors should not miss the Archdiocese Museum with a gallery exhibiting top-class paintings collected by Olomouc bishops since the 16th century. Lights of the Christmas fair illuminate the Olomouc squares annually in November and December. The unique Exhibition of Time in the Šternberk museum, the only one of its kind in Europe, boasts 250 exhibits, artworks, interactive programs, and games. The Olomouc Region boasts even many more places of interest, such as the paper mill manufacture in Velké Losiny, and the pump-storage power plant in Dlouhé Stráně with the largest water turbine in Europe, which you can visit during the winter months, too.


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