Australian Welding: June 2020
Workplace Health and Safety in the Wake of COVID-19 The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on health and safety practices in the workplace across almost all industries, including welding and fabrication. While some restrictions may be beginning to ease, the threat of the pandemic remains. As such, Work Health and Safety laws still necessitate that employers take precautions to care for the health, safety and welfare of workers in order to prevent infection and spread of the virus.
Work Health and Safety Laws Work Health and Safety (WHS) require employers to take care of the health, safety and welfare of their workers, including staff, contractors and volunteers, and other people who may visit the workplace, such as clients and suppliers. In particular, WHS laws dictate that employers must: • Provide and maintain a work environment that is free from risks to health and safety • Provide facilities that are adequate and accessible for workers’ welfare, so that they may carry out their work • Monitor the health of workers, as well as the conditions of the workplace, in order to prevent injury or illness Duty to Workers According to Safe Work Australia,
For further information about Work Health and Safety, please visit the Safe Work Australia website: The website has a broad range of material available, some of which is even broken down into specific industries of operation, including Building and Construction, Mining, and Trades. You can also visit the Weld Australia COVID-19 Hub.
employers must, within what is reasonably practicable, take all possible precautions to eliminate the risk of exposure to COVID-19 to help ensure the health and safety of workers. If the complete elimination of the risk is not possible, the risk must be minimised as much as is reasonably practicable. Employers can help protect workers from the risk of exposure to COVID-19 by, for example: • Arranging for staff to work from home if possible • Enforcing physical distancing practices between workers where possible • Enforcing good hygiene practices for workers, for example through workplace policies and ensuring that there is access to hygiene facilities that are well stocked and adequate • Ensuring that workers who are
sick or display any symptoms are required to stay at home Thorough and regular cleaning and disinfecting of the workplace
Duty to Other People in the Workplace Employers must also ensure the work of their business does not put the health and safety of other people (such as customers, clients and visitors) at risk of contracting COVID-19. Employers can help protect others from the risk of exposure to COVID-19 by, for example: • Ensuring physical distancing for visitors to the workplace, through measures such as contactless payments and deliveries • Requiring non-essential patrons, such as family, friends or visitors, to stay away from the workplace • Limiting the number of people in