Changes in AS/NZS Welding Standards A crucial update 23rd March 2021 | Bruce Cannon | | +61 (0)2 8748 0100
Disclaimer The information presented is the personal opinion of the presenter. It may not be indicative of the views of either Standards Australia or Weld Australia. Should you require an official interpretation relating to any Australian or ISO standard, please contact Standards Australia directly.
Standards revision protocols • Revision process – Australian standards • Anyone can prepare and submit a proposal for a revision • Proposal should be clear and concise, and justify the changes required • A working draft submitted with the proposal is well received • Standards Australia do not have the resources to revise standards “in-committee” • Working drafts (and proposals) must have wide support • Evidence of consensus/consultation required
• Proposals reviewed by SDAC and accepted/rejected • Once accepted – • A Committee kickoff-meeting is held, and proponents have ~8 months to complete the draft • Draft goes to public comment (two months) • Comments (if any) must be resolved by the committee • Comments deemed “Out of the revision’s scope” are parked for consideration at next revision
• Modified draft goes to committee ballot (two weeks), or if technical changes made due to comments, goes to combined committee ballot & public comment process (6 weeks).
Standards protocols • Inclusion policies • Generally follows ISO rules • Third parties can no longer be named within the Standard • Roles and responsibilities • Generally not permitted • Approval of the SDC required • Submission stating why it is essential is required
• Conformity assessment • Generally not permitted • Can be considered if clearly defined in project scope • Inclusion must be justified
• Only changes consistent with agreed project scope will be permitted
Standards protocols • ISO Standards • Direct text adoption strongly encouraged • Simplified project proposal required • Goes though similar project process as revision of Australian standard • Kick off meeting etc not required • Usually combined ballot/public comment process utilised
• If changes from original ISO text required, modified adoption can be considered
Standards protocols - ISO • Managed via ISO process (3 years max to publish) • Subcommittees report to a main ISO committee e.g. TC44 for welding • Standards development and amendments are managed by a subcommittee • Main committee and subcommittees are “mirrored” by an Australian Committee • WD-003 mirrors TC44, TC44/SC10, TC44/SC11 as participant, & observer on TC44/SC5 and TC44/SC7 • Revision can be done by the subcommittee or an approved working group.
• Australia nominates relevant experts to participate in these revisions and meetings • It is essential to attend the meeting in person if you have specific requirements • Travel subsidies usually available • Can now attend meetings via internet or phone (e.g. Zoom)
• Revisions are circulated to national mirror committees for comment and ballot • Ballot options include: • Positive ballot, with or without comment • Abstain if not relevant or technical experts not available • Negative ballot, with comment
• 75% positive ballot required from participating countries to pass to next stage
Welding standards (WD-003) • Steel structures: 23 standards— ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢
AS/NZS 1554 series (7 parts) AS/NZS 1665 AS/NZS ISO 3834 (6 parts) AS/NZS ISO 14731 AS/NZS 2980 AS/NZS ISO 9606.1 AS/NZS 2214 AS/NZS ISO 13916 AS/NZS ISO 13918 AS/NZS ISO 5817 SA/SNZ TR ISO 15608 SA TS 103
Welding standards (WD-003) • Steel structures • AS/NZS 1554.2 – public comment resolved, draft going to combined procedure. • AS/NZS 1554 series due for major review, most likely 2022 at earliest.
• Personnel qualification • AS/NZS 2214 revised & published in November 2019. • AS/NZS 2980 amended, to be replaced by AS/NZS ISO 9606.1 in medium term. • Welding Inspector standard being developed.
• Other • ISO standards adopted (ISO 14731, ISO/TR 15608).
• Aluminium structures • WD-003 has commenced revision of AS/NZS 1665 (on hold).
• WD-003 is managing aged standards from WD-001 and WD-006 to ensure that they are not withdrawn.
Welding standards (ME-001) • Pressure equipment: 29 standards— ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢
AS/NZS 1200 AS 1210 AS 1228 AS 1271 AS 1358 AS 1548 AS 1732 AS 1796 AS 2129 AS 2556 * AS 2593 AS 2872 AS 2971 AS 3509
* Withdrawal pending
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AS/NZS 3788 AS 3857 AS 3873 AS 3892 AS 3920 AS 3992 AS 4037 AS 4041 AS 4331 Parts 1 to 3 AS 4343 AS 4458 AS 4481 AS 4942
Italicised standards >10 years old or reconfirmed
Welding standards (ME-001) • Pressure equipment • AS 3992 revised and published. Some useability issues identified for amendment. • WD-003 requested to progress adoption of ISO/TR 15608 (completed)
• AS 3788 revision draft completed by industry working group Dec 2019 • Submission to Standards Australia being prepared
• AS 1796 revision approved by Standards Australia • Revision originally accepted by Standards Australia, conditional on document becoming a Miscellaneous Publication. Rejected due to being seen as “Certification” process (not permitted). • Modified proposal accepted: • • • •
Align welder testing requirements with ISO 9606-1 for dual qualification of applicants Update Supervisor requirements as per AS 2214 Remove all reference to “certification” Add a new “Certificate 11” Inspection (inspection component of AS 4481)
• Draft completed in Dec 2020, being prepared for public comment
Design & fabrication standards (BD-001) • BD-001 revised AS 4100— • Removed fabrication items from the Standard. • Lamellar tearing section added. • Now references AS/NZS 5131 for fabrication requirements.
• AS/NZS 5131 revised to meet ABCB requirements. • To a be a secondary reference within Building Code of Australia (BCA).
• AS 4100 and AS/NZS 5131 were published on 31st July 2020.
Non-destructive testing (MT-007) • MT-007 is responsible for 32 Standards— NDT — General rules Visual testing Radiographic testing
➢ AS 1101.3, AS 1929 ➢ AS/NZS ISO 17637 ➢ AS 2177
Ultrasonic testing UT of austenitic steels & Ni UT thickness testing Magnetic particle testing
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AS 1710, AS 2207, ISO 10863, ISO 13588 ISO 22825 AS ISO 16809 AS ISO 9934 series
Macro & microscopic testing Penetrant testing (general) Eddy current testing Personnel
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AS/NZS 2205.5.1 AS ISO 3452 series AS ISO 15549, AS ISO 17643 AS ISO 9712, AS ISO 20807
Non-destructive testing (MT-007) • MT-007 has agreed to adopt most ISO Standards to replace existing (aged) Australian NDT Standards • 14 projects have been initiated, 12 completed and published • To be AS ISO • Processes such as MPI (public comment being resolved), liquid penetrant (published) & eddy current (published). • UT thickness measurements included (published). • Radiography of castings included (published). • RT of steel fabrications under consideration. • UT not being adopted for now – AS/NZS 1554.1 will need to be amended.
Destructive testing (WD-006) • 19 Standards currently managed by WD-003— Tensile tests Bend tests Fracture tests Macro/Micro tests Hardness tests Impact tests Shear tests
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Hot cracking tests Corrosion tests
➢ AS 2205.9.1 ➢ AS 2205.10.1
AS 2205.2.1 - .3 AS/NZS 2205.3.1 & AS 2205.3.2, .4, .5 AS/NZS 2205.4.1 AS/NZS 2205.5.1 AS 2205.6.1 AS 2205.7.1 - .3 AS 2205.8.1 & .2
Italicised standards >10 years old or reconfirmed
Welding consumables (WD-002) • 24 Standards currently managed by WD-002— MMAW GMAW FCAW GTAW SAW Brazing Shielding gases
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AS/NZS 4854, 4855, 4856, 4857 AS/NZS 14341, 16834, 21952; AS/NZS ISO 14343, 18273 AS/NZS ISO 17632, 17633, 17634 AS/NZS 1167.2 AS/NZS ISO 14171, 14174, 24598, 26304 AS/NZS 1167.1 AS 4882
Wear resistance Weld metal hydrogen Delivery conditions Procurement guidelines
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AS/NZS 2576 AS/NZS 3752 AS/NZS ISO 544 AS/NZS ISO 14344 Italicised standards >10 years old or reconfirmed
Bridges, concrete composites, reinforcing • 15 Standards managed by various committees— Bridges (BD-096) Studs (WD-003) Stud Welding (WD-003) Steel Reinforcement Welding of reinforcement (WD-003) Concrete structures (BD-002) Composite structures (BD-032)
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AS 5100 series AS/NZS ISO 13918 AS/NZS 1554.2 AS/NZS 4671 AS/NZS 1554.3 AS 3600 AS/NZS 2327
Aged standards • Aged standards are those aged 10 years or more. • Many aged standards being withdrawn, especially if drafting committee inactive. • Some work transferred to active committees e.g. WD-003 considering some WD-001, WD-004 and WD-006 standards. • Examples include AS 2205 testing series, as relevant. • AS/NZS 2205.4.1 (ISO 9017) • AS/NZS 2205.5.1 (ISO 17639)
• ASNZS 3545 (ISO 6947 adopted)
• As resources to revise aged standards are minimal – • ISO adoptions are under serious consideration when relevant; or, • Aged standard reconfirmed.
• Some aged standards have fallen through the cracks when committees are inactive: • e.g. Hoses for welding gases (AS 1335) withdrawn, ISO 3821 adopted as AS/NZS 1335 via ME-002.
ISO update • ISO 14731 underwent a major revision – published in February 2019. Adopted in Australia as AS/NZS ISO 14731 (May 2020). • ISO 3834 • Parts 5 (revised in 2015) and 6 adopted in Australia • All 6 parts being revised by ISO due to changes in ISO 9001 and ISO 14731
• ISO 9606 • Adopted in Australia as AS/NZS ISO 9606-1 in 2017 • Revision has commenced to revise and combine all 5 parts. Australia is active in the revision.
EN ISO standards for fusion welding
Available from
AS and AS/NZS standards for fusion welding
Available from
Summary • Standards are evolving • ISO is here to stay • Australia must be active at ISO to ensure its voice is heard • Need to ensure ISO standards are relevant and meets the needs of our industry
• Standards Australia’s resources including active committees are limited • >250 welding and related standards need to be maintained! • Aged standards are being withdrawn, reconfirmed, or replaced by ISO standards
• Opportunities to join a committee arise from time to time • Opportunity to participate via public comment is free and open to all • Tools are available to quickly identify relevant AS, AS/NZS and ISO standards