2021: A YEAR

2021 Year In Review
Welcome to Weld Australia’s 2021 Year In Review – a look at our successes, projects and programs over the last 12 months, and that of our members. This year has been exceptionally challenging for the Australian welding industry, and Weld Australia responded rapidly to the changing market conditions presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. Understanding the enormous pressure our members have been under, the Weld Australia team has remained focused on ensuring that we continue to provide the resources and services that our members need most. We are committed to using our extensive experience, combined with an innovative new approach, to achieve our core mission: promoting the interests of our members within the field of welding, not just in Australia, but across the globe. With even more exciting plans for the year ahead, it really is an exciting time to be a Weld Australia member.
10,900 Welders Registered on the Australian Welder Certification Register (AWCR)
3,468 People in the Weld Australia Community
536 People Attended Virtual Events
282 People Commenced Online Training Courses

27 State Division Committee Meetings
64 Welders Qualified to ISO 9606-1

10 Member Events

10 Remote Audits Conducted

3 Technical Workshops & Webinars

Weld Australia’s Advocacy in 2021
As the peak body for welding in Australia, our primary goal is to ensure that the Australian welding industry remains both locally and globally competitive, both now and into the future. In all our advocacy activities, our over-reaching vision is to facilitate the growth of a world class welding industry. With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to cause a range of issues, Weld Australia’s advocacy agenda focused on training initiatives for the next generation of welders and fabricators, building a sustainable and productive local industry, and ensuring superior welding quality standards and public safety.
Onshoring, Compliance and Safety
Weld Australia continued to push for state and federal governments, as well as large private companies, to onshore welding and fabrication work. This was done not only to bolster the Australian economy, but to ensure weld quality, and therefore public safety, are paramount.
Manufacturing has slipped from 28% of Australia’s GDP in the mid 1960s to just 5% today. Whilst it is easy to blame the demise of Australian manufacturing on the rise of Asia as ‘the world’s factory’, there are significant structural deficiencies in our economy and in Government policy that have contributed.
According to Geoff Crittenden (CEO, Weld Australia) “The importance of our local manufacturing industry cannot be underestimated when it comes to Australia’s post-COVID recovery. Australia’s jobsdriven COVID-19 recovery must be manufacturing led. Now is the time to make manufacturing a national priority. Government, at all levels, must support and invest in the manufacturing sector to aid its growth.”
For further information about Weld Australia’s Advocacy, visit our website.

“Mandating local content in national infrastructure projects is the only way to ensure product quality and public safety, create new jobs, and strengthen Australia’s economy,” said Crittenden.

For instance, when the jobs of 150 workers in regional south-west Victoria came under threat following the award of the wind turbine towers contract for the $360 million Ryan Corner wind farm to an overseas company, Weld Australia called on the Federal Government to mandate local content.
“Weld Australia has been calling on the Federal Government for the last five years to mandate that all steelwork in Australia—both local and imported—is manufactured and erected according to Australian Standards. The Federal Government must act now to save jobs in regional areas and ensure public safety,” said Crittenden.
“The importance of our local manufacturing industry and the development of robust renewable energy sources cannot be underestimated when it comes to Australia’s post-COVID recovery. The Federal Government has asserted that job creation is vital to our economic recovery. And yet, it seems unwilling to protect existing jobs.”
“Australia’s jobs-driven COVID-19 recovery must be manufacturing led. Overseas, investment in advanced manufacturing is prioritised by governments. Local industry and populations support manufacturing by buying locally-made goods. As a result, manufacturing employs millions of people in overseas markets, contributing billions of dollars to their economies. Now is the time to make manufacturing a national priority. Government, at all levels, must support and invest in the manufacturing sector to aid its growth. Mandating compliance to Australian Standards is the perfect first step,” said Crittenden.
“ Australia’s jobs-driven COVID-19 recovery must be manufacturing led. Now is the time to make manufacturing a national priority. Government, at all levels, must support and invest in the manufacturing sector to aid its growth.”
“We are not suggesting the government impose tariffs on all imported fabricated steel. We are calling on both sides of government to amend the necessary regulations and mandate compliance to Australian Standards whether fabricated steel is manufactured in Australia or overseas. Given a level playing field, Australian welding is internationally price competitive, and of the highest quality.”
Over the past three years, the number of Australian companies certified to ISO 3834 has grown exponentially, and the number of ISO 9606 qualified welders has grown in tandem. This growth has been largely driven by private clients (such as defence primes, and roads and transport authorities) specifying certification in tender documentation.
Whilst increased certification rates have substantially raised the quality of fabricated products in Australia, it has come at a substantial cost, and it needs to be paid for. It is completely unreasonable for clients to buy cheap, uncertified products from offshore, and not support local fabrication.
“It appears that clients are still taking a very narrow view of project costs, allowing ‘cost to buy’ to dominate the procurement process rather than whole of life costs. If this is the case, then they are not delivering value to their shareholders or taxpayers—merely concealing the true cost of the project,” said Crittenden.
Addressing the Welder Skills Shortage
One of the key challenges for Weld Australia members is a shortage of labour, from Welding Supervisors and Inspectors, right through to welders. Finding competent, skilled, experienced welders is becoming more and more difficult.
This shortage of welders has been exacerbated by a lack of short-term workers and immigrants, with our international borders closed due to COVID-19. Members have reported that there simply isn’t the same labour pool available to complete work. Weld Australia is calling on industry, schools and governments to work together to develop and deliver STEM programs that engage, excite and attract students.

“We need a vibrant STEM program implemented across schools nationally so that children and parents alike understand the opportunities available—the future of employment in industries like welding is not hard, dirty work carried out in a dark workshop, it’s focused on IT and programming skills, using robots and co-bots, and implementing Industry 4.0 concepts,” said Crittenden.
“STEM skills are crucial to the changing nature of work. Digital technology is now a part of our everyday lives, and is impacting the world of work in ways never experienced before.”
“Our young people need to acquire complex, high order technical knowledge and skills. They need robust, deep and transferrable qualifications that provide a strong base for life-long learning and skill development.”
“Kids need STEM skills. And yet, Australia is simply not keeping pace with this need,” said Crittenden.
The number of school students studying STEM in later secondary (Year 11 and 12) has flat-lined at around 10% or less. In addition, the latest OECD Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) results show a long-term decline in maths and science skills for Australian students . Australia was placed 36th for Engineering and 14th for Arts; despite there being a demand for the former and a surplus of the latter. In 2003, four countries or economies significantly outperformed Australia in PISA mathematics. In 2018, that number was 23.
“Australian students, their parents and their teachers simply don’t understand the importance of STEM, or STEM career opportunities, until it’s too late. One way to combat this lack of understanding around STEM career opportunities is through innovative STEM programs in high schools,” said Crittenden.
This skills shortage is not a problem that can be resolved in the short term. Weld Australia is working
on several initiatives designed to bridge this skills gap. One initiative is innovative STEM programs in high schools that expose students to the opportunities offered by a career in welding.
In June 2020, the New South Wales (NSW) Department of Education and Training (DET) commenced a pilot program to teach welding to students in Years 10 to 12 studying Manufacturing and Engineering, and Industrial Technology. The program utilised cutting-edge training techniques, including the use of 32 augmented reality welding simulators and innovative teacher training delivered by Weld Australia. Based on the success of the pilot program, NSW DET ordered a further 20 simulators to be rolled out across another 10 high schools in regional NSW.
To resolve the growing lack of STEM skills, Australia has adopted a ‘push’ approach by focussing on school based STEM programs like that implemented by the NSW DET.
“There is no question that STEM education in schools and careers advice must be improved. But industry cannot continue to rely on Government to solve the problem. There also needs to be a ‘pull’ strategy that engages students through close collaboration between schools and the companies that will one day employ those students,” said Crittenden.
“Identifying and developing skills should start in school. Students of all ages need to be excited by the opportunities available in welding, and in trades more broadly. Industry and schools need to work together to develop and deliver programs which engage, excite and attract students.”
Australian welding businesses need to invest in the future of their own workforces and play an active role in the training of welding apprentices. Australia will need an additional 28,000 welders by 2030 based on the existing pipeline of work. Industry has a vital part to play in filling these roles.
Industry needs to spend more time developing apprentices—it’s no good expecting kids who have only just finished TAFE to be welding experts.
Federal Budget Fails the Next Generation of Welders
The 2021-2022 Federal Budget failed the next generation of welders, with a noticeable lack of funding allocated to TAFE, and vocational education more broadly. This is despite the serious skills shortage facing Australian industry, exacerbated by border closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to Weld Australia’s Chief Executive Officer, Geoff Crittenden, “The welding industry is facing a looming skills crisis—the skills required to complete complex infrastructure, defence and construction projects are already in short supply. And yet, the Federal Government has repeatedly failed to invest in our TAFE system, and to implement the recommendations outlined in the Joyce Report, handed to them 18 months ago.”
“In the Federal Budget, the Government claimed to be building the skills that Australia’s economy needs to thrive in a post-COVID-19 world. And yet, the Government demonstrated a serious lack of understanding in the way that complex skills like welding are developed.”
“The Federal Government pledged $2.7 billion to extend the Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements program, without allocating any funding for the fundamental TAFE courses required to undertake an apprenticeship and become trade qualified,” said Crittenden. “An apprenticeship is only one step on the journey to becoming a qualified and competent welder. You need to complete a Certificate III in Engineering as well. If the institutions that offer this training are under-funded, a pipeline of skilled workers won’t materialise.”
“This complete lack of funding for TAFE and vocational education is compounded by the Federal Government’s inaction on the 71 recommendations included in the Joyce Report—none have been implemented,” said Crittenden.
Weld Australia is calling on the Federal Government to implement the ‘Early Actions’ recommendations of the Joyce Report without further delay. These include disbanding the existing infrastructure for developing training packages and qualifications and replacing it with industry led Skills Organisations; strengthening quality assurance by introducing independent student assessment to international standards; introducing vocational pathways in schools as part of the STEM program; and establishing a National Skills Commission to generate skills demand forecasts and realistic pricing models.
A Gas-Led Recovery Will Not Work
“We need to get the gas from under our feet.”
So said Prime Minister Scott Morrison during a speech in late January, emphasising his plans for a ‘gas-led recovery’ following the COVID-19 pandemic. Morrison has committed a whopping $6 billion to the development of gas in Australia, in an economic strategy that is entirely contrary to the interests of the country.
Meanwhile, Australian manufacturing is in decline, despite the significant contribution that the industry can—and already does—make towards the economy and the national interest. Our economic recovery should be led by manufacturing. It should take advantage of, and build on, the substantial innovation, skills and technology that are readily available.
Government, at all levels, must invest in the manufacturing sector to support its growth.
Australia’s COVID-19 recovery cannot be resource led. It must be manufacturing led. Now is the time to rejuvenate our manufacturing industry—to make manufacturing a national priority.
The Federal Government’s plan to invest in gas would expand the industry and tie our economic fortunes to the resource for decades to come. The strategy is based on the idea that manufacturing relies on gas in a way that cannot be replaced by alternative energy solutions. But as we know –and as Ai Group pointed out to the Government – manufacturing’s reliance on gas has been completely overstated. We do not need investment in gas to become a more successful industry. We need investment in manufacturing itself, including technology, equipment and education.
Further, Australia’s major export markets for LNG, such as Japan and South Korea have committed to reaching net zero emissions in the next thirty years. Globally, countries are turning away from gas and coal and investing in renewables. It simply doesn’t make sense to base our economic recovery on a resource that has a clear expiry date.
In fact, the gas industry has been preparing for this transition for years, cancelling major projects and laying off workers. Since 2011, Australian gas companies have lost between 50 and 70 per cent of their value. To think that this loss-making industry is going to lead Australia out of economic trouble is absurd. Our Government needs to stop pursuing industries that will be almost redundant in thirty years’ time, and begin to invest in futureproofing our local manufacturing sector.
A Focus on Mental Fitness in 2021

With much of Australia experiencing extended COVID-19 lockdown restrictions this year, Weld Australia continued to help support the mental fitness of Australia’s welders. Suicide is the leading cause of death for Australians between 15 and 44 years of age, and men are three times more likely to die by suicide than women. Workers in construction and other trades— including welding—are even more at risk. Tradies are 70% more likely to die by suicide than their behind-the-desk counterparts.
This means that every second day an Australian tradie takes their own life. Despite these alarming statistics, mental health definitely isn’t something that tradies talk about at smoko or after knock off.
When we look statistically at mental health in Australia, 1 in 5 Australians will experience a common mental illness within a 12-month period. The 3 most common mental illnesses affecting Australians aged between 16 – 85 include Anxiety disorders 14%, Depressive and Bipolar disorders
6.2% and Substance Use disorders. Of the 1 in 5 Australians experiencing a mental health disorder, only 35% seek professional support.
Like any illness, early intervention is the key to a successful treatment, and being able to recognise these more common signs can be the catalyst for positive professional intervention.
As such, Weld Australia continued to work with Gotcha4Life, a not-for-profit foundation that believes in the concept of Prevention through Connection, and raises awareness of the importance of identifying a close friend in life, someone you can speak openly and honestly to when times are tough.
According to Weld Australia’s Chief Executive Officer, Geoff Crittenden, Weld Australia has made
supporting the mental health and wellbeing of its members and the wider welding community a priority, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic—partnering with Gotcha4Life was a natural extension of this aim.
“Weld Australia is proud to partner with Gotcha4Life. Mental fitness is a complex issue and there is no one simple solution. However, it’s clear that Australian tradies, including welders, need more support. The statistics around suicide and tradies are frightening, and we recognise how important it is for us to take a leadership role in helping to spread awareness and education in the welding community,” said Crittenden.
“It’s vital that we work together, that we back one another, and that we remove the stigma associated with mental health issues. Remember: it’s OK not to be OK,” said Crittenden.
Weld Australia also partnered with Man Anchor, a grassroots mental health and well-being movement that provides mental health education workshops for businesses, schools, and community. Through these two partnerships, Weld Australia was able to connect members with valuable workplace programs and provide a whole range of resources to the broader welding community.

Four Tips to Help Get Your Day Off to a Better Start
In June 2021, Gus Worland (Founder, Gotcha4Life), outlined his four tips to help get your day off to a better start. According to Worland, physical fitness gets plenty of attention—for good reason. A healthy body can help prevent everything from heart disease through to diabetes. Although just as important, mental fitness doesn’t always receive the same consideration. One simple way to build mental fitness is adopting a morning routine that sets your day up for success.
Morning routines are powerful. They set the pattern for the rest of the day. A stress-filled morning often spirals into an anxious afternoon. In comparison, starting the day with a focused routine can help create a sense of calm and confidence that makes the rest of the day seem more manageable. A consistent morning routine can also help to prioritise physical and mental fitness for the rest of the day.
Everyone’s ideal morning routine will be different, so the Worland’s suggestions should be considered a starting point, rather than a prescriptive step-bystep guide. These include buying an alarm clock, staying away from your phone, making your bed and simply breathing.
Tips for Supporting Your Mental Health During COVID-19
In July 2021, Steven Gamble (Founder, Man Anchor) provided Weld Australia members with his tips for supporting your own mental health during COVID-19 Gamble’s tips included staying active, staying connected, limiting news feeds and keeping an eye out for changes in behaviour, thinking or mood.
According to Gamble, with over 11 million Australians in lockdown due to COVID-19 at some point this year, it’s likely that you, or someone you know, has had a tough time. In these unprecedented times it is completely understandable that some people within our community will be experiencing higher levels of stress and low levels of anxiety. It is important that we address this before the stress and anxiety grows to distress or crisis.
Interested in Running a Mental Fitness Program at Your Organisation?
If you’d like further details, or are keen to run a mental fitness program at your organisation, please contact Disha Mistry (Graduate Marketing Assistant, Weld Australia) on d.mistry@weldaustralia.com.au
Free Mental Fitness Resources for Your Team
Weld Australia has a range of resources available, designed to help build the mental fitness of Australia’s welders, including a range of posters that are perfect to print out and stick on the tea room noticeboard. Just some of the resources include:
• Tips for Supporting Your Mental Health During COVID-19, including free downloadable poster
• Four Tips to Help Get Your Day Off to a Better Start
• Knowing the Signs and Symptoms of a Mental Health Crisis
• Let’s Talk About Mental Health free downloadable posters (pictured opposite). Best of all, these posters are available in 12 different languages, including English, Spanish, Italian, Korean and Arabic.

Workshops, Seminars & Events in 2021

Each year, Weld Australia facilitates and attends a variety of member-focused events to help ensure that the Australian welding industry remains strong, competitive and up-to-date with advancements in everything from technology, through to Australian Standards. In light of the continuing restrictions around COVID-19, Weld Australia’s 2021 calendar of events was facilitated virtually, ensuring members still had the opportunity to network and connect—albeit virtually.
AS/NZS ISO 3834 Industry Workshop
Queensland, February 2021
In conjunction with the Rockhampton Manufacturing Hub, Weld Australia hosted an industry workshop on AS/NZS ISO 3834 certification. The session provided attendees with an overview of the standard and its requirements for the manufacturing industry, as well as the opportunities it affords in defence and rail, as well as manufacturing. Paolo Corronca (Weld Australia’s National Manager, Engineering) explained the certification process, and how to link local Australian qualifications with the broader international network.
AS/NZS & ISO Standards: A Critical Update
Online, March 2021
The application of Standards is growing rapidly. More and more, government bodies, as well as major contractors and primes, are specifying the use of Standards such as AS/NZS ISO 9606.1 for the qualification of welders, and AS/NZS ISO 3834 for the qualification of companies. In this hour-long online seminar, Bruce Cannon (Principal Welding Engineer, Weld Australia) focused on how various Standards are impacting the Australian welding industry, as well as the changes and revisions made over the last 12 months.
Mythbusting AS/NZS 1554.1 for Engineers and Designers
Online, May 2021
The event provided everyone in attendance with an overview of the requirements of AS/NZS 1554.1 Structural steel welding - Welding of steel structures Bruce provided practical, in-depth information to help understand, interpret and implement the Standard. The session touched on topics such as the use of non-standard steel, welding procedure and welder qualifications, inspection, lamellar tearing, and the responsibilities of engineers and designers. With more than 30 people in attendance, all the feedback received was very positive.
ISO 9606 Information Session
Queensland, June 2021
In June, Weld Australia ran an information session on ISO 9606 Qualification testing of welders — Fusion welding in Toowoomba. Ross O’Bryan (Welding Engineer / Technology Trainer, Weld Australia) and Adam Coorey (Regional Training Coordinator, Weld Australia) highlighted the advantages of certification for industry, including reduced compliance and welder qualification costs. Attendees also had the opportunity to tour TAFE Queensland’s Toowoomba campus, including their state-of-the-art workshop decked out with welding simulators.
Queensland, June 2021
Weld Australia’s CEO, Geoff Crittenden, attended LAND FORCES 2021 in Brisbane, where he gave a presentation on augmented reality and the powerful benefits that it has to offer training, particularly for welders. Presented in collaboration with the Australian Army, LAND FORCES is an international industry exposition to showcase equipment, technology and services for the armies of Australia and the Indo-Asia-Pacific. Over 12,000 people attended LAND FORCES over three days.
A Revision of AS 1796: An Update for Users
Online, July 2021
AS 1796 Certification of welders and welding supervisors was published in 2001. While this Standard has stood the test of time, it is being revised to align with current trends and international best practice. Facilitated by Bruce Cannon, this event provided an overview of the draft of the revised Standard focused on four key aspects: alignment of welder requirements to AS/NZS ISO 9606.1; updating the welding supervisor requirements consistent with AS/NZS 2214; adding a new qualification for Welding Inspectors; and the application of current Standards Australia policy requirements.
Zoom or Gloom? Preparing Well to Master Your Virtual Meetings Online, August 2021
Communicating virtually is here for the foreseeable future, and our ability to manage it well will bring tremendous benefits, and limit potential frustrations, for both us and our audience. We have all experienced it no matter what position you have. In this session, presenter Lisa Butler (Founder, Talea Group) focused on how to deliver an effective virtual presentation, including tips for preparation. This masterclass in effective virtual communication attracted a full capacity audience.
Training for Employability and Profitability Online, August 2021
Presented by Carl Spruce (Director, Outsource Institute), this event attracted strong interest. According to Spruce, the challenge currently facing the industry is not a lack of a workforce—rather, it’s a lack of skilled and experienced people within that workforce. Spruce looked at the training landscape in Australia and delved into where businesses and individuals play a crucial role in building our skilled workforce. He also addressed employability and the relationship to training, how to know what training is available, and career pathways.
Technical Resources: What, Where and Why Online, September 2021
Weld Australia provides a wide variety of technical resources that cover a range of subjects. With more and more pressure to deliver work according to high standards within tight deadlines, having access to accurate technical information is critical. Our resources can help you improve your efficiency and productivity, explain Australian Standards, and bolster the safety of your workplace. In this very popular online event, Bruce Cannon described how our resources can help you, your employees, and your business.

EN 15085: Railwayapplications-Welding ofrailwayvehiclesandcomponents
Online, October 2021
This workshop was a must attend event for railway industry personnel. It delivered insights and practical recommendations on how to implement the EN 15085 series of Standards, gain certification, and be in a position to partner with companies like Alstom and Bombardier, CAF, Siemens, Hitachi and others playing a role in the various railway projects across the country. Presented by Victor Blain (Engineering Team Manager, Weld Australia), this workshop proved very popular.
A Spotlight on Augmented Reality: Peek into Welder Training
Online, November 2021
Over the last few years, Weld Australia has championed the Industry 4.0 revolution, including use of the Soldamatic augmented reality welding simulator. From being used at Advanced Welding Training Centres, right through to schools and TAFEs across Australia, the Soldamatic is changing the landscape of welder training. Presented by Adam Coorey, this session covered how augmented reality is being used in schools and TAFEs, and how the technology can be used to train welders according to AS/NZS ISO 9606.1 Qualification testing of welders - Fusion welding For further information about Weld Australia’s upcoming events—from workshops and webinars, through to seminars—be sure to keep an eye on our Events Calendar or contact membership@weldaustralia.com.au.

Ross O’Bryan presents at TAFE Queensland.
Premier Welder Training

Weld Australia is Australia’s premier welder training organisation. We understand the value of ongoing professional development and are committed to upskilling the next generation of welders. This year, we launched new online courses, progressed with the MEM 2.0 Welder Learning Resources project, made a range of improvements to our online exam system, and facilitated several tailored in-house training courses. All this and more was achieved while delivering our usual high quality calendar of training courses.
Weld Australia’s New Online Courses
In 2021, Weld Australia launched several new online training courses. The first course was in line with AS 2214 Certification of welding supervisorsStructural steel welding and AS 1796 Certification of welders and welding supervisors Certificate 10. The course proved to be extremely popular, and booked out in record time, so two additional intakes were facilitated throughout the year.
The new online format makes training more accessible, particularly for people in remote and regional areas, who are unable to attend faceto-face courses. Weld Australia’s online learning platform, Moodle, stores all recordings and other content for students to access around-the-clock. This gives students the opportunity to learn at their own pace and revise the pre-recorded material several times before an examination or hurdle task. The interactive nature of Moodle assures students of what work has been completed, and any upcoming requirements.
Improvements to Weld Australia’s Online Exam System: WeldQ
Weld Australia rolled out a range of improvements to its online exam system: WeldQ. All improvements were designed to make exams more accessible, while maintaining the rigour of a strict exam environment. To facilitate this, Weld Australia developed its own remote invigilation system.
During online exams, the candidate’s screen and microphone are recorded. This means that candidates now sit examinations at home or their workplace, rather than having to travel to a central location. Candidates can attempt a trial exam to familiarise themselves with the interface. Plus, once an exam is finished, candidates can send their comments and feedback to Weld Australia.
Importantly, Weld Australia’s online training includes live lectures, which have a mandatory 70% attendance rate requirement. Our combination of pre-recorded, self-paced learning and mandatory live lectures ensures that students still have the opportunity to interact with their peers and teacher in real-time. The live lectures provide the perfect opportunity for students to clarify any course materials or problems and ask questions.
Commenced in October, Weld Australia’s brand new Welding Fundamentals course gives technical personnel working with the metal and manufacturing industry an overview and understanding of welding processes, weld defects, testing and welder qualification as required by various Australian and international Standards. The course is suitable for technical personnel including engineers, draughtsmen, production and workshop managers, project managers and quality assurance and control officers.

Queensland Government MicroCredentialing Pilot Program Delivers Positive Outcomes
Under the Queensland Government’s MicroCredentialing Pilot Program, Weld Australia received a grant that enabled us to subsidise welder training across the state. The training focused on specific skills to support businesses and industries in adopting innovations and improving productivity. Commencing on 1 October 2020, the grant enabled approximately 25 welders from Queensland to complete Weld Australia’s training courses for just 20% of the usual fee—the Queensland Government subsidised the remaining 80% of course costs.
Initially, the program was slated to run until 30 June 2022. However, the response from welders across Queensland was so positive that all funding was allocated by March 2021. Over 33% of students utilised the funding to undertake an IWE course, another 29% opted for either the AS 1796 or AS 2214 related courses, and 20% enrolled in Weld Australia’s IWT course.
Weld Australia received a range of positive feedback on the program and its training. According to one student, “I [had] a salary increase and new position due to the completion of the course, immediately (thank you Weld Australia!).”
Another student said, “The Queensland grant helped me to be able to study from beginning to the end. And I am more knowledgeable and confident dealing with everyday work since I obtained the certificate. I am in charge of welding jobs in our company and have increased [monthly] sales.”
Business owners and development managers were equally as positive. “For our business, gaining the qualifications in IWE and IWT for our leadership team, and AS2214 for our workshop leading hands, has opened the pathway towards higher industry certifications in DIN 2303 and EN 15085. Being able to gain these certifications opens the opportunities for our business in Australian Sovereign Capability projects like the LAND400 defence program and the Brisbane Cross-River Rail project.”

“Having additional supervisors and back-up welding coordination personnel has also enabled us to expand a service offering to industry in our local region for welding quality management, preparation of welding procedures, and qualification of personnel to the ISO 9606.1 standard. Our North Queensland region, and particularly Townsville, is lacking the number of qualified welding supervision and inspection personnel to support the local manufacturing space...That is why training in these micro-credentials is critical, and should continue to be supported by the State Government if they truly want to push Queensland ahead as the leading manufacturing state.”

Tailored In-House Training Courses
Weld Australia facilitated in-house training courses for a whole host of companies in 2021. Woodside Energy in Western Australia commissioned training on the topic of Welding Technology for Engineers, and both Royal Wolf and JAG Welding commissioned training on the requirements of AS/NZS ISO 9606.1 Qualification testing of welders — Fusion welding — Part 1: Steels
The IWI-B training course proved popular this year, with Weld Australia delivering in-house courses for Queensland Alumina Limited (QAL) at their Gladstone site, for TAFE Queensland at their Nambour Campus, for Monadelphous at their Gladstone site, and for MC Quality Control in Singleton.
MEM 2.0 Welder Learning Resources
Weld Australia made great progress with the national Metals and Engineering online learning resources project in 2021. Weld Australia is working with TAFEs across the country through the National TAFE Consortium to create excellent online resources.
According to Michael Pitt, (National Manager Education and Training, Weld Australia), “We are creating a set of national resources mapped to the national MEM training package, so that learning resources for trade students are consistent across the country. This will help ensure consistent training, regardless of where in the country students undertake that training. The new resources are completely online and accessible via phone, mobile device or computer. This will allow students to access learning at the time, place and pace that suits them best. We are very excited about the project and are already seeing some great results,” said Pitt.
Weld Australia recently circulated the new learning resources to members of the National TAFE Consortium. The feedback was extremely positive. Weld Australia will be working closely with the TAFEs and their students on further development of the learning resources.
For further information, contact training@weldaustralia.com.au

Image: Weld Australia’s in-house training for Royal Wolf.
Advanced Welder Training Centres

Weld Australia has worked with partners around the country to secure State and Federal Government funding for the establishment of Advanced Welder Training Centres (AWTCs). Using the state-of-the-art Soldamatic augmented reality welding simulator, the training delivered at the AWTCs quickly qualifies welders to the only industry Standard in the world that is accepted in both Europe and America: ISO 9606-1 Qualificationtestingofwelders–Fusion welding. In 2021, we continued to support and expand existing AWTCs, and work with high schools and industry organisations to develop effective, engaging STEM skills programs.
South Metro TAFE Augmented Reality
Simulators Commissioned
South Metropolitan TAFE in Western Australia is set to introduce augmented reality into their welding curriculum. 16 Soldamatic simulators were delivered to the TAFE this year, with Weld Australia commissioning the machines in June. We also rolled out training to their teachers in the second half of the year, in both ISO 9606 and the use of the simulators. The training was enjoyed by South Metropolitan TAFE’s teachers—they’re all looking forward to introducing their students to the Soldamatic simulators.
Canberra Institute of Technology
Introduces Simulators into Welder Training
Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) is the latest TAFE to introduce augmented reality simulators into the delivery of welder training. CIT offers a range of welder training programs, from entry level through to trade qualifications. The technology will be used to support student learning in customised training programs and in the delivery of the national curriculum. CIT sees the benefits of this technology for both inexperienced and very experienced learners wishing to develop their skills.
Corrective Services Victoria Pilot Program
Our pilot program with Corrective Services Victoria progressed this year. Under the pilot, prisoners at Langi Kal Kal Prison will use an integrated model featuring both the Soldamatic simulators and realworld welding to gain certification to ISO 9606. Weld Australia will develop the training program and roll out a ‘Train the Trainer’ course for instructors.

Central Queensland Manufacturing Hubs ISO 9606 Spring Fusion Events
In October, Weld Australia helped facilitate the Central Queensland Manufacturing Hubs’ ISO 9606 Spring Fusion events. Working with both the Queensland Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing, and Water, and the Department of Employment, Small Business, and Training, Weld Australia ran a Spring Fusion tour covering Gladstone and Biloela. The sessions focused on how industry ensures welding quality control, safety while welding, and provided students the opportunity to practice welding using augmented reality simulators.
QMI’s Women Who Weld Program
Throughout the year, Weld Australia participated in the Queensland Manufacturing Institute’s (QMI) Women Who Weld Program. The program aims to increase gender diversity and participation in manufacturing careers. It provides the opportunities for female high school students in years 10, 11 and 12 to gain insight into trade skills and career pathways, including local employment opportunities. The program was facilitated at several high schools across Queensland.

Image: QMI’s Women Who Weld Program.
Advanced Manufacturing School Outreach Program in New South Wales
Last year, Weld Australia proposed an Advanced Manufacturing School Outreach Program to the New South Wales (NSW) Government. The Program received their support, with funding provided through the Department of Education’s Vocational Education and Training Program for Secondary Students.
As a result, in June 2020, 32 augmented reality welding simulators were deployed in a pilot program in 16 schools across the state. The schools ranged from the Wagga Wagga, Lake Illawarra and Dapto high schools in southern New South Wales, to the Gorokan and Kurri Kurri High Schools in the Lower Hunter region. During October and November 2020, Weld Australia commissioned the machines and conducted training for teaching staff.
The pilot commenced at the beginning of Term 1 in 2021. The simulators were used to teach welding to students in Years 10-12 studying Manufacturing and Engineering, and Industrial Technology. This engaging, exciting learning technology provides a very safe and efficient way to teach students skills in a profession where there is high demand.
Based on the success of the pilot program, the NSW Department of Education has ordered a further 20 simulators for another 10 high schools in regional areas. The schools taking part are in the Riverina, such as Junee and Temora High Schools, and in the central northern hub, including the Broken Hill, Bourke and Cobar High Schools.
The welding simulators were a hit with students and teachers in the first pilot. In June 2021, the NSW Department of Education conducted a survey of teaching staff involved in the pilot. Key benefits emphasised by the teachers were the confidence the simulators engendered in students, the safety of the program, and the gamification aspect—the welding simulators are fun to use.

Industry Program Sparks a Career in Welding for Long-Term Unemployed
In partnership with Workskil Australia and TAFE SA, Weld Australia delivered an innovative new training program in June 2021 for a group of longterm unemployed people. With little to no prior welding experience, the students started by using augmented reality welding simulators to learn the skills and techniques needed to perform welds in a safe, stimulating and confidence-building environment. Students then moved onto real-world welding machines to hone their skills. As a result, nine students passed all tests required to qualify to AS/NZS ISO 9606 Qualification testing of welders — Fusion welding for MIG welding. This welding ticket can help the students gain employment.
Joe Sandor (Welding Technology Trainer, Weld Australia) facilitated the training course. He was thrilled to be involved in this exciting new program that has huge potential to make a difference in the lives of long-term unemployed.
“All of the students were really engaged and worked exceptionally hard throughout the training. They really put in 100%. The attendance rate was near perfect, which was fantastic—attendance can be a real challenge for these kinds of programs,” said Sandor. “All of the students were long-term unemployed. Most were in their early 20s and some have never had the opportunity to work at all. It was great to see their enthusiasm for welding and a possible new career path.”
According to Weld Australia’s Chief Executive Officer, Geoff Crittenden, “With nine students qualified to ISO 9606, the program has clearly sparked an interest in welding in a whole new audience. The Workskil Australia training program is helping long-term unemployed people to get ahead, linking them to real opportunities in the workforce, and providing them with foundational welding skills on which to build a secure, successful career.”

Image: Workskil Australia training program.
Image: Students at Woolgoolga High School use the simulators during the NSW Pilot Program.
Company Certifications

Weld Australia would like to congratulate all the companies that were awarded certification in 2021, including to AS/NZS ISO 3834 Qualityrequirementsforfusionweldingofmetallic materials; EN 15085 Railwayapplications–Weldingofrailwayvehicles; and DIN 2303 Welding andalliedprocesses-Qualityrequirementstobemetbyproduction and maintenance companiesformilitaryproducts.
Aerison was certified to both AS/NZS ISO 3834 and EN 15085. Founded in Perth in 1988, Aerison has grown over the years from a specialist environmental engineering company to a broad based engineering and construction company. Today, Aerison provides multi-disciplined EPC, engineering and design, construction, maintenance and mechanical installation services to the minerals and mining, oil and gas, non-process infrastructure and utilities sectors. Aerison has worked with clients such as Rio Tinto, Chevron, BHP and Roy Hill. For further information, visit: aerison.com
Alstom in Dandenong (who acquired Bombardier Transportation in January 2021) was certified to AS/NZS ISO 3834 and EN 15085. Alstom has been providing sustainable infrastructure solutions in Australia for more than 100 years and currently employs approximately 1,600 people across more than 25 sites that include engineering centres,
manufacturing facilities, project delivery offices and maintenance depots and workshops. Alstom’s products range from high-speed trains, trams and e-buses to infrastructure and signalling. Alstom also maintains fleets of trams and trains across Australia. For further information, visit: alstom.com
AWI Steel
Established by Director Paul Mirabito in 1992, AWI Steel uses Tekla modelling software to efficiently estimate, fabricate and construct projects. Their state-of-the-art workshop is able to deliver quality outcomes with a CNC beam line, and services that extend to corrosion protection, detailed welding and custom finishing. Working with clients like Lendlease, John Holland, Transport for NSW and Brookfield Rail, AWI Steel’s projects include pedestrian bridges, overhead wiring structures, road signs, safety rail and staircases. AWI Steel was certified to AS/NZS ISO 3834. For further information, visit: awisteel.com.au

Image: Alstom in Dandenong was certified to AS/NZS ISO 3834 and EN 15085.

BRE Engineering
BRE Engineering in Perth was certified to AS/NZS ISO 3834. BRE Engineering is a forward thinking engineering business that employs almost 100 staff across more than 20 disciplines. Their team of well-rounded engineers produce innovative, cost effective solutions and designs that exceed relevant standards and performance criteria. BRE is a leading provider of concept to completion mechanical and structural engineering solutions for the marine, defence, mining and industrial sectors. Their range of services extends to product development and 3D printing. For further information, visit: bre.engineering
Established in Melbourne in 1994 to provide a quality sheet metal fabrication service to a variety of industries, Catten is proudly owned and operated by Ian and Latinka Cubitt and their family. Catten provides a range of in-house services—from design right through to delivery—ensuring complete control over the entire manufacturing process. Their projects include everything from general jobbing, architecture, buildings and bin enclosures, through to shop fittings, signage and transport. Catten was certified to AS/NZS ISO 3834. For further information, visit: catten.com.au
Century Engineering
Century Engineering’s AS/NZS ISO 3834 certification was recently reconfirmed by Weld Australia. Century Engineering has been providing fabrication services to the mining, defence, water and power infrastructure sectors for over 70 years. Their growth and success has been built on providing high quality welding management fabrication solutions for critical plant and equipment for industry. Located in Edinburgh North, 25km north of Adelaide’s CBD, with a workforce of over 100 people and a 10,000m2 facility, the company
has significant capability to undertake large scale project works. For further information, visit: cenman.com.au
DVR Engineering
DVR Engineering Melbourne was certified to both AS/NZS ISO 3834 and DIN 2303. DVR Engineering provides manufacturing solutions for a range of clients across the defence, telecommunications, rail, aerospace, mining and marine sectors. The company operates in 30,000m2 over two manufacturing facilities, with more than 95 staff operating advanced manufacturing equipment for end-to-end solutions. With over 33 years of precision metal engineering experience, DVR boasts the latest CNC machining, laser and plasma cutting and machining technology. For further information, visit: dvrengineering.com.au
Global Manufacturing Group (GMG)
Global Manufacturing Group (GMG) in Maryborough, Queensland was certified to both AS/NZS ISO 3834 and EN 15085 in 2021.
Established in 1982, GMG is dedicated to customer service, exceptional and consistent quality, and advancements in technology, equipment and infrastructure. GMG operates from two sites—in Maryborough and Gladstone, Queensland—over a shared 7,000m2 of workshop space. GMG offers a complete turn-key operation, employing a range of skilled and highly trained personnel who operate on a rotating 24 hour roster capacity. Their services cover the entire lifecycle of metal manufacturing. For further information, visit: gmqld.com.au

Image: BRE Engineering
Image: Prime Minister Scott Morrison visits GMG’s Maryborough facilities.

Hard Bakka Steel Fabrication
Hard Bakka is a dynamic steel fabrication company that operates from a 1,100m2 workshop in Bankstown, Sydney. The company specialises in structural steel fabrication, welding and installation for commercial, industrial, and residential projects. The company also supplies sorting machine plant structures, ore bins, rock boxes and complete wash screen units to the mining industry. Hard Bakka has gone from strength to strength in recent years, doubling its size in 2014 and tripling its size in 2018. With over 30 years of industry experience, Hard Bakka was certified to AS/NZS ISO 3834 in 2021. For further information, visit: hardbakka.com.au
Hofmann Engineering
Hofmann Engineering’s Bendigo facilities were certified to EN 15085 and AS/NZS ISO 3834, while their Cheltenham facilities in south-east Melbourne were certified to AS/NZS ISO 3834. Since 1969, Hofmann has provided specialist engineering services to Australia’s industry leaders. The company specialises in aerospace tooling, food
packaging, cutting tools, pressing and precision tools. Hofmann Engineering staff and management all pursue a single goal - a total focus on quality in every aspect of manufacture, customer service and on time delivery. For further information, visit: hofmannengineering.com
Liebherr-Australia’s fabrication department in Adelaide recently received certification to AS/NZS ISO 3834. While the standard at the facility was already outstanding prior to certification, the team implemented some improvements to ultimately achieve the certification requirements. The upgrades included calibration of welding machines, and upskilling members of the team. Two team members, Chris Jamieson and Daryl Cornelius, completed training to become Visual Welding Inspectors through CSWIP 3.0 certification. Steve Smith, Group Leader Fabrication, was also heavily involved in Liebherr-Australia’s successful implementation of ISO 3834.2, completing International Welding Specialist (IWS) certification to fulfill the requirement of an ISO-certified Welding Coordinator at the facility. For further information, visit: liebherr.com
Nepean Engineering & Innovation
Established in 1974, Nepean Engineering & Innovation is now one of Australia’s largest privately owned engineering service providers. In 2021, the company was certified to AS/NZS ISO 3834. With a dedicated design and project management team that understands the diverse nature of the industry, Nepean has the capability and experience to successfully deliver the largest and most complex projects. Nepean has extensive facilities, including over 50,000m2 of workshop space, a state-ofthe-art CNC and machine shop, steel fabrication workshop, laser cutting, sheet metal, shot blasting, painting and powder coat finishing. For further information, visit: nepeanengineering.com.au

Image: RUD was certified to AS/NZS ISO 3834 in 2021.
Image: The two largest mega struts supplied by NEPEAN on 8 Chifley Square weighed a massive 37 tonnes and 30 tonnes, with each strut measuring 18.5m in length.

Precision Metal Group
Established in 2000 in Western Sydney, Precision Metal Group (PMG) specialises in mechanical engineering services and welding. As the business has evolved, PMG has developed its capabilities and achieved significant certifications, including AS/NZS ISO 3834. In 2020, PMG became the first Australian company to achieve certification to the German military welding standard, DIN 2303, and in 2021, PMG was certified to EN 15085. Working across sectors such as defence, infrastructure, oil and gas, rail, mining and manufacturing, PMG is involved in high-profile projects like Rheinmetall’s Boxer Land 400 parts and seats for major rail supplier Probatec. For further information, visit: precisionmetalgroup.com
Weld Australia would like to congratulate RUD for their recent certification to AS/NZS ISO 3834. RUD Australia manufactures and supplies highquality round steel link chain solutions and lifting technologies. They work with clients in the defence, infrastructure, mining, quarry, power station and engineering industries plus many more. Their collaborative approach makes RUD a partner of choice for organisations who value quality. All of their products are rigorously tested and assessed against strict quality-control measures. RUD complements these high quality products with dedicated technical support and training services, delivered by in-house engineers. For further information, visit: rud.com.au
Shotton Group
Shotton Group was certified to both EN 15085 and AS/NZS ISO 3834. A family-owned business, Shotton Group was established in Dandenong, Melbourne in 1977. Today, the company employs a team of over 90 people at their 7,000m2 facility. With a focus on lean principles and solutionsbased engineering, Shotton Group works across
a diverse range of industries, from rail, bus and aviation, to architectural, hospital, forensics and general infrastructure works. Their services extend to design, laser cutting, CNC folding, machining, fabrication, finishing and assembly. For further information, visit: shottongroup.com.au
Silo Dev
Based in Riverstone, New South Wales, Silo Dev has more than 20 years experience in steel fabrication and installation. The company boasts an extensive track record aligned with most tier one infrastructural construction companies in New South Wales. Silo Dev specialises in general steel and metal fabrication, and public infrastructure, such as railway stations, sports stadia, and airport terminals. The company also manufactures bridge components, silos and storage tanks. Silo Dev was certified to AS/NZS ISO 3834 by Weld Australia in 2021.
Weld Australia would like to congratulate Steelstruct for their recent certification to AS/NZS ISO 3834. Headquartered in Henderson, Western Australia, Steelstruct was established in 1979. Steelstruct operates from their four modern, fully equipped workshops, which are strategically located at Henderson, Maddington and Yarloop in Western Australia, as well as in Rayong (Thailand) totalling 13,400m2 under roof. Steelstruct has delivered a range of services to some of Australia’s largest mining, mineral processing and equipment providers for 40 years. Their fabrication capabilities extend to platework, structural steel, pipe spooling, storage tanks, pressure vessels, conveyors, and offshore and subsea structures. For further information, visit: steelstruct.com.au
“DVR Engineering found that Weld Australia’s certification process was very good. The process helped DVR to enhance its understanding of the standards and their requirements. The process also helped DVR to gain certification within the targeted time frame.”
“Weld Australia auditors were very knowledgeable and thorough, and the audit process was very comprehensive. Overall, DVR is very happy about signing with Weld Australia to gain the certifications.”
“DVR Engineering highly recommends Weld Australia to other companies seeking certification to the ISO 3834 and DIN 2303 standards.”
~ Mike Nikol (Managing Director, DVR Engineering)
Image: PMG Chief Executive, Jason Elias, checks in with the team.
Weld Australia’s Technology Networks in 2021

Weld Australia’s Technology Networks provide a forum for technology transfer and research and development, linking members with industry and research organisations. Weld Australia works with Industry Group members to ensure they remain diverse and resilient in the everchanging and increasingly challenging global markets.
Power Generation Process Safety Network
Weld Australia’s Power Generation Technology Network facilitated a free online webinar on the topic Process Safety: The Start of the Journey
Several industry experts spoke during the webinar, including Lara Kayess (Manager, Asset Management, Aurecon), Ralph Villarosa (Engineering Leader, Energy Australia), Ian Rawlings (Manager Boilers, CS Energy), Ryan James (Senior Manager, Process Safety, AGL Energy) and Jon Alsop (Group Manager Engineering Services, Origin Energy). With over 65 attendees, the webinar generated a range of interesting discussions.
Following on from the webinar, Ian Rawlings (Manager Boilers, CS Energy) accepted the nomination to Chair the group. A post event survey was also conducted, which resulted in recommendations for future action, including:
• Development of a mechanism for the sharing of safety incidents
• Production of good practice guides
• Completion of baseline audits to facilitate benchmarking
Since then, several meetings have been facilitated. As a result, the first two guides being produced are a Guideline for Safety Critical Elements and a Guideline for Reporting Process Safety Incidents for the Electricity Industry. These two documents have been circulated for review and revisions are currently underway.
Lara Kayess (Manager, Asset Management, Aurecon) is facilitating an audit with each member of the Power Generation Technology Network to establish a baseline of Process Safety Management systems.
The Group is in the process of establishing an Incident Database. The objective of the Database is to share safety events and the learnings arising from
these events that have a broader industry concern. It was agreed that members of the Group will trial the Database tool for efficiency and ease of use.
Power Generation Boiler Network
The Power Generation Boiler Group met several times throughout the year, with attendance figures upwards of 60 people for some of the meetings. There were representatives from AGL, Alinta, ALS Global, ANSTO, Delta Electricity, Greenview Strategic Consulting, HRL, LaserBond, Quest Integrity, Stanwell, Synergy, Uniper and Weld Australia.
Attendees heard from several expert industry speakers during the year, including Mehdi Soodi (LaserBond), Yun Tian (Synergy), Terry Houston (CS Energy), Wayne Hill (Delta Electricity), Russell Coade (HRL), Simon Vanderzalm (Greenview Strategic Consulting), Dave Potter (Uniper), Aron Abolis (ALS), Warwick Payten (MEC Consulting), Damien Charman (IrisNDT), Douglas Bell (IrisNDT), Stanton Puts (HRL), Mark Rooney (Loy Yang B), and Bruce Cannon (Principal Welding Engineer, Weld Australia).
Welding Safety Council
Weld Australia established the Welding Safety Council to advocate for strong safety requirements and risk minimisation throughout the industry. The Council provides a forum for industry and legislative safety authorities to discuss issues and work collaboratively to identify solutions.
The Welding Safety Council met throughout the year, with representatives invited from Safe Work Australia, WorkSafe Victoria, WHS Qld, WorkSafe Tasmania, SafeWork NSW, SafeWork SA, WorkSafe WA, WorkSafe NZ, Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists (AIOH),TAFE Queensland, BOC, AWS, and Weld Australia.
The main topics of discussion were welding fume safety and electrical safety. As a result of the
discussions, Weld Australia will be working on an electrical safety and fume safety education program for welders and business owners.
Rail Technology Network
Welding is a core capability critical in the delivery of rail projects, as well as the maintenance, repair and refurbishment of existing assets. As such, Weld Australia’s Rail Technology Network will help improve welding capability, facilities and supply chains throughout the rail industry. The purpose of the Rail Technology Network is to:
• Bring the welding capability of the rail industry and its supply chain to international best practice
• Advocate for a national railcar and wagon fabrication facility and supply chain
Australia’s rail manufacturing sector is undergoing a significant transition. It is slowly evolving from a more traditional manufacturing model of end-toend rolling stock production, to a more advanced manufacturing model, and low-volume, high-value production.
The rapid advances in technology and the changing face of manufacturing generally, mean that businesses within Australia’s rail manufacturing sector are facing the immediate challenge of incorporating new technologies and processes into their operations.
A world-class rail welding industry in Australia will facilitate a shift in manufacturing focus, capitalise on international opportunities, and develop the rail supply chain capabilities.

The Benefits of Technology Network Membership
• A confidential forum for discussing issues with peers
• A unified body that advocates for change among industry clients
• Advantageous access to technical advice and engineering support
• The opportunity to benchmark against industry best practice
• A conduit between industry and research organisations
• Beneficial nationally and internationally accredited training
• Cost effective certification products and services
• Collaborative sharing of resources and services for repair options in accordance with Australian and international standards
• Opportunities to influence Australian Standards, contract terms and specifications
• Opportunity to participate in research and development projects
• Technology transfer and networking via industry specific forums
Contact Alistair Forbes (National Manager Corporate Businesses, Weld Australia) on a.forbes@weldaustralia.com.au for details.

Updates to Australian Standards

Australian Standards are living documents. They reflect progress in science, technology and systems. To maintain their relevancy, all Standards are periodically reviewed, with amendments and revised editions published. The last 12 months have seen several developments, including reviews into standards related to pressure equipment, steel structures and pipelines. Weld Australia also released a range of updated technical and guidance notes.
Pressure Equipment
As previously reported, the revision of AS/NZS 3992 Pressure equipment—Welding and brazing qualification was published in June 2020 as AS 3992. Users have identified a number of issues within the standard and an amendment has been prepared. The project has been approved by Standards Australia.
Committee ME-001 initiated revision of AS 1796 Certification of welders and welding supervisors A draft was prepared and released for public comment in June, with comment received currently being resolved. The draft included items from other standards including new provisions for a pressure equipment welding inspector.
Committee ME-001 also published the latest revision of AS 2593 Boilers—Safety management and supervision systems. With AS 2593 published, the project proposal for the revision of AS/NZS
Standards Map
Earlier this year, Weld Australia released a comprehensive Map of Australian and Australian / New Zealand Standards for Fusion Welding. The Map provides an overview of various aspects of welding (including quality requirements, destructive testing, welding consumables, welding equipment, environment, health and safety, and more) along with the applicable Standard for each.
This easy-to-use Map provides a fast, simple indication of the Standard you should consult before undertaking welding and associated activities. However, it should be noted that Standards do not replace education, sound judgment and good engineering practice.
3788 Pressure equipment—In-service inspection was finalised, submitted to Standards Australia, and accepted. The formal revision process has now commenced.
Welding of Structures
Following an initial public review, a revised draft of the revision of AS/NZS 1554.2 Structural steel welding—Part 2: Stud welding (steel studs to steel) was sent for further public comment and committee ballot in May 2021. Comments received were resolved by the drafting committee, and publication is anticipated in November.
Committee ME-038 revised AS/NZS 2885.2 Pipelines—Gas and liquid petroleum Part 2: Welding with a modified public review draft closing for public comment and committee ballot in January 2020. The revised Standard was published in May 2020. Part 3 of AS/NZS 2885 Pipelines—

Gas and liquid petroleum Part 3: Operation and maintenance was also revised and public comment received is being resolved.
Design of Steel Lattice Towers and Masts
Standards Australia is currently reconstituting Technical Committee BD-073 to undertake the revision of AS 3995:1994 Design of steel lattice towers and masts. Weld Australia has a representative on this technical committee. Members are encouraged to contribute comments and relevant information about any issues with the current standard, and suggestions for its revision. Please forward comments to our representative at ashleyharris@utb.com.au. Updates will be provided as the committee’s work progresses.
ISO Update
ISO TC44/SC10 has commenced the revision of the ISO 3834 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials series of Standards, primarily to take cognisance of changes to ISO 9001 Quality management and the 2019 edition of ISO 14731 Welding coordination — Tasks and responsibilities The revision is well advanced with Parts 2 to 4 inclusive of ISO 3834 published in April, and Parts 1 and 5 published in September. ISO requested that Part 6 be revised to become either an ISO Standard or a technical specification. The drafting committee has commenced work on this request and is converting Part 6 from a Technical Report to a Standard.
TC44/SC10 also revised ISO 17660 WeldingWelding of reinforcing steel to combine the two existing parts into a single document. A DIS ballot review closes in November 2021.
Similarly, ISO TC44/SC11 has commenced the revision of ISO 9606-1 Qualification testing of welders—Fusion welding—Part 1: Steels with the intention of combining all five parts into the one standard. This will simplify the ongoing maintenance and review requirements for the standards as Parts 2 to 5 of ISO 9606-1 are in need of revision. Work has been transferred to a working group and good progress is being made on resolving comments.
Weld Australia Releases Updated Technical and Guidance Notes
In 2021, Weld Australia released updated versions of three of its Technical Guidance Notes related to welder safety in Australia:
• Guidance Note TGN-SW01: Fume Minimisation Guidelines
• Guidance Note TGN-SW03: Welding
Electrical Safety: Electric Shock Injury and Electrocution Reporting
• Guidance Note TGN-SW07: Health & Safety in Welding: Guides & Forms
These Technical Guidance Notes are referenced in Technical Note 7: Health and Safety in Welding, and Technical Note 22: Welding Electrical Safety.
Technical Note 7: Health and Safety in Welding
This Technical Note gives guidance on health and safety practices in welding, cutting and allied processes such as brazing, soldering, pre- and post-weld material treatments and metal spraying, for the prevention of injury, ill health and discomfort, as well as damage to property, equipment and environment by fire, and explosion. Various chapters deal with:
• Basic principles of safe working
• The main hazards and safety measures in welding, cutting and allied processes
• Precautions required in particular working situations
Technical Note 22: Welding Electrical Safety
Although electric arc welding can be performed perfectly safely, there are circumstances when there is a substantial risk of electric shock. Precautions against this risk include use of properly maintained equipment, correct protective equipment and sound work practices.
With reference to industry best practice, Technical Note 22 addresses how to safeguard a person against electric shock, reviewing elements such as: equipment, the human body, the workplace Australian Standards.

2021: What Weld Australia Members and Partners Have to Say
Weld Australia’s members and partners are made up of individual welding professionals, as well as companies of all sizes. In fact, Weld Australia members are involved in almost every facet of Australian industry and make a significant contribution to the nation’s economy. We recently spoke with a number of our members and partners, eliciting their feedback on our activities, services and membership benefits.
Jonathan Roberts (Centre Director, Australian Cobotics Centre)
“From our first meeting, it was clear that Geoff Crittenden (CEO, Weld Australia) could see the benefits cobots had to offer the welding industry.”
“Geoff explained to us the challenges presented by welding, one of which is encouraging young people into the profession. By using state-of-theart technology like cobots, a career in welding would become naturally more attractive to young people. Geoff understood that cobotics was one of the technologies that could enable this. We were sold on the idea. A partnership with Weld Australia seemed very logical. It’s like a match made in heaven.”
“Weld Australia’s member network and industry connections have been invaluable for us. Weld Australia is able to provide market intelligence immediately. For instance, they could tell us straight away that industry doesn’t know what a collaborative robot is, let alone how they could use it in their own business.”
“Sometimes, researchers make assumptions that industry understands what we’re talking about. Weld Australia helps us overcome these communication gaps.”
“So many companies have very similar problems. It makes no sense at all to solve these individually, replicating the same work over and over again. Industry needs to work together in solving these common problems, and Weld Australia helps to facilitate this—everyone is a winner.”
Mark Reggers (Specialist Application Engineer, 3M)
“3M has been a long time corporate member of Weld Australia. We manufacture welding safety equipment, so it’s important for us to hear what is happening in industry, the changes, and the needs of industry players. Being part of Weld Australia helps ensure we have access to industry sentiment, particularly with welding fume being deemed a carcinogenic. We’re connected to the industry through Weld Australia.”
“I just recently joined the Standards Australia SF010 Respiratory Protection committee as the representative for Weld Australia. It is so important to have Weld Australia’s input, and ability to act as an industry conduit, on these types of committees.”
“The constant communications that Weld Australia distributes are incredibly valuable. Weld Australia delivers a consensus voice, and a consolidated source, for technical standards and best practices.”
“The organisation moves issues and standards forward as a united collective, taking into account all the varied input received from the industry. Take Weld Australia out of the picture, and where would the industry be?”
“In any industry, there are always things that can be improved. Weld Australia helps make these improvements, propelling the industry forward.”
“Knowing that the passionate people at Weld Australia are invested in the importance of welding, the welding industry as a whole, and its place in the Australian economy, is incredibly exciting and encouraging.”

Carl Spruce (Director, Outsource Institute)
“Outsource Institute became a member of Weld Australia for a number of reasons: industry currency, to remain up-to-date with the welding industry; professional development, specifically for our engineering trainers and assessors who teach welding related qualifications; access to augmented reality welding equipment; and networking opportunities.”
“Weld Australia has been very supportive in 2021, offering us presentation opportunities and the ability to offer ISO 9606 training to our clients, as well as other special classes to our client and student base. They have also facilitated introductions to promote new business relationships for us.”
“We’ve accessed a range of resources and services. Our engineering trainers and assessors have undertaken many webinars. We’ve also been able to on-share key information with our client network to ensure they too remain up to date with industry changes, for example AS 1796 and ISO 9606. Weld Australia has intimate knowledge of ISO 9606 and the use of augmented reality systems to train welders in the new welder qualification code.”
“Weld Australia is a centralised point of contact for all things related to welding. We live in an information age, and often this can be overwhelming. Weld Australia has provided the industry with a go to location for trusted, current information pertaining to welding, which is wonderful.”
“We have particularly enjoyed the collaboration we have had with Weld Australia this year. Our original agreement with Weld Australia was to
further validate our Welding Supervisors’ education, with the additional credibility of AS 1796 Welding Supervisors examinations. Our agreement spans two years duration to date.”
“This has led to many mutually beneficial opportunities for both of our organisations and our respective networks. It has ultimately contributed to enhancing organisations and individuals within the Australian welding industry, enabling them to remain locally and globally competitive, both now and into the future.”
Chris Jaques (Director, Flow Tech Australia)
Flow Tech Australia recently achieved certification to AS/NZS ISO 3834. According to Jaques, “I think we initially underestimated what was required for this certification. However, Weld Australia was excellent to work with. Paolo Corronca (National Manager Engineering, Weld Australia) who was our main point of contact, was fantastic in giving us the direction that we needed.”
Ian Bird (General Manager, HF Hand Constructors)
HF Hand Constructors was also recently certified to AS/NZS ISO 3834. When asked to explain how HF Hand Constructors found the certification process, Bird said the company has always followed strict procedures, which paved the way for success.
“We’ve always practiced similar standards, however never certified. As such, the audit process wasn’t a great hurdle for us. Everyone at Weld Australia was great to deal with, and the auditors were helpful –anything that we were unsure about, they were able to assist us, and guide us in the direction needed to achieve the certification.”

Mick Allen (Director, CQ Manufacturing Hubs, Queensland Government)
Why did your company decide to partner with Weld Australia?
“The CQ (Central Queensland) Manufacturing Hubs initially connected with Weld Australia through a partnership with TAFE Queensland and their access to augmented reality (AR) welding machines to deliver a Schools and Industry Technology Roadshow in Gladstone, Yeppoon, Rockhampton, and Emerald in 2019.”
“In 2020 we engaged with Weld Australia on the delivery of AS/NZS ISO 9606 Fusion Welding courses in Rockhampton, Gladstone and Emerald, where numerous welders from approximately 20 CQ manufacturing businesses were successfully certified.”
“In September of 2021, Weld Australia and their
Weld Australia Membership Types
Regional Training Coordinator, Adam Coorey (and four of his AR welding simulators) collaborated with the CQ Manufacturing Hubs, DESBT and ATQld to deliver the ‘Spring Fusion’ event.”
“This event provided training to 24 year 10, 11 and 12 students in Gladstone, Biloela and Moura on the AR simulators. They all achieved the ‘AR Welding to Industry Standards Program’ certificate. This training gave the students the opportunity to practice welding procedures that are used to qualify welders to AS/NZS ISO 9606.1 using the AR welding simulators.”
“We also had some excellent industry engagement during this event. We are planning to run similar programs around CQ in 2022.”
How have you found the experience of working with Weld Australia? What sort of benefits has your company derived?
• Individual Membership: Open to apprentices, tradesmen, inspectors, supervisors, technologists, engineers, academics and others with an interest in welding.
• Corporate Membership: Best suited to micro, small and medium businesses. Corporate members have access to a range of exclusive and valuable resources, opportunities and events.
• Premium Corporate Membership: Ideal for larger businesses, and businesses of any size wanting to take advantage of the premium offering to increase their exposure and visibility in the marketplace.
• Technology Networks Membership: Technology Networks share resources for engineering innovative solutions to enhance safety, manage risk, reduce cost, and optimise operating efficiency. Technology Network members are primes and Tier One contractors, major asset owners and state authorities.
• Free Student and Apprentice Membership: As part of our commitment to nurturing the next generation of skilled welders in Australia, Weld Australia is offers free membership to students and apprentices.
• Free TAFE Membership: Weld Australia is proud to support, and encourage development of, Australian TAFEs and their teachers, which is why we are pleased to offer free membership to both.
“As well as partnering with Weld Australia on the Spring Fusion, Schools and Industry Tour and the ISO 9606 Fusion Welding, we have on numerous occasions worked with them to deliver information sessions to our CQ Manufacturing Hubs Defence and Rail Groups.”
“In 2020 Paolo Corronca (National Manager Engineering, Weld Australai) made himself available to deliver sessions to our groups on the benefits of ISO 9606 certification, two sessions on the process of company ISO 3834 certification and in 2021 a session on EN15085 and DIN 2303 in conjunction with the release of the Rail Manufacturing Strategy for Queensland. The benefits of the events and the sessions have been:
• That CQ is continually being identified as a region of progress and capability in not only the traditional resources and mining industries but also beginning to gain traction in the defence, rail and even aerospace industries.
• We have been able to certify numerous welders to AS/NZS ISO 9606 across approximately 20 CQ businesses in Rockhampton, Gladstone and Emerald.
• Approximately 25 CQ manufacturing businesses are now on their journey to a range of certification to improve their visibility and ability to be more successful in winning local, state and national contracts.
• Approximately 700 CQ High School students from years 10, 11 and 12 have been able to interact and train on AR welding machines and understand the benefits of these machines to training and the fabrication and engineering
• 24 of these students have received a certificate indicating their understanding of industry standards and the latest industry training techniques which will become a fantastic discriminator when applying for apprenticeships, traineeships, or fabrication and engineering roles in general.”
How do you see Weld Australia benefitting the Australian industry as a whole?
“There are numerous benefits Weld Australia brings to Australian industry:
• Being right on the pulse of new and innovative technology development in Australia.
• Assisting with program development.
• Building capability in regional areas.
• Keeping the pressure on government to ensure the importance of training is not forgotten and is funded appropriately.
• Working towards consistency in deliverables and messaging in welding, fabrication and engineering across all industry.”
“From the CQ Manufacturing Hubs perspective, Weld Australia’s regional engagement and willingness to connect has been enjoyable, interesting, educational, and significant in the development of a partnership that has been and will continue to be, beneficial to CQ Manufacturing.”
“A special thank you to Adam Coorey, Paolo Corronca and Ross O’Bryan.”