Weld Connect August 2019

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weldaustralia.com.au | office@weldaustralia.com.au | +61 (0)2 8748 0100 | 20 Bridge Street, Pymble NSW

Weld Connect August 2019

Contents 03 05 06 09 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 22 24 25

A Message from the CEO National Manufacturing Summit Membership Matters New South Wales Division Victoria Division South Australia Division Queensland Division Western Australia Division Northern Territory Division Tasmania Division Training & Certification 2019 Training Calendar Advanced Welder Training Courses Upcoming Events

Weld Australia Contact Information National Office Building 3, Level 3, Suite 5 Pymble Corporate Centre 20 Bridge Street Pymble, NSW 2073 (PO Box 197 Macquarie Park BC NSW 1670) T: +61 (0)2 8748 0100 E: info@weldaustralia.com.au

Qualification & Certification Manager Paolo Corronca T: +61 (0)438 012 099 E: p.corronca@weldaustralia.com.au

Chief Executive Officer Geoff Crittenden T: +61 (0)2 8748 0100 E: g.crittenden@weldaustralia.com.au

Marketing & Communications Manager Donna South T: +61 (0)2 8748 0130 E: d.south@weldaustralia.com.au

Training Manager Paul James T: +61 (0)2 8748 0150 E: training@weldaustralia.com.au

August 2019

Membership Manager Eva Chun T: +61 (0)2 8748 0135 E: e.chun@weldaustralia.com.au Editorial Content Sally Wood T: +61 (0)434 442 687 E: sally@wordly.com.au


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A Message from the CEO A Visit to the BAE Shipyards in Glasgow, Scotland During the first week of July, I visited two BAE Systems shipyards in Glasgow, Scotland: Govan Shipyard, and Scotstoun Shipyard. I also toured the Clydebank Technical College. The Royal Navy has ordered eight Type 26 Frigates from BAE Systems. The ‘First of Class’ HMS Glasgow is currently being fabricated and is due for completion in 2023. The purpose of my visit was to observe the production of the HMS Glasgow, in order to understand BAE System’s process for welder training in their shipyards. The ‘Steel Workforce’ employed on the build consists of approximately 150 welders, 300 boilermakers, and 120 pipe fitters. During my visit, I was hosted by Ashley Bell, who is to be the senior welding engineer on the Australian Frigate build, as well as the team of Australian engineers and managers currently working in Glasgow. My hosts were exceptional; I had a fascinating time.

I was very impressed with the apprentice training program. BAE Systems has an extremely stable and experienced Steel Workforce, many of whom have worked in the yards since leaving school. They demonstrate not only a very high level of skill, but also a deep understanding of the shipbuilding process. Their training is based on the UK Marine Engineering Framework, which has been tailored to BAE’s needs. The three year program consists of over 2,100 hours of training, including over 1,300 of practical welding experience, and over 800 hours of theory. I learnt some lessons that will be invaluable when it comes establishing Australia’s own Frigate shipyard in South Australia. BAE Systems Australia’s new subsidiary, ASC Shipbuilding, has been awarded a contract by the Australian Government that provides the framework for the design and build of nine Hunter Class frigates for the Royal Australian Navy.

New Weld Australia Members: July Weld Australia would like to welcome the following members who joined in July 2019. Corporate Members • Synergy Aluminum Towers: https:// synergyaccessandscaffolding. com.au • TEi Services: https://www.tei.com.au • HEQ Diesel and GAS: https://heq.net.au Individual Members • Mark Hayward • Faizan Ashfaq • Srinath Balan • Stephen Fitzgerald • Daniel Middleton • Mehrdad Permeh • Hossein Adivi • Clancy Cerar • Sonny Williams Student Members • Jake Mighall • Eugene Moreno • John Marshall • Liam Little • Rolex Galigao To become a Weld Australia member, all you need to do is: • Visit: weldaustralia.com.au • Phone: 02 8748 0100 • Email: membership@ weldaustralia.com.au

The Type 26 Frigate. Copyright © 2019 BAE Systems.

A bilge tank for a Type 26 Frigate; the final test piece for final year welding apprentices.

August 2019

Weld Australia membership is an investment in the success of your career or the success of your business. We will help you increase your income, decrease your costs and give you a competitive advantage over companies or people who aren’t members. A Weld Australia membership delivers: networking opportunities, professional development, industry insights and more.


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A Message from the CEO 72nd IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference 2019 From 7 to 12 July, I attended the 72nd International Institute of Welding (IIW) Annual Assembly and International Conference in Bratislava, Slovakia. This was an extremely worthwhile event. Representatives from Weld Australia attended various Commissions to ensure continued access to state-of-the-art knowledge in a variety of areas, including safety, education, materials, NDT, design, and fatigue. Bruce Cannon (Principal Welding Engineer, Weld Australia) and I participated in Commission VIII – Health and Safety. We were engaged in important discussions related to the safety of welding fumes. As a result, a range of important information has come to light. This information will be presented to the Welding Safety Council, chaired by Adam Furphy, on 3 September. Be sure to keep an eye out for interesting developments in this field. I also gave a presentation to Commission XIV – Education and Training. The presentation focused on the Advanced Welder Training Centres (AWTCs), and our learnings as a result of implementing the program. The feedback received from our international colleagues was very interesting; the shortage of welders is truly a global phenomenon. Delegates from America and Japan were forthcoming with ideas on the tactics they are implementing in their own countries to overcome this shortage. Like Australia, both America and Japan have insufficient welders to meet demand going forward. Weld Australia is also looking to secure a place on the IIW International Authorisation Board (IAB) Board. During the IIW Annual Assembly, the IAB

Members meeting approved a dedicated Africa/Oceania representative (along with an Asian representative).

additional services to members. We learnt an enormous amount, which has triggered us to implement a review of the Weld Australia Strategic Plan at the next Board meeting in September.

The Weld Australia delegation engaged in excellent interactions with representatives from a range of other countries, continuing to build relationships that will provide

Geoff Crittenden CEO, Weld Australia

Weld Australia’s IIW delegation (L to R): Bruce Cannon, Paolo Corronca, David Lake, Geoff Crittenden and Doug Hawkes.

Geoff Crittenden presents to Comission XIV - Education and Training.

Weld Australia Fast Facts 2

Member events


Hotline enquiries resolved


Newly trained International Welding Engineers


Newly trained International Welding Inspectors

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Newly trained International Welding Specialists


Newly trained International Welding Technologists


Welding Technology Appreciation training courses completed


Welders registered on the Australian Welder Certification Register

August 2019


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SKILLS FOR THE FUTURE REGISTER NOW 22 AUGUST 2019 THE AUSTRALIAN SYNCHROTRON MELBOURNE Australia is facing a significant shortage of skilled, qualified trades workers. Without action, the nation will be unable to meet future demand on major projects in industries as diverse as defence, shipbuilding, aerospace, infrastructure, rolling stock, and resources. Despite the manufacturing sector experiencing a period of growth, industry participants continue to cite workforce capability and availability as a critical constraint. This constraint is the basis of the 2019 National Manufacturing Summit’s theme: Skills for the Future.

Register your interest: https://manufacturingsummit.com.au


https://manufacturingsummit.com.au | 02 8748 0130 | events@weldaustralia.com.au

Membership Matters When was the last time you attended a Weld Australia Member Event? Last month? Last year? Never?! Maybe it’s time to dust off your diary, and save the date for the next member event in your state. After all, Member Events are about so much more than just the technical topic being discussed, or the facility being toured. Member events are all about: • Creation: inspiring creativity for new ideas, technology, processes, and creating exciting new opportunities • Connection: opening up communication between members and developing lifelong contacts • Continuity: driving your commitment to, and support of, Weld Australia’s objective of securing the future of Australia’s welding industry, and your place in it Event Topics The welding industry is continually changing. As such, Weld Australia’s Member Events are designed to focus on topics that need to be addressed by those working within the industry. We aim to develop events that are relevant, beneficial

and timely—and free to attend for members. Events are a great opportunity to stop and recalibrate for what’s ahead in our busy industry. All our Member Events are made possible through collaboration with State Committees and you, our Members. We aim to identify and enlist the help of subject matter experts, as well as a range of venues. You can see some of the events we’ve held recently below. However, it is important to remember that Member Events are only as good as you make them. Your support and feedback make our events successful. They are run for you. So, make the most of your membership. Be involved, suggest

topics, volunteer your knowledge and experience. No matter where you are in your career, you can add value, as well as benefit from our experts.You can even extend the opportunity to your colleagues; non-Weld Australia members are welcome at our events. Current Events To find out what events are happening in your state, or around Australia, simply visit the events page of the Weld Australia website. Future Events? If you have a suggestion for a future event (or membership in general), email membership@ weldaustralia.com.au. We’re always open to ideas for topics you’d like covered, venues, and facilities for site tours.

Recent Weld Australia Member Events

EN15085 Workshop, Sydney.

Q&A Forum, Melbourne.

Welding Q&A Panel, Adelaide.

Smithweld Enterprises Demonstration, Perth.

Presentation at Austedan, Newcastle.

August 2019

ALS Global site tour, Brisbane.


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Membership Matters A Checklist to Maximise the Value of Your Weld Australia Membership 1. Check Your Emails Email is Weld Australia’s main method of communication with members. Sometimes (due to server settings and various algorithms), Weld Australia emails may not land directly in your inbox. To ensure you receive all our communications, please check: a) that you don’t have any emails from Weld Australia in your junk/spam email folder, and b) that Weld Australia’s email address (membership@ weldaustralia.com.au) is added to your list of approved email addresses

2. Follow Weld Australia on Social Media Weld Australia shares a range of industry news, insights and trends, as well as updates on our activities.

This should help to avoid future problems (such as not receiving your member renewal notice, or missing out on important member communications).

Alternatively, you can find us by searching for ‘Weld Australia’ - just look for our logo in the results.

So, if you’re not already following us, make sure you do. Our social media accounts are: • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin. com/company/weldaustralia • Facebook: https://www. facebook.com/WeldAustralia • Instagram: https://www. instagram.com/weldaustralia

August 2019

3. Update Your Membership Records Weld Australia Members have access to a Member Portal. Here, you can access a range of documentation, as well as your membership information. We suggest that you login, and check that all your contact details are upto-date. This will ensure you receive all communications, discounts and other member entitlements. To access the Member Portal, you will need your username and password. If you have forgotten your username or password, please email membership@ weldaustralia.com.au


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New South Wales Division News Weld Australia recently facilitated a networking event for members at the North Wollongong Hotel. The networking event proved to be a great opportunity to meet up-andcoming welding engineers from all around Australia, as well as Weld Australia team members. This networking evening coincided with the final module of Weld Australia’s International Welding Engineer (IWE) and Technologist (IWT) course, which was held on campus at the University of Wollongong. The IWE / IWT course was very successful, with 16 students in attendance. Facilitated by Professor Madeleine du Toit (Professor in the Welding Engineering Research Group at the University of Wollongong, and a Weld Australia Councillor), attendees gained comprehensive knowledge of welding processes, equipment, materials and their behaviour during welding, construction and design, and fabrication application engineering.

Save the Date Upcoming Events

Networking event in Wollongong.

Networking event in Wollongong.

New South Wales Division Contact Paolo Corronca Qualification & Certification Manager 0438 012 099 p.corronca@weldaustralia.com.au

Paul Smith (Marketing Manager, Lincoln Electric Australia) will present this session. Paul has over 40 years industry experience, and is currently driving Lincoln Electric’s product management, marketing and Application Solution Centre. Event Details • Date: Thursday 29 August • Time: 6.00pm to 8.00pm • Venue: Lincoln Electric Building, Unit 2, 35 Bryant Street, Padstow

With Australian Standards placing more and more importance on the role of welding co-ordinators (particularly in oil and gas, rail and defence projects), the demand for qualified IWEs and IWTs is growing. With an IWE or IWT qualification, you can boost your earning potential, work on landmark projects and increase your job stability. The next intake for Weld Australia’s IWE and IWT course is in September. For further information or to enrol, contact Weld Australia on 02 8748 0100 or training@ weldaustralia.com.au.

High Deposition Welding When it comes to high deposition welding, achieving increased deposition rates (without compromising puddle stability and weld quality) is high priority. There is a new solution available to heavy fabrication welding that can not only improve deposition rate by 80% (compared to current single wire process), but offers improved quality with less undercutting and internal discontinuities.


Networking event in Wollongong.

The Effects of Gas Shielding on Welding Performance This technical session will look at the key factors to assess when using gas shielding. You will also get insight into the latest developments in gases and new mixtures designed for specific jobs. This event is scheduled for Thursday 26 September, so be sure to save the date.

Networking event in Wollongong.

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August 2019

For further information, email: membership@weldaustralia.com.au


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Victoria Division News BAE Systems Australia’s ‘Factory of the Future’ Event At the end of July, BAE Systems Australia’s shipbuilding business, ASC Shipbuilding, brought together businesses, industry, education providers and the R&T community from across the nation to focus on next-generation technologies. The ‘Factory of the Future’ technology showcase was held in Melbourne and featured some of Australia’s most exciting innovators and creators of Industry 4.0 solutions. The event was attended by more than 250 people from the defence, supply-chain, government and technology sectors, who were able to play with and witness first-hand local innovations.

said: “The Factory of the Future technology showcase features some of Australia’s leading innovators, and we are excited that a variety of small and medium Australian businesses could attend. We want to create a hive of activity for innovation collaboration and this event will hopefully lead to future partnerships on research and technology development in Australia and globally.”

Managing Director of ASC Shipbuilding, Craig Lockhart said he hopes some of the technology on display would find its way into the nine Hunter class frigates being built as part of the Hunter Class Frigate Program. Craig said at the event: “We’ve seen some fantastic stuff here today that I never knew was available and being applied across the commercial market. I’m hoping that some of it finds its way into not only the ships that are being built, but our factory for the future.” Innovation Manager ASC Shipbuilding, Evangelos Lambrinos,

Technical Night at SafeRad The recent technical event at SafeRad saw members learn about the latest technology solution in achieving close proximity radiography. Malcolm Wass (the designer and inventor of the SafeRad Close Proximity Radiography System and GammaBlok Radiation Shielding) took attendees through the dangers and costs associated with common close-proximity radiography practices, before demonstrating how new technology can provide a range of benefits.

Weld Australia was invited by BAE Systems to showcase the Soldamatic augmented reality welding simulator, and demonstrate how it can help train the welders of the future for the shipbuilding industry.

Malcolm provided several anecdotes on how he invented SafeRad, and explained how system is being continuously improved. Attendees also enjoyed a demonstration of the system, and learned how it successfully uses Selenium-75 as a radiation source.

Save the Date Upcoming Event The Economics of Welding Do you know how much your welding activities cost your business? This presentation will focus on how to calculate the cost of welding. It will also contain some examples, ideas and discussions on how to reduce those costs. About the Presenter: Victor Blain (Senior Welding Engineer, Weld Australia) Victor is a solution oriented engineer with over 10 years’ experience in both materials engineering and welding. Before joining Weld Australia, Victor held roles at Bombardier Transportation in Melbourne, as well as Partt & Whitney in Canada. An International Welding Engineer (IWE), Victor commenced his professional career as an apprentice welder. Event Details • Date: Thursday 12 September • Time: 5:30pm • Location: Chisholm Institute, 121 Stud Road, Dandenong

Weld Australia’s stand at BAE Systems Australia’s Factory of the Future event.

Technical Night at SafeRad.

Watch a video on BAE Systems Australia’s Factory of the Future event.

Technical Night at SafeRad.

August 2019

For further information or to register for the event, email: membership@weldaustralia.com.au Victoria Division Contact Victor Blain Senior Welding Engineer 0409 823 991 v.blain@weldaustralia.com.au


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South Australia Division News The South Australia Division is pleased to welcome its newest Committee Member: Mike Dryden, QA and Welding Coordinator at Century Engineering. With more than 20 years experience in fabrication workshops, Mike brings a wealth of expertise to the South Australia Division Committee. Mike boasts more than 20 years experience as a project engineer and project manager in the dairy, pharmaceutical, oil and gas, mining and defence sectors. With a thorough understanding of Australian pressure equipment, piping, structural fabrication and welding codes, Mike also has an understanding of high performance industrial paint systems and their testing. Just some of the projects in which he has been involved include the Shell Pohokura on-shore gas processing plant, LPG storage bullets, and numerous vessel and pressure piping projects for Santos, QGC, Epic Energy and Caltex. He has expertise in quality management including specifications and Standards interpretation, developing organisational and project specific procedures and processes, including a growing interest in how human factors affect the effectiveness of those processes. According to Mike, he has joined the Committee for a couple of reasons, “I’ve joined the Committee to increase my exposure to other people, technology and other parts of the industry beyond a strictly fabrication point of view.” “I also want to provide the Committee with some input regarding the challenges and needs of an SME fabrication company, particularly with achieving compliance to the various Standards.” Mike is currently the QA and Welding Coordinator at Century Engineering, where he is responsible for maintaining the

company’s AS/NZS ISO 3834.2 and ISO 9001 certification. A multidisciplined company providing a range of end-to-end solutions across numerous industries. Century is a well-established, reliable asset partner, offering high quality engineering solutions and services. An Australian owned business, Century is Adelaide based with service branches across Australia. Century’s industry specific knowledge and expertise provide specialised engineering solutions across a range of sectors, including: water, defence, resources and energy, power, and rail. Their AS/NZS ISO 3834.2 certification has been an important part of their success, enabling them to provide high-quality services for projects like the ANZAC Class Frigate build, the Collins Class Submarine build, and the Hobart Class Air Warfare Destroyer build. Weld Australia would like to welcome Mike to the Committee; we are excited to have Mike, as a representative of a highly successful South Australian engineering firm, on board.

Save the Date Upcoming Event Welding Essentials: Standards & Augmented Reality Welders An essential technical session focusing on the new technologies, the applicable Standards, available that deliver real benefits for safety, productivity and the bottom line. The Presenters • Penny Johnson, Director Defence Industries, TAFE SA • Brian Rungie, National Manager, Strategic Partnerships, Weld Australia • Christopher McDermott Ormerod, Lecturer, TAFE SA Event Details • Date: Wednesday 28 August • Time: 6:00pm to 7:15pm • Location: TAFE SA (Regency TAFE Campus), Room H77, 137 Days Road, Regency Park REGISTER NOW For further information, email: membership@weldaustralia.com.au

South Australia Division Contact Brian Rungie National Manager Strategic Partnerships 0438 588 214 b.rungie@weldaustralia.com.au

Mike Dryden, QA & Welding Coordinator at Century Engineering.

August 2019

Mike Dryden with one of Century Engineering’s apprentices.


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2019 South Australia Conference & Trade Exhibition 4-6 November 2019, Adelaide Convention Centre Presented by Australian Institute for Non-destructive Testing The 2019 AINDT Conference will be a three-day gathering of NDT & CM experts from a wide range of industry, research and academic backgrounds including; mining, defence, oil and gas, offshore, pipelines, power generation, petrochemical, manufacturing, fabrication and construction.


Early Bird Rates extended to end of August. We also remind Delegates that there are additonal opportunities to be part of the event and gain some great industry exposure by...

EXHIBITING WITH A STAND TAKING UP A SPONSORSHIP PACKAGE PRESENTING A TECHNICAL PAPER This will be essential for all people in the Welding sector to further their knowledge-base, and network with leading experts on a variety of topics related to welding technology within the NDT and CM industry.

For more information about registering as a Delegate, Exhibitor, Sponsor or Submitting a Paper, contact the Federal office of AINDT on +61 03 9328 8831 or visit ndtsa.com.au Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Follow us on...

Queensland Division News TAFE Queensland Welding Course Endorsed for Naval Shipbuilding TAFE Queensland recently announced that it has become the first education provider in Queensland to receive course endorsement from the Naval Shipbuilding College (NSC). Approximately 80 Queensland students will successfully complete the Certificate III in Engineering-Fabrication Trade (welding component) in 2019 and be acknowledged by shipbuilding and supply chain industries across the country as being ‘job ready.’ TAFE Queensland Chief Executive Officer Mary Campbell said the endorsement was proof of TAFE Queensland’s ability to deliver some of the very best of Australia’s industrial training. “This endorsement represents a quality assurance guarantee to naval shipbuilders that the welding and CAD qualifications delivered by TAFE Queensland meet shipbuilding industry occupational standards and requirements,” said Campbell. “Graduates of our welding programs will have better employment opportunities in the naval shipbuilding program.” Queensland’s Acting Minister for Training and Skills Development Mark Ryan added that TAFE Queensland was committed to supporting the nation’s sovereign

naval shipbuilding capability, through building a skilled and continuous workforce. “A critical component of the enhanced welding course will be to teach students how to weld in confined spaces, an essential requirement for potential employers. We need skilled workers to fill the 15,000 jobs created to build and sustain our future fleet, including the most technologically advanced Attack-Class Submarines, Hunterclass Frigates and Arafura-class Offshore Patrol Vessels,’ said Ryan. Queensland Government to Offer Free Apprenticeships for In-Demand Jobs Young Queenslanders will have their apprenticeships paid for in nearly 140 high-demand jobs in a $32 million jobs-creation bonanza. The Queensland State Government will announce a statewide push to see more apprentices and trainees taken on, promising to pay the training costs of all workers aged under 21. This will mean savings of up to $3,000 for businesses who currently fund the courses, and free education for young people who score an apprenticeship or traineeship in 139 occupations suffering skills shortages. It is expected the new policy will encourage businesses to employ more trainees by making it cheaper for them to do so. The

Save the Date Upcoming Event Galvanising Presentation and Site Tour of Valmont Coatings This event brings together key experts in galvanising to provide insights into the galvanising process, the do’s and don’ts of galvanising, and the effects of various materials on the galvanising process. Event Details • Date: Tuesday 3 September Time: 6:00pm to 7:15pm • Location: Valmont Coatings, Cnr Boundary Road & Colbalt Street, Carole Park For further information or to register for the event, email: membership@weldaustralia.com.au

Government says it expects the investment will help 60,000 young people into a trade over the next four years. The policy will cover: • Certificate III in Engineering Fabrication Trade • Certificate III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade (Boilermaking/Welding) • Certificate III in Engineering Fabrication Trade (Casting and Moulding) • Certificate III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade (Light Fabrication - Sheetmetal • Certificate III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade (Patternmaking) • Certificate III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade (Surface Finishing) Queensland Division Contact Abhishek Trivedi Senior Welding Engineer 0409 670 433 a.trivedi@weldaustralia.com.au

The Soldamatic augmented reality welding simulators at the Acacia Ridge Camapus of TAFE Queensland SkillsTech.

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Western Australia Division News Civmec has achieved a significant milestone in the construction of its purpose-built assembly and maintenance hall in Henderson, Western Australia. The mega structure has been rising from the ground since October last year, when Prime Minister Scott Morrison was onsite to witness the erection of the first steel for the new world-class facility. The building now stands an incredible 70m high, with the recent addition of the 27m high bay structure which sits atop the expansive main roof. The 600-tonne structure, with a length of 130m and width of 40m, was securely lifted using hydraulic strand jacks and placed with incredible precision, with a mere 20mm clearance point in several areas. “Placing the high bay structure presented the team with a significant challenge. It was a complex process that required meticulous planning and I congratulate and thank the team for their commitment and focus in achieving this momentous milestone on the project,” said James Fitzgerald, Executive Chairman. The new building contains 20 overhead travelling cranes, with the central hall having an impressive 400 tonne lifting capacity. The 60m ocean-facing sliding doors are amongst the largest in the world, able to accommodate the transfer of vessels and large modularised structures. The facility has over 1.2 million cubic metres of internal space, which is equivalent to an area that could house 12,000 passenger buses. To date, approximately 4,900 tonnes of structural steel and 14,000m3 of concrete have been used in the structure, with an estimated total of 5,100 tonnes of steel and 21,000m3 of concrete required for the entire build.

Western Australia Division Contact Mehdi Tajfar Welding Engineer 0417 044 370 m.tajfar@weldaustralia.com.au

When complete, the facility will be amongst the most efficient and innovative in the world, delivering a new world-class resource to the Australian maritime landscape and significantly enhancing the capability of Civmec’s existing facilities available at the Australian Marine Complex in Western Australia. The 53,000m2 (usable floor area), 18-storey high facility will be the largest undercover modularisation and maintenance facility in Australia, with the capacity to house large vessels, including complete Air Warfare Destroyers, Frigates and Offshore Patrol Vessels, for construction or maintenance, as

well as large integrated modules for the Oil and Gas, and Metals and Minerals sectors. “Our substantial investment in this new facility, capable of handling any of Australia’s major projects across the resource, infrastructure and defence sectors, is an integral element in securing the company’s long-term future. It is a significant piece of industrial infrastructure, and when fully operational will provide employment opportunities for up to an additional 1,000 Australians, including 100 new apprentices and trainees,” said Patrick Tallon, Chief Executive Officer.

Civmec’s purpose-built assembly and maintenance hall.

Watch a video on the construction of Civmec’s purpose-built assembly and maintenance hall in Henderson, Western Australia.

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Northern Territory Division News NASA scientists famous for scouring the red planet on rovers recently travelled to the red dirt of remote Northern Territory to an area where rockets are expected to be launched within the next year.

Northern Territory Committee Expressions of Interest

Todd Barber and Tom Nolan, both employed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in California, were this week taken to land surrounding the now-named Gulkula Launch Site, outside of Nhulunbuy, in north-east Arnhem Land.

We are currently seeking expressions of interest for new Northern Territory Committee members. The application process is open to all Weld Australia members with an emphasis on the shipbuilding and rail industries, as well as the consumables industry.

“When I first saw the land here and I saw the colour, I said, ‘this is Mars’,” Nolan said. “We have fake Mars at JPL to do things, and this is exactly what it looks like … the colour and the texture. We’re here.” Earlier this year it was announced that NASA — the US aeronautical agency responsible for putting man on the Moon — would be shooting at least three suborbital rockets from the site in 2020. Nolan said the site’s remoteness was a distinct advantage. “We need remoteness. We can’t launch out of Los Angeles — it’s not going to work,” he said. “So having the remote area is the beginning … being out in the middle of nowhere is a great advantage. It’s unpopulated. It’s a great opportunity.”

Late last year, Gumatj, the corporation representing the Gumatj people, granted ELA a 40-year sub-lease for a 60-hectare parcel of land for its launch site. No infrastructure has yet been built on the site, as the companies await development proposals to be processed, but Gumatj chief executive Klaus Helms said he wanted to get started in 2019. “We hope that within this year I’d like to be able to put the roads in and start a clearing, if all the applications come through,” Mr Helms said. “As you can see, we’ve got NASA people onsite today and walking around, it’s a good sign for us that it is actually going to happen.” Mr Helms said NASA’s involvement had helped ground the space centre plan into reality. “It needed

To submit your expression of interest, please email


a kickstart, and this is a very good kickstart to get it going,” Helms said. “If it goes ahead, we’ve got the building of the roads, the building of the infrastructure, we’ve got the delivery of water, the delivery of fuel, we’ve got communications, security; there’s a multitude of jobs.” Source: https://www.abc.net.au

Space company Equatorial Launch Australia has named the area the Gulkula Launch Site, the Aboriginal name for the locality. NASA plans to launch at least three suborbital sounding rockets from the Gulkula Launch Site next year.

Northern Territory Division Contact Abhishek Trivedi Senior Welding Engineer 0409 670 433 a.trivedi@weldaustralia.com.au

View of the Earth seen by the Apollo 17 crew in 1972 traveling toward the moon. Image courtesy of NASA.

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Tasmania Division News This month, the Tasmania Division brings you news from around the state, from strong results in the building and construction sector, through to renewable energy developments and calls for Tasmanians to sign up to the naval shipbuilding college’s workforce register. Strong Results for the Building and Construction Sector ABS data released in early August confirmed Tasmania as the strongest state in the nation for the annual growth of dwelling approvals, and one of only two jurisdictions to see positive growth over the past financial year. Additionally, the recently published HIA Housing Scorecard confirmed Tasmania has seen the biggest improvement in the nation in terms of building conditions, and now sits second to Victoria in terms of favourable residential building conditions. That’s on top of the latest Commsec report that shows Tasmania’s economic performance ranks third out of all states and territories - our best result in ten years. According to Elise Archer, Minister for Building and Construction, this hasn’t happened by accident. “It’s the policies of the Hodgman majority Liberal Government which are supporting Tasmanian businesses and backing our industries to grow.” “Our economic management has delivered the best business conditions in the country, which drives economic growth and helps to create new jobs across the sector.”

According to Guy Barnett, Minister for Primary Industries and Water, the Government is committed to business investment in Tasmania, particularly in regional areas with the Cattle Hill and Granville Harbour wind farms injecting $580 million investment, creating hundreds of jobs and contributing to the ongoing downward pressure on prices. “The Government’s Battery of the nation and Marinus second interconnector projects will unlock billions of investment in Tasmania with developers currently assessing thousands of megawatts of wind potential, such as Epuron’s plans for a 300 megawatt wind farm in the Central Highlands.” “Renewable energy initiatives, like Robbins Island, will further secure Tasmania’s energy supply, put downward pressure on power prices for all Tasmanians, drive investment and create much needed local jobs.”

the institution revealed only 46 Tasmanians had signed up. Launceston-based Australian Maritime College (AMC) principal Michael van Balen said the workforce register provided a real opportunity for Tasmanians, along with people from other states, to sign up to be part of the federal government’s naval shipbuilding program. ”The workforce register enables people from around Australia who are interested in long-term shipbuilding career opportunities to express their interest and receive assistance through the skilling and employment process.” While Tasmania has only had 46 applications, the workforce register in total has had 1192 registrations from across the country. Source: www.examiner.com.au

Tasmania Division Contact Victor Blain Senior Welding Engineer 0409 823 991 v.blain@weldaustralia.com.au

Tasmanians Urged to Sign Up to Shipbuilding Workforce Register Tasmanians are being urged to sign up to the naval shipbuilding college’s workforce register after

Backing Renewable Energy Developments Under the current Government, Tasmania achieved zero net emissions in 2016 and is already on track to achieve its 2022 target of 100% self-sufficiency in renewable energy production, while delivering the country’s lowest regulated electricity prices.

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Training & Certification News Spark an Exciting Career: A Guide to a Welders’ Career Path Welding Inspectors: In this type of role, you will be responsible for inspecting, evaluating and certifying weld quality in accordance with specifications and Australian Standards.

One of the best things about going into welding is the accessibility – you don’t need a university degree. You will still need to complete a welding course and gain the requisite qualification to equip yourself with all the necessary skills to become a professional welder. A welding course generally sets you up for an entry-level job, so within a year you can be working professionally as a welder.

becoming so advanced, you have a unique opportunity to learn a skill and have a career that can be shaped around your interests and passions. In welding, there is so much potential for growth and promotions.

Welding is forever changing and growing. There is almost no limit to what welding can do, particularly with new technology like robots, automated systems, powerful lasers and electron beams. Welding is all about high-tech equipment, engineering and maths – not working in a dark, dirty workshop.

Welders: Experienced, qualified welders can find work in all types of sectors, from manufacturing and mining, through to defence.

Welding Employment Opportunities A career in the welding industry offers many different roles.

Welding Engineers: This position comes with more responsibility, including project management, planning and overseeing welders and weld quality.

With the demand for welders on the rise and welding technology

Welding Instructors: You may even wish to become a welding instructor at a local TAFE. You will need to be certified to instruct others, and possess extensive experience with a range of welding types, positions and materials. Where to Start? If welding seems like the career you, there are plenty of options. You can start a TAFE course or try your hand at an apprenticeship. Or, if you’re not too sure where to begin, contact Weld Australia for information on 02 8748 0100 or training@weldaustralia.com.au.

park An Exciting Career: A Welders’ Career Pat How A Welders’ Career Path Works Trade Qualified Welder

Certified Senior Welding Inspector


International Welding Technologist3


International Welding Engineer1




Dependent on experience and qualifications.






Welding Supervisor AS22142


Certified Structural Steel Welding Supervisor






Requires a Degree in Engineering for entry.

International Welding Inspector Standard

International Welding Specialist



Certified Welding Inspector








STEP Weld Australia Welding Inspector Grade 2

International Welding Inspector - Basic





Weld Australia Welding Inspector Grade 1




Weld Australia Welding Workshop Supervisor


Welding Supervisor AS1796 Cert 102


Certified Pressure Equipment Welding Supervisor



Weld Austral


Apprenticeship or Traineeship




Requires an Associate Diploma in Engineering or sufficient experience as IWS.

What Now? Do You Start? | February 2018 PageWhere 18 | WELD CONNECT

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Training & Certification News International Welding Engineer and Technologist Course 2019 The International Welding Engineer (IWE) and International Welding Technologist (IWT) course is scheduled to begin in September this year. This course has proved popular over the last three years after the introduction of the new course format. Industries around Australia have acknowledged a capability gap when it comes to coordination of welding activities, and now recognise the importance of a Responsible Welding Coordinator (RWC) in controlling the quality of welded product. Many companies require an RWC to ensure compliance with AS/NZS ISO 3834 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials and ISO 14731 Welding coordination – Tasks and responsibilities. An RWC is typically responsible for the quality, cost, and productivity of all welding related activities within a company. IWE and IWT are recognised as qualifications that meet the recommended technical knowledge requirements for an RWC under these ISO Standards.

How to Enrol You must apply for the IWE or IWT course online: • Go to the Weld Australia website: weldaustralia.com.au • Click on the Training and Certification page • Click on the pink button that says ‘ALL COURSES – CLICK HERE’ (right at the top of the page) • Click on either the: • International Welding Engineer course • International Welding Technologist course • Click on ‘Register’

Early Bird Discount Offer Weld Australia is currently offering an ‘early bird’ discount (on IWE and IWT training and exams) to both companies and individuals: 5% off if you register between 1 and 30 August 2019 After 30 August dates, full course fees apply. Get in quick; register now, before it’s too late.

If you are a Weld Australia member, you will then be prompted to enter your membership details. If not, you will need to create a profile. Please note that you are only enrolled once you have provided all the necessary details requested and paid for the course.

will then be required to pay for the course prior to its commencement. If you do not select ‘Save and Pay Later’, none of the information that you have entered will be saved and you will not be registered.

How to Register To register for a course, you need to complete the same process. However, one you reach the payments details, you will need to select ‘Save and Pay Later’. You

Further Information If you require any information, please contact Paul James (Training Manage, Weld Australia) on p.james@weldaustralia.com.au or 02 8748 0150.

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Training & Certification News Weld Australia is the premier welding certification body in Australia. Nationally recognised and accredited by the International Institute of Welding (IIW), Weld Australia offers individual certification in: Welding Specialist, Welding Inspector, Welding Technologist, Welding Engineer AS1796 Welding Supervisor Certificate 10, and AS2214 Welding Supervisor. Key Weld Australia Exam Dates Examinations are generally held in State capital cities around Australia. Locations and start and finish times of examinations will be provided upon confirmation of registration. The National Examination dates to be held in state capital cities where sufficient registrations are received: • 6 November – IWS and National Welding Supervisor Paper A • 7 November – Welding Supervisor B1 and B2 Code exams Examinations will also be held on other dates in 2019. Keep an eye on Weld Connect or the Weld

Australia website for details: https://weldaustralia.com.au. Applying for Exams Exam applications must be submitted online through the WeldQ system. Please login to your WeldQ profile at https://wtia.weldq. com/applicant/login using your WeldQ ID. If you have been issued with qualifications or certifications by Weld Australia or WTIA in the past, a WeldQ account has been created for you with your own unique WeldQ ID. If you do not know your WeldQ ID, email qnc@weldaustralia.com.au.

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If you have not been issued with qualifications or certifications by Weld Australia or WTIA in the past, you will be required to create a WeldQ account. To create a WeldQ account please go to https://wtia. weldq.com/applicant/login and click on the red button that says ‘Click Here to Create an Account’. Exam applications must be submitted no later than six weeks prior to the exam date. If the exams you are interested in are not listed above please email qnc@weldaustralia.com.au For all exam inquiries, please email qnc@weldaustralia.com.au


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Training & Certification News Under the Australian Welder Certification Register (AWCR) system, welders are invited to complete a test that qualifies them to a welding procedure as set out in AS/NZS ISO 9606-1 or AS/NZS 2980. Once qualified, the welder is certified to that procedure, becoming a Registered Welder, and the information recorded in the AWCR. Becoming an AWCR Approved Examiner Weld Australia has recently relaxed the requirements that individuals must satisfy in order to become an AWCR Approved Examiner. In doing so, we hope to see more people applying for, and being successful in, becoming an AWCR Approved Examiner. The new requirements are as follows: • Be a Weld Australia Member or an employee of a Weld Australia Member Company • Be qualified to one of the following: • Welding Supervisor (AS1796 or AS2214) • International Welding Inspector (Standard) • International Welding Specialist • International Welding Technologist • International Welding Engineer • An equivalent certification as verified by Weld Australia, i.e. CSWIP 3.1, CSWIP 3.2 • Have a sound understanding of AS/NZS ISO 9606-1 or AS/NZS 2980 • Be fully conversant with

welding safety procedures Study the Approved Examiner Training and complete the Questionnaire

Role of the Approved Examiner The Approved Examiner is the cornerstone of the AWCR. The Approved Examiner has complete responsibility for carrying out weld tests and entering the results into the AWCR. As an Approved Examiner you must conduct weld tests at an approved Testing Centre. A Testing Centre is a place determined by an Approved Examiner to meet the requirements set out by Weld Australia. Benefits of Becoming an AWCR Approved Examiner As an Approved Examiner you will be entitled to charge for the following services: • Conducting and examining a weld test. • Mechanical testing. • Inspection of test centres to ensure they meet the required standard set by Weld Australia. For further information, visit: https://awcr.org.au

Approved AWCR Testing Centres New South Wales • lllawarra TAFE: www.illawarra.tafensw.edu.au Victoria • Bombardier Transportation Australia: www.bombardier.com • Box Hill Institute: www.boxhill.edu.au • Robert Vernon: 0487 400 002 or robvernon@bigpond.com • Victorian Testing and Inspection Services: www.victesting.com.au South Australia • Regency TAFE: www.tafesa.edu.au Tasmania • Tasmanian Minerals and Energy Council: http://tasminerals.com.au Queensland • Kangaroo Training Institute: https://kangarootraininginstitute.com.au • TAFE Qld SkillsTech: https://tafeskillstech.edu.au Northern Territory • Charles Darwin University: www.cdu.edu.au Western Australia • Australian Welding Academy: •

http://australianweldingacademy. com.au

QSM Fabrication: www.qsmfabrication.com.au

To register as an Approved AWCR Testing Centre, complete the Application Form and send it to awcr@weldaustralia.com.au.

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2019 Training Calendar Weld Australia delivers a comprehensive range of training and certification services, all of which are designed to help Australian welders and fabrication companies achieve and maintain a competitive advantage. As the premier welding certification body in Australia, an International Institute of Welding (IIW) Authorised Nominated Body (ANB) and an Authorised Training Body (ATB), Weld Australia offers a range of individual certifications, including: Welding Inspector, Welding Specialist, Welding Technologist, Welding Engineer, AS1796 Welding Supervisor Certificate 10, and AS2214 Welding Supervisor. International Welding Inspector - Basic

International Welding Inspector - Standard






11 - 15 Nov 2019


IWI-S Part 1: 23 - 27 Sep 2019 IWI-S Part 2: 9 - 11 Oct 2019


2 - 6 Sep 2019


IWI-S Part 1: 24 - 28 Jun 2019 IWI-S Part 2: 1 - 3 Jul 2019


16 - 20 Sep 2019


IWI-S Part 1: 28 Oct - 1 Nov 2019 IWI-S Part 2: 11 - 13 Nov 2019


9 - 13 Sep 2019


IWI-S Part 1: 23 - 27 Sep 2019 IWI-S Part 2: 19 - 11 Oct 2019

International Welding Specialist Location



Week 1: 19 - 23 Aug 2019 Week 2: 30 Sep 2019 - 04 Oct 2019 Week 3: 28 Oct 2019 - 01 Nov 2019 Week 4: 25 - 29 Nov 2019 Week 5: 16 Dec 2019 - 20 Dec 2019

Welding Workshop Supervisor (Blended Learning Program) Location


Australia-wide 7 Jan 2019 - 20 Dec 2019

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2019 Training Calendar International Welding Engineer Location



Module 1: 23 - 27 Sep 2019 Practical Phase: 25 - 29 Nov 2019 Module 2: 2 - 6 Dec 2019 Module 3: 10 - 14 Feb 2020 Module 4: 4 - 8 May 2020

International Welding Technologist Location



Module 1: 23 - 27 Sep 2019 Practical Phase: 25 - 29 Nov 2019 Module 2: 2 - 6 Dec 2019 Module 3: 10 - 14 Feb 2020 Module 4: 4 - 8 May 2020

Welding Technology Appreciation for Engineers (3DE) Location



2 - 4 Dec 2019


13 - 15 Nov 2019


4 - 6 Nov 2019


25 - 27 Nov 2019

Online & Blended Learning In conjunction with the American Welding Society (AWS), Weld Australia offers online courses to help develop your welding knowledge and to better inform you for your professional development. The content has been developed by senior people within the profession and is regularly updated. These courses are available any time, day and night, and are designed as self-paced modules which will allow the student to complete them in their own time. Courses include: Economics of Welding; Fabrication Maths (Basic and Advanced); Metallurgy (Basic and Advanced); Non-Destructive Testing; Welding Fundamentals (Basic and Advanced); Welding Safety; Welding Sales Representative; and Welding Symbols. In-House Training Weld Australia can present any of its courses to your employees in-house at the location of your choosing. We can also tailor training courses specifically for your company and employees. The Benefits of Training & Qualification Weld Australia training and certification is a strong addition to your career portfolio. It demonstrates to employers that you possess advanced welding knowledge, essential to ensuring the highest levels of workmanship. Qualification demonstrates to employers that you are dedicated to continually learning and growing in your field. These are qualities that are essential for success in team leadership roles or for more complex projects. Designed to provide an interesting and stimulating industrial perspective, all our courses are supported by a broad range of major industry groups and hundreds of Australian companies. Plus, our presenters are all International Welding Engineers or Technologists with extensive industry experience. Further Information For further information, or to enrol in a Weld Australia training course today, please contact: training@weldaustralia.com.au or +61 2 8748 0100, or visit www.weldaustralia.com.au. Weld Australia reserves the right to cancel or change dates of any training course due to insufficient registrations or other reasons beyond its control, and reserves the right to refuse enrolments.

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Advanced Welder Training Courses Fusion Welding Courses There are two ISO 9606 Qualification test of welders — Fusion welding —Part 1: Steels courses listed on Training.gov.au, the National Register of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Australia. This is the authoritative source of Nationally Recognised Training and Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). These courses were developed in Victoria in 2018. One is intended for inexperienced welders, the other for experienced welders. Both use augmented reality welding simulators as a key component of the training. Transition Workers To be awarded a certificate for the Course in Fusion Welding to AS/NZS ISO 9606 for Transition Workers, you must successfully complete seven units of competency (four core and three elective). Core units: • Simulate fusion welding processes using augmented reality equipment • Identify welding processes, safe welding practices and use of hand and power tools • Interpret and apply AS/NZS ISO 9606 for fusion welding processes • Perform fusion welding procedures to meet the procedures of ISO 9606-1 (Steels – carbon steels) Experienced Welders To be awarded a Statement of Attainment for the Course in Fusion Welding to AS/NZS ISO 9606 for Experienced Welders, you must successfully complete three units of competency (one core and two elective). The core unit is: Interpret and apply AS/NZS ISO 9606 for fusion welding processes. Elective Units Other elective units available include: • Perform fusion welding procedures to meet the procedures of AS/NZS ISO 9606-1 (Steels – stainless steel) • Perform fusion welding procedures to meet the requirements of • AS/NZS ISO 9606-2 (Aluminium and aluminium alloys) • Perform fusion welding procedures to meet the requirements of AS/NZS ISO 9606-3, 4 or 5 (Exotic metals) • Perform routine manual metal arc welding • Perform routine gas metal arc welding • Perform manual heating and thermal cutting • Read and interpret technical drawings and make measurements for a welding procedure Further Information For further information, please contact: training@weldaustralia.com.au or +61 2 8748 0100, or visit www.weldaustralia.com.au.

Enrol in a Fusion Welding Course Today

You can enrol in a Fusion Welding course through any of the Advanced Welder Training Centres across Australia. These are all listed below. Queensland TAFE Queensland Caboolture Campus https://tafeqld.edu.au Tallon Street, Caboolture, Queensland TAFE Queensland SkillsTech https://tafeqld.edu.au 247 Bradman Street, Acacia Ridge, Queensland South Australia TAFE SA Regency Campus https://www.tafesa.edu.au 137 Days Road, Regency Park, South Australia Tasmania Tasmanian Minerals and Energy Council https://tasminerals.com.au 13 Wellington Street, Burnie, Tasmania Victoria Box Hill Institute https://www.boxhill.edu.au 465 Elgar Road, Box Hill, Melbourne, Victoria Bendigo TAFE http://www.bendigotafe.edu.au 23 Mundy Street, Bendigo, Victoria Federation University https://federation.edu.au Lydiard Street South, Ballarat, Victoria

The Advanced Welder Training Centre at TAFE SA’s Regency Campus.

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For Your Diary: Upcoming Events Whether you need to brush up on skills acquired years ago, or want to try your hand at something new, there’s sure to be an event for you. Keep in mind that attending Weld Australia events counts towards CPD requirements for certification applications and renewals. For details, contact events@weldaustralia.com.au or +61 2 8748 0100. 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials 2019 Melbourne, 11 to 16 August ICCM is the premier international conference in the field of composite materials, and covers polymer matrix composites, metal matrix composites, ceramic matrix composites, natural fibre composites, fibre metal laminates, fibres and resins and all the other classes of composites. For further details visit: https://iccm22.com Australian International Mining Expo (AIMEX) Sydney, 27 to 29 August AIMEX is the key event on the mining calendar and is an internationally renowned platform which showcases the latest mining technology, equipment and services. Free-to-attend, AIMEX will feature more than 500 suppliers For further details, visit: https://www.aimex.com.au Australasian Coasts & Ports 2019 Hobart, 10 to 13 September Australasian Coasts and Ports 2019 will bring together engineers, planners, scientists and

researchers to Hobart, to focus on the technological, scientific, policy, planning and design issues related to our diverse and developing coasts. For information, visit: https://coastsandports2019.com.au Australian Steel Convention Sydney, 15 to 17 September The Australian Steel Institute’s 2019 Convention looks at current infrastructure opportunities and beyond the project pipeline, focussing on forging deeper and more meaningful commercial links that will see our industry continue to grow and thrive. For further details, visit: https://www.steel.org.au AINDT Conference Adelaide, 4 to 6 November The 2019 AINDT Conference will be a three-day gathering of NDT & CM experts from a wide range of industry, research and academic backgrounds, including mining, defence, oil and gas, offshore, pipelines, power generation, petrochemical, manufacturing, fabrication and construction. For further details, visit: www.ndtsa.com.au

Event Spotlight: 2019 National Manufacturing Summit 22 August, Melbourne Do you struggle to fill vacant positions? Concerned about the future of Australian manufacturing? Want to upskill your workforce with globalstandard training? With the theme of Skills for the Future, the National Manufacturing Summit gathers leading representatives from all major Australian manufacturing stakeholders—business, unions, universities, finance, suppliers, and government—to discuss the sector’s prospects, and identify promising, pragmatic policy measures designed to support an industrial turnaround. The Summit is a must-attend event for anyone with a vested interest in manufacturing, skills, training and apprenticeships. Just some of the speakers include Dr Jens Goennemann (AMGC), Chris Brugeaud (SSS Manufacturing), Adrian Boden (SEMMA), and Professor Michelle Gee (Sir Lawrence Wackett Centre). Weld Australia will host the 2019 National Manufacturing Summit at The Australian Synchrotron in Melbourne on 22 August. Register Now.


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Expand Your Audience. Grow Your Business. Advertise with Weld Australia.

Weld Australia is happy to offer you and your business the opportunity to promote your products and services directly to the decision makers in the welding and fabricating industry­. We have a range of cost effective advertising and editorial packages available, in both Weld Connect and Australian Welding.

For further information, contact: Donna South on d.south@weldaustralia.com.au or +61 (0)2 8748 0130

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