WELD AUSTRALIA CONTACTS NATIONAL OFFICE PO Box 197, Macquarie Park BC NSW 1670 02 8748 0100 office@weldaustralia.com.au Geoff Crittenden Chief Executive Officer 02 8748 0100 g.crittenden@weldaustralia.com.au
A Message from Our CEO
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Membership Matters
Upcoming Events
Member Directory
Weld Australia Supports Synergy During a Planned Maintenance Outage
Weld Australia Welcomes its Newest Premium Corporate Member: Schlam 9 Royal Wolf Undertakes In-House Welder Training
Weld Australia Delivers ‘Train the Trainer’ Session for TAFE Queensland Teachers
MEM National Welding Learning Resources
ENGINEERING Victor Blain Engineering Team Manager 0409 823 991 v.blain@weldaustralia.com.au TRAINING Guy Brooks Training Manager 0488 743 322 g.brooks@weldaustralia.com.au MARKETING Disha Mistry Graduate Marketing Assistant 0497 497 424 d.mistry@weldaustralia.com.au MEMBERSHIP Eva Chun Membership Manager 0417 878 104 e.chun@weldaustralia.com.au
CERTIFICATION Arya Sharifian Qualification and Certification Team Manager 0419 414 901 a.sharifian@weldaustralia.com.au NEW SOUTH WALES & NORTHERN TERRITORY Paolo Corronca National Manager Engineering 0438 012 099 p.corronca@weldaustralia.com.au VICTORIA, TASMANIA & SOUTH AUSTRALIA Victor Blain Engineering Team Manager 0409 823 991 v.blain@weldaustralia.com.au QUEENSLAND Ross O’Bryan Welding Engineer / Technology Trainer 0491 491 888 r.obryan@weldaustralia.com.au WESTERN AUSTRALIA Mehdi Tajfar Senior Welding Engineer 0417 044 370 m.tajfar@weldaustralia.com.au
AS/NZS ISO 3834 Surveillance Audit of Ingal EPS 12 Weld Australia’s Exam Calendar
AS/NZS ISO 3834 Surveillance Audit of GM Poles 13 AS/NZS ISO 3834 Gap Analysis for Allweld Manufacturing
Century Engineering’s AS/NZS ISO 3834 Certification Reconfirmed
Bucket Fabrication Certified to Internationally Recognised Benchmark 14 Fusion Welding Courses WELD CONNECT | AUGUST 2021
15 PAGE 2
THE FIRST WELD AUSTRALIA BOARD AND STATE COMMITTEE CHAIRS FORUM We recently held the first Weld Australia Board and State Committee Chairs Forum. This new initiative is designed to give the State Committee Chairs the opportunity to provide the Board with feedback from their local region. The meeting was opened by Weld Australia’s Chair, David Lake, before all attendees introduced themselves. David then provided an overview of Weld Australia’s Strategic Plan, and the process through which the Board created the Strategic Plan. Each of the State Committee Chairs then raised issues prepared by their local Committee, and a lively discussion followed. One of key issues raised is the need for a continuous professional development program for Welding Inspectors and Supervisors. State Committee Chairs are concerned that, whilst Inspectors and Supervisors might be qualified, they lack the experience and ‘real world’ competency required to undertake their role in a practical setting. Passing an exam is one thing, but being a component professional is another. As such, the State Committee Chairs have requested that Weld Australia investigate how we can reinvigorate certification, incorporating an online continuous professional development program for Welding Inspectors and Supervisors.
Weld Australia would like to welcome the following new members who joined in July. CORPORATE MEMBERS • NWI Group: nwigroup.com.au INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS • Nick Gill • Broden Condran • James Benham • Mark Roberts • Jérémy Vives • JAE UK KIM • Samantha Farrar • Andrew van Niekerk • Joshua Davis • Luke McLure • Martin Leicht • Jay Solanki
WELDING SAFETY COUNCIL Weld Australia established the Welding Safety Council to advocate for strong safety requirements and risk minimisation throughout the industry. The Council provides a forum for industry and legislative safety authorities to discuss issues and work collaboratively to identify solutions. The Council met recently, with representatives from all the state-based WorkSafe bodies in attendance. The main topics of discussion were welding fume safety and electrical safety. As a result of the discussions, Weld Australia will be working on an electrical safety and fume safety education program for welders and business owners. The safety of our members is paramount. COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS With over 16 million Australians currently in lockdown, I’d like to wish everyone well. I hope that you and your businesses aren’t too badly affected by the restrictions. I count myself very lucky to have had my first Astra Zeneca vaccination on 12 May. This first vaccination was more by chance than planning. I just happened to be looking online and found that a new vaccination centre had opened up at my local hospital. I booked an appointment on a Tuesday night at 9pm for 8am the following morning. I had my second jab just last week. The appointments were both very smooth and easy, and I suffered no ill effects. I know that there are those among you who have concerns around getting vaccinated. But, having a high percentage of the population vaccinated against COVID-19 really is the only way forward. It is the only way to avoid these ongoing lockdowns and restrictions, and to return to ‘business as usual’.
Geoff Cri t e nden
CEO, Weld Australia
TEi Services, Townsville
BOC, Adelaide
Schlam, Pilbara FIFO Field Office
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As we continue to navigate through a myriad of changing COVID-19 restrictions across Australia, this month we thought we’d provide you with a snapshot of some of the opportunities available to you through your Weld Australia membership. Now is the time to focus on the things that you can control, like maximising your career potential through your connection with Weld Australia.
Opportunities to build your professional network. Check out the Member Directory and our Events Calender or join your local state committee.
Familarise yourself with the growing range of technical resources like Tech Notes, Technical Guidance Notes, and Fact Sheets to stay on top of industry trends.
COVID-19 RESOURCES The COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on almost all industries across Australia, including welding and fabrication. In response, the Federal and State Governments, and the ATO have a range of measures to help businesses. As our businesses cross state borders, it’s important to have access to State updates and information regarding COVID-19. Visit the following websites: • Australian Taxation Office (ATO) • New South Wales Government • Northern Territory Government • Queensland Government • South Australia Government • Tasmania Government • Victoria Government • Western Australia Government You can also access COVID-19 resources via the Weld Australia website. WELD CONNECT | AUGUST 2021
Weld Australia is committed to making welding resources accessible to all our members. From networking opportunities, through to training and a range of technical resources, all of these resources are right at your fingertips.
Stand out. Develop your skills and qualifications. Check out our range of training courses, and technical events via our Online Portal.
TAKE OUR PULSECHECK SURVEY >>>>>>> The aim of our new 1-minute PULSEcheck surveys is to gauge the health of our welding community. They are designed to help our community connect and share experiences. Responses are anonymous and results will be shared in an upcoming issue of Weld Connect. This survey ends 20 August 2021.
Take the Survey Now PAGE 5
ZOOM OR GLOOM? PREPARING WELL TO MASTER YOUR VIRTUAL MEETINGS Communicating virtually is here for the foreseeable future, and our ability to manage it well will bring tremendous benefits, and limit potential frustrations, for both us and our audience. We have all experienced it no matter what position you have. In this session, we will focus on the first stage in delivering virtual meetings: delivering an effective virtual presentation which starts before we even hop on. In other words, what we do to prepare. Its sounds simple, but you will be surprised what can be easily overlooked. This is a masterclass in effective virtual communication which will focus on the elements of success when preparing for the virtual meeting or presentation. Event Details • Date: Tuesday 17 August • Time: 11am to 12 noon (AEST) • Venue: Via Zoom (details will be emailed to registrant) • Cost: Weld Australia members FREE; Non-members $50
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TRAINING FOR EMPLOYABILITY AND PROFITABILITY Individuals and organisations need to ensure their skills and knowledge are current to deliver work both domestically and internationally. Knowing what skills and knowledge are in demand now and into the future allows organisations to plan their workforces accordingly and provides individuals with a clear career pathway to follow.
TECHNICAL RESOURCES: WHAT, WHERE AND WHY Weld Australia provides a wide range of technical resources. Published as Technical Notes and Technical Guidance Notes, these documents cover a range of subject matters and can be an essential ingredient for the success and quality of your product, service, or business.
This session will be presented by Carl Spruce (Director, Outsource Institute).
With more and more pressure to deliver work to required high standards within tight deadlines, having access to technical information is critical. Our technical resources can help you improve your efficiency and productivity, explain Australian Standards, and bolster the safety of your workplace. Bruce Cannon (Principal Welding Engineer, Weld Australia) will describe how the resources can help you, your employees, and your business.
Event Details • Date: Wednesday 25 August • Time: 1pm to 2pm (AEST) • Venue: Via Zoom (details will be emailed to registrant) • Cost: Weld Australia members FREE; Non-members $50
Event Details • Date: Tuesday 21 September • Time: 10am to 11am (AEST) • Venue: Via Zoom (details will be emailed to registrant) • Cost: Weld Australia members FREE; Non-members $50
This session will look into: • Upskilling and why it’s critical • Employability and the relationship to training • Know what training is available • Career pathways
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Questions? Queries? Need a hand? Call us on 02 8748 0135 or email membership@weldaustralia.com.au
MEMBER DIRECTORY Our new Member Directory provides all company members free exposure on our website. Every Corporate, Premium Corporate, and Industry Group member can create a listing in the Directory with contact details, a logo, a short description of the business and their services, and industries served. The following member types are eligible to have a listing in the Member Directory: • Industry Group Members (always displays at top of results, logo listing, and Industry Group badge) • Premium Corporate Members (displays above corporate member listings, logo listing, and Premium Corporate Badge) • Corporate Members (standard logo listing)
HOW TO SET UP YOUR MEMBER DIRECTORY LISTING You can create your listing from within your Weld Australia profile. Just log in and select ‘My Business Listing’ from the dropdown menu under your name. Click on ‘Create’, fill in your company’s details, then hit submit. It’s as easy as that! Listings are approved by Weld Australia prior to going live, so there may be a delay between you submitting a listing and it appearing in the directory.
Visit the Member Directory
WELD AUSTRALIA SUPPORTS SYNERGY DURING A PLANNED MAINTENANCE OUTAGE At the request of Synergy, Mehdi Tajfar (Senior Welding Engineer, Weld Australia) was recently engaged to support Synergy during a planned outage. Pinjar Power Station is located around 55km north of Perth. The station was commissioned in 1989, and is used as a peaking power plant. Powered by natural gas, it houses seven units of 37MW and three units of 105MW (for a total potential capacity of 574 MW). During inspection of one of the main gas turbines, some defects in the exhaust area were detected by Synergy. Weld Australia was then engaged to help develop the procedures for welding, quality control, and repair process associate with the job. Weld Australia was also asked to accompany the team during the repair process. The fabrication company engaged by Synergy to deliver welding on-site was Aerison (who are certified to IIW MCS ISO 3834.2). The metallurgical assessment, including insitu replica testing, was performed by LMATS. The material under the repair was a stainless steel grade 321 with wall thickness varying from 8mm to 30mm. The service temperature of the equipment depends on the unit’s output but is generally around 500°C. Although, the equipment does cool down to the ambient temperature when the unit shuts off. Thanks to the great leadership by Synergy, and great work commitment from Aerison, the repair crew was able to address all areas of concern during the shutdown. Weld Australia looks forward to supporting Synergy in the future to help optimise the lifetime of their assets and reduce the risks associated with materials and welds.
The World’s First Robot was a Welder The world’s first robot was made to spot weld. American car company, General Motors, installed the Unimate in 1961. In basic terms, it was a large motorised arm. The robot weighed a remarkable two tonnes and performed step-by-step commands, all of which were stored on a large magnetic drum. Welding is Required in Many Industries Over 50% of all manmade products require welding to some degree. Key transport links, towering skyscrapers and gadgets and gizmos all require welding before they can be deemed servicable.
Pinjar Power Station.
WELD AUSTRALIA WELCOMES ITS NEWEST PREMIUM CORPORATE MEMBER: SCHLAM Weld Australia would like to welcome its newest Premium Corporate member: Schlam. Schlam was founded in 1996 in Yarloop (a town about one and a half hours drive south from Perth) by the Schlam family. Barry Schlam saw a need for high-quality precision welding and fabrication services in the south-west industrial sector of Western Australia. Schlam Welding quickly established a reputation for outstanding quality and service throughout the area by the time Barry’s son Ryan joined the company in 2001. Since then, Schlam has grown to be one of the largest family-owned mining services businesses in Australia and a leading provider of diversified mining and engineering services. According to Glenn Brearey (General Manager Schlam Payload Solutions), Schlam is excited to join the Weld Australia community. “Weld Australia is the peak body for welding in the country. Our membership offers us access to technical advice, training, and certification. Importantly, by becoming members, we are investing in the future of welding in Australia by supporting the welding community as a whole.” Schlam Payload Solutions Schlam Payload Solutions designs and custom engineers the world-leading Hercules open-cut dump truck body, Bullant underground dump body, and Barracuda buckets. The Hercules dump body allows mining operators to carry more ore per pass because of its lightweight design, therefore increasing productivity and profit. The design is also compatible with all OEM dump trucks and is in demand globally. The Hercules, Bullant and Barracuda are manufactured in Australia using some of the most talented welders in the business. This mixed with world-class design makes for a formidable suite of mining attachments that are used by a number of Tier 1 miners across the country. Schlam People Solutions Schlam People Solutions provides skilled tradespeople on flexible terms to perform maintenance on our client’s heavy mobile mining equipment such as dump trucks, excavators, drill rigs, and so on. These solutions cover backfill support for scheduled annual leave, or unplanned sick leave or absenteeism, as well as peak load support for unplanned maintenance, shutdowns or maintenance backlogs. Schlam can also provide specialist skill support and entire fabrication teams for dump truck tray refurbishing. Questions? Queries? Need help? Contact us: 02 8748 0100 or membership@weldaustralia.com.au WELD CONNECT | AUGUST 2021
ROYAL WOLF UNDERTAKES IN-HOUSE WELDER TRAINING Weld Australia recently delivered training for Royal Wolf. Five of Royal Wolf’s welders and one of their production managers complete a two day training and qualification package in line with the requirements of ISO 9606-1 Qualification testing of welders — Fusion welding — Part 1: Steels. As a result, most of Royal Wolf’s welders went on to gain qualifications in AS 1554.1 Structural steel welding and ISO 9606-1 after this training. With over 25 years of experience and company operated locations throughout Australia and New Zealand, Royal Wolf is proud to be Australasia’s largest provider of shipping container hire, sales and specialised modification. Available in sizes ranging from 8ft to 40ft, their containers are suitable for warehouse and business storage, construction, intermodal freight, removals, retail, mining, and defence.
WELD AUSTRALIA DELIVERS ‘TRAIN THE TRAINER’ SESSION FOR TAFE QUEENSLAND TEACHERS Weld Australia recently delivered a ‘Train the Trainer’ session for TAFE Queensland. We had seven TAFE teachers from various campuses complete a three day training session. During the training, the TAFE teachers had the opportunity to use the Soldamatic augmented reality welding simulators and learn about the role they can play in welder training. The TAFE Queensland teachers also completed training for ISO 9606-1 Qualification testing of welders — Fusion welding — Part 1: Steels, once again using the augmented reality welding simulators. The teachers also undertook a real ISO 9606-1 assessment to achieve internationally recognised welder qualifications.
All photos: Weld Australia delivers training for Royal Wolf.
MEM 2.0 NATIONAL WELDING LEARNING RESOURCES Weld Australia’s training team is making great progress with the national Metals and Engineering online learning resources.
One of the new videos created for MEM 2.0.
We are creating a set of national resources mapped to the national MEM training package, so that learning resources for trade students are consistent across the country. The new resources are completely online and accessible via phone, mobile device or computer. This will allow students to access learning at the time, place and pace that suits them best. Weld Australia recently circulated the new learning resources to TAFEs across the country through the National TAFE Consortium. The feedback has been extremely positive. In particular, TAFEs have noted that the structure of the course and the navigation of the website itself are both clear and easy-tofollow. The student notes are professional and well presented. The videos were also a real hit. According to the TAFEs, the practical videos are the best demonstration videos they have ever seen. The quality of the videos, the material and the presenters were also praised by the TAFEs.
Interactive MEM 2.0 training environment.
An important piece of feedback received by Weld Australia was the need to make the online learning platform more accessibility friendly for people with disabilities. Weld Australia will be working closely with the TAFEs and their student on further development of the learning resources.
HAVE YOU CONSIDERED IN-HOUSE TRAINING FOR YOUR TEAM? With so many benefits, now could be the time to take the plunge!
Questions? Queries? Need help with training? Contact us: 02 8748 0100 or training@weldaustralia.com.au WELD CONNECT | AUGUST 2021
A SUCCESSFUL AS/NZS ISO 3834.3 SURVEILLANCE AUDIT OF INGAL EPS IN QUEENSLAND Ross O’Bryan (Welding Engineer / Technology Trainer, Weld Australia) recently conducted an AS/NZS ISO 3834 Part 3 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials surveillance audit for INGAL EPS in Queensland. Established in 1969, INGAL EPS is Australia’s leading manufacturer of quality light poles, columns, and structures. As part of Valmont Industries, INGAL EPS is proud to be part of a large network of trained specialists who can offer custom solutions for any structural pole design requirement. INGAL EPS understands that plans and schedules change, adding value by utilising their global networks to provide products and services to suit a project’s critical path requirement. INGAL EPS has staff and offices located in every state of Australia, including their manufacturing plant in Brisbane. Their Brisbane facility includes in-house design, engineering and drafting services including certification, bespoke design and footing design services.
WELD AUSTRALIA’S EXAM CALENDAR Do you need to book an exam through WeldQ? We’ve made the process even easier, with our new exam calendar, which can be accessed via the WeldQ homepage. The new calendar includes all exam dates for 2021, making planning ahead as simple as possible. Just some of the upcoming exam dates include: • Tuesday 2 September: IIW IWS-SA3 • Monday 6 September: IIW IWS-SA4 • Monday 6 September: National Welding Supervisor (Paper A-B1 and B2) • Tuesday 21 September: IIW IWI B-B5
Wilton Maggio (Quality Assurance and Safety Coordinator, INGAL EPS).
Need further information? Feel free to contact us via qnc@weldaustralia.com.au
AS/NZS ISO 3834 SURVEILLANCE AUDIT OF GM POLES IN BRISBANE Ross O’Bryan (Welding Engineer / Technology Trainer, Weld Australia) recently conducted an AS/NZS ISO 3834 Part 3 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials surveillance audit for GM Poles in Brisbane. According to O’Bryan, “GM Poles has a great quality system in place, and fulfilled all the requirements of the surveillance audit. The company has a fantastic culture that is built on innovation, super quality products, and the best possible customer service.” GM Poles is a proudly Australian owned and operated company that specialises in the design and fabrication of steel columns for use in lighting, signage, communication and surveillance applications. The company began fabricating their first pole in 1998 and quickly grew to be one of the largest pole manufacturers in Australia. Their products stand proudly in every state and territory in some of the most prominent locations. For more than 20 years, GM Poles has supplied to a diverse range of clients, including the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads, Brisbane City Council, Energex, Ergon and Transport for New South Wales.
GM Poles supplied over 500 poles to Queensland Main Roads for the Gateway North Upgrade.
AS/NZS ISO 3834 GAP ANALYSIS FOR ALLWELD MANUFACTURING IN MARYBOROUGH Allweld Manufacturing recently underwent a gap analysis as part of the AS/NZS ISO 3834 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials certification process. Ross O’Bryan (Welding Engineer / Technology Trainer, Weld Australia) conducted the gap analysis and was impressed with Allweld’s operations. “Allweld Manufacturing has very good practices, and very high quality products. All they need to do to ensure compliance with AS/NZS ISO 3834 is implement formal procedures,” said O’Bryan. Established in 1995, Allweld Manufacturing is a family owned and run business. Allweld Manufacturing builds truck and ute trays, customised service bodies for trucks and trailers, horse floats, customised car carriers, tool boxes, boat bodies, and so much more. The company services a range of clients, from government bodies and major businesses, through to the general public. Allweld Manufacturing is committed to building durable, reliable, cost-effective, ontime fabricated designs for businesses and individuals looking for excellent craftsmanship.
Josh Linwood (Director, Allweld Manufacturing).
CENTURY ENGINEERING’S AS/NZS ISO 3834 CERTIFICATION RECONFIRMED Weld Australia would like to congratulate Century Engineering, whose certification to AS/NZS ISO 3834.2 was recently reconfirmed by Weld Australia. Century Engineering was originally certified to AS/NZS ISO 3834.2 in 2014. Century Engineering has been providing fabrication services to the Mining, Defence, Water and Power infrastructure sectors for over 70 years. Century Engineering’s growth and success has been built on providing high quality welding management fabrication solutions for critical plant and equipment for industry. Century’s commitment to ISO 3834 certification demonstrates a commitment to comply with legal and regulatory requirements, focused on parts of the Quality Management Systems that relate to the control of welding as a ‘special process’. Century has experience and practical expertise in manufacturing and design, including design for bespoke solutions and for manufacture and has manufacturing capability in fabrication, machining, surface treatment and assembly. With a current workforce of over 100 employees and a 10,000m2 facility the company has significant capability to undertake large scale project works. Century Engineering is located in Edinburgh North, 25km north of Adelaide’s CBD, in close proximity to the defence sector and at the gateway to South Australia’s mining industry transport routes. Questions? Queries? Need help? Contact us: 02 8748 0100 or qnc@weldaustralia.com.au
BUCKET FABRICATION CERTIFIED TO INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISED BENCHMARK Liebherr-Australia’s fabrication department in Adelaide recently received certification for AS/NZS ISO 3834.2 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials. This certification, which complements the quality standard ISO 9001, is the highest level of quality assurance in fabrication. The internationally recognised certification was gained through Weld Australia, the peak body representing the welding industry in Australia. ISO 3834.2 covers all areas of the welding and fabrication process from design through to inspection, including the technical knowledge of welding personnel, quality control, consistency of production, and compliance to design requirements. While the standard at the facility was already outstanding prior to certification, the team implemented some improvements to ultimately achieve the certification requirements. The upgrades included calibration of welding machines, and upskilling members of the team. Two team members, Chris Jamieson and Daryl Cornelius, completed training to become Visual Welding Inspectors through CSWIP 3.0 certification. Steve Smith, Group Leader Fabrication, was also heavily involved in LiebherrAustralia’s successful implementation of ISO 3834.2, completing International Welding Specialist (IWS) certification to fulfil the requirement of an ISO-certified Welding Coordinator at the facility.
ENROL IN A FUSION WELDING COURSE TODAY Enrol in a fusion welding course through any Advanced Welder Training Centre below. ACT Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) cit.edu.au 81 Mildura Street, Fyshwick There are two fusion welding courses that adhere to ISO 9606 Qualification test of welders on Training.gov.au. This is the authoritative source of nationally recognised training and Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). These two courses were developed in Victoria in 2018 and use augmented reality welding simulators as a key component of the training. TRANSITION WORKERS To be awarded a certificate for the Course in Fusion Welding to AS/NZS ISO 9606 for Transition Workers, you must successfully complete seven units of competency (four core and three elective). Core units: • Simulate fusion welding processes using augmented reality equipment • Identify welding processes, safe welding practices and use of hand and power tools • Interpret and apply AS/NZS ISO 9606 for fusion welding processes • Perform fusion welding procedures to meet the procedures of ISO 9606-1 (Steels – carbon steels) EXPERIENCED WELDERS To be awarded a Statement of Attainment for the Course in Fusion Welding to AS/NZS ISO 9606 for Experienced Welders, you must successfully complete three units of competency (one core and two elective). The core unit is: Interpret and apply AS/NZS ISO 9606 for fusion welding processes. FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, contact: training@weldaustralia.com.au
Queensland TAFE Queensland tafeqld.edu.au • Cairns Campus: Gatton, Newton, Eureka and, Wilkinson Streets, Manunda • Townsville (Trade Centre Bohle) Campus: 763 Ingham Road, Bohle • Toowoomba Campus: 100 Bridge Street, Toowoomba City • Ashmore Campus: Benowa Road & Heeb Street, Ashmore • Nambour Campus: 91 Windsor Road, Burnside • Bundaberg Campus: 118 Walker Street, Bundaberg West South Australia TAFE SA Regency Campus tafesa.edu.au 137 Days Road, Regency Park, South Australia Tasmania Tasmanian Minerals and Energy Council tasminerals.com.au 13 Wellington Street, Burnie Victoria Box Hill Institute boxhill.edu.au 465 Elgar Road, Box Hill, Melbourne Bendigo TAFE bendigotafe.edu.au 23 Mundy Street, Bendigo Federation University federation.edu.au Lydiard Street South, Ballarat
For further information, contact Disha Mistry on d.mistry@weldaustralia.com.au