JUNE 2021
WELD AUSTRALIA CONTACTS NATIONAL OFFICE PO Box 197, Macquarie Park BC NSW 1670 02 8748 0100 info@weldaustralia.com.au Geoff Crittenden Chief Executive Officer 02 8748 0100 g.crittenden@weldaustralia.com.au
A Message from Our CEO
New Members
Membership Matters
Member Directory
IWI-B In-House Training Course for Queensland Alumina in Gladstone
Industry Program Making a Real Difference in the Lives of Adelaide’s Long-term Unemployed 7 Brisbane and Gold Coast Careers Expos
ISO 9606 Information Session at TAFE Queensland
Weld Australia IWI-B Course Starts Soon
Myth Busting AS/NZS 1554.1 for Engineers & Designers
Fun Welding Facts
AS/NZS ISO 3834 Surveillance Audit of GMG in Gladstone
Weld Australia’s Exam Calendar
Recent Company Certifications
Glencore Welder Competency Training
Fusion Welding Courses
ENGINEERING Victor Blain Engineering Team Manager 0409 823 991 v.blain@weldaustralia.com.au TRAINING Guy Brooks Training Manager 0488 743 322 g.brooks@weldaustralia.com.au MARKETING Disha Mistry Graduate Marketing Assistant 0497 497 424 d.mistry@weldaustralia.com.au MEMBERSHIP Eva Chun Membership Manager 0417 878 104 e.chun@weldaustralia.com.au
CERTIFICATION Arya Sharifian Qualification and Certification Team Manager 0419 414 901 a.sharifian@weldaustralia.com.au NEW SOUTH WALES & NORTHERN TERRITORY Paolo Corronca National Manager Engineering 0438 012 099 p.corronca@weldaustralia.com.au VICTORIA, TASMANIA & SOUTH AUSTRALIA Victor Blain Engineering Team Manager 0409 823 991 v.blain@weldaustralia.com.au QUEENSLAND Ross O’Bryan Welding Engineer / Technology Trainer 0491 491 888 r.obryan@weldaustralia.com.au WESTERN AUSTRALIA Mehdi Tajfar Senior Welding Engineer 0417 044 370 m.tajfar@weldaustralia.com.au
I’d like to begin by wishing our Victorian members all the very best as they endure yet another lockdown. Like everyone, I had hoped that by now, Australia would have managed to beat the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the situation has improved, the uncertainty that COVID-19 brings with it makes organising face-to-face member events and technical meetings very difficult. With snap lockdowns and border closures, interstate visits to member workshops are unreliable at best. Many of the grass roots activities, for which Weld Australia is known, just haven’t been possible for the last 12 to 18 months. While our webinars and online seminars have been successful, they haven’t been able to deliver on one of our core functions: facilitating collaboration and fostering industry networking for welders. Time and again, members tells us that, more than anything, they value the networking opportunities that our events deliver. In our recent member survey, an overwhelming number of respondents indicated that they’re eager to return to face-to-face events. That is why I am committed to reinvigorating our grass roots activities. We are investigating the possibility of running smaller member events more often by establishing Regional Committees in areas like Mackay and Toowoomba. If you would like to help us establish a Regional Committee in your local area, please reach out.
Weld Australia would like to welcome the following new members who joined in May. CORPORATE MEMBERS • •
ACT Steelworks: actsteelworks.com.au Site Skills Training: siteskillstraining.com.au
INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS • • • • • • • • •
Dattatry Dhondiram Ahile Ahmed Mohamed William Lane James Allen Sanu Rajanbabu David Baldwin Lucas Brind Ben Holz Kirsten Sorensen
We’re also investigating how to best add COVID Safe in-person events to our calendar. If you have any ideas on how we can best reinvigorate our grass roots activities, including face-to-face events, feel free to email me on g.crittenden@weldaustralia.com.au. I am looking forward to once again meeting with members inperson, learning about their operations, and hearing about their challenges so that Weld Australia can continue to serve the industry.
Geoff Cri t e nden
CEO, Weld Australia WELD CONNECT | JUNE 2021
2021 MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS A reminder that your membership must be renewed before 30 June in order to remain active. So, if you haven’t already renewed yours for this year, now is the time!
WELD AUSTRALIA MEMBER EVENTS SURVEY Thank you to everyone who participated in our recent survey on member events. We were delighted with the number of responses and received some really valuable feedback to guide our event planning for the remainder of the year. Members told us that they would like events focused on Australian Standards, quality control and company certification, along with welding processes, metallurgy and all things NDT. Members are also interested in learning more about writing business proposals and delivering presentations in a virtual environment. We’re particularly encouraged by the number of members who are eager to return to face-to-face events. We’re working on adding some COVID Safe in-person events to our program now, as well as continuing to deliver some events virtually. Keep an eye out online for new member events coming soon. WANT TO GIVE BACK TO THE WELDING COMMUNITY? Passionate advocates from the welding industry who want to make a positive impact, meet new people and ‘give back’ to the welding community are encouraged to join our State Committees. To learn more about Weld Australia’s State Committees, please contact Eva Chun (Membership Manager, Weld Australia) on 0417 878 104 or membership@weldaustralia.com.au.
If you’re not sure if you have renewed for this year, or you want to renew now, log into the Member Portal or contact Eva Chun (Membership Manager, Weld Australia) on membership@weldaustralia. com.au or 0417 878 104.
IS YOUR WELD AUSTRALIA PROFILE UP TO DATE? Log into the Weld Australia Member Portal to confirm your details are correct, and update your profile. This way, you can make sure that you’re receiving all the information you want to receive, where you want to receive it! FEEDBACK? SUGGESTIONS? We love nothing more than hearing from our members. Remember, we’re YOUR industry association! If you’ve got an idea, or some feedback, we’d love to hear from you. You can get in touch via: membership@weldaustralia. com.au
MEMBER DIRECTORY Our new Member Directory provides all company members free exposure on our website. Every Corporate, Premium Corporate, and Industry Group member can create a listing in the Directory with contact details, a logo, a short description of the business and their services, and industries served. The following member types are eligible to have a listing in the Member Directory: • Industry Group Members (always displays at top of results, logo listing, and Industry Group badge) • Premium Corporate Members (displays above corporate member listings, logo listing, and Premium Corporate Badge) • Corporate Members (standard logo listing)
HOW TO SET UP YOUR MEMBER DIRECTORY LISTING You can create your listing from within your Weld Australia profile. Just log in and select ‘My Business Listing’ from the dropdown menu under your name. Click on ‘Create’, fill in your company’s details, then hit submit. It’s as easy as that! Listings are approved by Weld Australia prior to going live, so there may be a delay between you submitting a listing and it appearing in the directory.
Visit the Member Directory
IWI-B IN-HOUSE TRAINING COURSE FOR QUEENSLAND ALUMINA LIMITED (QAL) IN GLADSTONE Weld Australia recently delivered a second training course for Queensland Alumina Limited (QAL) at their Gladstone site. Another 10 of QAL’s team members completed the week-long course to gain the IIW International Welding Inspector Basic (IWI-B) qualification, which is recommended in both AS/NZS ISO 3834 and AS/NZS 1554.1. Ross O’Bryan (Welding Technology Trainer, Weld Australia), who ran the course, said, “I was really pleased with the level of professionalism shown, and the eagerness of all the attendees to learn and apply their newly developed inspection techniques.” Weld Australia can present any of its courses to your employees in-house at the location of your choosing. We can also tailor training courses specifically for your employees. Just email training@weldaustralia.com.au for further information.
HAVE YOU CONSIDERED IN-HOUSE TRAINING FOR YOUR TEAM? If not, now is the perfect time to think about it! There are plenty of benefits that come with in-house employee training. Convenient: It’s much more convenient to train employees at your premises than sending them off site. Employees don’t have to take time away from the workplace, travel, or dedicate a weekend to training. Tailored: In-house training can be tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of your business. This means the training will be highly relevant, with your employees gaining the skills needed to perform their jobs well.
Weld Australia delivers IWI-B training for QAL.
Cost-Effective: In-house training can be costeffective, eradicating off-site expenses and ensuring that employees can get back to work sooner, with less time spent for improved productivity. Collaborative: In-house training gives employees the opportunity to collaborate and develop stronger relationships, encouraging employee retention.
INDUSTRY PROGRAM MAKING A REAL DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF ADELAIDE’S LONG-TERM UNEMPLOYED Weld Australia has partnered with Workskil Australia and TAFE SA, to deliver a training program that is upskilling a cohort of long-term unemployed people. Students will walk away with foundational skills in welding, opening doors to opportunities to gain employment. With little to no prior welding experience, the students start by using Soldamatic augmented reality welding simulators to learn the skills and techniques needed to perform welds in a safe, stimulating, and confidence-building environment. Students then move onto real-world welding machines to hone their skills. According to Weld Australia’s Chief Executive Officer, Geoff Crittenden, “This exciting program has huge potential to make a real difference in the lives of long-term unemployed. The welding industry is facing a looming skills crisis—the skills required to complete complex infrastructure, defence and construction projects are already in short supply. In South Australia alone, the continuous naval shipbuilding program will require around 1,300 welders between now and 2027. And yet, ABS statistics show that the number of welders in Australia is on the decline—from around 75,800 in 2014, to 69,600 in 2019.” “Grass roots programs like the one we’ve kicked off with Workskil Australia in Adelaide are essential. These sorts of programs are sparking an interest in welding in a whole new audience, helping to pave the way towards closing the ever widening skills shortage. Most importantly, the Workskil Australia training program is helping long-term unemployed people to get ahead, linking them to real opportunities in the workforce, and providing them with foundational welding skills on which to build a secure, successful career,” said Crittenden. Workskil Australia Chief Executive Officer, Nicole Dwyer, agreed, “This is an exciting initiative for Workskil Australia to be a part of, especially with the current youth unemployment rates - it’s great to have so many young participants undertaking this innovative training and work towards new employment opportunities.” Workskil Australia is a national not-for-profit, with over 35 years experience supporting Australians to achieve sustained economic and social self-reliance. They do this by providing employment, work experience, disability, youth, Indigenous and community services.
BRISBANE AND GOLD COAST CAREER EXPOS In conjunction with Outsource Institute, Weld Australia recently attended the Careers and Employment Expo at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, as well as the Gold Coast Careers Festival. At both of these events, we had a Soldamatic simulator on hand so that students could give welding a try. The simulators proved to be very popular, with queues of students waiting their turn all day. The simulators give students a safe and engaging way to discover welding as a potential career option. Rather than studying theory, augmented and virtual reality transforms training and learning from text books into high-quality interactive experiences that capture the imagination. This disruptive training technology is a key feature of Weld Australia’s network of Advanced Welder Training Centres. WELD CONNECT | JUNE 2021
ISO 9606 INFORMATION SESSION AT TAFE QUEENSLAND’S TOOWOOMBA CAMPUS Earlier this month, Weld Australia ran an information session on ISO 9606 Qualification testing of welders — Fusion welding for local industry in the Toowoomba region. Ross O’Bryan (Welding Engineer / Technology Trainer, Weld Australia) and Adam Coorey (Regional Training Coordinator, Weld Australia) highlighted the advantages of the certification for industry, including reduced compliance and welder qualification costs. Under ISO 9606, welder qualifications are not specific to any one industry (or application standard), are transportable across worksites and employers, and utilise a six monthly confirmation process to ensure maintenance of skills. All this helps to overcome the need to requalify welders for each new project.
Ross O’Bryan presents at TAFE Queensland.
Attendees at the information session.
Attendees also had the opportunity to see TAFE Queensland’s Toowoomba campus, including their state-of-the-art welding workshop that is decked out with Soldamatic welding simulators. Over 20 people attended the session, including representatives from JRS Manufacturing Group and Russell Mineral Equipment. Adam Coorey presents at TAFE Queensland.
WELD AUSTRALIA IWI-B TRAINING COURSE STARTS SOON One of Weld Australia’s most popular training courses is kicking off again soon. The online International Welding Inspector Basic (IIW IWI-B) is commencing on 7 October 2021. Backed by the International Institute of Welding (IIW), the IWI-B qualification expands your career as a welding inspector. Recommended in both AS/NZS ISO 3834 and AS/NZS 1554.1, this internationally recognised course provides extensive knowledge surrounding welding, inspection theory and application. It includes theoretical components such as mechanical and visual inspection techniques; inspection procedures and acceptance criteria; identification of weld imperfections associated with pre-production; fabrication and post fabrication; and much more. As a Welding Inspector, you will play an important part in ensuring that welded components comply with the appropriate International or Australian Standards, codes and client specifications. You may also be responsible for ensuring that documentation, procedures and welder qualifications (required to demonstrate compliance) are in place and adhered to.
ENROL NOW—Before it’s too late! Questions? Queries? Need a hand? Call us on 02 8748 0100 or email training@weldaustralia.com.au WELD CONNECT | JUNE 2021
MYTH BUSTING AS/NZS 1554.1 FOR ENGINEERS & DESIGNERS Weld Australia recently hosted an online seminar on the theme, Myth Busting AS/NZS 1554.1 for Engineers and Designers. The event provided everyone in attendance with an overview of the requirements of AS/NZS 1554.1 Structural steel welding - Welding of steel structures. Bruce Cannon (Technical Publications Manager, Weld Australia) outlined the requirements of the Standard and helped to bust all of the most commonly held myths and misconceptions surrounding AS/NZS 1554.1. Bruce also provided practical, in-depth information to help understand, interpret and implement the Standard. The session touched on topics such as the basis of the Standard, use of non-standard steel, welding procedure and welder qualifications, inspection, lamellar tearing, and the responsibilities of engineers and designers. With more than 30 people in attendance, all the feedback received about the seminar was very positive.
Over Half of Man-Made Products Require Some Welding Whether it’s racing cars or farm machinery, ocean vessels, or computers, welding plays a part. In many cases, products like these would not be possible without welding. When Two Pieces of Metal Touch in Space They’re Instantly Welded Together Known as cold welding, bare or highly polished metals will weld themselves together immediately when the pieces touch in space. This occurs thanks to metallic bonds, which hold atoms together to create a single, solid piece of metal.
CONTACT engineering@weldaustralia.com.au | VISIT weldaustralia.com.au
A SUCCESSFUL AS/NZS ISO 3834 SURVEILLANCE AUDIT OF GLOBAL MANUFACTURING GROUP IN GLADSTONE Ross O’Bryan (Welding Engineer / Technology Trainer, Weld Australia) recently conducted an AS/NZS ISO 3834 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials surveillance audit for Global Manufacturing Group (GMG) in Gladstone. Established in 1982, the company boasts 7,000m2 of workshop space across two facilities in Maryborough and Gladstone, Queensland. GMG’s services cover the entire lifecycle of metal manufacturing. From a world-leading 10kW fibre laser and plasma cutting facilities, to robotic and semi-automatic welding systems, as well as comprehensive machining capabilities with 12 CNC machining centres and lathes – GMG delivers advanced quality. As such, it’s little surprise that GMG’s Maryborough facility recently achieved certification to EN 15085 Railway applications – Welding of railway vehicles and components. For further details about this certification process, be sure to keep an eye out for the feature in the upcoming edition of Australian Welding magazine.
WELD AUSTRALIA’S EXAM CALENDAR Do you need to book an exam through WeldQ? We’ve made the process even easier, with our new exam calendar, which can be accessed via the WeldQ homepage. The new calendar includes all exam dates for 2021, making planning ahead as simple as possible.
The GMG team. (L to R): David Hyland (Quality & IT Systems Manager), Jazmin Donald (Quality Systems Administrator), Alan Watkin (GM), and Charly Yu (Welding Engineer).
Prime Minister Scott Morrison visits GMG’s Maryborough facilities.
Just some of the upcoming exam dates include: • Wednesday 30 June: IIW IWE EA4 • Wednesday 30 June: IIW IWT-TA4 • Friday 16 July: IIW IWS-SA1 • Wednesday 21 July: IIW IWS-SA4 • Tuesday 27 July: National Welding Supervisor - B1/B2 Need further information? Feel free to contact us via qnc@weldaustralia.com.au
RECENT COMPANY CERTIFICATIONS Weld Australia would like to congratulate the following companies that have recently gained certifications. These internationally recognised certifications help increase the likelihood of global supply chain opportunities and repeat business, bolstering profitability. Hofmann Engineering’s Bendigo facilities were certified to EN 15085 and AS/NZS ISO 3834, while their Cheltenham facilities in south-east Melbourne were certified to AS/NZS ISO 3834. Since 1969, Hofmann has provided specialist engineering services to Australia’s industry leaders. DVR Engineering Melbourne was certified to both AS/NZS ISO 3834 and DIN 2303. With over 33 years’ of precision metal engineering experience, DVR boasts a 30,000m2 modern manufacturing facility equipped with the latest CNC machining, laser and plasma cutting and machining technology. Aerison was certified to both AS/NZS ISO 3834 and EN 15085. Founded in Perth in 1988, Aerison has grown over the years from a specialist environmental engineering company to a broad based engineering and construction company providing multi-disciplined EPC and mechanical installation services to a wide variety of industries and applications. BRE Engineering in Perth was certified to AS/NZS ISO 3834. BRE is a leading provider of concept to completion mechanical and structural (or multidiscipline) integrated engineering solutions for the marine, defence, mining and industrial sectors. BRE employs almost 100 staff across more than 20 disciplines. Alstom in Dandenong (who acquired Bombardier Transportation in January 2021) was certified to AS/NZS ISO 3834 and EN 15085. Alstom develops and markets mobility solutions that provide the sustainable foundations for the future of transportation. Alstom’s products range from high-speed trains, trams and e-buses to infrastructure and signalling. Questions? Queries? Need help? Contact us: 02 8748 0100 or qnc@weldaustralia.com.au
GLENCORE WELDER COMPETENCY TRAINING Glencore Coal Assets Australia has developed a Welder Competency Training Program to improve consistency among fabricators, boilermakers, and third party repairers across its operations. Paolo Corronca (National Manager – Engineering, Weld Australia) was pleased to collaborate with Glencore and Mick Cameron of MC Quality Control on this important step forward for the mining industry, which will help improve performance and reliability across the sector. “Developing and fine-tuning the program has been a fantastic collaboration between Weld Australia and Glencore,” said Corronca. “Having theory modules dedicated to the specific industry needs, backed with practical tests done in accordance with AS/NZS ISO 9606 ensures the greatest level of confidence for Glencore and meets the current international trend.” WELD CONNECT | JUNE 2021
ENROL IN A FUSION WELDING COURSE TODAY Enrol in a fusion welding course through any Advanced Welder Training Centre below. ACT Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) cit.edu.au 81 Mildura Street, Fyshwick There are two fusion welding courses that adhere to ISO 9606 Qualification test of welders on Training.gov.au. This is the authoritative source of nationally recognised training and Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). These two courses were developed in Victoria in 2018 and use augmented reality welding simulators as a key component of the training. TRANSITION WORKERS To be awarded a certificate for the Course in Fusion Welding to AS/NZS ISO 9606 for Transition Workers, you must successfully complete seven units of competency (four core and three elective). Core units: • Simulate fusion welding processes using augmented reality equipment • Identify welding processes, safe welding practices and use of hand and power tools • Interpret and apply AS/NZS ISO 9606 for fusion welding processes • Perform fusion welding procedures to meet the procedures of ISO 9606-1 (Steels – carbon steels) EXPERIENCED WELDERS To be awarded a Statement of Attainment for the Course in Fusion Welding to AS/NZS ISO 9606 for Experienced Welders, you must successfully complete three units of competency (one core and two elective). The core unit is: Interpret and apply AS/NZS ISO 9606 for fusion welding processes. FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, contact: training@weldaustralia.com.au
Queensland TAFE Queensland tafeqld.edu.au • Cairns Campus: Gatton, Newton, Eureka and, Wilkinson Streets, Manunda • Townsville (Trade Centre Bohle) Campus: 763 Ingham Road, Bohle • Toowoomba Campus: 100 Bridge Street, Toowoomba City • Ashmore Campus: Benowa Road & Heeb Street, Ashmore • Nambour Campus: 91 Windsor Road, Burnside • Bundaberg Campus: 118 Walker Street, Bundaberg West South Australia TAFE SA Regency Campus tafesa.edu.au 137 Days Road, Regency Park, South Australia Tasmania Tasmanian Minerals and Energy Council tasminerals.com.au 13 Wellington Street, Burnie Victoria Box Hill Institute boxhill.edu.au 465 Elgar Road, Box Hill, Melbourne Bendigo TAFE bendigotafe.edu.au 23 Mundy Street, Bendigo Federation University federation.edu.au Lydiard Street South, Ballarat
For further information, contact Disha Mistry on d.mistry@weldaustralia.com.au