WTIA Weld Connect August 2016

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Welding Technology Institute of Australia

Welding Technology Institute of Australia

WTIA Newsletter August 2016

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CONTENTS 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 11 13 19

WTIA CEO Update Victoria Division News New South Wales Division News South Australia Division News Western Australia Division News Queensland Division News National Welder Certification Register WTIA News & Updates Training & Certification Upcoming Events

WTIA CONTACTS WTIA NATIONAL OFFICE Building 3, Level 3, Suite 5 20 Bridge Street Pymble, NSW 2073 (PO Box 197 Macquarie Park BC, NSW 1670) T: +61 (0)2 8748 0100 E: info@wtia.com.au CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Geoff Crittenden T: +61 (0)2 8748 0100 E: g.crittenden@wtia.com.au

CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER Bruce Ham T: +61 (0)418 391 534 E: b.ham@wtia.com.au QUALIFICATION & CERTIFICATION MANAGER Annette Dickerson T: +61 (0)2 8748 0170 E: a.dickerson@wtia.com.au

MEMBERSHIP MANAGER & ADVERTISING INQUIRIES Donna South T: +61 (0)2 8748 0130 E: d.south@wtia.com.au EDITORIAL Sally Wood T: +61 (0)434 442 687 E: sally@wordly.com.au

TRAINING MANAGER Paul James T: +61 (0)2 8748 0150 E: p.james@wtia.com.au WTIA Newsletter August 2016

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WTIA CEO UPDATE This month saw significant progress in two of the WTIA’s largest projects: our push to ensure all fabricated steel in Australia complies with Australian Standards; and the launch of the National Welder Certification Register. LEGISLATION ON IMPORTED FABRICATED STEEL Following the article recently published in The Australian highlighting unsafe welding practices on imported fabricated steel, I received a phone call from the Hon. Greg Hunt, Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science. The Hon. Mr Hunt requested that I speak with his senior advisor, and prepare a policy paper for his review. The policy paper makes a strong case for legislation and regulations that ensure all fabricated steel erected in Australia complies with Australian Standards. It is intended that the legislation is drafted so as not to burden industry, but simply to codify existing practices and ensure that overseas fabricators have to comply with the same regulations as local fabricators. NATIONAL WELDER CERTIFICATION REGISTER In July, I met with the Chief Executives of both TAFE South Australia and TAFE New South Wales to discuss collaboration in relation to the delivery of training in support of the new National Welder Certification Register, as well as the Commonwealth shipbuilding

program. Both the TAFEs were extremely supportive of the Register and keen to work together with the WTIA in line with the Memorandums of Understanding we have with both organisations. In addition, I will soon be writing to all WTIA corporate members explaining the purpose and the benefits of the Register, which we hope to launch in early October at the latest. To date, all the feedback I have received has been extremely positive. For further details, please see page 9. I’d also like to thank all those members who have applied to become examiners and testing centres. The WTIA is in the process of finalising all rules and procedures associated with the Register. We appreciate your patience, and assure you that we will be in touch as soon as possible. For further details about becoming an examiner or testing centre, please see page 18. ASI COLLABORATION As previously reported, the WTIA and Australian Steel Institute (ASI) have recently merged their support staff, and are now sharing office space, as a cost saving exercise.

I am pleased to report this has been a remarkably successful move for both parties, which will result in enhanced member services and reduced costs for both organisations. It is critical in these tough economic times for industry associations to work closely together, have a complimentary agenda, and minimise costs wherever possible. NEW R&D PROJECTS As part of its strategy to introduce new technology into Australia and look more broadly at industrial joining, the WTIA is in the process of scoping three new research and development projects, and sourcing funding from the federal government. The projects are: robotic welding and testing in confined spaces, additive manufacturing using welding technics, and composite to metal joining in a marine environment. Anyone interested in participating in the projects, should contact me.

Geoff Crittenden WTIA CEO

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VICTORIA DIVISION NEWS The WTIA is offering welders the chance to upgrade or gain qualifications to International Welding Practitioner (IWP). IWP qualification is part of the IIW series of qualifications, which makes it internationally recognised. There are two pathways that a welder can choose from in order to gain this qualification. Option One: • Hold an IIW Welding Specialist Certificate; and • Two current certificates to AS1796, or two welding qualifications to a recognised standard. Option Two: • Hold two current certificates to AS1796 or two current qualifications to a recognised standard; and • A pass in a technology paper, including: • Paper A-1: Welding Technology • Paper A-2: Welding Metallurgy • Paper A-3: Fabrication and Inspection • Paper A-4: Construction and design

VIC CONTACT Robert Vernon Coordinator 0487 400 002 robvernon@bigpond.com

A candidate completing the IWP training under this program is expected to acquire a basic knowledge in the field of welding technology. The candidate shall have competence and skills at a level that is required in the field of welding technology, which demonstrates the ability to: • Develop solutions on basic and specific welding problems • Supervise basic welding applications and related professional activities • Make decisions when it comes to basic work • Supervise welding and related personnel With the above mentioned competencies and skills, the IWP will be able to perform the following tasks: • Supervise and monitor the work of sub-contractors and other personnel • Understand and monitor the proper use of welding equipment • Monitor and implement an inspection test plan • Understand and implement welding procedures and work instructions • Read and interpret workshop drawings • Monitor and supervise the proper use of constructional materials and consumables • Understand, implement, supervise and monitor heat treatments • Implement, monitor and control corrective actions to solve welded construction non-conformances

• Understand, control and supervise the identification and traceability methods used by manufacturers • Collect, control, perform and supervise quality records used in welding and construction processes Should you require further information, or wish to apply for IWP qualification, please contact Rob Vernon on robvernon@bigpond.com or 0487 400 002.

AUGUST MEETING The next meeting of the Victorian division will be on Thursday 25 August at Chisholm Institute of TAFE. Stewart Martin from VicRoads will discuss the development of welding procedures. For further information, contact Rob Vernon on robvernon@bigpond.com or 0487 400 002.

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NSW DIVISION NEWS The September meeting of the New South Wales branch will feature a presentation by Laserbond, at their Smeaton Grange facilities. All WTIA members are welcome to attend, and discover the differences and advantages of Laserbond’s surface engineering processes. Laserbond Limited is a long established Australian company specialising in surface engineering, reclamation, manufacturing, precision machining and fabrication.

vast range of industries and applications.

WTIA members will have the opportunity to observe a range of surface engineering technologies, including state of the art laser cladding processes and advanced thermal spray systems.

The evening at Laserbond will summarise the differences and advantages of the surface engineering processes and cover the scope of Laserbond’s capabilities.

The LaserBond® cladding process developed by Laserbond Ltd is providing a superior wear life extension for tools, machinery components and wear parts across a

ABOUT LASERBOND Since its establishment in 1992, LaserBond has pioneered the research, development and implementation of advanced surface-engineering

techniques to dramatically reduce the wear rates, maintenance and operating costs of production-vital components of industrial customers. A dedication to research and commitment to the implementation of leading edge technologies has seen LaserBond acknowledged as a national and international leader in surface engineering and wear part protection that extends equipment and component operating life. For more information about Laserbond, please visit: www.laserbond.com.au EVENT DETAILS • Date: Wed 7 September • Time: 6.00pm • Address: 2/57 Anderson Road, Smeaton Grange, Sydney, NSW • Refreshments: A light meal will be provided

NSW CONTACT Bill Aitken State Coordinator NSW bakw01@outlook.com 0437 660 344 WTIA Newsletter August 2016

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SA DIVISION NEWS The South Australian division has a number of events planned for the remainder of 2016. So, be sure to keep an eye out for further details in the coming months on the social and technical events outlined below. KEMPPI PRESENTATION: 27 SEPTEMBER 2016 Kemppi has extended an invitation to WTIA members to learn more about their welding machine management system, and will facilitate a technical night in September. While planning for this event is still underway, it is expected that it will be held at Regency TAFE, located at 137 Days Road, Regency Park. Kemppi’s ARC System 3 covers each step of the welding process from project configuration to final reporting. Welding data is collected digitally in real time into a cloud service. Perfectly suited for multi-site administration, Kemppi ARC System 3 grants you the possibility to know who welded what, where and with which qualifications, parameters and fillers. ANNUAL DINNER: OCTOBER 2016 Each year, the South Australian division holds it’s annual dinner. This is always a fantastic opportunity for

SA CONTACT Paul Bettison Chairman Bettisoneng@optusnet.com.au

members to come together, in a relaxed setting, network and discuss issues and challenges affecting the entire welding industry. We are currently in planning mode for the 2016 Annual Dinner. As soon as the date and location are confirmed, we will provide further details to all members. K-TIG PRESENTATION: NOVEMBER 2016 K-TIG will facilitate a presentation for WTIA members, focused on ‘Welding results of quenched and tempered steels’. The presentation will include a brief overview and details on qualification to industry standards for pressure equipment, as well as

demonstrations using 304 Stainless Steel and Titanium grade 12. This event will be held at K-TIG’s head office (located at 9 William Street, Mile End) in November 2016. Further details regarding the date and time will be made available to members as soon as possible. K-TIG is the developer and manufacturer of a patented, high productivity welding technology known as Keyhole TIG. A K-TIG system is able for perform a traditional 6-hour TIG weld in 3 minutes, and to a quality standard which meets the most demanding requirements of the nuclear, aerospace and defence industries.

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ugust is set to be a busy month for the West Australian division, with a number of events taking place. WELDING DUPLEX & SUPER DUPLEX STAINLESS STEELS The first event that the West Australian division has planned for August is a technical evening, with a presentation from Phil Stubbington from Lincoln Electric Company. This event will be held on 24 August, at the Polytechnic West, Thornlie Campus, on Burslem Drive, Thornlie. Phil will discuss welding of Duplex Stainless steels and typical problems. Please RSVP to Rebecca Hansen (r.hansen@ wtia.com.au) by 22 August. WELD QUALITY MANAGEMENT Louise Petrick (WTIA Technology Manager) will give two presentations this month. Louise will presenting on Weld Quality Management -The

Changing Face of Welding at Engineers Australia on 17 August. Register your interest in this event now.

the Perth Hills on a cold chilly winter’s afternoon. Quite a number of members and their partners enjoyed some fantastic winter food and a Fairbrossen Shiraz or two. It was great to see a mixture of members discussing some of the current issues within the industry, and to hear an overview of the IIW conference (held in Melbourne in early July) from IWE John Gibbons.

WELDING METALLURGY OF CORROSION RESISTANT ALLOYS Louise will also present at the Australian Corrosion Association on 31 August at The Atrium Theatrette on St Georges Terrace, Perth. The presentation will focus on the Welding Metallurgy of Corrosion Resistant Alloys, particularly in light of the reclassification of Austenitic Stainless steels in AS/NZS 3992:2015. Register for the event now to avoid disappointment. JULY SOCIAL EVENT The West Australian division held a social event on 24 July at the Fairbrossen Estate (which quite literally means “I am full to bursting!”). A big thank you to Greg Oliver for organising the division’s first social event for the year—a wonderful lunch in

MATERIALS & MAINTENANCE ADVANCEMENTS FOR MINING Kalgoorlie, 14 October In conjunction with Materials Australia, the WTIA will present a seminar on materials and maintenance advancements for mining. The innovative use of materials and maintenance to support life extension on capital equipment and plant assets is critical to the Kalgoorlie mining industry. The mining industry requires advancements in design, technologies and products to support safe, reliable, cost efficient operations. For more information, visit: www. materialsaustralia.com.au MEETINGS FOR 2016 Mark these dates in your diary: • Thursday 15 September • Thursday 13 October • Thursday 10 November • Thursday 8 December

WA CONTACT Clay Williams WTIA WA Division Chairman clayjwilliams@hotmail.com WTIA Newsletter August 2016

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QLD DIVISION NEWS The Queensland Government Department of Transport and Main Roads released its Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2016 Industry Briefings document at the beginning of August. This important document details a variety of major projects for the state. QTRIP details the transport and road projects that the Queensland Government plans to deliver over the next four years to meet the infrastructure needs of our rapidly growing state. The following projects are included in the 2016 briefing document. NORTHERN AUSTRALIA ROADS PROGRAMME (NARP) The $600 million NARP includes: • Duplication of the Capricorn Highway from Rockhampton to Gracemere • Progressive sealing of the Kennedy Developmental Road, between Hughenden and The Lynd • Widening sections of the Kennedy Developmental Road, between Mount Garnet and The Lynd • Flinders Highway pavement and structure upgrades between Townsville and Richmond • Capricorn Highway overtaking lanes between Gracemere and Emerald • Barkly Highway intersection upgrades in Mount Isa NORTHERN AUSTRALIAN BEEF ROADS PROGRAMME The $100 million Northern

Australian Beef Roads Programme will provide significant benefits to the livestock industry, minimising stress for drivers and cattle. PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS In addition to Government projects, there are a number of Public Private Partnerships going ahead in Queensland, including the $1.6 billion Toowoomba Second Range Crossing, and Stage Two of the Gold Coast Light Rail. QUEENSLAND BUDGET COMMITMENTS 2016-17 The Queensland Government also announced funding for a number of new initiatives, including: • $42.3 million for a

pavement widening package on the Gregory Developmental Road between Charters Towers and The Lynd • $34.6 million to construct a new high-level Cape River Bridge • $19.6 million for improvements to the Kennedy Developmental Road, from The Lynd to Hughenden) • $10 million for the Transport and Tourism Connections program For more information, visit: www.tmr.qld.gov.au

QLD CONTACT Warren Raisin Chairman warren@aitkenwelding.com WTIA Newsletter August 2016

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NATIONAL WELDER CERTIFICATION REGISTER WHAT IS THE NWCR? The NWCR is similar to the ‘Welder Passport’ systems used in Europe and North America. The software system, WeldQ, is a fully internet enabled e-commerce platform with supporting mobile App developed by the WTIA and is one of the most advanced in the world. Welders are invited to complete a weld test, at an approved testing centre, which will qualify them to a welding procedure according to the process set out in ISO9606-1 (AS/ NZS2980). The scheme is based around a number of weld procedures covering a range of processes, product, weld type, filler material, dimension, position and weld details. Once qualified, the welder is certified to that procedure and this information recorded in the National Register.

Individuals who appear on the Register will be able to use the title ‘Certified Welder’ and entitled to the letters CW after their name. Certified Welders will be able to record details of their other verified qualifications and work history on the system. They will then have the option of making this information and their contact details available to prospective employers. BENEFITS TO WELDERS 1. Improved employability The NWCR is supported by WTIA Corporate Members who have committed to prefer Certified Welders when recruiting. In addition you will have the opportunity to present your work history and qualifications in a verifiable format to prospective employers.

Certification under ISO 96061 is recognised in Australian, European and North American standards increasing the opportunity for CWs to work for international companies in Australia and overseas. 2. Continuous upskilling In conjunction with the testing framework established as part of the NWCR, training providers will be offering short training courses to upskill CWs to enable them to tackle more demanding weld tests. 3. Recognised career path As a CW you will have the opportunity to test yourself on more complex weld procedures. This will in turn lead to greater recognition by employers and more satisfying and rewarding career opportunities.

As required by ISO 9606 1 and AS/NZS 2980, certification is valid for up to two years subject to six monthly confirmations by a responsible person (Supervisor or Approved Examiner). At the end of the period certification will be re-validated by an Approved Examiner normally by the testing of two routine production welds completed in the final six months of certification. WTIA Newsletter August 2016

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NATIONAL WELDER CERTIFICATION REGISTER RESPONSIBILITIES OF CWs Certified Welders are responsible for maintaining their certification record on the system; failure to do so could lead to certification being suspended or withdrawn. To help, you will receive notification of a required action either from the system or from the NCWR staff. As a CW you must ensure that: • Your contact details, qualifications and work history are up to date. • Details of every weld test you pass are accurately entered onto WeldQ by the Approved Examiner who conducted the test. • Your supervisor or other responsible person provides evidence for your 6 monthly confirmation and this information is entered on your record. • At the two year point you promptly complete the revalidation process to prolong your certification for a further two years.

2. Minimised risk By having a recognised and certified competency level, the risk of a welder failing a weld procedure is significantly reduced. Furthermore, the chance of errors in your test procedure is reduced. 3. Currency of certification As a CW must retain currency to remain on the register employers will be able to assess welders against current rather than past performance. Employing CWs provides independent records of welder qualification simplifying record keeping for quality management systems. 5. Unparalleled access to skills base Through the work history portal employers will be able to identify and contact CWs.

EMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITY 1. Encourage and incentivise all welders to join the scheme. 2. Prefer the employment of Certified Welders wherever practical. 3. Regularly promote the scheme internally and to service providers. 4. Nominate a NWCR ‘Champion’ to ensure the register is kept up to date. 5. Register suitably qualified staff for Approved Examiners status. 6. Use the system to certify against your own weld procedures. FURTHER INFORMATION For further information about the NWCR please contact info@wtia.com.au.

BENEFITS TO EMPLOYERS 1. Reduced costs Through the NWCR you can check the competence level of any CW against an internationally recognised standard. This will enable you to minimise the number of welders required to be tested to qualify to specific weld procedures. WTIA Newsletter August 2016

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WTIA NEWS & UPDATES AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE FOR THE CERTIFICATION OF INSPECTION PERSONNEL The WTIA is no longer acting as the Secretariat for the Australian Institute for the Certification of Inspection Personnel (AICIP). WTIA has operated the AICIP Secretariat since its inception in 1997.

AS/NZS3788 PRESSURE EQUIPMENT WORKING GROUP It has been apparent for some time that AS/NZS3788 Pressure equipment—In– service inspection is in serious need of revision. WTIA has submitted a project proposal to Standards Australia on two separate occasions but has Following a tender process been unsuccessful in having it instigated by AICIP, operation accepted. Because of the lead of the Secretariat was awarded time now required to achieve to the AiGroup. Consequently a full revision of the standard, with effect from 30 June 2016, an industry group representing all AICIP Secretariat matters key stakeholders has come are being handled by the together to consider how to AiGroup and every effort has best proceed. been made by WTIA to ensure a smooth transition. The group proposes to draft a Pressure Equipment All inquiries regarding AICIP Repair Code and a Technical including examinations, Specification with a view renewals (such as reto forming the basis for the certifications, payments and future revision of AS/NZS3788 accounts) should be addressed by Standards Australia and to Lara Hubczenko via: Standards New Zealand. • A: AiGroup, PO Box 7622, Melbourne 3004 We now would like to invite • E: associations@aigroup. interested industry experts to com.au participate in a drafting working • T: (08) 8394 0008 • W: www.aicip.org.au

group to prepare and publish these documents. Included in the scope of this work, it is anticipated that the working group will: 1. Review AS/NZS3788 Pressure equipment—In– service inspection; 2. Draw upon the current technical literature; 3. Incorporate new inspection techniques, methods and technologies not specifically given cognisance within AS/NZS3788; 4. Draw upon latest national and international research. Once published, it is anticipated that the code will remain readily available for the use of industry following any subsequent revision and publication of a revised AS/NZS3788 by Standards Australia and New Zealand. Expressions of interest should be forwarded to Bruce Cannon (WTIA Technical Publications Manager) via b.cannon@wtia.com.au.

Inquiries regarding the changes to the AICIP Secretariat should be addressed to the AICIP Chairman, Peter Eckberg on (03) 9791 5999 or peter.eckberg@kaeser.com

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WTIA NEWS & UPDATES WTIA & AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY SIGN AN MOU The WTIA is pleased to announce that we signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the American Welding Society (AWS). This took place at the IIW 69th Annual Assembly and International Conference in Melbourne in mid-July. Ray Shook (Executive Director of the AWS) and Geoff Crittenden (CEO of the WTIA) signed the MOU, which will see the two organisations collaborate on a range of online education programs, as well as AWS endorsements throughout Australia and New Zealand.

L to R: Ray Shook (Executive Director of the AWS) and Geoff Crittenden (CEO of the WTIA).

AUSTRALIAN STEEL INSTITUTE & WTIA SEMINAR: DESIGN OF WELDS AND WELDED CONNECTIONS Don’t miss the first joint WTIA and Australian Steel Institute (ASI) seminar, Design of Welds and Welded Connections. The seminar will seamlessly integrate both design and weld implementation aspects. This is a not-to-be missed opportunity to learn from ASI and WTIA experts in the field of design of welds and welded connections. Directed towards Engineers, Specifiers and Certifiers, this full day seminar will provide: • A firm grounding in the basis for weld design for structural steel • Basic principles and approaches to welded connection design for the structural engineer • A strong understanding of the performance requirements that drive weld and welded connection design in AS 4100 Steel Structures • The implementation requirements inherent in AS/NZS 1554 Structural Steel Welding that affect steel designers, in particular if you are required to engage in workshop or site inspections • A definitive link to compliance and the requirements in the new

Dr Peter Kay, Australian Steel Institute

Benjamin Gross, WTIA

AS/NZS 5131 Standard for fabrication and erection of structural steelwork. This seminar is a unique opportunity to learn from experts Dr Peter Key from ASI and Benjamin Gross from WTIA, both of whom have many years of experience in their respective fields. EVENT DETAILS • Date: Wednesday 31 August 2016 • Time: 8.00am (for 8.30am start) to 5.00pm • Venue: Rydges North Sydney, Plenary Room, 54 McLaren Street, North Sydney To register for the seminar, please visit: www.steel.org.au. WTIA Newsletter August 2016

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TRAINING & CERTIFICATION REINFORCED STEEL WELDING COORDINATOR COURSE Industry has identified incidents of failures of manufactured reinforced steel structures due to poor weld quality. It has been determined that there is a requirement to have properly trained personnel to supervise and inspect the welding of reinforced steel structures used for construction. This course has been developed to give the required knowledge to suitable personnel that will enable them to perform the required supervision. This is without having to complete the full Welding Supervisors training requirements as per AS 2214 Section 2 but will be certified to supervise specifically welding of Reinforced Steel only in accordance with AS/NZS 1554.3. COURSE AIMS • Provide training to ensure competent personnel are available for the supervision and inspection of welding of reinforcing steel used in construction in accordance with AS/NZS 1554.3 (Welding of Reinforcing Steel) • Give a working knowledge of the requirements of AS/ NZS 1554.3 • Train suitable candidates for the role of ‘Welding Coordinator’ in accordance with requirements of: • AS/NZS 1554.3 Clause 4.12.1, specifically item (e); and • Requirements for welding coordination as per ISO 14731.

Knowledge and skills will be based on the requirements of relevant parts of AS 2214 Certification of welding supervisors – Structural steel welding. TYPICAL JOB DESCRIPTION A Reinforcing Steel Welding Coordinator is typically responsible for the quality, cost and productivity of all reinforcing steel welding related activities within a company specifically manufacturing reinforced concrete products, including: • Perform, supervise and/ or oversee companynominated welding and welding-related activities for reinforced steel • Have overall responsibility for the quality of these

welding and welding-related activities for reinforced steel products • Be authorised to sign on behalf of the organisation in all nominated welding quality related matters or delegate such signing, including: goods release for dispatch, inspection sign-off, accepting technical welding requirements, or verifying that the organisation has complied with all relevant quality considerations in the production of the product. IN-HOUSE COURSES The course can be tailored to meet your specific company needs and delivered at your own venue.

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TRAINING & CERTIFICATION REINFORCED STEEL WELDING COORDINATOR COURSE (CONT.) COURSE LENGTH The length of the commitment will be five days. This will be comprised of: • Four and a half days faceto-face training; and • Two hour examination. COURSE COST The cost of the course is: • $2,120 + GST* (member rate); or • $2,330 + GST* (nonmember rate). * Examinations included. COURSE CONTENT • Duties of a Welding Supervisor/Coordinator • Metallurgy, Weldability and Manufacture of Reinforcing Steel • Welding Process Technology • Welding Equipment and Power Sources – Function, Safety and Maintenance

• Fulfilling Fabrication Requirements – Interpretation of Drawings and Welding Symbols • Qualification of Welding Procedure Specifications • Qualification of Welders • Inspection and Quality Assurance • Quality Assurance and Safety in Welded Construction PREREQUISITES The entry requirements for participants are as follows: • Three years approved practical experience in the fabrication engineering industry, and successful completion of an approved course that includes: • Welding process technology • Welding metallurgy • Weld testing and inspection

• Standards and specifications – Steel structures. OR • Three years approved experience in the supervision or inspection of welding; or • A qualification in either engineering, metallurgy or welding, and three years approved experience related to the practical application of welding; or • Other qualifications or experience acceptable to the principle conforming to the requirement of ISO 14731, with specific technical knowledge and experience in the welding of reinforcing steel. Please see required skills and knowledge for further descriptions.

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REINFORCED STEEL WELDING COORDINATOR COURSE (CONT.) In addition, a candidate shall have verbal and written communication skills and be able to: • Produce reports • Read and interpret technical drawings, procedures and specifications • Write and amend welding procedures INITIAL CERTIFICATION Initial certification requires a candidate to: • Complete the training course • Sit the two hour exam (approximately 50% theory, and 50% referring to AS 1554.3) • Achieve a pass mark of 65% in the exam

certification valid for five years. The WTIA permits three attempts at the exam within a three year period, after completing the training course. Candidates must complete the training course for a second time if the exam is failed three times, or they don’t pass the exam within three years after completing the training course. The resit fees are $350 for members, or $385 for nonmembers (subject to change).

RE-CERTIFICATION Re-certification is via paper assessment. Re-certification requires: • Completion of an application form • At least three years relevant experience within Successful candidates are then the past five years • Provision of: issued with a drivers licencestyle photo ID wallet card, with • A CV

• Referee letter(s) from employers or clients confirming three years’ rebar welding supervision experience in the past five years If applicants wanting to recertify can’t satisfactorily show three years’ rebar welding supervision experience in the past five years, they must pass the exam again, although they are not required to complete the training course again. The re-certification fees are $350 members or $385 for nonmembers (subject to change). FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, please contact WTIA Training on training@wtia.com.au or 02 8748 0150.

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IIW International Welding Inspector – Standard 29 August, Sydney

Following feedback from members in relation to access conditions for IWE, WTIA has obtained clarification from the IIW on the inclusion of a wider range of qualifications. Previously, candidates had to hold a Bachelor Degree. Now, candidates with any postgraduate qualification—a Bachelor Degree or higher—from a recognised Australian university meets the entry requirements. Postgraduate qualifications that meet the IWE entry requirements include any of the following in an engineering discipline: Bachelor Degree, Bachelor Honours Degree, Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Master’s Degree, Doctoral Degree, or Higher Doctoral Degree. Specific postgraduate qualification examples include a Graduate Diploma in Materials Welding Technology from RMIT or a Master of Engineering Practice in Materials Welding and Joining from University of Wollongong.

UPCOMING EXAM DATES International Welding Specialist (IWS) 9 November 2016 AS 1796 Certificate 10 Welding Supervisor 9 & 10 November 2016 AS 2214 Welding Supervisor 9 & 10 November 2016 Applications to sit the three exams above close on 30 September.

International Welding Inspector – Standard (IWI S) 3 / 4 November 2016

To apply, please contact Anabel Cantero on a.cantero@wtia.com.au

IIW International Welding Inspector – Standard 5 September, Mackay IIW International Welding Inspector – Standard 19 September, Brisbane WTIA Welding Technology Appreciation for Engineers, 30 August, Darwin WTIA Welding Technology Appreciation for Engineers, 14 September, Sydney

International Welding Inspector – Basic (IWI B) 3 / 4 November 2016

Applications to sit the two exams above close on 23 September 2016.

IIW International Welding Inspector – Standard 29 August, Melbourne

WTIA Welding Technology Appreciation for Engineers, 27 September, Perth WTIA Welding Technology Appreciation for Mining Personnel 20 September, Hunter Valley IIW International Welding Engineer 26 September, Wollongong IIW International Welding Technologist 26 September, Wollongong

To apply, please contact Annette Dickerson on a.dickerson@wtia.com.au. WTIA Newsletter August 2016

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TRAINING & CERTIFICATION WANT TO GET QUALIFIED BUT DON’T HAVE TIME TO ATTEND A TRAINING COURSE? The alternative route could be for you! The alternative route is aimed at individuals who may already have experience in a job at a particular level, without holding the appropriate qualification. These individuals will have already gained full or part knowledge of the syllabus and be able to demonstrate their capability to proceed to examination directly without compulsory attendance at an approved training course. Individuals are assessed based on their experience, education, training, and practical work experience in welding at the relevant qualification level. The assessment process involves a paper assessment, completion of a case study project, presentation to panel of examiners and oral interview. Success in the assessment process enables an individual to sit the relevant exams. A pass in the exams leads to the award of the relevant qualification. The alternative route is available for the following qualifications: • International Welding Practitioner (IWP)

• International Welding Specialist (IWS) • International Welding Technologist (IWT) • International Welding Engineer (IWE) • International Welding Inspector – Basic (IWIB) • International Welding Inspector – Standard (IWIS) IWP QUALIFICATION There is currently an opportunity for people who hold an International Welding Specialist (IWS) diploma to gain an additional IIW qualification—the International Welding Practitioner (IWP). This qualification can be achieved through recognition of prior learning and experience, without further study. People who already hold an IWS diploma can apply for the IWP qualification simply by

submitting an application for assessment. IWT QUALIFICATION Don’t forget recent changes to the IIW International Welding Technologist (IWT) qualification pathway. Individuals are now eligible to undertake the IIW IWT qualification via recognition of prior learning and experience, including: an IIW IWS diploma; and at least six years of experience (in the past eight years), after gaining an IWS diploma. Previously, IWT qualification required an Associate Diploma in Engineering. FURTHER INFORMATION For further information about qualifications and certifications, contact Annette Dickerson, Q&C Manager on a.dickerson@wtia.com.au

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TRAINING & CERTIFICATION EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST: APPROVED TRAINING BODIES To make access to internationally recognised welding training, qualifications and certifications more widely available to Australian industry, the WTIA is launching a program to expand the network of authorised training centres in Australia. Organisations wanting to offer courses designed to prepare students for the International Institute of Welding (IIW) qualifications are invited to submit ‘Expressions of Interest’ to become an Approved Training Body (ATB). Authorised Training Bodies are responsible for the administration and facilitation of IIW courses. As the only IIW Authorised National Body (ANB) in Australia, the WTIA is authorised to assess and

approve training organisations as ATBs. The IIW qualifications and certifications are recognised worldwide throughout the 59 member countries of the IIW. IIW courses that ATBs may be authorised to offer include: • Welding Coordination Personnel: • International Welding Engineer • International Welding Technologist • International Welding Specialist • International Welding Practitioner • Welding Inspection Personnel: • International Welding Inspector – Comprehensive level • International Welding Inspector – Standard level • International Welding Inspector – Basic level

• Other: • International Welded Structures Designer To express your interest in becoming an Approved Training Body, please send an email to training@wtia.com.au with the following information: 1. Name of Organisation 2. RTO Status, including RTO Code (if any) 3. Scope of current training 4. Which courses you are interested in conducting 5. In which city/regional area/ state would the courses be conducted? 6. Contact Person, including: • Title within organisation • Email address • Business phone number • Mobile phone number • Website Organisations which have expressed an interest will be contacted with additional information.

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hether you need to brush up on skills acquired years ago, or want to try your hand at something new, there’s sure to be an event for you. For further details on any of the events or examinations listed below, contact events@wtia.com.au or +61 (0)2 8748 0100. AUGUST 2016 Understanding Steels Brisbane, 24 August In this course, attendees will learn the basics of steel metallurgy focussed on the steels used in structural and mechanical applications. The development of the Australian Structural Steel Standards over time will be used to demonstrate how steels have improved, and Australian standards will be compared with international standards to highlight the differences. For more information, visit: www. materialsaustralia.com.au SEPTEMBER 2016 Australian Steel Convention Melbourne, 11-13 September With the theme of Innovation in Steel, the Australian Steel Convention will be held at the Hyatt in Melbourne. Speakers will include Paul O’Malley (CEO of BlueScope), Professor Andrew Harris (Director of the Engineering Excellence Group at Laing O’Rourke), Greg Albert (CEO of Bisalloy) and Oscar Gregory (Director at ARC Research Hub for Australian Steel Manufacturing). For more information, visit: www.steel.org.au

Performance of Welded Structures Sydney, 13 September This is a one-day standalone course, or a follow up from Welding Process Technology. This course has been designed to provide an understanding of the design, specification, fabrication, inspection and testing of fabricated structures. You’ll learn how to how to specify, manage and control construction and maintenance projects from a welding and materials perspective. For more information, visit: www.eeaust.com. OCTOBER 2016 Materials and Maintenance Advancements for Mining Kalgoorlie, 14 October In conjunction with Materials Australia, the WTIA will present a seminar on materials and maintenance advancements for mining. The innovative use of materials and maintenance to support life extension on capital equipment and plant assets is critical to the Kalgoorlie mining industry. The mining industry requires advancements in design, technologies and products to support safe, reliable, cost efficient operations. For more information, visit: www. materialsaustralia.com.au

DECEMBER 2016 CAMS 2016 Melbourne, 6 to 8 December CAMS 2016 is set to be an exceptional interdisciplinary technical meeting, covering the latest advancements and technological innovation in the field of materials science and engineering. Featuring worldrenowned invited speakers, an intensive scientific program with various concurrent streams, and a veritable smorgasbord of networking events, it is sure to inform, engage and excite all materials science and engineering professionals. For more information, visit: www.cams2016.com.au

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Welding Technology Institute of Australia

EXPAND YOUR AUDIENCE. GROW YOUR BUSINESS. Advertise with the WTIA Today WTIA is happy to offer you and your business the opportunity to promote your products and services directly to the decision makers in the welding and fabricating industry­. We have a range of cost effective advertising and editorial packages available, in both Weld Connect and the Australian Welding Journal.


For further information about advertising in Weld Connect, please contact: WTIA Newsletter August 2016 | Page Donna South on d.south@wtia.com.au or +61 (0)2 8748 0130


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