REF: p. 186
Chapter 12: Airway Clearance Techniques and Lung Volume Expansion Test Bank
MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. What are the main components of the traditional airway clearance techniques?
I. Palpation of the chest wall II. Postural drainage III. PercussionIV. Coughing a. b. I and III only c. II, III, and IV only d. I, II, III, and IV
II only
Traditional airway clearance techniques (ACT) are designed to remove secretions from the lungs and include postural drainage, percussion, chest wall vibration, and coughing. REF: p. 198 2. On the basis of the following diagram, which of the following lung segments is being
a. b. c. d.
Posterior segment of the right upper lobe Apical segment of the right upper lobe Posterior basal segments of both lower lobes Anterior segments of both upper lobes
What is shown here (and in Figure 12-3E in the textbook) is the postural drainage position for draining the posterior basal segments of the right and left lower lobes.