Well FED Savannah February 2011

Page 1

Take O it ’s FR ne, EE!


The Fight to Be Fit

The Soul Food



Top 10 Tips For a Healthy 2011 with RUBY, Drew & Shazi


The History of Soul Food



c ov e r i ng S ava n n a h , P o o l e r , & t h e Is l a n d s

Maps. Details. Descriptions.



it’s cold outside!

Preparing your garden for Spring


ow can anyone possibly garden in this winter weather? Here’s the good news: You can get spring started right now in the warmth and comfort of your home! If you haven’t already been perusing the seed catalogs and mapping out your spring and summer garden plans, now’s the time to get out pencil and paper. Local feed and seed stores will have warm weather seeds available soon, and online orders submitted today mean you can start dreaming of the warm sun beating down on your back as you transplant your indoor seedlings into freshly-amended garden beds. There is no need to buy pricey seed trays—indoor seedlings are easy to start in cardboard egg cartons. Be sure to place them on a sheet of plastic to protect the underlying surface from moisture damage. Make sure you use a light potting mix with no chemical fertilizers and a healthy dose of vermiculite for good drainage. You don’t need to worry about a light source for the first week when the seeds are just starting to germinate. Make sure the air temperature is between 68 and 75 degrees for optimal germination, the top of the refrigerator is a nice warm spot. You can cover the trays with a sheet of light plastic to speed germination and help keep soil moist, but remove it once the seedlings break the surface. Now a strong light source will be necessary to keep them from getting spindly and lanky trying to reach for light. If you have windows with minimally 4-6 hours of direct sun, you’ve got it made; otherwise, I recommend purchasing a good quality grow light with all the money you saved on not buying seed trays—Savannah Hydroponics is an excellent place to buy local. 10

Well FED

As a rule of thumb, most seedlings need about six weeks of growing time before being transplanted outdoors. Our last frost date in Savannah is officially March 10, but often we’ll get a cold snap around St. Patrick’s Day. The safest bet is to plant around Easter weekend. Determine your indoor seeding date by counting backward from when you know you can get them in a prepared garden bed. Once the seedlings have their second set of leaves, which are the “true” leaves, begin adding liquid kelp and fish emulsion to the water you irrigate them with. Follow the recommendations on the labels. Don’t overwater—soil should never be soggy, just damp to the touch. Plants commonly started for spring planting include: Cucumbers, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, squashes, melons, and flowers of all sorts. Large seeded plants such as snow peas, okra, nasturtium, sunflowers should be started later indoors as they grow so fast they’ll soon outgrow their seed-pot, maybe just two weeks in advance. Peppers and okra like a very warm soil temperature, so if it’s still early April when you plant them out, don’t be surprised if they seem reluctant— they’re waiting for summer’s heat and will take off with the first hot spell. When you do transfer to the garden, if you used a material that will break down in the soil

such as paper egg cartons, be sure to cut several slits into the bottom and sides to help insure that the roots won’t get root bound before the paper breaks down. Believe it or not, some outdoor seedings can still be going on in February and March. Cool weather crops such as arugula, kale, collards, cabbage, carrots, peas and turnips can be directly seeded in the garden. Try to time it with temperatures above 40 degrees for a few days and nights in a row. Flowers such as nasturtium, foxglove, delphinium, poppies, violas and calendula also do well in cool temperatures. You can warm up outdoor soil by making cloches out of bamboo or PVC hoops with plastic sheeting stretched over them to make tunnels over the beds or salvaged windows propped up over the beds to let the sun in (leave head room for the seedlings.) Creative ideas abound at westsidegardener.com and mrbrownthumb.blogspot.com. If you still have time on your hands, it’s time to clean out all the boxes, bags and various other sundry containers storing seeds from years gone by. Seeds have a shelf life and if you have some that are over three years old, consider tossing them to the chickens or compost bin and buy a new batch. As seeds age, their germination rate of success declines, the vigor of the seedling produced is weak and the resulting plant is more susceptible to pests and disease.

A word about the recent rumors going around gardening circles about Bill S.510 passed by Congress on November 30 and signed into law by President Obama January 4: According to the folks at kitchengardeners.org, seed saving, produce sharing, backyard gardens and small farmers selling to markets, co-ops and restaurants is still completely legal with no change in former regulations. The big difference to farmers that save seed are that they will now be subject to inspections of their equipment. We can all sigh a collective sigh of relief that much of the hype leading up to passing this bill was misinformed. Even Michael Pollan and other foodies feel it will do more good than harm. Speaking of foodies, I am proud to announce an upcoming Food Film Festival featuring sustainable food documentary films including Fresh, Dirt, Fridays at the Farm, and Ingredients. From February 8 through

Red Poppy and tri-colored Viola The main things to remember when storing extra seeds is to keep them organized and clearly dated in an airtight and cool place. I have mine organized by planting season in air-tight plastic boxes—inside each season’s box, the seed packets are paper clipped together if I have several varieties of one vegetable/flower. Also inside each box is a sachet of desiccant (silica) to make sure the air remains dry in our humid climate. By the way, Savannah is in zone 8b with microclimates of zone 9 or zone 8 here and there. (For instance, my bananas grow in a microclimate of 9 on the south-facing wall of my house.) mysuburbanhomestead.com has a wealth of information and tips on all gardening subjects and is especially helpful in suggesting vegetable varieties for zone 8.

Stay warm and keep dreaming of spring! March 1, these films and more will be shown at the Jepson Center auditorium to local school groups each Tuesday at 10am and each Thursday at 6pm for the general public. Both day and evening screenings will have hands-on art activities to engage the kids, so if your family’s youngest members cannot sit through a 70-90 minute feature bring them along anyway to enjoy making art with healthy food as the subject. The Food Film Festival is brought to you by Savannah Urban Garden Alliance, Savannah Local Food Collaborative, Healthy Savannah Initiative, The Jepson Center, the Savannah-Chatham County PTA Council and Georgia Organics. It precedes the Georgia Organics conference to taking place for the first time in Savannah March 11-13. The film screenings will culminate with a panel discussion on Thursday, March 10 to consider how we can improve our local food options. Hope to see you all there.

Pantry raid

Japanese Ramen Soup Ah, Ramen. So cheap and so easy ... yet so unappealing. For this issue of Pantry Raid, I found myself gazing into my brother’s pantry, which upon inspection, seemed to be the depository for the world’s unwanted ramen supply. What to do with all these useless noodle cubes?

Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 10 minutes


1 package ramen noodles 1 can of chicken stock 1 egg 1/2 of a zucchini 1/2 of a yellow squash soy sauce salt

Directions: Well, that’s where I come in. I raid my friend’s pantries and make passable meals from the dregs left behind in their cupboards, refrigerators and freezers. This month was especially challenging because I was working in a bachelor’s kitchen with a limited supply of spices and culinary staples. Join me now, as I show you how I transformed ramen noodles into two passable (even tasty) meals. So grab that bag of ramen you got for 37 cents, throw out the mystery spices inside and let’s get started on the...

Ramen Edition 12

by Rachel D’Erminio

Well FED

Boil the ramen noodles according to the directions on the package. Strain and set aside. In a small sauce pan bring the chicken stock to a boil. Add in sliced vegetables and lower the heat. Add in soy sauce and salt to taste. When the vegetables are almost done cooking, crack the egg and add to the broth. Do not stir after this point! Turn off the heat and let the egg set. Meanwhile, put the cooked ramen noodles in a bowl, and pour soup over the top.

Quick and Easy Stir Fry Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 10 minutes


1 package ramen noodles 1/2 onion 1/2 zucchini 1/2 yellow squash carrots sesame oil soy sauce salt and pepper


Boil the ramen noodles according to the directions on the package. Strain and set aside. Chop your vegetables into 1/4 to 1/2 pieces. In a large sauce pan heat olive oil and sauté the onions, until they become translucent. Next add the other veggies and season with the soy sauce and sesame oil. Let them cook a few minutes, until they become tender, then add the noodles. Add salt and pepper to taste and mix the stir fry well to coat the noodles with all the seasoning.

Variations: A good way to transform this dish from a midnight snack into a meal is to add meat. Anything will do, from tofu cubes to beef strips. Any leftover veggies will also pair nicely with this dish. One lonely broccoli bunch? Half a parsnip leftover from yesterday? Throw them in!

Japanese Ramen Soup contd. Variations: You can really add whatever you like to this soup. If you want to keep it vegetarian try vegetable stock and replace the egg with some tofu. I often add shrimp or leftover chicken if it’s available. Also, don’t be limited by the vegetables I suggest: you can also add mushrooms, pea pods, carrots or onions! This is an easy dish with a million variations, so don’t be afraid to experiment!

Well FED


by Drew & Shazi Edmonds

So often our hearts are in the right place when it comes to getting fit, but how do we convince our minds and bodies to get started and keep going? We asked local folks who are achieving health and fitness success to share their experiences and advice. Starting with our own world-famous healthy lifestyle inspiration, Ruby Gettinger of Style Network’s hit show, here is Savannah’s collected wisdom for improving mind, body and soul in 2011.


“Remember to take baby steps! Focus on today, do not let fear stop you! Fear only keeps you frozen in time. Find people that really care about you and have the passion to help people become healthy like I found with Drew and Shazi. It will definitely help you get to your goal!” —Ruby Gettinger


“My best diet tip: I brush my teeth after every meal/snack. This helps me to recognize the end of the meal and I don’t continue snacking mindlessly because food doesn’t taste good right after brushing. My best fitness tip: Hire a ruthless trainer.” —Kris Powers


“Get 30 minutes of exercise each day, five days a week. Eat less and eat mostly vegetables. Keep a smile on your face and love in your heart.”


“I’ve learned that small changes lead to big results. I don’t have to become an athlete to make positive changes in my physical fitness as long as I am consistent. Strength and endurance come by challenging myself daily no matter how small each task or exercise seems. When I make excuses not to keep up with it daily is when I slip into old habits that don’t produce the results I’m looking for. I’m setting small goals and journaling my progress with food and exercise each day in order to meet my goals.” —Sandy Baker


“My thoughts about getting started…to better understand what you are about to embark upon, talk to a trainer, nutritionist, and doctor regarding where you are currently and where you want to be. Set smaller, more realistic goals and work towards them. Understand that there will be setbacks and reasons for discouragement, but do not let them win. Adjustments in your exercise will help you through. Setting artificial deadlines can be dangerous to your body.Work toward your goal at a pace that is healthy.” —Doug Craig


“Hire a trainer! That was the one best thing I did to get me going. It keeps me motivated to work out during the week and I look forward to my sessions every week (well, almost every week.) Also, bring a friend to a class. It makes the class fun and you won’t want to let the friend down by not going.” —Jan Katz


“Don’t drink...ever! Liquor and wine stop progress. Once I stopped drinking the weight came off!” —Brandon Branch (HGTV Style and Design Star) Drew and Shazi Edmonds are the owners of TrainMe247. com fitness studio. They were selected from a national line-up of fitness experts to serve as the personal trainers to RUBY of Style Network TV. Graduates of Georgia Southern University, they hold degrees in Exercise Science and Sports & Fitness Management. They are longtime residents of Wilmington Island and can be reached at drewandshazia@trainme247.com.

New season of Ruby starts March 6th Sundays @ 8pm on Style Network


“I always had a little personal trainer on my shoulder asking me if I was really hungry or just eating to eat. It made me stop and think about what I was doing and how hard I’d have to work to burn off those unnecessary calories.” —Laura Weiss


“Make exercise fun! Find activities that you enjoy and incorporate them into your fitness routine. Love to dance? Make it a 30-minute cardio dance workout in your living room. Love being on the open water? Hop on a kayak and paddle the pounds away. Remember, if you enjoy your workouts you are going to look forward to them rather than avoid them.” —Drew


“Be consistent with your program! Make your workouts a priority in your life. Regardless of how busy you get, you can always make time for exercise. Break your workouts into smaller segments spread throughout the day if you can’t make time for one long workout. Remember, consistent exercise leads to consistent change.”

Well FED


T h e W e l l F E D p et

Beware of the

“Chocolate Season” By Lisa A.Yackel, CVPM, PHR Hospital Administrator at Case Veterinary Hospital

Veterinary toxicologists report that most of their calls during this time are chocolaterelated, and 98% of the calls involve dogs. In spite of ranking behind Easter and Halloween for chocolate sales, Valentine’s Day is referred to as the “Chocolate Season.” This undoubtedly sweet holiday is upon us, and it’s not one veterinarians look forward to since we know that the Animal Pet Poison Control hotline will be ringing off the hooks. Veterinary toxicologists report that most of their calls during this time are chocolate-related, and 98% of the calls involve dogs. Most dog owners know that chocolate is not good for their four-legged friends, but do you know why? While both dogs and cats have a sweet tooth, dogs tend to gorge themselves on chocolate when given the opportunity, even finishing the entire bar or bag. They will eat as much as they can while cats will typically only nibble a bit, putting them at less risk for chocolate poisoning. Chocolate is derived from the roasted seeds of Theobroma cacao, which contains certain properties—caffeine and theobromine—that can be toxic to animals. If ingested, these two ingredients can also lead to various medical complications and may even prove fatal for your pet. Caffeine is a stimulant that a lot of us enjoy in our morning coffee, a soda or a nice piece of Godiva chocolate, but our pets don’t process it they way we do. But it’s theobromide that makes chocolate highly toxic to pets: While only mildly stimulating to humans, it is metabolized very slowly in dogs and can affect the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, causing vomiting, heart arrhythmias, high heart rate, tremors, seizures, and even put your pet into a coma. Fatalities are rare, but they do happen, especially in smaller dogs.

Our veterinarians at Case Veterinary Hospital usually see vomiting and diarrhea as the most frequent side affect. How your pet would be effected by an ingestion of chocolate depends on the amount digested, the size of the animal and the type of chocolate. Let’s break it down: 1 Milk Chocolate – Mild signs of toxicity can occur when 0.7 ounces per pound of body weight if ingested; severe toxicity occurs when two ounces per pound of body weight is ingested (or as little as one pound of milk chocolate for a 20-pound dog). 2 Dark Chocolate – Higher amounts of cacao mean up to 50% more theobromine and caffeine: Mild signs of toxicity can occur when just 0.3 ounce per pound of body weight is ingested; severe toxicity occurs when one ounce per pound of body weight is ingested (or as little as six ounces of semi-sweet chocolate for a 20-pound dog). 3 Baking Chocolate – This type of chocolate has the highest concentration Continued on next page →

Well FED


of caffeine and theobromine and therefore the most dangerous. As little as two small one-ounce squares of baking chocolate can be toxic to a 20-pound dog (or 0.3 ounce per pound of body weight). This chocolate season, take care to keep the goodies away from your pets. Both dogs and cats have an excellent sense of smell, making it fairly easy to find the candy dishes that are strategically placed throughout the house as well as the secret hiding spots and stashes. Enclose chocolate in plastic bags and make them inaccessible by putting them on high shelves, in cabinets or even the refrigerator.

By all means, us two-legged creatures should indulge. But don’t allow the pleading eyes of your four-legged significant other dissuade you from the warnings— even in small amounts, chocolate is dangerous for animals. There are some chocolate knock-off products in respected pet stores that you can substitute or better yet, give them a Valentine-themed stuffed toy. If by accident, your pet gets into any chocolate, call your veterinarian immediately with the amount and the type of chocolate. The Pet Poison Helpline 1-800-213-6680 is also available if you have a concern.

Have a sweet and safe Valentine’s Day with your furry friends! 18

Well FED

Call us today for a free consultation with our Certified Nutritionist Technician. We can recommend a premium diet for your pet.

Visit us at 111 Eisenhower Drive or on the web at

www.casevet.com 912-352-3081


EAT A Soul Food Showdown in Savannah

taste the


pg. 32

pg. 25

Photo: A Taste of Heaven

The History pg. 23 behind Southern Soul Food New Listings Maps. Details. pg. 29 Descriptions.

a taste of history

Soul Food

c W

hen someone says “soul food,” what usually comes to mind are heaping helpings of fried meats, savory steamed greens and sweet potato pie, all prepared with care and cooked slow in true Southern style. Like all cuisines, it evolved as part of a larger culture and heritage—and these dishes are definitely part of the larger story of African Americans and what they’ve contributed to our nation’s soul. February is Black History Month, and to commemorate it WellFED explored a little bit about African American history and its impact through food. Soul food had to derive from Southern cooking itself, which out of necessity used foods that were commonly grown in the region as it was settled in the 1700s. To accommodate white landowners and their growing legions of slaves, Southern cooking needed to be cheap, hearty and high in calories to facilitate all the hard labor endured throughout the day. Most often, only one meal a day was provided to slaves, and it was that meal that had to sustain a hardworking soul through a day of labor and captivity. While all soul food is Southern cooking, not all Southern cooking is soul food. This is a cuisine that arose out of necessity as enslaved Africans were forced to make meals of what was discarded by their white masters. They were typically only given the parts of the vegetables and animals that were deemed undesirable— and these cooks learned not only to make palatable what others rejected, but created a signature style

that continues to be synonymous with comfort and nourishment. The essence of soul food is not unlike the story of Black history itself: Make the best with what you got and count it all joy. Aside from the occasional wild game or fish, the discarded parts of animals such as feet, tails and intestines were the main sources of protein. Any meat that arrived at the slave’s kitchen before the days of refrigeration was likely teeming with bacteria, so it was necessary to fry or boil all of it to prevent sickness. Staple dishes such as oxtail soup and turkey necks in gravy remain delicacies in our times. Vegetables sources were comprised of scraps or wild “weeds” dismissed as too bitter for a “civilized” palate, such as turnip tops, dandelions, wild mustard and collard greens and other leafy things growing in the wilderness beyond the sowed rows of crops. Cooked over a slow fire with plenty of water and a hamhock or two, these “weeds” softened and absorbed a fine flavor that made Southern food famous in later generations. Since it would be a sin to waste even a calorie in these wretched times, the savory liquid (full of vitamins and flavor) leftover from cooking greens was often saved from the pan and served as a beverage known as “pot likker.” Other foods that comprised the Southern diet were staple grains and vegetables that were cheap and in abundance. Plantation owners would specifically choose to buy slaves who were familiar with growing rice so Continued on next page → Well FED 23



their knowledge could be exploited in cultivating it in the marshlands of the South. Okra, now synonymous with Southern cuisine, was first imported from West Africa (along with human beings) when it was found that it flourished in Southern soil, along with cabbage from Portugal, turnips from Morocco and sweet potatoes brought from South America by the Spanish. In addition to slaves’ ingenuity, Native Americans introduced what became a cornerstone of the Southern diet: Corn. Thanks to the cooperation and generosity of those Native Americans, this versatile grain was transformed into a slew of signature Southern dishes using a variety of techniques developed over Opening Photo: Kitchen at Refuge Plantation, Georgia, circa 1880. many generations, including cornbread, Above Left: Hagar Brown, former slave at the Oaks Plantation, South grits, dumplings, hushpuppies and Carolina, circa 1938. Right: Two women hulling rice, Georgia, circa Johnnycakes (also known as “hoe cakes.”) 1900 Cooking techniques and recipes were a larger audience, inspiring free people all over the often taught to the slaves who served as cooks and country to recreate the warm comfort food that began servants in plantation households. These slaves were literally from “the bottom of the barrel.” expected to be able to cook a repertoire of dishes to Today, we have the fortune and honor of including satisfy their masters’ tastes, which meant they were soul food in the pantheon of great American regional trained in classic French, German and English cooking cuisines. Generations of family recipes, techniques on techniques and recipe production—some of the first par with culinary masters and higher quality ingredients classically-trained chefs in America were slaves. Many offer us a whole new incarnation of these simple of these techniques influenced early African-American foods. Complex combinations and culinary techniques cooks in their own kitchens, inspiring classic Creole and are now integrated into these time-honored recipes, Gullah styles. proving that what was once considered undesirable Until they were emancipated after the Civil War, Black can become coveted and imitated around the world. people were forbidden to read and write. All recipes Here in the Lowcountry, there’s no need to wait until and techniques were passed down orally, usually from a you’re invited to a potluck after Sunday service to try a grandmother who imparted her cooking secrets at the sixth generation oxtail recipe.We’re blessed with some stove. It became an important tradition not only to learn of the best renditions of soul food dishes available at the cooking techniques and recipes of one’s mother but over a dozen African-American owned and operated also to commit them to memory in order to pass them soul food restaurants in town. Throughout down to the next generation. the month of February, we encourage you The first known soul food to go feed your soul and try some of these cookbook, What Mrs. Fisher Knows Southern jewels. about Old Southern Cooking, was published in 1881 by Abby Fisher, Also, don’t forget to go online and vote a slave born to a slave mother and for your own favorite in Well FED’s a French slave owner. An 1880 U.S. very own “Soul Food Showdown!” Census report lists Abby Fisher as See next page for more details... a 48-year old woman living in San Francisco. Though born a slave, she became a successful businesswoman What Mrs. Fisher Knows about Old famous for her award-winning Southern Cooking will be available for recipes despite the fact that she download at wellfedsavannah.com could neither read nor write. Her throughout the month of February. cookbook brought soul food to

Don’t Forget to Vote! You can participate in the Well FED Soul Food Showdown by casting your vote ! Entries may be received via fax, mail, email, or online through our Facebook page. OR Go to your nearest participating Soul Food Restaurant and cast your vote there. All votes must be received by February 21st. 1 VOTE PER PERSON PLEASE.

If more than one box is marked, vote is invalid.

The Garden of Eden





Taste of Heaven

Name (Print): Email/Phone Number (optional):

P.O. Box 5214 Savannah, GA 31414 Fax: (912) 480-0241 www.wellfedsavannah.com info@wellfedsavannah.com




Vict ory Dr



. Skidaway Rd

Trum a

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Maps. Details. Descriptions. The Well FED Dining Guide is your ticket to good eatin’. It can help you decide whether tonight you are going to stick to your usual or discover delicious local flavors you didn’t know you were missing....until now. For your convenience, the directory is divided by location and cuisine.

H i sto r ic Di st r ict Starts on page 30 M i dto w n / S o ut h s i d e Starts on page 38

T HE ISLANDS Starts on page 46 O O L E R / W E ST C H AT H A M PStarts on page 50

Photo: FORM


Well FED



D12 Chart House A $$

20 E. Perry St. 912.231.2385

Churchill’s Pub B2 $$ A

514 MLK Jr. Blvd. 912.231.8888

B6 Clary’s


2 E. Broughton St. 912.236.7133


224 W. Julian St.

Tu-Sa: 11:30-4pm, M-Th: 4-10pm, F-Sa: 4-11pm, M-Th: 11am-9pm, F-Sa: 11am-10pm, Su: 12pm-9pm Su: 4-9:30pm, Early Bird Dinner: 4pm-6pm

Modern twist on Southern cuisine with French Large eclectic menu with regular specials. influences. Finely appointed dining area and Casual dining with outdoor seating located in wine bar. Live music every Th, Fri, & Sa. Night. City Market.



Well FED


301 W. Jones St.


10 W. State St. 912.644.7172




131 W. River St. 912.234.1971

321 Habersham St.

Classic café fare mixed with southern and international selections. Historic intimate atmosphere. Tu-Th: 7:30am-8:30pm, F: 7:30am-9:30pm, Sa: 9am-9:30pm, Su: 9am-3pm

B7 Firefly Cafe

404 Abercorn St.

M-Fr: 7am-4pm, Sa-Su: 8am-4pm

13 W. Bay St. 912.233.0402

Fiddler’s Crab House A $$

202 W. Bay St. 912.232.8501

M-Su: 5pm-1am

Local, fresh seafood selections and standard Savannah’s second oldest restaurant and Relaxed local feel. Serving down home style parlor. Selections include interesting takes on American breakfast and lunch. Daily specials. American fare. Served in casual setting with scenic views. traditional American dishes. M-F: 7am-2:45pm Su-Th:11-10pm, F-Sa:11am-11pm Su-Th: 11am-10pm, F-Sa: 11am-11pm


Debi’s/Laurie’s $

102 E. Broad St. 912.234.6686

Sa-Su: 11am-3pm, M-F: 5pm-10pm, Sa: 5pm-10:30pm, Su: 5pm-9pm


Crystal Beer Parlor $ - $$ A


Su-Th: 5:30pm-9pm, Fr& Sa: 5:30pm-10pm

Alcohol, beer, or wine available.

Casual local atmosphere. Serving breakfast Emphasis is on consistently delicious organic, Historic casual setting. Daily seafood selecIntimate historic setting. Menu selections tions and extensive wine list. Happy Hour, M-F include traditional British and classic American all day and lunch. Selections include standard and seasonal fare served in a fun and infrom 4:30pm-7pm with appetizer specials. diner and southern fare. Outdoor seating novative space. fare. Kitchen open til 1am everyday.

Cha Bella A $$


Su: 11am-9pm, M-Th: 11am-9pm, F-Sa: 11am-10pm

Southwestern BBQ. Sandwiches, platter, or by the pound. Large selection of craft beer. Live Music on weekends at 6:30pm. Jazz on Fri.

D6 Cafe at City Market A $$

115 E. River St.

M-Th: 11am-12am, F-Sa: 11am-3am, Su: 11am-2am


Tu-Th: 5pm-10pm, F-Sa: 5pm-12am, Su: 5pm-10pm

Classic intimate dining ambiance. Menu selections include contemporary American and international fare.

K1 Broughton & Bull A $$$


1102 Bull St.

Casual dining atmosphere on the river. Serving standard American fare. Famous for oysters. Karaoke on Fri. & Sa. nights.

315 W. Julian St. 912.236.1827

M-Sa: 11am-3pm, M-Sa: 5pm-10pm, Su. Brunch: 11:30am-3pm

14 N. Abercorn Ramp 912.233.2626

G6 Blowin’ Smoke BBQ A $

325 E. Bay St. 912.233.6411

M-Sa: 11am-3am, Su: 11am -2am

Casual dining in a well appointed historic building. Nationally acclaimed menu featuring certified Angus beef steaks and fresh seafood. Daily Specials.

C3 Bernie’s A $$

14 Barnard St. 912.236.4703

Children’s Menu

Billy’s Place $$ A



Serving Cajun, Italian, American and seafood. Cozy with full bar. Open for over 20 years. Live music every night at 9pm. Pool & Darts in upstairs bar.


Belford’s B7 A $$ - $$$

1 Resort Dr. 912.233.2116

Vegetarian Options

M-Sa: 8am-10pm, Su. Brunch:9am-3pm Happy Hour: 4pm-7pm

Casual bistro setting with full bar.Serving award winning breakfast. Southern inspired contemporary menu in Savannah’s oldest tavern.

B8 Bayou Cafe

21 W. Oglethorpe Ln. 912.201.2085

B. Matthews Eatery A $$$


114 Barnard St.

Some restrictions may apply.

M-Sa: 6:30am-2pm, M-Sa: 5:30pm-10pm, Sun. Brunch: 11:30am-2:30pm

C4 Brighter Day Deli $

Contemporary and relaxed resort dining Freshly prepared local and organic selections. atmosphere. Inventive menu with Southern Gluten free and vegan options. Juice bar, influences. Breakfast buffet and dinner tapas. smoothies, soups, sandwiches, and daily M-F: 6:30-10am, Sa-Su: 7-11am, M-Th: 5-11pm, specials. Located in Brighter Day Natural Foods Market M-Sa: 11am-4pm F-Sa: 5-12pm, Su:5-10pm

AVIA Kitchen $$ A

M–Su: 5:30pm–10pm

123 E. Broughton St. 912.232.7899

M-F: 6pm-10pm, Lounge opens at 5pm.

307 E. President St. 912.234.3111

Hutchinson Island Contemporary dining, located in the Westin Resort. with beautiful views of the river. Menu features seafood dishes using local and sustainable fare.

Aqua Star $$ A


M-F: 11:30am-3pm, M-F: 6pm-10pm Lounge Su-Sa: 12pm-12am


Delivery Available.

Tu: 11:30am-3pm, W-Sa: 11:30a-6pm

Memphis style barbeque in a casual setting. Simple menu includes standard barbeque fare. “A little taste of Heaven that’s been through Hell.”

Angel’s BBQ $ A

BBQ, Southern, Seafood, Burgers, Sandwiches, etc.


D7 Alligator Soul A $$$

Well appointed ambiance set in the Marshall Eclectic menu with international and southern House hotel. Contemporary American and European fare. Reservations Recommended. flair. Contemporary fine dining ambiance. Fresh, Local, and Organic Fare.

E9 45 Bistro A $$

Southern Tapas, soups, salads. Light lunch menu. Heavier dinner menu includes local shrimp and selection of finer cuts of beef.

17 Hundred 90 A $$

H i st o r Hi c ric i stDoi st ric Dti st r i c t $ UNDER $10 $$ $10 TO $20 $$$ OVER $20


ste the a t

L VE with

A lick, a taste, a tiny bite …sometimes it’s best to start with a little bit when it comes to aphrodisiacs. Not this year!


But if there’s ever a time to indulge in these foods believed to inspire lust, it’s Valentine’s Day, when expectations for a night of romance run high. Is there anything closer to a sure bet than an entire aphrodisiac menu of three courses plus cocktails? Almost every civilization throughout history has had a favorite food to ignite the heart, mind and other important erogenous zones. Historically, many have been associated with fertility and virility, perhaps for their resemblance to our bodies or their heady aromas. Some range from the inhumane (rhinoceros horn) to the freakish (tiger penis?!)

Appetizers Shrimp Ceviche

Pronounced “se-vee-chay,” this ubiquitous South American dish begins with bite-sized pieces of fresh, raw seafood including (but not limited to) shrimp, fish and calamari. Marinated in orange, lemon or lime juice and liberally seasoned with salt and chili peppers, the seafood becomes succulent through this curing process. Fresh tomatoes, garlic and cilantro often complement the recipe. The citrus juice that remains is known as “Leche de Tigre,” or Tiger’s Milk, which is reported to “make a man strong all night.”


Well FED

Oysters Rockfeller


These homely shellfish have been linked with love and sex for thousands of years. Early peoples commonly believed that those foods that possessed a resemblance to human genitalia must contain sexual benefits when eaten—thus, one of the most enduring food/sex myths of human history was born. Early Roman satirist Juvenal wrote of “the reckless ways women behaved after ingesting wine and oysters,” attributing their behavior as much to the food as the alcohol. Though modern science has shown oysters contain no significant chemical properties that would cause arousal, the myth lives on.



Though not corroborated by Western science, the use of aphrodisiacs to woo a lover continues to be practiced around the world—and there’s plenty of anecdotal “evidence” that they work just fine. Traditional aphrodisiac foods are a delicious way to add sensuality to a romantic evening, especially when prepared with love. Here, Well FED explores the world of aphrodisiacs through an exclusive Valentine’s Day menu, created for the holiday by Chef Chris Deverson of Sugar Daddy’s Wine & Food Bar. It will be available Friday and Saturday, February 11-12, and Monday, February 14.




Pepper Crusted Beef Tenderloin with a Chocolate Port Sauce This is a trifecta of indulgence to make the mouth water and the blood simmer! Red meat, chocolate, and alcohol—it’s a combination so sinful you may not even require a date.



Chocolate-Covered Strawberries No Valentine’s menu would be complete without at least a few of these luscious, heart-shaped fruits. Strawberries first gained status as an aphrodisiac due to their large numbers of tiny seeds (symbolizing abundant fertility) and became a symbol of Venus, the goddess of love. In France, there is a tradition of serving newlyweds strawberry soup before their honeymoon. Dunked in rich dark chocolate, this simple dessert is even more exciting when lovers feed it to each other.

Chocolate Hazelnut Truffles Chocolate’s sexy reputation began with the ancient Mayans. Believed to be the food of the gods, it was also said to increase one’s sexual prowess. It contains over 300 known chemicals, including caffeine, theobromine and phenylethylamine, all of which stimulate the body and brain. Hazelnuts have also long been associated with fertility and were commonly eaten at weddings and placed at the bedside of newlywed couples. These confections may end the meal, but surely, the evening will have just begun…

Wine and Food Bar

109 Jefferson St. 912.335.5852

Striped Bass with Port Wine and Fig Reduction Port wine is sweet and strong, a perfect agent to pair with the sexy fig. Figs have had a long history associated with our sexuality: Adam and Eve wore fig leaves to cover themselves after eating from the Tree of Knowledge, and ancient Greeks used them to worship the gods and goddesses of love and fertility—another example of associating sexuality because of a food’s resemblance to the female form. Also rich in iron, figs are believed to boost stamina and virility.

Cocktails Shramsburg Blanc de Blanc Champagne Aside from pairing nicely with a host of other aphrodisiacs such as raspberries, strawberries, and chocolate, it’s actually the scent of Champagne that tips the scale on the love meter. Champagnes, particularly the dry ones such as a Blanc de Blanc, mimic the delicate aroma of female pheromones. Furthermore, thanks to the carbonation, the bubbly hits the bloodstream faster than traditional wines. Bubbles are an excellent way to start—and end!—a date.

Three Olive Vanilla Honey Martini PLUS Hendricks, Ginger Syrup & Domaine Canton Martini THEN “Finished with a Kiss” As a special Valentine’s Day treat, Chad Lyon of Sugar Daddy’s has created a unique approach to not only the Martini but how to share in its pleasure with someone else: These drinks are made in pairs, intended to complement the flavors in each other. They also come with directions: Each sip is to be immediately followed by a kiss from your partner. The act of kissing causes the release of adrenaline into the blood and also raising the production of dopamine. The combined chemical reaction of the kiss and the liquor creates a whole new flavor!


Aphrodisiacs for every course are bound to make this the most memorable Valentine’s Day yet! Be sure to make your reservations for Sugar Daddy’s exclusive menu, served only Friday thru Saturday, February 11-12, and Monday, February 14. And don’t forget to finish with a kiss!



FED WellWell FED

Garibaldi’s Cafe A $$


912.349.1420 714 MLK Jr. Blvd. 912.232.7118 J.J. Bonerz C7 J. Christopher’s H7 $ A $

Intimate historic setting. Menu features locally Well appointed, historical setting. Extensive inspired selections with European influences. Wine List, Seasonal menu features seafood and southern fare. Tu-Th: 5:30pm-10:30pm, F-Sa: 5:30pmSu-M: 5pm-10:30pm, Tu-Th: 11am-10:30pm 11:30pm F-Sa: 11am-11pm

Nationally recognized casual lunch dining. Classic southern home cooking served family style at shared tables M-F: 11am-2pm


1629 W. Bay St.

Open for over 30 years. Specializing in barbeque and seafood. Spacious setting with game room and banquet area. W-Su: 11:30am -Until M-Tu: Closed

W. Bay

107 W. Jones St.

M-Sa: 11am-3am, Su: 12pm-3am



21 W. Bay St.

Casual express setting. Considerably large menu includes Po-boy sandwiches and many vegetarian options. M-Su: 11am-8pm

912.447.0943 Po Boys

102 W. Bay St.

Elegant and eclectic setting in the Bohemian Hotel. Southern contemporary cuisine serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner. M-Su: 7am-10pm

411 E. River St. 877.486.9575



125 W. River St.

Casual classic American atmosphere. Large selection of seafood. Raw bar featuring oysters. Su-Th: 5pm-10pm, F-Sa: 5pm-10:30pm

Expansive menu featuring fresh local seafood and homemade breads and desserts. Historic casual setting. M-Th: 11am-10pm, F-Sa: 11am-11pm, Su: 11:30-10pm

912.443.3210 321 Jefferson St. 912.232.4286 609 Abercorn St. 23 Abercorn St. 912.944.2700 River House Seafood A4 River Street Oyster Bar B11 Rocks on the River B5 A $$ $$ A $$ A

11 W. Liberty St. 912.239.9600 311 W. Congress St. C8 I3 Olde Pink House A $$$

Alcohol, beer, or wine available.

912.232.5997 Rib Hut $ A

912.233.6136 21 E. McDonough St. 912.495.0705 Mrs. Wilkes Dining Room I5 Noble Fare A $$ $$

M-Sa: 8am-3am, Su: 8am-2am

Casual contemporary atmosphere serving eclectic American fare. Large beer selection with house brewery. M-Th: 11am-11pm, F-Sa: 11am-12am, Su: 11am-11pm


Casual intimate Scottish Pub. Menu features traditional American and Scottish fare.

Casual eclectic atmosphere matches the eclectic menu. Large selection of pizzas, hoagies, munchies and beers. M-Th: 11am-10pm, F-Sa: 11am-10:30pm, Su: 11am-10pm

Children’s Menu

Classic casual Irish American pub. Serving large breakfast, lunch and dinner selections. Famous for nightly karaoke

2301 W. Bay St. 1110 Bull St. 912.236.8711 301 W. Broughton St. 912.236.9499 102 Congress St. 912.790.9000 Mellow Mushroom Molly MacPherson’s Moon River Brewing Co. B5 D3 G6 H5 $$ A $ A A $$

M-Su: 11am-12 am

Mo-Su: 6-10pm


117 W. River St.

Located in the United House of Prayer. Award winning classic southern soulfood. Cafeteria style family dining. Tu-W: 11am-4pm Th-Su: 11am-5pm

912.233.9626 Masada Cafe $

Vegetarian Options

912.233.2600 McDonough’s A $$

Large selection of contemporary American fare in a casual upbeat setting.

Contemporary casual atmosphere. Southern influenced menu utilizing local and seasonal selections. Boutique wine list.

122 E. Liberty St. 912.944.4343 11 W. Bay St. 9 Drayton St. 912.236.7494 Local 11Ten Locos Grill & Pub P6 D5 D3 $$$ A A $$

Traditional Irish pub with Irish singing every night. Menu features classic American and Irish fare. M-Sa: 11pm-3am, Su: 12:30pm-2:30am

315 W. Congress St. 912.234.7385 115 E. River St. Kevin Barry’s Irish Pub B4 B5 $$ A

Some restrictions may apply.

Paula Deen family establishment. Classic southern fare serving buffet style and menu specials. M-Sa: 11am-3pm, M-Sa: 5pm-close, Su: 11am-5pm


Delivery Available.

912.231.0100 Lady and Sons A $$

Huey’s on the River A $$

Spacious dining area in a casual atmosphere. Spacious, finely appointed dining area. Menu Authentic New Orleans cuisine. Serving late includes contemporary American and interna- breakfasts and local seafood in a casual Classic southern soulfood selections. Daily atmosphere. tional fare. specials available. M-Th: 7am-10pm, F: 7am-11pm, M-Su: 5pm-10pm M-F: 6am-6pm Sa: 8am-11pm, Su: 8am-10pm


Casual rooftop dining featuring an extensive Large menu featuring classic American Barbeque, ribs, and wings served in an upbeat menu of salads, apps, sandwiches and dinner breakfast and lunch selections. Casual setting. atmosphere with servers in red cowgirl boots. entrees. M: 4-11pm, Tu-Th: 11am-11pm, M-Su: 7am-2pm M-Sa: 11am-3am ,Su: 11:30am-2am F-Sa: 11am-2am, Su: 12-11pm

Isaac’s on Drayton $$ A

BBQ, Southern, Seafood, Burgers, Sandwiches, etc.


Garden of Eden $

HHi ist stoorri icc DDi ist strri icctt Map on pg. 30

$$ $10 TO $20 PRICE $$$ OVER $20

$ UNDER $10


Traditional Japanese cuisine including sushi, tempura and teriyaki served in a casual setting. M-W: 11am-9:30pm, Th-Su: 11am-12am

Menu includes Japanese and Vietnamese dishes. Ambient atmosphere featuring local artwork. M-Sa: 11:30-2:30pm, M-Th: 4-9:30pm, F-Sa: 4-10:30pm, Su: 4:30-9:30pm

M-Sa: 5:30pm-10:30pm

Su-Th: 11-10pm, Fr-Sa: 11-11pm

Well FED


234 Bull St.

Casual and cozy café environment. Serving large selection of standard café drinks and fare. M-F: 7:30am-10pm, Sa-Su: 8am-11pm

1 E. Broughton St. 912.233.5348

Contemporary and funky casual setting. Self serve frozen yogurt with large selection of fresh additions. M-Sa: 11am-11pm, Su: 11am-10pm

113 MLK Jr. Blvd. 912.232.8222 513 E. Oglethorpe Ave. 912.233.8899 Fruzen Twist E7 Gallery Espresso G6 $ $


39 Barnard St.


102 E. Liberty St.

Artisan bakery with American and French influences. Seasonal offerings also include light café fare. M-Sa: 7:30am-6:30pm, Su: 8:30am-4:30pm

912.234.2344 202 W. Saint Julian St. D4 Harris Baking Company G7 $ European style café and bakery serving large selection of breakfast items and casual lunch fare. M-F: 7am-3pm, Sa-Su: 8am-3pm

Goose Feathers $

Su-Th: 10am-10pm, F-Sa: 10am-11pm

Casual express setting. Serving café selections, including panini and Italian gelatoh.

Alcohol, beer, or wine available.

Cafes Sweets Bakeries

116 E. Broughton St. 912.238.8228 125 E. Broughton St. Cafe Gelatohhh C3 $

Elegant casual atmosphere. Japanese, Malaysian, and Thai inspired selections. 10 signature sauces.

Casual intimate setting.Traditional Japanese menu selections includes sushi, teriyaki, and hibachi. Open for over 12 years.


912.231.6667 17 W. Broughton St. 912.232.5288 4 W. Broughton St. 912.234.9300 Wasabi’s Fusion Downtown Ta Ca Japanese Fusion F11 $$ A $$ D1

Award winning Thai,Vietnamese, and PanAsian menu.Vegan friendly. Casual intimate setting. M-F: 11am-3pm, Sa-Su: 12-4pm, Su-Th: 5-10pm, F-Sa: 5-11pm

Casual intimate atmosphere.Traditional Thai cuisine includes curry and seafood selections. M-Th: 11am-3pm, M-Th: 4:30-9:30pm, F-Sa: 12pm-3pm, F-Sa: 4:30-10pm, Su: 5pm-9pm

Children’s Menu

Ruan Thai Cuisine A $$

Su-Th: 11am-2am, F-Sa: 11am-3am

912.790.9464 27 Barnard St. Seasons of Japan Bistro D7 D7 A $$

M-Su: 11am-4pm, Su-Th: 4pm-10pm, F-Sa: 4pm-11pm

15 E. River St.

Casual American setting. Serving large selection of wings and American fare.

Contemporary southern cuisine. Spacious elegant ambiance. Extensive wine menu.

912.233.0770 115 E. River St. 912.721.1000 Saigon Restaurant D6 Sakura D6 $$ A $$

Panoramic river view and live music every night. Menu features American fare and seafood. M-W: 11-10:30pm, Th-F: 11am-11pm, Sa: 9am-11pm, Su: 9am-2pm

Vegetarian Options

Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, etc.

912.233.1633 12 W. Liberty St. 912.236.3009 317 E. River St. 912.335.5852 109 Jefferson St. Vic’s on the River Wild Wing Cafe Tubby’s Tank House B7 C4 B6 A A $ $$$ A $$

Some restrictions may apply.

245 Bull St.


313 E. River St.

Delivery Available.




B10 Sugar Daddy’s $$ A

114 Barnard St.

Pizza galley and saloon. Large menu also Casual intimate atmosphere.Tapas, light fare includes pasta, salads, and stackers. “Home of and desserts. Extensive wine and drink list. the original chicken finger.” Tu-Sa: 4pm-2am, Su: 10am-2pm Su-Th: 11am-10pm, F-Sa: 11am-11pm

912.443.9962 110 W. Julian St. 912.233.8222 Spanky’s G6 Soho South Cafe H5 A $ A


Casual fine dining setting.Various menu items prepared at table. Extensive seafood selections. M-Su: 11am-10pm

D4 Shrimp Factory A $$

Finely appointed, intimate atmosphere. Serv- Casual express setting. Extensive selection of ing contemporary selections with American wraps, sandwiches, soups, and salads. and European influences. Su-Th: 6pm-10:30pm, Sa: 5:30pm-11:30pm M-F: 10am-5pm, Sa: 11am-5pm

C4 Roly Poly $

Casual English pub with classic historic setting. Relaxed café setting. Sunday brunch. Menu European influenced pub fare and specialties. selections include specialty sandwiches, desM-Th: 11:30am-12am, F-Sa: 11:30am-2am, serts and more. M-Sa: 11:30am-4pm, Su: 11-4pm Su: 11:30am- 10pm

Six Pence Pub $ A

BBQ, Southern, Seafood, Burgers, Sandwiches, etc.


Sapphire Grill A $$

Map on pg. 30

H i st o r i c D i st r i c t $$ $10 TO $20 PRICE $$$ OVER $20

$ UNDER $10



WellWell FED FED

M-Su: 5:30pm-10:30pm

Moroccan and Mediterranean menu. Belly dancing shows nightly in a ceremonial atmosphere. Reservations suggested.


Papillote $


912.721.5002 D4 Kayak Kafe´


48 Whitaker St.


Jazz’d Tapas Bar A $$


218 W. Broughton St. 912.233.6044


52 Barnard St.

1 E. Broughton St. 912.443.9555

108 E.York St.

Swiss, Italian, South African and Dutch, menu influences. Casual express and take out. M-Sa: 11am-6pm

700 Drayton St. 912.236.7777 D6 Zunzi’s $ $

Intimate express bistro setting. Menu features Casual express setting. Eclectic mix of café Classic Parisian bistro setting. Gastro pub style, light, healthy, and fresh fare. Famous for offering authentic French fare. Extensive wine light French fare and desserts with daily specials. tacos. Daily specials. selections. M-Sa: 11am-5pm, M-W: 5pm-10pm Tu-Sa: 10:30am -7pm, Su: 12am-5pm M-Th: 6pm-10pm, F-Sa: 6pm-11pm Th-Sa: 5pm-11pm



Lavish contemporary ambiance. Eclectic Contemporary intimate atmosphere. Live menu with traditional southern, American, and music. Menu features internationally inspired European influences. tapas. M-Su: 7am-2pm, M-Su: 5pm-10pm Su-Th: 4pm-10pm, F-Sa: 4pm-12am

700 Drayton A $$$


Circa 1875 A $$

18 E. State St.

Alcohol, beer, or wine available.




5 E. River St.

M-Sa: 11am-7pm

M-Su: 11am-11pm

Fusion Eclectic

20 E. Broughton St.


Relaxed intimate atmosphere. Large selection Authentic Indian cuisine. Known for their of traditional Greek dishes and pizza. curry. Served in a casual express setting.


21 W. York St.

Intimate casual setting. Contemporary Mediterranean bar and grill with late night hookah lounge. Su-W: 5pm-12am, Th-Sa: 5-2:30am

142 Montgomery St. 912.236.5464

M-Su: 11:30am-until

Intimate casual setting with hookah. Serving traditional middle eastern cuisine.

912.232.4447 13 E. Park Avenue 912.231.8100 143 Bull St. 912.238.1150 Casbah Moraccan Restaurant Middle Eastern Cuisine F2 Mirage D7 A $$ A $$ A $$

Sandwiches, coffee, tea, juice bar and vegan Casual intimate setting. Standard café fare, smoothies. Relaxed atmosphere featuring local specializing in chocolates. artwork. Public computers and wifi. M-F: 7:30am-5:30pm, Sa: 9am-5:30pm M-F: 9am-6pm, Sa: 10am-6pm, Su: 10am-4pm

19 Jefferson St. 912.233.1900 225 W. Broughton St. 912.234.4442 212 E. Broughton St. Wright Square Cafe P6 Smooth Cafe E5 F6 $ $

Children’s Menu

Olympia Cafe A $$

Indian, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, etc.


Vegetarian Options

912.234.6168 118 E. Broughton St. 912.443.0414 B6 Taste of India Express E6 $

42 MLK Jr. Blvd.



Leopold’s Ice Cream $

Frozen Yogurt Café, self-serve buffet style with Historic ice cream parlor. Casual express family setting. Serving a wide variety of icecreams, large selection of toppings. Free wi-fi. specialty beverages, sandwiches, and soups. Su: 12pm-10pm, M-Th: 11am-10pm, F-Sa: M-Su: 11am-12am 11am-11pm

D4 Some restrictions may apply.

Casual relaxed café atmosphere. Local hub. Fair-trade coffee and vegetarian selections. Featuring local art and entertainment. M-Su: 7am-10pm

912.239.9444 D1 Sentient Bean $

M-Th: 10am-6pm, F-Sa: 10am-9pm Su: 12pm-6pm

Large selection of ice cream and sweets in a casual express setting.

C3 La’ Berry $

Delivery Available.

Retro atmosphere dessert restaurant with full bar. Homemade desserts, organic coffee, gourmet cheese, and specialty drinks. Sun-Thurs 5pm-12am, Fri-Sat 1pm-1am

Lulu’s Chocolate Bar A $$

Cafes Sweets Bakeries

Ice Cream Etcetera $

HHiist stoorriicc DDiist strriicctt Map on pg. 30 $ UNDER $10 $$ $10 TO $20 $$$ OVER $20


Well FED

Well FED


317 W. Bryan St. 912.232.3466 217 W. Broughton St.

Su: 12:30pm-12pm, M-W: 11am-12pm, Th-Sa: 11am-1am M-Th: 4pm-11:30pm, F-Sa: 12pm-12am, Su: 12pm-11:30pm

D4 Serving Tex-Mex style selections. Casual eclectic setting featuring local vibrant artwork.


402 MLK Jr. Blvd.

New York style pizzeria. Large menu selections served in a casual eclectic atmosphere.


912.236.2744 513 E. Oglethorpe Ave. 912.292.1656 T-Rex Mex C3


Vinnie Van Go-Go’s A $

Alcohol, beer, or wine available.

Traditional Cuban dishes, including Cuban Large selection of pizzas and subs. Casual dining atmosphere with outdoor patio seating. sandwiches, Paella, seafood and desserts. M-Th: 11am-9:30pm, F-Sa: 11am-10:30pm, M-Sa: 12pm-10pm, Su: 12pm-8pm Su: 11am-9pm


912.495.0705 11 W. Liberty St. 912.236.0530 420 E. Broughton St. Screaming Mimi’s F10 Rancho Alegre D1 A $$ $ A

Intimate, casual setting.Traditional Mexican fare with wide selections including steaks and house specials. M-Sa: 11am-10pm, Su: 12pm-9pm

Children’s Menu

Casual eclectic atmosphere matches the eclectic menu. Large selection of pizzas, hoagies, munchies and beers. M-Th: 11am-10pm, F-Sa: 11am-10:30pm, Su: 11am-10pm

135 W. Bay St. 912.335.7027 606 Abercorn St. 912.232.7070 Juarez Mexican Restaurant Mellow Mushroom H5 D10 A $$ A $$

M-W: 11am-10:30pm, Th-F: 11am-11pm, Sa: 12pm-11pm, Su: 12pm-10pm Beginning of next line

Traditional Mexican selections served in a casual spacious setting.

Vegetarian Options

Internationally inspired Italian menu selections. Spacious outdoor patio and bocce ball court. M-F: 11am-until, Sa-Su: 12am-until

Some restrictions may apply.

119 MLK Jr. Blvd. 912.232.2720 44 MLK Jr. Blvd. 912.232.2525 Leoci’s Trattoria L8 Cilantro’s Grill & Cantina B4 A $$ A $$

Casual festive atmosphere. Extensive menu selections include standard Mexican fare. Daily specials. M-W: 11am-10pm, Th-F: 12-10:30pm, Sa: 12-10:30pm, Su: 12-10pm


Delivery Available.

M-Sa: 11am-11pm, Su: 4pm-10pm

Traditional Italian menu selections served in an intimate and casual setting.

Carlito’s Mexican Grill $ A

Corleone’s Trattoria A $$ D1

Cuban, Mexican, etc.


Traditional Dining Pasta, Pizzerias, etc.


pg. 30 HMapi onst o rHiicstDoi rst c itst r i c t i cr i D $ UNDER $10 $$ $10 TO $20 $$$ OVER $20



Well FED


M-Sa: 4pm-1am


Casual progressive dining. American, Italian, and Asian inspired dishes made from scratch. Extensive drink menu. M-Th 11-10:30pm, F-S 11-11:30pm, Sun 11-10pm

Well FED

Tu-Su: 11am-8pm

M-Su: 5:30am-10pm

M-Sa: 6am-6pm

Homemade traditional soul food. Casual express setting.

7805 Abercorn St. 912.234.5081 504 1/2 W. 42nd St.

Casual express setting. Menu selections include a wide array of deli, bagel, bakery selections.

912.921.1510 11301 Abercorn St. 912.692.0036 7010 Suite 2 Eisenhower Rd. 912.355.8717

Su-Th: 11am-10pm, F-Sa: 11am-11pm

Rustic roadhouse atmosphere with jukebox Menu includes traditional southern soul food and peanuts. Menu includes standard Ameri- selections in a casual express setting. can steakhouse fare.

M-Sa: 9am-12am, Su: 10am-10pm

912.355.9250 4829 Waters Avenue 912.234.2260 2201 Waters Avenue 912.921.2199 8108 Abercorn St. Ma Randy’s H6 Midtown Deli I6 Neighborhood Soul Food B7 $ $ $

Large selection of contemporary American fare including sandwiches, steaks, wings, salads and various appetizers in casual setting. M-Su: 11-12 am

912.354.7810 1651 E.Victory Dr. Logan’s Roadhouse L4 $$ A

Casual express setting. Large selection of fried chicken, seafood, sandwiches, and sides.

Casual intimate atmosphere. Neighborhood bistro and wine bar. Organic produce and petite portions available. M-F: 11am-2:30pm, M-Sa: 5pm-10pm

Alcohol, beer, or wine available.

World famous barbeque sauce company and restaurant. Casual family atmosphere serving barbeque and southern fare. M-Th: 11:30-9:30pm, F-Sa: 11:30-10:30pm


912.236.7642 1801 Habersham St. 912.352.1118 715 Mall Blvd. 912.234.5885 2430 Habersham St. 912.921.5712 17029 Abercorn St. Loco’s Grill & Pub Johnny Harris Restaurant Kasey’s Grille I6 E9 Kennedy Fried Chicken C9 A $$ C10 $$ A $$ A $

Casual, local atmoshpere. Menu selections include original takes on classic American fare with most selections made from scratch and sourced locally. T-Sa: 11am-11pm

C8 Houlihan’s


Wide array of seafood selections include lobster, snow crab, oysters, and low country boil. Casual family atomosphere. Su-Th: 11am-10pm, F-Sa: 11am-11pm, Su: 11am-12am 105 E. 37th St. 912.351.2274 7201 Hodgson Memorial Dr.

Fine dining set in a southern mansion. Menu selections include seasonal and local fare. Extensive wine list. M-Su: 6pm-9:30pm

912.303.0999 7400 Skidaway Rd. 912.236.5547 Giorgio’s Subs & Deli J7 Green Truck Pub $$ A $

Mon-Sat 11am-10pm, Sun 10am-9pm

Casual coastal cuisine with an emphasis on fresh local seafood, local organic produce, hand cut steaks and nightly entrée features.

Driftaway Cafe A $$

7 days a week: 8am-4pm

M-Su: 6am-3pm

912.234.6778 2130 E.Victory Drive 912.351.0302 4430 Habersham St. Fiddler’s Seafood J7 K10 Elizabeth on 37th B8 $ A A $$$

Casual local atmosphere. Serving breakfast all day and lunch. Selections include standard diner and southern fare. Outdoor seating also.

Spacious casual express setting. Extensive breakfast menu featuring omelettes. Lunch menu as well.

Children’s Menu

Carryout wine and gourmet foods shop. Daily Casual express setting with large menu chef creations, soups, sides, meats, cheeses, selection. Specializing in Italian subs. and famous cheesecakes. Also available for private wine tastings and dinners. M-Sa: 8am-9pm, Su: 12pm-4pm M-F: 11am-7pm, Sa: 11am-6pm


Large selection of standard American fare and bar food standards. Daily specials. Spacious sports bar atmosphere.

912.352.2933 Form A $$


Vegetarian Options

M-Su: 11am-12am


French and Asian influences the limited but rotating and evolving menu. Casual and intimate bar setting.Wifi available.


Bar Food

Delivery Available.

Coach’s Corner A $

Casual family atmosphere specializing in large selection of burgers including turkey and veggie burgers, and other standard American fare. M-Th: 11am-9pm, F-Sa:11am-10pm, Su: 12pm-6pm


912.349.6022 2402 Waters Avenue 912.927.8700 11108 Abercorn St. 912.355.5956 4523 Habersham St. J8 F9 Ben’s Neighborhood Grill H7 Breakfast Place D11 Clary’s Cafe $$ $ $$

Traditional southern fare including entrees, desserts, and sides. Casual express dining. Regular specials. M: 8am-1pm, T-Th: 8am-6:30pm, F-Sa: 8am-7pm, Closed on Sundays

C9 B&D Burgers Southside $ A Some restrictions may apply.

Classic southern barbeque and seafood. Casual express setting serving hot and cold Extensive menu choices include steaks, sandwiches, burgers, gyros, salads and sides. burgers, and desserts. Casual family setting. M-Su: 10:30-2pm, Su-Th: 2pm-10pm, F-Sa: M-F: 11am-8:30pm, Sa: 11am-3pm 2pm-10:30pm 912.353.9488 5320 Waters Ave. 912.351.9008 7080 Hodgson Memorial Dr.

Barnes Restaurant $$ A

BBQ, Southern, Seafood, Burgers, Sandwiches, etc.


A Taste of Heaven $

pg. 38o r i c HMapionst Dw i st c ut t hside M i dto n /rSio $$ $10 TO $20 PRICE $$$ OVER $20

$ UNDER $10


40 26

Well WellFED FED


M-F: 11:30am-2am, Sa: 3pm-2am, Su: 12:30pm-12am

Casual local sports bar atmosphere. Menu includes standard American bar fare Contemporary casual setting. Menu includes BBQ standards specializing in ribs. Catering Available. M-Sun 11am-10pm


7205 Waters Ave. 912.352.3838

7640 Abercorn St.


7401 Skidaway Rd. 912.353.8337

4426 Habersham St.

Large selection of traditional Japanese fare Casual express setting. Menu includes tradiLarge selection of traditional Japanese fare including sushi and hibachi. Casual setting with including sushi and hibachi. Casual setting with tional Japanese dishes including sushi, hibachi, sushi bar seating. and teriyaki. sushi bar seating. M-Th: 11am-9pm, F-Sa 11am-10pm, Su: M-F: 11:30-9:00pm M-Su: 11:30-9:00pm 12pm-8pm


1801 E.Victory Dr.

M-Th: 11am-10:30pm, F-Sa:11am-11pm, Su:12 noon-10pm


Quick service. Drive-thru only. Menu includes traditional Chinese selections. Daily lunch specials and family dinners. M-Th: 11am-10pm, F-Sa: 11am-11pm, Su: 12pm-10pm

D10 New York style Chinese drive thru restaurant


Egg Roll King

912.354.6111 1100 Eisenhower Dr. 912.927.8599 13040 Abercorn St. 912.303.0555 7805 Abercorn St. 912.354.3420 Green Tea I8 Heiwa’s K10 Hirano’s I7 Heiwa’s $ A $$ A $$ A $

M-Sa: 11am-2:30pm, M-Sa: 5pm-10pm

Intimate casual setting. Menu selections include traditional Thai cuisine as well as Hawaiian dishes

912.401.0070 480 Mall Blvd. Chiriya’s Thai Cuisine I6 $$ A

Alcohol, beer, or wine available.

Traditional buffet setting. Chinese and American selections including crab legs and sushi. Casual express setting. Large menu selection. Serving traditional Chinese fare. M-Su: 11am-4pm, M-Th: 4:30-9:30pm, M-Su: 11am-10pm F-Sa: 4:30-10:30pm, Su: 4:30-9:30pm

912.921.2269 11215 Abercorn St. 912.691.8748 110 Eisenhower Dr. Asian Buffet I8 Beijing House II L2 $ $$

Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, etc.


308 Mall Way


M-Sa: 3pm-3am, Su: 12:30pm-2am

Casual setting with large bar. Large menu features seafood, pizza, steak, pasta, and sandwiches. M-F: 11am-10pm, Sa: 11am-11pm


Children’s Menu

Contemporary American setting. Specializing in steaks with other standard steakhouse menu selections. M-F: 11am-10pm, Sa: 4:30pm-10pm, Su: 12pm-10pm

912.354.2522 6724 Waters Ave. WG Shuckers I7 A $$

Su-Th: 11am-10pm, F-Sa: 11am-11pm

Vegetarian Options

Sports Bar atmosphere with varied selection of standard American fare. Large selection of beer and liquor.

M-Su: 11am-9:30pm

912.927.3280 8 Gateway Blvd. 912.355.2761 2605 Skidaway Rd. Tailgate Sports Bar & Grill L4 Toni’s Steakhouse H7 A $ A $$

Pizza galley and saloon. Large menu also Real pit cooked BBQ. Featuring local seafood includes pasta, salads, and stackers. “Home of daily. Casual atmosphere. Catering available. the original chicken finger.”

Spacious lakeside setting. Serving seafood and Traditional soul food. Southern cuisine served cafeteria style. Casual express setting with traditional southern fare. specials. M-Su: 4pm-10pm M-Th: 6am-9pm, F-Sa: 6am-10pm

Some restrictions may apply.

7360 Skidaway Rd. 912.954.3744 6730 Waters Ave/ 7403 Skidaway Rd. 912.352.8221 7000 LaRoche Ave. 912.354.8288 Smoke Station BBQ Sisters of the New South J7 H8 Spanky’s C11 L1 $ A $$ A $$

Spacious casual waterfront dining. Extensive menu offers many varieties of seafood dishes prepared in many styles M-Th: 5pm-10pm, F-Sa: 5pm-10:30pm, Su: 5pm-9:30pm


912.231.0563 2019 Habersham St. 912.232.1218 2015 Waters Ave. Sandfly Bar & Grill K10 Shane’s Rib Shack H8 $$ A $

M-Sa: 11am-9pm

Casual express setting. Menu selections include standard barbeque fare with traditional sides.

Off The Grill $

Delivery Available.

912.354.0006 Shell House A $$


Narobia’s Grits & Gravy

Classic southern soul food and desserts with Family friendly casual cafe that specializes daily lunch specials served in a casual setting. in breakfaast. Daily lunch specials.Variety of delicious foods including lamb and more. M-W: 11am-7pm, Th-F: 11am-8pm, Sa: M-Sa: 6am - 3pm, Sunday: 7am-3pm 11am-5pm


912.232.3319 2705 Bull Street J11 K10 Pearl’s Saltwater Grill A $$

Traditional Philly cheesesteaks and wide variety of wings. Large selection of traditional casual fare in a classic American setting. Mo-Sa: 11-9pm

Ozzy’s Grill $

BBQ, Southern, Seafood, Burgers, Sandwiches, etc.


Nevaeh’s Soul Food $

H i st i st M d to orwi c n / SDo utrhisci td e Map on pg. 38 $ UNDER $10 $$ $10 TO $20 $$$ OVER $20


Well FED




A $$

Well FED


2403 Bull Street

Artisan bakery & Foodie destination serving lunch, desserts, coffee, espresso, and American/Italian breads. Free wifi. Tu-F: 9am-6pm, Sa: 9am-5pm

912.355.0321 7601 Waters Ave. Unforgettable Bakery & Deli $ H7

Traditional Chinese selections and Japanese teriyaki. Large menu and spacious casual atmosphere. M-Th: 11:30am-10pm, F-Sa: 11:30am-11pm, Su: 12pm-10pm


715 Mall Blvd. 912.355.6160

238 Eisenhower Dr.

Healthy fruit smoothies, protein shakes, energy Classic, casual, express takeout. Custom bakery, specializing in cakes and deserts with shakes or make your own. Casual express light lunch offerings. setting adjacent to Giorgios’s Deli. M-F: 9am-6pm, Sa: 9am-3pm M-Sa: 8am-9pm, Su: 12pm-4pm

6604 Waters Avenue 912.303.0141 1100 Eisenhower Dr. 912.920.5504 11215 Abercorn St. Back in the Day Bakery B7 Shake It Up J7 $ $

Cafes Sweets Bakeries


Intimate contemporary ambiance. Eclectic Pan-Asian and Thai influenced menu selections as well as sushi. M-F: 11am-3pm, Sa-Su: 12pm-3pm, M-Th: 5pm-10pm, F-Su: 5pm-10:30pm

Alcohol, beer, or wine available.

Casual express setting. Large selection of tra- Japanese owned and operated. Casual intiditional Vietnamese dishes in addition to Sushi. mate atmosphere serving traditional Japanese sushi and entrees. M-F: 11am-2:30 pm, M-Th: 5pm-10pm, M-Su: 11am-9pm F-Sa: 5pm-11pm


Sushi,Teriyaki, and other traditional Japanese dishes in a relaxed atmosphere with sit-down sushi bar. M-Th: 11-9:30pm, F:11-10:30pm, Sa: 1210:30pm 912.920.3288 54 Montgomery Cross Rd.



912.335.2025 5700 Waters Avenue 912.351.9300 8465 Waters Avenue 912.353.9281 7400 Abercorn St. Saigon Flavors Wang’s II Chinese H8 Sushi-Zen H7 Tangerine Fusion L4 $$ $$ $$ A A $

Japanese hibachi, sushi, and traditional selections. Casual express dining in spacious atmosphere. M-Th: 11am-9pm, F-Sa: 11am-10pm, Su: 1:30pm-8pm

Seasons of Japan Express I7 Sushi Time Towa $ $$

Children’s Menu

Contemporary casual atmosphere. Extensive selection of traditional Vietnamese dishes and Casual intimate setting.Traditional Japanese menu selections includes sushi, teriyaki, and drinks. Specializing in Pho-Noodle soups. hibachi. M-Su: 11am-9pm M-Th: 11am-9:30pm, F-Sa: 11am-11pm

912.355.9800 7805 Abercorn St. 912.352.7300 200 Eisenhower Dr. Saigon Bistro J7 F9 Sakura Japanese $$ $

912.236.8228 2315 Waters Ave. H7 L4 Noodle Bowl $

Traditional Chinese selections. Made to order. Large varied selection of Asian dishes featuring noodle combinations. Casual intimate Dine in or Take out. Catering available. setting. M-Th: 11am-8pm, F-Sa: 11am-9pm, Su: M-Su: 11am-10pm 12pm-4pm 912.920.3028 12322 Largo Drive 912.692.1394 7052 Hodgson Memorial D.

H7 New China Garden $

Spacious contemporary atmosphere. Japanese fare featuring hibachi style dining with a show. M-Th: 4:30-10pm, F-Sa: 4:30-10:30pm, Su: 4pm-9:30pm


Vegetarian Options

Japanese selections featuring hibachi style cuisine cooked in front of you with a show. Casual, spacious setting. M-Sa: 11:30-2pm, M-Th: 5pm-10pm, Sa: 4:30-10:30pm, Su: 4:30-10pm

Masato of Japan $$ A

M-Th: 11am-9pm, F-Sa: 11am-10pm

Fast, traditional, Chinese take-out dining. Extensive selection with specials.

Delivery Available.

M-F: 11am-3pm, Sa-Su: 12pm-3pm, M-Th: M-Th: 11am-9pm, F-Sa: 11:30-9:30pm, Su: 5pm-9:30pm, F-Sa: 5pm-10pm, Su: 5pm11:30-9pm 9pm 7400 Abercorn St. 912.920.7273 149 E. Montgomery Cross R. 912.355.2100 7098 Hodgson Memorial D. 912.353.9281

Traditional Thai cuisine served in a contempo- Casual express setting.Traditional Japanese menu selections. rary intimate atmosphere.

Some restrictions may apply.

M-Sa: 10:30-10pm, Su: 4pm-9pm


Traditional Chinese menu selections. Lunch and dinner buffet. Casual atmosphere. M-Th: 12pm-9pm, F-Sa: 12pm-10pm, Su: 12pm-9pm

E12 Kikko’s Restaurant $ A

Large selection of traditional Thai cuisine.Well appointed, intimate atmosphere. Daily lunch specials. M-F: 11am-3pm, M-Th: 5pm-10pm, F: 5pm11pm, Sa: 12pm-11pm, Su: 5pm-10pm

Kao Thai Cuisine A $$

2504 Skidaway Rd. 13015 Abercorn St. 912.691.2080 3017 E.Victory Dr. 912.238.8815 Kyoto Express Lisa’s Chinese Restaurant C9 H7 I7 $$ A $

Casual express setting. Menu includes traditional Japanese dishes including sushi, hibachi, and teriyaki. M-Th: 11am-9pm, F-Sa 11am-10pm, Su: 12pm-8pm

912.961.0770 J7 King and I A $$

Large selection of traditional Korean dishes. Daily lunch specials served in an intimate atmosphere.




Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, etc.

Hirano’s A $

pg. 38 HMapionst oMriid ct o Dw i st c ut t hside n /rSio $$ $10 TO $20 PRICE $$$ OVER $20

$ UNDER $10


42 26

Well WellFED FED


M-Sa: 12pm-9pm


44 Posey Street

Traditional Cuban dishes, including Cuban sandwiches, Paella, seafood and desserts. M-Th: 11am-9:30pm, F-Sa: 11am-10:30pm, Su: 11am-9pm

1611 Habersham St.

Menu features southwest, Caribbean and Latin inspired fare. Hand infused liquors. Contemporary atmosphere. M-Th: 5pm-10pm, F-Sa: 5pm-12am, Su: 5pm-9pm

Continued on Pg. 44

Authentic Mexican cuisine served in a relaxed setting with large bar area. Extensive menu options. M-Su: 11am-10pm

912.234.0876 2308 Skidaway Rd. 912.961.4008 12308 Largo Drive Sol Restaurant B8 A $$

M-Su: 10am-9pm

5205 Waters Ave. 912.232.1874

M-Sa: 10am-8pm, Su: 12pm-6pm

Casual express dining. Mexican and southwestern cantina, fresh, made to order.


Large selection of Mexican dishes and appetizers. Award winning margaritas. Casual atmosphere. M-Th: 11am-10:30pm, F-Sa: 11am-11pm, Su: 11am-10pm

5500 Abercorn St. 912.927.9953 13051 Abercorn St. 912.356.1800 7405 Skidaway Rd. I7 La Xalapena L4 C11 Maracas $$ A $$ A

Traditional Mexican selections served in Mexi- Casual intimate setting serving traditional Mexican fare. Daily specials can themed setting

912.356.1333 La Nopalera $$ A

912.920.0704 8840 Abercorn St. 912.354.0300 108 Mall Blvd. Rancho Alegre H6 Salsaritas Fresh Cantina F9 $ A $$ A

M-Sa: 11am-10pm, Su: 12pm-9pm


Alcohol, beer, or wine available.

Large selection of Mexican dishes and appetizers. Award winning margaritas. Casual atmosphere.

Jalapeno’s $ A


6825 Waters Avenue 912.352.2233 531 Stephenson Ave. L3 Jalapeno’s K10 $$ $$ A


Cuban, Mexican, etc.


912.352.3434 El Potro

Classic Mexican selections in a casual setting. Spacious casual atmosphere. Extensive menu Fresh chili made daily. Lunch and dinner includes standard traditional Mexican fare. specials. Daily specials. M-Th: 12pm-9pm, F-Sa: 11am-10pm, Su: 12pm-8pm M-Sa: 11am-10pm




205 E. 37th St.

Children’s Menu


912.356.3100 1 Diamond Causeway

Fusion Eclectic


912.236.8533 Toucan Cafe $$ A

Healthy southern cuisine with Greek, Mediter- Casual colorful atmosphere. Interesting menu ranean, and Caribbean influences. Features a selection includes Greek, Caribbean, and American influences. daily sweet potato dish. M-Th: 11:30am-2:30pm,M-Th: 5pm-9pm, M-Sa: 11am-9pm F-Sa: 11:30am-2:30pm, F-Sa: 5pm-10pm

Sweet Potatoes $ A

Casual intimate café setting.Traditional bistro fare at lunch with more authentic French selections at dinner M-Sa: 11am-3pm, Th-Sa: 6pm-9pm, Su: 10am-3pm


7400 Abercorn St.


Vegetarian Options

French influenced selections prepared with fresh and local fare. Fine dining in a casual and intimate bistro setting. M-Sa: 5pm-10pm


10510 Abercorn St.

M-Su: 11-10pm

401 Mall Blvd. 912.921.5117

M-F: 11am-3pm, M-Su: 5pm-10pm

912.356.1020 Swank A $$

Fine F rench Dining


1100 Eisenhower Dr. 912.692.8988 Cafe 37 A $$

H8 Shawarma King $

Traditional Mediterranean fare prepared with Authentic Jamaican menu includes jerk, oxtail, fish, and goat.Weekday lunch specials. fresh ingredients in an express casual setting. Free wifi Express and casual setting. M-Th: 11am-9pm, F-Sa: 11am-9:30pm, M-Th: 11am-8pm, F-Sa: 11am-9pm Su: 11:30am-3pm

One Love $

Delivery Available.

Authentic Mediterranean cuisine in a casual setting. Nightly food and drink specials, including all you can eat pasta on Wednesdays.

I7 Troy Mediterranean Cuisine $$ A K5

Casual intimate setting. Menu selections include traditional Jamaican fare as well as barbeque. M-Th: 10am-9pm, F-Sa: 10am-11pm, Su: 12pm-6pm 912.225.4718 205 Montgomery Cross Rd.

J7 Some restrictions may apply.

Traditional Indian selections served in well decorated atmosphere.Wide menu selection and Lunch buffet.

Taste of India A $$

Indian, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, etc.


John’s Jamaican $

H i st Miist d toorwi c n / SDo utrhiscitd e Map on pg. 38

$$ $10 TO $20 PRICE $$$ OVER $20

$ UNDER $10

Early Bird Specials

Monday to Friday 4:00 to 5:45 Your Choice of Beef Stew, Chicken Scallopini, Gyro Plate or Chicken Mushroom Penne Pasta Includes Soup and Salad - $14.00 Any glass of house wine - $4.00

Monday Night Special: 1/2 price bottles of wine

Tuesday Night Special:

Buy one entree get the second 50% off

Wednesday Night Special: Large selection of pastas $9.95

Sunday Brunch: Starts at 11 am

44 26

Well FEDFED Well



10510 Abercorn St.

M-Sa: 11:30am-9:30pm


PRICE Casual dining with extensive menu including: specialty pizzas, calzones, Stromboli, hoagies, wings, salads and pastas.

912.349.6960 4521 Habersham St. Vincenzo’s Pizza N5 $$

Alcohol, beer, or wine available. Large selection of specialty pizzas, hot subs, wings, etc. Express casual setting. M-Th: 11am-10pm, F-Sa: 11am-11pm, Su: 12pm-10pm


912.354.2356 4827 Waters Ave. Marco’s Pizza D8 $$

Children’s Menu

Pizza parlor setting. New Jersey Style Pizza by the slice at lunch with extended dinner menu selections. M-Th: 11am-9pm, F: 11am-10pm, Sa: 12pm9pm, Su: 4-9pm

Vegetarian Options

912.354.4005 4420 Habersham St. Costanzo’s Pizza F9 $

Open 17 years.Winner of numerous awards. Serves traditional dishes along with pizza, panini, and Italian rotisserie chicken. M-F: 11:30-2pm, M-Th: 5pm-9pm, F-Sa: 5pm-10pm, Su: 5pm-8pm

Some restrictions may apply.

Bella’s Italian Cafe A $$

Delivery Available.

Traditional Pizzeria with a variety of fresh specialty pizzas, wings, salads, and more.Tons of specials to choose from. M-Fr: 4pm-10pm, Sa: 12pm-10pm, Su: 4pm-9pm 912-920-9099 205 Montgomery CrossRd.

Allyanna’s $$

Traditional Dining Pasta, Pizzerias, etc.


H i st Miist d toorwi c n / SDo utrhiscitd e Map on pg. 38 $ UNDER $10 $$ $10 TO $20 $$$ OVER $20


Well FED

Relaxed atmosphere with award winning view. Large selection of seafood and standard casual fare. M-Su: 4pm-10pm, F-Su: 11am-10pm

Selection includes sandwiches, burgers, and seafood. Po’ boys and low country boil. Live music and televised sports. M-Th: 11-10pm, F-Sa: 11-12pm Su: 12-10pm

M-Su: 11-10pm

Tu-Su: 5pm-10pm

Restaurant and Wine Bar serves hand cut steaks and fresh local seafood in a casually elegant atmosphere.Water Views

M-Su: 11am-close

M-Su: 11-12am

Well FED


M-Su: 12pm-3am

4B Old US Hwy 80 912.472.4044

1311 Butler Ave.

Carefully crafted menu includes eclectic varieties of tacos, salads, and appetizers. Extensive wine selections and pairings. Ambient and casual setting. M-Th: 11am-11pm, F-Sa: 11am-12am Su:11am-10pm

Traditional Dining Pasta, Pizzerias, etc.


404 Butler Ave.


15 Tybrisa Street

Pizzas, sandwiches, calzones, wings, barbeque. More than 160 varieties of import, craft and domestic beers, wine and coolers M-Su: 12pm-10pm

912.786.4442 33 Van Horne Ave. Lighthouse Pizza 011 A $

M-Su: 11am-10pm

Mix of American and Caribbean selections. Daily specials and homemade desserts. Live Entertainment.


Waterfront, indoor and outdoor seating. Eclectic mix of American selections and Korean dishes.

912.786.6593 19 Tybrisa St. 912.786.4745 Topsail Bar & Grill C8 Tybee Island Social Club M10 $ $$ A A

Large selection of seafood. Interesting selections mixed with standards. Signatures include flower pot bread and mojo hen. M-Su: 11-10pm

304 1st Street 1403 Butler Ave. 912.786.7694 1605 Strand Ave. 912.484.4954 Marlin Monroe’s Surfside North Beach Bar & Grill H10 J11 $ A $$ A

Fusion Eclectic


Large selection of sandwiches, burgers, salads, and seafood.Traditional southern dishes. Lunch and dinner specials. M-Sa: 11-3pm, M-Sa: 5-9pm

Alcohol, beer, or wine available.

Southern style casual fare. Burgers, sandwiches, seafood and more.Weekday lunch specials. M-Th: 11-7pm, Sa: 11-8pm Su: 12-9pm

912.786.7176 1516 Butler Ave. Wind Rose Cafe N10 $

Seafood galley and saloon. Large selection of Casual atmosphere. Large selection of seaseafood, pasta, salads, and stackers. “Home of food, including various crab dishes. Blue crab, low country boil, and platters. the original chicken finger.”. M-Su: 11am-until Su-Th: 11-10pm, F-Sa: 11-11pm


Mo-Su: 11-3am

M-F: 4pm-?, Sa-Su: 12pm-?

912.786.4412 1105 E. Hwy 80 912.786.8888 101 Lovell Avenue Sundae Cafe & Deli Sting Ray’s Seafood I11 M10 A $$ $$ A

M-Su: 7am-10pm

Children’s Menu

Burgers, seafood, tacos, and big burritos served in a spacious sports bar atmosphere. Live entertainment and Karaoke.

912.786.6109 1613 Strand Road 912.786.5900 1213 Hwy 80 Rock House Bar & Grill Spanky’s Beachside N9 O11 A $$ $$ A

Award winning seafood. Extensive menu includes pastas, steaks, beer-battered seafood and various chef specials.

Serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner in a casual family atmosphere. Daily specials. Monday taco night. Marshside Tiki Bar.

Vegetarian Options

Large selection of seafood, salads, and apps. Relaxed island atmosphere. Specialty pizzas, Specialties and pizzas. Award winning Sunday whole or by the slice. Low card menu, wraps, and more. brunch.

Some restrictions may apply.

1106 E. Hwy 80 912.786.7810 1A E. Old Hwy 80 912.786.0221 106 S. Campbell Ave. 912.786.8400 Oceanfront &15 St. 912.786.0913 Fannie’s On the Beach J.J’s Beach Cafe MacElwee’s Seafood 010 Huc-A-Poos Bites/ Booze I11 H7 $ $$ A H6 A A $ A $$

Fusion of Southern and Caribbean cuisines through a variety of fresh seafood, steak, chicken, and pasta. Seafood buffet every Fri. & Sat. night. M-Su: 8am-10pm


1605 Inlet Ave.

Delivery Available.

M-Su: 11am-till

Extensive dining and wine menu. Seafood, pasta, standard casual fare. All you can eat crab legs on Friday.


Curbside pickup, window ordering. Nice selection of Mexican and American classics with classic beachside diner feel.

N10 Burton’s By the Beach $

912.786.9533 1315 Chatham Avenue 912.786.5100 13 Tybrisa St. 912.786.9655 H9 Dolphin Reef Restaurant N10 Eleven 06 C9 Charly’s A $$ $$ A A $$

Large, varied menu selection including seafood, pasta, sandwiches and wings. Live music, casual atmosphere. M-Tu: 11:30am-3pm, W-Su: 12:30-4:30pm Su-Th: 4:30-10:30pm, F-Sa: 4:30-11:30pm

Cafe Loco $$ A

BBQ, Southern, Seafood, Burgers, Sandwiches, etc.


AJ’s Dockside Restaurant M8 Bernie’s Oyster House A $$ A $$

b eoe r Ii scl aDni st d r ict HT iyst $ UNDER $10 $$ $10 TO $20 $$$ OVER $20



Well FED

M-Su: 11am-10pm

Large selection of traditional Chinese food. Deluxe dinners, health diet menu, and lunch buffet also offered.


Well FED


107 Charlotte Rd.

Traditional Dining Pasta, Pizzerias, etc.

4700 Hwy. 80 East


119 Charlotee Rd. 912.898.2131





4700 Hwy 80 E.

Dine in, carry out, delivery.Wings, pizzas and other Italian standards available.Tavern stays open well after kitchen closes. Su-Th: 11am-10pm , F-Sa:11am-11pm


216 Johnny Mercer Blvd.

Several different types of Mexican selections including burritos, quesadillas, chimichangas and tacos. M-Th: 11am-10pm, F-Sa: 11am-11pm

Cancun Cafe II A $

C5 Siciliano’s Restaurant A $ Wide range of Italian selections, as well as sandwiches and wraps. Large beer and wine list. Kid friendly. M-Th: 11am-8:30pm, F-Sa: 11am-9:30pm, Su: 11:30am-8:30pm 912.897.6400 216 Johnny Mercer Blvd

Basil’s Pizza & Deli $$ A

Cuban, Mexican, etc.




Large selection of Mexican dishes and appetizers. Award winning margaritas. Casual atmosphere. M-Th: 11am-10:30pm, F-Sa: 11am-11pm, Su: 11am-10pm

912.897.4026 Jalapenos $ A

Savannah’s first certified green restaurant. Organic and local ingredients. Fresh and seasonal selections. M-F: 11am-8pm, Sa: 11am-6pm


Menu includes standard American selections mixed with Mediterranean fare. Dinner expands the menu and portions even further. Tu-Sa: 11:30-2:30pm, Tu-Th: 5pm-9:30pm, F-Sa: 5pm-10pm, Su:10- 3pm/5-8:30pm 912.897.1986 346 Johnny Mercer Blvd.

Alcohol, beer, or wine available.

Daily rotating menu selections include a wide range of items from various culinary influences. Offering desserts as well. M-Sa: 11am-8pm, Su: 12pm-6pm

Fusion Eclectic

Grapevine’s Bistro & Wine Bar


912.897.1900 111 Jazie Dr. Suite B K’Bella Gourmet Carry Out Thrive A Carryout Cafe B3 $$ B3 $$

Traditional Cantonese, Szechuan, and Hunan style Chinese take out or dine in options. Large menu selections and lunch specials. M-Th: 11am-10pm, F-Sa: 11am-10:30pm, Su: 12pm-9:30pm 912.898.2368 463 Johnny Mercer Blvd.

912.898.2221 7815 US Hwy 80 E. C5 Yummy House C5 $

Cozy casual atmosphere. Selection includes traditional Japanese fare such as teriyaki, hibachi, and sushi.

Extensive selection of traditional Japanese entrees and sushi. Open kitchen, sushi bar and sake bar. M-Th: 11am-9:30pm, F-Sa: 12pm -10pm, Su: M-F:11am-2pm, M-Sa: 5pm-9pm 12pm-9pm 912.898.3880 4700 US Hwy 80 E. 912.898.7778 140 Johnny Mercer Blvd


Children’s Menu

Panda $

Upscale, well appointed ambiance. Asian fusion menu and extensive wine and bar selections. M-Th: 5pm-10pm, F-Sa: 5pm-10:30pm Su: 5pm-9:30pm


4700 Hwy 80 East

Vegetarian Options

Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, etc.


912.897.0236 119 A Charlotte Rd. 912.897.6101 104 Bryan Woods Rd. 912.201.3259 Ele Fine Fusion B3 Kanpai B5 Kakki Restaurant $$ A $$$ A A

Some restrictions may apply.

216 Johnny Mercer Blvd.

Delivery Available.


Wiley’s Championship BBQ $$ A B3

Award winning barbeque entrées or by the Extensive menu selections include seafood and southern favorites. Featured on the Paula pound. All the standard selections with southern sides and starters. Deen tour M-Sa: 11am-3pm, W-Th: 5pm-8pm Su-W: 12pm-8pm,Th-Sa: 12pm-9pm F-Sa: 5pm-9pm

7906 Hwy 80 Uncle Bubba’s Oyster House B3 $$ A B4

Tu-Su: 11am-11pm


Casual local feel. Serving hot and cold sandwiches, as well as salads, apps, soups, and desserts. M-Th: 8am-8pm, F-Sa: 9am-9pm Su: 9am-6pm 912.349.6066 326 Johnny Mercer Blvd

B5 Michael’s Cafe $

Casual, intimate atmosphere. Popular with locals. Serving American fare and seafood selections.

Flying Fish Bar & Grill A $$

461 Johhny Mercer Blvd. 912.897.2009

C5 Papa’s BBQ and Seafood A $


Family friendly sports bar atmosphere. Award winning wings. Large casual fare selections including steak burgers. Su-Th: 11am-10pm, F-Sa: 11am -11pm


Large selection of casual American fare. Slow cooked, wood-fire pit barbeque. Seafood, Spacious with outdoor seating. Live music and soups and sandwiches also available. special events. M-W: 11am-9pm, Th-Sa: 11am-10pm, Su: Su-Th:11am-10pm, F-Sa: 11am-11pm 12pm-9pm

Molly Maguire’s $$ A

BBQ, Southern, Seafood, Burgers, Sandwiches, etc.


Beef O’Brady’s $ A

Map on pg. 46

H i st W hoi rt iec m aDr isst h/r Wiicl t m i n gto n $ UNDER $10 $$ $10 TO $20 $$$ OVER $20




february 32 10 | Gardening 12 | Cooking 14 | Health 17 | Well FED Pet 23 | Soul Food

60 Dining Guide | 29 Restaurant Feature | 32 Bar Guide | 55 Wine | 58 Mixology | 60


Well FED

M-F: 11am-3pm, M-Su: 4:30-10pm

Well FED

912.450.1555 450 Morgan Corner Rd

Large selection of Mexican dishes and appetizers. Award winning margaritas. Regular specials. Casual atmosphere. M-Th: 10:30am-10:30pm, F-Sa: 11am-11pm Su: 12pm-10pm



Casual dining atmosphere. Menu includes standard Mexican selections and regular specials. M-Th: 11am-10pm, F-Sa: 11am-10:30pm Su: 11am-10pm

Traditional Dining Pasta, Pizzerias, etc.


708 W. Hwy 80

Sicilian family owned and operated for 10 years. Made to order, traditional Italian fare with weekday lunch buffet. M-Th: 11am-9pm, F-Sa: 11am-10pm M-F: 11am-2pm

912.748.6414 3

20 Hwy 80

Family owned for 32 years. NY style pizza, pasta, subs, and salad bar. Daily specials. Casual family atmosphere. Su-Th: 10am-10pm, F-Sa: 10am-11pm

103 Canal St. 912.224.0441 220 W. Hwy 80 912.330.0674 1024 W. Hwy 80 Little Italy Pizza & Subs G5 Lovezzolas Pizza H8 $ $


912.748.5950 103

Classic Mexican selections in a casual setting. Fresh chili made daily. Lunch and dinner specials. M-Th: 12pm-9pm, F-Sa: 11am-10pm Su: 12pm-8pm


Jalepeno’s A $

Cuban, Mexican, etc.



M-F: 9-8pm, Sa: 10-6pm, Su: 12-5pm

Fresh fruit smoothies. Health and sports supplements, as well as nutritional boosts and wheatgrass.

115 Canal St. 912.748.2824 115 Canal St. Suite 201 912.330.9933 El Potro Hildalgo’s Mexican Kitchen H7 E6 $ G4 A A $

Casual intimate atmosphere with public wifi and pc. Menu selections include standard coffee shop fare. M-Th: 7am-8pm, F: 7am-9pm Sa: 8am-9pm, Su: 12-3pm

Alcohol, beer, or wine available.

Spacious casual setting. Lunch specials. Menu includes standard Mexican selections and combinations. M-Th: 11am-10pm, F- Sa: 11am-11pm


Su-Th: 11am-10pm, F-Sa: 11am-11pm

40-42 Traders Way 912.330.0933 502 E. US Hwy 80 912.748.3855 Monkey Love Smoothie Factory E6 E6 $ $


912.450.9866 111 Canal St. Suite 201

Cafes Sweets Bakeries


Spacious setting with Hibachi grills and regular dining. Menu includes traditional Chinese, Thai, and Japanese selections


Children’s Menu

Casual express setting. Serving traditional Chinese and Japanese selections including fresh sushi and Asian beer.

1024 W. Hwy 80


F1 Sawa

Casual dining with buffet and regular menu. Traditional Chinese menu selections. Casual Selections include traditional Chinese dishes, express setting. Hibachi, and sushi. Su-Th: 11am-9:30pm, F-Sa: 11am-10:30pm M-Su: 11am-10pm

G4 Phoenix Chinese $

Vegetarian Options

912.450.1855 920 Morgan Corner R. 912.450.9888 Yummy House E6 A $

Cantonese, Szechuan, and Hunan Style menu. Traditional Chinese fare. Daily lunch specials. Takeout Only. M-Th: 11am-10pm, F-Sa: 11am-10:30pm Su: 12pm-10pm

L6 New Super Buffet $

Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, etc.

Some restrictions may apply.


400 Pooler Parkway


912.748.2557 111 Canal St. 912.450.3853 1024 Hwy 80 D10 B7 Sam Snead’s Tavern A $$ - $$$

Located inside of Frames and Games entertainment center. Casual setting with full bar serving standard American fare.


Traditional American setting and menu selections. Featuring classic Tuesdays and Calabash chicken, shrimp and pizza. M-Th:11am-10pm, F-Sa: 11am-11pm Su: 11am-9pm

Fatz Cafe $ A

Delivery Available.

Mei Jia $


Casual spacious sports bar setting. Burgers, wings, steaks and more, fresh and cooked to order. M-Sa: 11am-10pm, Su: 12pm-8pm

Daisy Dukes A $

Casual golf themed, traditional American fare. Oak wood grill and fresh local seafood. Prime Rib on Fridays and Saturdays. M-F: 11am-11pm, Sa: 5pm-11pm Su: 10am-12am, F-Sa: 10am-2am Su: 11am-10 pm 6 Towne Center Court 912.963.0797 7 Sylvester C. Formey Drive 950C Morgan Corner Rd 912.330-5577

912.748.7777 K3 Pooler Grille A $

Traditional Philly cheesesteaks and wide variety of wings. Large selection of traditional casual fare in a classic American setting. Mo-Sa: 8-9pm, Sun: 8-3pm

Ozzy’s Grill $ A

BBQ, Southern, Seafood, Burgers, Sandwiches, etc.



Casual islands themed setting. Large selection of American & Creole inspired apps, sandwiches, seafood, and more. M-Th: 3pm-2pm, F: 11am-2am, Sa:11am-3am, Su: 12:30pm-12am

Bahama Bob’s A $

oo l erri c/ W HPiost D ei st st rCi hcat t ham $ UNDER $10 $$ $10 TO $20 $$$ OVER $20


Sunday 5 p.m. ~ 10 p.m.

Banquet Facilities available for up to 70 people.

drink the secret

Dolce Vita pg. 58 the

notion of the potion pg. 60


Photo: FORM

Bar Guide To Savannah, Pooler & The Islands

26 M-Sa: 3pm-until

Bacchus D3 New location. Relaxed ambiance. Extensive wine list with over 45 available by the glass.

Well FED


13 W. Bay St.

Jen’s & Friends C6 Cozy neighborhood bar. Over 100 beers and martinis. Happy hour. Regular drink specials. M-Sa: 3pm-until

Local hotspot for weekly live shows and events. Full bar and laid back atmosphere. Call for hours



37 Whitaker St.

Traditional Irish pub with Irish singing every night. Menu features classic American and Irish fare.

D4 Kevin Barry’s Irish Pub B4


M-Sa: 7pm-3am

Casual local atmosphere. Regular live music and specials. Popular college hangout.


11 W. Bay St. 912.238.5367

7 E. Congress St. 912.236.2281

Well FED


206 W. Saint Julian 912.238.1311

M-Su: 5pm-until

M-Sa: 3pm-3am, Su: 3pm-2am

409 W. Congress St. 912.232.5778

In City Market. Nightly specials. Beer pong. Live entertainment.

Authentic Irish pub.Weekly entertainment. Live rugby broadcasts. Limited food menu.

405 W. Congress St. 912.994.2291 309 W. Saint Julian St.

125 W. Congress St. 912.447.0943 21 W. Bay St. Rooftop Tavern C2 C3 in City Market Historic dive bar. Regular drink specials. Modern bar with daily happy hour and Limited menu. Free wings happy hour drink specials.Weekend DJ for dancing on Friday. and only designated smoking section in downtown. M-W: 3pm-3am, T-Sa: 1pm-3am

912.233.1192 307 W. River St. 912.233.6136 21 E. McDonough St. 912.447.6952 Murphy’s Law Irish Pub D2 Pour Larry’s C3 Rail Pub


M-Sa: 11pm-3am, Su: 12:30pm127 W. Congress St. 912.233.9626 117 W. River St. Live Wire Music Hall A3 McDonough’s G6 Mercury Lounge D4 Moon River Brewing Co. B5 Casual contemporary atmosphere servSpacious.Three bars and large stage. Classic casual Irish American pub. Serv- Relaxed lounge atmosphere. Regular live ing eclectic American fare. Large beer Regular local, regional, and national music with no cover. selection with house brewery. ing large breakfast, lunch and dinner shows. selections. Famous for nightly karaoke. M-Th: 11am-11pm, F-Sa: 11am-12am, M-Sa: 3pm-3am, Su: 3pm-2am Su: 11am-11pm M-F: 4pm-until, Sa: 11am-until M-Sa: 8am-3am, Su: 8am-2am

Large bar and American fare served in an upbeat atmosphere with servers in red cowgirl boots. M-Sa: 11am-3am , Su: 11:30am-2am

J.J. Bonerz


M-Su: 5pm-1am

B3 Bayou Cafe

G2 D5 The Distillery Over 21 craft brews on tap. Classic Classic Parisian bistro setting. Gastro historic tavern setting. Serving lunch pub offering authentic French fare. and late night fare. Extensive wine selections. M-Th: 11am-1am, F-Sa: 11am-3am, M-Th: 6pm-10pm, F-Sa: 6pm-11pm Su: 12pm-9pm 912.443.1875 48 Whitaker St. 912.236.1772 416 W. Liberty St.

B6 Circa 1875

D3 Bay Cafe

Intimate historic setting. Extensive beer selection with imports and domestics.

Churchill’s Pub

Bar Bar

912.235.4442 309 W. Congress St. B7 Bernie’s River Street B7 Casual atmosphere on the river. Serving Part of the Club One establishment. Serving Cajun, Italian, American and standard American fare. Famous for Unpretentious and inviting. All games Large video bar and dance floor. seafood. Cozy with full bar. Open for oysters. free. Nightly specials. Karaoke and shows. over 20 years. Live music every night. M-Th: 11am-12am, F-Sa: 11am-3am, M-Sa: 11am-3am, Su: 11am -2am M-Th: 6pm –close, F-Sa: 5pm – close M-Su: 5pm-3am Su: 11am-2am 115 E. River St. 912.231.1910 219 W. Julian St. 912.234.6953 301 W. Bay St. 912.233.6411 14 N. Abercorn Ramp 912.236.1827

map on pg. 30

Historic District

C9 AVIA Lounge C4 Located inside the AVIA Hotel. Chic Small, inviting local pub. lounge with resident mixologist. Offering Happy Hour 4-7 fromage and charcuterie menu as well. M-Th: 4pm-11pm, F-Sa: 2pm-12am, M-Sa: 4pm-3am Su: 4pm-10pm 912.349.0525 17 Lincoln St. 912.233.2116 14 Barnard St.

Abe’s on Lincoln

H B iast r oGruiicd eD i st r i c t

What exactly is a bar? Is it any place that has a physical bar which you can sit at? Does it have to be a full bar or does just beer count too? What about a wine bar? Sake bar? Bar and grill? Well FED strives to give you the most accurate and complete listings possible, but we need your help. If you feel your bar should be included in the Well FED Bar Guide, contact us on Facebook or shoot an email to addthis@wellfedsavannah.com.




Well FED Well FED


109 Jefferson St. 912.231.0888

Tailgate Sports Bar

B5 Islander

Casual, intimate atmosphere. Popular with locals. Serving American fare and seafood selections.

map on pg. 46

Tybee Island

Tu-Su: 11am-11pm 912.897.2009

C5 Molly Maguire’s

11215 Abercorn St. 912.354.4848



1213 Hwy. 80

Relaxed island atmosphere. Specialty pizzas, whole or by the slice. Low card menu, wraps, and more. M-Su: 11-12am

912.898.4257 140 J Mercer Blvd. Huc-A-Poos Bites/ Booze H6

M-F: 2pm-2am, Sa: 4pm-3am

Large British theme pub. Outdoor seating. Large group accommodations. Happy hour specials.

725 1st St. 912.786.5900

Voted best Karaoke six years in a row. Outdoor seating. Adjacent to Outback Café. M-Su: 4pm-3am 10 Tybrisa St. 912.786.7707

Mo-Sa: 12pm-3am, Su: 12:30pm-3am

Live entertainment of Friday and Saturdays.The only bumper pool table in Tybee. Limited bar menu.

map on pg. 46

Wilmington Island

Leagues Monday-Thursday. Large spacious environment. Lots of tables. Menu includes standard bar fare. M-Th: 11am-1am, F-Sa: 11am-2am, Su: 1pm-1am 912.925.5398 13051 Abercorn St.

Southside Billiards Club L2

map on pg. 38

Midtown Southside

C5 Britannia Pub

1100 Eisenhower St.

L4 Capones Billard H8 Spacious billiards bar and grill. Large late night menu . Lunch specials. Drink specials. M-Th: 3pm-1am, F: 11am-2:30am, Sa: 3pm-2:30am, Su: 3pm-12am

Sandfly Bar & Grill

27 Barnard St.

Dance music, food, karaoke, and reason- Large selection of casual American fare. Spacious with outdoor seating. Live ably priced drinks. music and special events. M-F: 11am-2am, Sa: 11am-3am, Su-Th:11am-10pm, F-Sa: 11am-11pm Su: 12pm-12am 7906 Hwy 80 912.897.6137 216 J Mercer Blvd 221 J MercerBlvd. 912.898.0852 Doc’s Bar and Grill N9 Gayna’s Pub H9

Flying Fish Bar & Grill


K10 Casual local sports bar atmosphere. Menu includes standard American bar fare. M-F: 11:30am-2am, Sa: 3pm-2am, Su: 12:30pm-12am 10 East Broad St. 912.354.8288 7360 Skidaway Rd.

Sports Bar atmosphere with varied selection of standard American fare. Large selection of beer and liquor. M-Sa: 3pm-3am, Su: 12:30pm-2am

Cozy local bar. Long happy hour. Darts, Texas Hold’em, and Karaoke. M-Th: 2pm-11pm, F-Sa: 2pm-2am, Su: 12pm-9pm 912.927.9757 11432 Abercorn St. 912.921.2269


Su-Th: 11am-2am F-Sa: 11am-3am


Casual English pub with classic historic setting. European influenced pub fare and specialties. M-Th: 11:30am-12am, F-Sa: 11:30am2am, Su: 11:30am- 10pm 245 Bull St. 39 Montgomery St. 912.233.3156

D2 Six Pence Pub

Casual American setting. Serving large selection of wings and American fare.

8 East Broughton St. 912.790.9464

Contemporary lounge club atmosphere. Sushi and tapas. Regular shows and popular open mic. M-Tu: 5pm-2am, W-Sa: 5pm-3am, Su: 6pm-2am

4523 Habersham St. 912.352.2933

Dew Drop Inn


Seed Eco Lounge

912.349.5100 D7 Wild Wing Cafe

314 Williamson St.

Tantra Bar & Lounge

E8 Coach’s Corner D12 French and Asian influences. Casual and Large selection of standard American intimate bar setting.Wifi available. fare and bar food standards. Daily specials. Spacious sports bar atmosphere. M-Sa: 4pm-1am M-Su: 11am-12am

Bar Food


Tu-Sa: 4pm-2am

D3 Casual intimate atmosphere.Tapas, light fare and desserts. Extensive wine and drink list.

Sugar Daddy’s

map on pg. 30

Historic District


Casual intimate atmosphere. Festive casual saloon atmosphere. Duel- Eco-friendly bar serving ing Pianos. Popular for special occasions contemporary specialties. W-F: 5pm-3am, Sa: 5:30pm-3am, M-Sa: 5pm-3am Su: 5:30pm-2am

Savannah Smiles Dueling Piano Bar

H i st o r i c D i st rBiacrt G u i d e


Well FED

fare. Oak wood grill and fresh local seafood. M-F: 11am-11pm, Sa: 5pm-11pm Su: 11am-10 pm 912.963.0797 7 Sylvester Formey Dr.

601 1st St.


Sand Bar

Well FED


1512 Butler Ave.

M-Th: 5pm-3am, F-Su: 3pm-3am

Darts, Poker, foosball. Large selection of sandwiches and paninis. Sushi on Wednesdays.

1516 Butler Ave.


Burgers, seafood, tacos, and big burritos served in a spacious sports bar atmosphere. Live entertainment and Karaoke. Mo-Su: 11-3am

Rock House Bar & Grill N9


Sports bar serving standard casual fare. Seafood selection includes oysters and snow crab legs. M-Sa: 4pm-3am, Su: 12:30pm-3am


33 Van Horne Ave.

Mix of American and Caribbean flair. Daily specials and homemade desserts. Live Entertainment. M-Su: 11am-10pm

111 Canal St. 912.786.4442

Sam Snead’s Tavern


912.786.0121 1517 Butler Ave. North Beach Bar & Grill H10

Serving breakfast items alongside sandwiches and standard bar food. “Coldest beer in America” M-Sa: 10-3am, Su: 12:30-3am


46 map on pg. 24

ybee HTistoric DIsland istrict

D10 Quarter Sports Bar Casual golf themed, traditional American and Grill


M-Th: 3pm-2am, F: 11am-2am Sa: 11am-3am, Su: 12:30pm-12am

Casual islands themed setting. Large selection of beer and mixed drinks.

Bahama Bob’s

map on pg. 50 E6

1603 Strand Ave.



M-Sa: 12pm-3am, Su: 12:30pm-3am

Tybee Time N10 Sports Bar.Voted best daiquiri 20042009. 10 different daiquiri machines. Thirteen TVs.

HBiast r oGrui icd eD i st r i c t


I Dolce Vita

the secret

I As

the holiday of love approaches, one has to wonder: what is love? Is it that overly-excited Cupid folded on a 4 x 5 greeting card? Is it the French maid looking at you across the room? Is it the beginning of a toothache due to all the candy from your love? Maybe to some love is that superficial token exchange of cards and gifts. The enjoyment of wine can be similarly shallow, as it’s easy to come by, not necessarily expensive and doesn’t require much thought to choose a “juice from the vineyard.” But like relationships, wine is as complex and exciting and satisfying as what we put into it. We don’t love another just because we can, a desire must be present to share what is inside our hearts. Same with a winemaker—he or she does not make wine because just because he can; it is a deep desire to pass on knowledge of the vine. And like love, that in turn creates children and great families, the wisdom of wine encompasses generations.

by Jason Restivo

And then there’s the Italian mothers and grandmothers who made food with all their hearts to be paired with that wine. This a relationship that has lasted for millennia—all because of the passion behind it. Sure, the French and other great wine producing countries make memorable wines and have created delectable dishes, but there is something about a fine Italian wine that accompanies a rich pasta sauce that evokes a deep feeling of loving and being loved. What makes a well-made Italian wine? Well, sometimes love is superficial and in plain sight, like cards or candy, and sometimes love is presented in over-the-top gifts

“They make wine because those who came before them, those who loved them - their fathers and grandfathers - made wine.”

The best example of generational wine made with love is the Italian tradition. The Italians have a great passion for life that they bring to their wine, which they’ve been making since the 2nd century A.D. Some of those years may not have been so good, but Italian vintners don’t make wine to achieve scores to be given by biased men or to be on the cover of a glossy international magazine or even in hopes to be a part of wine lists all over the world. They make wine because those who came before them, those who loved them—their fathers and grandfathers—made wine.

like cars, diamonds or weekend getaway; one is cheap and fast, the other expensive and precious. Same with certain everyday, non-descript wines from Italy and those famous, overpriced vintages that you drink maybe once a year. But it’s the Italian wines that don’t fit into either category that bring the best of both worlds.


Finding wines that taste world-class but are affordable (I’m not talking about cheap or lower market

Well FED

wines here) is like finding your soul mate—there’s the recognition of finding a true gem meant just for you. These wines aren’t in the discounted section of wine warehouses. They are located when you search beyond the surface and past the hype. I found a couple of Italian wines this past season after building a relationship with the local wine shop owners. Now, you have to earn the trust of these experts, and I was honored to be propositioned by one (my wife need not worry as it was a strictly wine-related proposal.)

Another lover of wine whose passion knows no bounds was recently waxing poetic to me about the hidden treasures of Piedmonte, Italy. This region is known for producing Barolo, made from the Nebbiolo grape and sometimes affectionally called the “King of wines” for its rich red hues. Similar to Barolo and also made from Nebbiolos is Barbaresco; both of these wines have unique characteristics of earthy tones and rose backed with rich family history that demands a higher dollar.

This wine lover—we’ll call him Claude—led the conversation to the topic of a sister grape within Wine Shop Owner: Jason, we the region, the Dolcetto D’Alba. In have been in a wine relationship the past, Dolcetto D’Alba had a nice over a year now. Sometimes you reputation for making good juice know what you want and sometimes and an affordable everyday wine it feels that something is missing. Map of Italy circa 1494 that can go early to market while its Sommelier Jason: Are you richer sisters are aging in their oak breaking up with me? barrels. These days, perhaps because it is surrounded by greatness, this modest red with its black cherry and WSO: No, I just want you to try something new. Can licorice tones is stealing hearts all over. Try anything I share a wine with you? I know what you like and the from the famed Gaja family as well as the Veitti and price point you are looking for, so just trust me.” Ceretto labels. SJ: OK. I trust you. The Renato Ratti family is renowned in the Piedmonte region. Since the mid-1960s, the Ratti name has held WSO: I want to introduce you to the Jermann family. a certain status for its accomplishments in its balance SJ: Whoa, dude, I’m a family man, but I’m not like of old world passion for wine with the willingness that… to entertain new techniques in the areas of pruning and grape development—resulting an entirely new WSO: Relax. This is a white wine from the Northeast level richness and depth. By pairing their respect for section of Italy. Hear me out, it’s family owned, tradition with ingenuity, first Signor Ratti and now his progressive with new techniques, challenging others in son show the best of this great Italian region to the their region to raise standards. Get this—it’s a Pinot world. Colombe is a signature Ratti label that evokes Grigio. soft, rich fruit tones with a touch of earth—pick up a SJ: Look, man, I love Pinot Grigio, but you’re probably bottle or three at FORM on Habersham Street. not going to tell me anything I don’t know. For some, wine is nothing more than something to WSO: I understand your take on value and wanting sip—a pity for them and their lovers, for surely that unique wines, but hear me out. The Jermann family has superficiality translates to their appreciation for love. been making wine since 1881. They don’t overproduce, For those of us for whom wine is a passion, those wines they don’t care about recognition and they’re driven that are made with all the challenges and excitement only by the plain passion of producing the best. Give it and sweat that hard work brings are the ones that a try and tell me you can’t taste it. evoke true love. This Valentine’s Day, when you visit your local wine merchant, chat about expectations, Well, this wine shop owner proved me wrong. Even understand the deeper investment and enjoy your though Pinot Grigio is is the most popular wine on relationships with old favorites and new the way the the market, sold everywhere and opened at tables all Italians do—with love. the time, the Jermann family label has not conformed to the uninspiring or bland. The Jermann Pinot Grigio, available at Johnnie Ganem’s, is simple, direct; its fruit bold and its finish, seductive.

Jason Restivo is a sommelier at one of Savannah’s finest restaurants.



c o ole

em p

6 Towne Center Court Pooler, GA 31322



l ta


in the c oa ace l p s


Bowling Specials !

From 10am to 4pm Mon - $1 Bowling Game Tues - $2 Bowling $ $2 Shoes Wed - Buy 1 Game, Get 1 FREE Free Poker Tournament (two session 6pm-11pm) Thurs - Buy 3 games of bowling for $7 Free Poker Tournament (two session 6pm-11pm) Fri-Sat - 11:30pm-1:30am Late Night Cosmic Bowling Half Off Sun - Youth League (4 - 20) Youth Billiards League (21 & under)

$2 Bowling Game

Sun - Thurs (9pm to Closing) (Excluding Holidays)

New State of the Art Fun Center ! 28 Lanes of Bowling 2 Floors of Laser Tag 50+ of the Hottest Arcade Games Cosmic Bowling (Fri-Sat 10pm - 2am) Balladium Billiards & Darts Pooler Grille (w/ Full Bar)

Plan Your Events!

Birthdays (Kids Love It) Corporate Parties, Etc.

Sun - Thurs - 10 am - 12 am Fri - Sat - 10 am - 2 am (912) 330-5577


Notion of the potion written by S. Cushing

The idea that certain foods carry libido-stimulating powers is one of humanity’s oldest collective beliefs. These “aphrodisiacs” (named after the Greek goddess of love and desire, Aphrodite) and the love potions made from them have been a part of sacred ritual and daily life in almost every culture since the dawn of Man. It is likely that even early hominids attempted to up their chances of clubbing a good mate by first applying Pearls dissolved in wine (for those that could afford a dab of fragrant bat dung behind the ear or slipping it), coriander-infused wine and sundry concoctions some of those funny little berries into that cute incorporating fennel, onion, pomegranate, ginger or cavewoman’s evening tuber-mush. More advanced baboon feces (and more honey) were all used regularly humans made wide use of certain magical infusions on or in the body, serving their ulterior purposes. not only to turn each other on, but also to cure such The ancient Greeks also mixed special elixirs species-threatening ails as impotence and sterility. called “philtres” using powerful herbs like Dittany of Ancient Babylonians were the first to incorporate Crete (an herbaceous shrub) meant to arouse desire the consumption of an aphrodisiac drink into the in one’s intended. It was marriage ceremony. Honeyed recorded that the Greeks wine (also known as hydromel, Drink to me only with thine eyes, coveted their mint; Aristotle metheglin, or mead) was revered And I will pledge with mine; advised Alexander the Great as a potent fertility-enhancer Or I leave a kiss but inthe cup to not allow his soldiers to and taken by the newlyweds And I’ll not look for wine. drink mint tea during wartime for thirty days following the The thirst that from the soul doth rise as it was believed to be an wedding. This was hoped Doth ask a drink divine; intense sexual stimulant. to better their chances for But might I of Love’s nectar sup, (Are they sure that was immediate conception. (However, I would not change for thine. ‘mint’ they were drinking?) I imagine being locked in a room -Ben Johnson, 1853 Even today, the folklore is together for a whole month strong enough to convince with all of that wine, honeyed modern man that powdered rhino horn and dried tiger or not, would probably do the trick). So, the penis will actually affect his virility. While we may have tradition of a “honeymoon” was named and always known that our body chemistries are affected perhaps humanity’s first official love potion created. by the foods we ingest, we now (finally, eons later) The Egyptians, an explicitly and openly sexual people, get that the food/sex-drive connection is primarily drank mead as well and seemed to have worked mental, and that ingesting an oyster, for example, will quite diligently on various other amorous issues via only make you feel sexy if you believe you will feel sexy. the administration of specially prepared beverages.

That said, there is one most effective aphrodisiac ingredient, which also happens to be the most important, the least expensive, and the most easily accessible: Honest Love! Serve this up regularly, and you’re sure to reap great rewards from your own romantic rituals.

....Love Potions to make at home mint tea

Procure small bundle good quality dried, organic mint leaves, or those straight from the garden for a fresher, more subtle flavor. Steep in near-boiling water as long as desired and serve. Wait for amorous emotions to ensue.

Love Potion #9

love potion tea 1 pinch of dried rosemary 2 teaspoons of black tea 3 pinches dried thyme 3 pinches nutmeg 3 fresh mint leaves 6 fresh rose petals 6 lemon leaves

version 1

3 cups pure spring water

In blender:


2 oz. strawberry or vanilla vodka

To make another person fall in love with you, brew this tea on a Friday during a waxing moon. Place all ingredients in an earthenware or copper tea kettle. Boil three cups of pure spring water and add to the kettle. Sweeten with sugar and honey, if desired.

1/2 oz. white crème de cacao 1/2 cup fresh or frozen strawberries scoop of vanilla ice cream 1/2 cup ice (optional) Serve in a cocktail glass with a dollap of


whipped cream and strawberry garnish.

version 2 20 oz Kool-Aid® Cherry mix 8 oz vodka 3 oz white rum Pour Kool-Aid mixture into a jug, add vodka and rum to taste, cover and shake. Serve over ice or up with a maraschino cherry.

Before drinking, recite this rhyme:

“By light of moon waxing I brew this tea to make [lover’s name] desire me.” Sit by the light of moon and anticipate ensuing action. May be best to also bring a warm coat and a good, long book here.

Well FED






Dig in Publisher

Rene Teran Managing Editor

Jessica Leigh Lebos Creative Director

Whitney Johnson Contributing Writers

Sabina Cushing Rachel D’erminio Shazi & Drew Edmonds Kelly Lockamy Jason Restivo Lisa Yackel Contributing Artists

Murphy Basore Hailie Beam Rachel D’erminio Roque Jean Pen Williamson Contributing Photographers

Chris Bolin Rachel D’erminio Jimmy Kleinschmidt Morgan Livingston Special Thanks

Jennifer Restivo The Johnson Family Trisha Sugarek Savannahballoons.com Scott West Wooden Sheep

join us on


Well FED

P.O. Box 5214 Savannah, GA 31414 Phone: (912) 480-4345 Fax: (912) 480-0241 www.wellfedsavannah.com info@wellfedsavannah.com


to the February issue of Well FED! It may be chilly outside, but inside these pages burns a passion for nourishing food, elevated senses and a deep respect for community and the planet. We believe being “well fed” means approaching what we eat and drink with reverence and love—if the way to the human hearts is through our stomachs, then every meal is an opportunity to be part of the great romance between you and the world around you. At the root of this month’s offerings, resident dirt digger Kelly Lockamy reminds us that there’s plenty for gardeners to do this winter season — even if it’s too cold to be out in the garden. Chocolate lovers (and lovers who give chocolate) are gently warned by pet columnist Lisa Yackel that the season’s ubiquitous treat is extremely dangerous and has tips to keep your palate happy and your dog healthy. ‘Tis the season for sexy, so be sure to check out the pieces on aphrodesiac elixirs by mixologist S. Cushing and a libido-enhancing Valentine’s menu by Sugar Daddy’s Wine & Food Bar. This month is also Black History Month, which we’re excited to commemorate with an exploration of one of our favorite regional cuisines—soul food. We Southerners love our black-eyed peas, collard greens and crispy fried okra, but it’s important to honor the origins of these humble dishes with a look at the innovation and strength of spirit that created them. Also in this issue are healthy tips from Wilmington Island fitness trainers Drew and Shazi Edmonds, a profile on well-priced Italian wines and of course, the largest food and dining listings in the Lowcountry.

Thank you again for all your wonderful feedback and support. We’re feelin’ the love—and we hope you’re feelin’ ours!

- T h e We l l F E D Te a m

Well FED magazine is a free monthly publication distributed by Well FED Savannah™ The articles and opinions of contributing writers are not necessarily the opinion of this publication. Well FED welcomes both editorial and photographic submissions. Unsolicited materials received will be treated as intended for publication and are subject to the publisher’s unrestricted right to edit or comment editorially. Advertisers are legally responsible for use of logos, trademarks, and content used in advertisements. While we aim to always have correct and current information, Well FED assumes no responsibility for errors and/ or omissions, which should be viewed as unintentional. If you find we have printed any incorrect information, please contact Well FED to have the correct information printed in the next issue. No portion of this publication may be copied or reprinted without the expressed consent of the publisher.

Well FED Magazine can be found at over 200 locations all over Savannah, Pooler, and the Islands. It can also be found inside all participating Kroger stores in the Savannah area. Well FED | Volume 1 Issue 4 |



Save-A-Life Cut-A-Thon Color Geek Salon

In honor of our shih tzu, Mason

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FEED Oodles of Noodles pg. 10

Top 10 tips for a Healthy 2011 pg. 14

Beware of the

“Chocolate Season” pg. 17

Dreaming of Spring pg. 12

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