T H E LO W-C A R B LO W-D O W N // By Liesl Lamprecht
ccording to holistic health practitioner, naturopath and raw food advocate Ann Wigmore, the food we eat can either be “the safest and most powerful form of medicine” or “the slowest form of poison.” Tim Noakes and Marika Sboros echo this sentiment in their most recent publication, The Eat Right Revolution: Your Guide to Living a Longer, Healthier Life (Penguin Random House, 2021).
22 \\ W W W. W E L L N E S S W A R E H O U S E . C O M
The book sheds new light on the relationship between COVID-19 and diet. According to the authors’ research, the pandemic has proven that a ready-at-hand weapon such as a low-carbohydrate, high-healthyfat (LCHF) or ketogenic (very-lowcarb, very-high-fat) diet may be helpful in bolstering immunity at times like these. It should be noted that Noakes and Sboros are not against vaccines. On the contrary, they encourage readers to make use of the
protection that sound science offers. However, what they do hope to inspire is a personal responsibility to make good food choices that will give us the strongest defence in the face of a virus. As in any discussion about health, it must be noted that there are of course multiple factors (apart from diet) that play a role in our overall wellbeing. A lack of sleep, smoking, not enough vitamin D from sun exposure (remember to wear sunscreen!), a lack of exercise, and stress can all place a tremendous amount of pressure on our immune systems, making us more susceptible to the severities of COVID-19.