NURTURED BY N AT U R E // By Rajgopal Nidamboor
We all go through life like waves over matter, steadily journeying along the ebb and flow of time as we attempt to answer the long-held questions of who we are.
ost of us live in our heads, feeling disconnected, with no real understanding of self or other. However, if we are willing to focus on nurturing our bodies and minds, we can take the first step to connecting with our souls and surrounds.
Nature has a powerful way of filling us with a deep sense of wonder, calm and peace.
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The jovial chirp-chirp of birdsong and the swooshing sound of rustling wind in the treetops can pull us out of our monkey minds, beckoning us to become intimately in touch with our senses. Now more than ever, we desperately crave the healing powers of nature, looking to it as an escape from our cabin fever – an invaluable opportunity for fresh air and a clear headspace.