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School Fees

Reception+ Our current School fees can be found on our website: https://wells.cathedral.school/fees. Fees are reviewed annually by the Governors, and parents will be notified by a letter from the Chair of Governors at least a term in advance of any fee change.

Fees are billed three times a year in advance of the term to which they refer and any extras (e.g. music lessons, trips or activities) are billed in arrears. Payment is always due no later than the first day of the term. Bills are emailed to parents at the following times of year:

  • August – Michaelmas/Advent fees (including extras from the previous term)

  • December – Epiphany/Lent fees (including extras from the previous term)

  • April – Whitsun/Trinity fees (including extras from the previous term)

Nursery+ Our current Nursery fees can be found on our website: https://wells.cathedral.school/littlewellies Nursery fees are billed monthly, for the coming month. These are reviewed annually.


New parents are asked to complete an Emergency Contact form and Medical form so that we have upto-date details. This includes information about food allergies and intolerances. You can access these forms on https://wells.cathedral.school/joining-us. It is imperative that you keep us informed of any changes to your home address and telephone details as well as any changes to your child’s health and wellbeing. Please ensure that these details are emailed to prepschooladministrator@wells.cathedral.school



Our dedicated catering team provides a wide variety of choice, and they endeavour to cater for all tastes and dietary requirements. The School has secured a “Food for Life” accreditation from the Soil Association. We were one of the first schools to obtain this status, which is highly prestigious and difficult to obtain. It recognises our commitment to serving healthy food - cooked from scratch without undesirable additives, colouring and sweeteners - and making use of local and seasonal ingredients, including sustainable fish, free range eggs and meat that can be traced back to the farm.


Menus can be accessed via the My School page on the School Portal - select ‘Dining Hall (Menus)’ - to help parents with mealtime planning at home or you can find it by direct link here.

Dietary Requirements and Nut-Free Policy

Parents should let the School know if their child requires any special dietary requirements or if they have any concerns regarding food. Please note that we do not purchase nut products, and we remind all staff and pupils that they should not bring any nut products onto site in their own private meals and snacks to ensure the School is as nut-free as possible. In accordance with Natasha’s Law, cakes brought into school for birthdays or celebrations must be bought and still sealed with the ingredients clearly displayed.


All pupils are encouraged to bring a named reusable water bottle to school each day in order to stay hydrated. Water helps to maximise physical performance, energy levels and brain function as well as prevent headaches. Water bottles can be refilled during the day as required. In addition to this, children are encouraged to use the water that is available in each building.

Little Wellies Nursery

We provide a balanced variety of snacks throughout the day and a hot lunch with a dessert. We are fortunate to have our meals prepared by our award winning catering staff and our little ones have their very own alcove to eat their lunch in the dining room! We provide a simple breakfast and supper for those attending wraparound hours in the Nursery building.

Breakfast and Supper Clubs

To help busy parents, we offer wraparound care. For a small charge, pupils from Reception through to Year 6 can attend breakfast club (from 7.45am) and/or supper club (from 5.00pm - 6.00pm) in the School Dining Room. Please click here for how to book our Breakfast and Supper Club.


Reception to Year 2: Snacks are prepared and provided at morning break.

Years 3-6: A fruit basket is located in Jocelyn and pupils can take a piece of fruit each morning; fruit is also available at lunchtime every day. Children staying on for an activity after school (e.g. club or prep) should bring in a drink and a suitable healthy snack to maintain their energy levels. Please remember we are a nut-free school.

Form Structure

Generally children will be put into the following forms:

Little Wellies Nursery

Ducklings (Nursery: 2+)

Cygnets (Nursery: 3+)


Robins (Reception: 4+)

Hummingbirds (Year 1: 5+)

Puffins (Year 2: 6+)

Prep School (KS2)

Year 3: 7+

Year 4: 8+

Year 5: 9+

Year 6: 10+

The forms are also given a letter which is taken from the surname of the form teacher.

Form Teaching

From Nursery to Year 4, the Form Teacher will teach the majority of subjects but not all; all of our pupils benefit from subject specialist teaching (including music, drama, art, dance and sport). At Year 5 and particularly in Year 6, pupils are prepared for their transition to our Senior School with further access to subject specialism, for example in English, History, Geography and Modern Foreign Languages (MFL). Pupils are registered by their Form Teacher each morning, and Years 3-6 have ‘Form Time’ twice a week as well as further timetabled ‘Reflection Time’ at the end of the day (with the exception of the sports fixture day) to ensure good communication between teacher and pupil.

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