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A-Z: M
Medical Problems
It is essential that parents let the School know of any problems relating to health, no matter how minor. If a child needs to be absent from games or PE, please inform the School. Without this, we expect pupils to take part in all activities.
Illness/Accident - if pupils have anything other than a minor accident at School or are unwell, they are taken to the School Medical Centre (St. Andrew’s Lodge) where our fully qualified medical staff will carry out an examination and contact a doctor if it is felt necessary. In these cases, parents would be informed.If children are unwell before coming to School, please do not send them in (which includes their instrumental music lessons) as not only is it unfair on the child, it can also spread germs.
High temperature - if your child has a high temperature, keep them off School until it goes away.
Diarrhoea and/or vomiting - our policy states that children do not return to school for 48 hours after the last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting.
Head Lice - children have lice from time to time, and we will try and inform parents through the School Portal or email if action is needed. Please check your child’s hair regularly and ensure that long hair is tied up.
Pupils should not bring money to School unless there is a specific reason, such as a charity event, which requires it. Parents will be informed of such occasions.
Music Lessons and Choir
We offer music lessons for any instrument that your child might wish to try (additional fees apply, please see: https://wells.cathedral.school/fees for details).
If your child wishes to play an instrument please contact our Prep School Head of Music and Performing Arts c.rowntree@wells.cathedral.school who will advise you. Children play a variety of instruments in the School with an opportunity to join musical ensembles, such as brass, percussion and string orchestra. Individual singing lessons are also available. The Prep School Choir is extremely active and performs throughout the year.
Music lessons take place throughout the school day, and younger pupils are chaperoned to and from their lesson. Children in Years 4, 5 and 6 are either reminded to attend their lessons and music practice or else chaperoned when required (depending on the child’s age and the location of the lesson). Missed lessons, including those for other school events (such as trips), still need to be paid for.
The Prep School operates a two-weekly timetable and wherever possible endeavours to avoid the same academic lesson being missed each week. However, with over 2,000 lessons a week, this is not always possible. If you have concerns regarding music timetabling, email prepmusicadministrator@wells.cathedral.school