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Homework (Prep)

Pre-Prep (Reception - Year 2)

Pupils have daily reading, spellings and maths.

Prep School (Years 3-6)

Pupils in Years 3-6 should aim to:

• Complete daily reading and record the book and page number in their Prep Planners (see below).

• Access the Doodle learning apps (English, maths and times tables) at least three times a week. This AI-based programme is individualised and adapts to pupils’ needs and abilities. It works best with a ‘little and often’ approach and the aim is to keep in the ‘green zone’.

• Each week, pupils should also practise their spellings in their spelling journals but can also use the Doodle Spell app to support their spelling journey.

• Complete their weekly subject-specific prep which is designed to be a creative, enquiry-based or cross-curricular task (taking no more than 30 minutes).

  • This gives pupils the chance to apply a range of cross-curricular skills based on their classroom learning.

  • These weekly tasks may constitute a single task or a longer project which spans several weeks. Details of these (including deadline dates) will be communicated through Google Classroom and in pupils’ Prep Planners.

Further details will be communicated in the ‘Beginning of Year’ letter sent by the form tutors and in the child’s Prep Planner.

Prep Planners

In Years 3-6, each child has a Prep Planner in which key information is available, targets are set and prep is recorded. The diary may also be used as a means of communication between home and School (although email is often better). Parents should sign the relevant section at least once a week - each evening if possible - to say what work has taken place.

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