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Leadership Opportunities

Pre-Prep Opportunities

Leadership opportunities start with our youngest children in Pre-Prep, from the ‘special helper’ in Reception and Year 1, to the playground monitors and Christmas elves in Year 2, there is no shortage of work to be done in the Pre-Prep community!

• Humphrey Groups - the children benefit hugely from the camaraderie of our Humphrey Groups, developing a team spirit. We carry out many activities in these teams where we encourage Year 2 pupils to act as leaders.

• Reading Buddies - each week, the Pre-Prep children join with their reading buddy in another year group to give them opportunities to both support and be supported by their peers.

• Playground - as our playground has developed, so have the children’s responsibilities! The children know that if they wish to use a variety of resources and facilities they need to look after them. We have two playground monitors who look after each area, and we expect children to be both independent and respectful when using our provision.

• Lunchtimes - the Year 2 children are superstar helpers at lunchtime and help to clear away.

• Pupil Voice Group - this group - voted in by their peers - enjoy making a difference.

Years 3-6 Opportunities

There are a number of leadership opportunities in Years 3-6 such as:

• House meetings

• School Council - each class has a representative

• House Captains - Year 6

• Sports Captains - Year 6

• Peer Mentors - Years 5 and 6

• Digital Leaders

• Reading Buddies

• Librarians

• Hosts for School events - Year 6

Learning Powers

Pupils at Wells aim to incorporate the CARE values into all they do, as well as use the School’s Learning Powers to aid their independent learning. These are also linked to the effort grades and targets each term. Our Learning Powers are:

• Resilience

• Resourcefulness

• Motivation

• Risk-Taker

• Detective Skills

• Curiosity

For details about each of our Learning Powers, please see our Portal: https://portal.wells.cathedral.school/showme/learning-powers

Learning Support

If a child has been identified as requiring extra support to aid their development, liaison will begin between key staff, parents and the relevant Head of SEND. If we identify that the child requires support in addition to the typical curriculum, the team will work together to develop a child-centred personalised plan (One Page Profile) outlining the child’s strengths, areas of difficulty and targets with suggested strategies to support this. In addition to this, we are able to guide parents in liaison with external services to assess and support your child. These plans will be regularly reviewed and updated regularly based on the child’s progress. For more information, please refer to our Learning Support and SEND policy: https://wells.cathedral.school/policies

Leaving the School

The vast majority of our Prep School pupils make the transfer to the Senior School at 11+. If, however, a pupil leaves the School, a long term’s notice in writing is required otherwise parents will have to pay fees in lieu. Details of the school your child will be moving to will also need to be provided.

“Let Me Know” Box

Each form in Years 3-6 has a “Let Me Know” box on the teacher’s desk. This is just a place your child can drop a note about anything they might want to let their form teacher know, such as something they have achieved or something they are concerned about. Their teacher will speak to them at a time which is easy for both of them. Encourage your child to talk to any teacher and explain if something is bothering them. All teachers are here to help the pupils enjoy their time in School.

Lost Property

All belongings should be named clearly so that we can promptly return items which have been mislaid. We have a lost property area outside the staffroom in Jocelyn House near Prep School Reception for items of clothing, books, pencil cases, water bottles etc. Please check here first if your child has lost something. For safeguarding reasons please do not go to the changing areas or classrooms to look for lost property yourself, a member of staff will always help.

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