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A-Z: T
Tapestry (Pre-Prep)
We use Tapestry to record and send observations to parents and to track and keep records of individual children’s progress during their time in the Pre-Prep. Parents are able to comment and ask questions through this medium and also post photographs and highlights from home, giving a rounded view of the child.
Focus Children Observations (Nursery)
Each week we will choose a minimum of two children in our Duckling Room and two children in our Cygnet Room. These children will be the focus of our observations and teaching for the week. We will receive feedback from parents/carers after sending them a ‘parent consultation sheet’ to complete in advance of the week. This will give us an insight into the child’s interests at home, and things that might be going on in their lives. Using this information, and our own knowledge of the child, we can develop identified ‘areas of focus’ and suggest engaging environments. These opportunities and observations will be fed back to parents on Tapestry.
Nursery Through Pre-Prep
Nursery - Year 2 children experience opportunities to learn and play together, across both foundation stage environments and throughout our beautiful grounds and facilities. Opportunities include play times, performance times, sports day and Welly Wednesday. These shared experiences ensure that our transition is a process, not an event and that the Nursery children have a subtle introduction to the Pre-Prep environment and expectations. In addition to this, staff across PrePrep meet on a regular basis to discuss children’s profiles, development, needs and interests. There are additional ‘stay and play’ and transition events as well as information events for parents.
There will also be times when children move to or from another Nursery or School, and we always ensure we liaise with yourselves and the current or next settings to ensure a smooth transition.
Pre-Prep to Prep School
Regular specialist teaching in a range of subjects from Prep School teachers and the shared use of our beautiful environment are just two of the key elements that support our pupils to develop their skills, confidence and growing independence in preparation for the transition to Year 3. The Year 2 teachers work closely with the Year 3 and Prep School staff to ensure that the children have a whole host of opportunities to experience Prep School life including attending assemblies, visiting their new classroom, using the Prep School playground, and going to play with their older ‘buddies’ (current Year 5 pupils specifically chosen to support them through the process)... just to name a few! We will also carry out tours for parents and hold an information event where you can meet key staff.
Prep School to Senior School
Most children transfer to the Senior School at 11+ after they have finished Year 6 (Key Stage 2). There are opportunities for scholarships (details of scholarships can be found on our website). Parents of children in Year 6 are informed about scholarships during the Advent Term by the Senior School. There are two opportunities for Year 5 & Year 6 parents and children to attend Move Up Evenings or Mornings to find out more information about the transition process. There is also a Move Up Day for the pupils.
During the year, children will often have the chance to go on trips (educational, sporting, etc.). Teachers who are organising such events will send details to parents in advance. The majority of these trips are included within the school fees with the exception of residential trips, such as Skern Lodge for our Year 5 and 6 pupils. Please note that because of the complexity of the music timetables, if a pupil misses a music lesson for a trip, then the lesson will still have to be paid for.