Targeted Geofencing
cable and broadcast impressions serving New York & Northern New Jersey
In June, VBC geofenced (captured mobile devices within a certain radius) the World Pride Parade in NYC and served those individuals targeted messaging about visiting Bucks County. Then, in the summer, the VBC team traveled to Franklin Square Park in Washington D.C. to promote the Ice Cream Trail by handing out free, local ice cream. While there, VBC targeted mobile devices in and around the park and delivered advertising messaging about family-friendly Ice Cream Trail itineraries in Bucks County.
cable and broadcast impressions serving Philadelphia
impressions on billboards and throughout New Jersey Transit stations
Destination Guide 100,000 copies are printed and distributed annually to attract visitors to the County. Travelers can find itineraries, lists of attractions, lodging and an illustrative map within the publication.
59,992,525 digital impressions