Julie Eskridge Trainer/Mentor/Distributor Young Living Essential Oils 678-457-0245
CANCER FREE! Two great words to hear, especially when you’ve recently heard...
“You have breast cancer.” This is me with my daughter, Kristen, two days after I “retired the girls.” And since I chose to have a double mastectomy, I was cleared as breast cancer FREE. Hallelujah! Once I healed from the surgery (and the 6 reconstruction surgeries), I began to research the big “C” word. I found out that only 5-10% of cancers are linked to genetics. That means 90-95% of cancers may be in our control! WHAT??? Keep reading to find out how you can be more “In Control of Your Life.”
Wellspring Of Hope, LLC
Since 1940… Prostate Cancer up 200% Thyroid cancer up 155% Brain cancer up 70% The American Cancer Society estimates a
50% rise in cancer rates by 2020.
The Toxic Substance Control Act of 1976 grandfathered in over 1000 harmful chemicals because they were deemed “safe.” Wellspring Of Hope, LLC
Of course, you must do your own research. I’ve been reading articles, watching videos, listening to podcasts and I am amazed at what I’ve learned. For example: A University of Washington study of top-selling laundry Plus, five of the six products emitted one or products and air fresheners more carcinogenic ‘hazardous air pollutants,’ found the products emitted which are considered by the dozens of different chemicals. Environmental Protection Agency to And because manufacturers of have NO SAFE exposure level. consumer products are not required to disclose all the ingredients, the study analyzed the products to discover their contents. Products used were three common air fresheners (a solid deodorizer disk, a liquid spray and a plug-in oil) and three laundry products (a dryer sheet, fabric softener and a detergent), selecting a top seller in each category. Items were bought at a grocery store and companies were asked for samples of industrial products. All products tested gave off at least one chemical regulated as toxic or hazardous under federal laws, but none of those chemicals were listed on the product labels. A plug-in air freshener contained more than 20 different volatile organic compounds. Of these, seven are regulated as toxic or hazardous under federal laws. The product label lists no ingredients, and information on the Material Safety Data Sheet, required
Click on the image on the right to listen to a podcast by Sarah Harnisch. Sarah will introduce you to a toxin free lifestyle. Loaded with facts, science and statistics, you’ll never look at your cabinets in your home the same way again. You are the gatekeeper of your house! Learn simple, easy steps to protect what’s inside. Wellspring Of Hope, LLC
Young Living is proud to offer a complete line of home and personal care products infused with the pleasant, spicy aroma of our proprietary Thieves® essential oil blend! This Starter Kit is ideal for those wishing to replace harmful chemicals in the home with powerful, natural alternatives. Kit includes:
15-ml Thieves Thieves AromaBright™ Toothpaste Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouthwash 2 Thieves Cleaner 2 Thieves Foaming Hand Soap 2 Thieves Spray 2 Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier 5-ml Stress Away™
10 Sample Packets 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Cards 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Oil Bottles 2 NingXia Red® 2-oz. samples Product Guide and Product Price List Essential Oil Magazine Essential Edge Member Resources
Contact the person who sent this to you and they will get you set up with your Thieves Kit and next year you will say, “Boy I’m so glad I started my chemical free lifestyle LAST year.”
Click on the images to discover all the amazing benefits to incorporating Thieves Essential Oil and Thieves oil-infused products to you and your family’s routine and help support health and wellness in your home.
Wellspring Of Hope, LLC
Young Living would like to reward those who are moving towards a chemical free lifestyle with the Essential Rewards Program (Monthly Wellness Box).
Get rewarded for ordering 50PV or more each consecutive month Months 1-3: 10% points back Months 4-24: 20% points back Months 25+: 25% points back Save on shipping Change/Customize your monthly order (YL will send you an email reminder.) Change your ship date monthly. Cancel at any time. (Redeem your points first.) Earn extra monthly promos. Earn points to redeem for free Young Living Products.
CONSECUTIVE ER GIFT PROGRAM: ER members receive gifts at these milestones: Gifts at 3, 6, and 9 consecutive months Special gift of “Loyalty” blend at 12 months Wellspring Of Hope, LLC
Wellspring Of Hope, LLC
DID YOU KNOW THAT THE AIR INSIDE YOUR HOME IS 5 to 7 TIMES MORE TOXIC THAN THE OUTSIDE AIR? Now that you know better, take the three cabinet challenge. Look inside your bathroom, kitchen and laundry room cabinets. If you bought any of those products at the grocery store, they are most likely laden with harmful chemicals. And remember, the manufacturers don’t have to include all the ingredients on the label.
Wellspring Of Hope, LLC
Check out the Young Living Blog for more ways to SWAP OUT harsh chemicals for plant-based “better-for-you” products! Wellspring Of Hope, LLC
Replace your harmful, chemical-laden air fresheners and plug-ins with oil-infused diffusers! Your body, and your home, will thank you! Wellspring Of Hope, LLC