Evert F. Weltevreden MD PhD Tbilisi Georgia 15.11.2013
Granulomatous dermatitis is a nodular dermatitis that designates infiltrates of inflammatory cells in which histiocytes predominate The name “histiocyte” was proposed by Kiyono (1914) Eli Metchnikoff (1892, 1905) was the first to describe the pahogocytic nature of this type of cell in tissues, after injuring a starfisch larva with a thorn Nowadays these bone marrow derived cells like monocytes and macrophages are taken together under the denomination “mononuclear phagocytes” of the Mononuclear Phagocyte System (MPS, van Furth 1973)
- Type 1. IgE: specific antibody, direct reaction. acute urticaria / “atopic”
- Type 2. Ag-Ab complexes: cellular, reaction after 2 – 4 hrs toxicodermia, bullous dermatoses
- Type 3. Ag-Ab complex deposition in tissue, 4 – 6 hrs urticaria vasculitis
- Type 4. Cellular > 2 days contact allergy, granulomas, erythema multiforme, GVH
Sarcoidal - Dermal / subcutaneous, no foreign body, “naked tubercles”
Sarcoidosis Morbus Crohn Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome Syphilis foreign body, Polarizable;
Silica granuloma
Tattoo material, e.g. Cobalt
- Perifollicular
Rosacea, miliary lupoid, acne agminata
- Perineural
Leprosy, tuberculoid and dimorphous
Tuberculoid (caseation necrosis) - Verrucous, hyperkeratotic
Primary cutaneous tuberculosis
- Necrosis slight to moderate
Lupus vulgaris, acne rosacea, acne agminata
- Necrosis severe
Scrofuloderma, miliary tuberculosis
- Plasma cells numerous
Leishmaniasis Syphilis, late secondary Brucellosis
Palisaded (necrobiotic) - Mucin
Granuloma annulare, deep Granuloma multiforme Borrelia infection
- Degenerated collagen early, thickened bundles late
Necrobiosis lipoidica Meischer’s granuloma
- Fibrin
Rheumatoid nodule
- Urate
- Vasculitis, fibrin, necrosis
Papulonecrotic tuberculid
Interstitial - Abudant mucin, degenerated collagen, histiocytes in the upper dermis, PMN’s – eo’s -
Granuloma annulare, superficial
-Degenerated collagen, fibrin, PMN’s ++ and “dust” ++, ghost venules,histiocyts in the reticular (lower) dermis
- Interstitial granulomatous inflammation, PMN’s -, eo’s + lichenoid (vacuolar) epidermal changes
SLE, Rheumatoid disease, drugs (IGD, PN&GD), Allergic granulomatosis; Churg-Strauss syndrome, Rheumatoid vasculitis, M. Wegener, Wells’ syndrome and lymphomatoid granulomatosis Drug eruptions (IGDR)
Suppurative - Specific infectious agent not identified
- Infectious agent identified
Follicular cyst rupture Acne inversa
Other foreign bodies
Metals Tattoo materials Splinters Cactus spines
Bacterial Mycobacterial Actinomycotic Fungal Yeast Parasitic
Rhinoscleroma Atypical mycobacterial infl.
Tuberculosis / atypical mycobacteriosis
Tuberculoid leprosy
Deep mycosis
Morbus Crohn (papilary dermis)
Foreign body reaction
Miescher-Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome
Syphilis, secondary
Annular elastolytic granuloma
The diagnosis of sarcoidosis, particular from a skin biopsy, is a diagnosis of exclusion. Obligate; - polarization for doubly refractile material - look for granulomas following nerves - look for significant necrobiosis / mucinosis - fungal and acid fast stains, PCR Epithelioid cell granulomas, “naked tubercles” Foreigh body and Langhans’ type giant cells Chronology. Lofgren’s syndrome; type A granulomas
For the diagnosis of granuloma annulare; palisading histiocytes, sometimes (+) interstitial pattern, “busy dermis” Obligate; - polarization for doubly refractile material - look for mucin; colloidal iron stain - look for collagen degeneration - PAS+, Ziehl-Neelsen and GMS stains - Elastica von Giesson (actinic granuloma?) Ddx; - Syphilis - Tuberculosis - Sarcoidosis - Deep fungal infections - Leishmaniasis - Necrobiosis lipoidica - deep form; rheumatoid nodule
For the diagnosis of LMDF or acne agminata (unusual form of acne rosacea?) Obligate; - polarization for doubly refractile material - look for granulomas following nerves - PAS+, Ziehl-Neelsen and GMS stains - PCR /culture Ddx; - Syphilis - Tuberculosis - Sarcoidosis - Deep fungal infections - Leishmaniasis
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Keep always in your mind ! “Busy dermis”, there may be epidermotropism, lichenoid as well as vacuolar, even spongiosis Interstial / granulomatous Obligate; - look for eosinophils - look for mucin and elastolysis - look for granulomas - look for vasculitis - look for atypical lymphocytes Ddx; - Granuloma annulare - Sarcoidosis - Leishmaniasis - Deep fungal infections - Granulomatous MF
If there is a dermal granulomatous pattern, look to see if it is a sarcoidal, a tuberculoid, a palisading (necrobiotic), an interstitial or a suppurative (infective) one. Is it folliculocentric? Do polarising microscopy to see is there is any birofrigents indicating foreign bodies. See if there is any central caseous necrosis, altered collagen or degeneration of elastin.
See if there are (atypical) lympocytes or plasma cells present.
Look for vasculitis and presence of PMN’s and eosinophils.
Ask for special stains for acid and alcohol fast baccillae and do PCR in case of suspected (atypical-) mycobacteriosis. Borrelia antibodies c.q. PCR