1 minute read
As mentioned previously, the Wendover Youth Centre has a new Lead Youth Worker, Peter Swinford, who has been working at the Centre since January 2020. Below, he has shared his thoughts on the vision for the Centre moving forward:
“It is great to be here and the community and young people have been very welcoming. It is fantastic to see that as a Centre we provide a range of opportunities for young people. My vision is to continue this provision and empower our young people by ensuring that the activities are driven by their thoughts and needs. Alongside this, we aim to expand into the community to gain an understanding of what the needs are for the young people of Wendover and then to work within the community and with other partners to ensure we are fulfilling those needs.
“I also look forward to continuing and expanding our involvement in local schools and events as well as running our annual WYC Youth Festival in July.”
As mentioned, we will be running our Youth Festival in July. To ensure this year’s festival meets the expectations of our young people, we have developed a survey to give us feedback on what we’ve done in the past. The festival is primarily geared to those young people in school years 5-13, though, you may recall, some of the activities in 2019 were opened up to young people in school years 3 & 4. So, if you are in school years 5-13, or know someone who is, please encourage them to complete the survey by following the link below. Similarly, if you’re a parent of someone who could access the event, please feel free to let us know your thoughts. www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/ WYCYouthFestival
Finally if you are a local business/ organisation and would like to learn more or explore the possibility of sponsoring or supporting this event financially, or in other ways, we would love to hear from you. Please get in touch by emailing peter@wendoveryouth.co.uk.