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Legal Insights

Over the next few months, I aim to share various “Legal Insights” on Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney and estate planning. This initial “Insight” covers some practical questions.

Why have them? The most important reason, in my view, is “peace of mind”. You ensure who looks after you and your estate and who benefits from your Will.

How to prepare Wills and LPAs I strongly recommend that, with suchimportant documents – designed to protect you, your family and assets –you take advice from experienced, specialist legal advisors rather thandoing it yourself. My aim is not simply to do what you want, but to understand you and what you want to achieve. In a detailed face to face meeting I can advise you on options available to best achieve your aims, and then prepare bespoke Wills, LPAs and supporting documents to implement them.

Face to face or not? I always see clients face to face, developing a good relationship and discussing matters openly and clearly. The aim is to ensure you understand matters fully, cover any questions, and confirm that it is actually your wishes we are discussing and not somebody else’s! I normally see clients in their homes or offices at times that suit them, often evenings. However, with the current coronavirus issues, Ialso hold face to face meetings via Facetime, Whatsapp or Skype. There is no reason to put off achieving your peace of mind.

If you would like to find out more, please contact me on 01296 415700 or iain@wanstallconsulting.co.uk.

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