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New consultation on Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan
The Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (VALP) is entering its next stage, following extensive work by Buckinghamshire Council to propose further modifications to the plan, dealing with some of the issues raised in the last consultation. These modifications were put out to public consultation from December for eight weeks, closing on 9 February.
About the modifications: The modifications mainly deal with minor errors in the plan, and updates to information such as expected timelines for house building. Some more significant changes relate to:
• How the plan deals with housing for older people including new allocations
• The transport schemes policy and;
• Changes to retail and employment policies, because of Government changes in the planning system.
Accompanying the new consultation is a range of other documents, including the council’s response to the representations made in the previous consultation in November and December 2019.
Councillor Steve Bowles, Cabinet Member for VALP said “This is an important stage in the preparation of the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan. We hope that, following this latest consultation, the plan can be adopted early next year, providing certainty over where development can take place in the plan area.”
Details of the consultation: The consultation will run for 8 weeks until 5:15pm on 9 February. Responses can be made online, by email, or in writing to the council. All relevant information, supporting documentation and guidance on how to make comments is available on the VALP web pages. Following completion of the consultation the Inspector will determine what the next stage will be. This may include further hearings, prior to him finalising his report.