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The Season of Lent

The season of Lent (the 40 days of preparation before the great celebration of Easter) begins on Wednesday 17 February.

In normal times the Churches together in Wendover would begin by marking Shrove Tuesday (or Pancake Tuesday) by gathering to enjoy pancakes and start our Lenten studies together followed by gathering in our churches on Ash Wednesday for prayer and 'ashing'.

In pandemic times we don't foresee these events being able to happen in person but still encourage you to mark the 'springtime' of the church...the time when we can examine ourselves, take up or lay down something and be looking for signs of hope in our world.

During March we are planning a series of talks exploring a number of topics that are particularly pertinent to the times we find ourselves living through. Further details available soon and in the March Wendover News.

We invite you to look at each of the church websites to see what we are offering remotely to help you walking through Lent.

• Wendover Free Church wendoverfreechurch.org.uk

• St Anne’s Roman Catholic Church aylesburycatholicchurches.co.uk/index. php/st-annes

• St Mary’s Church of England stmaryswendover.org

A Lenten Lunch from 2017

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