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Matters Arising Wendover Parish Council Page

View from the Chair

Never say never again. Last month I told you that I had written my last View from the Chair and here I am again.

Let’s be positive. Once again, we are faced with Lockdown and once again, I’m relieved that I live in Wendover. If I’ve got to go through this restricted lifestyle, I’ll do it here with you guys. We are by now a tried and tested community with neighbours who help us out and retailers that can meet our needs and compared to many places, people here at least seem to try to follow the rules. A real positive is our location. If running, cycling, walking the dog or just getting out in the air is your thing, and it should be because it’s good for us, Wendover is great. So, ignore the weather and the mud if you can, and carefully and responsibly visit the really great places on our doorsteps. Lockdown is a grim prospect for most of us, but I know that Wendover’s community and our surroundings will come through for us and help make the unbearable bearable once again.

Litter is an issue that seems to have become worse during lockdowns and tiered restrictions. I suppose that some of the apparent growth in volume must come from the growth in takeaway food and beverages. We’re going to look at improving the capacity of litter bins around the village and litter picking by WPC and Buckinghamshire Council goes on as normal. So, can I ask for your help too? If you can, please take your litter home. If you use a bin, can you squash things like coffee cups to take up less space?

If you are out exercising, can I recommend that you take a circuit around Hampden Pond. The grounds team have worked wonders in letting light into the area, improved some habitats, and are planning a realignment of the path at the London Road end to combat erosion. It’s a beautiful area and these improvements have enhanced it.

Tom Walsh

Council Tax 2021/22 – What is the Precept?

The precept is the Parish Council’s share of the council tax collected by Buckinghamshire Council.

Income and expenditure for the next financial year is calculated by the Parish Council in November, the precept demand is then sent to the billing authority.

Examples of projects and works that are reviewed during the precept process by the Parish Council include:

• Providing and maintaining allotments

• Providing and maintaining open spaces including installing and maintaining play equipment

• Managing and supporting local events and festivals

• Providing and maintaining street lighting in residential areas (excluding the main highways)

• Maintenance of some rights of way

• Devolved Services such as grass and verge cutting in 30mph areas

The precept calculations for April 2021 to March 2022 were approved by the Parish Councillors at the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 5 January 2021. The precept was advised at £318,277 which equates to a 0.73% rise or £0.68 rise to a Band D property over the whole year.

Earmarked projects for 2021/22 include:

Entrance Point White Gates £15,000

HS2 £10,000

Hampden Pond £25,000

Highway Trees £10,000

Warden Thank You Event £5,000

Parking Review £10,000

Climate Action Wendover Trees £10,000

Replacement Bins £5,000

Wendover Good Neighbour Scheme

The Wendover Good Neighbour Scheme Regional Wardens met on Thursday 7 January to confirm that the scheme and its Wardens were prepared for the new lockdown. We are pleased to confirm the scheme is robust and ready to support the community as in previous lockdowns. The Wardens are on hand to provide support for the vulnerable with shopping, posting letters, collecting prescriptions and providing a friendly ear! If you’re unsure about who your local Warden is, please ring the Clocktower on 01296 623056 and leave a message. We will respond within 24hrs Monday to Friday.

Beyond the WGNS, there is a wealth of support available in Bucks. WPC has created a ‘useful links & information’ compilation, located by clicking onto the “Covid & Support” tab from the WPC homepage www.wendover-pc.gov. uk/updates-and-useful-links.

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