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Club Corner

Into summer with the Wildlife Trust

College Lake Reserve and Visitor Centre will be open from 10am Tuesday through Sunday moving to seven day opening from June. The cafe will be serving a new and exciting menu to enjoy in our refurbished outside seating area. The gift shop will be selling many new products including a local range from the Chiltern Brewery while secondhand books and trampers will also be available. We are very keen to hear from old and new volunteers to help us run efficiently and there are lots of roles available. We expect the car park to be busy so please be patient and consider making a donation to Trust funds.

Events for adults and children will be posted online at bbowt.org.uk as they become possible but all local nature reserves are freely available now so do go out and enjoy them at their best at any time.

Richard Birch, BBOWT Chilterns Group Publicity richardbirch60@yahoo.com

Wendover Evening WI

Wendover Evening WI meets on the second Tuesday of each month. At the moment our meetings are via Zoom but we are hoping to restart at our usual venue of St Anne’s Hall once lockdown restrictions have been lifted. We have a very interesting and varied programme of speakers booked for the next few months.

Every month we have walking events and tea parties in the gardens of members and, from June, our cookery group will resume.

To celebrate our 50th Anniversary we are having a garden party in August and are planning to plant a tree in the autumn on the Witchell.

If you are interested in joining our active group then please contact our president, Sheila, on 07743 133963.

Sandra Borns

Wendover Cricket Club

Wendover Cricket Club had a very successful return to training over Easter with both the junior & senior sections, despite the unusually cold spell that resulted in snow falling on the U9’s & U15’s! It was great to welcome players of all ages, including new joiners, to both the club’s grounds. The club has a packed fixture schedule starting in late April – over 130 junior fixtures ranging from U9’s to U19’s and 60+ senior matches for 3 teams and with more likely to be arranged. The Mid Bucks League starts on 1 May, as does the club’s Village Cup tournament. All training and games etc. will adhere to the latest Covid guidelines and regulations.

The new and exciting ECB’s Dynamos programme for 8 to 11 years old – for girls only at Wendover – has been launched and to sign up, you must apply via https://ecb.clubspark.uk/Dynamos. But the club’s places are limited and their sessions run on early Sunday mornings from mid-May.

Due to the short junior season ending in July, any players looking to join are encouraged to apply as soon as possible, whilst the seniors continue well into September. All junior/senior playing enquiries to Viral Patel wccjuniorscontact@gmail. com / Jonathan Seabrook jseabrook@talktalk. net or via the website www.pitchero.com/clubs/ wendovercricketclub.

Jonathan Seabrook

Wendover Bowls Club

At last we will soon be allowed back on to our green. Even though there will be restrictions with the use of the clubhouse and numbers it is a huge step.

We did manage a few days play last summer before lockdown but most of us have not picked up a bowl for almost a year.

As I write this the green is still not usable as the grass is too long. One member tried a few shots the other day and despite his best efforts he could not get his bowl more than half way but we have started our usual three cuts a week and the mower gets lowered each time.

A more heartening sign is that fixture lists for matches against other clubs have appeared on the notice board in the Parrot House. Now why the lean-to at the rear of the Clubhouse is called the Parrot House I do not know. Certainly I have not met a parrot there and parrots and bowls seem a weird combination but bowlers have vivid imaginations and I have no doubt I will be told.

The most important thing is that at last we will be able to meet our friends again and enjoy their company.

Roll on Summer and warmer weather.

Don Knight

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