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Wendover Dementia Support
Wendover Dementia Support - Helping families through difficult times
Registered Charity no. 1182184
Volunteers needed!
Wendover Dementia Support (WDS) continues to provide support for people living locally with a diagnosis of dementia. Many of these families become isolated from the community and so their problems are often hidden. Neither the NHS nor Social Services is funded for the sort of holistic support that is needed and national charities such as Alzheimer’s Society and Dementia UK do their best but do not have sufficient resources either.
Wendover Dementia Support offers different options depending on individual circumstances. These include:
• a weekly Monday Club Café for enjoyable activities, live music and an opportunity to meet others in a similar position
• Home Visits for individual assessment and advice
• a Family Support Group where workshops and online forums provide information, coaching and advice for sons and daughters who may not live locally.
WDS are currently actively supporting approximately fifty people and their families. The charity believes in a positive approach where people living with dementia can be helped to achieve a real and sustained sense of contentment and wellbeing. Volunteers who attend the Café on Monday mornings set up the Café layout, provide drinks and cake and spend time with visitors, talking, doing activities and supporting family members. Voluntary drivers pick up Monday Club visitors and any accompanying carer from their home to bring them to and from the Café.
If you would like to join in our fun on Monday mornings in the Café; or help with the transport for people please contact 01296 620342 or email wendoverds@gmail.com.