About me
I am a Taiwanese Indonesian who was born and raise in Jakarta, Indonesia
school, I am accustomed to Indonesian and Chinese/Taiwanese and Ame
and how I can associate each one of them in my projects. I speak four lang
I am very fond of Russian history (Trotsky and Lenin are my fav!), dystopia
biology (I adore jellyfish).
a. Coming from a Chinese family, living in Indonesia and attending an international
erican/Australian culture. I absolutely love the mixture of cultures, how they differ
guages: Mandarin Chinese, English, Bahasa Indonesia and Hokkian (local dialect).
an societies (huge fan of George Orwell’s Animal Farm and 1898) and marine
Rome, Italy. 2014
Contents Individual
Major Project: DOU Groups of 4
Philips: The Big Shave Individual
RSA: Heritage Individual
Non-Literal Forms Placement Team
In. Form
Placement Team
09 17 25 31 37 47 48
Miniatur Wonderland, Hamburg, Germany. 2014
University final year major project. Dou Soymilker is a beautiful, simple to use soy milk machine that aims to promote healthier lifestyle for the family.
F o r d e ta i ls o n p roj ect, p l eas e r efer to l i n k ! https: //issuu .com/we n dye ly/s t acks
Gold Coast, Australia. 2012
The Big Shave A three month project designing and electric shaver with the aim of exploring the journey of a woman from teenager to young adult in their coming to terms with the onset of bodily hair growth.
Semarang, Indonesia. 2013
Design a way for people and communities to better connect to and celebrate heritage.
Munich, Germany. 2015
Non- Literal Form Design a electronic product that has no prescribed function, but which consciously manipulates how an electronic, personal domestic or business product can be perceived.
Lake Toba, Indonesia. 2014
A placement in collaboration with Adrian Stokes of ASA Design, London focusing on redesigning everyday products. Centered around the impact of the throwaway society today.
design process
in.form kitchen series
The modular designed toaster gives users an easy accessible and repairable system. The features are intuitive as they are simple.
The dimple of the three objects not only joins them together but for the kettle and vessel, it gives water indication. As for the toaster it is a handle when removing crumbs.
The induction heating system lets the vessel to be non electric. The ceremic body also lets the kettle be heated on a hob.
first the
why, then the,
The story behind the story, as a t e a m , w e m a d e a s h o rt A N I M AT I O N I N PA R A L L EL TO O U R B R A N D VA LU E S A N D B E L I E FS S TA RT I N G W I T H 'W H Y' T H I S P R OJ ECT.
T H I S I S A S H O RT C L I P V I E W I N G T H E FU L L STO RY O F T H E SA L O N P R OJ EC T F E AT U R I N G P r o f A d r a i n S t o k es, M a r k B a i l ey, M a r k A da m s o f V i t s o e , S e v r a D av i e s o f RSA a n d N i c k Oa k l ey fr o m I n t el .
F o r F U LL d e ta i lS o F p roj ect, p l eas e r efer to l i n k ! https: //iss u u .com/we n dye ly/s t acks
Bali, Indonesia. 2012
Research about wooden furniture, how they are manufactured. Looking at real life consumers for the Indonesian market and thus design a simple, cheap, yet with high quality furnitures.
Thank you!