A Biblical Evaluation of Universalism by Nolan McFadden A In this article we will consider the definition, origin, doctrines, historical development and contemporary political impact of occult universalism. I. Universalism defined A. “1.…The belief that all humankind will eventually be saved…Universalism, a product of the 18th century Enlightenment, holds that all living beings will attain complete salvation.” (1) This view regards people of all religions (including Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Freemasons, New Agers, etc.) as our spiritual “brothers.” Universalism is based on the philosophical belief that “…all religions are equally worthy…” as stated by French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778). Rousseau also advocated: 1) Democratic pantheistic Deism 2) Political Collectivism (collective will of the people – an early form of Socialism/Communism) 3) Innate perfectibility of humanity (2) Of Rousseau´s “totalitarian thesis”, J. S. Maloy wrote, “…the twentieth century added Nazism and Stalinism to Jacobinism on the list of horrors for which Rousseau could be blamed…” (3) B. “2. A political movement that proposes the unity of all people or states and the elimination of obstacles that prevent their full communication and relationship.” (4) Universalism includes: 1) universal brotherhood 2) universal government 3) universal laws 4) universal equality 5) universal (controlled) healthcare 6) universal spirituality 7) universal liberty (right to sin) 8) universal religion 9) universal morality 10) universal depopulation (5) C. As a political movement universalism advocates global integration (i.e. globalism or internationalism): one-world government (i.e. New World Order – H.G. Wells), world citizenship, global laws (i.e. Agenda 21), global environmentalism, global solidarity, global disarmament, global economy, global banking, global education, global security, etc. The founding of the United Nations in October of 1945 was the political actualization of universalism. D. A biblical Christian response to the concept of spirituality taught in universalism: 1. As clearly revealed in the New Testament Scriptures, there are two completely different spiritual realms (Luke 11:18, Acts 26:18). These are: 1) the eternal kingdom of JEHOVAH - the (singular) LORD GOD OF ISRAEL (Daniel 2:44; 7:27, Zechariah 14:1-9, Matthew 6:10; 6:33, Luke 1:31-33; 13:28; 14:15, John 3:3-5; 18:36, Colossians 1:13). 2) the temporary kingdom of “the god of this world” – “Satan” (or “Lucifer”, the lightbearer) See Isaiah 14:12-20, Mark 3:23-26, Luke 11:18 and II Corinthians 4:3-4. 2. There are two different spiritual families on the earth (John 8:41-47, I John 3:10). They are: 1) the saved 2) the unsaved Only those who are born again of the Holy Spirit by personal faith in the LORD JESUS CHRIST are in the LORD’s eternal family (John 1:1213; 3:3-7; 5:24, I John 3:7-10). Jesus and His first century apostles clearly taught that those who reject Christ Jesus and His gospel message will not be saved. The apostle John proclaimed, “He that believeth on the Son [Jesus] hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” (John