What does the Holy Bible say about lesbianism? Contemporary Issues – Bible Study #56 by Nolan McFadden Without a doubt the "new morality" and "sexual revolution" of the late twentieth century have profoundly shaped the thinking and lifestyles of many people. Likewise, pornography, MTV and pro-fornication Hollywood movies have had a very real impact on shaping contemporary views about sex. Emerging from the " sexual revolution" was the propagation of the view that lesbianism and sodomy are "morally acceptable alternative lifestyles." During recent decades, lesbianism and sodomy have been rationalized, normalized and promoted in television and radio talk shows; in sex education classes; in sex education books; in contemporary music lyrics; in newspapers and magazines; in Hollywood movies; by pro-homosexuality psychologists and by prohomosexuality religious and political leaders. In like manner, homosexual researchers, lobbyists and media people have promoted the gay gene theory in order to justify homosexual lust and conduct. During the same time, we have witnessed the "homosexual rights" movement. There have been many political marches and rallies by many lesbians and sodomites with the aim of establishing homosexual conduct as an inalienable civil right by law. Yet, proponents of the "sexual revolution" somehow forgot to consult the most knowledgeable, qualified expert on the subject of human sexuality. His name is Jehovah (YHWH). Since He designed mankind, it would seem very sensible for us to obtain God's counsel about sex. But what would happen if the LORD were to step up to a microphone today and declare His view of homosexuality to the American television audience? Would anyone really want to listen to God's perspective about this issue? Would God be ignored, vilified, marginalized and labeled a religious fanatic? Thankfully, God has already expressed His view about homosexuality. Our Creators perspective regarding lesbianism and sodomy is discovered in His book known as the Holy Bible. II Timothy 3:16 declares that, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God." Every person will one day give an account to this same LORD (Hebrews 9:27). Therefore, it is essential that we understand what Jehovah has said about lesbianism in the Scriptures. What does the Holy Bible say about lesbianism? I. What is lesbianism? A. Lesbianism is defined as "female homosexuality" in Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary (653). Lesbianism refers to a human female having sex with another human female. II. Lesbianism is addressed in Romans 1:26. A. The specific words lesbian or lesbianism are not found in the Bible. However, lesbian activity is referred to in Romans 1:26. Therefore, the Scriptures are not silent regarding the practice of lesbianism. In Romans chapter one the apostle Paul set forth examples of the sinfulness of the human race. In Romans 1:26, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul declared, "For this cause God gave them up into vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature (KJV):" B. The word usage and context of Romans 1:26 clearly demonstrates that Paul is referring to lesbianism. There are several reasons whereby we know this to be a fact. 1. Romans 1:26 is understood in the context of Romans 1:24. The "them" and "their" of verse twenty-six are referring to the same people mentioned in verse twenty-four. "Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves (Romans 1:24)." Notice that "them" autous (autous) in verse twenty-four refers also to the women of verse twenty-six. The women's changing "the natural use" is an example of the "vile