Overcoming Trials, Tragedies and Tribulations Institute of Biblical Discipleship - Bible study #36 by Nolan McFadden Tragedies, trials and tribulations are a part of the human experience. As Christians, we are not exempt from the hard experiences of this life. We all experience tribulations, tragedies and trials of various kinds. The death of a loved one, illness, injury, adversity, persecution, family problems, marriage problems, unemployment, financial loss, treachery, theft, false accusation, abandonment and divorce are some of the many tragedies that Christians experience in a fallen world among fallen people (Romans 5:12, I John 5:19). But, perhaps the most important issue regarding any tragedy or adversity that you experience is your response. How will you respond to this difficult experience? Will you draw closer to the LORD through this tragedy or will you drift away from God? Are you willing to receive what our Father in Heaven wants to teach you by means of this tragedy or will you harden your heart with anger, pride or bitterness? Through this experience, will you become a better Christian or a bitter person? Will you keep a good attitude? In John 16:33 our LORD JESUS taught his disciples, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” In like manner, Paul and Barnabas exhorted new disciples to, “continue in the faith,” and explained that, “…we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God (Acts14:22).” As Christians, we know that Jehovah has an eternal, sovereign, perfect plan for our lives. Nothing happens by accident for a Christian. The LORD (YHWH) does not allow a tragedy or tribulation to enter our lives unless it is according to His providential plan. Moreover, we can be sure that nothing in God’s plan is without a spiritual purpose. We are assured that, “…all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28) Likewise, our eternal Father works “… all things after the counsel of his own will: That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.” (Ephesians 1:11-12) Therefore, we can be certain that there is a reason in God’s plan for what has happened. We will be wise to diligently search out the LORD’s wisdom, understanding and counsel regarding the tragedy. Thankfully, our living Father in Heaven can turn our hardships and tragedies into great blessings in our lives if we will trust in Him (Isaiah 61:3). It is God’s desire that in the very lowest valleys of our lives that we seek Him with all our hearts (James 4:8). Furthermore, the apostle Paul exhorted believers to patiently endure their sufferings, tragedies, persecutions and tribulations (Romans 8:33-39; 12:12, II Thessalonians 1:4, II Timothy 2:3). There is no better place to look for answers to your current situation than in the Holy Bible. The LORD’s thoughts and counsels are revealed in the Scriptures (II Timothy 3:1617). We know that the counsels of the LORD are true and righteous (Psalm 119:160, John 17:17). Therefore, let’s consider seven biblical reasons why the LORD allows Christians to experience sufferings and tragedies: I. To show that our faith in JESUS CHRIST is genuine (I Peter 1:6-9) II. To demonstrate courage in adversity and our calling to be overcomers in CHRIST (Philippians 1:28-29, James 5:10-11)