The Sao Paulo Forum The Communist Conspiracy Against Latin America

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The Sao Paulo Forum The Communist Conspiracy Against Latin America This English article has been translated from the Spanish article entitled “José Valdivia Sotomayor: ¿La Unión Soviética Hispana?” (José Valdivia Sotomayor: The Hispanic Soviet Union?) 20 October, 2019, by José Valdivia Sotomayor / El Político The fundamental objective of the Sao Paulo Forum is to establish a union of countries under Communist governments, similar to the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), in the American continent. From a political point of view, the terms Communism, Socialism, Progressivism, Avant-garde, Liberalism and Leftist are all synonyms. [Let us remember that German “Socialists” Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels used the terms “Communist” and “Socialist” interchangeably in their writings.] The Puebla Group is a front group of the Sao Paulo Forum that brings together Communist leaders of Latin America and Spain. The apparent advantage of the Sao Paulo Forum is seen as a tactical strategy that was used to take control of countries in the region. They abandoned the approach of armed struggle. Instead, they used the vulnerabilities found in democratic governments as a means of seizing a path to power in target countries. These target countries are all countries of the American continent including the United States of America. In the United States, the Democratic party is heavily infiltrated by Socialist/Communist politicians. Many of them are radicals. Others are unashamed of identifying themselves as Communists, like the current presidential candidate [Bernie] Sanders. They want to establish a Socialist government in the USA. THE PUEBLA GROUP Just as the titles of “Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela” and “Plurinational State of Bolivia” were announced years before Hugo Chávez seized power, so now we also read about the “Andean Multicultural Republic of Peru.” The “Puebla Group” declares that it already has a new “21st century Socialist constitution” for Peru. The “Puebla Group” applauds the recent dissolution of the Congress in Peru. It congratulates the Peruvian revolutionaries, who are today happily celebrating in the streets, the defeat of “imperialism” and the triumph of the “oppressed” classes. The “Puebla Group” said that the new constitution of the “Andean Multicultural Republic of Peru” has already been drafted and is awaiting the new Congress, to replace the obsolete “capitalist” and “oppressive” constitution. But before we move on, you need to understand a little more history. What is the “Puebla Group”? The “Puebla Group” is the meeting of “the highest ranking Socialist leaders in Latin America and Spain,” and is based on the “Forum of Sao Paulo.” This group has other names such as “Progressive Group,” “The Progressives” and “Progressive Party.” The last meeting of this group was held in México, under the aegis of the “MORENA” political party. Its leader is Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), current president of México and member of the Forum of Sao Paulo. The “Puebla Group” includes Cuban President Raúl Castro, former Spanish President José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Pablo Iglesias of Spain, leader of “PODEMOS”, Chilean José Miguel Insulsa, [Communist Dictator] Nicolás Maduro [of Venezuela], Ecuadorian Rafael Correa, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, Lula Da Silva and others. Michelle Bachelet, though being a member of the Sao Paulo


Forum, has been alienated from the “Puebla Group” due to the report she presented concerning Venezuela. Although in a gentle manner, in her report Bachelet expressed her concerns about the violations of human rights occurring in Venezuela. What is the purpose of the “Sao Paulo Forum”? The Sao Paulo Forum aims to “rebuild” Communist ideas in the Hispanic world and make Spain, South America and the Caribbean regions become Socialist societies, a “Hispanic Soviet Union.” For this it used the criteria of the book Socialismo del Siglo XXI by Manuel La Guarda. [This data is also presented in the article entitled “Socialismo del Siglo XXI” by Alvaro Andrés Hamburger Fernández.] In other words, “Coming to power by arms is no longer the priority. The new idea is to come to power through democratic means, offering the people, normally uneducated and gullible, all that is necessary (Populism). Something very similar to this is what we are seeing today in Peru. This has led to the political crisis of the government. Fully aware of this crisis and patiently waiting, the “Forum of Sao Paulo” is not publicly condemning any democratic group in Peru.” To obtain its objectives, the Forum determined some pillars: Cuba: They are in charge of the strategic part because of their experience in Marxist revolution. They operate schools of the former KGB. They have more than 25,000 former Russian and Cuban agents trained with the strategies of this former Soviet intelligence agency. Get funding: The strategy includes funding from the countries of the Socialist axis of the 21st century. In order to continue the Forum strategy, these nations must provide funding by means of their natural resources. Sources include Venezuelan oil, Brazilian companies, minerals from Peru, silica from Bolivia, Ecuadorian oil, etc. The Odebrecht Group, [a transnational Brazilian conglomerate] tool of the Sao Paulo Forum: The “Odebrecht Group” was initially a tool of the Socialist government of Lula Da Silva [Brazil] to spread the Socialist ideology throughout South America, pay bribes and obtain financing to meet the long term objectives of the Forum of Sao Paulo. Currently members of the Odebrecht Group, [Although the Group filed for bankruptcy in June 2019] are continuing to influence governments [via bribes], waiting for opportunities, helping to fund and create chaos in nations, and disqualifying institutions and people. The “Puebla Group” never imagined that the “Odebrecht tool” would be so effective in fulfilling one of its most important fundamental objectives: for countries to say: “All this is rotten [“corrupt”], let's tear down the democracy.” Use any means possible: The goal is to seize power “democratically.” Therefore, the aim is to take advantage of any feelings of rejection or sense of weakness in the people. Their objectives include advancing the new world order, abortion [reduction of human “over-population”], [radical] environmentalism, gender identity [confusion], [radical] feminism, climate change, indiscriminate immigration, etc., In addition, they have infiltrated universities, civil society organizations, human rights organizations, OAS and UN (Michelle Bachelet is now part of the UN). What is the G-2? The name “G-2” comes from the intelligence division of the US Army, however, in Cuba it was mixed with techniques of the KGB (Russian intelligence).


What have they been doing? When the Cuban revolution occurred, [Communist Dictator] Fidel Castro requested assistance from the USSR to “control” the people. Subsequently, Nikita Sergeyevich Krushchev sent Soviet KGB agents and installed several KGB training schools throughout the Cuban territory. In these “schools” [of terror training] they perfected torture techniques and interrogation. Does the G-2 include Cubans? Yes, but not all agents are Cubans. In addition, there are thousands of Peruvian, Venezuelan, Bolivian and Argentine agents that have been trained in Cuban G-2 schools. This is why someone could say: “I do not see Cubans in Venezuela or Bolivia, how is it then that there are 25,000 G-2 agents in the country? For example, the majority of G-2 agents that impose terror in Venezuela are Venezuelans who have been trained in Cuban schools. The strategy: Although many books have been written about this subject, based on La Guarda´s book, the strategy could be summarized as follows: 1. To discredit the democratic institutions of the target country: congress, judiciary, executive power, armed forces, constitutional court, media, political organizations, civil society organizations, etc. 2. Establish the new institutions after the chaos. 3. Seize power. 4. Support the new [leftist] national leader by surrounding him or her with a large group of members of the Cuban G-2 (KGB schools). This serves to reduce the possible threat of opposition from the armed forces and any other organization or group. 5. Replace the existing constitution with a different one which is compatible with 21st century Socialism. The document has already been previously prepared and written by the “Puebla Group.” This is what happened in Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, etc. 6. Use the country's economic resources to help fund “the cause” in the other target countries. Example Venezuela: In Venezuela the previous steps were followed in strict order. After discrediting the congress, executive, judiciary and other institutions, [Communist Dictator] Hugo Chávez promised the people of Venezuela a path of wealth and better living conditions. After Chávez seized power, 20,000 G-2 members arrived from Cuba. They were placed as “advisors” in key positions throughout the government, taking power away from the military forces. Then, everything went easier for the new [Marxist] regime. Chávez imposed the new constitution “previously devised and written” by the “Forum of Sao Paulo” (the Puebla Group did not yet exist). He changed the name of the country to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and the rest is history. Other identical examples include Bolivia, Nicaragua and Ecuador. Thankfully, the latter was saved by luck. Target Countries: Mexico: AMLO [López Obrador] is already president of México. Presently, the Socialists/Communists are distributing G-2 agents in the military and other key institutions of influence and power in the nation. This will take a while because México is a very large country. Also, they know that they must be very careful because of its proximity to the United States.


Argentina and Peru [also Chile and Puerto Rico]: 25,000 members of the Cuban G-2, mostly of Peruvian and Argentine nationalities (former components of the MRTA, Shining Path, La Campora, ERP, etc.) are in Bolivia with the mission of taking over Argentina and Peru. They have already established contacts and have infiltrated environmental organizations, anti-mining groups, political parties, peasant organizations, universities, bar associations, medical associations, etc. from Peru and Argentina. Argentina: Work is being done here. They [i.e., the Socialists/Communists] are waiting for the October elections. They expect Cristina Fernández to win the election. Fernández is a member of the “Sao Paulo Forum” and a 21st century Socialist. She is well known and has a sad ideological history. Peru: In Peru, as a result of their own corruption, democratic institutions have been overwhelmed and weakened. The [Socialist/Communist] members of the G-2 have infiltrated mining projects such as “Las Bambas” and “Tía María.” They have infiltrated LGBT[Q] organizations, NGOs, political parties, media, radio and television, the police and the army of Peru. They have also obtained the positions of judges at different levels, the judiciary, teaching positions at major universities, etc. The Congress of Peru has been dissolved and elections will be called in January 2020. It is the ideal time for many G-2 members to become congressmen. Currently, in Peru there are well-known politicians, journalists, judges, prosecutors, businessmen, who have been prepared in Cuban G-2 schools. [There are so many leftists that] many do not even know each other. Not professing to be a fortune teller or an outcast giving future predictions, at a glimpse, this is the realistic current scenario in Latin America. This is the reality. I invite you to check my observations without being carried away by [political] passions or [political] rivalry. I hope to find sympathy, empathy or antipathy. Peru is at stake and, soon, much more than you can imagine. Let us leave inconsequential fanaticisms that do not lead to anything good but to the controversy of trying to prove who is right or wrong. For those of us who are true Democrats, if we fail to consider the sad past, and lose sight of the torturous present, we will face an even more than dangerous future. Respond PERU! José Valdivia Sotomayor ID 10312625

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