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Our dear readers, First, I would like to thank each and everyone who helped us come out with the first issue of Showbox Magazine, to name a few, I would like to thank my Chairman, friend and older brother, Ahmed Hanohoum for his trust, unconditional support and advice that has always been surrounding me. I would also like to thank our General Manager, Mohamed Wafa and Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Sherihan Hamed for their guidelines and support. We promise to bring you all what you need, and would like to know about dogs from A to Z. Showbox is eager to bring you the latest researches and information so that you can show your true love and care for your dog. In our first issue, we picked one of the most interesting breeds to pose on our cover, Presa Canario, read our ultimate guide on the breed, you’ll find everything you wish to know. We also bring you several interviews with some of the most prominent figures in the dog industry. Read our exclusive interview with Eng. Hashem El Dandarawy, CEO of The German Shepherd Club of Egypt, who tells you more about the club, his professional instructing and more about the breed. You will also find an interview with Mohamed Wafa, CEO of Jacket Rust, who speaks about himself, dog circles, and much more interesting stories. Don’t miss our interview with actor Ahmed Mekky, who has so much love for animals, especially dogs. For first time puppy owners, we thought of bringing you the basics of behavior and training of puppies. And, if you need to know some essential nutrition facts for your puppy, read our article on what your dog shouldn’t eat in our Health Care and Lifestyle section. Speaking of health, we bring you Dr. Moataz Shaaban to explain to you what is Hip Dysplasia, its causes, symptoms and treatments to learn about this disease. All this plus, a full coverage of the National Dog Show March 2014. We would like to thank you for choosing Showbox, we are certainly welcoming any comments and/or feedback from our beloved readers.

Sincerely, Reem El Shennawi

Content3s0 Responsible Breeding

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Public Awareness

Mahmoud El Maayergy The Great Dane Addict Aren’t Great Danes cool? Not only are they one of the tallest dog breeds, but also smart, have a friendly nature and are gentle. Mahmoud El Maayergy, Owner of Samir & Ali Stationeries, has an addiction for this breed, if you’d like to know more about Great Danes, read on.

Breed Confirmation

The Ultimate Guide for Presa Canario All what you need to know about the cover’s breed from head to toe.

Health Care & Lifestyle


Hip Dysplasia Hip Dysplasia is one of the most common skeletal diseases in dogs that affect millions of dogs worldwide, many of our beloved companions suffer from hip dysplasia pain. There are things you need to know to detect this disease, Dr. Moataz Shaaban explains to you the types, symptoms and treatment of Hip Dysplasia.

Food Your Dog Shouldn’t Eat No one can resist that cute face of course. But, can a biscuit or some noodles from your plate hurt your dog? Well, that depends on what it is and what’s in it. There are some types of food that can cause real problems to your dog. In fact, there are many types of food your dog should never eat. And, it’s not just because of weight gain. Some foods are downright dangerous for dogs - and some of these common foods may surprise you.

Hashem El Dandarawy The Master of German Shepherd German Shepherd Club of Egypt President and professional instructor Hashem El Dandarawy is one of a kind. Charming, kind hearted yet, firm, Hashem has by all means mastered in raising and training German Shepherds. His German Shepherd Club is reputable, and his work is certainly professional. Hashem El Dandarawy speaks to Showbox about himself, the German Shepherd Club of Egypt, and much more.

Behavior & Training

Mohamed Wafa The Behaviorist Growing up admiring dogs, Mohamed Wafa’s dream came true. Founder and owner of Jacket Rust, he accomplished his dream to train and expand what he learnt abroad in Egypt. His love for dog circles made him believe that it’s not a matter of success rather a message that he wants to deliver. Mohamed Wafa speaks to Showbox about his dog circle accomplishments, the concept of dog circles, himself, and much more.


Public Figure

Ahmed Mekky Addicted to Animals Everyone knows Ahmed Mekky the actor who makes us laugh and amuses us, but who of you knows that Mekky is a huge dog lover? He has been an animal fan since his childhood, and he has always been raising dogs. If you want to know about his experience, read what Mekky told us about his love for dogs..


















SPECIAL THANKS TO PHOTOGRAPHER DINA SHOUKRY To subscribe or advertise, please contact us: Tel: 010-054-540-08 Email: Showbox MAG

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y g r e y a a M The Great Dane Addict Aren’t Great Danes cool? Not only are they one of the tallest dog breeds, but also smart, have a friendly nature and are gentle. Mahmoud El Maayergy, Owner of Samir & Ali Stationeries, has an addiction for this breed, if you’d like to know more about Great Danes, read on.

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Tell us more about yourself and your dogs My name is Mahmoud El Maayergy, Owner of Samir & Aly Stationeries, and I have been raising Great Danes for the past 8 years. Why did you choose Great Danes? At the beginning, I was attracted to its large size yet, after having my first dog, which passed away when he was 2 years old from a virus, I realized that Great Danes are very smart and regardless of their size, they aren’t aggressive. I had a Rottweiler for a year, but I couldn’t deal with him that much, I prefer a dog that understands what I am telling him from my tone, and that’s one of the Great Danes’ advantages. Why are they called “Gentle Giant”? He is a friend of his friend; he can be off leash as long as he is in the company of his owner. He doesn’t attack any dog unless a dog approaches him, and he starts with observing first. He is not an easily socializing dog with other dogs. He is also very gentle with kids and old people. What about your dogs’ lifestyle? I have 2 Great Danes at home, a male and a female. Calcium is very important for puppies. I made sure that my puppies starting from 3 months old till about 7 months old get their full nutrients. I used to feed them from 6 to 8 small meals a day so that the dog’s digestive system works effectively, and at the same time his bones don’t get affected by too much food; puppies’ bones are very fragile. Yet, dogs shouldn’t take too much calcium because their bones become too heavy, which happened to one of my dogs. That dog was following a high calcium diet, which resulted in a very sharp arm with a lean. Dogs’ health problems are a lot however, if you take care of your dog, you’ll avoid these problems. I feed my dogs twice a day, once in the morning and another one at night. Although most of dog owners feed their dogs once a day, I make sure my dogs eat twice 100 percent raw food because I believe that it’s good for dogs that their digestive system works regularly.

How do you raise a happy dog? You have to have time for your dog, and the best thing about dogs is that you can become aware of his feelings from his facial expressions. I take my dogs separately out of their houses in the garden everyday for 2 to 3 hours. What matters the most to your dog is to create a strong bond between you and him. This bond is created by the time you spend with your dog in order to be able to give him the right orders in the right way, which leads to more freedom for the dog and less worry for the owner. Did you have any bad experience with any of your dogs? One of my dogs became half paralyzed when he was bit by something that I am not sure of. He stayed at the hospital for about a month and a half or two with IVs and under heavy medication. The hair of the bitten area fell, and after about 3 weeks of medication, he started to stand up, but barely move like he was 80 years old. What is your advice to Great Dane owners and breeders? It’s very difficult to find a nice Great Dane in Egypt because people, including me at the beginning, don’t comprehend Great Danes. People pay attention to its size rather than its traits. Only a few people know that Great Danes should mate with Great Danes of the same color. My most important advice is that they keep an eye on their dog because like I said earlier, dog’s health problem start to happen when you don’t take care of him. Your dog’s health will improve if you take care of him especially that Great Danes’ appearance change over the time. You also need to spend time with your dog, Great Danes are very smart and can be easily trained. You have to be aware that Great Danes may not survive without their owners. To watch interview live, visit our facebook page: Showbox MAG

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The Ultimate guide for

Presa Canario

Dog name: Nicci Owner: Mr. Hesham Hassan Model: Malak Hesham

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Restaurant & Cafe P E T S



8 road 214 Degla, Maadi, Cairo, Egypt 02 25214151

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Presa Canario has a legislative basis in Spain in the form of recognition by a Real Decreto (Royal Decree) of the MAPA (Minister of Agriculture Fishing and Nutrition), which was published in the Official Gazette of the Spanish Government (BOE – Boletin Oficial del Estado). The original Real Decreto 558/2001 can be read on the site of the Spanish Government Gazette. In the decree, the breed is referred to as “Presa Canario.” A breed standard is attached in the Royal Decree, and it includes having a black coat and specifies a maximum weight. Any other name or standard is not recognized by Spanish law. In Spain, there are two main organizations, which are legally recognized by the Minister of Agriculture, Fishing and Nutrition (according to the requirements set by the Real Decreto 558/2001): the RSCE and the FCE. The term “legally recognized” means that these organizations have the power to inscribe the litters into the official Book of Origins of Spain (LOE – Libro de Origines Espanol).

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The FCE recognizes the breed according to Spanish law, and uses the Presa Canario name and standard, as set by the Real Decreto 558/2001. An official document of the Spanish Government has been issued and sent to the RSCE to warn it and to invite it to modify its regulations. Another recent legal source that identifies the breed is the Real Decreto 1557/2005. This decree also states the breed name as “Presa Canario,” and gives the legislative power of official association recognition to the local governments. Appearance First introduced to the world outside of Spain’s Canary Islands by the American anthropologist Dr. Carl Semencic in an article for Dog World Magazine, and in his books on the subject of rare breeds of dogs, the Presa Canario or “Canary Dog” is a large-size dog with a thick and muscular body. The head is broad, massive, square, and powerful. Proper head and good expression are part of the breed standards, and are manifest in the best breed specimens. The ears are normally cropped, both to create a more formidable expression, and to prevent damage while working with cattle. If cropped, the ears stand erect. In countries where ear-cropping is banned, the ears are close fitting to the head; they hang down and should be pendant or “rose” shaped. The upper lip is pendulous, although not excessively. Seen from the front, the upper and lower lips come together to form an inverted V. The flews are slightly divergent. The inside of the lips is dark in color. Males have a standard desirable height range of 23 to 26 inches (58 to 66 cm) at the withers, with a minimum weight at maturity of 103 pounds (47 kg), and a maximum weight of 126 pounds (57 kg). Females have a standard desirable height between 22 to 25 inches (56 to 64 cm) at the withers, with a minimum weight at maturity of 89 pounds (40 kg), and a maximum weight of 110 pounds (50 kg). The breed is also characterized by a sloping topline with the rear being slightly higher than the shoulders. Another characteristic of the breed is the shape of the paws (cat foot) and the catlike movement of the animal. The body is mesomorphic, that is, slightly longer than the dog, contributing to the feline movement. Coat and color The coat is short with no undercoating and slightly coarse to the touch. The coat comes in all shades of fawn and brindle. The acceptance of the black coat is a point of contention among fanciers, as it is allowed by the AKC-FSS, UKC and UPPCC

standards, but not by the FCI standards. White is allowed up to 20 percent, and is most commonly found on the chest and feet, and occasionally on a blaze on the muzzle. The breed standard requires black pigmentation, and dogs should have a black mask that does not extend above the eyes. The breed is known for its minimal shedding.

had acquired the dogs on behalf of a client who had trained them for fighting. The incident and its background were recounted in the book Hella Nation by Evan Wright.

Temperament Presas require early socialization and obedience training. In some situations, the Presa can be aggressive toward other dogs and suspicious of strangers. They are fun and playful during the puppy stage, very loyal, loving and fun dogs. At around 2 years old, they begin to fully mature and show their adult temperament and habits. Because of the sheer size and strength, it is advised to socialize early, and know what their limitations are, and avoid putting them in dangerous situations. They are pack dogs, and as with all pack dogs, they require a strong a leader who emphasizes the individual dogs’ place below the members of the family. Understanding the drives and temperament of puppies is recommended as to make sure they are in an environment that allows them to function adequately.

In March 2012, a 21 year old man in Sacramento, California had finished lifting weights in his garage and stepped outside to cool off, and was then attacked by two large Presa Canarios (a 120 lb male and an 80 lb pregnant female). Each dog grabbed one of his arms and together they pulled him to the ground. The driver of a passing car witnessed the attack and hit one of the dogs with the car. The victim then jumped onto the car, which sped him away to escape the attack.

Health As a large breed, the Presa Canario can be susceptible to hip dysplasia. Other reported health problems include, patellar luxation, patellar evulsions, skin cysts, epilepsy, osteochondrodysplasias, demodectic mange, cryptorchidism and Canine leishmaniasis. The latter condition is described empirically as highly likely to affect dogs in areas of Spain, and academically described as having increased over 22 years prior to 2006, with risk being highest for dogs that were older, large, lived outside, and lived at the Meso-Mediterranean level. Lifespan The average lifespan for the Presa Canario is between 8–12 years. Attacks against people In January 2001, Diane Whipple, a 33 year old woman in San Francisco, California was killed by two Perro de Presa Canario (or Presa Canario mix) dogs owned by her neighbors, attorneys who

In August 2006, Shawna Willey, a 30 year old woman in Coral Springs, Florida, was killed by her own Presa Canario.

In August 2012, Rebecca Carey, a 23 year old woman in Decatur, Georgia, was killed by dogs that she was caring for in her home. Two were Pit Bulls, one was a Boxer mix, and two were Presas. In April 2013, a 5 year old girl in White Plains, Maryland was attacked and critically injured by family-owned dogs at her home. Police thought that at least two of the three dogs at home, an English Bulldog and two Presa Canarios, were involved in the attack. In February 2014, a woman near Znojmo in the Czech Republic was attacked by a 60 kg Perro de Presa and Akita mix. Police intervened and shot the dog, and the woman survived. Legal restrictions on ownership Importation and sale of the breed is prohibited in Australia and New Zealand. Presa Canario is a wonderful and warm temperament breed once owned and trained by experienced dog owners who are aware of the alfa dominance concept. It is physically very well built dog with an outrageous bold character, they require an extreme behavioral control based on experience of dog psychology and voice control, this breed can not be raised by teenagers or kids, if you are a first time dog owner then, you should never consider Presa Canario.

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Facts about

Presa Canario

Dog name: Nicci Owner: Mr. Hesham Hassan

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breed standard below is taken directly from the Perro de Presa Canario ‘A Kennel Club Booktm’ Special Rare-Breed Edition:

Breed Standard For The Perro De Presa Canario (Official Translation of the Breed Standard of the Club Espanol del Presa Canario)

Aspects considered by judges: Breed name & Synonym Name: Presa Canario (in Spanish) Synonym: Perro Basto and Verdino for brindled specimens. ORIGINS AND DIFFUSION OF THE BREED Molossoid dog, native to the islands of Tenerife and Gran Canaria, in the Canary Archipelago, where it was originally bred for fighting purposes. Basically the Presa dog is the result of crossbreeding between the Bardino or Majorero from the island of Fuerteventura and Molossoid dogs that were introduced to the islands from abroad. Its fiery temperament is inherited from the Bardino, a pre-hispanic, hard-working and aggressive cattle dog, widely distributed throughout the islands. The resulting crossbreed has a black mask and brindled or fawn coat with white spots. A few decades ago, a group of breeders began the process of recovering the breed, drawing on tradition and their experience. Since then, the Presa Canario has been carefully bred and widely promoted. GENERAL APPEARANCE AND CHARACTER Physical Description: Of medium height, eumetric, and straight profile. Robust and well proportioned, mesomorphic, the body being longer than the height at the shoulder,

more so in females. The head is large, square and wide-skulled. Slightly flacid overlapping flews. Black mouth lining. Strong teeth, wide apart, generally fitting. Chestnut-colored eyes of medium size. Ears set high. Round, powerful, muscular neck with thick fur and loose skin. Slight dewlap. Short, straight back. Wide tail base. Chest wide and deep. Stomach slightly updrawn. Forequarters straight, wide-boned and strong cat feet. Powerful, muscular hindquarters with moderately angled stifles, with cat feet slightly longer than front feet. Thick, elastic skin. Short slightly rough hair without undercoat. Coat in brindled specimens should be fawn and black with black mask. Character and Temperament: Powerful appearance, severe expression. Especially suited to protecting, guarding duties and traditionally used for herding cattle and dogfighting. Impetuous temperament. Low, deep bark. Obedient, reliable family protector, unfriendly towards strangers. MORPHOLOGICAL DATA Height at shoulders: Males: 61 to 66cms. (24 to 26 ins.). Females: 57 to 62 cms (22.5 to 24.5 ins.). Head: Brachycephalic type. Cubic tendency. Large and solid. Skull to face ratio 6:4. Furrow no accentuated Skull: Convex in anteposterior and transversal direction. Zygomatic arches very pronounced, with greatly developed jaw and cheek muscles. Marked depression between frontal lobes. Muzzle: Shorter than the length of the skull, normally about 40% of the total head. Very wide. Straight or slightly convergent wrinkle. Lips or flews: Fairly thick and fleshy. Upper flews not too pendulous, but forming an inverted “V” when viewing from the front. Inner lips may be pinkish but preferably dark. Jaws: Teeth with very strong wide base, generally fitting. Slight prognatism (slightly undershot) acceptable, given the dog’s origins. Bite typical of Molossoid dogs. The absence of one or two premolars is not a fault, since the dog’s function depends on its canines and incisors, which should be well in line and well placed. Palate: Well-marked pinkish grooves.

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Eyes: Slightly oval. Well separated. Black eyelids. Color varies with coat from medium to very dark brown. Ears: Hanging when complete. Medium sized, set high and wide apart. Generally rose. If in accordance with tradition, they are cut, they stand erect or semi-erect and are triangular in shape. Full eared dogs compete on equal terms with others. Neck: Round, straight, solid and highly muscled. Shortish between 18 and 20 cms. (7-8 ins.). Loose skin below the throat forms a medium ridge. Forequarters: Perfectly straight, well boned, set well apart, powerful musculature. Elbows turned neither in nor out. Compact cat-like feet. Strong nails, either black or light, according to the coat. Body: Longer than the height at the shoulder by about 20%. Wide chest, deep brisket level with elbows, with marked pectoral muscles. Thoracic perimeter at least 30% greater than shoulder height. Wellarched rib cage, almost cylindrical. Dorso-lumbar line (from withers to loin): Straight, ascending slightly to the loins. Slight saddle effect just after the withers. Loin: Straight, medium length and wide. Normally 1.5 cms. (0.6ins.) higher than the withers. Flanks: Unpronounced. Tail: Set on high, flexible, strong at the soot and tapering to the hocks. At rest there may be lateral deviation. In action, elevated saber-like with the tip pointed forward but not curled. Hindquarters: Hindlegs powerful, straight when viewed from the side or front. Very muscular second thighs unpronounced angles. Cat-like feet. No spur normally. Hocks low and neither sickle nor cow. The presence of a spur is a fault, but does not merit disqualification. Coat: Hair: Short all over, generally denser at the withers,

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throat and top of loins. No underhair. Compact tail hair. Rough-looking, coarse. Color: All types of brindle, from very warm dark colors to gray or very light brown or blonde. Full range of fawn to sand-colored. Occasionally, there are markings around the neck or legs, where white marking is least desirable. In general, there are more or less long white markings on the chest. The mask is always dark and may extend around the eyes. Weight: Average male: 45 - 57 kgs. (100 - 125 lbs.). Average female: 40 - 50 kgs. (88 - 110 lbs.). Defects: Slight defects. Excessive wrinkling of the craneo-facial region. Presence of spur. Serious defects: · Poor nose pigmentation. · Excessive prognatism. · Specimens with slight hound-like apprearance. · Poor mask. · Sickle legged or cow hocks. · Unbalanced character. · Frail or thinnish appearance. · Craneo-facial disproportion. · Curled tail, of equal thickness all the way, amputated or mutilated. Total disqualification: · Monorchid, cryptorchid or castrated specimens. · More than 20% white markings. · Totally unpigmented nose or mouth lining. Head (typicality): Massive: Muzzle well filled out. Dark colored eyes, well separated. Stop defined, but not too abrupt. Straight nose, not arched. Upper lip not withdrawn. Sufficient wrinkle. Well aligned bite. But not level. Reject specimens with level bite. Body: Rectangular, longish, medium sized. Reject height that is neither functional nor characteristic. Wellsloped shoulders. Very arching ribs. Chest deep and the wider the better. Very well-developed pectorals. Separate elbows, not turned out. Strong-boned. Loins higher than withers, well developed. Slight angulation of hindlegs.


Dr. Moataz Shaaban


Dysplasia Hip Dysplasia is one of the most common skeletal diseases in dogs that affect millions of dogs worldwide, many of our beloved companions suffer from hip dysplasia pain. There are things you need to know to detect this disease, Dr. Moataz Shaaban explains to you the types, symptoms and treatment of Hip Dysplasia.





What is Hip Dysplasia? Hip dysplasia is the failure of hip joint (Coxofemoral) to develop normally (Malformation). Normal hip anatomy Hip joint the femur (thigh bone) is connected to the pelvis by the head of femur is well centered positioned into the acetabulum (concave socket located in pelvis), the boney surfaces of femur head and acetabulum are covered by cartilage as the bones provide strength for body weight. The cartilage provides smooth fit motion. Dysplastic hip anatomy Two main changes occur in this type. Firstly, the head of femur becomes not well centered deeply and held tightly into the acetabulum. Secondly, acetabulum becomes misshapen (not smooth and round). These two changes lead to friction within the joint and abnormal wear and tear as the joint moves causing pain.

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How does it happen? It’s a hereditary disease. The developmental defects initiated by genetic subluxation of the immature hip joint causing laxity (looseness) in the hip joint that should be tight. As the ball (head of femur) and socket (of acetabulum) do not sit properly, the friction causes degeneration of the joint (irregular shaped acetabulum and femoral head). Causes Causes of hip dysplasia considered hereditary mainly (heritability up to 95%). Environmental factors also play a role in hip dysplasia including, an overweight condition, injury or ligament tear at a young age or overexertion on hip joint at young age.

Which breeds get affected mostly? and at what age? All breeds can be affected, giant and large breeds are more commonly affected than small ones. Some breeds are more genetically susceptible to hip dysplasia such as, German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever and Saint Bernard. Early onset of hip dysplasia may develop from four months old. Many recent radiographic techniques are used now to detect the degree of joint laxity (hip dysplasia score). How do I know if my dog suffers from hip dysplasia? The dog will show signs of pain due to degenerative changes in the joint such as, decreased activity, difficulty rising, reluctance to run, jump or climb stairs, intermittent or persistent hing limb, lameness (often worse after exercise), bunny hopping, swaying gait (rear end moves back and forth in pronounced motion), and/or atrophy of thigh muscles. Your vet may examine joint looseness by primary laxity test (ortolan sign), and your dog may likely needs to be given general anaesthetic so that the vet can rotate hip without causing discomfort to the dog.

dysplasia include: triple pelvic osteotomy, juvenile pubic symphysiodesis, femoral head and neck ostectomy (FHO), and full hip replacement. Prevention: As heritability is the main factor and cause of hip dysplasia, dogs with hip dysplasia should be excluded from breeding. Also, you need to learn how to introduce balanced diet to your dog starting from an early age as high calorie/high protein diets produce rapid weight gain, which increases the risk of the disease. Introduce your dog to a balanced exercise that doesn’t include high impact activities such as, excessive jumping on hind legs as it puts extra strain on dogs hind quarter, which may lead to deterioration in hip joints.

Treatment Consult your vet according to the degree of your dog’s hip dysplasia. There are several treatments for hip dysplasia. Conservative treatment: -Weight control to decrease pressure applied to the painful joints. -Analgesics and anti inflammatories as needed and prescribed by your vet. -Nutritional supplements such as, glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate, MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane), green lipped mussels and omega-3. -Physiotherapy and hydrotherapy to decrease joint stiffness, help maintain mussel integrity, and encourage joint and mussel activity. Hydrotherapy maintain joint mobility while minimizing weight bearing Surgical treatment: Surgical treatment maybe necessary once joint degeneration is sever and not responding to conservative treatment. Consult your vet which of the surgical alternatives will be suitable for your dog’s case and age, surgical alternatives for hip

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Vasylenko Mariia Professional Ukranian Groomer

The Importance


Many people don’t understand how important brushing is for dogs. Brushing is not only a method to change your dog’s look, but it’s vital for his health too. Showbox brought to you what you need to know about the importance of brushing, the types of brushes, and the different types of dog coats.


Brushing your dog is nesscary to remove dirt, stimulate the skin and circulate natural oils. It also prevents irritations and infections. Dog’s coat plays a major role in the method and the frequency of dog brushing. The fat layer on the skin protects it from a surples of moisture and drying, as well as protects it from bacteria. A dog changes its coat twice a year espically with the change in weather. There are several types of coats including: A common type of coat depends on the average of duration and average density of changing their hair such as, the German Shepherd, Husky, and Golden Retriever. This type must be well combed by using 2 brushes; a coat untangle brush for short hair, and a soft brush (fine wire brush). Dog grooming is then recommended after brushing to remove exccess hair and to wash the dirt off. The long type includes; for example, the long hair German Shepherd, Caucasian, and Cocker Spaniel. This type needs daily care; it needs to be brushed almost everyday. Again, you need to use the previous 2 types of brushes for this type: a coat untangle brush for long hair, and a soft brush (fine wire brush). Not paying attention to your dog’s brushing will result in hair curling, which makes brushing more difficult, and can hurt your dog’s skin. Moreover, you should give your dog a

hair cut twice a year, pay attention to hair on the legs and behind the ears, and don’t forget to do nail trimming when needed. The smooth type of coat like Doberman, Boxer, and Rottweiler, which is one of the easiest to brush. This type needs a bristle brush and untangles comb with fine teeth. A typical type of coat such as, Poodle, Maltase, and Pichon, which requires regular grooming, trimming and brushing. Use brush with metal teeth and an untangle comb with few teeth. It’s better to start getting your dog used to brushing at an early age to avoid problems later. Such dog breeds need an early age accustomed to these procedures as they will be very frequent, which would avoid problems later. For this type of coat, we use brush with metal teeth, comb untangle with a few teeth, and comb untangle with frequent teeth.







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Reveals All About Dog Collars As one of the partners of EgyPuppy, Mohamed Mohsen knows better when it comes to dog accessories. Not only does he love his job, but works and learns with passion. Read what Mohamed told us about dog collars, their types, and his advice to dog owners.

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Tell us more about yourself My name is Mohamed Mohsen, 24 years old, I graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Business Marketing. Raising dogs and horse ridding are my passion, and I am one of the partners of EgyPuppy. Are dogs and horses related? Yes, both of them are very smart and loyal animals to their owners.

How did you gain your knowledge and experience in dog food and accessories? I have been raising dogs since childhood, besides the fact that I work in this field, and that’s how I started to choose accessories for dogs.

Is choosing dog accessories a talent? Yes, of course, because each breed is unique and different in their lifestyle. There is a difference between short hair breeds, long hair breeds, small breeds and giant breeds, each one of them has specific accessories to suit them.

How can one identify the quality of the accessories whether its good or bad, suitable or not? Speaking of collars, there are several types of collars including, stainless, leather and polyester. Leather collars for long hair breeds are not prefered because leather does not allow air to reach the skin; however, our leather collars are especially made with holes to avoid skin infections. The holder in the collar is supposed to be strong to avoid accidents that might happen if it breaks. The polyester collar is prefered for the long hair breeds because it’s covered with a soft layer from inside. It is also reflective in light to be able to see the dog in the dark, and the best use for the polyester collar is in the summer so that the dog can wear it while swimming. The show collar is also called the show leash because its both a collar and a leash that comes in one piece. Dogs wear it at the shows while standing in the ring; however, dogs who use it should be well trained so that they don’t break it with any sudden movement as it is very thin.

Does the show collar needs special handling or is it user friendly? Yes, it needs special handling. Like I said before,

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the dog has to be obedient and trained for the shows. He shouldn’t pull on the collar so it doesn’t break, and the handler has to learn how to use it. It is thin specially made for the shows so that it doesn’t appear in the pictures.

What other types of collars do you have? We have the puppy collars as its preferable that dogs get used to collars at early age. We also have the spiky collar, which is only used for trainings. The collar has spikes inside of it that doesn’t harm the dog as it has rubber at the end of each spike. These spikes allow the owner or the trainer limit the dog’s actions and/or correct his mistakes. It’s not an all day collar, it has to be removed when the dog finishes the training.

What do you think of people who make their dogs wear this type of collar all day to limit their dog’s actions? As I said before, this collar should only be used for trainings. Dogs should wear it during trainings or walking, and then it should be taken off. This type of collar is used for guiding dogs.

What else about collars do you need to highlight? There’s a huge difference between the collar and the harness, and both of them have advantages. Collars are worn around the neck to control dogs, but it can’t be used for all breeds. Small breeds can’t wear collars because it might frighten them. Instead, you can use the harness, which has to be made of polyester for their hair. Big harness are used for bigger breeds like Rottweilers, which is usually used for sports such as, pulling. This harness has two hooks that balance the pressure of pulling on the dog. There’s a new harnesses made for sports as well, which has pockets on both sides to place weights inside of them, which allows the dog to run without pulling on anything. However, if the dog is not trained on obedience, he will pull on you.

What is your advice to consumers? I advise them not to buy cheap accessories because they can harm their dogs, and/or break in a very short time. Instead, buy strong accessories that make dogs comfortable. To watch interview live, visit our facebook page: Showbox MAG


FOOD Your Dog Shouldn’t


No one can resist that cute face of course. But, can a biscuit or some noodles from your plate hurt your dog? Well, that depends on what it is and what’s in it. There are some types of food that can cause real problems to your dog. In fact, there are many types of food your dog should never eat. And, it’s not just because of weight gain. Some foods are downright dangerous for dogs and some of these common foods may surprise you.





Coffee, Tea, and Other Caffeine

Caffeine in large enough quantities can be fatal for a dog. And, there is no antidote. Symptoms of caffeine poisoning include restlessness, rapid breathing, heart palpitations, muscle tremors, fits, and bleeding. In addition to tea and coffee, including beans and grounds, caffeine can be found in cocoa, chocolate, colas, and stimulant drinks such as Red Bull. It’s also in some cold medicines and pain killers.

Grapes and Raisins

Grapes and raisins have often been used as treats for dogs. But it’s not a good idea. Although it isn’t clear why, grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs. And, just a small amount can make a dog ill. Repeated vomiting is an early sign, within a day, the dog will become lethargic and depressed. The best prevention is to keep grapes and raisins off counters and other places your dog can reach.

Macadamia Nuts

Dogs should not eat macadamia nuts or foods containing macadamia nuts because they can be fatal. As few as six raw or roasted macadamia nuts can make a dog ill. Symptoms of poisoning include, muscle tremors, weakness or paralysis of the hindquarters, vomiting, elevated body temperature, and rapid heart rate. Eating chocolate with the nuts will make symptoms worse, possibly leading to death.

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Candy and Gum

Candy, gum, toothpaste, baked goods, and some diet foods are sweetened with xylitol. Xylitol can cause an increase in the insulin circulating through your dog’s body. That can cause your dog’s blood sugar to drop and can also cause liver failure. Initial symptoms include vomiting, lethargy, and loss of coordination. Eventually, the dog may have seizures. Liver failure can occur within just a few days.


Most people know that chocolate is bad for dogs. The toxic agent in chocolate is the obromine. It’s in all kinds of chocolate, even white chocolate. The most dangerous kinds, though, are dark chocolate, chocolate mulch, and unsweetened baking chocolate. Eating chocolate, even just licking the icing bowl, can cause a dog to vomit, have diarrhea, and be excessively thirsty. It can also cause abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures, and death.

Raw Eggs

There are two problems with giving your dog raw eggs. The first is the possibility of food poisoning from bacteria like Salmonella or E. coli. The second is that an enzyme in raw eggs interferes with the absorption of a particular vitamin B. This can cause skin problems as well as problems with your dog’s coat, if raw eggs are fed for a long time.

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It’s not a good idea to share salty foods like chips or pretzels with your dog. Eating too much salt can cause excessive thirst and urination and lead to sodium ion poisoning. Symptoms of too much salt include vomiting, diarrhea, depression, tremors, elevated body temperature, and seizures. It may even cause death.

Sugary Foods and Drinks

Too much sugar can do the same thing to dogs that it does to humans. It can lead to obesity, dental problems, and possibly the onset of diabetes

Your Medicine

Reaction to a drug commonly prescribed for humans is the most common cause of poisoning in dogs. Just as you would do for your children, keep all medicines out of your dog’s reach. And, never give your dog any over-the-counter medicine unless told to do so by your vet. Ingredients such as, acetaminophen or ibuprofen are common in pain relievers and cold medicine. And, they can be deadly for your dog.

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Addicted to Animals Everyone knows Ahmed Mekky the actor who makes us laugh and amuses us, but who of you knows that Mekky is a huge dog lover? He has been an animal fan since his childhood, and he has always been raising dogs. If you want to know about his experience, read what Mekky told us about his love for dogs..





such as, the jumping spider, the black spider, the poisonous one and the usual one, all kinds of spiders. I also had the Californian turtles, different kinds of snakes, and all kinds of birds like pigeon, canaries, red siskin, black siskin, water lovers, Australian and of course dogs.

How did you discover your love for pets? My older brother Tarek was crazy about animals and birds when I was a child. At that time, he used to design birds’ cages and fish bowls by himself, which made me realize his passion for animals. When I first started to speak, I made the pigeon’s voice, which made my family wonder how I did that voice when I was only few months old. I used to love watching birds and animals all day to understand them and feel their needs just as if we had a kind of chemistry between us. In addition, when I lived in Emirates, I used to read and study about them as there wasn’t any TV channels that talk about animals at that time. I remember that I finished reading the series of “Al Gahez,” which is about all kinds of animals when I was in third grade. I wanted to be a vet when I was a kid so, I started long ago the crossbreeding methods in birds, which made me famous in the birds industry, and that was the beginning.

What were the results of the crossbreeding method? They were pretty amazing. I mixed different families of singing birds with wild birds and I had very good results out of them. What kind of other pets have you raised? I had several types of spiders that filled my room

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How and when did you start raising dogs? I used to have a phobia from dogs because when I was around 4 years old, I got attacked and badly bitten by two Rottweilers. That made me panic everytime I see any dog to the point that I had to wait until dogs in the street change their direction. Then, I realized I had to get over my fear and give dogs another chance espically that I love animals very much so, I decided that I will study dogs’ body language to know exactly what they want and how they feel. And, how did you feel when you started to understand the body language of dogs? I got my first dog in early 2000’s, she was a female Doberman, who was smart and stubborn at the same time. She was somehow stable without any kind of training, I loved her so much and she made me believe the quote that says “the more I know people, the more I love my dog” because they are so loyal to their owners. Have you ever had cats? I got one as a gift when I was 7 years old, he used to get scared from anything and hide under the bed. I was the only one who made him get out and play, but I didn’t like them like dogs. What do you have to say about the quote that says “dogs are for people who want to be loved and cats are for people who wants to love”? That’s cliche and doesn’t make sense because animals love their owners and owners love them back; otherwise, they are not going to raise them. Which dog breed do you prefer and why? I love Doberman because he is a mixed breed between German Shepherd, Greyhound and other breeds. Doberman has several advantages as the short hair ones and the muscle build bodies are very fast. He is not very heavy; he’s a medium size dog as well as a working dog. He is playful, smart and the most important thing to me is that he doesn’t drool. I also love the Canary dog; he’s a Spanish Mastiff. He is big in size and heavy in weight yet, he is not a lazy dog, he is smart and

playful too. However, there are people who believe that he is not a friendly dog to keep around children yet, I believe that any trained dog with a good bloodline will be a safe one to keep around kids. Which dog is the closest to your heart of all the dogs you owned and why? Missy, my female Bullmastiff; I named her Missy not after the football player, but after Missy Elliott the rap singer. We have a bond that makes us understand each other very well. She cheers me up when I feel stressed or depressed, and she accepts the people I like willingly. Yet, she warns me of the people who are evil, I remember once I had a problem with someone at work, and he couldn’t come near my house for a while. I had her when she was only 45 days, and now she’s 5 years and a half old. Have you breeded many dogs? Yes, I did, I’ve breeded Doberman and the results were great. Missy also got 2 litters that were amazing, I remember that she got a puppy from her second litter that almost died, he wasn’t moving or breathing at all. She then started pumping his chest and licking him until he started to breath, and then placed him next to his siblings; it was a very emotional scene. Aside from Missy, what other breeds do you want to own? If I had the space, I would get a Pit Bull, a Malinois and an American Bulldog. I already have a German Shepherd now that I got as a gift when he was 2 months old, which I was thinking of giving him away to any of my friends. But when he fell in the pool I saved him, and ever since then, he became attached and very protective over me so, I decided to keep him. Why haven’t you appeared with any of your dogs in your movies? There hadn’t been the chance or the need to. Plus, I don’t like to show off with my dogs for no reason. If there is a part in the script that needs a dog, I might do that; otherwise, it would be meaningless.

Regarding dogs, what are your future plans? In the animal industry, there are two kinds of people; owners and breeders. I love breeding and I feel joy doing it, I felt very proud when I breeded my own dogs. And that’s why I wish to have a big land and live in it with all my birds and dogs, and breed them all to people who are aware of what they’re looking for. What do you think of the dog industry in Egypt? There are 2 categories in the animal industry not only the dogs industry; people who seek information and search for it to understand, and people who has the information, but don’t update it, whom I believe are not breeders and one shouldn’t buy any kind of animal from them. What can you say to Showbox readers about that industry? Don’t go for the easy way, the more you love your pet, the more he will love you back. Also, read and search for any kind of animal you want to raise, and seek information from vets when it comes to health issues, watch videos and read books. Don’t hesitate to ask your vet about anything related to your animal to allow him have a long, happy and healthy life. In addition, you have to know what kind of dog you can cope with if you will raise him inside the house or in the garden, whether you have kids or not, and/or have a strong personality or not, there are many things you need to ask about before you buy a dog. What are the breeds that you advice readers not to raise in Egypt? Caucasians and Tibetan Mastiffs, they can’t cope with our Egyptian weather because they have heavy hair. What do you think about the idea of our magazine Showbox? It’s an amazing idea to have all the information you need in one place. Instead of searching for bits and bytes of information in several websites, you got all what you need in one place.

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El Dandarawy The Master of German Shepherd German Shepherd Club of Egypt President and professional instructor Hashem El Dandarawy is one of a kind. Charming, kind hearted yet, firm, Hashem has by all means mastered in raising and training German Shepherds. His German Shepherd Club is reputable, and his work is certainly professional. Hashem El Dandarawy speaks to Showbox about himself, the German Shepherd Club of Egypt, and much more. 30 6 SB SB

Tell us more about yourself My name is Hashem El Dandarawy, CEO of German Shepherd Club of Egypt. I started drawing my attention to training German Shepherds to become competitive worldwide. I was very keen on dog shows in and outside Egypt, as well as interested in I.P.O dog circuits. I wanted to develop my interests and so, I joined a recent dog circuit that includes obedience and aggressiveness. My aim is that Egypt becomes one of the main countries in the world of dogs just like abroad. How did you succeed to do that? Actually, I participate with my dogs in different countries abroad, and I had a dream to participate in the World’s Dog Show. Hopefully, Egypt will become an official member in the WUSV, and legally participate in the World’s Dog Show. I was asked to establish a club for German Shepherds in Egypt. So, we sent our documents to the WUSV in Germany to accept us as members. It took a year and a half for Egypt to finally become a member in the Junior Club in the WUSV. The junior membership lasts for 3 years, which doesn’t have the authority to vote or elect. Luckily, I participated in the final run ups of the World’s Dog Show in 2010, and I ranked 57 out of 157 participants in different countries. I also participated again in 2011, and hopefully, I can participate this year as well. What is the difference between the showline German Shepherd and the working line? At the very beginning, German Shepherds were supposed to be guard dogs with certain characteristics. However, over the time, with other countries’ interest like USA, the attention was drawn to the German Shepherd’s looks especially with the increasing number of dogs in the movies. The demand on the breed increased, which diverse the dog into two types: the showline, which is concerned with the dog’s looks and body, and the working line, which is concerned with the dog’s capacity and ability to perform. The I.P.O shows are mainly designed to rank dogs on their obedience and protection. The working line ranking in shows is more complicated than the showline, as they go through several tests. The judge ranks the dog according to his obedience to orders, their bite, how they take pressure, and several more. While the showline dog is ranked on fewer things. Also, there is a difference between both when it comes to color pigmentation, showline dogs are mostly rust and black while working line dogs are mostly black, black and tan, light beige, and the old colors like grey. Darker colors reflect strength in the genes of the dog. However, Egyptians don’t pay attention to working line dogs.

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Be it a working line dog or a showline dog, are there any characteristics or rules for the productive dog? It’s important to use a dog with the basic characteristics of the breed as the litters will inherit the characteristics of the productive dog. The productive dog has to be in good health condition especially that HD is one of the most common diseases in German Shepherds, as it’s a genetic disease. Also, the temperament of the dog has to be put in consideration. Aggressive productive dog may inherit this to the litters. Unfortunately, in Egypt, we are confused between aggressive dogs, and dogs that are able to take orders. Aggressive dogs can bite anyone and can easily be brutal, on the contrary, strong dogs can function under pressure, and are able to be guided. To conclude, productive dogs have to be in a good health, physical and mental condition. As I mentioned before, showline dogs follow certain characteristics including, color pigmentation, position of the tail, and many more as well as the body curves. Some people think that dogs become in a better shape as the body curves increases. However, they shouldn’t increase than normal because it affects their ability to walk. Working line dog follow certain genetic characteristics including BH, which tests for the dog’s attitude. Also, the I.P.O 1 is very important because it tests the dog’s ability on smelling, working under pressure, obedience and protection. There are also I.P.O 2 and I.P.O 3, which are a plus. These tests and characteristics are important for dog shows, and people prefer to buy litters from these dogs. Are there any plans for any dog shows or events sponsored by WUSV that is going to take place in the near future? The German Shepherd Club in Egypt is fully supported by the WUSV, and through the club there will be shows for breed confirmation for both showline and working line dogs so, that these dogs can participate in other shows. The World Dog Show organized by WUSV for showline dogs is held in Germany, while the one for working line dogs, which changes its place every year, is held this year in France. Our club is responsible for naming nominees for these shows through the dog shows I mentioned earlier. Judges of the show have to be from Germany through the WUSV. However, with the current political situation in Egypt, they haven’t decided yet about the judges. The nominees of the working line are 5 plus 1 (on reserve), while the showline are 2, probably 3.

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What do you advice breeders? Fortunately, Egypt has a good number of professional and educated breeders nowadays, which makes me as the CEO of the German Shepherd Club happy. Firstly, a breeder is the one who produces 3 litters a year. I advice breeders to follow up with their litters’ health, physical, and mental condition, especially after a year or a year and a half. Always follow up with them throughout their stages so that you can make better or the same choice the next time. I also advice breeders who breed as a hobby to choose dogs with good characteristics as Egypt now is full of good quality breeds. When you buy a dog, speak with the breeder, watch the dog yourself, and don’t listen to others’ advice, it’s your responsibility to produce healthy litters. And that’s how bloodlines become better. I’d like to see German Shepherds in Egypt compete with the ones abroad, which can happen with the help of breeders. Don’t follow certain bloodlines, on the contrary, try different and new ones. Don’t restrict yourself to limited gene pool. I would like to welcome anyone who likes to join, help or advice the club, it’s open for anyone anytime. Each one can make a difference, as it’s a collaborative work. To watch interview live, visit our facebook page: Showbox MAG



y? I shower my pupp How often should pe of coat, wheather and e ty It depends on th en, you do ppy is a Husky th place. If your pu t since their lo a g do ur yo er not need to show es a certain type of oil to uc skin already prod n hair. If you have a double ea cl d an up smooth brush and deshed en, you need to th d ee be br y? at pp co pu a eal period could Where can I buy a reputable breeder with an shower, an id essary. th re mo is n tio if not necc Your best op ments yet, once per month and health docu successful history ins. Tr y to test the temperament ig oducts? e as human avoid unknown or Can I feed milk pr ed him cottage cheese and ould be as stabl sh it y, pp pu ur fe ly of yo on n ca u Yes, yo ry helpful for the child. ts in both are ve as ye rt, gu yo system. ns before having puppy digestive some preparatio Do I need to do bad behavior? to a puppy? I stop my puppy’s ed as a baby till re so make sure do ca w of t Ho lo a s y ed pp at ld be tre A puppy ne first month. Pu Your puppy shou ; however, a voice control e especially the hs nt have enough tim a balanced tempreture (27). mo 3 of e the ag ve ge in tone when place should ha trition regime, with a slight chan this could ruin his nu ed ds er ee ef br pr e is th t at your puppy, Read more abou angr y. Never be itely regret, d health. that you will defin r temperament an te dog. future charac in ious thing any ppy? it’s the most prec pu ce my sin in tra e, tty ac po How do I enough sp y him a crate with at least 8 reak my puppy? Best way is to bu t ile to r fo t ou act between How do I houseb puppy ep sle to work on the cont spend ys him try getting your wa ke al ta , ld en ou th sh ys u u da Yo yo 4 e r the more tim e dog lives times per day fo and the puppy, aller the area th u derstand sm yo un e n Th ca e. u e at lik yo t cr inside his they do no ppy, the more ce pu sin lf ur se yo ould have th him sh s wi y ld ors. Your pupp do in, the more he ho his en op . to how y and earn his ey sleep educational wa to pee where th ould some limits in an . obeying Food sh e for a puppy? rd (treat/ball) by um of 10 minutes then, id wa ov re pr I ld ou ew sh ch a maxim need to What toys essional be available for teethening, they next meal. A prof fficult e A puppy might be raw thick bone, some rubber th till ay aw n ke l di ta ra a e ve e lik se lik r ing fo rs th required on some ol breede trainer might be ing the positive so help. Old scho us al t e ar gh mi ey y. th ys to to re le g su do ewab breeds, but make sh carrot as a ch thod of training. to give him a fre reinforcement me lk? wa ppy for outdoors Can I take my pu ters so that his os bo his d ha y urse, your Yes, if your pupp ready for it. Of co immunity could be over the outer life, it is critical disc ong all puppy needs to ppy to interact am ing dog pu ed nc la lud for a ba inc es life experienc distractions and 33 6 friends.

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Behavior Training for


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In order to have a well established dog behavior you need to make proper preparations in early age, having a daily routine for your family companion makes it a lot easier for you and your dog to live happily. There are essencial basics that are required on baby & puppyhood. If you need to know more, read on.

The Essencial Basics for Puppyhood Kennel box, Crate, Doghouse:

Your puppy needs to know that he has a bed, where he feels safe and secured on. Having a constant place for your puppy is a must to avoid him sleeping on tiles resulting in bones and health problems. Sleeping in crate is a limitating destructive behavior in your absence.

Scheduled Meals

Your puppy should have a fixed time for his meals, which should be three times per day, if he is over 90 days old. He should have them on the exact time everyday as it is easier to plan your life while he is asleep. Moreover, puppies should also have enough human interaction, a minimum of 5 hours per day, to teach your puppy the art of life, as well as form your future companion character.

Potty Training

If the previous steps have been taken into consideration, you will not face a problem with potty training your puppy. Puppies don’t pee where they sleep, which will make your puppy hold up to himself as long as he can, and this would be the right time to take your puppy for a walk outdoor on the same time every day. The best time for a walk is after a long nap into his crate, puppies should get out for potty at a minimum of 8 times per day, which are then reduced over time when your puppy gets the message. Usually, this method takes 4-7 days of training.


Nutrition is a challenge at early age, this is how you build up your composed building. Invest more time in educating yourself about your dog breed’s nutrition; do not fall for rumors or easy experience just by a word of mouth. Proper nutrition can save you a lot of vet visits and low immunity related diseases such as, demodex (skin disease).

Behavoir Towards Puppy

Never beat your puppy, physical correction doesn’t send the right message to your puppy instead, try to work on your voice tone since early age. Your voice control could save your dog’s life one day, it could also save your life if strangers attack you and you need your dog to interfere.

Be Firm Somehow

Do not spoil your dog too much, puppies are smarter than you think. If they had it all, they would dominate your house later, and show a lot of destructive behavior. Some of the wrong habbits that your dog might do include: Jumping up. Dominating your bed. Dominating your belongings like shoes or clothes. Growling while eating. If your puppy is not teethening (over 4 months) then, it can never play by biting. This shows a lot of dominance that causes bully attitude later in time. Never leave your dog to your workers or employees, you can’t imagine how a single minute of negative experience could affect your puppy for months, and sometimes for years. If you are facing difficulties in house breaking that your dog is causing then, please send us a detailed e.mail with your problem, and we will consult our behaviorist for trouble shooting.

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Mohamed The Behaviorist

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Growing up admiring dogs, Mohamed Wafa’s dream came true. Founder and owner of Jacket Rust, he accomplished his dream to train and expand what he learnt abroad in Egypt. His love for dog circles made him believe that it’s not a matter of success rather a message that he wants to deliver. Mohamed Wafa speaks to Showbox about his dog circle accomplishments, the concept of dog circles, himself, and much more.



BLOCK 1157, BUILDING NO. 9, Ministers Square, Sheraton Buildings Heliopolis, Cairo - Egypt Tel.: +(202) 22666 491

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Tell us more about youself My name is Mohamed Wafa, and I studied Business Administration. I have many hobbies including, hiking, camping, martial arts, and owning and breeding dogs are on top of course. When did you discover your love for dogs? When I was a kid, I used to eat in the balcony as I used to hate eating. I used to sit for hours watching our neighbour’s dog, which was a German Shepherd. I was very interested in dogs, which made me take stray dogs and shelter them at home when I grew older, which caused me some problems with my parents of course at the time. I also used to go to ‘souq al gomaa’ to buy the dogs that I want to save from the irresponsible dealers. What is the concept of dog circles? And how did you learn about it? Actually, I didn’t learn about the dog circle itself. In 2005, I volunteered in a workshop that was organized by the Nat Geo in Crougar National Park in South Africa, which was unpaid. We had the opportunity to choose the type of animal to do our research on. Out of a huge number of animals at the park, I decided to work on the African Wild Dog as it was a rare animal in South Africa, around 150 African Wild Dogs in the park. The reason for its limited number was that Africans used to kill whole packs of African Wild Dogs as they used to feed on livestock, it’s a very smart animal. Africans used to kill aplhas too as they

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were easily produced. Its size is smaller than the Grey Wolf, around 70 cm in height, and it’s similar to hyenas in color. Their wonderfulness is in the secret of their behavior; usually carnivores choose their alpha according to dominance. When the alpha dies, a huge fight takes place between them, and the winner leads the pack. African Wild Dogs are different, the alpha is chosen by submission in a very peaceful way. I believe that if their philosophy is applied in any country, it would be utopia. When the alpha of the pack hunts it’s pray, he allows the little pups to eat first. This builds confidence and independence in younger dogs. In addition, their hunting techniques are intelligent; the alpha makes a recognizable sound, which prepares the rest of the pack to get ready for the hunting and chasing mission. Usually, the alpha leads the whole pack in front, and the rest don’t just follow behind, but from different angles, chasing for a long distance that might reach around 60 km. When the front line gets exhausted, the followers continue to get the hunt. After they catch the hunt, they don’t end, they carry the rest of the females, the pups and the unable to move or hunt from them. The male also takes care of the pregnant females and the little pups by making shifts of security. Usually, in other carnivores, this is the role of the female, but it’s different in the African Wild Dog. During the mating season, usually males approach females for mating, which is again the opposite in the African Wild Dog.

This is where and how I have learned about dog psychology and behavior, which made it easier for me to deal with aggressive breeds like Caucasians, Huskies and Alabais.. etc. From this point, an extreme shift in career took place in my life, from family business to dog behaviorist and trainer. I have learned the training techniques by a trainer from Chez Republic living in Germany. However, I had to deal with the problem that Egyptian dog owners believe that they don’t need a trainer to teach them about dog basic commands and orders, although some of them own breeds that need experience and a lot of training. I have seen problems created due to lack of experience of raising dogs. Some owners think that it’s enough to pay attention to dog’s nutrition to have a healthy dog, but that’s not enough. For example, some of the owners lack the experience to deal with aggressive dogs, which make them give them away, which again creates another problem with the dog himself making him miserable and sometimes can lead to his death. Choosing a dog depends on the owner’s lifestyle; for example, an active owner shouldn’t own a lazy dog and vice versa. We have faced many of these conflict cases with many breeds including domestic dogs, which is a very sensitive case due to its tough and unpleasant life and experience.

Speaking of dog circles, dogs do experience psycological issues just like people, and thus they need therapy as well. I follow behaviorists internationally, who do dog therapy. This is one of the biggest challenges I have faced; to implement these therapies. I started this concept on my 9 dogs. I thought of taking them to trips with me, but because they are different breeds, they vary in their energy levels which made it difficult; some are highly distracted, some are lazy, and some are hyperactive. It is a challenge to put all of these breeds in the same psychological state. The idea here is to put yourself in your dog’s shoes and the distractions that might annoy him, which allows you to take action, you then can advance before the dog even reacts. It’s highly stressful with lots of dogs around in the circle that may include 35 to 40 dogs, which is the maximum capacity I can handle at a time. That’s why the dog circle only includes club members so that I can assure that these dogs are trained and obedient, which have already been trained by me. The dog circle is about creating harmony between the different energy levels inside each dog. After moving in circles for 20 minutes the dog’s energy becomes almost stable and ready to start. What is the benefit of dog owners to attend the dog circle? Due to the difference in the lifestyle of the dog and the owner, the dog might not be getting the

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attention or care it needs. After dealing with the conflict first, the dog and the owner must refresh the training, which might not happen due to an owner’s busy schedule for example. So, the dog circle does the job of refreshing the course to help stabilizie the therapy the dog went through. The dog circle is the only way to keep your dog happy, safe and socializing. Definitely, the circle makes a remarkable change in the dog’s psychology, but it won’t last if it’s not rehearsed; it takes time just like any other therapy does. What are the pros and cons of the Egyptian market? Speaking of pros, we are a very highly populated country that has a high potential as the perspective of owning a dog has changed over the years. After the revolution, the demand on owning dogs for security purposes has increased. Many people discovered the benefits of owning a dog. Actually, some owners get surprised from the dog’s intelligence and the amount of positive energy a dog could spread. That’s one of the reasons why dogs are used in autism therapies with children, handicaps and cancer patients for example.

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The cons are not few according to the diversity in social and academic standards in Egypt. The lack of experience of dog owners, especially first time owners, might lead to wrong breed choices to be family companions, or even protection dogs, as mentioned before, the dog must get along with the owner’s lifestyle. Not to mention, some breeds are unable to adapt with the city life due to their high level of agility or aggression, that is in their nature and genes. Unfortunately, some people take advice from people who have misconceptions about dogs, which has a negative impact on both the dog and the owner. There are people who neglect searching for the right piece of information. What are your future plans? I have some new surprises that I can’t speak about at the moment, it has to do with the dog circle concept and music therapy though. I’m still working on the concept and not sure of the results yet, but I am optimistic espically after the success of dog therapies. There are special tones and melodies that can send messages to the dog’s brain, which is the upgrade I’m aiming to reach to merge dog circle with music therapy.

What do you advice dog owners? Don’t wait for the knowledge to come to you, search for it and figure out what’s right and what’s wrong because that will make a huge difference in your dog’s life. Try to reach perfection and watch the progress as it takes place. Moreover, do not underestimate your dog’s intelligence. What do you advice dog trainers? Deal with the dog you train as if it is your own dog, and aim to reach the highest level of trainability as if it’s your own too. I would like to advice junior trainers to work hard, read a lot and practice. I didn’t figure out my success until I saw satisfaction in the customer’s eyes. What about pet stores? This is commercial so I can’t give advice, the only thing I can say is that don’t sell any irrelevant pet

to its pure breed for profit purpose only. The level of awareness is getting higher so, you have to keep up with the customer’s knowledge. Last but not least, what is your advice to breeders? I can’t compare myself to some of the professional breeders, as there are many and many who are better than me. However, I’d like to highlight on the importance of early socialization for puppies as I believe that they should be exposed to noise, strangers, streets, cars..etc. So, I advice breeders as well as owners to have their puppies exposed to the environment as early as possible because it makes a lot of difference in their behavior and socialization. To watch interview live, visit our facebook page: Showbox MAG

41 SB


The National

dog show March

42 6 SB SB



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Alexander Dimitrov - Ge rman Shepherd

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- All breeds

43 SB

Best in Show

Owner: Ra Dog: Kelly my Darwish

Dog: Lotu from Houses of


Owner: Maz en Dog: Playmo re


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Zana Ahmed OwneSr:ahara Dog:

d r: Ahme OwneK elvin Dog:


El Hoss

na r: Daia OwneA x le : g Do

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45 SB

46 SB

47 SB

48 SB

49 SB

50 SB

52 SB

53 SB



Sir PlayMor’s Wild Ride

Dam Indigo N for Nelly

x Sir Titles 2nd B.I.S National Dog Show 2014

Rating Breeders Preference Mating Plan Contact

Dam Titles 3rd B.I.S Khufu 2013

Show Sport Community & Responsible owner 15th of June 2014 01201616168

Sir & Dam Festek & Besela Rating Breeders Preference Responsible owners Litter Born 25th of March 2014







Sir Amoun Ra z Metaboxu

Dam Bjork z Metaboxu Jacket Rust Presents

Litter E

x Sir Titles Grand Champion of Egypt

Dam Titles Anubis 2012 (Best of Breed) Sister of World Dog Show Junior winner 2013 (Berla z Metaboxu)

Rating Breeders Preference Litter Born Contact

Show Sport Community & Responsible owner 24th of March 2014 01205788944

Sir Karol Schwarzov Dvor Bohemi

Dam Helsa Vom Team Flemereck

x Sir Titles None Rating Breeders Preference Litter Born Contact

Dam Titles None None 10th of April 2014 01000190285

55 SB

First aid


As a first aider, there are some steps that you can take before you visit the vet because every minute counts, and you never know, you can be the reason to save your dog’s life. Showbox brought to you just a few first aid basic procedures to follow, read on.. Basic procedures Bleeding (external) • After muzzling your dog, press a clean, thick gauze pad over the wound, and keep pressure for a minimum of 3 minutes over the wound with your hand until the blood starts clotting. • If bleeding is on the legs and is severe, apply a tourniquet (using an elastic band or gauze) between the wound and the body, and apply a bandage and pressure over the wound. Loosen the tourniquet for 20 seconds every 15-20 minutes. Burns • If its chemical, first muzzle him and then, flush burn immediately with large quantities of water. • If its severe, quickly apply ice water compress to burned area. Choking • Symptoms: difficulty breathing, excessive pawing at the mouth, choking sounds when breathing or coughing, blue-tinged lips/tongue. • Look into his mouth, if you see an object, gently try to remove it with pliers or tweezers, but be careful not to push the object further down the throat. Don’t spend a lot of time trying to remove it if it’s not easy to reach, take him to a veterinarian immediately. • If you can’t remove the object or he collapses, place both hands on the side of his rib cage and apply firm quick pressure, or lay him on its side and strike the rib cage firmly with the palm of your hand 3-4 times. The idea behind this is to sharply push air out of their lungs and push the object out from behind. Keep repeating this until the object is dislodged, or until you arrive at the veterinarian’s office. What to do if your pet is not breathing • Open your dog’s airway by gently grasping its tongue and pulling it forward (out of the mouth) until it is flat. Check his throat to see if there are any foreign objects blocking the airway. • Perform rescue breathing by closing his mouth (hold it closed with your hand), and breathing with your mouth directly into its nose until you see the his chest expand. Once the chest expands, continue the rescue breathing once every 4 or 5 seconds.





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