Green & Gold

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5405 Spalding Drive Norcross, GA 30092

Green & Gold Volume 16, Issue 9


Seniors Brianna Bardi and Julia Collins receive Girl Scout’s highest award. <<<page 7


Green&Gold explores the unrecognized families of the high school. <<<page 13


A Publication of Wesleyan School

lymphomathon raises awareness in community

Emily Dardaman On Saturday, April 28th, Wesleyan School will host the 4th annual Lymphomathon Walk, a non-competitive 5k in which survivors, family, friends, and supporters join together in support of those who have battled the disease. Registration for the walk will occur at Wesleyan’s Henderson Football Stadium at 9:00 A.M., one hour before the walk begins. Participants can form teams, raising sponsorship money leading up to the event and wearing matching costumes during the walk. This year, registered teams include family groups, Wesleyan sports teams, corporate groups, and more. Current teams leading in donations include the Bodacious Bovines, the Lymphomaniacs, and Snowstorm. Teams and individuals have collaborated to donate over $16,000 at time of publication on the web site, All donations will go towards the Lymphoma Research Foundation’s efforts to end lymphoma . Junior Aubrey McCabe has played a large role in this year’s walk, which included meeting with the Georgia chapter of the (foundation) directors, serving as the student representative to the Wesleyan community, as well as assisting in the planning and organization of the walk. The highlight of her experience, says McCabe, has been “being able to listen to people’s stories about how leukemia or lymphoma has touched their lives. I love hearing how God

moves through seemingly hopeless situations.” Although this is the 4th consecutive year Wesleyan has held the Lymphomathon, the struggle against Lymphoma was first called to the school’s attention when it claimed the life of Class of 2001 alumni Jessica Berry. Her high school sweetheart Justin McKinney (‘99) now

Ashley Gentry On Saturday, April 21 from 8:00 pm until 11:00 pm, the annual Wesleyan prom was held at Adler Plaza for upperclassmen to enjoy. Each year, the prom has a different theme that is kept secret until students arrive at prom. This year, the prom theme was “A Night in Wonderland,” which utilized themes and characters from the popular children’s story Alice in Wonderland. Each year, the prom is designed by the prom committee. The committee is made up of junior and senior girls along with faculty sponsors Meagan Brooker, Rebecca Carpenter and Melissa Thorson. With juniors Madison Jones and Courtney Day as the heads of the committee, the girls decided on the theme, decorations, food and music long before the night of April 21st. The committee selection process begins in April of the previous school year. Rising juniors and seniors fill out applications and await the decisions of the faculty sponsors. This year, the prom committee is made up of juniors Maddy Brehmer, Grace Farley, Adriana Galvez, Ashley Gentry, Janie Harper, Sarah Krause, Jennifer Miller, Mairead O’Hare, Christy Stipe, Kendra Talley, Abby Thurston, Day and Jones. The three seniors, Brianna Bardi, Caroline Jordan and Mackenzie Hediger serve as advisors and help the junior girls since they were on prom committee the previous year. The prom committee started meeting in August during Thursday program. The theme was chosen in September, and since then, the committee has

been making decisions about food, music and decorations, and all of their work paid off in a big way. Day says, “It was the best prom yet. Alice in Wonderland was such a fun theme to carry out. The prom committee girls did amazingly this year. They put so much effort into the planning.” Even the teachers got involved with the prom festivities. Economics teacher Franklin Pridgen says of the event, “I loved the theme and


Editor-in-Chief, Mitchell Gentry, dicusses the truth behind the statement “time flies.” <<<Page 12

The Lymphomathon was created in memory of Jessica Berry who graduated from Wesleyan in 2001. Her boyfriend, who graduated in 1999, started the Lymphomathon to raise money for research. fights a crusade against the disease. A member of

Wesleyan’s second graduating class in 1999, McKinney battled testicular cancer after enrolling at Georgia Tech, then discovered that his then-girlfriend Jessica, at Agnes Scott College, had contracted Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Even though her cancer had a 90% cure rate, chemotherapy and other treatments over four years were ineffective. Her dream was to walk across the stage to receive her college diploma at graduation. Even though she was barely able to walk at the time, she accomplished her goal. At the end of the stage, Hillary Clinton handed her the degree. A week later, she passed away with McKinney and her mother by her side. McKinney reflects, “Although it is sad that those of us who knew her well lost a very special person, it is also wonderful to think about how great it was to know her. So, I put those emotions into an action which can help people just like her. I don’t have the brains to find a cure for her condition but I do have a will to raise as much money as I can on her behalf and direct that money toward research which can possibly save someone else like her.” Members of the Wesleyan community are strongly encouraged to get involved in the 2012 Lymphomathon to fight cancer. McCabe says, “I would definitely recommend this walk to anyone because it takes so little time and can make a huge impact in people’s lives.”

prom ₂₀₁₂: “a night in wonderland” st

Spring seasons wrap up and teams advance to the postseason. <<<page 15

April 27, 2012

The entrance to prom featured a massive structure between the gates followed by a line of beautifully crafted keyholes descending in size. decorations first of all. My wife and I certainly felt the campus was transformed into a magical playground for the night. The gentlemen were dashing, the ladies breathtaking in their gowns and it made for some excellent people-watching. Of course I would like to bathe in the chocolate fountain, such a Wesleyan prom staple. But my favorite part is always the band and dancing. I

don’t ever want to watch myself dance for fear I would see how silly I really look but I have a lot of fun out there and my partner is incredible. ‘Shout’ might have been the highlight song of the night for me along with ‘Brick House’. Prom is always one of my favorite events of the year and I thought the committee did another amazing job.” This year, the prom committee decided to hire the same band that performed at the 2011 prom, which was Limelight. This year they performed popular songs such as “I Gotta Feeling” and “Rolling in the Deep” and they played more classic songs such as “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.” “The high-energy spirits of the band and the students made for an awesome dancing experience,” said senior Chandler Darnall. The prom committee worked with countless parent volunteers on the day before prom as well as the morning of prom. Day says, “Our design came alive on Friday and on Saturday morning as we saw all of our hard work pay off. The decorations were beautiful and we couldn’t have done it without the help of our teachers Mrs. Brooker, Mrs. Thorson and Ms. Carpenter. I am so proud to say that I was a member of the committee and got to experience it with all of these girls. For me, Prom 2012 will always be a memorable night, and I hope the rest of the student body enjoyed it as much as I did.”

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