5405 Spalding Drive, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092
Green & Gold
Volume XXV, Issue III
February 9, 2021
A Publication of Wesleyan School
Sports Signees
Happy New Year!
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Winter sports recap.
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Wesleyan’s winter musical goes “Into the Woods” Carson Schiller
The Wolf Players take the stage Feb. 5-6 for “Into the Woods,” one of Coordinator of Theater Programs Steven Broyles’ favorite productions. This musical centers around the baker and the baker’s wife who are on a mission to find a list of ingredients in order to lift the witch’s spell on them. On their journey they meet all the classics like Little Red Riding Hood, and Cinderella. Senior Elsah James said, “[Into the Woods] takes all the classics that Disney has worked with and combines them into one storyline.” Due to COVID-19, musicals have to be picked precisely and based off the number of actors and actresses on the stage at one time. Broyles said, “We were really struggling with finding a show we felt like we could do safely. A lot of shows have a whole bunch of people on stage with human interactions, and it is hard to not do that in a particular story. [With “Into the Woods” being more of a vignette style], there are only 2 to 3 characters and not a big mob of people on stage.” Broyles felt as if this musical were perfect under the social distancing guidelines. Senior Elsah James said, “With social distancing, we have had to be creative with the musical. We are doing the set a little different. Instead of having woods, we are having it look like an attic.” Broyles came up with this idea of changing the setting to express hidden meanings in the musical. He said, “The attic goes
Seniors Ally Jones and Elsah James along with junior Davis Olds rehearse with props.
to the deeper part of the story with the things that we inherit mainly from the adults that teach us in our lives. I saw the attic as a place where a lot of those things end up going and a place where things collect. Physically, it is at the top of the house like the brain where everything is kept.” The attic is filled with furniture and props, and the characters plan on picking up the props in the attic and
Wesleyan celebrates Martin Luther King Jr. Day Maddie Parsonnet January 15th is always an important day to celebrate and recognize as it is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and Wesleyan School honors MLK by introducing a TeachIn day. Jennifer-Pinkett Smith Director of Diversity has found ways for the Wesleyan community to learn about and serve from the impact Martin Luther King Jr. has made. Pinkett-Smith has coordinated a Teach-In day located in the lower school on Jan. 15. The Teach-In Day is designed for groups to discuss a topic. On Jan. 17 and 18, there are plans for community service where a couple of options are offered such as a food bank.
Martin Luther King Jr. speaks to his supporters. ABCnews
using them in each scene. With a talented cast, some highlighted leading roles are: Baker played by junior William Sabonis-Chafee, Baker’s wife played by junior Tori Hedlund, Little Red Riding Hood played by junior Brenna McConnell, and Witch played by senior Constance Harris. James is excited to play Rapunzel while also getting the opportunity to do some singing for Cinderella’s mother in the background. James is one of many seniors 2021’s winter musical including: Harris, Elizabeth Middleton, Matt Free, and Ally Jones. James said, “The seniors do a lot to get the cast together. Every day we lead warmups [with stretching and voice exercises]. We plan cast dinners and cast parties for social aspects of the musical, too.” Broyles highlighted his favorite character, the witch, played by Harris. Broyles said, “The witch is the one character who is actually telling the truth in the whole story. She steps in and breaks up the madness. I find that to be fascinating.” As Broyles looks forward to showtime, he said, “[My favorite scene is] towards the second act. There is a song called “Your Fault” where Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Jack, and the Baker are arguing about whose fault it is for all the problems they got into because of the choices they made in the first act. It’s an incredibly complex song and a challenge to sing it, so I am excited for the students who are in that to perform it.” James is looking forward to the fun and big group numbers and the dancing scenes. After months of continuous rehearsal, (Con’t on pg. 2)
The Teach-In is designed to celebrate the day Martin Luther King, Jr. was born and the legacy he has left on the world. The King Center has organized this Teach-In inviting anyone and any educational institutions to participate. The King Center sees the meaning and purpose of their Teach-In day as “A teach-in is a meeting, usually between students and teachers, with discussions on important and interesting topics. The purpose of the Beloved Community Teach-In is to educate people of all ages about Dr. and Mrs. King’s legacy and to champion the completion of their unfinished work. Our goal is to establish one Martin Luther King Jr. 1963 delivers his “I Have a day, each year, of action and advocacy for creating The Dream” speech. ABCnews Beloved Community. The King Center has educators, trainers, lesson plans, and other resources for facilitating Teach-In discussions.” The 2021 theme that the King Center has chosen is “The Urgency of Creating the Beloved Community.” This theme is envisioned to encourage a “Beloved Community” - one that is filled with love. The King Center said, “Where differences are celebrated, nonviolence is the chosen method for resolving conflict; equity is a reality and justice truly is for all.” Wesleyan’s lower school is participating in the Teach-In day where students themselves will be able to hear about “Beloved Community Teach-In.” Lower school will join in person, unless there are students who are normally Martin Luther King Jr. waves to his supporters virtual. The middle school will attend the Teach-In day during a rally in Washiongton, D.C.. during their English classes. There will (Con’t on pg. 2) ABCnews