Green & Gold Volume XXV Issue III

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5405 Spalding Drive, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092

Green & Gold

Volume XXV, Issue III

February 9, 2021

A Publication of Wesleyan School



Sports Signees

Happy New Year!

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Winter sports recap.

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Wesleyan’s winter musical goes “Into the Woods” Carson Schiller

The Wolf Players take the stage Feb. 5-6 for “Into the Woods,” one of Coordinator of Theater Programs Steven Broyles’ favorite productions. This musical centers around the baker and the baker’s wife who are on a mission to find a list of ingredients in order to lift the witch’s spell on them. On their journey they meet all the classics like Little Red Riding Hood, and Cinderella. Senior Elsah James said, “[Into the Woods] takes all the classics that Disney has worked with and combines them into one storyline.” Due to COVID-19, musicals have to be picked precisely and based off the number of actors and actresses on the stage at one time. Broyles said, “We were really struggling with finding a show we felt like we could do safely. A lot of shows have a whole bunch of people on stage with human interactions, and it is hard to not do that in a particular story. [With “Into the Woods” being more of a vignette style], there are only 2 to 3 characters and not a big mob of people on stage.” Broyles felt as if this musical were perfect under the social distancing guidelines. Senior Elsah James said, “With social distancing, we have had to be creative with the musical. We are doing the set a little different. Instead of having woods, we are having it look like an attic.” Broyles came up with this idea of changing the setting to express hidden meanings in the musical. He said, “The attic goes

Seniors Ally Jones and Elsah James along with junior Davis Olds rehearse with props.


to the deeper part of the story with the things that we inherit mainly from the adults that teach us in our lives. I saw the attic as a place where a lot of those things end up going and a place where things collect. Physically, it is at the top of the house like the brain where everything is kept.” The attic is filled with furniture and props, and the characters plan on picking up the props in the attic and

Wesleyan celebrates Martin Luther King Jr. Day Maddie Parsonnet January 15th is always an important day to celebrate and recognize as it is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and Wesleyan School honors MLK by introducing a TeachIn day. Jennifer-Pinkett Smith Director of Diversity has found ways for the Wesleyan community to learn about and serve from the impact Martin Luther King Jr. has made. Pinkett-Smith has coordinated a Teach-In day located in the lower school on Jan. 15. The Teach-In Day is designed for groups to discuss a topic. On Jan. 17 and 18, there are plans for community service where a couple of options are offered such as a food bank.

Martin Luther King Jr. speaks to his supporters. ABCnews

using them in each scene. With a talented cast, some highlighted leading roles are: Baker played by junior William Sabonis-Chafee, Baker’s wife played by junior Tori Hedlund, Little Red Riding Hood played by junior Brenna McConnell, and Witch played by senior Constance Harris. James is excited to play Rapunzel while also getting the opportunity to do some singing for Cinderella’s mother in the background. James is one of many seniors 2021’s winter musical including: Harris, Elizabeth Middleton, Matt Free, and Ally Jones. James said, “The seniors do a lot to get the cast together. Every day we lead warmups [with stretching and voice exercises]. We plan cast dinners and cast parties for social aspects of the musical, too.” Broyles highlighted his favorite character, the witch, played by Harris. Broyles said, “The witch is the one character who is actually telling the truth in the whole story. She steps in and breaks up the madness. I find that to be fascinating.” As Broyles looks forward to showtime, he said, “[My favorite scene is] towards the second act. There is a song called “Your Fault” where Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Jack, and the Baker are arguing about whose fault it is for all the problems they got into because of the choices they made in the first act. It’s an incredibly complex song and a challenge to sing it, so I am excited for the students who are in that to perform it.” James is looking forward to the fun and big group numbers and the dancing scenes. After months of continuous rehearsal, (Con’t on pg. 2)

The Teach-In is designed to celebrate the day Martin Luther King, Jr. was born and the legacy he has left on the world. The King Center has organized this Teach-In inviting anyone and any educational institutions to participate. The King Center sees the meaning and purpose of their Teach-In day as “A teach-in is a meeting, usually between students and teachers, with discussions on important and interesting topics. The purpose of the Beloved Community Teach-In is to educate people of all ages about Dr. and Mrs. King’s legacy and to champion the completion of their unfinished work. Our goal is to establish one Martin Luther King Jr. 1963 delivers his “I Have a day, each year, of action and advocacy for creating The Dream” speech. ABCnews Beloved Community. The King Center has educators, trainers, lesson plans, and other resources for facilitating Teach-In discussions.” The 2021 theme that the King Center has chosen is “The Urgency of Creating the Beloved Community.” This theme is envisioned to encourage a “Beloved Community” - one that is filled with love. The King Center said, “Where differences are celebrated, nonviolence is the chosen method for resolving conflict; equity is a reality and justice truly is for all.” Wesleyan’s lower school is participating in the Teach-In day where students themselves will be able to hear about “Beloved Community Teach-In.” Lower school will join in person, unless there are students who are normally Martin Luther King Jr. waves to his supporters virtual. The middle school will attend the Teach-In day during a rally in Washiongton, D.C.. during their English classes. There will (Con’t on pg. 2) ABCnews


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Happy New Year Dear Wesleyan community, In 2020, we have been faced with many obstacles to jump through, and we have had to figure out how to navigate the confusion of the year as we go. We have been faced with new challenges every day, constant change and uncertainty, and disappointment. While I and probably many of you are looking forward to leaving 2020 behind us, there were a lot of blessings that came with the year that we cannot overlook. As I ring in the new year, I have had time to reflect on the past 12 months and observe how I have grown as a person. Although senior year has not been all that I have wished for, I am thankful that I am healthy and able to go to school and be surrounded by teachers and peers – with or without social distancing. I have learned so much more about the health and safety of others and our country, and through the trials of this year I have learned to put others before myself in every aspect of my life. The Wesleyan community and the American people have lived through a global pandemic, an election, and a social justice movement all in the same year. That is a lot to take in, but I hope it has made you all stronger and more intuitive, because it has done that for me. We are fast approaching the spring, March 2021, and I am still trying to process last March: when our lives all came to a screeching halt. It is unbelievable to me how fast the year has gone by despite how much chaos has ensued. However, I am thankful that you, me, the Wesleyan community, and our country are blessed to see another year.

Senior class: it is finally 2021. After all this time, we have made it to the year that we graduate.

Into the Woods (Cont. from page 1)

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

Being a senior during a global pandemic has come with a lot of challenges that we as a class have had to overcome. Although we did not have a senior homecoming dance, “normal” first day of school, and we have not been all together on campus, I am so amazed by the continued unity of our class. It is true that nothing can bring us down or keep us apart. We only have 3 more months of high school. I encourage you to cherish every moment. To the faculty, staff, and teachers at Wesleyan: even if you do

I pray that 2021 is a year full of peace and blessings for all of you. not know who I am and can’t put a face with my name, thank you. Sincerely, thank you, for doing everything in your power to make this year special, memorable, and “normal” for not only the senior class, but for the entire school. Your hard work and passion for students does not go unnoticed. It is obvious that this is more than a career for you, but a family. The community and family feeling of Wesleyan is the glue that has kept this year together… especially for the class of 2021. I pray that 2021 is a year full of peace and blessings for all of you. Thank you for your continued support of the Green & Gold and Happy New Year! Sincerely,

Anna Grace Bowling Martin Luther King Jr. Editor-in-Chief

the Wolf Players are excited for their debut of “Into the Woods”. A special schedule has been sent out for reserving your seats for the show. On Jan. 15, teachers will be able to get tickets. On Jan. 20, students will be able to get tickets. Mark your calendars as tickets are limited!

Limited available tickets! Look for more information coming in announcements. Senior Matt Free, juniors Gigi Alembik and Davis Olds, and sophomore Will Milam rehearse after school for their scene starring the cow. Broyles


be some high school students participating in an all-day Virtual Student Diversity Conference. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy will forever continue to impact the world. Pinkett-Smith said, “Participating in the observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day is important because of the impact, legacy, and tools for love and unity that he provided through his life and teachings.” Pinkett-Smith continues to share her take on why it is important that Wesleyan School should celebrate MLK Day. She said, “His love for Christ and vision for creating a Beloved Community emphasizes Dr. King’s belief of belonging and unity for all. From our youngest to our most seasoned, our Wesleyan community can benefit greatly from learning about Dr. King’s work and teachings that will assist us in fostering a place where all feel welcomed and know that unity and equality are paramount to this becoming a reality.”

Green & Gold Staff Editor-in-Chief….…………...................................Anna Grace Bowling ‘21 Photo and Senior Spotlights Editor..............................Maddie Parsonnet ‘21 Christian Life Editor.....….…………....................……….Avery Pursell ‘21 School Life Editor…….…………...…………....................Rosie Taylor ‘21 Sports Editor….....………………….....................……..Carson Schiller ‘21 Staff Writers……………………...................………....Kendrick Archer ‘22 .........................................................................................Vance Nicklaus ‘21 Advisers………….…….....................…………………..Meredith Jamieson …….....……………......................……………………….…Andrea Shupert All pictures are taken by Maddie Parsonnet unless otherwise noted on the page. Editorials represent the opinion of the individual writer. The Green & Gold welcomes letters to the editor, and reserves the right to edit letters for length, clarity, and content. Email or place letters in Mrs. Shupert’s box. Publication address: The Green & Gold Wesleyan School 5405 Spalding Drive Peachtree Corners, GA 30092

(Cont. from page 1)

HAPPY NEW YEAR, WOLVES! “The new year stands before us like a chapter in a book waiting to be written.” - Melody Beattie

C. Archer




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Bella Tucker

What colleges are you applying to or going to? I am applying to TCU, UGA, Texas A&M, UVA, Alabama, and App State. Where would you travel to if you could go anywhere right now? Probably Banff, Ecuador, or Ethiopia. I was supposed to go to all those places this summer, and my trips got cancelled. Who is somebody famous you’d want to be stranded on an island with? Dansby Swanson What’s your most embarrassing moment at Wesleyan? We joke about it now, but on the eighth grade Chattanooga mission trip during the last day, one of my friends asked me to be his girlfriend. The ENTIRE group was waiting on us and watching. We were at the aquarium, so he used the pick-up line; “out of all the fish in the sea, you’re the one for me!” What is one thing you will miss about high school? I will miss watching and playing high school sports! What did you want to be as a child? I have always wanted to be a teacher and a mom. Who was your first Wesleyan crush? Tate Allen in second grade If you could watch one TV series for the rest of your life, what series would it be? “Selling Sunset” or “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” Shane Kelly What colleges are you applying to or going to? Auburn, UGA, Clemson, Baylor Where would you travel to if you could go anywhere right now? I would go to the Maldives Who is somebody famous you’d want to be stranded on an island with? Eddie Murphy What’s your most embarrassing moment at Wesleyan? When Harrison Leath sent a meme of me to Mr. Crew sophomore year on accident. What is one thing you will miss about high school? Sports What did you want to be as a child? A scientist Who was your first Wesleyan crush? Riley Bingham in 7th grade If you could watch one TV series for the rest of your life, what series would it be? “The Office” What is the theme song of your life? “Life is a Highway” by Rascal Flatts Lauren Markley What colleges are you applying to or going to? I’m applying to UGA, Clemson, SMU, UT Austin, UVA, Tulane, Vanderbilt, and South Carolina. Where would you travel to if you could go anywhere right now? Greece or Disneyworld Who is somebody famous you’d want to be stranded on an island with? I would choose the guys from Primitive Survival Tool on YouTube. They build pools and treehouses in the middle of the wood, and I think it would be fun to be stranded with them. What’s your most embarrassing moment at Wesleyan? At the junior year homecoming dance, I stood on the pole-vaulting mat in front of a group of freshmen. I jumped backwards on the mat into a giant puddle while the song Wobble played in the background. I then proceeded to yell at the freshmen for not telling me it was wet and leave the dance in my soaking wet, white homecoming dress. What is one thing you will miss about high school? My friends and the Sage Dining hummus. What did you want to be as a child? A popstar Alex Cardile What colleges are you applying to or going to? I am applying to Memphis, Mercer, College of Charleston, Tennessee, Georgia Southern, Furman, Wofford, James Madison. Where would you travel to if you could go anywhere right now? Italy Who is somebody famous you’d want to be stranded on an island with? Zendaya What’s your most embarrassing moment at Wesleyan? I dropped the fbomb when I had earbuds in in my digital filmmaking class. I didn’t even realize I said it until everyone looked at me, and I got a detention. What is one thing you will miss about high school? My friends What did you want to be as a child? Pilot Who was your first Wesleyan crush? Elizabeth Bertram If you could watch one TV series for the rest of your life, what series would it be? “SpongeBob”

Ashley Binney What colleges are you applying to or going to? I’m applying to South Carolina, Auburn, UGA, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, and GCSU. Where would you travel to if you could go anywhere right now? I would travel to Hawaii. Who is somebody famous you’d want to be stranded on an island with? Probably Ian Somerhalder or Morgan Wallen What’s your most embarrassing moment at Wesleyan? In 6th grade I was walking down that big staircase to get to lunch and tripped and fell down the stairs in front of everyone. What is one thing you will miss about high school? I will definitely miss the football games and seeing all of my friends every day. What did you want to be as a child? I always wanted to be a veterinarian. Who was your first Wesleyan crush? Sam Schmitt in 5th grade If you could watch one TV series for the rest of your life, what series would it be? “Vampire Diaries” What is the theme song of your life? “Right Where You Should Be” by Quinn XCII Abby Scott What colleges are you applying to or going to? I’m applying to Alabama, Georgia Southern, Samford, North Georgia, and Georgia College. Where would you travel to if you could go anywhere right now? Bali, Fiji, or Greece Who is somebody famous you’d want to be stranded on an island with? Blake Gray What’s your most embarrassing moment at Wesleyan? Freshman year during lunch on the quad when Evan asked me to homecoming, and I said no. Everyone was watching. What is one thing you will miss about high school? My friends and sport games/meets What did you want to be as a child? A doctor Who was your first Wesleyan crush? Wyatt Hodges If you could watch one TV series for the rest of your life, what series would it be? “Friends” What is the theme song of your life? “I Lived” by OneRepublic


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SPOTLIGHTS Siobhan Davenport

What colleges are you applying to or going to? A ton of colleges! Williams College, Elon University, Notre Dame, Carleton College, and UNC Chapel Hill just to name a few Where would you travel to if you could go anywhere right now? I would go to Spain: Madrid, Seville, Barcelona, Toledo, etc. Who is somebody famous you’d want to be stranded on an island with? The Property Brother who could build me a mansion for my new island. What’s your most embarrassing moment at Wesleyan? Once, my hair piece came off mid-marching band performance in 8th grade. I had to shove it down the front of my leotard and continue performing. What is one thing you will miss about high school? Lunch especially the ones I ate with Mrs. Sanchez What did you want to be as a child? A teacher or a hair stylist Who was your first Wesleyan crush? JD Chipman If you could watch one TV series for the rest of your life, what series would it be? “Psych” What is the theme song of your life? “Dear No One” by Tori Kelly Nick Solis What colleges are you applying to or going to? Ole Miss, Alabama, and UNG Where would you travel to if you could go anywhere right now? Bora Bora, Punta Cana, Seaside Who is somebody famous you’d want to be stranded on an island with? Addison Rae What’s your most embarrassing moment at Wesleyan? Freshman homecoming asking Avery What is one thing you will miss about high school? The people What did you want to be as a child? Lawyer or soccer player Who was your first Wesleyan crush? Reese Alecxih If you could watch one TV series for the rest of your life, what series would it be? “Regular Show” or “Naruto” What is the theme song of your life? “The Way Life Goes” by Lil Uzi Vert Katherine Graddy What colleges are you applying to or going to? I am applying to a ton of state schools, but I have no idea where I want to go. I would love to go to UGA, GaTech, UNC, or UVA!! Where would you travel to if you could go anywhere right now? I would travel to Switzerland because I would love to travel outside of the country as soon as its allowed! Also, I am desperate to hike the Swiss Alps and go skydiving! Who is somebody famous you’d want to be stranded on an island with? I feel like I should have a clear answer, but I don’t. Maybe Zendaya just because she seems so chill and would help my stress levels. What’s your most embarrassing moment at Wesleyan? 10000% Great American freshman year where I did an interesting reenactment of a “Legally Blonde” song. I am scarred forever but at least it led to my nickname of Katty G! What is one thing you will miss about high school? I will miss the ability to form such close relationships with my teachers and coaches! I feel like they have been the source of my greatest memories and lessons, and I fear that at college I won’t be able to have the same connections. What did you want to be as a child? I wanted to be the CEO of World Vision but also an Olympian. Hayden Morehouse What colleges are you applying to or going to? I am applying to North Georgia, GCSU, Auburn, Clemson, Tennessee, FSU, and Missouri Where would you travel to if you could go anywhere right now? I would go skiing on Mount Rose in Nevada. Who is somebody famous you’d want to be stranded on an island with? Alex Cardile or Jonah Hill What’s your most embarrassing moment at Wesleyan? When I bleached my hair. What is one thing you will miss about high school? My friends What did you want to be as a child? A soccer player Who was your first Wesleyan crush? Rosie Taylor freshman year If you could watch one TV series for the rest of your life, what series would it be? “Family Guy” What is the theme song of your life? “Our Year” by Lil Baby

Sydney Stirling What colleges are you applying to or going to? Samford, University of Tennessee, Mississippi State, Georgia Southern, GCSU, Arizona state, Kentucky, Baylor, University of Alabama Where would you travel to if you could go anywhere right now? New Zealand Who is somebody famous you’d want to be stranded on an island with? Jennifer Aniston What’s your most embarrassing moment at Wesleyan? Going to the wrong class the first week of seventh grade when I was new. What is one thing you will miss about high school? Seeing my friends all the time. What did you want to be as a child? Home designer and mom If you could watch one TV series for the rest of your life, what series would it be? “Friends” What is the theme song of your life? “Castaway” by Zac Brown Band

Callie Kennedy What colleges are you applying to or going to? Auburn, Clemson, UGA, Ohio State, FSU, Tennessee Where would you travel to if you could go anywhere right now? Greece Who is somebody famous you’d want to be stranded on an island with? The TikTok star, Jack Jones. What’s your most embarrassing moment at Wesleyan? I fell down the concrete stairs going up to the quad during lunch and my backpack was so heavy. I couldn’t stand up until people had to come and help me. What is one thing you will miss about high school? MY FRIENDS What did you want to be as a child? Fashion Designer Who was your first Wesleyan crush? Will Alexander If you could watch one TV series for the rest of your life, what series would it be? “Gossip Girl” What is the theme song of your life? “Rain On Me” By Lady Gaga and Ariana, or “Stay Stay Stay” by Taylor Swift All Photos by Brian L. Morgan.

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Wesleyan Wolves take on winter sports Vance Nicklaus Despite COVID this year Wesleyan School is still doing its best to make sure that students are still able

Grant Hill drives the basketball down the court. Griffin to participate in sports this winter including basketball, swim and dive, and wrestling. It is a big challenge at all schools, but Wesleyan made sure that it still happened. boys’ basketball has already started this year and is off to a great start. Boys basketball started Oct. 26 with practice and tryouts. Tryouts were difficult, specifically with lower grade levels because there were more kids trying out. The boys’ basketball team has many important games this year that are vital to win to have a chance in playoffs. Adam Griffin said, “any region game is important, and right now 5 teams are ranked preseason. This year we have a very tough region, so all of those games are huge.” The team is still finalizing the roster because some players are still playing fall sports. Some key players that are going to be huge for the team’s success are junior Tate Gilley, senior Beau Brown, senior Wyatt Hodges, and sophomore Thomas Chipman. The coaches are very excited to see how Chipman has developed from his freshman season. Overall Griffin is excited to see all his players perform at both varsity and the JV level because there is a lot of talent. Girls’ basketball is also off to a strong start with a current record of 5-1. They have run into minimal problems so far this season with COVID-19, Carolyn Blackman says, “the entire season is extremely fluid with cancelations and rescheduling taking place daily.” Some key players to the team this year are senior

Wesleyan Lady Wolves get prepared for a game in Yancey Gym. Blackman

Alyssa Phillip, freshman Chazadi “Chit-Chat” Wright, freshman Eva Garabadian, junior Sade Ojanuga, and junior Imani Washington who are all vital to the team. The team has many goals for this season, but they have one main goal in mind, Carolyn Blackman says, “Our goal is to win a state Championship.” (Girls Basketball added) Girls and boys swim and dive have already kicked off this season. The team has a lot of talent through all grade levels, and they are hoping for a great season. COVID has put a big stress on all sports this year, and Kevin Kadzis said, “The opportunity to have a season is a blessing, and we are excited to practice, compete, and most importantly improve.” The team has been conditioning and working to get themselves ready to compete in the state championship. Some key contributors to the swim and dive team are senior Jacob Price, sophomore Henry Wasmuth, senior Evan Yeager and senior Carson Schiller. The “Wet Wolves” are also looking for big contributions from sophomore Maria Hill and sophomore Margret Woods. Some COVID restrictions include: visiting teams sit in the stans to

said, “wrestling is a tough sport, COVID or not.” The teams’ goal is to have two state champions and eight state placers this year. With all the talent on the team it could be one of the most successful years the team has had in a while.

Seniors Payton McKemie, Sam Schmitt, Matthew Morse, Eric Berry and Tanner Bivins at a wrestling meet. Bivins

Wesleyan senior signees officially commit

Seniors Ashley Binney (left) and Elizabeth Bertram (right) take a swim selfie. Schiller

spread everyone out, which means there are no spectators aloud, and lanes are spread out, and assigned to either team to follow all COVID protocols. There are also only two teams aloud at each meet, which is different then previous years where there could be up to four teams. Overall, the team just wants to have a meaningful experience Kadzis said, “We just want our swimmers and divers to have a memorable experience, and within that we want them to reach their full potential.” Boys Wrestling is under weigh at Wesleyan School, and the team is excited to have a season this year. Practice began in late October and is going well so far. The team shares a lot of athletes with fall sports, so it takes a while for the team to get all the pieces of the puzzle. Brain St. James is especially excited for the seniors this season he said, “I am excited for the group of hard-working seniors this season. Matthew Morse, Payton McKemie, Sam Schmitt, Eric Berry, and Tanner Bivins have put in a ton of time and effort over their high school careers. Three of them (Sam, Eric, and Tanner) are already returning state placers and I am excited to see what all five can do this year.” The team has 10 returning State Qualifiers and 4 returning placers, including two State Runner-Ups (seniors Sam Schmitt and Tanner Bivins). Some other key wrestlers to the team will be freshman Broder Conley, junior Aiden Conley, sophomore Lance Humphreys, sophomore Trent DeBow, and juniors Brendan McIntosh, RJ Aycox, and Matthew Brown. Overall, the team has regular matches pertaining to COVID, other than that they have to wear masks off the matt. St. James

Rosie Taylor Each year, a group of Wesleyan seniors officially sign a national letter of intent to the college they are committed to. This year, five seniors including Jalen Fulwood, James McCoy, Alyssa Phillip, Gracie Taylor, and Reece Holbrook signed on Nov. 11, 2020. Because of COVID circumstances, there were no celebrations held at Wesleyan School. Reece Holbrook and Gracie Taylor had a small get together with their family and friends to celebrate their signing. Each of the athletes hope to have a celebration next semester when the spring athletes sign. Still, each of these athletes were able to officially sign and confirm their commitment to the college they will attend.

Reece Holbrook (University of Virginia Softball):

What school are you committed to and for what sport? The University of Virginia for softball When did you commit verbally to the school? I verbally committed my freshman year in December. What appealed to you about the school/players/ coaching staff? I loved the town that the school is in especially since it wasn’t in a big city, and I loved the people and the coaches and felt super at home with all of them. Have you visited the school, and if so, what did you like about it? I’ve visited a couple times and I love how open the campus is. We just got a brand-new softball stadium by the baseball and soccer fields, which is really cool. There is also this AMAZING ice cream place in the town that has the best birthday cake ice cream so that was an added bonus of course. What was the experience like of officially signing? It has been 3 years since I had verbally committed, so it felt really good for it to finally be “official” and having all the people I love and who have supported me through the years was super special for me. What are you looking forward to about playing a sport in college? I am excited about having a set routine that I can stick to with workouts, practices, classes, and also being part of the team and meeting different people through that.


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Wesleyan senior signees officially commit Cont. from pg. 5 When did you start playing this sport and what made you realize you wanted to go to college for it? I have been playing since I was 4 and it just became one of the biggest parts of my life. I realized I wanted to go to college for it because I had always thought being a student athlete was really cool and I loved the game. What are you looking forward to about playing a sport in college? I am excited about having a set routine that I can stick to with workouts, practices, classes, and also being part of the team and meeting different people through that.

Gracie Taylor (Colorado State softball):

What school are you committed to and for what sport? Colorado State for softball When did you commit verbally to the school? November 21, 2019 What appealed to you about the school/players/ coaching staff? Mostly the location and the coaches. There were welcoming and I love it out west. Have you visited the school, and if so, what did you like about it? I really liked the location and the town. It is close to the mountains, which I like as well. What was the experience like of officially signing? It was really fun being around all my friends and family while doing it. It was relieving once I officially signed. When did you start playing this sport and what made you realize you wanted to go to college for it? I started playing softball when I was 3 and knew I wanted to play in college because I just love playing the sport. What are you looking forward to about playing a sport in college? I am looking forward to the friends I will make.

Alyssa Phillip (Georgia State Women’s basketball):

When did you commit verbally to the school? I verbally committed on April 26, 2020 to Georgia State for basketball. What appealed to you about the school/players/ coaching staff? The players said they were all like a family and the coaching staff were always so eager to talk, listen, answer any of my questions, and also communicate with my mom. Have you visited the school, and if so, what did you like about it? There are new additions being made and it is in a very good area for things to do, places to eat, for new things to try, and it is near a lot of important places, so security is very high making it a safe place. What was the experience of officially signing like? It was really exciting because I have been working since 5th grade to get a scholarship, so to see my hard work pay off was really rewarding. When did you start playing this sport and what made you realize you wanted to go to college for it? I started playing in 1st grade and I realized I wanted to go to college for it in 6-7th grade. What are you looking forward to about playing a sport in college? I am looking forward to the support of the people in the community and just to be able to continue to play basketball for another 4 years while getting a free education is just exciting.

James McCoy (University of Kentucky baseball):

When did you commit verbally to the school? I committed Oct. 20, 2019 to the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky for baseball. What appealed to you about the school/players/ coaching staff? The coaches and players were great, and I loved the campus. The coaches valued academics and building myself as a person, as well as in baseball. Have you visited the school, and if so, what did you like about it? Outside of the baseball team and facilities everyone was just really welcoming What was the experience of officially signing like? It was huge because I have this mutual relationship with the school and signing just seals the deal because sometimes it does not always work out. When did you start playing this sport and what made you realize you wanted to go to college for it? I started playing when I was 4 and the field, team, and coaches feels like home. It has been a dream since I was around 8 to go to college for baseball, and it is just the experience and love for the sport. What are you looking forward to about playing a sport in college? I am looking forward to getting really close with the players and coaches and making friends that I will have for life. I am also looking forward to just being able to compete and work with the team and helping others by working in the community.

Jalen Fulwood (Chattahoochee Valley Junior College baseball):

When did you commit verbally to the school? I committed Sept. 26, 2020 to Chattahoochee Valley in Phoenix City, Alabama for baseball What appealed to you about the school/players/ coaching staff? It felt like home when I went, and all the coaches and players were very welcoming. The vibes were just good, and it is ultimately why I chose that school over another. Have you visited the school, and if so, what did you like about it? I liked the facilities, weight room, field, dorms, and it felt like home What was the experience of officially signing like? It made a big difference because it took a huge weight off of my shoulders, and now I can play baseball and do not have to worry about being perfect. When did you start playing this sport and what made you realize you wanted to go to college for it? I started playing when I was 4 and honestly it was just my love for the game and how much fun I had. When I went on the field it felt like home; it was a different energy being on the diamond. What are you looking forward to about playing a sport in college? I am looking forward to building relationships with teammates and coaches and using baseball to help build those relationships. It is just going to be cool to be able to play the sport I love every day. With going to a junior college, you have to love baseball because all it really is is baseball. I knew I did not want my baseball career to end after high school, so I am really excited to go play in college.


From top to bottom: Reese Holbrook and Gracie Taylor engage while on the softball field (Morgan), Alyssa Phillip defends the ball (Morgan), James McCoy is a Kentucky committ (Kentucky baseball), Reese Holbrook greets peers at her private signing (Holbrook), and Jalen Fulwood plays Wesleyan baseball (Morgan).

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