Green & Gold Volume XXV Volume VII

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5405 Spalding Drive, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092

Green & Gold

Volume XXV, Issue VII

May 19, 2021

A Publication of Wesleyan School


Wesleyan says goodbye to to departing faculty. Page 3



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Thanks for the memories!

The best of Wesleyan as voted by seniors.


Spring sports wrap up their seasons. Page 9

Wesleyan hosts graduation for the class of 2021 Carson Schiller As the end of May approaches, faculty, seniors, and the rest of the Wesleyan community get ready for graduation which will take place Saturday May 22 at 8:30 a.m. on Adler Plaza located on the quad. Baccalaureate will take place the day before on May 21 at 6:00 p.m. in the same location as graduation and will have more of an outside chapel-like feel to it. Last year, due to COVID, the class of 2020 did not get to experience throwing their caps on the quad, but the graduation staff has worked hard to allow this traditional location to host the class of 2021’s graduation ceremony this year. Looking behind the scenes of graduation, facilities and housekeeping work hard in preparation for the ceremony whether that be carrying the hundreds of white chairs from a truck bed to even cleaning off each chair individually the morning of. Director of Special Events Rebecca Kennedy said, “The set up on the lawn is one of my favorite aspects of our graduation ceremony here. The white chairs and the banners make it gorgeous. I will say though, we have had to hold graduation inside Yancy Gym for two years, and it was still beautiful. I feel like that confirmed that the community here is just so strong. Having the graduates surrounded by family, friends, and people who have walked along side of them in this journey is truly special.” May 19 at 8 a.m., a truck full of all of the rental chairs arrives and facilities start setting them up along with hanging the three banners: Class of 2021, Wesleyan crest, and the JOY moto. On May 20, the stage is then popped up, so that the following day, May 21, seniors can have their graduation practice. Housekeeping and a smaller group of faculty members, including Kennedy, arrive at 6 a.m. the day of graduation the make the final touches by wiping down all the chairs and getting the technology set up and tested. Associate Head of School Ramona Blankenship is in charge of checking the diplomas while Director of Christian Life Greg Lisson checks all the Bibles.

The schedule for the graduation ceremony starts early as Lasting Legacy Families, families who have 2021 graduates along with either alumni, a board member, faculty, or past board members and faculty, come and take pictures together outside on the lawn around 7 a.m. At 7:30 a.m., seniors line up alphabetically according to where their hats are on the floor in Marchman Gym. Morgan will take a class picture on the lawn at 7:45 a.m. The class then goes to the Fine Arts building where Lisson says a prayer over the class before they graduate. While seniors are getting lined up, families gather around the quad and take their seats for the ceremony. The ceremony traditionally starts with a bagpiper, and this year it will be Noah Young ’17. He will lead the class out in the processional. Senior girls’ grade chair Kendra Morris said, “We have the class president and chaplain at the front, and they are the ones who carry the Wesleyan banner and flag.” Joining them at the front with the banner and flag with be Valedictorian Maggie Simmons and Salutatorian Isabella Martin. Traditionally, the faculty makes two lines for the class to go through, but this year it will just be the high school faculty who will lead the way for the class to their seats. As for speakers, Head of School Chris Cleveland addresses the crowd and turns over the microphone to Simmons and Martin for their speeches. This year’s graduation speaker is Sean Taylor, father of senior Rosie Taylor and Baccalaureate speaker is Franklin Pridgen, high school social sciences teacher and father of senior Alden Pridgen. After all the speeches, Cleveland and high school principal Joseph Koch pass out the engraved Bibles to the seniors along with their diploma. Students then throw their hats into the air to conclude the ceremony. In order to prevent the spread of COVID, Morris said, “We have been working with the parents to determine how many seats each family needs for both baccalaureate and graduation. We are offering the option to have a pod of seats separate from general seat-

ing or general seating, which will put them closer to the front.” In each pod, families will be allowed to sit close together and permitted to not wear a mask. Although previous years have allowed an open invitation to anyone who is a part of the Wesleyan community, only families and their pods are allowed to attend. Morris said, “We are trying to provide a way for families to feel comfortable and away from everyone else if they want to be.” Kennedy said, “Mr. Cleveland will be shaking each student’s hand as he presents him/her with his/her Bible and diploma on stage.” Chief Op-erating Officer Brian Morgan will take the picture of each senior holding the diploma individually on stage. Graduation is a special event for all seniors, faculty, and families to celebrate the legacy the class of 2021 has left on the school along with best wishes for them in the future. Reflecting on past years, Kennedy said, “My favorite part about Wesleyan graduation is hands down the bagpipes. I also enjoy listening to Mr. Lisson pray over the class.” Thank you to Kennedy, Morris, senior boys’ grade chair Adam Griffin, facilities, and housekeeping for working hard to host this event. Seniors, congratulations on all your many successes throughout your years at Wesleyan and may God bless you in the future which ever path you choose to take!

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 Congratulations, Class of 2021!


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Congratulations, seniors - we made it!

The month of April is coming to an end and May is creeping up on us faster than we can believe. As the senior class approaches April 30, 2021, our last day of high school ever, we are already starting to become reminiscent of the good old days. I remember my freshman year when I was a new student, I was so nervous for my first day of school. My skirt was below my knees because all the girls told me that the first week of school is always notorious for a skirt check. I had spent all summer getting ready for my first day at my new school. I was sad to leave my old school and friends who I grew up with but excited to be the new kid. That is just the type of person I am. I was excited to be able to create myself as the new person who I wanted to be. My sophomore year was hard. Tenth grade is famous for being the “awkward” year. After going through freshman year, you now know the ropes of being a high schooler, but you are still an underclassman-- being picked on by the older kids, not necessarily starting in your games unless you are really good, and feeling like the “middle child” of the high school. It is the year to really figure out who you are and who you want to be. I started exploring colleges the second I was allowed. I was so excited to get to a big university after hearing stories from my older cousins about what college was like. I listened to my dad tell me as I cried over girl drama, “Don’t worry, your best friends don’t come from high school, anyway. You will find your life-long people in college.” I listened to my mom’s stories about all her fun times in her sorority. But I still had two more years to go. My whole junior year I lived balancing on the fine

Green & Gold Staff Box Editor-in-Chief….…………...................................Anna Grace Bowling‘21 Photo and Senior Spotlights Editor..............................Maddie Parsonnet ‘21 Christian Life Editor.....….…………....................……….Avery Pursell ‘21 School Life Editor…….…………...…………....................Rosie Taylor ‘21 Sports Editor….....………………….....................……..Carson Schiller ‘21 Staff Writers……………………...................………....Kendrick Archer ‘22 .........................................................................................Vance Nicklaus ‘21 Advisers………….…….....................…………………..Meredith Jamieson …….....……………......................……………………….…Andrea Shupert All pictures are taken by Maddie Parsonnet unless otherwise noted on the page. Editorials represent the opinion of the individual writer. The Green & Gold welcomes letters to the editor, and reserves the right to edit letters for length, clarity, and content. Email or place letters in Mrs. Shupert’s box. Publication address: The Green & Gold Wesleyan School 5405 Spalding Drive Peachtree Corners, GA 30092

line between content and chaos. I made new friends and lost some, too. This was the first year I had to get myself used to going to bed after 10:30 p.m. Most nights during my junior year I was up late studying while trying to balance family and social life, a time consuming but fun competitive cheer team, and at the bottom of the list, resting and time for myself. ACT tutoring and prep were the only things on my mind for months. I studied as hard as I possibly could so that I could start focusing on the topic that would be here before I knew it-- ap-

We have finally made it to the homestretch, and it is soon going to be time for us to say goodbye to Wesleyan and hello to the next new, exciting, and well-deserved chapter of our lives. plying to college. And when that time did come, I was ready and excited to start making my list. Now it is finally senior year. Before we know it, it will be over. As I look back on my four years at Wesleyan, I start to remember all the moments that seem like they happened forever ago, and now they are memories flashing through my head like a movie. Do you remember dancing in the middle of the field before bed, the bellyflop contest, and singing at the top of our lungs to “Country Roads” on the bus on the freshman retreat? Do you remember the excitement of our first time ever in the student section at Hawaiian kickoff on that Friday evening in August 2017? Do you remember sitting through countless college advising meetings talking

about standardized tests, watching the seniors sing in the front row at senior chapel for three years, and cheering them on when they walked across the stage in May? We have been hearing the phrase “Class of 2021” for years. Now, all the waiting is worth it. It is our time. We have finally made it to the homestretch, and it is soon going to be time for us to say goodbye to Wesleyan and hello to the next new, exciting, and well-deserved chapter of our lives. From your Editor-in-Chief of the Green & Gold, thank you for supporting the newspaper as we have navigated many changes towards the end of 2020 and throughout 2021. It has been my joy to help produce the Green & Gold for the past 2 years, and it is because of my work with the newspaper that I will be pursuing journalism in college. It has become something that I have grown so passionate about, and I plan to one day make a career out of it. So, to end my last Green & Gold editorial ever – Congratulations to the Class of 2021! We have conquered an impossible year, and even on the days that we were terrified that we wouldn’t have a senior chapel, scooter day, prom, or even graduation, it is all happened. Look mom, I made it! Go Wolves and Go Ole Miss!



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Wesleyan says goodbye to departing faculty Brian St. James

Carson Schiller

As the 2020-2021 school year comes to a close, teachers and faculty decide whether they will continue here at Wesleyan, or if their passion for the Lord and teaching leads them somewhere else. As they leave, Wesleyan says goodbye to some of the wonderful teachers, who helped shape the school and students.

Whitney Panetta How long have you worked at Wesleyan? This is my 9th year at Wesleyan. What classes have you taught, and what extracurricular activities were you involved in? I have taught Intro to Art, 3D Design I, 3D Design II, 3D Design III, Painting, Advanced 2D, Yearbook, and Intro to Design. I was also the Fine Arts Administrative Assistant for eight years, which involved me in all aspects of the fine arts department. I coached JV lacrosse for one season, MS softball for two seasons, and I have co-advised the yearbook for eight years and the literary magazine for eight years. What are your plans for next year? I will be working for myself at home developing art lessons and art curriculums for teachers and making art. I’m excited to be my own boss and no longer commute for work (but I will miss it so much!). What will you miss most about Wesleyan? I will really miss the Wesleyan community. I have made great friendships here; it really feels like a family. The students here are also amazing. I will miss it all! What has been your most embarrassing/funniest classroom memory? I’m sure I have had many embarrassing moments, I can be awkward and clumsy, but apparently, I have blocked them out because I can’t think of one. My most sweaty day was the second day of class, last semester when my computer shut down and started a long update right after I started my class. Once I finally got logged back into the Zoom call, I couldn’t unmute/etc. because it defaulted control to a student. It was a very challenging day, but I am now a pro at Zoom.

Amanda Cheatwood How long have you worked at Wesleyan? 10 years What classes have you taught, and what extracurricular activities were you involved in? Honors Chemistry, Chemistry, Forensics, and Marine Science; coached high school and middle school cross country, led 3 mission trips, and have led girls Bible studies What are your plans for next year? Moving to Ohio! What will you miss most about Wesleyan? The community and relationships What has been your most embarrassing/funniest classroom memory? My first year at Wesleyan, a high school student spilled chili all along my skirt (from the waist to my knees). I wiped what I could, but the stain was pretty bad and then I had to go teach reeking like chili and having a big stain on me.

How long have you worked at Wesleyan? I have been teaching here for five years. What classes have you taught, and what extracurricular activities were you involved in? Old Testament, Life of Jesus, World Religions, Foundations of Faith, Wrestling What are your plans for next year? I am going to be a pastor at a church in Madison, GA. What will you miss most about Wesleyan? The wrestling team and getting to coach those guys. What has been your most embarrassing/funniest classroom memory? When a student smashed my bust of Abraham Lincoln.

Adam Griffin How long have you worked at Wesleyan? I have worked here for seven years. What classes have you taught, and what extracurricular activities were you involved in? I have taught 6th grade Geography, 7th grade Media Tech, 8th grade Media Tech, 8th grade World History American Government, AP Government, and I have been the head coach of varsity boys’ basketball, assistant coach of varsity boys’ basketball, assistant coach of junior varsity boys’ basketball, middle school track, junior varsity baseball, and junior varsity boys’ golf. What are your plans for next year? I will be the director of operations of the small business that my wife and I own. What will you miss most about Wesleyan? I will miss my relationships with the kids and faculty. What has been your most embarrassing/funniest classroom memory? When I interviewed and did my guest teaching, the 6th grade class I taught all pretended to have different names than what was on the roster, so I taught an entire guest class of kids who were pretending to be something else while I was being interviewed by Mr. Russell, Mrs. Tucker, and Mrs. Blankenship.

Best of everything to these teachers! (Con’t. on pg. 9)


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Hall talk with the Wesleyan seniors Rosie Taylor

Natalie Gross: “I will miss the teachers and the community the most! One of my favorite things to do is going into certain teachers’ rooms in the morning just to talk and catch up, and I will miss having a community where I can do those things next year!”

Mikayla John: “I will miss eating lunch outside with my friends. Being able to sit in the sun with them and catching up on the little things that happened in the as- first half of our days is something that I always look forward to.”

Nicholas Hess: “I have always loved how the Wesleyan community is like a small family, and I am really going to miss not being there as often anymore. I’ll also miss the teachers, they are so amazing. Riley Bingham: “I am going to miss my

friends and teachers next year. I have Reece Holbrook: “The thing I am gomet some of the kindest and encourag- ing to miss most about Wesleyan are the ing people here!” special relationships I have built with my teachers because I know I’m not goAllie Holmes: “I will miss the little ing to get that in college (and the BBQ things we do at school like compatibility and mac n cheese of course).” tests or ice cream on the quad.”

Jack Jones: “I’m going to miss the Will Alexander: “I think I will just lifelong relationships I have with miss seeing all these people who I grew my friends and teachers. I always up with and have gone to school with for felt like time flew by at Wesleyan, so many years.” and I am just now starting to realize the impact that everyone on your Braden DeBow: “I will grade has on you, rather it be one of miss the people most from your best friends or just one of your high school. Just talking acquaintances. Overall, Wesleyan has helped me develop my charwith my friends, peers, acter and as a leader, and I am just teachers, and coaches has so thankful for all of these oppormade up some of my favor- tunities and experiences that I have received over the past 13 years at ite Wesleyan memories.” Wesleyan.”

Seniors finished their final week Vance Nicklaus

The senior girls, wearing shorts, line up for a picture outside the spirit shop. Morris

This year has been full of ups and downs for Wesleyan seniors, and the entire school has worked hard on making these last few weeks as memorable as possible for them. The seniors started out with prom on April 17, 2021 where they enjoyed a “Night in New York City.” The night was filled with dancing and lots of fun. Senior Joe Chatham said, “Prom was so much fun. It was the only dance where I stayed the whole time. When walking in, I was amazed by all the decorations and the extent everyone went through to make this night special for us. Missing a lot due to Covid is no fun, but they made sure we didn’t miss out on our prom. I got to see many people I haven’t seen in forever, and for the first time in a while, I forgot about the pandemic.” The seniors who have attended Wesleyan since kindergarten or at least 13 years also enjoyed the Evergreen lunch where they ate, talked with friends and family, and looked back on the good times at Wesleyan. Mrs. Kendra Morris said, “The students are invited and their parents, and we do a special lunch for them and members of the administration come to speak and thank the students and families who have invested so much time in Wesleyan.” On Friday April 23, 2021 there was a fa-

ther/daughter dinner and game night were senior girls and their fathers competed in games and had a fun filled night. During seniors final week, they enjoyed tie-dye day and college T-shirt day, along with senior honors day, scooter day, senior chapel, and senior lunch. Senior Rosie Taylor said, “I am excited to spend our last week of high school with our grade and for everyone to wear their college shirts. I am mostly looking forward to hanging out with my closest friends in the coming weeks because we do not have too much time all together left.” Senior chapel looked a little different this year due to COVID. The chapel service this year only held the senior class and the faculty members who were speaking. Parents and grandparents watched the live stream from Yancey, but other than that, chapel had all of the traditional songs, male and female student speakers, and the seniors got to run out of Austin just like in the past. After the service there was a lunch for the seniors where they enjoyed their last moments as students at Wesleyan. Senior Jack Jones said “I’m going to miss the lifelong relationships I have with my friends and teachers. I al-

Evergreens pose for a photo at the evergreen luncheon Hess ways felt like time flew by at Wesleyan, and I am just now starting to realize the impact that everyone on your grade has on you, rather it be one of your best friends or just one of your acquaintances. Overall, Wesleyan has helped me develop my character and as a leader, and I am just so thankful for all of these opportunities and experiences that I have received over the past 13 years at Wesleyan.” The school as a whole has done so much for this senior class, and the seniors made the most of their last week.

Some of the seniors pose for a group picutre (with their dates) before prom. Nicklaus



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What colleges are you applying to or going to? College of Charleston Where would you travel to if you could go anywhere right now? Japan Who is somebody famous you’d want to be stranded on an island with? Maddie Ziegler What’s your most embarrassing moment at Wesleyan? I joined the cross-country team in middle school, and I left after the warm up because it was too hard. My mother filmed it and put it on YouTube. What is one thing you will miss about high school? I will miss all my English teachers because those were always my favorite classes especially with Mr. Cooper. What did you want to be as a child? I wanted to be a doctor. Who was your first Wesleyan crush? William Parker If you could watch one TV series for the rest of your life, what series would it be? “Parks and Recreation” Carson Schiller What colleges are you applying to or going to? University of Georgia Where would you travel to if you could go anywhere right now? St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands Who is somebody famous you’d want to be stranded on an island with? Caleb Dressel What’s your most embarrassing moment at Wesleyan? I had to do a bellyflop at SharpTop in front of all the peer leaders, teachers, and my whole grade. What is one thing you will miss about high school? I will miss all the teachers and close relationships I made with them especially Mrs. Shupert. What did you want to be as a child? Olympic swimmer Who was your first Wesleyan crush? Smith Cochran If you could watch one TV series for the rest of your life, what series would it be? “90210” or “Gossip Girl” What is the theme song of your life? “Go Your Own Way” by Fleetwood Mac Maddie Parsonnet What colleges are you applying to or going to? University of Alabama Where would you travel to if you could go anywhere right now? Greece Who is somebody famous you’d want to be stranded on an island with? Justin Bieber What’s your most embarrassing moment at Wesleyan? When I replied all to one of Mr. Krehmeyer’ s emails he sends out to the entire high school for homecoming asking if I could wear sweatpants. People made jokes about it to me in the hallways. What is one thing you will miss about high school? I will miss all be best friends and teachers I’ve become close with. What did you want to be as a child? Fashion designer If you could watch one TV series for the rest of your life, what series would it be? “Friends,” “New Girl,” or “Gossip Girl” What is the theme song of your life? “You Make my Dreams (Come True)” by Hall & Oates Vance Nicklaus What colleges are you applying to or going to? I am going to Florida State. Where would you travel to if you could go anywhere right now? The Bahamas Who is somebody famous you’d want to be stranded on an island with? Olivia Dunne What’s your most embarrassing moment at Wesleyan? I don’t have embarrassing moments. What is one thing you will miss about high school? I would have to say my friends and favorite teachers. What did you want to be as a child? A pro athlete Who was your first Wesleyan crush? Annelise Onorato If you could watch one TV series for the rest of your life, what series would it be? “New Girl” Anna Grace Bowling What colleges are you applying to or going to? Ole Miss Where would you travel to if you could go anywhere right now? Malibu, California Who is somebody famous you’d want to be stranded on an island with? Harry Styles What’s your most embarrassing moment at Wesleyan? My very first football game freshman year on varsity cheerleading I was doing a standing tuck and it was wet, so I slipped and the whole senior student section laughed at me. What is one thing you will miss about high school? Mr. Krehmeyer’ s daily announcements What did you want to be as a child? A mermaid Who was your first Wesleyan crush? Matt Adent If you could watch one TV series for the rest of your life, what series would it be? “American Horror Story,” “The Vampire Diaries,” and “Gossip Girl” What is the theme song of your life? “Hard Times” by Paramore Rosie Taylor What colleges are you applying to or going to? University of Alabama Where would you travel to if you could go anywhere right now? Mykonos, Greece Who is somebody famous you’d want to be stranded on an island with? Rhianna What’s your most embarrassing moment at Wesleyan? When I was new to 4th grade at Wesleyan, I did dance camp. Before the final recital started, I went to the bathroom and I got toilet paper stuck in my skirt without realizing. I did the whole recital with toilet paper attached to me dragging on the floor. Everyone was laughing and afterwards I started crying. The dance teacher had to go back on stage after the dance and grab the toilet paper off the stage. It was quite the first impression I made at a brand-new school. What is one thing you will miss about high school? I will miss seeing my fellow seniors daily. I have been with most of them since 4th grade, and it is going to be really sad and weird not seeing them every day anymore. What did you want to be as a child? I wanted to be a dentist as a child. Who was your first Wesleyan crush? My first Wesleyan crush was Nicholas Hess in the 4th grade. If you could watch one TV series for the rest of your life, what series would it be? I would watch “New Girl.” What is the theme song of your life? “Sunrise, Sunburn, Sunset” by Luke Bryan All Photos by Brian L. Morgan.


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Best of


Rosie Taylor and Avery Pursell

Best Car: Noah Fears

Best Style: Joseph Hart

Best Tiktoker: Annelise Onorato

Teacher’s Favorite: Caroline Gibbs




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Best Couple: Rosie Taylor and Vance Nicklaus

Best Senior Siblings: Grace and Luke Carroll

Most Likely to be Famous: Summer Kidder

Best Personality: Harrison Leath

FEATURES 8 green & gold Virtual students recall favorite memories Maddie Parsonnet

Jack Jones What has been your favorite memory being a virtual student and what do you enjoy doing during your breaks at home? My favorite part about being a virtual student is probably watching movies during the breaks and playing Fortnite. Why did you choose to stay/go virtual? I chose to go virtual because I thought that being in school wasn’t very fun due to lack of students. Is there a specific meal you like to make or go get when at home? I tend to get chicken minis in the morning every day. Banks Merkel What has been your favorite memory being a virtual student? Having the ability to do class Jones enters one of his online classes wit his outside whenever. computer. Jack Jones. What do you enjoy doing during your breaks when at home? Getting things done that like homework before the school day is over. Why did you choose to stay/go virtual? At first it was football not wanting to be contact traced, and then it was my sisters compromised immune system. Is there a specific meal you like to make or go get when at home? Redlands French dip has been one of my favorite things to go and get for lunch. Ashley Binney What has been your favorite memory being a virtual student? My favorite memory as a virtual student would be doing school with my friends some days. What do you enjoy doing during your breaks when at home? I enjoy watching Netflix during school breaks. Why did you choose to stay/go virtual? Soccer Is there a specific meal you like to make or go get when at home? I love to go get acai bowls during lunch.

Binney eating her favorite lunch meal, acai, during her lunch break. Ashley Binney.

Tanner Bivins What has been your favorite memory being a virtual student? Señor Vallejo making me read. What do you enjoy doing during your breaks when at home? Sleeping Why did you choose to stay/go virtual? Because I would rather stay at home than go into school. Is there a specific meal you like to make or go get when at home? Grilled chicken

Jalen Fulwood What has been your favorite memory being a virtual student? My favorite memory about being virtual is probably being able to do school at my friend’s house. What do you enjoy doing during your breaks when at home? When I’m at home I usually either hit baseballs in my basement or watch short YouTube videos on my phone. Why did you choose to stay/go virtual? I choose to stay virtual because we have a really good chance at winning state this year in baseball, so I didn’t want to have the chance of getting contact traced from school and having to miss some of the season. Is there a specific meal you like to make or go get when at home? Pizza rolls are my favorite meal when online for sure with a Gatorade. Mac Howie Fulwood logs into one of his classes virtually What has been your favorite memory being a virtual student? My favorite memory has been from his bedroom. Jalen Fulwood. sleeping in. What do you enjoy doing during your breaks when at home? I enjoy taking a nap, or talking to my parents. Why did you choose to stay/go virtual? I chose virtual to avoid contact tracing because of sports. Lilly Tapp What has been your favorite memory being a virtual student? My favorite thing is having lunch with my friends and then doing the last two classes together. What do you enjoy doing during your breaks when at home? I sleep, have a snack, watch tv, or hangout with my parents. Why did you choose to stay/go virtual? I have never been obsessed with going to school so it’s nice to be able to sleep in and attend classes from home. Also not having to wear uniforms is a plus. Is there a specific meal you like to make or go get when at home? I eat a lot of mozzarella balls with salami.

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Coaches reflect on the 2021 spring sports season Kendrick Archer

Varsity girls golf: Head Varsity Coach Cameron Alexander

The varsity girls golf team has had a fantastic 2021 season so far. Many of the girls dedicated themselves to practicing in the off-season after our time together last year was cut short, which has led to much of our success. Our team is as deep as it’s been in years, and we were nearly undefeated in terms of our regular season matches, finishing the season 5-1. The girls have performed well individually and as a team in tournaments over the past few months, and we hope to continue our success at the upcoming Area and State Tournaments! Varsity boys golf: Head Varsity Coach Andy Free The varsity boys golf team started the season out strong getting on the program record board for the low team nine hole score, then broke that record the very next day. Other school records have fallen, including setting the 3rd best team score for 18 holes at the Longhorn Invitational. This pack of talented wolves finished the regular season undefeated for their nine hole matches and then topped that with a victory at the Bronco Invitational. Varsity boys lacrosse: Head Varsity Coach Connor Breslin The varsity boys lacrosse team has taken a huge step forward as a program this year. We had huge wins over Fellowship, HIES, Northview, and St. Pius. We have been grateful for the leadership from our five seniors Jackson Turner, Vance Nicklaus, Bennett Rudder, JD Chipman, and Will Alexander. Varsity boys soccer: Head Varsity Coach Guillermo Vallejo The varsity boys soccer started with a 0-6 record after playing 5, 6, and 7A schools. The team ended the season with a record of 14-8, recording 14 wins in the last 16 games. The team outscored their opponents 17-4 in the playoffs. Wesleyan has improved significantly due to hard work and the power of our lines, specifically our defense and keeper, Aidan Kresl. Last Friday, May 11, Wesleyan became the state champion in Savannah after beating Atlanta International School 3-2 in a penalty shootout (after tying 2- 2 at the end of the second overtime). This was a back to back championship for the Varsity Boys. Varsity girls soccer: Head Varsity Coach Glenn Archer The varsity girls Soccer team wrapped up their season in the state tournament last week with a 2-0 loss to #2 ranked Athens Academy. The girls finished a great season going 12-5-1 overall with big wins over several top 10-ranked teams including GAC,

Faculty departs (Cont. from page 1)

Steve Broyles How long have you worked at Wesleyan? This will complete my 17th year. What classes have you taught, and what extracurricular activities were you involved in? In my first six years at Wesleyan, I taught MS drama, Bible and music classes. In my last eleven years in the HS, I have taught theatre appreciation and performance, American movie, public speaking and 3D design for the stage. What are your plans for next year? I have many irons in the fire right now, but I prefer to make no announcements as to my future activities. What will you miss most about Wesleyan? Building relationships with students. Watching students grow in their talent, maturity and character. What has been your most embarrassing/funniest classroom memory? Shortly after the American movie class began, I started the semester with 2 public speaking classes and one American movie. The first class of the day, I came in and ran through my whole first day intro to public speaking only to realize at the end of class that it was the American movie class. No student said a word.

Mt. Pisgah and Paideia as well as wins over much larger schools including Wheeler and North Forsyth. The girls will return a strong core of talent and expect to compete deep into the state tournament in 2022. Varsity track and field: Head Varsity Coach Candler Baxley The varsity boys and girls track team has had a great 2021 season so far. All of the coaches were incredibly proud of how the team performed at the state meat. The coaches were excited to see so many athletes have their best performances of the season at the most important meat of the year. Varsity baseball: Head Varsity Coach Brian Krehmeyer The varsity baseball has been playing an excellent brand of baseball since returning from Spring Break. The team has rolled through their region schedule on their way toward winning the Region 5-A Championship. And as the weather has warmed up, so have the Wolves’ bats. Wesleyan hitters are pursuing a number of school records as well as a deep run into the state playoffs. But the most exciting aspect of the season has been the way the student body has come to occupy the Left Field corner to support their classmates and the players. Varsity girls lacrosse: Head Varsity Coach Anna Myrick The girl’s lacrosse team finished out the regular season 14-4 with big wins over Holy Innocents, GACS, Marist, and Brookwood. The team has been consistently led by team captains Molly Brown, Riley Keller, Alexandra Murphy, and Emma Nydam. We are heading into the playoffs as the top ranked team in our area and are very excited to see how we perform all the way to the end! Varsity girls golf: Head Varsity Coach Cameron Alexander The varsity girls golf team has had a fantastic 2021 season so far. Many of the girls dedicated themselves to practicing in the off-season after our time together last year was cut short, which has led to much of our success. Our team is as deep as it’s been in years, and we were nearly undefeated in terms of our regular season matches, finishing the season 5-1. The girls have performed well individually and as a team in tournaments over the past few months, and we hope to continue our success at the upcoming Area and State Tournaments! Varsity girls and boys tennis: Head Varsity coach Jonathan Sykes Both our varsity tennis teams had a fantastic seasons this year with strong finishes in the state playoffs. Our girls finished top 4 in the state and were strong from top to bottom. Our #1 doubles pair of Bella Tucker and Livi Stolle were key in our success this year and finished with a near flawless record. Our boys were state runner up and were only stopped by an amazing team in the finals. With strong performances from Grayson Balloon, Jack Jones and Dakota Early, we finished the season strong!

Jason Godbee How long have you worked at Wesleyan? 1 year What classes have you taught, and what extracurricular activities were you involved in? I have taught World History and was also the assistant football coach. What are your plans for next year? I will be working in construction/design in Auburn, Alabama. What will you miss most about Wesleyan? I will miss the football coaching staff, the students, and the family atmosphere. What has been your most embarrassing/funniest classroom memory? I one time taught a class via zoom on mute and no volume so no one could communicate with me.

These six teachers have all helped shape Wesleyan into what it is today. From teaching to coaching on the field and stage, each of them made a lasting impact on the Wesleyan community. Best of luck to you in your future endeavors!


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Wesleyan sports score in state playoffs Kendrick Archer

On May 11, the Wesleyan varsity boys soccer team became the state chapons in Savannah after Aidan Kresl deflected all three of Atlanta International School’s penalty kicksWesleyan the title of 2021 State Champions. Lloyd

The varsity boys soccer team defeated Atlanta International School in the battle for state 3-2 in a penalty shootout after tying 2- 2 at the end of the second overLloyd time.

The varsity boys tennis team finished the season with a Morgan state runner-up title.

The varsity boys golf team finished the area tournaMorgan ment placing runner-up and headed to state.

The varsity girls tennis team made it to a final four finish to the season. Morgan

The varsity girls lacrosse team made it to the state playoffs this season. Morgan

The varsity girls golf team headed to the state tournament after finishing runner-up at the area tournament. Morgan

The varsity baseball team will play a double header The varsity boys lacrosse team finished the season Morgan after their battle against Westminster. this Friday against Mt. Paran for the state title. Morgan

The varsity boys and girls track and field team finished The varsity girls soccer team battled their way the state championship placing runner-up. through the first rounds of state playoffs. Gilbert


Junior state champion Imani Washington won shot put (41’6”) with a new PR and school record. Gilbert

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