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September–December 2015
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Recurring Events
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n Children n Youth n Combined
September 2015 Events editable text/ready to print Sunday Mornings
Children’s Sunday School 9:30–10:30 am | Children’s Wing
Homecoming Sunday Lunch
Sunday, September 13 | Noon–1:30 pm | Humphrey Hall
Sunday School classes are held for 3- and 4-year olds as well as K–2nd and 3rd–5th graders in age-appropriate classrooms. Westbury UMC’s devoted teachers plan activities based on a well-rounded curriculum.
Celebrate the church’s 60th anniversary with a catered luncheon and entertaining program following worship. Members and ministers across the years will attend.
Youth Sunday School
What does it mean to have faith? How does that work in my life? We look at Abraham, Moses and Esther as prime examples.
9:30–10:30 am | Youth Wing Hear from great teachers and spend some time with your friends, all while growing in your relationship with God!
Sunday Afternoons Youth Group 5–7 pm | Humphrey Hall Let’s talk about what is going on in our lives and how God is showing up in the everyday stuff! We gather for food, student-led worship, and discussion on any number of topics. NO YOUTH GROUP SEPT. 6 OR 13
Youth Group: iFaith
Sundays, September 20 & 27 | 5–7 pm
3rd–5th Grade Retreat: “Dive In!”
Saturday, September 19 | 9 am–2 pm Developing friendships and hearing one another’s stories are vital to being part of a faith community. As we welcome new students into the group, we’ll spend the day together getting to know new friends and catching up with old ones! We meet at the church, have a Bible study, lunch and even go standup paddle boarding! The cost is $25 per student (scholarships are available). Contact Hillary Peete to reserve your spot!
Informational Mission Meeting
Sunday, September 20 | Noon–1 pm | Parlor Do you have a desire to serve God and stretch outside your comfort zone? Have you thought about participating in a mission trip, but didn’t know if you were ready yet? Join us for an informational meeting about our Summer 2016 mission opportunity.
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Recurring Events
Sunday Mornings
October 2015 Events
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Children’s Sunday School 9:30–10:30 am | Children’s Wing
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n Children n Youth n Combined
Westbury Without Walls All-Church Retreat
Friday, October 2–Sunday, October 4 | Camp Allen
Sunday School classes are held for 3- and 4-year olds as well as K–2nd and 3rd–5th graders in age-appropriate classrooms. Westbury UMC’s devoted teachers plan activities based on a well-rounded curriculum.
We will gather in the serene piney woods of Camp Allen in Navasota (northwest of Houston). The cost is $60/person, with a $200/family maximum. This covers lodging in the cabins and meals. Recreational activities like horseback riding and canoeing can be added for a fee. To help us with preparations, make your reservation online at www.westburyumc.org/church-retreat
Youth Sunday School
Sunday, October 11 | 12:15–12:45 pm | Room C-1
9:30–10:30 am | Youth Wing Hear from great teachers and spend some time with your friends, all while growing in your relationship with God!
Sunday Afternoons Youth Group 5–7 pm | Humphrey Hall Let’s talk about what is going on in our lives and how God is showing up in the everyday stuff! We gather for food, student-led worship, and discussion on any number of topics. NO YOUTH GROUP OCT. 4 YOUTH GROUP OUT ON OCT. 25
Children’s Choir Kick-off
Following worship, children (ages 4–2nd grade) are invited to the Children’s Wing to sing songs and learn more about music and rhythm with Pastor DeAndre. Children will practice music to be sung in worship throughout the fall. The 30-minute music class will end with time for snacks.
Youth Group: Money Matters
Sundays, October 11 & 18 | 5–7 pm Have you ever wondered what Jesus thought about money? Would Jesus ever open a savings account? How would he pay for college? We take a close look at what Jesus said about material possessions and how what he said should impact the way we steward our possessions.
Southwest Houston School Expo
Saturday, October 17 | 10 am–noon | Humphrey Hall Explore options for your child’s education by previewing K–12 schools in southwest Houston.
Cookout at Westbury Park
Sunday, October 18 | 4:30-6:30 pm Families are invited to meet up at Westbury Park to enjoy a (hopefully!) cool, fall evening. Bring a blanket and picnic dinner! We’ll have some hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill to share.
Youth Group Out!
Sunday, October 25 | 4:30–7:30 pm Bring a friend and join us at Palace Lanes Bowling (4191 Bellaire Blvd, 77025). Cost is $10/person. There are snacks and drinks available for an additional expense at the bowling alley.
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Recurring Events
Sunday Mornings
November 2015 Events
Children’s Sunday School 9:30–10:30 am | Children’s Wing Sunday School classes are held for 3- and 4-year olds as well as K–2nd and 3rd–5th graders in age-appropriate classrooms. Westbury UMC’s devoted teachers plan activities based on a well-rounded curriculum. FAMILY SUNDAY SCHOOL NOV. 22 FAMILY ADVENT WREATH NOV. 29
Youth Sunday School 9:30–10:30 am | Youth Wing Hear from great teachers and spend some time with your friends, all while growing in your relationship with God!
n Children n Youth n Combined
Youth Group: What’s a Psalm?
Sundays, November 1 and 15 | 5–7 pm There are 150 Psalms in our Scriptures. They range in tone from being angry about life’s circumstances to praising God for everything. During this series we will closely examine why the Psalms were written and look at what they can teach us about ourselves and God.
Youth Group Out!
Sunday, November 8 | 2–5 pm Join us at the Houston Museum of Natural Science (5555 Hermann Park Dr. 77030). Cost is $10/ person. You’ll want to bring some extra money because afterwards we will stop for some ice cream.
More Than Enough Love Day
Sunday, November 15 | Times TBD
Sunday Afternoons
This Sunday Westbury becomes a church without walls! We will gather briefly to be sent out for mission and ministry throughout our community. There will be service opportunities for people of all ages and abilities.
Youth Group
Stewardship Family Sunday School (children + adults)
5–7 pm | Humphrey Hall Let’s talk about what is going on in our lives and how God is showing up in the everyday stuff! We gather for food, student-led worship, and discussion on any number of topics. YOUTH GROUP OUT ON NOV. 8 NO YOUTH GROUP NOV. 22 OR 29
Sunday, November 22 | 9:30–10:30 am | Room C-1
Parents and children will gather together to learn more about how we can respond generously to God’s many gifts to us!
Family Advent Wreath Making
Sunday, November 29 | 9–10:30 am | Humphrey Hall Families are welcome to join us as we celebrate the beginning of Advent! There will be a continental breakfast and all the needed materials to make a fresh, live wreath to use as part of family devotions throughout Advent. (Suggested donation of $8 per wreath)
GOOD GIFTS MARKET Save the date for Saturday, December 5, when you can shop fair-trade gifts for Christmas!
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CHRISTMAS BREAK Many folks will be traveling for Christmas, so there will be no Sunday School for children or youth on Sunday, December 27, but we’ll still gather for worship at 10:45 am!
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December 2015 Events Good Gifts Market
Saturday, December 5 | Time TBD Come shop for change at our outdoor Good Gifts Market on the church’s brick plaza. By purchasing beautiful, handcrafted gifts, you will support artisans locally and around the world seeking sustainable income. Hot drinks and food for purchase from food trucks. Residents of Westbury and surrounding Southwest Houston neighborhoods will be invited.
‘Twas the Light Before Christmas Family Christmas Pageant Sunday, December 6 | 4:30–7 pm
Kids and families will love being a part of this instant Christmas play! During one fun-filled night, they’ll create props, rehearse and perform a hilarious play to show us the true star of Christmas: Jesus! Following the play, there will be an after-party and catered dinner.
Family Sunday School (adults, children + youth)
Sundays, December 6, 13 & 20 | 9:30–10:30 am | Parlor Throughout December, we’ll explore the nativity. We will look at how the nativity scene is depicted in different parts of the world and we will also build and paint our own nativity to take home!
Youth Group: Worship Night
Sunday, December 13 | 5–7 pm Spend the evening worshipping and reflecting on how God has provided for you through this semester at school.
Youth Group: Christmas Party and White Elephant Exchange Sunday, December 20 | 5–7 pm
No need to go out and buy something for this great gift exchange. Simply look around the home! Find something that is “perfect” wrap it up, and join us for an evening of Christmas songs, food and our gift exchange. Location TBD.
Christmas Eve Services
Thursday, December 24 | 4 pm and 6 pm Families with kids of all ages are encouraged to attend the 4 pm service, which will be a fresh, interactive and engaging approach to Christmas Eve. The 6 pm service will be a more traditional service with candlelight. Nursery care is available during both services for babies–age 4.
Hillary Peete | hillary1@westburyumc.org
DIRECTOR OF YOUTH MINISTRY Josh United Methodist Church
Lemons | josh1@westburyumc.org
5200 Willowbend Blvd. Houston, TX 77096 713-723-0175