Fall 2014 Family Ministries Calendar

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Westbury United Methodist Church

Welcome A Westbury

t Westbury UMC, we center ourselves around the simple yet powerful teaching of Jesus to “love God and love neighbor.” We live this out through rhythms of worship and spiritual devotion, serving together in the community, and learning Methodist day by day how Church to follow God more closely. We’re a United people of all ages, nations and races––a church for all people with more than enough love to go around. It’s within a diverse community that we are shaped into God’s people. When it comes to children and youth, we believe in empowering the family to play a vital role in the spiritual development of young people. We are committed to equipping parents, grandparents and friends with the tools to nurture a child’s faith.


WO R S H I P United Methodist Church We worship every Sunday at 10:45 am. Children are welcome in worship with their families every Sunday morning. About midway through the service, 4-year-olds–2nd graders will be invited teachers plan activities based on a well-rounded curriculum to go with our children’s ministry team for Children’s Worship called Grow, Proclaim, Serve. Youth in 6th–12th grades meet Time. Always as an option for families, nursery care is provided upstairs in the Youth Wing for Sunday school, and there are for babies through age 4. various classes for parents that also meet simultaneously.


S U N DAY S C H O O L At 9:30 am, Sunday School classes are held for 3- and 4-year olds as well as K–2nd and 3rd–5th graders. Westbury UMC’s dedicated


FA M I LY M I N I S T RY E V E N T S We hope you’ll look over our Family Ministry Events Calendar. You and your family are welcome here anytime!


2014 Recurring Events Sunday Mornings

Children’s Sunday School

9:30–10:30 am | Children’s Wing Sunday School classes are held for 3- and 4-year olds as well as K–2nd and 3rd–5th graders in age-appropriate classrooms. Westbury UMC’s devoted teachers plan activities based on a well-rounded curriculum called Grow, Serve, Proclaim.


n Children n Youth n Combined

Unique Events Sundays, September 7–28

Back to Basics: Children’s Spirituality 9:30–10:30 am | Room 102

Youth Sunday School

9:30–10:30 am | Youth Wing Hear from great teachers and spend some time with your friends, all while growing deeper in your relationship with God!

Sunday Afternoons

Children’s Choir Rehearsal (starting Sept. 28) 3:00–3:45 pm | C-1, Children’s Wing

Join us for a four-week class for parents where we’ll explore what spiritual development looks like for our children and how families can support that development in practical ways.

Ages 4 through 2nd grade learn rhythm, the elements of music and songs of the faith. Lively rehearsals conclude with a light snack. The Children’s Choir regularly sings in worship.

Friday–Sunday, September 12–14

Youth Choir Rehearsal (starting Sept. 28)

Confirmation Retreat

6 pm Fri – 2 pm Sun | Camp Allen Confirmation is primarily for 6 graders, or any middle-schoolers who have not gone through. This year we will kick off Confirmation with a retreat for the confirmands and their families. We will journey through what Confirmation means and what is expected. th

Saturday, September 27

Neighborhood Bike Ride & Walk 9–11 am | Meet in Parking Lot

Hop on your bike and let’s ride together through a 3-mile residential loop, starting at the church parking lot. We’ll stop by Godwin Park on our return trek for playtime and some snacks. Families of all ages are welcome!

Sunday, September 28

Youth Bowling

5–7 pm | Palace Bowling Lanes 4191 Bellaire Blvd Head on over to Palace Bowling Lanes for some good food and a few frames. This is a great event to bring a friend to. You’ll want to bring some money for food, but the games are on us!

4–5 pm | Room 200, Choir Suite

The Agape Youth Choir (6th–12th graders) prepares songs for worship and special music.

Youth Group

5–7 pm | Humphrey Hall Each week we meet to talk about what is going on in our lives and how God is showing up in the everyday stuff! We gather for food, student-led worship, and discussion on any number of topics.

Wednesday Evenings

Youth Bible Study (starting Sept. 10) 6–7:30 pm | Youth Wing

A new mid-week Bible study for our 7th–12th grade students. This fall and winter, we will be working through the Gospel of John. Students will not need to purchase anything for the study. Simply bring your Bible and a pen or pencil for notes.

2014 Recurring Events Sunday Mornings

Children’s Sunday School

9:30–10:30 am | Children’s Wing Sunday School classes are held for 3- and 4-year olds as well as K–2nd and 3rd–5th graders in age-appropriate classrooms. Westbury UMC’s devoted teachers plan activities based on a well-rounded curriculum called Grow, Serve, Proclaim. NO CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL ON OCT. 5


n Children n Youth n Combined

Unique Events Friday–Sunday, October 3–5

Westbury Without Walls All-Church Retreat

Youth Sunday School

9:30–10:30 am | Youth Wing Hear from great teachers and spend some time with your friends, all while growing deeper in your relationship with God! NO YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL ON OCT. 5

Camp Allen in Navasota

Sunday Afternoons

Westbury Without Walls is a weekend for our church family to gather in the piney woods to talk, eat, play, pray and be in nature. The cost is $60 per person, $200 maximum per family. This covers lodging and meals. There are additional costs for activities such as canoeing, horseback riding, etc. Register on the church website!

Children’s Choir Rehearsal

Saturday, October 11

3:00–3:45 pm | C-1, Children’s Wing Ages 4 through 2nd grade learn rhythm, the elements of music and songs of the faith. Lively rehearsals conclude with a light snack. The Children’s Choir regularly sings in worship.

More Than Enough Love Community Service

Youth Choir Rehearsal

8 am–2 pm | Multiple Worksites

4–5 pm | Room 200, Choir Suite

Families are invited to join the church in a day of service. There will be something to do for all ages!

The Agape Youth Choir (6th–12th graders) prepares songs for worship and special music.

Saturday, October 18

7th Annual SW Houston School Expo 10 am–Noon | Humphrey Hall

Trying to find the best educational fit for your child? Explore booths and talk to representatives from 40 elementary, middle and high schools in the SW Houston area.

Sunday, October 12

Money & Me

Youth Group

5–7 pm | Humphrey Hall Each week we meet to talk about what is going on in our lives and how God is showing up in the everyday stuff! We gather for food, student-led worship, and discussion on any number of topics.

Wednesday Evenings

Youth Bible Study

9:30–10:30 am | Parlor

6–7:30 pm | Youth Wing

In October, we will help guide the family through the spiritual discipline of tithing. On Sunday, October 12, parents and children will join together for Sunday school. There will be interactive activities to get families talking and take-home resources to continue the conversation with ways to strengthen this spiritual discipline.

A new mid-week Bible study for our 7th–12th grade students. This fall and winter, we will be working through the Gospel of John. Students will not need to purchase anything for the study. Simply bring your Bible and a pen or pencil for notes. NO YOUTH BIBLE STUDY ON OCT. 1 OR 29

2014 Recurring Events Sunday Mornings

Children’s Sunday School

9:30–10:30 am | Children’s Wing Sunday School classes are held for 3- and 4-year olds as well as K–2nd and 3rd–5th graders in age-appropriate classrooms. Westbury UMC’s devoted teachers plan activities based on a well-rounded curriculum called Grow, Serve, Proclaim.

Youth Sunday School

9:30–10:30 am | Youth Wing EVENTS::

n Children n Youth n Combined

Hear from great teachers and spend some time with your friends, all while growing deeper in your relationship with God!

Unique Events

Sunday Afternoons

Sunday, November 23

3:00–3:45 pm | C-1, Children’s Wing

Youth Laser Tag

5–7 pm | Laser Quest 1

13711 Westheimer Rd

What could be better than backlights and lasers? I know… food with backlight and lasers! Done. Join us for a fun-filled night of laser tag. Cost is TBD; bring a friend for a few hours of laser gun slinging delight!

Sunday, November 30

Children’s Choir Rehearsal

Ages 4 through 2nd grade learn rhythm, the elements of music and songs of the faith. Lively rehearsals conclude with a light snack. The Children’s Choir regularly sings in worship. NO CHILDREN’S CHOIR ON NOV. 23 AND 30

Youth Choir Rehearsal

4–5 pm | Room 200, Choir Suite

Family ADVENTure Night

The Agape Youth Choir (6th–12th graders) prepares songs for worship and special music.

5–7 pm | Humphrey Hall


Our whole church family is invited to join us in celebrating the start of Advent and preparing for the birth of Christ! There will be dinner, hot chocolate and cookies. Families will be able to create an Advent wreath and create crafts and family devotionals that will encourage families to spend time together during the week reflecting on Advent.

Youth Group

Sunday, November 30–December 14


Adopt-A-Family Tree

Wednesday Evenings

Starting the first Sunday in Advent, November 30, stop by the Café and select a family in need referred to us by our community partners, Anderson Elementary and the Casa el Buen Samaritano health clinic. Sunday school classes or families can go in together to buy Christmas gifts off their “wish lists.” This is a great opportunity to focus on what we can give to others during this season!

Youth Bible Study

5–7 pm | Humphrey Hall Each week we meet to talk about what is going on in our lives and how God is showing up in the everyday stuff! We gather for food, student-led worship, and discussion on any number of topics.

6–7:30 pm | Youth Wing A new mid-week Bible study for our 7th–12th grade students. This fall and winter, we will be working through the Gospel of John. Students will not need to purchase anything for the study. Simply bring your Bible and a pen or pencil for notes. NO YOUTH BIBLE STUDY ON NOV. 19 OR 26

2014 Recurring Events Sunday Mornings

Children’s Sunday School

9:30–10:30 am | Children’s Wing Sunday School classes are held for 3- and 4-year olds as well as K–2nd and 3rd–5th graders in age-appropriate classrooms. Westbury UMC’s devoted teachers plan activities based on a well-rounded curriculum called Grow, Serve, Proclaim. NO CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL ON DEC. 28


n Children n Youth n Combined

Unique Events Sundays, December 7–21

Youth Sunday School

9:30–10:30 am | Youth Wing Hear from great teachers and spend some time with your friends, all while growing deeper in your relationship with God! NO YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL ON DEC. 28

Christmas Around the World

Sunday Afternoons

9:30–10:30 am | Parlor

Children’s Choir Rehearsal

This is for children, youth and parents all combined! We will explore Christmas from various Christian traditions and cultures represented at Westbury UMC. We will hear stories from people’s native countries, sing songs from their traditions, and find creative new ways to anticipate the birth of the Christ child! This will be an engaging and meaningful way to celebrate Advent with your family this year.

Saturday, December 13

Parents’ Shopping Day

9 am–1 pm | Children’s Wing

3:00–3:45 pm | C-1, Children’s Wing Ages 4 through 2nd grade learn rhythm, the elements of music and songs of the faith. Lively rehearsals conclude with a light snack. The Children’s Choir regularly sings in worship. NO CHILDREN’S CHOIR ON DEC. 14, 21 OR 28

Youth Choir Rehearsal

4–5 pm | Room 200, Choir Suite The Agape Youth Choir (6th–12th graders) prepares songs for worship and special music.

Need to finish up your Christmas shopping without spying eyes? Parents are invited to bring their children (babies–5th grade) to the church. Our youth will help lead us in games, crafts, and a movie. Please RSVP by Sunday, December 7. Lunch is provided.


Sunday, December 14

Each week we meet to talk about what is going on in our lives and how God is showing up in the everyday stuff! We gather for food, student-led worship, and discussion on any number of topics.

Adopt-A-Family Tree Don’t forget to turn in your gift! This will allow us time to deliver the gifts to the family in time for Christmas.

Sunday, December 14

Fiesta de la Posada

5 pm | Humphrey Hall More details TBA

Youth Group

5–7 pm | Humphrey Hall


Wednesday Evenings

Youth Bible Study 6–7:30 pm | Youth Wing A new mid-week Bible study for our 7th–12th grade students. This fall and winter, we will be working through the Gospel of John. NO YOUTH BIBLE STUDY ON DEC. 17, 24 OR 31

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