Westbury United Methodist Church
In this issue... 2 | cares&gives: Caring ministry reception, apportionments to UMC
3|w orships: Heroes of the Old Testament, annual conference worship
June 2012
4 | s erves: Recap of Garage Sale and Jazz Brunch to support missions
5 | c onnects CHILDREN: VBS, bike rodeo, summer Sunday school
6 | c onnects YOUTH: calendar, Texas Youth Academy, U.M. ARMY
7 | c onnects ADULTS: Sundae Sunday, etc. 8|w elcomes: Hannah Terry, new members
Holy conferencing brings Methodists together ◗ REV. TOMMY WILLIAMS, SENIOR PASTOR
he Christians called Methodists count it a blessing to gather with fellow Methodists from around different geographic areas for worship and sharing. The founder of our movement, John Wesley, called it “holy conferencing”—a time literally for conferring with others, sharing about doctrine and receiving advice on preaching. This time also became a time for accountability when pastors and lay leaders would lift up where each had seen the kingdom of God flourish and where they had seen it decline. In one such conference in Bristol, England, in August 1745, Wesley called such a conference. In that conference, they focused their conversations on the mission of the Methodist movement, which is grounded in the classic doctrines of the faith. This intersection of mission and doctrine is much like what we have spent the last several weeks focusing on in worship at Westbury. The minutes of that Bristol conference record an expressed concern by Wesley that perhaps some preachers are emphasizing “too much of the wrath and too little of the love of God.” If there is one thing that should characterize Methodist preaching and teaching, it is that the love of God is what saves. We’ll hear good preaching and teaching about the love of God at our annual conference in Galveston the week of June 4–7. Methodists in the East Texas and Greater Houston areas will gather. This time of conferencing continues this thread of history for the Christians called Methodists. I look forward to it every year as a time for worship, learning and reconnecting with friends.
As some know, Methodist pastors are appointed to churches one year at a time. Romonica, DeAndre and I are overjoyed to be reappointed to Westbury for another year. The month of June will begin my third year with you, Romonica begins her sixth and DeAndre his second (see their notes of gratitude below). Westbury continues to be a shining light in this community and indeed all across our beloved church. I love telling Westbury’s story to others at annual conference, and I always return with such joy in my heart for the ministry I get to do among you. Thank you for your prayers; it is a privilege to be your pastor. ■
Westbury will again be represented so ably by Eric Brown and Centha Davis. Both are thoughtful Christian people who take the work of holy conferencing so seriously; we are blessed to have them. On Wednesday, June 6, at 7:00 pm, DeAndre Johnson and Julius Wardley will both be ordained in The United Methodist Church. Let’s have a good Westbury contingent present for worship that evening. You are, of course, invited to any and all of the conference meetings and worship throughout the week (see page 3).
Turn to page 3 for details…
June 2012
Westburycares IN MEMORY OF... Gayle Sailor from Ken and Charlotte Zerbe
Worship and Sunday school attendance
his month is our mid-way mark of 2012. In the graph below, you’ll see Westbury UMC’s attendance averages in worship and Sunday school for the first five months of the year.
IN HONOR OF... Richard and Violet Lewis from an anonymous donor Tom and Joan Mazzu from an anonymous donor Prayers for those grieving the loss of: Avery Canahuati, baby niece of Jennifer Aguirre
Billy West, father of Wynette Stone
Vivian McJunkin Fallis,
wife of Don Fallis
Laura Gibbs, sister-in-law of Semmie Gibbs In the hospital: Vivian Koenig, Memorial Hermann Southwest Linda Lee, Methodist
Contributing to the kingdom
he United Methodist Church works as a connection. Apportionments paid by local churches to our District and Conference ministries help to make a difference in the world through pooled resources. Here are our contributions to date. Conference apportionments due..................$74,193 Paid through 05/29/12.....................................$30,913 Our goal is for Westbury UMC to meet 80% this year and 100% thereafter District apportionments due....$7,138 Paid through 05/29/12..........$2,974 Our goal is for Westbury UMC to meet 100%
On Sunday, May 6, the Living Water Caring Ministry Team hosted a Meet and Greet Reception for the 40 volunteers who engage in writing cards, making calls and keeping in touch with Westbury’s congregation. The ministry team also prays for the Armed Forces personnel related to our church members.
June 2012
hrough our summer worship series, each Sunday at 10:45 am, we’ll get to know some faithful men and women from the Bible, all of whom God used in unlikely and unexpected ways. We’ll hear sermons from various perspectives, including Westbury UMC’s three pastors, our summer pastoral interns—Jeff Gleghorn and Michael Draper—and our newest staff member—Hannah Terry. Sunday, June 03 “Abraham” Rev. Tommy Williams
Sunday, July 01 “David” Rev. Tommy Williams
Sunday, June 10 “Jacob and Esau” Rev. Romonica Malone-Wardley
Sunday, July 08 “Jonah” Rev. Romonica Malone-Wardley Sunday, July 15 “Esther” Hannah Terry
Sunday, June 17 “Moses” Rev. DeAndre Johnson
Sunday, July 22 “Isaiah” Jeff Gleghorn and Michael Draper
Sunday, June 24 “Ruth and Naomi” Jeff Gleghorn and Michael Draper
Sunday, July 29 “Daniel” Rev. Tommy Williams
veryone is invited to worship services at the Texas Annual Conference, to be held June 4–7 at the Galveston Island Convention Center. For more information, contact Rev. DeAndre Johnson, or visit www.txcumc.org. Monday, June 4 7:00 pm: Opening Celebration Tuesday, June 5 8:30 am: Prayer & Praise 7:00 pm: Celebration of Life Wednesday, June 6 11:15 am: Honoring the Retirees 7:00 pm: Ordination & Commissioning (NOTE: time was originally
published incorrectly as 7:30 pm. The service is actually at 7:00 pm. This is the service in which Revs. DeAndre Johnson and Julius MaloneWardley will be ordained.)
Thursday, June 7 10:15 am: Sending Forth
Pastors to be ordained on June 6
n Wednesday, June 6, at 7:00 pm, Revs. DeAndre Johnson and Julius Malone-Wardley will be ordained at the 2012 Texas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church. The evening service of worship will be held at the Galveston Island Convention Center.
Please contact the church office if you plan to attend and would like to be placed on a carpool list. We celebrate with these two pastors as they devote themselves to a life of ordained ministry in Christ’s name. Other worship services throughout the week are listed above. For a full schedule of Annual Conference activities, visit www.txcumc.org.
June 2012
Safehouse in Haiti supported by funds from Garage Sale for Orphans ◗ BETHANY WILLIAMS, PROJECT COORDINATOR
’m excited to give you an updated total of what the church was able to send to H.E.L.P. for the safehouse for orphaned children in Haiti: not just $2,500 but now $3,260! Several church members gave additional funds after we announced the first total in church. That means that we funded over half of the cost to build a safehouse. Throughout 2012, Haitian leaders and pastors seek to construct six safehouses for children to live, grow and be educated. The homes will rescue abandoned and vulnerable children from the streets, keeping them out of the hands of traffickers. It is such a blessing to see what the Lord does. Thank you again for all of your donated items, time and service. May we have joy as we think of His children who will be safe and loved rather than victims of human trafficking.
Change the World Jazz Brunch and Auction raises $4,200 for missions ◗ DANIEL HEATHCOCK, MEMBER OF THE COMMUNITY MINISTRIES COMMITTEE
n Sunday May 20, over 200 people gathered in Humphrey Hall to celebrate Westbury UMC’s first Change the World Day Jazz Brunch and Silent Auction. The event was co-sponsored by the Global Ministries and Community Ministries committees and featured live jazz music by church musicians, New Orleans food and a silent and live auction. As part of the global United Methodist Church’s Change the World Campaign, local churches were asked to put forth an effort that targeted a local issue and a global issue. This year’s jazz brunch proceeds went to Braes Interfaith Ministries and Imagine No Malaria. Braes Interfaith is a joint effort of local congregations to aid the community around us. Imagine No Malaria is a global effort of the United Methodist Church and other agencies to end malaria, especially in Africa. We are happy to announce the results of the event. Thanks to your generosity, we raised over $4,200! With a 50% split, that means that both Braes Interfaith Ministries and Imagine No Malaria will each receive over $2,100. We would like to offer many thanks to all of the volunteers and staff that helped make this event possible. Together, we truly can Change the World.
June 2012
Bike rodeo concludes Pack 455’s 50th year ◗ D ONALD SCHERER, CHARTER ORGANIZATION REPRESENTATIVE
ub Scout Pack 455 wrapped up its 50th anniversary year with a bike rodeo! Over 100 kids came out to the Westbury UMC parking lot on Thursday, May 17, and had a great time at bicycling activity stations for safety, helmet check, bike maintenance and a skills course. They followed that up with an organized bike ride through the neighborhood with their adult leaders. Cub Scouting’s core value for May is “Health and Fitness,” and what better way to put the “out” in scouting than by having fun in the outdoors!? Many thanks to all the scout and parent volunteers that came out to help us, and special thanks to our sponsor, Westbury United Methodist Church, for 50 great years! For more information on how you can get involved in Cub Scouting at Westbury UMC for summertime activities, contact Donald Scherer, Westbury UMC Charter Organization Representative, through email at tatankadon@yahoo.com or by calling 281-498-5222.
Summer Sunday school lessons
ummer Sunday school starts at 9:30 am. Our teachers enliven Bible stories through crafts, games and more. Preschoolers (ages 3 and 4) will study from The Acts of the Apostles. Kindergarteners through 5th graders will follow these lessons:
We’re still fishing for VBS volunteers! Together, we can take this exciting underwater expedition (July 30–August 3) to a whole new level! Let’s commit to teach the children of Westbury UMC and those visiting from our community about the deep love of God. Sign up at the table in the East Foyer or go online to www. westburyumc.org/children. Westbury UMC VBS Registratio n July 30 – August 3, 2012 9 am – noon One child per form . Plea leaving the gree
se complete all
June 10 | The Boy’s Lunch (John 6:1–14) June 17 | Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46–52)
June 24 | Jesus Calms the Storm (Matthew 8:23–27) $20
first child
blank. Thank you! each sibling My God, I have come to do what Child’ you want. Your s Name teachi ngs are deep within me. Psalm 40:8 Last __________ _______________ ______ First _____ _______________ Allergies, fears, ______ Prefers or limitations_____ _______________ ______________ ______________ __________ _______ Anythin
Sign your kids up for VBS 2012: Operation Overboard!
Registration forms are available online and in the church office.
n area
June 03 | The Man Beside the Pool (John 5:1–18)
g else we should
______________ know about your ______________ child? _______ ______________ ______________ Date of Birth _______ _______ ______________ ______________ _____________ ______________ Grade as of 9/1/12 ______________ ________ School _________ attending in the ______________ Fall of 2012___ T-Shirt ______________ ______________ ______________ _________ SIZE _____________ Mom Cell #______ ________ Home Phone _______ ______________ _ Mom Office # _______ _______ ______________ ______________ _______Dad Cell __________ Home Address #_____________ ______________ ________ Dad Office ______________ ______________ # ______________ ______________ Best family email _________ __________ City address _______ ______________ ______________ _____________ ______________ Zip _______ _______ ______________ Emergency Contact ______________ ______________ __ Home Church ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ Those who have __ Phone _______ permission to pick ______________ up this child in ______________ addition to parents ___________ Name ______________ ______________ ________ Relation ship to child _______ Name ______________ ______________ ______________ ____ Best phone ________ Relation number: _______ ship to child _______ ______________ ____ ______________ ____ Best phone Office Use only number: _______ ______________ ____ $_________ Check Group _______ # __________ ______________ _ ______________ ______________ _______ Siblings: _______ ______________ ______________ ___________ ______________ ______________ ______________ Comments: _______ ______________ ______________ (Please circle __ ______________ all that apply) ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ Mon Tues ______________ Wed Thu Fri ______________ _______ The V Parent/Guardian
Plans to Attend
olunteers and Staff of Westbury United environment for Methodist Church your child. Howeve (“WUMC”) are determi r, there is the possibil complete and sign ned to provide a ity of an unforeseen below. Thank you. safe and nurturin accident. Please r g ead the following The undersigned g then ives permission for his/ her child _______ (child’s name) (VBS) and releases ______ WUMC,
__________________ its officers, employ property sustaine ___________ to p ees, and agents from d by the undersig articipate in Vacation any liability whatso ned for any member Bible School WUMC , its officers, ever for injury or of his family, in attendan death or loss of or employ damage to ce, and the undersig will attempt to contact y ees, and agents from any liability ned agrees to defend or loss they might ou. If you cannot sustain by reason and indemnify be reached, your her designee, permissi thereof. In the event signature below indicate on to seek medical of an EMERGENCY, s that you grant the treatment for your deemed necessar we y by the examinin D c hild irector a nd of Children ’s Ministries i ndicate g physician. It further s your consent for , or your child to receive a indicates that you have full financial ny By signing this registrat m edical treatment responsibility for ion form you also any such care. agree that any photogra UMC and may be used in future publicati phs taken of your child at or during ons as deemed approp this event are the riate. Medical Insurance property of Westbury Company: ______
_______________ _Phone No. ______ _______________ _____ I. D. No. ______ _______________ _______________ _______________ _____ _ Today’s Date: ______ _______________ payment with this __________ 2012 completed form Westbury United to complete your Methodist Church registration. Thank 5200 Willowbend Boulevard Houston you. Group No. ______
Signed: ___________
Please include
, Texas
July 01 | David (1 Samuel 16:14–23) July 08 | Jonah (Book of Jonah)
July 15 | Down the Wall (Acts 9:20–31) July 22 | Shipwrecked (Acts 26–27) July 29 | Naaman (2 Kings 5:1–14)
August 05 | The Centurion’s Servant (Luke 7:1–10) August 12 | Dorcas (Acts 9:36–42)
August 19 | The Church in Antioch (Acts 11:19–30)
June 2012
Checklist of needs for U.M. ARMY qT OOLS TO TAKE ON THE ROAD Are you able to donate any saws, drills, shovels, or other tools for the youth when they go to U.M. ARMY the week of June 10–16? Please be aware that donated tools will not be returned. We are short on tools this year, and we would greatly appreciate any help. qM EALS TO FEED VISITING GROUP A visiting U.M. ARMY team will be hosted at Westbury UMC, June 17–23. Individuals, groups or Sunday school classes are encouraged to host a meal for the group. If you can help out in either of these areas, please contact Cody Cruise at codycruise@gmail.com.
Summer youth calendar JUNE 2012 03 10 10–16 17 20
Party at Hodge/Block House @ 5 pm No activities for teens U.M. ARMY in Fairfield, TX Meet @ 4 pm to feed visiting U.M. ARMY team Collide Bible Study @ 6:30 pm, Brooks House: 4822 Spruce Street Bellaire, TX 77401 24 A night with the pastoral interns @ 5 pm 27 Collide Bible Study @ 6:30 pm, Brooks House: 4822 Spruce Street Bellaire, TX 77401
JULY 2012 01 08 11 15 18 23–28 29
Impact @ 5 pm Astros game @ noon Collide Bible Study @ 6:30 pm, Wiggs House: 5466 Jason Street Houston, TX 77096 Teens meet @ 5 pm to go to Discovery Green Collide Bible Study @ 6:30 pm, Wiggs House: 5466 Jason Street Houston, TX 77096 Student Life Missions Camp in Denton, TX Celebration @ 5 pm
The Agape Youth Choir brought communion and worshipped in the home of Anne Bell on Sunday, May 6. Anne has been a member at Westbury UMC for over 50 years!
Texas Youth Academy participants
wo youth from Westbury UMC—Chris Wiggs and Sarah Patlan—have been accepted to attend the Texas Youth Leadership Academy this summer. Sponsored by The United Methodist Church, the Texas Youth Academy is an annual event for high school sophomores and juniors who have a desire to explore their faith and future. There, teenagers will learn more about the church, missions, worship and much more. Chris and Sarah were accepted from a pool of applicants from across Texas. Pray for them during the academy, to be held June 25–July 7 on the campus of Southwestern University in Georgetown. Westbury UMC’s youth director, Cody Cruise, has been asked to serve as one of the camp leaders this year.
01 Collide Bible Study @ 6:30 pm, Sanders House: 10907 Villa Lea Lane Houston, TX 77071 05 Kemah @ 5 pm, back @ 9 pm 08 Collide Bible Study @ 6:30 pm, Sanders House: 10907 Villa Lea Lane Houston, TX 77071 10–11 Teen planning retreat to Galveston; cost: $20 12 Dodgeball night 19 Spaghetti dinner 26 Promotion Sunday For more details, visit www.cmyouth.com.
June 2012
Pastor Tommy to share about General Conference over ice cream
re you curious to know more about what happened at General Conference back in April? This was the worldwide gathering of delegates from across The United Methodist Church, and our own Rev. Tommy Williams attended. Come get the scoop on Sundae Sunday, June 24 at 4:00 pm in the Parlor. Enjoy an ice cream treat and informal Q&A with the pastor.
Pastors’ reunion PrimeTimers
n Monday, June 25, the PrimeTimers will meet in Humphrey Hall, with their general meeting starting at 11:00 am followed by a potluck lunch at 11:30 am and the musical program at noon. This month, the 30-piece band, Country Place Ragtimers, will entertain on their ukuleles, banjos, guitars, piano and full rhythm section. Members of the bands are all over 55 and live in the community of Country Place near Pearland. Come hear familiar songs, and be ready to sing along to your favorite tunes! Katie Griffin, who has served so well as the program facilitator, has called this a pastors’ reunion festivity. Several of Westbury’s former pastors will join the PrimeTimers on this Monday. Membership to PrimeTimers is open to all persons over 50 years of age, regardless of church affiliation. Dues are just $5 per year, and freewill offerings are taken to support the musicians/ performers. For more information, contact Martha Upton at martha1@ westburyumc.org or 713-723-0175.
Conversations can express faith on Facebook
f you’re on Facebook, make sure you “like” Westbury UMC’s page at www.facebook.com/ westburyumc. Right now 96 people like our page, which means they are the first to know when there are updates, photo albums and more. Let’s also use this social media When events and links are posted on the Westbury UMC page, technology converit helps tremendously if you like, comment or share. sationally! You’re encouraged to post prayer requests and interact with content posted by Westbury staff. Facebook is just one way you can be invitational with your friends and stay connected with your Westbury UMC community. WE HEAR YOU... SO KEEP ON TALKIN’! Ra’Gene DeAndre Johnson on April 15 Listening to a great concert with good peoples at a great church. –with Missy Wise Crystal Wallace on March 18 Wonderful day to worship God and all his love. Jon Schwenneker on March 25 Hearing the Centenary College of Louisiana sing today was absolutely beautiful. Those young men and women all had incredible voices and brought them all together in an inspiring way. :) Juanita Mayes Sheppard on January 22 Hello Westbury, love you and all that you stand for. God bless you and all the ministries...
Can we reach
125 fans by the end of the summer!? Connect with us.
June 2012
Reception for Hannah Terry on June 3
oin us on Sunday, June 3, when we’ll welcome our newest staff member, Hannah Terry! You’re invited to join us for a reception for her in the Parlor at 12:30 pm, just following worship. A recent graduate from Duke Divinity School, Hannah discerned God’s call to relocate to Houston to launch a new apartment ministry along the Fondren Road corridor, just three miles from the campus of Westbury UMC. We will take a love offering for this ministry in worship on June 3. Please continue to pray for Hannah and this vital ministry along Fondren Road. BAPTISMS
On 05/20/12, Cooper Harwerth, son of Kevin and Kelley Harwerth; Jack Hartzog, son of Michael and Emily Hartzog; and Michael Hartzog were all baptized by Rev. Tommy Williams.
John and Ofelia Patlan (04/01/12)
We welcome Elisha Mfon Johnson, born 05/27/12, to David and Sarah Johnson.
The next monthly issue will be on July 6, 2012. Submissions are due by June 28 at 4:00 pm to Martha Upton at martha1@westburyumc.org. United Methodist Church
Address service requested WestburyUMC.org
Main Office: 713-723-0175 United Methodist Church
5200 Willowbend Blvd. Houston, Texas 77096-5298
United Methodist Church
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