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8:14 AM
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Ages 3–10
Fall 2012
Psalm 77:11, CEB
Isaiah 11
But I will remember the LORD’S deeds; yes, I will remember your wondrous acts from times long past.
Unit 1
And a little c
We Remember Moses
Unit 1
God is with me when I need help.
God’s Son
Session 1: THE BASKET BOAT Exodus 1:8-14; Exodus 2:1-10
Session 1:
Session 2: GOD SPEAKS TO MOSES Exodus 2:11-30 (11-12, 15-17); Exodus 3:1-20
Session 2:
Session 3: MOSES AND THE PHARAOH Exodus 5:1–13:9
Session 3:
Session 4: CROSSING THE SEA Exodus 13:17–14:29
Session 4:
Session 5: MIRIAM CELEBRATES Exodus 15:1-21
Session 5:
Psalm 100:5, CEB
Bring in your in heaven.
Because the LORD is good, his loyal love lasts forever; his faithfulness lasts generation after generation.
Unit 2
We Remember God’s People
Unit 2
God is with me in times of change.
Jesus teac
Session 6: IN THE WILDERNESS Exodus 15:22–17:7
Session 6:
Session 7: THE TEN COMMANDMENTS Exodus 19:1–20:21
Session 7:
Session 8: A HOUSE FOR GOD Exodus 25:1–31:15; 35:4–40:38
Session 8:
Session 9: GOD CHOOSES JOSHUA Deuteronomy 31:1-2, 7-8, 23; Joshua 1:1-9
Session 9:
Luke 10:2
Joshua 24:24, CEB
We will serve the LORD our God and will obey him.
Unit 3
SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2012 together /
We Remember God’s Promised Land
I can choose to serve and obey God.
You must lov all your stren
Unit 3
Jesus teac
10 / together SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2012
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Hannah Terry (left) joins partners in ministry, Lindsey and Daniel Heathcock. SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2012 together /
16 / together SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2012
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18 / together SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2012
Sundays @ 6:00 pm Disciple i: Survey of Old and New Testaments Travel through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation with daily Bible reading and class time that includes a DVD lesson and discussion.
Fall 2012 Small Groups
Fall 2012 Small Group Registration Deadline: Sept. 2, 2012 Detach and return this form with payment to the church office or mail it to: Westbury UMC, 5200 Willowbend Blvd, Houston, TX 77096
■ Duration: 32 weeks, starting September 9 ■ Leader: Steve Ewing ■ Location: W203 ■ Cost: $40
Name: ______________________________
Tuesdays @ 7:00 pm Invitation to Romans
Phone: (_______) _____________________
A short-term Bible study of the apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans.
Choose one or more small groups in which you plan to participate this fall:
■ Duration: 8 weeks, starting September 11 ■ Leaders: Rev. Romonica Malone-Wardley ■ Location: 102 ■ Cost: $12
Wednesdays @ 7:00 am Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study
Email: ______________________________
❒ S undays @ 6:00 pm (starts Sept. 9, $40) DISCIPLE I: Old and New Testaments ❒ T uesdays @ 7:00 pm (starts Sept. 11, $12) Invitation to Romans
A study and fellowship time on the 101 Most Powerful Verses in the Bible. ■ Duration: throughout the year ■ Leader: Eric Brown ■ Location: Servery ■ Cost: free
❒ W ednesdays @ 7:00 am (ongoing, free) Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study
Wednesdays @ 6:30 pm Genesis for Youth
❒ W ednesdays @ noon (starts Sept. 12, $20) Good Books That Grow Discipleship
Wednesday night Bible study for youth will begin at the beginning! Junior and senior high students are invited to walk through Genesis. ■ Duration: 13 weeks, starting September 5 ■ Leader: Cody Cruise ■ Location: H24 ■ Cost: free
Wednesdays @ noon or 7:00 pm Good Books That Grow Our Discipleship
❒ W ednesdays @ 6:30 pm (starts Sept. 5, free) Genesis for Youth ❒ W ednesdays @ 7:00 pm (starts Sept. 12, $20) Good Books That Grow Discipleship
Explore two classic books of the Christian faith: Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis and Life Together: An Exploration of Christian Community by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
❒ Thursdays @ 9:15 am (starts Sept. 6, $35) Community Bible Study
■ Duration: 9 weeks, starting September 12 ■ Leader: Rev. Tommy Williams ■ Location: 102 ■ Cost: $20 for the 2 books
❒ T BA (starts this fall, free) Covenant Discipleship Groups
Thursdays @ 9:15 am Community Bible Study Interdenominational study on the Gospel of John hosted at Westbury UMC with corresponding children’s Bible study and childcare. ■ Duration: 34 weeks, starting September 6 ■ Leader: Contact Jana Kincannon ■ Location: Parlor ■ Cost: $35
TBD Covenant Discipleship Groups Are you interested in a being a part of a home small group? Covenant Groups consist of committed Christian disciples who are praying and supporting one another along their faith journeys. Each group has a facilitator/host home and sets their own schedule once they assemble. In addition to the Bible, one core book will be Praying with John Wesley by David deSilva. You will be contacted with details should you express interest in being a part of a Covenant Group this fall.
Total amount due: __________ Please bring cash or a check (made out to Westbury UMC) to the church office, or remit payment to your group’s leader on or before the first day of class.
FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Paid by: ❒ Cash ❒ Check #_______ Date: _______
Note: Childcare is available upon request for groups held at the church.
SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2012 together /
United Methodist Church
5200 Willowbend Blvd. Houston, Texas 77096-5298
Main Office: 713-723-0175 United Methodist Church
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Westbury United Methodist Church