Children: Set Sail Brochure

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t Westbury UMC, we believe in empowering the family to play a vital role in the spiritual development of children. We are committed to equipping parents, grandparents and friends with the tools to faithfully nurture a child’s faith. To illustrate this, we have identified anchors in a young person’s life. These are significant events (like baptism or receiving a special Bible) one can remember and hold fast to when life’s storms come. Throughout the year, the children’s ministry provides sails, or opportunities to propel forward in faith through continued formation (like practicing faith at home, serving as a family, or going on a retreat). To guide us, we have a compass with four core components of children’s ministry that remain constant in navigating faith for babies–5th grade. The overview you’ll find inside is meant to be a guide on your faith voyage. We want to partner with you! Set sail with us and please ask for more resources along the way as needed. Each family is different and has its own rhythm. We want to help you know God throughout the rhythm of your day—to strengthen your bonds with God, your family, and your community.

At Westbury United Methodist Church we are casting a vision for a holistic family ministry: TO CREATE AN ENVIRONMENT OF COLLABORATION AND PARTICIPATION AMONG PARENTS, CHILDREN, AND THE CHURCH FOR

at Westbury UMC


Children’s Ministry BABIES–5TH GRADE


There will be storms and at times it will be a challenge to navigate, but you are not alone. So let’s set sail together as we learn to love God with all our heart, soul and strength throughout all our days.

Westbury United Methodist Church

5200 Willowbend Blvd. Houston, TX 77096 713-723-0175


Baptism | Children of all ages are welcomed into the community of faith through baptism, a sign of God’s covenant and promise of grace.




Image of God

Image of God | Our 3-year-olds are presented with the book Images of God, as they become ready to explore metaphors presented in Scripture.

Scripture & Me

Scripture & Me | Our 2nd graders receive a Bible as we empower families to read God’s Word together.

Charting the Course

Charting the Course | Our 5th graders receive a study Bible to guide them as they dive deeper into Scripture. We also partner with parents to discuss this important year and relevant issues. Welcome & Connection | We welcome and connect families with appropriate discipleship, mission and small group opportunities as they incorporate fully into the life of Westbury UMC.


Welcome & Connection

Faith at Home

Faith at Home | We help parents and children discover the importance of family devotions, providing creative ideas through church events and other resources. Diversity | We highlight the diversity of the Westbury community—our families, nationalities, and abilities—all pointing toward the appreciation of the diversity of God’s creation. Family Service | We inspire and engage the family in being the hands and feet of Christ through church, community, and global service as a family.

Money & Me VBS & Camps Worship & Me

VBS & Camps | We host Vacation Bible School (VBS) and occasional camps as a way to provide fun and educational experiences. Money & Me | We encourage kids and families to honor God through stewardship of resources.

Diversity Family Service Quiet Time

Worship & Me | Children participate in and lead worship in various ways and engage other opportunities to learn about our Christian faith and Wesleyan/Methodist heritage. Quiet Time | Our 3rd-5th graders have two retreats each year as a time to develop friendships, practice the discipline of reflection, and prepare for the transition to Youth Group.

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