Flood Risk and the Tamar Catchment
January 2024
Frank Newell Team Leader Flood and Coastal Risk Management Environment Agency CornwallNational FCERM Strategy
… a nation ready for, and resilient to, flooding and coastal change – today, tomorrow and to the year 2100.
Strategy ambitions
Climate resilient places
Today’s growth and infrastructure resilient in tomorrow’s climate
A nation ready to respond and adapt to flooding and coastal change
Climate Change impact
Peak river flow increase in 60years
Sea Level Rise
In 60years: 0.74m
In 100years: 1.44m
Linking Resilience and Adaptation
•Resilience – target a level of resilience to flooding and climate change for all communities, delivered in different ways.
•Adaptation – how resilience changes over time.
Risks are changing over time
Maladaptation - unsustainable choices
Challenges in the Tamar
• Rural: Farmland run off and soil health
• Fluvial risk to small scale communities
• Sea level rise: coastal squeeze and managing community resilience
Flood Risk Management Plans
Find out about flood risk management plans – Flood Plan Explorer (data.gov.uk)
Catchment Resilience
Land management
Fluvial flooding
Coastal Resilience
Plymouth - Millbay