LOCAL ACTION PROJECT Working with local communities to enhance the value of natural capital in local landscapes to improve people’s lives, the environment and economic prosperity.
The story so far...
Origins of LAP Early natural capital approaches: Conservation Strategy Maps, Environmental Infrastructure & Habitat Creation Strategies.
2009 Strategic Evidence
Bioregional planning to ecosystem services mapping: strategic evidence & partnership- working to target PES schemes.
Ecosystem Visioning Co-creating a shared vision for ecosystem services provision across a catchment landscape with the Tamar Partnership.
ES Mapping Framework Developing a replicable & robust ‘participatory ecosystem services mapping framework’ to support collaborative working.
2008-2013 The early years...
Local Action Project...
Local Action Project
A collaborative, stakeholder-led approach to enhancing natural capital and ecosystem services in urban landscapes.
2015 LAP2 & BOUNTY Tool An online decision support tool and detailed opportunity mapping to facilitate co-creation of urban nature based solutions (NBS).
Sponge & Millbrook Using the social and knowledge capital built through the LAP approach to inspire & enable the delivery of NBS & natural capital.
LAP3 & EnRoute Citylab Delivering a robust collaborative & integrated natural capital approach in collaboration with local communities in Manchester.
Origins of Local Action P
Early steps towards a data-driven & collaborative n Conservation Strategy Maps, Environmental Infras
Conservation Strategy Mapping: 2004-08 A multi-parameter spatial evidence technique designed to target species-focused conservation actions at a landscape scale.
Environmen Infrastructu
Method for exha of EI assets - ass capacity to prov under pressure f increasing dema
natural capital approach: structure & Habitat Creation Strategies
ntal ure: 2008-10
austive review sessing their vide vital services from growth or and.
EA Habitat Creation Strategy: 2008-10
Collaborative strategic evidence approach to develop a multi-parameter (25+ spatial indicators) ‘Habitat Creation Potential’ search tool.
Strategic evidence & par
From the concept of bioregional planning to early services mapping: using strategic evidence & partn
Strategic Evidence & Partnership: 2011
Establishing strategic local partnerships and developing catchment evidence - a first attempt to map ecosystem service-provisioning areas.
WATER Proj Handbook:
Using ecosystem mapping to facil development of Payments for Ec Services (PES) m
y attempts at participatory ecosystem nership-working to target PES schemes
ject PES 2008-10
m services litate the f innovative cosystem markets.
The Tamar Catchment Partnership Pilot: 2012
Developing a truly participatory ecosystem services mapping approach - 62 stakeholders, >60 hours of deliberation, 1 shared vision for the catchment.
Participatory ES Visualis
Developing a method for undertaking stakeholder services provisioning areas across a catchment lan
ESS Mapping Methodology: 2014
Method for participatory process where stakeholders specialists work with a broker to collate and scrutinise the data and evidence.
Catchment E Reviews: 201
We have co-crea catchment (or la ecosystem servi reviews with env partnerships acr
sation Framework
r-led spatial visualisation of ecosystem ndscape to develop a shared future vision
ated >30 andscape-scale) ices evidence vironmental ross the UK.
Draft Greater Exeter Strategic Plan: 2012
We have adapted our ESS visualisation method to create a strategic environmental evidence-base for this largescale development plan.
Local Action Project 1: F
The aim of LAP was to develop an engaging, empo delivering urban nature-based solutions - the ‘tool
Good Town vs Bad Town image: 2015-16
An illustration designed to facilitate engagement with and communication to a wide variety of stakeholders with an interest in urban NBS.
LAP Indicato Methodolog
Method for crea indicator wheels the economic, so and environmen natural capital in
owering and data-driven approach for lkit’ included a number of key resources
tors gy: 2015-17
ating the LAP s that assess ocial, cultural ntal benefits of n urban areas.
SuDS & GI Toolbox for Practitioners : 2016
A framework or ‘toolbox’ to help practitioners understand the benefits resulting from NBS to enhance ES provision or natural capital in urban areas.
Local Action Project 1: D
The LAP approach was developed collaboratively w policy-makers in four pilot areas: Leicester, Newto
Co-creation workshops in Demo Sites: 2015-16
2-3 co-creation workshops convened with stakeholders in each Demo Site and practitioner workshops and conferences used to define best practice.
LAP1 Urban Capital Revi
All the natural ca ecosystem servi combined with i from urban prac toolbox into evid
Demonstrator Sites
with catchment partnerships and local on Abbot, Manchester and Thames Estuary.
n Natural iews: 2016
apital and ices evidence information ctitioners’ dence review.
Final LAP1 Report Published: 2016
In November 2016, the final LAP1 report, containing all of the research findings and outputs of the project, was published by Defra.
LAP2 Urban Demonstrat
Further refinement of the targeting techniques fo measures in the LAP Toolbox and development of
Hydrological models to target SuDS: 2016-17
Developing a free hydrological modelling approach to identify opportunity areas for the delivery of SuDS or climate adaptation measures.
Urban Wate Group: 2014
A strategic plann mentoring group a collaborative, p approach to sus environmental m
tor & BOUNTY
or the urban water management (SuDS) f an online decision-support tool - BOUNTY.
er Working
ning and p championing partnership stainable urban management.
Interactive Decision Support Tool: 2016-17
BOUNTY (Benefits Of Urban Nature To You), is an online, interactive decision-support tool built to help stakeholders explore the LAP evidence.
Pathway to Impact: NBS
LAP is about inspiring and empowering communit the natural capital in their landscape - we have rea
Co-Creation of SuDS in Sponge 2020: 2017-20
A â‚Ź6m Interreg project using the LAP approach to target and facilitate the co-creation of SuDS and climate adaptation measures in Somerset towns.
Community Raingarden
Working with loc school children, civil society grou co-design and co community-base
ties to take action to protect or enhance alised this via Sponge2020 and Millbrook.
y Delivery of ns: 2018-20
cal communities, families and ups to target, o-create ed raingardens.
Nature of Millbrook Partnership: 2016-19
Working with a local community living at risk of flooding and environmental degradation to develop a shared vision for the future of their local landscape.
LAP3: Collaborative Natu
We have spent a year further refining the LAP app integrated natural capital approach for application
Manchester City-lab for EnRoute: 2017-19
A city-wide, collaborative, natural capital approach designed to work with local communities and practitioners to enhance the value of nature.
The Nature Action Plan:
Piloting LAP at a scale by working Manchester, to i people interact w the benefits natu
ural Capital Approach
proach into a robust local, collaborative & n by environmental partnerships.
of Hulme : 2017-19
a communityg in Hulme, investigate how with nature and ure provides.
Local Action Project 3 Final Outputs: 2018-19
The final LAP3 report is about to be published, but you can view a showcase of the research findings recently presented to Defra and Environment Agency.
LOCAL ACTION PROJECT Working with local communities to enhance the value of natural capital in local landscapes to improve people’s lives, the environment and economic prosperity. The Local Action Project (LAP) aims to work with local communities to enhance the value of nature (natural capital) in their local landscapes to improve the health and wellbeing of people and wildlife. LAP takes an integrated, collaborative approach designed to enable local communities and civil society groups to discover their vision for where they live and to help them form effective stakeholder-partnerships through which to realise that vision. The LAP approach and ethos has been specifically designed to help meet the objectives set out in the Government’s recently published 25-Year Environment Plan (25-YEP) and we hope to make just a small contribution to the delivery of that vision over the coming years.
2019-2020 What’s next....?