12 minute read
Farming News
Louis Murchan
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine began issuing payments under said scheme. This initiative was put in place by Minister Michael Creed under the previous government, in advance of the Spring calving season with a view to ensuring the highest possible calf welfare outcomes and to provide targeted support to the rearing of beef calves from the dairy herd as well as replacement heifer calves born on Irish dairy farms. It was launched last December and opened for applications on 7 January 2020. Over 2,300 applications were received and approved to proceed under the scheme. The primary policy objective of the scheme is to support farmers in ensuring the welfare of calves born on Irish dairy farms, recognising the operational challenges associated with feeding in the early weeks of their lives. The investment focus is on supporting calf feeding systems such as computerised calf feeders, milk carts with mixer included and calf teat feeders. When a farmer purchased one of these items, they were also eligible to receive support for the purchase of other items, such as calf milk heaters, calf forage/hay racks, calf meal troughs, calf feed barriers and calf pen dividers.
The Beef Finishers Payment (BFP), worth €50 million will provide some provide income support for up to 42,000 farmers with beef finishing enterprises, who have been impacted by the economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. We are all aware of the difficulties caused by Covid-19 in the Irish beef sector and the consequences for those in beef farming and for the rural economy as a whole. Farmers with finished animals suffered from both reduced prices and other restrictions in getting animals to market. The closure of the food service market in Ireland, the UK and beyond has had a dramatic impact on the industry and in particular those who supply it to make their living. This scheme is aimed at farmers who finished cattle during the period from 1 February to 12 June 2020 and should help to alleviate the financial pressures as a result of Covid-19. It should provide a valuable additional income support this year. Beef farming is an important economic activity, with a significant multiplier effect in local rural communities, and thus is more important than ever in sustaining these communities as we work towards economic recovery.” This measure is targeted at farmers who finished animals and comes on top of a significant increase in targeted environmental and welfare supports for suckler production earlier this year, in the form of the BEEPSucklers scheme.
The main points of the scheme are: • An estimated 42,000 farmers will be eligible to apply for the scheme, which will be based on the number of cattle sent for slaughter in the period from 1 February to 12 June 2020, subject to a limit of 100 animals per herd. Based on estimates of eligible animals, a rate in the region of €100 per animal will be payable. • In the event of an over subscription, the rate of payment per animal will be subject to a linear cut in order to comply with the available budget of €50 million. • The opening date for applications will be 19 August 2020 and the closing date will be 9 September 2020. Detail of the measure including terms and conditions and how to apply will be made available in due course at www.agriculture.gov.ie/farmerschemesandpayments/BFP Applications will be made online through the agfood.ie portal. ELIGIBLE ANIMALS:
• 2020. Slaughtered in the reference period of 1 February to 12 June • Resident on the qualifying herd for at least 30 days prior to slaughter (if not the previous owner is eligible for payment if they are an applicant and have had the animal for over 30 days on their holding) • Animals identified on the Department systems as presented for slaughter by or on behalf of a factory will not be eligible. • Subject to a cap on payments in respect of 100 eligible animals per herd. ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS:
• A farmer who has presented animals for slaughter in the reference period The holder of an active herd number with Herd Owner Status.
• Farming a holding in respect of which a valid Basic Payment Scheme application has been submitted in 2020 to the Department. Agent or Dealer herd numbers are not eligible for payment • Conditionality: Applicant must be a member of the Bord Bia Beef and Lamb Quality Assurance Scheme at the time of application, or undertake to become a member of a quality scheme prior to 30 September 2020.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was recently agreed and signed by Department and IHRB officials to provide Regulatory and Investigative Officers enhancing the IHRB’s investigative powers with regards to the use of Animal Remedies. This will provide further assurance to all stakeholders in preserving the reputation and confidence in Irish Horse Racing. This MOU aims to advance the already collaborative working arrangements between DAFM and the IHRB to improve the oversight, investigative and enforcement powers of the Horse Racing industry to support animal welfare and to strengthen domestic and international confidence in its ‘brand. Whilst extending the powers of the IHRB officers, the MOU does not alter the criteria or sanctioning process of the IHRB. Related prosecutions will remain at the discretion of my Department. The Department has been working with the IHRB for a number of months to develop this agreement and will continue to provide assistance to the Board, to meet the evolving needs of the racing industry while respecting the strong heritage of Irish racing. This in effect gives the IHRB Veterinary Officers additional investigative powers as authorised officers, which has to be welcome. IHRB officers will be trained to exercise powers and functions of authorised officers, such as seizing unauthorised or prohibited animal remedies, in relation to a variety of horses, land, premises and a number of actors across the sector. These include:
• Thoroughbred breeders, their breeding establishments, or horses from other such establishments which have not yet entered training; • Persons acting under the direction of or under the control of a Thoroughbred breeder in relation to a horse to which the MOU applies; • Licensed Persons and Horses in the possession of, returned in training by or under the control of a Licensed Person within the meaning of the Rules of Racing; • Race meetings and Point to Point fixtures held under the jurisdiction and authority of the IHRB and Irish National Hunt Steeplechase Committee;
• Any person who is an Owner, Trainer, Handler, Permit Holder, Authorised Agent, or Authorised Representative (within the meaning of the Rules of Racing and Irish National Hunt Steeplechase Rules and/ or the Irish National Hunt Regulations for Point to Point Steeplechases as appropriate) and any other person who is acting under the direction of or under the control of or on behalf of an Owner, Trainer, Authorised Agent, or Authorised Representative in relation to a horse to which the MOU applies; and • Any land in respect of which a horse to which the MOU applies happens to be or has been.
NEW SCHEME FOR NATIVE WOODLAND ON PUBLIC LAND A new scheme to fund the creation of new native woodland on public lands meets one of the government’s main biodiversity commitments and will cover the cost of establishing such forests on suitable land in public ownership. The Scheme is aimed at all Public Bodies, including Government Departments and State Sponsored Organisations; Higher Education Authorities and Local Authorities.
The scheme was approved by Government the end of last month and will commence with a landbank analysis by all public bodies to assess whether they have land suitable for planting. The Woodland Creation on Public Lands Scheme aims to conserve nature by developing permanent, non-commercial woodlands on public land that will deliver the following benefits: • Recreation of lost native woodland habitats, rich in biodiversity and cultural significance. • Reverse the fragmentation of other habitats and the loss of biodiversity corridors within the wider landscape. Carbon sequestration from forests that will exist in perpetuity. • Protection and enhancement of water and associated aquatic ecosystems. • Provision of attractive woodland amenities, to promote health and well-being in the communities. Enhancing air quality in urban and peri-urban areas. • Soil protection and the reclamation of former landfill and brownfield sites.
Native woodlands are an important part of Ireland’s natural heritage, history and culture, and are unique in terms of their biodiversity. They are home to specialised woodland animals, birds, insects and plants, including red squirrel, pine marten, great spotted woodpecker, narrowNative woodlands are an important part of Ireland’s natural heritage, history and culture, and are unique in terms of their biodiversity and habitat creation. This scheme will put in place permanent woodland that will capture carbon, can protect water, will add to our landscapes for years and keep the “Green” element of our government happy. Iarnród Éireann have stepped forward as the first public body to express an interest in the scheme. Approval to establish a native woodland is now being sought for a site on our land in Co. Roscommon as a pilot under this scheme.
- Contact Louis Murchan Tel;- 087-2857938 (B Ag Sc, Dip EIA Mgmt) Agricultural & Environmental Advisor
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Dog theft is on the increase and these poor dogs are being used for breeding in puppy farms, sold on, or far worse used as bait dogs for fighting. Be vigilant of strangers, cars or motorbikes driving about slowly or in a place they are not normally, also drones are used to check back gardens. Keep an eye on the front of your property for cable tyes, chalk marks, nails in walls or fence posts. These are markers that you have a dog. If you find any of these, take a picture, then remove them. Keep an eye on your dog in the garden, don’t leave your dog tied up outside a shop, it only takes second to steal it. Be careful putting up pictures of your dog up on social media, check your privacy settings. Get your dog microchipped, if they are, check all your details are up to date. Most importantly, if you find marker or see anything odd contact the local Gaurda so they are aware of these activities.

If your dog is taken, Gárdaí first followed by social media, get it out there as quickly as possible.
The Díseart Gardens in Dingle have re-opened to the public having been closed for a number of months for works. The gardens are a beautiful oasis of nature and calm in the heart of Dingle town and are open from 9.30 am to 4.30pm

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Vivian and Bill O’Shea RIP

Alpine Guest House and The Wood, Dingle 21st August 2019 and 6th March 2020 First Year Anniversary and Acknowledgement As we lovingly remember our beautiful parents, on the occasion of our Mother’s first year anniversary and our Father’s recent passing, we their children, along with our families wish to express our sincere thanks to all those who sympathised with us at the time of their deaths.
We offer our heartfelt thanks to our relatives, colleagues and very good friends who gathered round us at the time and who continue to support us. We wish to express our gratitude to those who attended their wakes and Requiem Masses, those who sent Mass cards, messages of sympathy and those who travelled any distance to be with us at the time of their funerals. Sincere thanks to the West Kerry Primary Care Team and Rita Leahy who assisted us in caring for our parents at home. Thank you to Dr Fiona Kavanagh and Dr Paul Morrison for their exceptional care and attention to our parents. Many thanks to Fr Michael Moynihan, Fr Jim Sheehy and Fr Tomás Ó hIceadha who officiated at the ceremonies and to Fr Joe Begley who regularly visited our parents at home. A special thank you to our friend Antoinette Heery whose beautiful singing voice enriched both Requiem Masses. Thank you also to Dónal O’ Connor Undertaker for his attention to detail. Missed everyday by Paul, Mary, Joan and Vivienne, by grandchildren Liam, Eoin, Oisín and Ailíse and by Tom and Caroline. Anniversary Mass will be held in St Mary’s Church, Dingle on Saturday 22nd August at 8.00pm. Together again forever Suaimhneas síoraí go raibh acu