13 minute read
Dingle Cookery School Recipe
Mark Murphy Dingle Cookery School
What a delicious way to serve aubergines. A variation of this will regularly be found on the Japanese table. Try this once and you will love it, it has such flavour and is perfect served with rice or noodles or as a side dish for a barbeque. Miso paste can be now found in most shops, especially in health shops. It is a brilliant ingredient to have, a spoon to any dish will give it a meaty or umami flavour.
2 aubergines, cut in quarters lengthways olive oil
100g brown miso 2 tsp. grated ginger 2 cloves of garlic, crushed dash of sesame oil
1 tsp. dark soy sauce 1 tsp. honey 1 tsp. rice wine vinegar (white wine vinegar will do if you don’t have it) 2 tsp. sesame seeds bunch of spring onions, sliced finely
Preheat oven to 180°C.
Brush both aubergine quarters with olive oil, place on a tray and then in the oven. Allow this to cook for about 20 minutes or so.
Turn on the grill and allow it to get hot. Meanwhile, mix the miso, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, honey and vinegar. Add in the sesame and half of the spring onions. Brush this mixture over the aubergines. Place under the hot grill for about 5 minutes.
Add the remaining spring onions and serve with noodles or rice. Bain taitneamh as!!! Enjoy some great cheese for a picnic or at home!

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Buail isteach
Michael Healy-Rae TD Mícheál Ó’hEalaigh-Rae
In the interest of public safety, all clinics have been cancelled until further notice, however I can be contacted at any time on the following numbers:
Constituency Office: 064 6685782 Office Fax: 064 66 85904 Mob: 087-246 1678 email:michael.healy-rae@oireachtas.ie Fan Slán
Annascaul Notes
Residents Association
Friday 28 August at 7pm meeting at Lios Na gCraobh with all the residents of Kerry County Council and An Cluid to form a committee Tennant association of Lios Na gCraobh, Annascaul.
Annascaul Gaa & Coiste na nÓg
anyone who left items behind in the dressing rooms to collect them as soon as possible. Thank you.
Annascaul Playground
The works on the playground site have started. We are ever so grateful for the voluntary labour from parents in preparing the grounds. We would also like to thank Ardfert Quarry for donating 20 tonnes of stone for the surface and Richard Boyle & Sons for donating two lengths of 18" pipes. Groundwork is done and the site is ready for contractors to come in and start the building work. Thank you to Mike Kennedy Plant Hire and John Whelehan for their help clearing the site. Annascaul GAA & Coiste na nÓg would like
Annascaul Allotments
community initiative. You can help out by going on Annascaul Allotments go fund me page. Annascaul Allotments is a non profit community based project and aims to provide spaces for local people to promote and grow their own food for their own enjoyment and satisfaction. We are located at the Kilduff turn on N86 just outside Annascaul. Shop local and support your local community. If you would like anything included in the Notes. Contact Noel Spillane. Ph 087 2184757 or forward an email to info@annascaul.ie before 8pm every Saturday.
Plean Teanga Chiarraí Thiar - Eolas & Nuacht West Kerry Language Plan - Info & News
Tá súil againn go bhfuil na héinne ag baint súp as an gcúpla seachtain deireanach den saoire. Ní fada uainn anois ach go mbeidh na scoileanna oscailte aríst agus samhradh gnóthach eile cúrtha dínn againn anseo i gCorca Dhuibhne.
Eolas fén bplean /Information on the Plan
Cad a bhíonn ar bun againn agus an Plean á chur i bhfeidhm againn? / How do we implement the Plan?
Tá 58 beart sa phlean a bhaineann le 10 réimse difriúil. Táimidne fé láthair ag díriú ar 3 réimse ar leith: An Teaghlach, An Óige agus An t-Oideachas.
There are 58 actions in the plan over 10 diferent areas. We are currently focusing on 3 specific areas: Family Support Services, Youth Services and The Education System Chun na bearta a bhaint amach bíonn rúdaí eagsúla ar bun againn, mar shampla ócáidí agus imeachtaí, ranganna agus cúrsaí, agus bíonn áiseanna á fhorbairt agus scéimeanna á riaradh againn. Bímid ag obair go dlúth le heagraíochtaí agus le coistí áitiúla chun na bearta a bhaint amach.
We organise a wide range of events and activities, classes and courses, as well as developing materials and implementing schemes to achieve the actions set out in the plan. We work closely with other organisations, local committees to achieve the actions set out.
An Chúinne Chruthaitheach
Ní fuaireadh aon rud don gcúinne an uair seo. Táimid sásta glacadh le learáidí leis ó dhaoine, mar aon le filíocht nó scríbhneoireacht!
Tá píosaí cruitheacha á bhfoilsiú anseo as Gaelainn nó go dhátheangach. Má chuireann tú dán, ealaíon nó splanc-scríbhneoireacht chugainn, tabharfar dearbhán One4All don té foilsithe! Sprioclá ná Luan sula dtagann an West Kerry Live amach.
Nuacht agus Imeachtaí / News agus Events Siúlóid treoraithe le Darrach Ó Murchú / Guided Walk with Darrach Ó Murchú
Tar linn suas Cruach Mhárthain Dé Céadaoin, 19ú Lúnasa, ar a 14:00
Beidh Tae agus Caife againn ina dhiaidh! Breis eolais: pleanteanga@cfcd.ie
Painéal do Theagascóirí Gaelainne
An mbeidh suim agat ranganna Gaelainne a theagasc? Tá Údarás na Gaeltachta ag lorg daoine atá ar fáil agus go bhfuil suim acu ranganna Gaelainne a theagasc sa Ghaeltacht. Más mian leat a bheith ar an bpainéal seo, is féidir ríomhphost a sheoladh chuig pleanailteanga@ udaras.ie.
Ranganna Bailé
Beidh ranganna bailé ag tosnú go luath in Áras Bhréanainn le Scoil Bailé Róisín Barrett, i gcomhar le Tús Maith. Beidh ranganna eagsúla ar fáil do leanaí aois 3-12. Breis eolais agus clárú
34 West Kerry Live
le Orlaith ar 066 9156100 nó roisinbarrett1@ gmail.com. Ballet Classes will be starting in Áras Bhréanainn with Scoil Bailé Róisín Barrett, in conjunction with Tús Maith. There will be classes available for children 3-12 years. Further information and registration: Orlaith 066 9156100 or roisinbarrett1@ gmail.com
YouTube Thús Maith
An bhfuileann tú ag féachaint ar na físeáin iontacha atá anois Youtube le Tús Maith? Bíonn scéal nua na haon Mháirt agus tá sraith nua againn le Darrach Ó Murchú na haon Déardaoin agus é ag tabhairt leargas dúinn ar chuid don bhfeamnach atá ar fáil anseo againn. Tá rud éigint ann dos na héinne! Are you keeping up with all the videos that are available on Tús Maith’s Youtube channel? We have a different story every Tuesday and a wonderful new series on Thursdays with Darrach Ó Murchú showing us all about the seaweed that we have available to us. Theres something for everyone!
Tóraíocht Taisce don Teaghlach
Tá Tóraíocht Taisce ar bun againn le Tuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta, seo deis duitse agus dod' theaghlach aithne níos fearr a chur ar bhur gceantar. Caith uair a chloig ag spaisteoireacht go háitiúil leis na leanaí i gceann de na háiteanna ar an liosta – breis eolais: pleanteanga@cfcd.ie Fancy a treasure hunt? We have organised a family treasure hunt with Tuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta, a chance for you and your family to get out and about for an hour and complete a fun treasure hunt together – further information; pleanteanga@cfcd. ie
Scéalta ár mBailte
An bhfuil suim agat i gcúrsaí scannánaíochta? Ba bhreá linn dá mbeifeá páirteacht inár dtógra nua: Scéalta ár mBailte. Deis é seo taighde a dhéanamh ar do bhaile nó ar do pharóiste féin agus scannán a chur le chéile bunaithe ar Solar Systems an dtaighde sin. Bígí i dteagmháil linn ar 066 9156100 nó pleanteanga@cfcd.ie Tom Kennedy
Solar..panels or tubes, what's the difference? Well they both provide hot water when heated by the sun’s energy, thus saving you energy, be it oil, gas or electricity. A solar system will save up to 70% of your annual hot water bill. When it comes to tubes versus panels, the tubes are marginally more efficient than panels, but realistically the difference is small, especially when we have had such a great spell of sunshine. There is another "solar system" known in the trade as "Thermodynamic" this is a solar panel that works in the dark. Yes with no sunshine, you ask how! Well the answer is simple really, it's not a solar panel it's a heat pump. The way it works is a panel is fitted to your roof which is connected to a unit and cylinder in your hot press. This is a compressor similar to what's found in a fridge, this unit pumps a refrigerant gas into the panel where it heats due to the fact that the gas has a very low boiling point of about -25 Celsius so this hot gas comes back into the unit, where the gas is compressed to make it hotter, the heat is then transferred to create heat. However, this unit is dependant on electricity to operate so while saving money on heating hot water it does so at a cost.

Take for example a typical family home with 3 to 5 occupants, costs on average about €1,500 to €2,000 per year to heat, of which about a 1/4 to 1/3 of this is hot water, so a typical hot water bill for a family of 5 is somewhere in the region of €450 to €650 a year.
A solar system for a family of 5 can cost anything from €4,000 to €5,500 supplied and fitted, giving them a yearly saving of approx €350 to €500 and when you take into account the rising cost of enPáidí agus é i mbun Maratón na dTeaghlach. ergy, a system can pay for itself in 5 to 10 years. Le Jayne O Connor
Maratón na dTeaghlach
Comhghairdeachas ó chroí leis na héinne a ghlac páirt i Maratón na dTeaghlach. Bhí nach mór 50 duine timpeall na leithnise páirteach sa Mharatón. Beidh imeacht beag againn go luath chun na hoodies agus na teastais a bhronnadh ar na rannpháirtithe. Congratulations to everyone that recently completed Maratón na dTeaghlach. There were around 50 people out all over Corca Dhuibhne walking or running to complete the marathon. We will be awarding a hoodie and cert to all the participants soon.
Comhrá Chorca Dhuibhne - WhatsApp Sóisialta
Má theastaíonn uait bheith curtha isteach i ngrúpa WhatsApp sóisialta Comhrá Chorca Dhuibhne cuir focal chuig 087 376 9538 nó pleanteanga@cfcd.ie. Grúpa neamhfhoirmeálta atá ann ina mbeidh daoine in ann comhrá scríofa a bheith acu.
If you want to be a part of an informal social WhatsApp group in Irish, Comhrá Chorca Dhuibhne, send a message to 087 376 9538 or pleanteanga@cfcd.ie. A great chance to chat, read and write as Gaeilge!
Tomhas na coicíse
Tá sé uaine, tá sé dearg, agus tá sé buí ina lár, agus ní féidir leis an rí na leis an mbainríoghan é a shroisint?
Cuir freagra chugainn @tobardhuibhne ar Instagram nó ar r-phost! Freagra & buaiteoir an eagráin seo chaite: ‘’Ciúnas / Tost’’– Antóin Ó Braoin, An Daingean Ríomhphost: pleanteanga@cfcd.ie
Suíomh Idirlín: www.tobardhuibhne.ie
Fón oifige: (066) 9156 100 – brúigh 3 do Thobar Dhuibhne j.prendergast@cfcd.ie & c.demordha@cfcd.ie 087 376 9538 087 377 9337
Get your heating system up to date Extra Grants available from WE ALSO SUPPLY & INSTALL THE FOLLOWING: SEAI & Electric Ireland Does your Oil/Gas Boiler need servicing Reg. Gas installer Get your heating system into shape and improve efficiency

Deirdre de Bhailís
We’ve been listening closely to the needs of those of you who are currently working remotely from the Dingle Peninsula and it seems clear that the provision of space to enable professional video conferencing with high spec technology and reliable broadband is one of the key requirements. This can facilitate commercial meetings, training sessions, webinars and the general digital enablement of activities on the Peninsula. For this reason, the Dingle Hub is seeking proposals for the provision of a full video conferencing solution for a meeting room located at the Dingle Creativity and Innovation Hub in Cúilín Business Park. Full details of the brief can be found on www.dinglehub.com/vacancies. If you are interested in working with us to complete this project, please send a proposal to tenders@dinglehub.com no later than 15:00 on Wednesday, August 26th. The installation needs to be completed by the end of October 2020 and has a maximum budget of €7,500. For anyone who missed our Reimagine series of online workshops we now have recordings of these workshops up on our website. This exciting series was enabled by funding from South West Gnó Skillnet. The series was conceived as a way to support businesses and individuals on the Dingle Peninsula; they guide participants in these interactive workshops to find ways to reimagine and to find new opportunities and ways of working in these challenging times. Areas covered by our panel of expert facilitators include Intro to Social Media and Marketing in Challenging Times with KCDigital founder Katie Conneely, How to Make a Podcast, How to Market your Podcast and Motivation in Challenging Times with Shane Finn, Communicating with Confidence and Working from Home & Online Meetings with Speak Up Club founder Deanna O’Connor and Wellbeing in Challenging Times with mindful coach Silke Michels. We received great feedback from the sessions and look forward to facilitating future workshops and events. We’re open to any ideas you have of workshops that may be useful at this time - you can email us on info@dinglehub.com It is important to note that access to the Dingle Hub will be by prior appointment only for the duration of Covid-19 restrictions. Anyone who wishes to use the facilities can book a hot desk online at www. dinglehub.com or contact info@dinglehub.com to arrange longer term options. Our conference room is currently available for online booking on a half-day or full-day basis. The conference room can accommodate up to 3 people while maintaining social distancing. Make sure to contact us to discuss your needs as we have packages to cater for those who want to work from here on a partial, intermittent or permanent basis. Stay safe and well everyone. Live in a Creative Place, Work in a Creative Space
Contact: Deirdre de Bhailís, Dingle Creativity and Innovation Hub Tel.: 066 9150140 Email: info@dinglehub.com www.dinglehub.com

Do You Need To Work From Dingle?

The Hub Offers:
Hot desks, dedicated desks and private offices Access to 1Gb of eir fibre broadband A dedicated telephone landline Free parking 24-hour access and more
Contact Us:
Phone: 066 9150140 Email: info@dinglehub.com Web: www.dinglehub.com
Located in:
Cúilín Business Centre, Dingle, Kerry. V92 P9NX
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