11 minute read
Anso is Ansúid i gCorca Dhuibhne
Blúire Béaloidis ó Chorca Dhuibhne:
Eachtra ar Phiaras Firtéar
File maith do bheadh Piaras. Do bhí ana thrácht ar a chuid filidheachta ar fuaid na hÉireann. Do chuaidh a mhór-cháil a gcluasaibh file eile i gCo. an Chláir, agus dubhairt sé leis fhéin go mbaineadh sé amach Piaras agus go mbainfeadh sé bodhta as.
Seo leis chun siubhail, agus níor stad sé riamh ná choidhche gur bhain sé amach Dún an Fhirtéaraig. Bhuail fear annsan leis mara bhfuil an taoide ag rith suas fiche éigin slat idir dhá thalamh.
Buaileadh isteach na aigne gurbh é Piaras a bhí ann, agus níor theastuig uaidh é fhéin do chur i n-aithne dho 'dtí go mbainfeadh sé triall as a chuid filidheachta ar dtúis. Do sgaoil sé chuige bhéarsa:
"Dia is Muire dhuit-se a shár fhir, a mhic na máthair súairc"
"Is an mó galún sáile a gheibheann an áit seo suas"
D'fhreagair Piaras é ag rádh: 'Is deachair dómh-sa é thómhas na cártaibh
Mar bíonn sé láidir luath,
An méid ná coimeádann an áth do,
Imthígheann sé an bádh o thúaidh.' Níor dhein an file stróinseardha ach ionntó ar a sháil agus Conndae an Chláir a bhaint amach, mar bhí a fhios aige nárbh aon mhaith dho dul chun filídheachta lé Piaras.
Fúaireas (Dómhnall O Súilleabháin) an eachtra so óm mháthair Máire Bean Uí Shúilleabháin.
Scoil: Scoil Naomh Íde, An Leathtaoibh Mór. Múinteoir: Éamonn Ó Catháin
Faisnéiseoir: Máire Ní Shúilleabháin (Tuismitheoir)
Seoladh: Imileá an Bhóthair, Baile an Fheirtearaigh, Co. Chiarraí. Ábhar á fhoilsiú le caoinchead Chnuasach Bhéaloideas Éireann www.duchas.ie
Logainmneacha ó Chorca Dhuibhne (Ina luaitear gnéithe den dtalamh íseal):
Fearann: Fearann Ístínigh, Fearann na gCuileannach, Fearann Éamoinn, Fearann Brúin
Gort; Na Gorta Dubha, Gort an Foghla, Gort an Leasa, Gort na Sceiche
Páirc: Pointe na Páirce, Tobar na Páirce, Páirc an Mhaca, Páirc an tSeana-Mhuilinn,
Cluain: Cluain na hOla, Na Cluainte, Cluain Gé, Cluain Searrach
Garraí: Garraí an Ollthaigh, Garraí na dTor, Garraí na Máthar, Garraí an Ghabha
Músaem Chorca Dhuibhne ar oscailt
Buail isteach ag an Músaem ar an mBuailtín, go bhfuil taispeántas úrnua ann i mbliana. An Siopa Leabhar ar oscailt ann agus cupa caife nó tae le tógaint amach ar fáil ann leis. Pónairí ó Bean in Dingle. Saothar ó ealaíontóirí Chorca Dhuibhne ar díol ann. Ar oscailt ón gCéadaoin – Domhnach óna 11.00 – 4.00. Fáilte romhaibh isteach.
Seachtain Oidhreachta 2020
Beidh saorchead isteach go dtí Músaem Chorca Dhuibhne le linn Seachtain Oidhreachta 2020 ón 15ú-23ú Lúnasa. Buail isteach agus fáilte agus bain taitneamh as an Taispeántas Nua a seoladh sa Mhúsaem i mbliana. www.westkerrymuseum. com
Allagar na hAoine
Blúire giolcaireachta ó Allagar na hAoine gach Aoine ag @AHaoine. Buíochas do Mhícheál Toose Mac Gearailt agus do Chian ó Lorcáin. Gach Eolas/Further Information: 066 9156100/eolas@cfcd.ie
Cúrsaí i mBaile an Fheirtéaraigh Cúrsaí Gaeilge do Dhaoine Fásta i gCorca
Dhuibhne 2020 31ú Lúnasa - 4ú Meán Fómhair: Amhránaíocht & Gaeilge; Comhrá & Gramadach na Gaeilge 7ú - 11ú Meán Fómhair: Comhrá Ardleibheal; Comhrá Meánleibhéal;
Costas: €225
Gach eolas ó Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne @ 066 9156100 nó cuir ríomhphost go dtí eolas@cfcd.ie
Cláraigh at www.oidhreacht .ie. Register at www.oidhreacht.ie Tuilleadh Eolais/Further Information: 066 9156100 nó cuir ríomhphost chuig eolas@cfcd.ie. Call 066 9156100 or e mail eolas@cfcd.ie Tá sé mar chuspóir ag an Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge (Leibhéal B2) forbairt agus buanú a dhéanamh ar scileanna teanga an mhic léinn a bhfuil eolas áirithe ar an nGaeilge aige nó aici. Déanfar é seo trí úsáid a bhaint as gníomhaíochtaí cumarsáideacha nuálacha agus úsáidfear ábhar dílis (is é sin, cláir theilifíse, cláir raidió, nuachtáin, etc.) ionas go bhfaighidh an mac léinn léargas ar ghnáthúsáid laethúil na Gaeilge. Déanfaidh Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne an cúrsa seo a reáchtáil i gcomhar le Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge .Má tá suim agat freastal ar Chúrsa Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge don dtréimhse 2020/2022 cuir fios ar Chaitríona ag 066 9156100 nó seol ríomhphost chuig eolas@cfcd.ie. Comharchumann Forbartha Chorca Dhuibhne
Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne
Milltown Branch

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Féile Lúnasa 2020, Go raibh maith agat do gach duine a bhain taitneamh as Féile Lughnasa 2020. Cé nach bhféadfaimis meas a bheith againn air le chéile inár bparóiste iontach Clochán / Bréanainn, bhíomar fós in ann taitneamh a bhaint as ar líne agus muid ag fanacht slán sna hamanna buartha seo de Covid-19. Táimid an-bhuíoch freisin do na coistí agus do chomhlacht áitiúla a roinn a gcuid tuairimí agus smaointe linn chun cabhrú linn cuimhneamh i mbliana. Go raibh maith agat chomh maith le Billy Leen agus a iníon Mary as ár gCrom Dubh luachmhar a athchruthú chun féile na bliana seo a cheiliúradh. Tá súil againn go mbeimid ar ais go gnáth an bhliain seo chugainn ach go dtí seo, go raibh maith agat go léir as do thuiscint. Má theastaíonn uait torthaí na gcomórtaisí a fháil téigh go dtí www.cflt.ie. Go dtí 2021! Thank you to all who entered and enjoyed Féile Lughnasa 2020. While we couldn’t appreciate it together in our wonderful parish of cloghane/Brandon, we still were able to enjoy it online while staying safe in these troubling times of Covid-19. We are also immensely thankful to the committees and local businesses who shared their opinions and ideas with us to help make this year one to remember. Thank you as well to Billy Leen for recreating our precious Crom Dubh to mark this year’s festival. We hope that next year we will be back to normal but for now, thank you all for your understanding. If you want to see the results of the competitions go to www.cflt.ie. Until 2021!
Cumann 500/Club 500 Draw . Buaitoirí Mí Iúil. July Winners.
1ú:(€500): Padraig Quirke, An Clochán, 2ú:(€250): Brian Ó Ruairc, Lios, Bréanainn 3ú:(€150): Micheal & Cáit Uí Churráin, Lios, Bréanainn 4ú:(€75): John Paul Hoare, Lios, Bréanainn 5ú. (€50): Brendan & Michele Spillane, Fermoyle Buíochas as ucht do thacaíocht leanúnach. Thank you for your continued support. Feach ar www.cflt.ie chun a thuilleadh eolas a fháil Seirbhisí Iarscoile / Afterschool Service Téir i dteagmháil linn más mian leat do leanbh a chlárú do sheirbhisí iarscoile. Beifear ag athoscailt de réir threoirlínte an rialtais mar gheall ar Covid 19 Notaí Clochán Bréanainn Corca Dhuibhne Lawnmowers Get in contact if you would like to register your child for afterschool service. Reopening is subject to government guidelines NEW Seirbhís Béile Baile / Meals on Wheels: Mar gheall ar na treoirlínte ón Rialtas maidir leis an Coronavirus, tá na seirbhísí ó Halla Le Chéile curtha Lawn & Grass Cutting Service ar ceal. Táimid ag obair go crua chun an tseirbhís Béilí Baile a cuir ar fáil. I láthair na huaire tá an chistin ag obair Dé Luain, Dé Céadaoin, Dé hAoine Strimming & Lawn Care Advice chun freastal ar na daoine is leochailí . Má tá aon cheist agat glaoigh ar 066 7138137. Míle Búiochas.
Due to the recent guidelines from the Government regarding the Coronavirus, services are suspended from Halla Le Chéile. We are working hard to maintain the Meals on Wheels service. We are constantly reviewing the situation. At the moment the kitchen is operating on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays to cater No Lawn Too Big Or Small for the most vulnerable. If you have any questions please call 066 7138137. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. Very Reasonable Rates!! Glaoig ar Breandán - 087-2895675 Seirbhís Lawnmowers ar Fáil
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Brigid O'Connor
DOG OWNERS BE AWARE Dog owners, be aware of cable ties placed on your gate or fence ! In recent times this practice has been associated with the theft of family dogs. As many as 10 dogs believed stolen in Kerry were found recently in Rathkeale. The Gardaí are appealing to all dog owners to be aware and anyone missing a dog are asked to please contact them. Dogs are valued and much loved pets and many people are deeply distressed by their loss. A dog is often a persons only companion. SUCCESS Congratulations to Dr. Breda O'Dwyer, Camp Cross on achieving her Doctorate on Entrepreneurial Mindset. Breda researched and produced her thesis on the entrepreneurial mind-set of the entrepreneurship educator - essentially showing it to be a dynamic life long process and that each and everyone of us has the potential to behave entrepreneurially - people just need to have our minds open to it. It is about embracing change, being transformative and adding value - and goes way beyond being just about setting up a business - about being open to learning, thinking and behaving entrepreneurially! Breda says going forward Ireland, Europe and global policy makers are seeking entrepreneurial thinking citizens and are tasking the educators with achieving this objective - hence the need to learn about the entrepreneurial mind-sets of these educators - hence her study found that they do indeed have entrepreneurial mindsets and can help others to develop theirs. Go n-éirí an t-adh leat, a Bhreda.
On Sunday after 12 noon Mass in Camp Fr. Gerry Keane our resident Parish Priest in the parish of Annascaul, Camp and Inch for the past 5 years said farewell to a large gathering of parishioners outside St. Mary's Church. Fr. Gerry is the 86th priest in the parish, the first being a Fr. D. McCarthy who served here from 1829 - 1830. And St. Marys Church, Camp was built in 1826, 3 years before Catholic Emancipation. A presentation was made to Fr. Gerry on behalf of all parishioners in the Camp area and Gene Finn, Chairman Camp Community Council and Brigid O Connor said a few words of thanks in grateful appreciation to Fr. Gerry for his commitment and his dedication to the parish over the years. A lone Priest in a parish with 3 churches was not an easy Parish assignment and therefore the parishioners are very grateful to Fr. Gerry who despite difficult mountainous terrain and often inclement weather, never failed to turn up on time, be it for a service for our dearly departed, a christening or wedding, Fr. Gerry never left any family down. For that he will be fondly remembered and parishioners are eternally grateful to him ! Camps loss is Eyeries gain and everybody wishes Fr. Gerry great happiness and success in his new ministry Parish Priest of Eyeries and Allihies, Co. Cork. In his final homily in Camp, Fr. Gerry read a letter from a young parishioner whose lovely sentiments of appreciation pleased him greatly, Fr. Gerry departed at the end of his final Mass in Camp with an appropriate quote from scripture - When I have taught you everything, I will leave ! A Short Poem, was also read as follows -
Fr. Gerrys in a hurry, And hes not going making hay, And as sure
as God above looks down on us,
St. Senans are playing today. Go n-Eirí an t-adh leat, Fr. Gerry. SUCCESSFUL DEBUT IN THE USA How exciting to read the following report on the sporting success of Campman Kenneth Quirke in the USA. Report in Kerry Motorsport News as follows - Successful US debut for Quirke. Kenneth Quirke took a very creditable fourth overall on his American rally debut on Saturday July 18. The New York-based Camp man contested the Southern Ohio Forrest Rally as co-driver to Ryan Booth, a former Indy car racer who, in recent years, turned his hand to rallying. The pair used a McKenna Motorsport hired Ford Fiesta R5 for what was the second round of the Rally America national series and their opposition reflected the event’s national status. Congratulations and well done Kenneth !
The death of Sean Curtin, Lougher, Annascaul occurred recently in Johannesberg, South Africa. Sean emigrated at a young age to Australia, finally settling down to a content and happy life in Johannesberg. Sean never forgot his home and his Irish roots and so his final wish to be buried with his mother May and Father John Joe in Inch Cemetary, will be carried out a a later date.
Sympathy is extended to his son John, grandson John, his sisters Maura, Slieve, Camp and Margaret, Kilteenbane, Camp many relatives and friends. Sean was predeceased by his parents May and John Joe and sisters Kathleen and Phil. Rest In Peace.
Annascaul defeated Sneem/Derrynane in Round 2 of the Kerry Petroleum Junior Championship. Contributing to the high scores for Annascaul were The Crean brothers, Aidan and James, Jack Farrell, Fenton Herlihy, Eamonn and Jason Hickson, The Falveys, Cillian and Alan and Cathal Ferriter. Final Score Annascaul 7-23, Sneem Derrynane 0-7. Well done all, Congratulations to all the team, managers and mentors.
Michael Greaney Ltd Agri Contractor
Ballyguin, Brandon, Tralee, Co. Kerry.