Smoke Mag Issue 13

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January 2017 · ISSUE 13 · FREE

jonas blue opens up to us PG.19-22

discover chinese new year in london PG.14-17


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Amy Avent






cristian angloni


A word from the editor


MUSIC Editor


ARTS Editor


ARTS Editor

omar balde




kIEra chapman

LIFESTYLE Editor SMOKE MAG is produced monthly by a team of student volunteer editors and contributors. SMOKE MAG is published by the University of Westminster Students’ Union, but views presented do not necessarily mirror those of UWSU or the editorial team. If you would like to make a complaint or comment about our journalism, please contact the managing editor, Joshua Hackett, in the first instance.

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appy New Year! I hope you all enjoyed your well earned holidays, and that you still fit into your jeans after Christmas dinner, I know that I certainly can’t. New Year means that 90 per cent of you have are probably trying to cling onto your New Year resolutions, but are they really a good idea? Personally, I think they are pointless, and Jasmin Goken agrees with me on pages 10-11. Furthermore, Kiera Chapman explains why you shouldn’t feel pressured into becoming a ‘new you’ in the New Year on page 24. The months of January and February are the most common for finding love, with the temperatures dropping and the awful day

called ‘valentine’s’ lurking, but we explain why you shouldn’t feel as if you have to rush romance just to keep warm for the winter. Instead, see our list of winter warmers, Sonakshi provides you with her tips on keeping cosy on a student budget on page 25. If you do feel that you want to find a companion in 2017, and feel that online dating is the way to go, then ensure that you maintain your dignity and stay safe. Ioana discusses online dating on page 6, we recommend using the app ShowReal, which allows you to view other singletons through video footage rather than images, to enhance your safety while online. Dating and the cold weather aside, we have an exciting interview with the very famous, Jonas Blue, we chatted to him about the message behind his new hit single By Your Side and life in the spotlight. I hope that you enjoy reading this issue, and good luck with the new semester. Amy x

09/12/2016 13:56






ARTS PG. 22-23



giving up our dignity for online dating & machine takeover

crush on you tour & artists to watch in 2017

how to stay warm in winter & the fear of new year

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Jonas Blue interview & chinese new year in london

stages of a room & the boys in the band review

banana republic fails the kingdom & mens fashion

12/12/2016 12:33



Are we becoming TOO lazy... Lucia Fantini shares her view on lifestyle and technology... Saturday morning as I got on the running machine at the gym, my mind exploded with thought. Have we become so consumed by machines that we would rather go to the gym and run in one place than outside? I do admit, I am a victim of this. I’d rather be indoors and have the ground move beneath me than go outside and physically travel the distance myself. These machines even tell you how far you’ve travelled when you haven’t even travelled at all. Maybe that is the point, we follow countless celebrities on Instagram and envy their “amazing” lifestyles, where they travel the world. And many of us too wish we could

travel. But do we really? Everything in our lives has been created to minimise travel and effort. We are lazy. We would rather shop online, where you can have clothes, food and pretty much anything (from Amazon) delivered to our doors. Because going out to get things would take time, travel and a lot more money.

“Have we become so consumed by machines?” So, let’s put these examples down to their familiar tech interfaces - online shopping

from your laptop screen or running whilst pressing buttons telling the floor how quickly to move beneath you is easy - it’s convenient - it’s familiar.

“Everything in our lives has been created to minimise travel and effort” Just last night I was at my friends house - they were discussing how one of them had decided to delete Snapchat because he felt that after he spent a lot of time on social media it made him less creative. I feel the sameafter using social media I feel sort of dumbed-down and less intelligent. Almost as if, real life experiences are harder to experience. So why do we still use it? We’ve become attached to, not only our devices but the apps that are on them we can’t live without them.

credit: william iven

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m iven



...Or are we letting machines “control” us? We are obsessed with capturing our lives and sharing them with others. It’s only funny if you experience it and then show other people that it’s funny.

“We can’t live without them” I could argue that we want to share our lives with others because we are proud of our friends and experiences. This is true also and most definitely a part of it. But similarly, even if we say we’re not- we are a nation obsessed with ‘likes.’ Some of

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us less than others, but all of us just the same. What can we do? I tell myself to try and use social media less but it’s near impossible. Even when I try and get off it- the continuous notifications drive me mad. We have become obsessed with completing every task on our phones, whilst ignoring the ones in real life.

“we are a nation obsessed with ‘likes’” I often find myself being behind on my uni work but

on top of my Facebook messenger notifications, having read all the tweets of the day, uploaded 3 Instagram pictures and a whole snapchat story. Ridiculous yes. But true nonetheless. Has anyone actually found a way to stop using social media as much and actually stuck to it? Or even better, managed to delete it all together? Time to write: 24 mins Calories burned: 346 kcal Distance travelled: 3.33 miles Against all the hate, I actually wrote this as a note on my phone, how ironic!

07/12/2016 20:11





Are we risking our dignity and safety by online dating? BY IOANA OBLU Online dating apps such as Tinder and its new competitor, ShowReal claim to help you find your “soulmate”. These app’s makes it easy to get in touch with people who are looking for the same thing as you are – whether it’s a long term relationship or a casual one. But, dating apps have been accused of causing the “death of romance”, but is it really safe to practice this type of dating? Firstly, people can be whoever they want on the internet; they can add a few inches to themselves look taller or fix their photos to look slimmer, they even try and make their private parts look larger. So, you may be

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surprised when you meet them in person...and not in a good way.

“You may be surprised, and not in a good way” They could have yiou believe that they play the piano and own a Ferrari, when really they don’t even have a pink license. If you are one of the lucky ones, you may find yourself believing that you have met your dream partner, but asking “is it too good to be true?” Probably. You can never know for sure,

so be careful and trust your instincts. But, this stereotype about online dating is not always true. Some people are honest and like to keep it that way. You may bump into a few lairs, so don’t be one of them and be yourself. Online dating is as safe as you make it. Secondly, even if they do look like their profile pictures, bare in mind that you’re still meeting a stranger. Meeting up after a few chats is not safer than aimlessly chatting with someone in a club or in a bar. However, you could have your first date in a public space; it’s always good to have people around just in case anything happens. I would also suggest not to share information you could regret on your profile. Online dating is not the kind of dating that you should fear, but taking some precautions has never hurt anyone. Online dating can be risky, but it can also be fun, it wouldn’t be a surprise if many of us are telling our children in the future how mummy and daddy met on ShowReal.

09/12/2016 13:53



Is not being attracted to other races/ethnicities racist? By BELINDA BRUSCONI In an age where accusations of racism fly freely, many tiptoe around the more sensitive aspects of societal interactions. ‘Interracial dating’, as it’s called in the States, is not exempt from this discussion.

“there is an influence to find ideals of beauty” However, mixed ethnicity dating is said to be more commonly placed in today’s society than what it used to be 50, 30 or maybe even 10 years ago. So what about finding other ethnicities

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attractive or not? There are disputes over the different reasons of whether finding other ethnicity attractive constitutes underlying racism or not. There are many societal pressures as to whom to find attractive, it is widely believed that there is an influence from a young age to find particular ideals of beauty in others, which in later life are projected onto potential future partners. As an example, my mother calls me every Sunday without fail to ask if I am seeing a “nice Italian boy”. Perhaps there is another reason. While speaking to a friend, she names that attraction is a subconscious function of the brain.

Someone you know can be funny, attractive, smart and attentive and of another ethnicity. They could be perfect but if there is no attraction, what do you do?

“In my opinion, that is not racist” This is perfectly normal, and not something to worry about. In my opinion, that is not racist. However, deliberately avoiding a particular ethnicity certainly is. It is an example of assuming that all humans who fall within one ethnicity are all the same.

07/12/2016 20:33


‘Crush’ on you tour, 2016 BY chelsea jobe


outh Korean R&B singer Crush performed at Scala, London as part of the European leg of his Crush On You, wonderlust tour. Crush opened his show with ‘You and I’ and his presence alone sent the crowd wild. Their screams overshadowed Crush’s introduction as he welcomed his fans, but he was full of energy and soul.

“it was a bittersweet moment” The crowd squealed with excitement when he performed his rendition of Jay Park’s ‘Mommae’. Chants filled the venue ‘mommommommae/oh yeah, let me see, let me see’ which

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encouraged him to groove along to the infectious rhythm. Crush went on to perform ‘Sometimes’ which did not disappoint. It changed the pace of the show and slowed it down to focus on his vocals. Crush hit every note of the smooth R&B track which was his debut song that sparked in his successful career. There was a guest appearance by Dean, a fellow alternative R&B singer from South Korea. At this point, the crowd had completely lost their dignity and morals, and inaudible sounds escaped from every corner as he was introduced by Crush. The crowd erupted when the first bars of his debut single ‘I’m Not Sorry’ feat. Eric Bellinger blared out. His stage presence exceeded expectations as the singer bounced around with enthusiasm. ‘Oasis’ feat. Zico, a rapper from boy group

Block B, was the last song of his set list. It was a bittersweet moment.

“the crowd lost all dignity and morals” The show was nearly over, but Crush invited Millic who had been behind the decks as DJ to the front of the stage. Millic proved that he has a fantastic lyrical ability as he rapped a verse without missing a single beat whilst Crush and Dean threw water over the audience. The evening was electric, the crowd couldn’t stay silent as Crush delivered a performance that exceeded any expectations. The artist demonstrated that he doesn’t just have an incredible voice, but the charisma to keep his crowd excited and on edge.

07/12/2016 20:35



ONES TO WATCH IN 2017 MARK HOSKIN LOOKS AT ARTISTS AND BANDS WHICH YOU SHOULD FOLLOW THIS YEAR TOM GRENNAN From featuring on the Chase & Status track All Goes Wrong to releasing his first ever EP, Something In The Water, it’s safe to say that Tom Grennan hasn’t had a bad end to the year. Having only graduated from university a year ago, he’s fresh on the scene and ready for the world to hear his soulful vocals. With shows announced for Bush Hall and Union Chapel, it’s going to be a big year for the boy from Bedford as we await a debut album.

CABBAGE With a sound that could be the soundtrack to a Friday night as well as a Sunday morning, Cabbage’s political statements allow the band to offer a brand new perspective on psychedelic rock and give something

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to the youth of today. As British as the name suggests, the Manchester band have support slots with Blossoms and Milburn coming up, and are set to take a huge step up the ladder.

MIST Freestyling is one skill, turning them into anthems is another. MIST delivers his voice effortlessly over beats you can bounce to. Having smashed 2016 with tracks such as Ain’t The Same and Karla’s Back, he kicks off 2017 looking to continue where he left off. It was clear he was set for bigger stages when he tore apart a soldout Islington Academy in December, and his March UK tour will only help prove this.

THE RPMS Catchy choruses and rhythmic beats that you can

dance to have been a key to success to boy bands in the past, and The RPMs are doing very well in keeping that formula intact. They describe themselves as “an indie band not afraid of a good pop tune”, a statement that has strong backing if you listen to their latest EP, Digital Disobedience. With backing from radio stations across the country, 2017 will be a big step for The RPMs on the road to success.

FICKLE FRIENDS Influenced by the likes of Two Door Cinema Club, Fickle Friends are all about creating shamelessly fun pop tunes, whilst making them as cool as they can possibly be. They ended 2016 with their biggest ever sold-out show, but with an album imminent, it’s obvious that bigger and better things are on the horizon for Fickle Friends.

07/12/2016 20:36



ARE NEW YEAR’s RESOLUTIONS MEANINGLESS? jasmin goken won’t make any resolutions for the new year and here’s why...


ew Year’s resolutions are stupid and just another excuse to postpone what you really want for another few days, weeks or months. Particularly great are those people who already start making resolutions for the next year in August. “Oh, the first half

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of the year is over, might as well start [insert something you’ve wanted but weren’t determined enough to do here] with a fresh start in the New Year. Funnily enough, 90% of these resolutions will be drowned in Tequila five minutes into the New Year’s Eve party. Another 5% will fall within the next few days to the following hangover or

the realization that playing the violin really isn’t quite as easy as expected.

“90% of resolutions will be drowned in tequila” Only 5% of people can be proud of themselves and say that they really made it. It is kind of like in the 11th Friends episode of the 5th season (Yes, I’m obsessed. No, I don’t regret my day long binge re-watching session every other month). For anyone who has never watched Friends, first of all, what have you been doing all this time? Second of all, it is the mother of all sitcoms. Six friends live in New York in the 90ies. They all have their quirks and make up one of

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the weirdest friend groups you will ever find. So in this particular episode, they just celebrated New Year’s and all made their resolutions. Ending particularly fatal is Ross’s resolution to try one thing every day that he has never done.

“why does it have to be on new year?” Pretty much a classic on every New Year’s resolution list of anyone who has ever been bored with their life. The funny thing is that Ross is pretty much the most boring guy in this entire episode. His first marriage ends when his wife realizes that she is actually gay. Then he pines over Rachel for the first two seasons, finally gets there just to then

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screw it all up because he gets jealous of some guy. To make it short - he’s a paleontologist. Enough said. So, as you can imagine, his resolution ends pretty tragic. He asks out a random girl and ends up showing up at her place in new leather pants, not realizing that there is a reason that people in cold countries wear leather shoes to keep themselves warm. He shows up at his sister’s place after the girl kicked him out, covered in lotion and baby powder. And that’s as far as his resolution went. Most people I know that make self-improving New Year’s resolutions end up in situations like this. Maybe not quite as embarrassing but in the end they give up. This is not to say that you shouldn’t try new things, especially if you have been meaning to do them for ages. But seriously, why does it

have to be on New Year, why not the next morning, next Monday or at this moment right now?

“New Year’s resolutions rarely last and there really is no point to them”



So in the end, New Year’s resolutions rarely last and there really is no point to them. You want to join the gym? Join now! You want to learn Mandarin? Go on Duolingo and do it. But, please, stop annoying the rest of us who are perfectly happy with where we are at right now or at least trying to get there without having to get a restart in the new year.

07/12/2016 20:38





hile many people see fashion as futile and having no purpose, it plays an important role in the world economy, mutually interacts with culture and even has a strong connection to politics. The royal families and aristocracy were considered to be trendsetters in all cultures for centuries. It was the queens and kings who started the new trends, gave the direction for fashion development and decided what was acceptable to wear. Only two centuries earlier with democratization of societies and development

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of the modern concept of profession, the age of professional fashion designers came about. But if the creators of trends had changed, the media and word-of-mouth continued to discuss the outlooks of power-holders, so politicians continued to be important figures in the fashion world.

“politicians pay a lot of attention to their style.” Two of the most wellknown fashion icons of the 20th Century – Grace Kelly

and Princess Diana – both were royal figures, who understood the importance of fashion in their public life. Their styles continue to inspire modern designers, while fifty years ago thousands of girls tried to copy their outlooks. Kate Middleton, The Duchess of Cambridge, keeps the trend, often appearing in fashion magazines as one of the most stylish women in the world. She’s famous for her wise balance between expensive haute-couture dresses and garments from mass-market brands like Zara or Max Mara, supporting different designers. Almost all modern

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politicians pay a lot of attention to their style. One of the most famous examples is former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. She was one of the most influential women in our history and got the name “Iron Lady” both for her political program and public image. To succeed in the field, she had to significantly work on her style, manners and tone of voice to be considered seriously by men despite the female gender. Fashion had become an important part in her political career that is depicted in The Iron Lady movie (2011). These comparisons can be found in all periods of history and nowadays fashion designers continue to use the runway for brave and

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revolutionary statements. So, in the seventies, Katharine Hamnett was the first designer to put political statements on the garments, but since that time we’ve seen the slogans in collections of high-end fashion houses year by year.

“fashion and politics are undeniably connected.” Vivien Westwood, DKNY and Alexander Wang, did provocative addresses, and this year we’ve seen the rebel collection by Maria Grazia Chiuri for Dior with ‘we should all be feminists’ and

‘Dio[r]evolution’ statements. The year earlier Karl Lagerfeld, the most honored modern designer, also sought for the revolution with his show SS15: where model Cara Delevingne walked down the catwalk as if she was the leader of a fashion riot with posters about freedom, women’s rights and tolerance. The year of 2016 will go down in the history of fashion as one of the most politicized ever. The fashion world went crazy over the USA elections focusing on the leading females, as fashion magazines posted endless images of what they were wearing. 2016 has proved how fashion and politics have become undeniably connected.



07/12/2016 20:41



Happy CHINEse New year!

Alex clement explains chinese new year traditions for you to enjoy right here in london...


s one of the most diverse cities in the world, London will extensively celebrate Chinese New Year, as it always does. Each year is marked by the Chinese Zodiacs - animals that represent the year that is about to start. Traditionally, these were used to date the years and every 12 years the cycle was repeated. Each animal is unique, and some are coveted more than others. This year we will be celebrating the year of the rooster, as we leave the year of the monkey behind us. Chinatown is the place to be this year, with its music and beautiful lights. Be prepared to witness something truly magical. The festivities normally begin the day after, so this year

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they are set to take place on January 29th.

“The dragon glides through the streets of Chinatown, Soho” The the dragon, as well as the people dance and this plays a huge role in the cultural roots of this particular holiday. It is a symbol of China and is believed to bring good luck and fortune. The dragon, which is performed by a team of dancers, glides through the streets of Chinatown, Soho, going from restaurant to restaurant. So the more luck you want in your life, when it comes to the dragon

dance, the longer the dragon must be. Now, you can’t have Chinese New Year without the food to match and it goes without saying that some of the best places to eat are right in the heart of Chinatown. Every window you peer in will feature some sort of Chinese delicacy, enticing you in to try something different to your usual Chinese takeaway dish. If you are feeling peckish, you won’t be disappointed by ordering some spring rolls, prawn crackers and pork dumplings. If you feel like you could eat a horse, as most students do, then why not try a traditional meal of sweet and sour chicken. Not fried balls of chicken which you might be used to, but the real deal. Sweet tender chicken pieces in a thick irresistible

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sauce, and of course, we must not forget the ever so famous egg fried rice.

“Xin Nian Kuai Le” as they say in Mandarin” The cultural dragon dance, along with the food, provides this festival with an experience that is new to many. Not to mention the beautiful craftsmanship of the traditional red envelopes which give this once a year speciality an extra point simply for its uniqueness. These red envelopes (or packets as they are also known as), are handed out and are used to defeat evil spirits. They are given to and by anyone, but are more

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traditionally known to be given to children. These mainly contain money, but chocolate coins can also be given insteadbut the Chinese are quite superstitious- the money should be even- as odd numbers are considered to be associated with funerals and the number 4 is also a symbol of death- yet the numbers 8 and 6 are considered wealthy and lucky. So if you ever wonder how much money to give to someone on Chinese New Year, your best bet is something with the number 6 and 8 but avoid the number 4 at all costs. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people gather

in crowds within the city to celebrate the annual event. Featuring dragon dances throughout the streets of Chinatown, and a huge festival scene at Trafalgar Square, it comes as no surprise that London hosts the largest Chinese New Year celebrations in the world outside of Asia. If you are yet to experience Chinese New Year in the capital city, then make sure that you make the most of this glorious day. “Xin Nian Kuai Le” as they say in Mandarin.

07/12/2016 20:44



decadent dumplings Sissi Yi hu dives in to the origins of traditional chinese dishes and explains how to make dumplings.


umplings are a must on the table during Chinese New Year, they symbolise longevity and wealth, as their shape resembles the early form of Chinese currency: golden ingots. Some even add peanuts to their fillings as these are believed to bring long life. Fish is another dish that is often found on the tables of the Chinese during the New Year. This is because fish symbolises surplus, meaning that if you’ve saved enough money this year, you’ll make more the next! Spring rolls get their name because they are traditionally eaten during

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the Spring Festival, which is just a modern name for the Chinese New Year.

“Fish symbolises surplus, meaning that if you’ve saved enough money this year, you’ll make more the next!” Their shape represents a gold bar, therefore symbolising wealth.

Another typical dish is NianGao, which translates to ‘Year Cake’. In Chinese, the name has a homophonous meaning of ‘getting higher year after year’, which gives Chinese people new hope. These symbolise achieving new heights in the coming year. A popular Southern dish for the New Year is TangYuan. This dish is a dessert made from glutinous rice, made into little balls and served in boiling water. Both the pronunciation and its round shape are associated with reunion and being together, ergo symbolising family unity.

07/12/2016 20:45



Ingredients 150g ground pork 100g onion or garlic chives, finely chopped (optional fillings include cabbage, scallions and mushrooms) 1 garlic clove, finely chopped 20 dumpling skins salt and pepper ginger powder peanut oil sesame oil rice vinegar soy sauce hot sauce (optional)


1) Mix ground pork and chopped chives and a

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garlic clove along with any additional fillings of your choice. 2) Add a pinch of salt, pepper and ginger powder. Add a drizzle of soy sauce and a few drops of both peanut and sesame oil. 3) Place the filling on one half of the dumpling skin and fold in half. As you fold the pleats to the edges in order to seal the dumpling, its shape will ‘curl’ and resemble a half moon (the higher the number of pleats, the wealthier you’ll be). 4) Set a pot of water on medium heat and add in the dumplings once it has started to boil, when the dumplings

are added to the water it will stop boiling. When it begins to boil again, add cold water. Repeat this process 3 times to make sure the dumplings are thoroughly cooked. 5) To make the dipping sauce, mix rice vinegar and soy sauce in equal parts and add a drizzle of hot sauce, if you can handle the heat. Alternatively, if you’d like fried dumplings, leave them to chill after you’ve cooked them for 15-30 minutes and then fry in a pan with oil. Serving should be instead of mean one’s in circles.

tip: dumplings arranged in lines circles, as circles life will go around

07/12/2016 20:45


young & talented Noemi martini chats to ba journalism student and photographer, jessica kwan.


rts Editor Noemi sat down with BA Journalism student, Jessica Kwan to find out more about her captivating photography. Jessica describes herself as a “perfectionist who always had an eye for detail” which is certainly reflected in her photographs. It is evident that Jessica has always been passionate about photography, even as a child she would make her brother and sister pose for photo shoots. Her passion for photography blossomed when she got her first camera two years ago before starting her degree Jessica explained to Noemi how she tends to focus on photographing nature or people. However,

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what gives her portraits a unique twist is the fact that she will only shoot images of the backs of people. According to Jessica, “the perspective is completely different from the back and it looks a lot more reflective”.

Jessica describes herself as a “perfectionist who always had an eye for detail” When asked about the message behind her photography, Jessica replied: “All of my pictures are about exploring new places and travelling. I think the

message behind my work is very simple, get outside and enjoy nature. Travelling and adventure is also reflected in my work, as I have a huge passion for exploring new places, I’d encourage anyone to take photos while exploring as you never know when you will return to that same spot”. Jessica’s biggest aim is to become a travel writer and photographer, but would still carry on her photography if her life took her in a different direction. “ It’s always going to be a massive hobby of mine and then hopefully I will get to the stage where my photos are good enough to be published or showcased in galleries.” For now, Jessica uses her Instagram account as her virtual art gallery.

07/12/2016 20:47


jonas blue


the 27 year old dj and song writer, jonas blue, opens up to smoke mag over his recent hit single “by your side” and how he was inspired to persue a career in music. Why did you choose the name Jonas Blue? As it’s not your real name. No, it’s not. I chose that name because the music that I was making at the time was very different to what I make now as Jonas Blue. I knew I needed a new name. So as a DJ, a lot of the music that they were making was coming so I thought “why not a Swedish name?” How did you get into music? I didn’t go to high school and my friend at the time made it very clear that playing musical instruments was terrible and very uncool, so I stopped that. Luckily enough i’ve learnt how to play them. At the same time, I was watching this programme called Club 1830, which was based on the bad side of Ibiza- but I didn’t know it at that time. Ibiza to me was just amazing. I became a DJ due to watching that programme, with people like David Guetta, David Morales and Carl Cox.

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What is the secret behind each of your singles being a hit? The way I make my music is like the way classy songwriters writes a song- it comes from my background as a musician. I know most dance guys sit at the computer, programming stuff. For me, I sit at the piano and I start playing and whatever feels right, I start with a cool melody. I then save the concepts of the lyrics or stories. Your first big single was your own version of Fast Car, why did you choose this song?

I feel as if I took what Tracy Chapman did and brought it into this century.

“I took what Tracy Chapman did and brought it into this century” What is the message behind your latest hit single, By Your Side? For me it was about sharing a moment in the crowd with a special person. The song

me for an autograph (laughs). That’s when I thought it was a bit weird,it still is. I was just in the studio playing music to myself last year and now I’m touring around the world. You’ve just announced a headline gig at Ministry of Sound in January. How does it feel to play in such an iconic venue in your home country? I played V-Festival and for me that was speechless because you always have that different feeling when you play in your own country. Playing the Ministry, it’s the Mecca, the Holy Grail. To be headlining after going for

“I sit at the piano and I start playin Originally I picked that song because it was my mum’s favorite song when I was really young. I was born in 1989 and the original song came out in 1988 so I remember it always being played. It was always something that I had wanted to remix, as the original is way too slow for my music so I made it my own.

“my grandma asked me for an autograph” What did your mum think of it? Thankfully, she loved it, which means that I didn’t ruin it. I don’t feel like I remixed it,

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was written with passion, as if you’ve just met the perfect partner and you feel content with the world. You’ve been nominated as “Best Breakthrough Artist” at the EMA’s 2016, how did that feel? Amazing. This is all happening in less than a year, it’s crazy. I met Justin Bieber’s manager, Scooter Braun in August 2015 before I made Fast Car and we had this chat about Justin Bieber on stage. Last week he messaged me on Twitter saying how unbelievable it was that i’ve been nominated for an EMA. Do you feel surprised when people ask you for pictures? Yeah, my grandma asked

so many years for just the parties. I don’t really know what to say. I still cannot believe it. When you’re on the road, what is the one item you always bring with you? A pillow. I stole it from a hotel and it’s the perfect shape because it fits in my suitcase. It’s a duck feather pillow and I love it. I would also pick my laptop. Is there any artist you would love to collaborate with? I met Katy Perry last week, collaborating with her could be fun, she’s amazing! I’d also love to work with Cavin Harris too.

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playing and whatever feels right�

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image created by steffi klenz TheLondongallerywest




his winter the Harrow campus is home to an exhibition created by one of our very own students. Steffi Klenz is a fine art photographer, who produced the exhibition named Stagings of a Room.

“AN EXHIBITION CREATED BY ONE OF OUR VERY OWN STUDENTS” The cultural event is aimed to bring the public closer to the style of art

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that Steffi produces and portrays through her work. She focuses on urban life and buildings, but her photography is certainly not defined as architectural.

“SHE FOCUSES ON URBAN LIFE AND BUILDINGS” Instead, it endeavors to uncover some unexpected narratives, showing the history embedded in urban spaces through her beautiful monochrome images.

Steffi’s images show how photography can be rethought through new perspectives which some may never have thought of before. Students had the chance to get to know the artist herself, at a Gallery talk in December where Steffi Klenz spoke to the Professor of the Contemporary Art and Photography at the School of Film and Media, University for the Creative Arts. The talk allowed students to find out what really goes into the creation of Steffi’s beautiful art, and to be inspired by her unique photography.

07/12/2016 20:50



T BY ALEX CLEMENT The book is set in three places; London, France and Italy, and is a mixture of erotica and artistic history; however it is a more ‘sophisticated’ version of the erotica craze. There is more to it than just sex and foreplay. It’s no Fifty Shades of Grey. Judith, the main character, works for an auction house in London by day and as a hostess by night. But she soon stumbles upon a secret that will change her life forever. As she flees the country in extreme peril, Judith falls into the lives of rich men who will do nothing but please her. As you turn each page, the suspense and mystery with what happens in Judith’s life is thrilling. It forces you to think two steps ahead. The possibilities are endless for Judith. You ask yourself, how can she get away with that?

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he Boys In The Band revival is a little gem that has conquered hearts and souls throughout the UK in the past couple of months. The atmosphere at the Park Theatre is cosy and relaxed which makes for a perfect setting as the first act runs in the blink of an eye proving to be funny, sparkling and heart-warming. The play is set in 1968, New York. To celebrate Harold’s (Mark Gatiss) birthday, nine men gather in Michael’s (Ian Hallard) apartment where bittersweet surprises will not be the only gift for the birthday boy. The arrival of Michael’s straight colleague Alan (John Hopkins) causes a stir, as he’s determined to protect his and his friends’ sexual orientation. Ian Hallard shines and owns the stage, majestically supported by a magnificent and overwhelmingly

touching James Holmes and an outstanding character named Daniel Boys.




“AN ABSOLUTE MUST-SEE” Mark Gatiss is the life and soul of the play. He twists its tone from humorous to heart-breaking by speaking the truth. As bitter as it is, the play explains that the journey which leads to selfacceptance is always tough but it is a path that everyone must take in order to to love and to be loved. The Boys In The Band is a must-see, and, due to its enormous (and welldeserved) success, it is coming back to the West End in February. Do not miss this lifechanging, moving, brilliant experience and let The Boys touch and light up your inner sparkle.

Mincimentet,audandelicimetquamfaccaer chicipsum illorunt aut litium

08/12/2016 13:14



New year fear Like Beer fear, but without the cheeky ‘chunder’, Kiera Chapman explains...


ive, four, three, two, one… midnight. If you haven’t given a nearby unsuspecting stranger a decent dose of mouth to mouth yet, then you’ve already compiled a list in your head of New Year’s resolutions. A copious amount that you’re going to be unable to stick to as a result of ‘New Year fear’. This technical term that simmers to the surface, along with a couple of glasses of champagne, when the realisation of growing older and having to be on a certain career path kicks in. This revelation is followed by a sudden buzz and need to complete everything you’ve always wanted to do in the current, in order to portray the illusion of being a stable adult. Heck, a stable human. Ultimately, this results in a significant low, as there are only 365 days in a year and the only thing stable is a

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horse. According to a YouGov poll, 63% of UK adults who made a New Year’s resolution in 2015 broke it 43% saw the ‘new year new me’ mantra abolished within not even a month, whilst a sizeable 80% at least made it to March. Out of the resolutions made for 2016, 35% revolved around losing weight, 33% getting fitter and 31% wanted to eat more healthily. These all came before the likes of seeing their family and friends more often (14%) and finding more time for themselves. The ambitions that proved the most popular were the more physical and visual ones - the ones where the method and idea on how to change them appeared more clean cut, with room to have more control over. The repercussions of New Year fear are evident in these these results as, of course,

the only way to better oneself quickly is to guzzle down a litre of kale and sign up to a couple of spin classes rather than planning potentially mentally beneficial time with loved ones. Doing too much too quickly can result in burn out - the joyous New Year fear equivalent of the hangover. Although it may seem like it, there really is no rush to plan out your future - the healthiest way to go about it is to enter the year with an open mind and carry out a check up; much like at the doctors. Just ask yourself: am I on track? You don’t have to know where this track is going, but you do have to feel passionate and happy about it. You also don’t have to drastically change the way that you look in order to be on it. Not just yet anyway - save it for when you’re famous and just get a haircut.

12/12/2016 12:40



Cosy up Sonakshi Sharma advises how to stay warm this winter on a student budget...

PERKS OF BEING SINGLE. smoke mag explains why there’s no need to rush love... 1) Go the Jumper way. Get out your winter jumpers and snuggle up. This one is a favourite: £15 from ASOS, plus 10% student discount. 2) Cover your floors. Nothing gives you the chills like cold frozen floors. It’s time to get out that jazzy rug you stowed away when the sun was shining. 3) Keep a coffee in your hands. Drinking something warm when you leave your house is always a great way to keep the cold away. You can buy a good thermos from or grab a 99p filter coffee from Pret if you can’t afford to spent £50 on a Starbucks. 4) Break out the hot water bottle. Hand warmers are also handy - get it? 5) Beanies Enough said.

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hether you’re Natasha Bedingfield: single and right where you want to be, or merely unlucky in love, we recount the perks of being single. Exhibit A: The Singleton. The Singleton is a person who lacks a routine and consistent attachment to another being in an amorous manner. It is as the cool clouds of January creep through the sky that The Singleton tends to be at it’s most vulnerable. Couples are basking in copious romantic plans for the year ahead and, unlike February, The Singleton doesn’t even have the promise of a stack of fluffy, sickly syrupy drenched pancakes to subsidise the shortage of exterior warmth with interior. The Singleton can often feel alone; like they are missing out. It imagines sex, like beer, on tap, frequently going out for dinner, and having someone in their life that their mum likes better than them. However, in the midst of their drowning, negative thoughts and self

pity, The Singleton can often forget that they are not alone. The Singleton only has to look to the other 51% of UK adults reported by the Office of National Statistics in 2016 in the same position. When they are at their lowest, it is important that The Singleton remembers that just because they are single now, it doesn’t mean they are going to be single forever. They must hold onto and make the most of their romantic-less position. They are in their prime; the spice of life, and able to insulate fearlessly in bed via their own flatulence as opposed to relying on another to emit a substantial amount of heat. Finally, The Singleton doesn’t have to miss out on all the offers created specifically with couples in mind. Domino’s Two For Tuesday’s can be shared with mates - although who are we kidding. The Relationship is only in a relationship because they’ve fallen in love, right? And who’d want to rush love?

07/12/2016 20:55



The spike in men’s fashion and availability I

n a world where fashion is everywhere, men have always felt a little bit unattended to. Fashion has been seen as women’s territory, which doesn’t appeal to men as much. As society is tackling gender issues, people are becoming more open minded and fashion has consequently become a genderless endeavour. This is the reason why menswear has become an emerging market. Until now, the choices for menswear were limited; some tailoring, some sportswear and nothing too off-beat. However, the industry is evolving and more designers are taking the opportunity to create for men. The fashion industry is turning its eye to menswear,

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BY Teodora Balutaa which has had a fast growth unlike women’s fashion. The global market for men’s designer apparel is projected to reach nearly $33 billion in 2020, which is up 14 percent from its $29 billion in 2015, according to Euromonitor International. An increasing number of designers are betting on menswear to raise their profits.

“menswear has become an emerging market.” After 15 years of creating everyday clothing specifically for women, the brand has

decided to engage with menswear also. The publishing world has caught up with the popularity of menswear. Various publications have started their own men’s fashion magazine; the recent launch of American Quarterly GQ Style, the reinvention of American Esquire and the introduction of a dedicated monthly men’s style section to The New York Times in 2015. The direction is clear; menswear is making a comeback. Men have become more comfortable with their interest in fashion, and are willing to pay a high price for it. They are no longer just looking for a good tailored suit, they are looking for a little extra something.

07/12/2016 20:55

Banana Republic fails the Kingdom BY Teodora Balutaa


anana Republic has been around for many decades now and has earned the status of a classic American brand. This seems to be the problem with it nowadays; it has kept its classic approach too close to its heart. Eight years since its launch on the British retail market, Banana Republic has become irrelevant in the UK. The brand’s new strategy is to concentrate its efforts “on markets most favourable to the brand’s growth,” in order to improve their performance in the long term and this means they will close all their stores in the UK before the end of the fiscal year of 2017. There have been many factors involved in the depreciation of the brand, the most important one being the lack of correlation

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with the demands of the consumer and the offerings of the brand. When Banana Republic entered the market, they offered classic, essential, workwear pieces but their products have remained the same, losing their appeal and becoming outdated.

“the market is highly competitive.” The competition today is acerb, high-street retailers as Zara, COS and Massimo Dutti offer the same wardrobe staples as the American brand but with a more fashionable approach and better quality. They have tried to recover



their position and gain a new status by appointing Olivia Palermo, an influential style icon, as their first ever women’s global style ambassador. She was tentative at winning over a younger audience and as the Business of Fashion presented ‘to add a layer of fashion credibility to the brand’, but their problems have deeper roots and have to be addressed from their core. All of their issues stand out when it comes to the business in the UK as the market is highly competitive and they can’t keep up with just 8 stores across the country. All these factors have contributed to their failure, reminding them that they have to re-evaluate their brand.

07/12/2016 20:55

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12/12/2016 12:34

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