Smoke Mag issue 14

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February 2017 · ISSUE 14 · FREE


INTERVIEW WITH DJ ALAN WALKER discussing his world tour and new single ‘alone’ PG.14-17

lgbt history month PG.12-13

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Amy Avent






cristian angloni




MUSIC Editor

Lama el khamy music editor


ARTS Editor

omar balde


kate reichardt

fashion editor kate. reichardt



kIEra chapman

LIFESTYLE Editor SMOKE MAG is produced monthly by a team of student volunteer editors and contributors. SMOKE MAG is published by the University of Westminster Students’ Union, but views presented do not necessarily mirror those of UWSU or the editorial team. If you would like to make a complaint or comment about our journalism, please contact the managing editor, Joshua Hackett, in the first instance.

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o it’s that point in the academic year where many of us are already in desperate need of the summer. You’re sat there scrolling through the internet planning your next holiday as a motivational finish line. Before you put down that deposit have a peak at our lifestyle editor Kiera Chapman’s article ‘Fly away to Lo Lo Land’ where she talks about breaking away from the negative connotations of being a student and seizing the day to achieve your dreams. The center spread this is by written our Editor-inchief Amy Avent who had

the opportunity to have a chat with the incredible Alan Walker to find out how he’s come to be the insanely talented DJ that he is. Although Valentine’s Day has passed we have an empowering article written by Asya Gadzheva which tells us why we should be our own date from time to time, but don’t wait until next year to put this into practice. I’ve personally found that having some ‘me time’ can be good for the soul. If you’re considering visiting the theatre this month, then look no further as I share my unforgettable experience of Motown on page 23. As it is LGBT history month we at Smoke Mag wanted to ensure that our readers were made aware its importance. Eve Maleham, the LGBTI+ Society President has given us a brief history of the journey that the LGBT society has taken.

Imani x

08/02/2017 11:38





date yourself & why we need to break walls not build them.

Interview with alan walker & lgbt history month.

MUSIC PG. 18-19

ARTS PG. 21-23

a chat with fickle friends & tracks turning twenty.

t2 trainspotting review & why motown deserves a crown.



achieve your dreams as a student & what lgbt means.

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the blogger affect on fashion & the first lady of style.

08/02/2017 11:38



focus on dating yourself for once By Asya Gadzheva

It is high time you made having a good time a healthy habit rather than an obligation. Life is all about you. What you like, what you want to do and how you want to do it. I know February is the month where everyone is talking about love, but don’t you worry about that. Finding yourself alone at this time of year can be pretty tough due to the amount of social pressure imposed upon us. However, Valentine’s Day is not a ‘couples exclusive’ event. It has never been. In fact, you might as well

consider spending it on your own this year, but on purpose. So, lose the tissurs and self pity and make this day your own. It is high time you went on a date with yourself. Yes, I am being serious.

“Valentine’s Day is not a ‘couples exclusive’ event” Before that, however, you must change your attitude towards the whole concept of Valentine’s Day. Think of it as an exercise that will develop your sense of

self worth and confidence. Spending a peaceful day in the quiet presence of your own mind can put you back on the right track and help you explore your dreams, thoughts and desires.

“a date for you by you” Focus on the positive things in your life and make it an occasion for treating yourself. A date by yourelf means that there is no speculating over who will get the last bite of that sinfully delicious chocolate soufflé. Well, you, of course. There really is not that much effort required to secure an enjoyable time when it’s only you who you need to consider.. Valentine’s Day is a universal celebration of love and you are more than worthy of a good time whether you are single or not.

Asya say’s “date yourself this month”

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Picture: Ben Cawthra/LNP

break DOWN the walls and stop building new ones. By Meghna Agarwal

The other day, I was strolling through the park when the nineyear-old boy I babysit asked me the meaning of LGBT. He asked me why adults used the word ‘gay’ as an insult. And why his mom stops him from playing with the girl next door whose brother was previously a girl? He seemed really upset so, I tried to look for the words to console him. Little did I know that I had no real answer for his simple yet brutally honest questions. I told him how society has on created divides based on their skin-colour, religion, gender, wealth and even on the type of food that they ate. And that somehow, some people decided that LGBTQ+ people are not good

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people. Even though they are just humans. We must always try to understand others instead of judging them. I don’t know how much he understood of what I said, but I did see him convince his mother to allow him to play with his neighbours. So, in my mind he successfully broke the awful cycle of stereotypes and judgements prevailing in his family.

“Stereotypes are like weeds” That day I realised that stereotypes are like weeds. They look like plants, they grow like plants, but no one really likes them. There are countless stereotypes in this world.

The problem is, they separate people, they create an inferiority/superiority complex that limits people’s abilities, making them question their own worth and value. TV shows and film do not help the case either. However, I’m happy to see that there are shows promoting diversity within society. Pretty Little Liars, Empire, and Orange is The New Black, are all taking a step towards the normalisation of LGBTQ+ people. This gives me hope that one day in future people will be more accepting and kind to each other. They will judge less and understand more. One day everyone in this world will realise that at the end of the day, we all are just humans.

08/02/2017 11:43



THE CELEB effect on social change By Sonakshi Sharma Stay away from politics and stick to your work,” is always the advice to celebrities when they step out of their usual remit. There is no denying that we all are ultimately a part of politics and celebrities who have the power to use their fame for expressing their thoughts play an integral role in advocating change in the society. In my opinion celebrities have always been considered to be “out-of-touch” with the rest of the world. However, it is during times like these, when new laws affect them just as much as they do me and you, that they take a stand.

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I feel that celebrities advocating for social change is very much human. Laws for them are very much the same as for the public. So, if they want to be a part of the crowd and speak as a whole with the society that should not be seen as an act for fame. They already have enough why would they crouch for more?

“Politics affects us all” The presence of such public figures supporting political issues enhances its impact and creates a sense of unity among the public. Thus, their participation acts as a

driving force for the change they want to bring out as a whole in the society. Their participation in politics and social change acts as a driving force. A perfect example of this was at the Golden Globes when Meryl Streep cleverly made a speech that targeted the US President without actually naming him. An amalgamation of jokes and deep sentiment worded her speech that resonated with millions however failed for some groups in the society. This is a very strong example of how public figures are expressing themselves under the spotlight or award season. Actors have now used their celebrity identity as a political platform for decades raising issues and commenting on existing ones. In my opinion, when speaking of such strong political issues the role of celebrities in the society does make a difference towards advocating social change.

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nna Straker is the latest big addition to the developing synth music scene, and after releasing her debut EP Serious late last year, she’s been cooking up a storm in the industry with her addictively honest and fresh sound. What are your earliest memories of music in your life?

Listening to Michael Jackson and Chaka Khan on the way to school in my mums car. Did you always know that you wanted to be a musician? When I was really little I used to play my grandfather’s piano. I begged and begged my parents to buy one, and starting learning classical piano from when I was about 7. I was glued to it! I dreamt of being a concert pianist.

Then I discovered Alicia Keys and decided to sing at the same time! How would you summarise your music style in one sentence? An eclectic mixture of alternative synthesised sounds and thoughtful pop melodies. Do any of the musicians you listened to as a child influence your current music style?

Anna’s EP is now available on spotify and deezer.

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I grew up on a lot of R&B; Destiny’s Child, Lauryn Hill, Usher, D’angelo etc… They have brought a soulful aspect to my music. But also listening to bands and artists like Radiohead, Gorrillaz, and James Blake have definitely made my songs sound like a mix of genres wrapped into one. What do you love the most about making music? I love the whole process of creating a song, but I think my favourite bit is giving birth to the original idea, whether that be a bass line or a beat or a melody or a lyric. That feeling of excitement is something I can’t get anywhere else. What is your favourite song on the Serious EP and why?

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Late Night Swimming. I just love the imagery of it, climbing up to a rooftop pool in London and feeling far away from the troubles of the world. It makes me feel warm inside. Plus, I never get bored of playing it live.

“Unapologetic, passionate, real” What message do you want listeners to take from your debut EP? There’s two sides to this EP, and I hope people can experience both feelings when they listen. There’s this unconfined exuberance of being a teenager: spontaneous partying with friends. And then there’s the

toughness. Tracks like Desert Floor and Serious represent strength and independence. I want the listener to feel as ‘un-defeatable’ as I do. Which three words would you use to describe yourself? Unapologetic, passionate, real. What three words would your friends use to describe you? LIT AS F*CK What can else we expect coming from you in 2017? I’m super excited for the festival season and to play at them, particularly The Great Escape later on this year. I’m currently working on some really great songs at the moment which I can’t wait to share it with everyone.

08/02/2017 12:14



LGBT history month: why it’s vital to celebrate eve maleham, LGBti+ society presidents speaks lgbt history


ueer history goes back to the dawn of humanity, that is obvious. The earliest recorded same-sex marriage goes back to two male members of the royal court of ancient Egypt; Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum who were buried together in the style customarily reserved for husband and wife. Images of a “third gender”, what today we would consider to be transgender

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or non-binary, are also first recorded around the same era, with burials of those with a sex different to the assigned gender of the grave.

“Queer history has a message” Berlin in the 1920s was a thriving cosmopolitan city. The first ever LGBTQ+ rights organisation was founded in 1897 and by the 1920s other groups were gaining traction.

There was a gay village, the first queer demonstration took place in 1922, and in 1929 the German government was about to discriminate homosexuality. Berlin was the gay capital of the world and a symbol of progression. It didn’t work out. However, queer people didn’t just vanish for a few thousand years. Our history was systematically erased. Wherever our lives or love had been chronicled, they were destroyed over

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centuries of oppression. Male lovers were recorded as being brothers, female lovers as friends, and transgender people as being a mistake. It is only until very recently that it has become acceptable to view historical figures and rituals as LGBTQ+. And still it’s an uphill struggle against the barrage of “they just liked to cross-dress”, “she had a husband”, “he had a wife” and the “I don’t know what bisexual means”. The only reason we can discuss queer history is because queerness itself, after long battles, riots, deaths by murder, by the state, by suicide, from AIDs, and solidarity, defiance and sheer bravery, has once again become socially acceptable in a few countries around the globe. However, 400 million people still live under national laws where same-sex relationships are

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punishable by death. Queer history has a message. We are brave and we can triumph, but we should never take our rights for granted. Every single day we should celebrate this victory of being able to live and love, won by the endless blood, sweat, tears and lives of countless before us.

“Humanity is not a solid march towards progression” Queer history is especially relevant today. What must not be allowed to happen is for these struggles and victories to be hijacked by faceless corporations and apathetic politicians to whack a cheerful rainbow sticker onto their image as if

we as people were a simple afterthought. And that’s all why learning queer history is important and if it’s not going to be taught in schools we might as well have a month dedicated to our own history. It’s important to know that there was a time where being transgender or having a lover or partner of the same gender was a respected part of life. It’s important to know that we have always been here. It’s important to know our struggles and our defiance. Humanity is not a solid march towards progression leaving behind the dark ages. If queer people can go from being ordinarily and free to being oppressed for thousands of years, it can happen again. All civilisations crumble into the sea, we must ensure that our rights to not go with it.



08/02/2017 12:17



it’s a man’s world... OMAR BALDE AND TEODORA BALUTA ON men’s fashion week A/W 2017...


enswear is gaining more and more a tt e n ti o n as gender stereotypes are being crushed, turning Men’s Fashion Week into the event of the year. Here we give you an overview of what happened at each event across Europe.

Milan The catwalks included both genders, creating more anticipation before the women’s collections are shown. Another major trend that can be felt in the industry is the eradication of gender boundaries, and this was seen in Milan through feminine touches such as ruffled necklines, fur, rich textures (velvet, brocade) and dainty colours (pastels, pinks and reds) were witnessed in the collections of Antonio Marras, Etro and Marni. At Prada the game changed, with Miuccia going against the trends by introducing the retro vibes of the ’70s into her collection with corduroy trousers, fur and patchwork. Milan is a hotspot for menswear fashion, setting trends whilst offering classic, timeless pieces. The designers at Fashion Week set the direction for the industry with their creativity

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and vision, deciding how the 2017 man will look.

London Fashion Week Men’s Autumn/Winter, was inspired by the streets of London. Street style is conquering a lot of the runways, but a significant inspiration was the art, print and graphics, as designers like Graig Green shows us. A trend that isn’t something new, yet seems to have made its comeback is camouflage. It’s making its way back into the fashion world, and it’s bigger than ever. Designers like Liam Hodges, Nigel Cabourn and Maharishi are embracing this particular trend and using it to their advantage in their shows.

“the grand finale was one of the greatest moments” However, of the show, as Vivienne Westwood’s collection drew it all to a close. Westwood brings to the public her beautiful yet peculiar punk soul that is loved by many. She plays with gender, graphics and

vivid colours which makes her shows one of the best to close this season’s men’s collection.

Paris The collaboration between the high-end brand Louis Vuitton with the streetwear cult brand Supreme was the highlight of Paris The two brands united their visions to make something unique and to change the misconception that luxury items and street wear can’t work together. Retro was a significant trend which was spotted on the catwalks of Paris as many designers looked back at the past few decades of the fashion industry with nostalgia. It was not just Van Noten who was feeling revolutionary at Paris Men’s Week, Demna Gvasalia followed the fashion trends and made a strong political statement in Balenciaga where he put the current political events at the forefront of his show. Fashion week in Paris reflected the many changes happening in menswear and the building upon the current macro trends that are revolutionising the current fashion scene.

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Louis Vuitton x supreme at paris a/w 2017.

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08/02/2017 13:20



15 minutes with alan walker Amy Avent The Norwiegan DJ explains the reason behind his mask and what life is like as world famous dj... Alan Walker is the 19-yearold, Norwegian DJ who won our hearts with his hit single Faded. He has recently released two new singles, named Alone and Sing Me To Sleep. He rapidly became a well decorated music producer after his first number one in Norway with Faded. The teen performed with Tiesto at Tomorrowland and has begun his first tour outside of Europe. Smoke Mag had a chance to chat to Alan back in December while he was in the middle of his Asian tour. Hey, so how are you doing? Hey, I am doing perfectly fine thank you, it is a beautiful day in London. It is lovely, you must be pretty tired though, you are the middle of your Asian tour aren’t you? Yes, that is correct, I arrived from Beijing two days ago and I am flying back to Taiwan tomorrow So as you are travelling a lot, do you have anything that you swear by to help your jet lag? I don’t really think I have experienced any serious jet lag, I think if I did I would just force

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myself to avoid messing up my sleeping schedule. That’s a good way of going about it, so my first main question for you is, what made you go from programming and graphic design to music? I would say that I went from programming and graphics to music was because, from the very beginning I was curious as to how people made websites and games, so I began conducting my own research into the field. It was the same situation with music, I spent many hours on YouTube just watching tutorials and yeah. Would you say that teaching yourself ever made you feel as if you were at a disadvantage in the music industry? I would say that it has helped me, because it means that I am working outside the

08/02/2017 13:20



The 19-year-old is one of the world’s biggest DJ’s, with his debut single ‘Faded’ going platinum in 10 countries.

typical script of making music. I have never learnt what I should or shouldn’t do before I got in touch with people over the internet, so by not following the typical script I have learnt new ways of twisting the sound of Alan Walker. What music is your inspiration? In the very beginning I was very interested in the music that is featured in games, and also techno. I was really inspired by movie soundtracks and what we call electro house/ Norwegian house which is the genre that I try to produce in my music today. That’s really cool, so your song Faded has been remixed hundreds and hundreds of times. Do you have a favourite remix or do you not listen to them? I sometimes go through Sound

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Cloud and listen to the remixes out there, I am really impressed to hear how people have adapted the original sound to something very unique. It is very hard to pick a favourite as there are so many good ones out there. In your opinion, what makes Faded so different that it caught the attention of millions of people from across the world? I was thinking about it a while ago, I thought that maybe it is because the melody is so simple. I once heard a saying that was “sometimes what’s simple is what’s best” and I think that is the definition of faded, the melody is so simple! I would also say that the vocals from Iselin Solheim give the song a really unique touch and boosts the song a lot. So where were you when you found out that you had reached number one in the Norwegian VGlista chart? I think I was just at home, because when Faded was released I was still at school. Oh





08/02/2017 13:21


FEATURE His latest hits ‘alone’ & ‘sing me to sleep’ have taken the globe by storm, causing a movement by the dj’s fans.

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young when you had your breakthrough, and still are quite young, what is it like to have reached number one in the charts while still at school? It is quite an accomplishment; I would never have imagined that it would become one of the most listened to tracks in my home country or around the world. And that is pretty surreal, it is almost like living in a dream. At the same time, it is also really really fun. We noticed that you rarely show your full face in images, music videos or while on stage. What is the reason for this? It is to create a unique symbol to give Alan Walker as an artist, there are so many people who are inspired by it. After the release of ‘Alone’ I have seen so many people posting pictures on Instagram with a scarf around their face or their hoods up writing ‘you are not alone’. It is

something new that has been really working, and it seems like people really enjoy what we have created.

“Tomorrowland was like stepping into a whole new universe” It is definitely something unique, and it is nice to see that in an industry that is so obsessed with how people look, so it brings a stronger focus on your music. Yeah, I think it is pretty cool. As it also makes Alan Walker a mysterious character. In terms of your fan base, what has been your most memorable crowd? I would say any club, festival or show that I have played at. I have just done my first tour and it was incredible! I am currently on my Asian tour, I have done two shows so far and it has just been incredible. I can image, have you managed to get any sightseeing in between shows? Yeah sometimes we get the opportunity to stay in the city for an extra day after the show, to do some sight-seeing, it is pretty cool to be a tourist

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You were invited onstage with Tiesto at Tomorrowland, how did that come about and how did that feel? Well Tiesto has remixed my single Faded, we kept in touch for a couple of months over email and then I told him that I was going to Tomorrowland to perform as well, so he then asked me if I wanted to come up on stage with him. I was like wow, that was a crazy opportunity, something I never would have imaged that would happen. Do you plan on returning to Tomorrowland? I would love to, Tomorrowland was like stepping into a whole new universe. Who would be your dream artist or DJ to collaborate with? Either Martin Garix or Tiesto My final question for you is, what is next for Alan Walker and will we be seeing an album from you soon? Not an album, I don’t think there is any point in releasing an album at this point, single by single is the way to go for me at the moment. There are definitely more singles and more shows coming up!

08/02/2017 13:21



a Chat with Fickle Friends


he indie pop band from Brighton have been slowly winning the hearts of UK music fans throughout the past year and they have done a fantastic job so far. The fivesome performed at Heaven in Soho, and allowed us to sit down with them backstage. Where does the name ‘Fickle Friends’ come from? Natassja: We didn’t come up with the name ourselves actually, it was a mutual friend of ours, we were just joking by suggesting “Fickle Friends” as we are terrible at sticking to plans. As soon as we heard it we knew that the name should stick.

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The Indie pop band spoke to omar balde & Tooba haq about their name and aspirations. Did you ever think you’d ever become this successful? Sam: It’s hard to think that together we would gain this much success, there were so many people out there. Natassja: I moved to brighton and only knew Sam and about two others, I needed a drummer for a show and well here we are. Over the past few years you have performed quite a few festivals, which was your favourite? Sam: Reading this year was pretty awesome, in fact everything we did this year was like a step up because we had two years of non-stop festivals. People knew our music, but I think Reading was a massive moment for us because of Radio1 Stage it was unusual

and overwhelming but it was so much fun. Are there any Festivals you have your eye on that you’d like to perform for? Natassja: Glastonbury, that’s the goal. However, I would like to do something like The Burning Man, but to be honest I’d be content with mainly European festivals. I just want to travel. Which genre would you say your music best fits into? And do you want your music to fit into ‘a box’? Natassja: It kind of has to for people to find it. I think it does, but people are struggling because the content of our songs is mainly pop but we’re also an indie band.

08/02/2017 13:48



Maria Tomsone looks at FOUR HITS TURNING twenty


ow would you feel if we told you that it was almost two decades ago when these tracks were released? Maria talks us through our favourite childhood hits which are now the same age as most of us. Everybody by Backstreet Boys. The most frequent guest at the parties back in the 90s and the band’s calling card that references their return with their second international album Backstreet’s Back. Considered to be their most successful single running for 22 weeks reaching number three in the UK Singles Chart and being certified platinum in the US with 2.1 million sales. Looks like Backstreet

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Boys knew how to rock the body, right? Barbie Girl by Aqua. The motive behind a DanishNorwegian band singing about a plastic doll and her boyfriend will probably remain a mystery forever. The single, however, is still the band’s biggest track to date, as it remained number one in the UK, Australia and the US for three weeks back in 1997. The popularity is absolutely undeniable – after hearing it once it would be stuck in your head for hours. I’ll Be Missing You by Puff Daddy and Faith Evans ft. 112. Recorded as a tribute to rapper Christopher “The Notorious B.I.G.” Wallace, who was murdered a couple of months before the release. Despite the dolorous nature

of the track, it spent 11 weeks on top of the Billboard Hot 100 during summer 1997, becoming one of the best-selling singles of all times and in February 2016 was called the 99th biggest song of all time in the US, according to Billboard. Song 2 by Blur. Originally introduced to the fans as a parody of grunge, Song 2 became a major success, hitting the charts all over the world. Often featured in movies, TV-shows and video-games, the track itself is nothing much but Damon Albarn shouting “WOOHOO” with the messy bass in the background, and this is exactly why we all love this single. All of the brilliant things are simple, aren’t they?

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20-21.indd 2

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he winter holidays are over but they have left us with no money and a long way until the summer. Unfortunately, the typical British weather doesn’t make that any easier. In such days nobody will turn down the chance to escape to another world, even if it’s an imaginary one. Musicals – whether you like them or not – were always associated with such naive magic and romance. “La La Land” is the latest Hollywood production of a musical movie, and it exploits all of the best and most canonic features of the genre. But, is the escapist mood the only reason why La La Land is so successful?

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It seems like there should be something more to this musical to recieve 7 Golden Globe Awards and 14 Oscar nominations. The real magic of this movie lays in its difference from the classic musical genre, or even evolution of it, if you wish.

“why is “La La Land” so successful?” While it entertains us songs and dance routines like the iconic performances in Singin’ in the Rain, West Side Story, Mama Mia, Moulin Rouge and many other popular musical films - the trick is hidden in the story.


a musical revival It appeals to the American dream that anybody can achieve their dream if they want to. However, La La Land proves it to be almost impossible, as few classic novels do. To achieve your dreams, you need sacrifice yourself to, and there is no guarantee that it will make you happy. This contemporary philosophy added to a classic plot, makes this musical not only sad but also extremely realistic, breaking down all of the magic from the singing and the dancing. Does La La Land mark a revival for musicals or open up a whole new genre pf film? Hardly. The director uses the musical as a technical frame to tell us his story, and for many, it works.

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enton, Sick Boy, Begbie and Spud are back and they’ve brought their heroin with

them. With the passing of twenty years, the infamous quartet seems less concerned about their latest drug fix, and more about their relentlessly ageing lives.

“JUST AS TRIPPY AS ITS PREDECESSOR” Danny Boyle once again took the directorial reins,

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making this film not only gloriously picturesque, but full of violent drama. Boyle recreates the first person camera angles that were signatory of the original flick, to encompass his audience into Edinburgh life, making this revival just as trippy as its predecessor. Despite the inevitable ageing of the cast, each character comes back as strong as ever and with a willingness to scrape at what is left of this much loved foursome. With a refreshing glimpse of their adolescence sprinkling the narrative

in the form of flashbacks, you can’t help but applaud Boyle’s effort to reconcile his characters by showcasing them through two generations.

“GLORIOUSLY PICTURESQUE” The stakes were set high for the next Trainspotting chapter, but despite the mounting pressure, this film highlights a production ability that most franchises lack; seamless accuracy.

08/02/2017 13:49


BY CHINA TEBB Set in a dystopian version of current society where vampires have been outed to the general public, the governments across the world have created “coldtowns”’ quarantined cities where vampires are banished to in order to try and control the spread of vampirism among humans. When Tana believes that she has been infected and decides to get herself to the nearest coldtown, she embarks on the road trip of a lifetime with a mysterious vampire, in order to not only protect her family, but also to discover her true self. If you’re in love with the vampire genre, but in desperate need of something fresh that doesn’t follow the stereotypes that The Twilight Saga seemed to bring about, then The Coldest Girl In Coldtown is most certainly the book for you.

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‘ U n e x p e c t e d l y inspirational’ is the easiest way to describe the experience of Motown. As The Shaftesbury Theatre filled up, the audience expected the usual polished perfection seen hundreds of times but in fact, left the theatre with a new understanding of how the history of some of the most iconic music came about. To discover where the music that inspired generations originated from, many people (including myself) have been driven to revisit musicians such as Diana Ross, Stevie Wonder and The Jackson 5 with a clearer vision of how they came to be who they were. Berry Gordy wrote a thrilling play that took us on a journey through the pain, triumphs, racial conflicts and unconditional love that he experienced throughout



his days of Motown, and the casting could not have been more fitting. Cedric Neal plays Gordy himself and his captivating voice in ‘To be loved’, left the audience stunned. He shows us how he broke barriers in order to set the path for black American music, and how one man’s dream became the whole world’s soundtrack.

“A FEEL-GOOD EXPERIENCE” The radiant beauty and carefree presence that Lucy St Louis brought to the stage as Diana Ross, as she danced and sang, left many hanging on her every word. Like a well-loved classic film, this is a play that can be seen repeatedly and your mind would not grow tired of it.

08/02/2017 13:49


LIFESTYLE Picture: Kiera Chapman

Fly away to


By Kiera Chapman


t’s 12am and you’re hazily strolling the streets of Soho. As you place one foot in front of the other, a neon light reflects from a murky puddle, gently blinding you. You look up to see an illuminated Emma Stone waltzing across the LA skyline, in hand with an exquisite male specimen commonly known as Ryan Gosling. In the acclaimed La La Land, Stone and Gosling play Seb and Mia. Characters that both long to make it big; to pursue their dreams at a pace that is not only thrilling, but consistent enough to financially sustain them. Based in LA, they couldn’t have picked a better location to set about making it happen. This is where you come into play: the London student. You’re in the big smoke; the capital of Britain. The birthplace of

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miniskirts, tinned beans and the magazine.

“The term ‘aspiring’ can be irriating” Similar to Seb and Mia, you’re in the ideal place to pursue your dreams and the negative, lazy connotation that comes with the title of ‘The Student’ shouldn’t stop you. It can be a bit daunting - winding through the dim mist of the undergrwwound tunnels and escalators, to suddenly being launched onto a platform bustling with busy bodies in draping trenches and bullet sized cups of espresso on hand. You’ll never be able to survive the tobacco laced heart of London, right? Wrong. Just because you’re

studying for your dream doesn’t mean you can’t live it at the same time. The term ‘aspiring’ can leave you slightly irritated. In context, a student can call themselves an ‘aspiring journalist’, which would imply them not actively producing content but longing to do so, one day after academic validation. What they don’t realise is that as soon as they create, they are a journalist. There are incredible opportunities in London: news outlets, courts, Parliament, theatres, music venues, institutes…. It’s a cultural orgy. It’s 12am and you’re no longer hazily strolling the streets of Soho; you’re striding. You’re not simply on the street but a part of it. Stone and Gosling aren’t just grasping each other. They’re grasping their dreams. Are you grasping yours?

08/02/2017 13:50



the best events in february the TRUMAN BREWEY CRAFT BEER RISING FESTIVAL: The Truman Beer festival hosts deliciously crafted ales, ciders and largers. Now in its fifth year of celebrating the best of the best, you are not going to want to miss this event. especially if you consider yourself a hop-ping mad for craft beers. 23rd - 25th February Old Truman Brewery, Brick Lane

Magical Lantern Festival: This years lantern festival is inspired by silk roa, with over 50 dazzling illuminations, including Big Ben and The Houses of Parlaiment. There is also an ice-rink, ice bar and food stalls , so there is no risk of you getting bored. Chiswick House & Gardens, Until 26th February

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the meaning behind lgbt+



Cristian Angeloni educates us on what the acronym stands for.


ender is a fluid concept, and if there is something we’ve learned is that nowadays there is no such rigid distinction between male and female. Gender is not a bifurcation, rather a spectrum encompassing many different nuances and forms (or colour of the rainbow as I like to say) of itself. It is important to understand that gender is a matter of selfperception; meaning that a person’s gender derives from the way they identify and see themselves as. Here we explore what each letter within the term LGBTQ+ stands for. G for Gay - When a person identifies as gay this entails two main things: First, they identify themselves as “cisgender”, meaning that their perceived gender matches their body gender; and second, they identify their romantic and sexual attraction towards people of their same gender. “Gay” is commonly used for males while “Lesbian” for females (the letter “L” in LGBTQ+). However, the term “gay” applies to both. B for Bisexual - A bisexual person is usually cisgender themselves, however, they differ from the Gs and the

Ls, because of their romantic and sexual attraction. In fact, bisexual people are attracted by both “dominant” genders male and female. T for Transgender - A transgender person is usually a person whose perceived gender does not match their body gender. This happens when a person identifies as something different from the gender that their body expresses. When approaching a transgender person, I always suggest to politely ask with what pronoun they’d like to be addressed to. It may sound rude, it shows that you care and that you want them to be comfortable. + is for Non-Binary. This type of identity has received more attention recently with an increasing number of people identifying as non-binary. This type of identification happens when one’s identity does not fit in the male-female binary (that is why it is called non binary) and it encompasses a variety of different kinds from androgynism (both male and female) to agender (neutral identification) to gender fluid (identification varies over time). Read more online at smoke. media

08/02/2017 13:50



Minciment et, audande licimet quam faccaer chicipsum illorunt aut litium comnihicab intus. Nonse nis aut el.

THE Milennials take over BY MINAL MAUGI


aute-couture brands are turning to millennials and the Generation Z of digital influencers for promotion, endorsements and fashion shows. Starting with Chanel, which had Lily-Rose Depp as their signature couture bride, brands such as Ermenegildo Zegna, and Dolce & Gabbana are also following under the same footsteps. Now more than ever personalities such as Presley Gerber, Tinie Tempah, social media sensation Cameron Dallas, fashion blogger Caroline Daur and La Rouge Belle creator Lala Rudge are taking over the catwalk and the front rows. Dolce & Gabbana 2017 Menswear Collection, had these celebrity millennials placed at the forefront of the event, establishing a turning point within the fashion industry, as opposed to the traditional skinny models taking over.

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Narrow fashion and beauty ideals glorifying and celebrating skinniness have predominated the fashion landscape for several decades now, associating thinness with beauty and style. The perpetuation of negative body images has been long withstanding in the fashion industry, which has cynically evaluated and oppressed women because of their appearance.

“the currency of thinness may be losing its value” Yet recently, a trend towards employing real and ordinary people and celebrating different personalities seems to be emerging in the world of high-fashion. Daniel Saynt, the CEO of Socialyte, the largest influencer casting agency, has noted

that real people such as fashion bloggers, vloggers, Instagrammers and Youtube celebrities are increasingly being cast in fashion campaigns worldwide. He has referred to this as a “major shift in international fashion.” As fashion’s gravity seems to now be centered on millennials and the Generation Z, the currency of thinness may be losing its value, as attributes such as personality and individuality seem to be gaining their much-deserved place in the industry. The President of IMG Models, Ivan Barts, an advocate of diversity, sees social media and technology as the drivers of change, and claims that millennials and the Generation Z “have an interesting viewpoint on inclusive beauty”. Millennials, and the Generation Z may be set to redefine the realm of highfashion with diverse beauty and fashion ideals.

08/02/2017 13:50


one to watch

Jackie: fashion’s first lady hari nef There is no better time than the LGBT awareness month to celebrate Hari Nef, the transgender model and activist who is revolutionising the fashion industry. The 24 year-old model is a graduate from Columbia University and the first transgender to be signed with model agency giant IMG, appearing on several major campaigns for brands such as H&M, Gucci and L’Oreal. Her writings have been published on magazines such as Vice and Dazed, where she discussed the fashion industry and challenged gender representations.

Natalie Portman aS JACKIE

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BY KATE REICHARDT part from being one of the most loved First Ladies in US history, Jackie Kennedy is still considered to be the First Lady of Fashion. After more than 50 years of her time in office, her style and elegance continues to inspire major fashion houses and women across the world. Natalie Portman’s portrayal of the iconic First Lady in Jackie, a biographical drama directed by Pablo Larraín, has earned the actress a nomination at the upcoming 2017 Academy Awards – and it has also awaken, yet again, our fascination with Kennedy’s sophisticated fashion sense.

The pink Chanel suit with the navy trim collar she wore the day JFK was assassinated, became one of the most famous and recognised pieces of clothing in history, being replicated countless of times by several brands; and even this year in particular, we can see Jackie’s influence in collections made by Christopher Kane and Miu Miu.

“She defined what ‘personal style’ is” The way Jackie used items of clothing to her advantage is impressive. She demonstrated how fashion goes beyond its superficial surface as she used it to present her own strength and character to the world without saying a word, as well as to amplify the sophistication and glamour that meant being a Kennedy. She is one of the people that defined what ‘personal style’ is and most importantly, Jackie showed us how what you wear, matters.

08/02/2017 13:50

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24/08/2016 12:31

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