Smoke Mag Issue 10

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september 2016 ¡ ISSUE 10 ¡ FREE

Popping your london cherry

PG. 8-9

ultimate guide to a student night out PG. 14-17

young & talented

interview with pilot the rhymer

PG. 10-11

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TEAM Amy Avent EDITOR in-chief, amy.avent@smoke. media

IMANI LIVINGSTON DEPUTY Editor, imani.livingston@

JOSHUA HACKETT MANAGING Editor, joshua.hackett@


a word from the editors

COMMENT Editor, charlotte.racher@

LAREB NASEEM MUSIC Editor, lareb.naseem@smoke. media


ARTS Editor, noemi.martini@smoke. media

TIA ROchelle-jones FASHION Editor, tia.rochelle-jones@

omar balde FASHION Editor, omar.balde@smoke. media

cristian angeloni LIFESTYLE Editor, cristian.angeloni@

keira chapman LIFESTYLE Editor, keira.chapman@ SMOKE MAG is produced monthly by a team of student volunteer editors and contributors. SMOKE MAG is published by the University of Westminster Students’ Union, but views presented do not necessarily mirror those of UWSU or the editorial team. If you would like to make a complaint or comment about our journalism, please contact the managing editor, Joshua Hackett, in the first instance.

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elcome to freshers w e e k , although m a y b e there’s a chance that you won’t remember it, your first week at university can be a blur and an intimidating experience but we hope that our freshers edition will guide you through it. We’ve taken the time to consider the kind of info that

you’d find useful and possibly comforting which resulted in us reminiscing about our times as freshers. Among our team we’ve collected all sorts of stories from walking into the wrong lecture theatre to doing the walk of shame in their underwear! London is a fascinating city, full of diversity Westminster is actually ranked the most diverse university in the UK. You can read a few students’ opinions on this on pages 6-7. Along with its cultural diversity London offers some of the most memorable nights out in the UK, which we don’t doubt you’ll experience. That’s the inspiration for our main feature this month. Not only do we have this to offer but also some tips on how to save money, an interview with a talented artist and some style essentials. Each month we will be bringing you a new issue as well as content on our website. Our team are pretty awesome so if you ever feel the need to write something for us get in touch with us! Amy & Imani

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Westminster student diversity &The consequences of binge-watching.

ARTS PG. 22-23

Books, theatre, television and exhibition reviews.


Virtual reality experience & Uni style essentials.

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Features pG. 8-17

Festival fashion, London virgin, Young &talented and plenty more..

MUSIC PG. 19-20

Introducing Korean girlband ‘Black Pink’ & forgotten bangers


Freshers dos and don’ts & 8 Smart ways to budget.

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scrapping grants is detering the working class from uni



crapping student grants and turning them into loans, is another attack on the current government’s two biggest enemies: the young and the poor. Firstly, trebling fees from £3,000 a year to £9,000 a year, now scrapping grants and turning them into loans. Further increases in fees loom around the corner; Kent, Durham and Royal Holloway are advertising

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courses starting in 2017 as costing £9,250 a year. This Conservative government – like every Conservative government – is doing a fine job of achieving its goal of limiting the opportunities of the working-class, particularly the young aspiring towards a higher level of education. I was fortunate enough to be born into a family that was able to put me on a path which would lead me to university, without any real worries about how I would survive during my time there.

But for many people, going to university is a daunting prospect not only because of the debt that they’ll drag around with them for years, and years after graduating. But also the constant monitoring of their money throughout each term.

“Abolishing grants will only further deter kids from low income families to gain a university education” Which is the opposite of what needs to be happening. The government should be implementing ways to make university more accessible to those from lower-income households; they should be doing everything they can to make the transition from adolescence to adulthood a level playing field, not lessening opportunities based upon the income of their family. Its policies like this which have created and encouraged the rise of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and the politics that he stands for. Finally people are feeling angry towards the right people. Not immigrants, not the EU but this right wing government. We must continue to shout until they listen. They can’t get keep getting away with it.

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binge-watchers to become fat and lonely?



wo binge-worthy series, the ‘ d e v a s t a ti n g l y addictive show Narcos’ as described by the Telegraph, is making a comeback with its second season in September. Not only this but horrorlovers are being treated to a third series of’ Dusk Till Dawn’.

“binge-watching comes with some serious health risks” Lounging with snacks -so that you can watch the episodes uninterrupted-

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sounds perfect, right? Although there hasn’t been any empirical research on the consequences of bingewatching, there are statistics that show the health hazards linked to it. According to some surveys, excessive TV watching increases the risk of obesity and diabetes. It also heightens the feeling of loneliness and depression once a TV session has concluded. Dr Robert Glatter, at Lenox Hill Hospital New York explains: ‘prolonged sitting tends to increase insulin levels - a hormone promoting fat storage and weight gain’. Inactivity for long hours can also increase the risk of metabolic syndrome - a group of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease and

type-two-diabetes. Glatter conducted a pre and post binge-watching checkup on Alejandro Fragoso who earned a Guinness world record for TV binge-watching. He found that binge-watching also affects our alertness ruining the experience. Watching a show for a long period of time appears effortless and convenient but takes away our ability to enjoy the programme to its fullest. Although we still enjoy the activity we are beginning to lose the ability to internalise the experience. The thrill of waiting to see what happens next wearing out which begs the question, is bingewatching weakening our viewing experiences as well as our health?

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What does diversity mean to me? BY DANIEL KEARNEY


ike many students I was delighted to learn the other day that our Uni had been named most diverse. However, this news did not come as a surprise to me at all. For one, our prime central London location is the main key to our diversity. It has been said that London is the crossroads of the modern World. This is due to traditional links with Europe, the Commonwealth and new links that are being established with countries not formerly associated

with the UK such as those in Latin America. This is a great push factor for a wide variety of students coming to temporarily but others go on to settle down and raise their families in London as was more common in previous generations. This is a step towards explaining why Westminster is so diverse because it accommodates students only in London for study purposes and those who are home students but the children of settled immigrants in the UK. When I try to put myself in

diversity at westminster gives students the opportunity to experience new cultures.

the shoes of the international students themselves, I imagine they feel comfortable in a University such as Westminster for they are more likely to find students with whom they share that fear and/or excitement of being in such a different place. Studies have shown that large numbers of international students feel most comfortable around those from their own countries but my observations at Westminster indicate that international students there feel most comfortable with other international students from any country. Like me, they can learn about new cultures that they would not have otherwise learnt at home. As an individual from a three culture background (Canadian, Middle Eastern and English), I take comfort in the diversity of Westminster because of the diversity within my background. I spent my secondary education in a small English town which although not far out of London was filled largely by students from completely English backgrounds who would make me feel like an outsider because of my cultural backgrounds.

“I take comfort in the diversity of Westminster� I imagine this might have remained the case had I gone to University in a smaller student town so for this, I am grateful to Westminster and its diversity.

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BY ZAINAB DAWOOD hen in an unfamiliar place, the anxiety felt from not knowing anyone can be softened by meeting someone from a similar cultural background to you. It’s easier to feel at home when you can share your experiences with a person who understands. The University of Westminster offers this, representing 169 nationalities according to the Hotcourses Diversity Index. When a diverse group of people come together, each person is introduced to a fresh set of opinions, attitudes, experiences, skills, and backgrounds to which they may not have been accustomed.

“Encountering new viewpoints lets communities understand and respect each other” In the current political climate where bigotry and racism seems o be on the rise, education about different cultures is of paramount importance. Having lived my whole life in London, which has often been described as a ‘cultural melting pot’, it is easy to learn about cultures other than my own. Living in close quarters with people from a range of backgrounds promotes

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cohesion across cultures and expels the ignorance which is often the cause of the race-based attacks seen in the news recently. It is important not only to be amongst a range of cultures, but also to interact with one another, thus avoiding the quasi-segregation between races seen in certain towns around the UK, where the population in a certain area is diverse on paper, but divided in reality. ‘As an individual who struggles to interact with new people I am thankful that Westminster’s wide range of cultures has allowed me to settle in with confidence as a way to move forward out of the confines of sixth form’ At Westminster I found my place when I met likeminded people later leading me to meet others who had views completely different to my own, which is what

the university experience is all about. The benefit of diversity at Westminster was a gateway into a world of cultures that were new to me. This widened my worldview and made me question my opinions in a good way. Had I attended a less diverse university, I as an ethnic minority might have felt out of place as I would not know if my views and experiences would be welcomed, and the thought of this makes me grateful that Westminster presents such a wide variety of nationalities. While at university, people often develop the views they will hold for the rest of their lives, which is why it is essential for universities to provide an environment where a range of attitudes are represented, so that students may graduate with a better idea of what the world has to offer.

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popping your urban cherry BY kiera chapman


o n g rat u l ati o n s ! You’ve made to London. You are successfully (until reality i.e dept kicks in) living in a city more urban than Outfitters. You just can’t wait whack on the ol’ cosmopolitan boots and explore, can you? Are the cafes really THAT quirky? Who will be the first to hit Well, pack your indie ruck sacks and grab your camera - you’re going on an adventure. Moving to London with little experience can seem thrilling as well as utterly daunting at the same time. Being an anxious mess

myself - a term I do not use lightly - I’ve managed to merge my way through it’s swamps of streets just fine so far. I am living proof that you can survive in the city and come from a town with a pace as slow as every other lecture you’re yet to endure. Here, you will find a guide pulled together to London life whilst enrolled at The University of Westminster as I know it. The university is made up of four different campuses: Cavendish, Harrow, Regent and Marylebone. These are all accessible via the tube. To get to Harrow, take the

metropolitan lineand exit at Northwick Park. For Marylebone, take the same line and but exit at Baker Street. You can reach Regent via the Bakerloo, Victoria or Central, exiting at Oxford Circus and Cavendish by either sticking to the Met and departing at Great Portland Street followed by a short walk, or taking the Northern line to Goodge Street.

“In terms of the Tube: it’s easy once you’re acquainted with the etiquette” First, don’t ever run for a train, as they do the bizarre thing of running every couple of minutes on a good day unlike National Rail. Secondly, always stand to the right of the escalator unless you wish to walk up it or die and always have your Oyster ready before reaching the barrier as no one like a faff pants. Finally, don’t consume anything smelly on the train. You will be scowled at and receive direct, piercing eye contact, which is the kind of frivolous activity a Londoner simply doesn’t partake in unless provoked.

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“always stand to the right of the escalator unless you wish to walk up it or die” Camden is saturated with tourists on weekends, but Notting Hill’s Portobello Road, whilst similarly busy at it’s weekend peak, appears to thrive off of this as opposed to drown. Some markets only run on certain days though, so double check before visiting. My favourites are Spitalfields, Brick Lane and Borough. If you’re a coffee connoisseur or just

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want to study somewhere with superior interior my recommendations are: TAP Coffee, Timberyard cafe, The Coffee Works Project, The Grind (any), Nude, Paper & Cup, MUD and Palm Vaults even offers multi coloured lattes. Follow @londoncoffeeshops on Instagram for more inspiration. Museums make the ideal visit outside of school holidays. Some are free but indicate that a small donation on entry is appreciated. Art exhibitions like the Tate often ask the same. Follow @twickets on Twitter for last minute access to gig tickets. Brixton is my favourite venue for a concert:

it was bought for just £1 in the 1980’s (save that little gem for a fun fact fiesta). The famous Japanese woodland squirrel often makes an appearance, which is actually just a regular squirrel.

“may you imerse youself in the vibrant nightlife” There’s so much more I want to share with you but, unlike Campbell’s soup, it can’t be condensed. Good luck with your city expedition.

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rts editor Noemi, met with Pilot the Rhymer, Aaron Southcott, to discuss his music career along side his BA Commercial Music Degree as part of the latest Young & Talented feature. King Like is how he descirbes his style in music and life Aaron Southcott, aka Pilot the Rhymer, the founder of the Fly Talk movement started writing music and lyrics when he was only 15.

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& Talented “In with the now but never following a crowd. Shepard like”

“There came a time of self reflection and not doing what I wanted to do was something that I was doing. There wasn’t any more time for that. There is no time to waste in this life and coming to terms with that itself was my turning point. I look forward and never look back now.” His confidence and unique style, the raw and honest lyrics mixed with his south eastern accent makes him a true representative of today’s British youth.

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“The way I live inspires me. The people around me inspire me and I inspire myself. You either go out and get it or become a victim to failure. Aaron, when he’s not Pilot the Rhymer is a second year Commercial Music Production student at the University of Westminster. When asked about his main goal with music, he said: “I’m creating a lifestyle. An experience and a culture including everything else in between.” Aaron explaints that “it’s inevitable that things take time but when all of this eventually comes together, you’ll see the bigger picture. I’m more than positive that I can take this somewhere; better yet further than the eyes can see. I want to make a change for the better”. My dream for the future is probably just like anyone else’s. I want to live comfortably with those already around me eating at the table as well.

“What’s life without a good view of it?” While he’s singing about the good old rapper topics, like sex, drugs, violence, he always finds the positivity in life, as heard in his song ‘No love lost’: “There’s people who love you, there’s people who hate you, there’s people who need you, there’s people to have you.” “The way I live inspires me. The people around me inspire me and I inspire myself. He’s not only finds inspiration in his own life but

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Pilot the Rhymer photos by Ethan Mair

also says he doesn’t want to resemble anyone else. , I just do me. I mean I look towards other people in a light where I analyse what they have done, whatever it may be and how they got to the stage they are at now for example? But I wouldn’t want to resemble anyone else. That would mean there’s two of me when there’s only one. This exclusive uniqueness is sensible through his music. While listening to his songs

you can’t resemble him to anyone, which means he created his own music brand, Fly Talk, successfully. I am sure we’ll be hearing a lot of talk about Pilot the Rhymer in the future.

For all of Aaron’s music visit

24/08/2016 12:28



summer festival fashion Marie Negues looks at this year’s festival fashion trends...


ll festival-goers will know the struggle of trying to find the perfect outfit, searching for weeks on end and spending hours getting ready, only to be covered in copious amounts of mud and glitter at the end of the night. But let’s face it, when it comes to festival fashion anything goes, there are no rules or limitations, but the trends change yearly. So, with festival season almost over, we’ve put together an overview of this season’s festival fashion. Accessories are key to a great festival outfit so it’s important that you get it right.

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A Choker

One of the easiest ways to create your festival look is to add a choker to your outfit. They can be found in almost any high street store, ranging from the old school tattoo style chokers to thick velvet chokers, as seen on Gigi Hadid. If you’re not that confident with accessorising you could pick something more dainty and feminine such as a simple band with a pendant or charm.


A Bindi

Another accessory, for the more BohoChic look which has been popular this season, is a simple bindi paired with some glitter.


A Body Harness

Another killer accessory that can complete an outfit is the body harness. Styled one underneath a sheer top or with a body suit, and you’ll be sure to turn heads. Now we’ve got our accessories in check, it is time to identify which clothes made for a killer outfit this festival season. The list for all the various festival trends is endless so we are going to stick with the top 5 from this summer:


Off the Shoulder

This summer our shops have been full of off the shoulder styles. Dresses and tops, long sleeved and short sleeved, the Bardot or Cold Shoulder, bodycon and loose, the off

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PHOTO: oMAR BALDE the shoulder look seems to have no limitations. This look is super easy to style, just pair with a choker to decorate those bare necks and shoulders.


Two Pieces

Co-Ord’s are superhot right now, even more so in the summer time. Usually sporting a bold colour or extravagant pattern, the shorts and crop top Co-Ords need no further styling in order for you to stand out from the rest of the crowd.


The Classic Denim

A festival must is definitely a pair of denim shorts, whether they are your vintage Levi’s that you

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picked up from one of the little market stools at your favourite festival or those Topshop high waisted hot pants. A pair of casual, comfy. denim shorts can be dressed up with your fav crop top, a leather jacket and some trusty black ankle boots for an ultimate festival look.



We’ve seen Kendall Jenner strutting around Coachella in her crochet maxi dress, and if it’s good enough for Kendall then it’s good enough for us. If you’re not feeling the crochet dresses you can always pair a crotchet halter neck top with some shorts or a skirt.


That 70’s flared look has popped back onto the fashion scene again, not just jeans, but sleeves too. It might be summer, but those bell and flared tops are not holding us back from long sleeves. Channel your inner bohemian-chic and combine a flared top with a pair of jeans or denim shorts. If you’re attending any festivals this Year don’t be shy and use this list to stand out from the ever crowd. Don’t forget that the most important part is for you to enjoy yourself and remember to never sacrifice practicality for fashion as you’ll be kicking yourself for missing your favourite band over a pair of killer shoes.


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the ultimate guide to a student’s night out cristian angeloni shares his top clubs and pubs


e have all been there. The morning/ afternoon after a night out crying after checking the balance of our accounts and regretting buying those 4 extra jäger bombs we were craving so much for. You’ll find yourself , trying to save on bread and canned beans because of the crazy London nights out. Booze overides beans - fact. Who needs fibre when you run on liquid anyway?

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“Nothing can compare to a night out in London” It’s quite an art form to have the time of your life without coming out lacking at least one vital vivtamn and money, however Smoke Mag is here to guide you through this skill. Nothing can compare to a night out in London when

you know where to go. Here are some tips and recommendations to get the best out of your night(s) out without making your wallet commit suicide. London is a great and diverse city, and as such there are many clubs, pubs and events designed especially for students. So, without further due, here’s our ultimate guide to enjoy your night out in London and being (more or less) thoughtless about your expenses. London’s student night centres are mainly placed in

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three areas: the West End; Camden and Shoreditch.

West End Attention cheapskates! In the heart of Soho every Wednesday at Moonlighting (17, Greek Street, W1D 4 DR). The venue opens at 9pm up until 3am with an entry cost of £6 (£4 with a flyer and £5 with a NUS card) and serves drinks as cheap as 90p! Music to your ears! It offers a variety of music styles from 80’s dance to hip hop to indie and it’s also recommended by papers such as The Guardian and The Huffington Post. Right next to Covent Garden station is Los Locos (61-65 Great Queen Street, WC2B 5 BZ). This club holds student nights every

Wednesday with drinks starting from £2.50. If that’s not enough, the 18th September sees the venue host a “Freshers Re-launch” night from 10pm to 3am with £3 online tickets!

open from 12pm to 12am then continues at G-A-Y Late until 3am. It’s open all night long at G-A-Y Heaven! G-A-Y is the cheapest and probably most frequented LGBT bar in London.



Camden “G-A-Y is the LDN is the heart cheapest and of EGGLondon’s nights out. Located between Camden most frequented and Charing Cross (200, York Way, N7 9AX) Egg is the LGBT bar in ultimate place to go. With £6 drinks and a free student London.” membership ( you can apply The most know LGBT clubs in central London are situated in Soho and Charing Cross and offer drinks from £1.80 Sunday to Thursday with a great spectrum of music (pop, hit charts, disco and much more). G-A-Y is

for it at: students) that can get you entry to free parties or fast track queues, Egg is one of the best places to have a good time. Plus, with your membership you can bring two friends with you!


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Proud Camden was originally a 19th century Horse Hospital in Camden (NW1 8AH) before it was turned into a live music lounge and gallery, with a multitude of performances and cabaret nights. It opens at 8:30pm up until 2am from Thursday to Saturday (and earlier on other weekdays). Beverage wise, it offers £4 beers and £6 cocktails in a suggestive location.

Shoreditch The Shoreditch Pub Crawl is pretty self explanatory. Signing up to the Crawl lets you explore, duck and dive through Shoreditch’s top pubs and clubs. At only £10 online per ticket, you can enjoy free entry five clubs and pubs, up to six free shots amongst many other discounts and special offers.

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Who’s smelling a bargain here?

“Ding dong: you’ve hit the drunk jackpot” The Raw London Bar Crawl works the same way as the Pub Crawl, offering a £10 ticket that brings you yet another variety of clubs and bars in Shoreditch. The value of the ticket works a little differently: you can get a free shot in every bar, free entry and queue jump in four of them, a free t-shirt and free party gadgets, and if that was not a hell of a deal already - discounts on local food outlets. If taken separately it would cost £40 while Raw London offers it for £10! Ding dong - you’ve

hit the drunk jackpot. At the end of the day, to truly have an incredible night out in Britain’s capital you have to be willing to allow yourself to completely let go. To lose your senses, souls and inhibitions (to a degree, no one wants to end up slumped on top of a black bin sack off of Oxford Street).

“No one ever knows where the night is going to take them and in London” No one even knows about the first few minutes. Get ready. Get set. Go.

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BLACKPINK: South Korea’s NEWEST K-POP girl group


BY THOMAS LI 4 - m e m b e r group under one of South Korea’s top label companies ‘YG Entertainment’ finally made their debut on the 8th August, with their debut single album ‘SQUARE ONE’ consisting of two songs: BOOMBAYAH and WHISTLE. BLACKPINK is the next girl group to debut after YG Ent’s successful girl group 2NE1, whom debuted in 2009. YG’s CEO, Yang Hyun Seok wanted to debut YG’s 2nd generation girl group with Hip Hop as the major theme. The creation and training for BLACKPINK took over 4-5 years and this is no surprise. YG is notoriously known for

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the length of time taken prior debut- much like BIGBANG who recently just celebrated their 10 year anniversary after 6-7 years of training.

“if their talents don’t reach my expectations they won’t cut it” Both debut music videos, BOOMBAYAH & WHISTLE hit over one Million YouTube views within twelve hours of release, while nearly hitting ten Million views

each in less than a week. I guess you could say that the group’s debut was a success! Dominating no.1 on iTunes in nine different countries including Hong Kong, Finland and Indonesia. While hitting no.2 in ten countries: New Zealand, Sweden, Vietnam, Turkey and Singapore (as of 9th August) as well as an earning a ‘Certified All-Kill’ on multiple South Korea online charts. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for this new girl group, BLACKPINK FIGHTING! To keep up with their latest updates/ songs give them a follow on twitter: @yg_blackpink or instagram: @blackpinkofficial

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wanting to rip their head off... Yet within themselves the two songs are full of hope.

“Yuna has a voice of gold, and her music is a gift”



he album ‘Nocturnal’ by the 27 year old Malaysian artist ‘Yuna’ is a masterpiece. I’m fond of all eleven tracks, especially her track ‘Come Back’ and ‘Someone Who Can’ as these two songs completely contrast with each other in style and tempo. ‘Come Back’ is uplifting which will make you want to dance

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around your room.

“yuna’s album has an extremely uplifting vibe to it” Whereas ‘Someone Who Can’ has the ability to make a person regret ever loving that particular individual and

Although, Yuna does not have the strongest vocals, however this isn’t a bad thing. We have such a variety of women on the music scene right now who have powerful voices, who can touch your soul in a matter of seconds and make you feel. Yuna is still able to do so but in a different way- Yuna is able to not only stun an audience with her soft vocals but her poetic lyrics; this is executed perfectly in both ‘Lovely Intermission’ and ‘Colors’. She also plays with harmonies which is something she does throughout the album. Yuna’s album has an extremely uplifting vibe to it, even though some of the songs are thought provoking, the rhythm used throughout allows you to relax. Yuna describes her music within the genre of ‘pop’ however I think it’s safe to say that her music much more than that; Yuna has a voice of gold, and her music is a gift.

Yuna - Nocturnal is avialable for purchase from iTunes, Amazon and is available to stream on Spotify.

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forgotten bangers j-Bed - Holiday (2007) by Aaron Pharaoh “Girl change into that Victoria’s Secret thing that I like” If you know this forgotten banger then, whack it on whilst reading this short piece. We all have our favourite tunes of the 00’s but somehow we seem to forget these gems of the music industry.

“This song is truly an underrated gem, and is my favourite forgotten banger” J.Holiday – Bed, is an

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R’n’B/ Slow jam song done right. Released in 2007, it climbed to the number one spot on Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs by the Billboard and burrows from old influences to create an unheard of sound we weren’t used to hearing at the time.

Norah jones sunrise (2004) by kiera chapman Despite never making it as number one, Sunrise is the lead track off of Norah Jone’s multi-platinum 2004 album Feels Like Home. The

song won her ‘Best Female Pop Vocal Performance’ at the 2005 Grammy’s and has also featured in the children’s film Because Of Winn-Dixie (2005). This song is a gem - an utter three minutes and twenty one seconds of warmth and nourishment. Her soothing vocals project an image of a splayed out couple lazing on a white linen bed on the cusp of morning; fingers intertwined and eyes locked.

“This song is a gem” Jones is a beauty of a songwriter and musician - you’ve probably heard of her before. Turn me on featured in Richard Curtis’s holy grail of festive mush: Love Actually (2003). That steamy scene between the two office workers after the company do? The one where they’re literally turning it on? Jones flicked that switch; she flicked in damn hard.

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lawrence after arabia


BY paula aylin karansis n o t h e r masterpiece at the Hampstead Theatre. John Dove manages to amaze his audience with his beautiful direction of the play. His strong cast brings Lawrence After Arabia to real life with all his emotions and constant internal conflict. Lawrence helps the Arab Revolt (1916-1918) against the Ottoman Empire during the First World War and is seen as a hero. However, his fame as the ‘uncrowned King of Arabia’ has made him somewhat disturbed. He hides in a house owned by George Bernard Shaw and his wife Charlotte and becomes a common airman in the RAF to get away from his admired reputation and past. But why? The play takes place in the cozy household

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of George Bernard Shaw and the throwbacks to the desert campaign he was in during the war. This direction of the play gives the audience the feeling of how the past keeps haunting Lawrence and also shows why he feels guilty for his fame.

“The uncrowned king of Arabia is somewhat disturbed“ Jack Laskey gives a brilliant performance as Lawrence who was being unable to forgive himself, as he was an Arab freedom fighter and a British spy at the same time. These two identities affect his personality deeply as he

becomes unstable, weak and disturbed, as you cannot be two people at the same time. What I thought was very strong and effective of Dove’s directions was the relationship between Lawrence, who is gay and Mrs. Shaw played by Geraldine James. He is a sexually neglected character who has a huge fondness of Lawrence. For valid reasons she questions Lawrence’s honesty about the time he got gang-raped and beaten by the Turks during the war. Lawrence’s answer ‘It has to have been real. Because of the pain.” Reflecting the character and the plays’ emotions entirely. As he cannot explain his psychological pain, he writes it as if it was physical. This shows how damaged he really was.

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book corner

orphan black BY felicity king

I I LOVE DICK American writer and filmmaker Chris Kraus’ revolutionary novel was originally published in 1997. The mixture of epistoles, third-person narratives, personal writings and academic meditations blends genres delightfully. As an important part of the 21st century’s feminist literature, Kraus is not afraid to talk openly about female sexuality while a slightly perverse yet exciting love story between him and the title-giving ’Dick’ (Richard Hebdige) unfolds. The way how Kraus exploited herself to Dick, despite being a women, indicating a sexual relationship, marks the end of the era of romantic novels where only a man could make a step like this towards a woman. The book is much more than its title indicates: not a cheap pulp fiction about porn, but nonetheless loaded with the theme of sexuality. By Noemi Martini

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f, like me, you are a huge fan of binge-watching series after series on Netflix and are looking for the next show that’ll have you on the edge of your seat at 3am, look no further than Orphan Black. Originally a BBC production, the show begins with the female protagonist, Sarah, a woman on the run from a dark past.

“Expect to feel like you’re back in a biology lesson” On arriving at a train station, she steps off to see another woman a few feet away walk towards the edge of the adjoining platform… straight into the path of an oncoming train. As if that isn’t shocking enough, she catches a glimpse of the woman’s face before she jumps, and it’s identical to

her own. The rest of the series follows her as she discovers that she is a ‘genetic identical’ (or a clone, to you and me) and encounters several of her “sisters” along the way. Tatiana Maslany, who plays all of the female clones, has also helped produce later episodes, and her seamless transition to each clone’s different personality is incredible, especially in scenes involving more than one clone, which are a testament to the editing team. Expect to feel like you’re back in a biology lesson, trying to grasp the idea of Neolution (an extreme form of body modification), and struggling to determine who’s good and who’s bad, not to mention the mindblowing plot twists that have you metaphorically tearing up everything you thought you knew about the story and going back to square one.



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“Adapting to the crazy pulse of university life caN be quite intimidating, but You only go to university once: make it count! “

Freshers: The Do’s and don’ts


Introvert or Extrovert? Asya Gadzheva explains how to make through uni

an you ever be prepared for the most chaotic weeks of your life? In order to survive as a fresher, you need to be flexible, think way ahead yet still manage to have a good time; university is much the experience as it is the degree. However! There IS a way to go through the first year of university relatively unharmed. Who knows? You might make it without a single hangover (you won’t). Do: Have copies of your coursework on several storage devices. Backing up can save you the mad panic of a lost assignment. Don’t: Submit work a minute before the deadline; computers are unreliable. Do: Attend lectures! Just because it’s your first few weeks, it doesn’t mean

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they’re a waste of time. Do: Participate in societies, clubs and activities that benefit your degree or that you feel passionate about. Don’t: Feel obliged to sign up for everything at Freshers Fair.

“DON’t be afraid of the urban jungle” Don’t: Feel uneasy about making new friends. Everybody’s more or less in the same boat. Do: Enjoy Freshers week. Kick start the year with epic memories. Don’t: Party yourself into unconsciousness. Like with diets: the key is moderation. Do: Get to know your

city - you’re studying in the buzzing capital of England after all! Don’t: Be afraid of the urban jungle. London can easily become your home if you let it. Do: Apply for part-time job. Do: Shop intelligently. Keep track of monthly expenses and create a monthly/weekly budget to (losely) stick to. Don’t: Spend your loan all at once. No one wants to end up promptly penniless. Do: Make use of the university’s support system. The first few weeks of university can prove to be overwhelming and support information is available online if you are unable to bring yourself to seek it on campus.

24/08/2016 11:16


Pimp the scrimp

8 Ways to save money at uni



Never have a card declined wIth kelly blewitt Save The Student Sometimes surviving as a student gets tough. More often than not, you’ll wake up to the burning and rotting smell of real life, with the a generous dollop dept on top. This is where Save The Student comes in. Not all super heros wear capes: Need a good broadband deal? Fancy a free loaf of bread? This site has the essentials. It even offers CV advice - but i’d opt for a 5kg chicken deal first.

Whether you’re deep into your overdraft or counting down the days until the next student loans make their way to your bank account, the last thing most of us students are thinking about is saving money. But, saving doesn’t always have to be for future mortgages and other (really scary) adult stuff! Sometimes, budgeting for food shopping or your next phone bill can require some short-term saving skills too. Here are 8 practical ways you can save money without sacrificing all the fun while studying at university:


Use a budget calculator. It sounds boring, but tracking your money stops you accidentally getting into (more) debt. The UCAS website has a great one.


Learn how to cook. Having some quick and easy recipes under your belt will help you spend less money on takeaways and restaurants.


Carry a refilable water bottle with you wherever you go.


Find a job. Parttime or weekend is recommended!


Put a realistic amount aside for clothing, hobbies and nightlife activities.

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Use student discount at every opportunity!

Try not to worry about how much other people are spending.


Make plans that don’t cost an arm and a leg.

UNIDAYS ASOS: Clothing students since 2000, and thanks to student saving website UNIDAYS, prepre to be enduced into a clothing coma. It offers discounted rates for those who register with their university ID’s at some of the UK’s most major shopping outlets such as Topshop, Office and great deals on Apple. Download the app - it enables you to have your ID at the ready in shops.

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“You can do what you love, have fun and it doesn’t have to break the bank (even more)!”

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Back to the future: Virtual Reality


BY Jasmin Goken ou might have already seen them, those weird bulky headsets your tech friends are hyping over on your social media feed. Virtual Reality (or VR for short) headsets are starting to become the next big thing as companies like Sony and Oculus have been premiering VR technology over the last two years. But what is Virtual Reality? Virtual Reality enables you to experience places and events without being there.

While you are sat at home in your PJs, binge eating Ben and Jerry’s and wearing a VR headset, you might think you are in Bali at the beach. The sun is shining into your eyes while you’re lying under a palm tree and listening to the sea. Think Arnold Schwarzenegger traveling to Mars in Total Recall. Even big fashion brands are starting to implement VR in their businesses. So far, Dior has created their own design for the headset (“Dior Eyes”) in an attempt to make it a stylish accessory, Topshop

enabled their customers at the Oxford Circus flagship store to watch their show at the London Fashion Week and the 360 degree filming website ‘YouVisit’ even created an entire VR short movie about the MercedesBenz Fashion Week in Russia.

“Virtual Reality enables you to experience places and events without being there” YouVisit CEO Abi Mandelbaum made the statement, Virtual Reality would enable its users to experience fashion more closely, not just on a flat screen. “It’s about what’s

Photos: tais sousa Models: Sofia Gavazzi and Omar Balde clothes provided by Topshop

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happening in the world, and it’s about the models. The designers, their inspirations, the stories behind them, and that’s what VR allows them to do.” (as quoted in Vogue) - VR gives the whole picture.

“The question is how would VR benefit the fashion industry?” The question is how would VR benefit the fashion industry? There have been a few ideas floating around including the benefits when it comes to online shopping. If you have ever bought clothes off the internet, the likelihood that the items on the website and the items you got looked quite different in real life, is about 99.99%. There are so many memes showing girls in items that look like princess dresses in the pictures and like a garbage bag in reality, or clothes that were adjusted at the photo shoot and now have a completely different form. So what VR could do for you, is enable 360 degree photo shoots so that you can view every single pattern, cut and stitch, making it way easier to decide whether it’s worth buying or not.

UNI style Essentials By Tia Rochelle-Jones The choice as to what you need to buy and what you need to walk away from in the shop is hard, but we are here to help you save some pennies while still looking god at uni.

SPLURGE Spending a little more on a pair of comfortable, jeans can save you a lot of money in the long run, plus they go with absolutely everything.

SAVE Building your collection of graphic or plain white tees needn’t cost an arm and a leg. Online stores such as ASOS carry a variety of good quality pieces that will not cause a dent in your bank account.

SPLURGE Investing in a high quality leather or denim jacket will have you thanking your past

self on those days where you wake up five minutes before the time you need to leave the house; a faux leather can take your simple combo of a white tee and skinny jean from a 4 to a strong 10. If cared for, your jacket will last years after you’ve graduated. Win/Win.



SPLURGE If there’s only one item you choose to spend money on, a sturdy bag should be one of them. A decent sized tote or backpack that fits your laptop and essentials but isn’t too accessible for thieves is a vital to make your university life a lot easier.

SAVE If like us, you don’t want to be seen out in the same thing twice, but that can be expensive. Shopping in advance in the sales can save you a lot of time and money, and can also prevent that last minute panic on a Saturday afternoon.

To see the full gallery, visit our website: mag or scan the QR code.

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