The QH Issue 40

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BY LAVANYA SINGH Brexit uncertainties have caused several of UK’s leading employers to cut graduate jobs in the past year, a new survey has revealed. The cut in the recruitment of graduates has caused the number of graduate jobs in the UK to fall for the first time since the global financial crisis. A recent survey of the UK’s most prestigious companies— such as Goldman Sachs and BP—has revealed that private companies in the UK hired 10% fewer graduates in 2017 since the UK voted to the leave the EU. The downsizing has been attributed to uncertainties about a post-Brexit economy in Britain, which seems too unpredictable at the moment. High Fliers Research, which spearheaded the survey,

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reported that while companies across the UK were aiming to hire 22,000 graduates in 2017 before the referendum, only 19,000 found themselves with jobs as the economy dealt with post-referendum downsizing. Eight out of 13 private sectors in the UK revised their recruitment goals in the months following the Brexit vote. Martin Birchall, Managing Director of High Fliers, told The Guardian: “Instead of expanding their graduate vacancies in 2017 as planned, the country’s best-known accounting and professional service firms, financial services companies and investment banks scaled back their recruitment targets by 17% following the Brexit vote.” The trend is in direct contrast to hiring patterns in the previous financial year

2015-16, which was claimed as a bumper year as organizations were unable to find enough graduates to hire.

GRADUATE JOBS IN THE UK FELL FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS IN 2017 The only sectors experiencing growth in graduate jobs in 2017 were public ones. The NHS and the civil service fast streams reported considerable growth in the number of new hires.

The ebb in the number of graduate jobs is also reported to have affected starting salaries for new recruits. Most graduates salaries remained at £30,000, a figure that hasn’t changed in the past four years. Law and accounting firms held their positions as the highest paying employers, with average starting salaries of £44,000 and £47,000. The findings of the report have once again sparked conversations about enormous student debts in the UK. Members of the Lords economic affairs committee met last week to discuss the value of a degree, along with whether young people in the UK strictly need to go into higher education at all. With the economy driving a growing number of graduates into jobs that they are overqualified for, or do

not relate to their university degree, the committee is also debating whether the UK is producing too many graduates, thus putting unprecedented pressure on the economy and the education system. In July 2017, the Institute of Fiscal Studies reported that following a revised interest rate of 6.1%, students in England were set to graduate with an average debt of £50,800. The number was reportedly £57,000 for poorer students, despite the availability of sundry options for financial aid. The higher interest also meant that students from disadvantaged backgrounds would have the highest debts, along with high-earners, who would pay approximately £40,000 in interest on top of the money borrowed, putting more strain on the postgraduate job hunt.

01/02/18 4:44 PM



Sonakshi Sharma Editor-in-Chief

Lavanya Singh News Editor

Benedetta Laterza News Editor

Features Editor

Bishakha Dutta Features Editor

Ashleigh Jones Lifestyle Editor

ABOUT THE QH The QUINTIN HOGG is produced monthly by a team of student volunteer editors and contributors. All students can get involved. No experience is needed and full training is provided.

The QH is published by the University of Westminster Students’ Union, and the views presented do not necessarily mirror those of UWSU or the editorial team. If you would like to make a complaint or comment about our journalism, please contact the Editor-in-Chief, Sonakshi Sharma in the first instance.

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Ioana Oblu


BY SONAKSHI SHARMA Hii guys! Welcome back! This is our first issue in the new year and we have your monthly news, features and lifestyle sections packed. Unlike other issues, this time we focus on more stories around the city and other univesities to keep you updated on your feed. As Brexit comes closer, the pressure of lack of jobs is rising in the UK. We bring to you a closer look on the matter by our news editors, who give us a

reality check post our degrees. Looking at the lighter side of student lives, features editor tells you why university years are your golden years. Valentines Day is fast approaching, and we took your opinion if you wanted a date to be thoughtful or pricey. Find out if dating apps are still helping millennials get dates or are they a thing of the past. in your lifestyle section. Its that time of the year when students are chasing internships, don’t forget to go through our grooming tips before you walk in for that dream interview. You too can be a part of The QH, if you have anything interesting to write about, just contact me. You can keep yourself updated by following our Twitter, Instagram and Facebook page. For more great content you can always checkout the website. I hope you reach out to me if you have any suggestions or queries about The QH. Sonakshi x


BY FREYA THOMPSON Welcome back! What an exciting semester we have in store for you! Elections season is upon us, and for the first time in UWSU history, we are having our NUS delegates,

Representation Officers and Sabbatical Officers elected at the same time! We are hoping to have the best elections ever, so make sure you keep an eye on your inbox for your unique voting link! Varsity tickets are now on sale! We’re hoping to go another year unbeaten against West London! Hear those Dragons ROAR! Musical Theatre are performing Grease this year, Student Pride is heading back to Marylebone and WestMUN are getting ready for their annual conference! There’s so much going on at UWSU so make sure you get involved before your year is done! It’s always great to see students participate with the Students’ Union activities. The Sabb team and I are always around the campuses if you need help from us. Come say hello anytime! Freya Thompson President

£55.000 were raised thanks to UoW alumni to help current students



£55,000 was raised by students for the 125 fund. The three week, studentled campaign that raised the money, took place in November 2017. 38 current University of Westminster students contacted alumni from around the world for their thoughts on the University and the time that they spent there. The former students were then made aware of the 125 fund and what they could do to help…a formidable 252 former students pledged to contribute. With the total gradually amounting to £55,000. But what exactly is the 125 fund? In celebration of the University’s 125th anniversary in 2016, the 125 fund was launched. The intention being that any current undergraduate or postgraduate student who would love to work on a project or buy equipment to increase

their prospects of a future career within their particular field but are not able to do so due to financial reasons, could apply for a grant between £150 - £1500. Students could apply between the 3rd of January to the 28th of January 2018. The application process is nothing strenuous. It is an online form consisting of a series of questions and a supporting statement as to why you require a financial award (maximum 500 words). Successful applicants are required to attend the 125 fund donor celebration event on Tuesday the 13th of March 2018. The event enables students to thank the donors and some will showcase the project that they spent their financial award on.Students whose application has been successful will be contacted by the end of February with the details of their grant.

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Creativity is essential to any human being. So why is the UK is not supporting it? 2017 Womenswear collection

With the fashion weeks approaching, all eyes are on the kickstarting city, London. This February, a familiar name, University of Westminster, steps into the same stage as fashion royalty. Westminster is no stranger to the spotlight of the catwalk- alumni include Roberta Einer, Claire Barrow, Katie Ann McGuigan,, who all show at London Fashion Week, as well as Christopher Bailey, Vivienne Westwood and Stuart Vevers. However, in February, current UoW Fashion Design students will be the first to show on schedule at a major fashion week.

“UOW FASHION DESIGN STUDENTS WILL BE THE FIRST TO SHOW ON SCHEDULE AT A MAJOR FASHION WEEK The university’s famed Fashion Design course cultivates raw talent with the most realistic and industryready educational experience. “The aim of the course is to fully prepare graduates by allowing them to experience first-hand two complete cycles of the fashion calendar, so that they are confident knowing where they fit into the industry” said Andrew Groves, course director for BA fashion design. Such an innovative approach allows students to make the transition from graduate to designer as easy as possible and an aid of global exposure via London Fashion Week sounds like a recipe for success. As the fashion calendar needs a restructuring, new solutions and development is deeply rooted in the education of future designers and our university is at the front of it.

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IS THE UNITED KINGDOM PUTTING A PRICE ON CREATIVE EDUCATION? ALESSANDRA BERTOCCO We are all dreamers. Some of us dream of travelling the world, others of finding their soulmate, others of winning the Nobel Prize in Physics. Some of us cannot wait for the day they’ll be successful lawyers, teachers, doctors. If there is something I have always known, is that dreams are hard work. For this reason, I did not even blink when, a couple of years ago, I had to leave my family and friends behind to migrate to a

promised land, where dreams were possible. With my creative spirit at the helm, I moved to the UK, the land of actors, theatres, authors, designers, painters… A shelter for artists and creative souls.


These are not just romantic words: according to The Guardian, the fastest growing part of the UK’s economy is the creative industry. In this sector, Britain is one of the world’s leaders, boasting a huge employment growth. So, where is the trick? Rufus Norris, director of the National Theatre told The Guardian that since 2010 the number of children taking creative GCSEs has significantly dropped and so have the number of specialist art teacher being trained. A creative education is only

available in private (and hugely expensive) universities and academies: it looks like talent and passion are not crucial basis to pursue a creative career anymore. Unfortunately, this lack of support from the public institutions, this unconscious self-sabotage from the government will have repercussions that will afflict not only the artistic world, the national and international economy, but also the self-development of the individuals. Creativity is not just a stand-alone tantrum: it is a community. It drives people to think out of the box, it means freedom, confidence, teamwork, strong leadership skills. It generates individuals able to react to and give constructive feedbacks, people always ready to improve, innovate and re-invent their talent. A creative education not only creates employable individuals, but most of all, it builds ambitious human beings aware of what the world has to offer, and as any other transferable skill in a society that is constantly changing, constantly growing, constantly modernising, it should be available to all in order for the world to benefit from it.


DOES EXAM ANXIETY HAVE A GENDER? BY BENEDETTA LATERZA Oxford University new policy to give extra time to students of math and computer science to complete their exams in summer 2017 has resulted in a mixed reaction from academics and students. The prestigious university declared that the measure was taken to counter fight the gap between male and female whose scores have been historically lower than their counterpart. Oxford officials clarified that exams “should be a demonstration of mathematical understanding and not a time trial.” Which brought to the decision of not applying any change to the length and difficulty of the exams but only to their countdown that passed from 90 to 105 minutes. A spoke person from the university has recently

declared that the measure has already brought positive results with 39% of female mathematicians receiving top scores during the exams. Despite Oxford’s intentions, many academics defined the measure “sexist” as it implies that women tend to have more difficulties than men at handling stress and performance anxiety and highlighted how women do not need special treatments to get the highest results. If it’s true that female students have 34% of probabilities to suffer from mental illnesses including anxiety, as shown by a report on YouGov published in 2016, it is also true that 19% of the male student population suffers from different types of mental health issues too. In addition, general statistics, show a total of 27% of students with mental illnesses which in itself contains a

dramatic 45% belonging to the LGBT community. The main illnesses are depression at 77% and anxiety at 74%. Their origin is often due to the constant fear of failure at completing universities daily tasks and exams. It is also quite common for students to have both issues at the same time which make even more difficult to live the university experience with the ideal state of mind. These data show how implementing a policy with the purpose of helping female students is a step towards them in coping with anxiety but it is also simplistic as these issues are not related to a particular gender but to the individual itself. Oxford, clarified how there is still much work to do to ensure that student receive all the help they need to complete their studies and that “the departments will continue with the longer papers for the

foreseeable future, monitoring the exam data carefully.”

Is Oxford new policy fair?

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“IT TRANSFORMED ALL LONDON’S FAMOUS LANDMARKS FROM OXFORD CIRCUS TO CANARY WHARF” Trafalgar Square became home to the installation “childhood” by Collectif Coin, co-produced by La Casemate. The artwork consisted of balloons scattered around the courtyard with each one illuminating in sporadic sequences. Though visitors were not allowed to wander through the courtyard they were encouraged to observe from a distance. Camille Gross and Leslie Epsztein’s Voyage in Piccadilly Circus alluded to the idea of FOMO that forces us to go outside and experience Lumiere in the first place. Trying to demonstrate the importance of coming together in a public space to share experiences. Lumiere offers students and city dwellers the opportunity to walk through an interactive art gallery transforming London’s typical beige background into luminous displays of artwork. Not to mention it’s free!

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Lumiere took place between the 18th-21st of January. It returned for the second time following the praise it received from its opening last year after 1.3 million people paid it a visit. With a goal to showcase art by UK and international artists. It transformed all of London’s famous landmarks from Oxford Circus to Canary Warf. The aim of the festival was simply this: to change the way we perceive public spaces. From my personal visit to the art instillations I can ensure that it did exactly that. Popular works included The “Origin of the World Bubble 2018” by Miguel Chevalier that hung high above Oxford Circus. Giving visitors an opportune time to take one of those coveted Insta-Selfies as all neighboring streets were closed to traffic.



UCL internal investigation on eugenetics secret conferences



University College London (UCL) has launched an investigation on a controversial conference that has been secretly held for at least the past three years. James Thompson, honorary senior academic at the university will be investigated for holding invite-only controversial conferences. The most recent conference had seen notorious white supremacists being invited as guest speakers to allegedly debate eugenics. Toby Young, former director of the Office for Students, was an attendee at last year’s conferences held in May. Young is known to have previously advocated what he called ‘progressive eugenics’, by offering free embryo intelligence screening to parents with below-average IQ. The conferences were able to stay under the radar as attendees were only told the venue last minute and asked not to share information with anyone else. The topics discussed at these conferences along with the guests and speakers that are apart of these conferences are very problematic as they range from notorious white supremacists to researchers that have previously advocated child rape. UCL like most universities have procedure to be followed for booking these rooms for conferences as well as for visiting guest speakers and lectures. UCL spokesperson states “Our records indicate the university was not informed in advance about the speakers and content of the conference series, as it

should have been for the event to be allowed to go ahead.” UCL is now ‘investigating a potential breach of its room bookings process for events’ as the university claims that they were not informed in advance about the speakers and content of these conferences, as they should have been in order for the conferences to be held and access to be granted to the speakers onto the campus.

“THE MOST RECENT CONFERENCE HAS SEEN NOTORIOUS WHITE SUPREMACISTS BEING INVITED AS SPEAKERS” Thompson told the Daily Telegraph that Eugenics was only one topic of these meetings but many topics were discussed, the main subject at the conference was how IQ was inherited between different groups and races. Eugenics is described as ‘the study of or belief in the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species or a human population, especially by such means as discouraging reproduction by persons having genetic defects’ ( UCL spokesperson stated ‘“We have suspended approval for any further conferences of this nature by the honorary lecturer and speakers pending our investigation into the case. Authorities at University College London has also suspended approval for Thompson hosting further conferences and speakers.

Students are struggling to keep up with the rising costs of basic accommodation, according to new data uncovered by the Liberal Democrats. Last year saw a 16% rise in the number of students falling behind on rent payments, with over 17,000 halls residents facing rental arrears. Furthermore, 97 students were evicted from halls in the same period, more than double the 40 who’d had tenancies cancelled the year before. The figures come following a Freedom of Information Act reveal, and are based on responses from 90 universities. They show that average rental fees have risen from £4,583 a year in 2012-13 to £5,208 in 2016-17, up 13.6%. The report also shows that The Universities of Brunel, York, Leicester, Leeds and Warwick have the most students in rent arrears nationally. NUS Vice President Izzy Lenga called the figures unsurprising “given our broken system of student financial support – which doesn’t even begin to cover the ever-increasing cost of basic accommodation…” Meanwhile, Liberal Democrat education spokeswoman Layla Moran called the news “deeply worrying”, and blamed the rise in financial difficulties at least partly on the government’s decision to scrap several student grants. She called on the Prime Minister to “rethink this punitive policy and reinstate grants for the students from lower income backgrounds”, and added that the Department of Education

should “work with universities to address the reasons behind the rapidly climbing costs of rent in their halls”. The Department of Education replied “Students from the lowest-income households who started their courses this year have access to the largest ever amounts of cash-in-hand support for living costs. This government increased means-tested maintenance support for fulltime students on the lowest incomes by 10.3% in 2016-17 compared with the previous grants and loans package, with further increases in both 201718 and 2018-19.”

“AVERAGE RENTAL FEES HAVE RISEN FROM £4,583 A YEAR IN 2012-13 TO 5.208 IN 2016-17” Nevertheless, the news comes against the background of an NUS Report from 2017 which said student finances nationwide were in “desperate” shape, with 71% of the 2000 respondents admitting that they were “stressed and anxious” about finances. Another 2017 Survey, conducted by Save the Student, found that the number of students participating in drug trials, gambling and adult work to support their finances was on the rise. One respondent called student life “a [constant] battle between surviving and eating and getting an education”, while another testified that “All my money goes on rent, I have no money to socialise or even sometimes eat.”

Students are struggling with rising accommodation fees. Photo: Unsplash

29/01/2018 15:16



Justin Cheng’s suicide is the seventh student death in less than 18 months. Photo: Unsplash

LAW STUDENT SUICIDE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL SPARKS MENTAL HEALTH DEBATE BY FRANCESCO TAMILIA On the evening of 12 January, a Canadian law student attending his last year at Bristol University, Justin Cheng, took his own life. This incident has inevitably raised discussions about mental health among students in British universities. In fact, Justin is the seventh student who committed suicide in less

than 18 months. Last September, the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) published a study which revealed the mental illness and suicide among students in UK universities increased sharply. The numbers of students who face mental problems during their first year of study rose as well. The reported also underlined that 134 students took their own lifew in 2015. A terrific reality that has



been taken very seriously by the universities and the government.


All these deaths raised awareness about this current social problem that many students face during their years at the university. What does cause students to take such a dramatic decision? As Siobhan O’Neill, professor of mental health sciences at Ulster University told VICE “It’s important not to speculate because we’re talking about individuals, but generally, we do find that social perfectionism is associated with suicidal behaviour, particularly among girls. The competition nowadays to achieve in all areas of life comes together with social media and create this perfect storm where a person can feel that they are failing.” As professor O’Neill said, academic competitions between students seem to be a relevant problem in those high-level universities where you’re always under pressure to perform. To demonstrate that you deserve that university, that you are the best. These competitions can cause stress and mental disorder and it could make feel the most fragile students that they are inadequate for that environment. On the other side, student competition can also be a good method to motivate students to do their best, however, universities should make sure it does not overcome the limit which could cause serious harm to students. Unfortunately, student’s suicide is a reality not only in the UK. Therefore, in the

USA the Columbia University student Jaqueline Basulto has recently launched an online petition aimed to improve the effort of the American universities on mental health. On the other side of the world in India, things are going even worse. A parliamentary inquiry by the ministry of home affairs of India showed that in 2016, around 9474 students took their own life for various causes. The main reason behind these deaths seems to be the failure of the exams.

UK UNIVERSITIES ARE WORKING TO SUPPORT AND PROMOTE GOOD MENTAL HEALTH FOR STUDENTS To contrast this phenomenon, UK universities together with the government are working to support and promote good mental health for students during throughout their studies by inventing in student support services. Bristol University after the suicide of some of their students has now set £1 million for the implement of those services. If you or a friend feel like you need mental health support, the University of Westminster offers counselling services for students. Relevant links can be found on the Uni website.

50% RISE IN STUDENT FIGURES, SEEKING MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT AT UK UNIVERSITIES BY JOANNE CLARKE The number of students seeking mental health support at UK universities has increased by 50% in the past five years, new figures in the Guardian report. The study, compiled from Freedom of Information requests sent to UK universities, show that an increasing number of firstyear and international students are approaching counselling services for help. The rise in students seeking out mental health support services has been attributed to mounting pressures to perform well academically to ensure a good job, which will then help in paying off university debts. Figures also show that first-year and international students form the majority of students seeking counselling

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at university to cope with adjusting to a new environment and the pressures of staying away from home for extended periods of time, which can cause added stress, especially if they feel that they lack in a support system. The study has also reported a rise in the number of incoming students with pre-existing psychological and mental health conditions. Ruth Caleb, Head of Counselling services at the University of Brunel and chair of mental wellbeing in higher education working group, told the Guardian: “Now that students are paying higher fees and are coming away with quite a lot of debt, there’s a lot more concern about getting a job and paying that debt off. They come in with the anxiety that they need to get a good degree.” The rise in students coming

forward to use counselling services has also been attributed to universities encouraging students to seek help if they need it, and by advertising the resources available to them more than in previous years.


services means that resources are being strained, thus exposing universities’ need to prioritise mental health in their services and curriculum. In numerous cases, the quality of mental healthcare at UK universities has gone down due to disparities in supply despite growing demand of the same among students. A report by the Higher Education Policy Institute suggested that numerous UK universities may need to triple their spending on mental health services to meet the demands of the students. In September, the University of York announced that it would be committing £500,000 to its mental health services in order to deal with the pressure it faces. The NHS’ mental health services are also under an immense amount of strain due

to cuts. At the end of January, reports stated that the crisis facing mental health services would be worsened due to the Government’s decision to axe the bursaries of nursing students. In addition, the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan also spoke of the importance of mental health services in a speech he made about the increase in violent crime at the beginning of January. If you or a friend are in need of mental health support, we urge you to get in touch with mental health support services at the University of Westminster. UoW offers counselling, both individually and in group sessions, and also over email. The services available at your campus, as well as useful links and resources, can be found on the Westminster website.

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University of Westminster alumnus Emmanuel Nwamadi has released a new single, Watching You. The release follows Nwamadi graduating from the university’s Commercial Music Performance course, and his success on The Voice UK in 2015. On The Voice UK, the North London-based songwriter was mentored by the Kaiser Chiefs’ frontman, Ricky Wilson. He made the show’s live finals and finished in the top four.

13 years on, HuffPost has ended its unpaid contributor network. Photo: Unsplash



Following his time on the show, Nwamadi has put out a string of singles. The latest, Watching You, is a soul-inspired track with Nwamadi’s voice accompanied by little more than a spare piano arrangement. Instead, producer Oni Barnabas allows the ballad to centre around the vocals and lyrics. As with his other releases, the lyrics aim to tug at the heart strings. There’s little subtlety but there is an emotional frankness to the chorus, where Nwamadi repeats “tell me do you feel the same?” with increasing urgency. It all builds very gradually until his almost haunting backing vocals begin to intersect with the dominant melody. While on The Voice he had been compared to soul greats such as Barry White and Seal, and when releasing this single Nwamadi said he aims to produce ‘timeless classics.’ They’re lofty ambitions for sure, but with singles like this you can see where they come from.

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“Citizen journalists” will no longer be featured by The Huffington Post, with the publication announcing the dissolution of its contributor network - an online body of over 100,000 unpaid writers. The move comes as part of a combined effort to declutter the website and refocus on professional, verified journalism—all the more essential, The Post claims, in a world of “fake news”. The site’s restructuring also includes the addition of new “personal” and “opinion” sections. In an official announcement, editor-in-chief Lydia Polgreen said the changes were intended to address today’s “cacophonous world”, and help strengthen democracy against “the tsunami of false information we all face daily”. The Huffington Post’s notion of a “contributor network”—giving a media platform to anyone who offers a voice—might seem quaint in the age of Twitter, but it was revolutionary when first launched in 2005. The content was a mix of reportage and personal essays. There were examples provided by many public figures—including Oprah; Jennifer Aniston; and then-Presidential candidate Barack Obama in 2007. But most notable was when the purely amateur pieces made national news—such as when Mayhill Fowler, an aspirational campaign journalist, quoted Obama as deriding working class voters

for “[clinging] to guns or religion.” The move to scrap this 13 year old bastion of democratised journalism might be taken by some as a move towards elitism, particularly from a publication which made citizen journalism a sticking-point of its original manifesto. But Lydia Polgreen has a point—the internet is a very different place from 2004, with a wide array of social media platforms for anyone to use, and swamped by an increasing glut of fake news. Even the Huffington Post was not immune from the creep of suspicious, unverified content - with a contributor (bylined as Waqas KH) submitting a positive piece about Felix Sater, a Russian-born former Trump Organization executive. It was soon revealed that the mysterious contributor—a Pakistani national—had been paid to provide the content, which was later deleted. In the end, the move signals a significant shift for The Huffington Post’s editorial agenda—moving away from Arianna Huffington’s liberal populism to more thoroughly vetted and nationally focused reportage. Ms Polgreen has said as much, commenting “We’re thinking less about how many people are crawling around the halls of Congress asking the same questions to the same senators all day every day,” adding that she aspired to “a large cadre of [Huffington Post] journalists” across the United States.

BY RHYS GUNTHER World Radio Day is coming! Smoke Radio will celebrate this annual observance day on Tuesday 13th February. To celebrate this day, Smoke Radio will be rewinding its normal schedule to bring you shows from the last few months and years! You’ll hear alumni shows, special shows and a whole lot more. World Radio day is all about the celebration of radio and why people love it and why it is so important in our society. The first World Radio day was held in 2012 and this year’s

theme is Radio & Sport. This year’s observance day is also themed around how radio fosters goodwill and how radio impacts our daily lives. Smoke Radio’s station manager, Rhys Gunter, said how important Smoke Radio has been to students: “Not only has Smoke Radio provided fantastic programming over its many years of broadcasting but it has provided opportunity to hundreds of students. We look forward to celebrating and reliving some of the best of Smoke Radio on World Radio Day, for what is planned to be a really exciting and memorable day”.

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The time flies so fast that sometimes we forget to enjoy our youth


t this point, when we think of university or university courses, all that we want is for this nightmare to end as soon as possible. Sometimes the stress and pressure make us forget that those university years may have their downs but be you can bet that they have their ups as well. If I personally were to describe this short- yet seeming so longexperience in one word, I wouldn’t be able. I’d rather go for an enumeration of things that are only linked by university: 9 AM lectures, get a “full” sleep of 2 hours, making friends from all over the world, getting drunk on a weeknight, when you have courses in the morning (still, this decision is not as bad as your ex).

start crying. But, above all, it is about cherishing every opportunity of any kind that makes you grow from any point of view you want. As those years will sadly end soon, try to ‘taste’ those years as much as you can.

these friends, the nights where you lose sleep but gain unforgettable memories, come. Even if it is a chill night where you drink wine and tell stories, rather than a club experience, you are going to have lots of fun. They will ensure the best experiences, and what is better than sharing happiness with the others? Secondly, you will never be freer than now. In the past, your parents told you when to be at home, you were frustrated with this curfew…but those days are over now. You are your own master, you decide for yourself where to go, when to go, and no one can tell you to do the otherwise. If you want to go for a walk at 5 AM, you can just go for it. Or, if you change your mind to the last minute and finally decide to go to the club with your friends, you can do that as well, no asking mommy or daddy. What can be better than independence? “I personally think it’s crazy how the time goes by so fast and it is indeed sad that we forget to enjoy this time. We are so busy thinking about stress that we actually forget how to live” says Cella, who wishes that time will stop for a minute and give her more chances of enjoyng her time in university. Thirdly, you should make the most of the given atmosphere. It does not matter if it’s in the private halls, the lecture theatres or the nights out. Because everyone there is buzzing, excited, it gives you a great and unique vibe of happiness. This type of atmosphere is really rare to meet it more than once in your life. It is both delightful and brilliant, but as the time passes by you will almost graduate from university and miss those years, no matter how much you hated them or how much stress they have caused you. “Sometimes I am so stressed about deadlines and responsibilities that I forget I have a personal life, with special needs such as getting out of the house, going out and socialising with other people” Victoria states, thinking how much time she is spending on overthinking and stressing, instead of truly living.



We got so busy thinking about our degree and decisions about our near future that sometimes we forget that those years are one in a lifetime and we will never get back to them, even if we wanted to. We also forget that we are never going to be younger than we are at this very moment, and no second should be wasted. University is not all about studying and focusing on your lectures, seminars, and workshops. It is also about meeting new people from different parts of the world with distinct backgrounds, going to parties, laughing until your tummy hurts and you

When each and every one of us will graduate from university, I bet it is going to be one of the saddest moments of our lives. There we are, we will finally be giving up on our late and extended childhood and finally become responsible adults. This experience will help us develop from any point of view, not only regarding knowledge, but we will learn some needed life lessons. You will each go on your own journey with its unique characteristics. So, please do savour these years, because they go away too fast without us even noticing.

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Spending time with your friends and socialising is also a vital part

Indeed, it has a weird taste- bad decisions, no sleep, hangovers, happiness, freedom- but it is worth it. Firstly, enjoy university years because here is the place and time where you will find the persons that will remain your friends forever, no matter the interests, hobbies or backgrounds. At this point, you are a grown, mature person and you know what you want from a person who you call ‘friend’. Along with

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ew term, new oppourtunities, new classes, new assignments- these all lead to one thing which is an additional stress. It is indeed tough for us, students, to hop in, directly into the hard work and difficult classes, as we just came back from the Christmas holiday, where we only relaxed, recharged our batteries (hopefully) and did not worry for a thing in the world. This difficulty of re-adapting to the student life might be hard for some of us. The academic pressure gets greater as we are almost completing the year and all of us dream of bringing it to an end with good marks. You should plan your term in the first place. As soon as you know your assignments and deadline, you can make sure that you will finish a qualitative work before the deadline. It is a useful and creative idea to set some weekly or monthly goals regarding your course. Dividing your work is vital in order to get good marks. Afterwards, it is also very important to attend most of the classes. Missing a class in order to gain some extra sleep is very tempting. The thing is that you may not be able to catch up by only using the blackboard slides, and soon you will realise that the explanations which the teacher gave during the classes were really needed in order to understand the slides. Even if you

have no motivation whatsoever to get up in the morning, watch your priorities and do not miss the classes. By attenting and paying attention to the classes, whatever subject you are doing might seem slightly more easy to understand. Also, try to visit the library as much as you can. The atmosphere really gives you a study vibe that you cannot fight and you can find your lost ambition in there.

“IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO ATTEND MOST OF THE CLASSES” Therefore, do not despair and give your classes time- and give yourself time as well. The classes might seem difficult at the first glance, but if you really work in order to understand them, there will be nothing standing in your way of getting good marks this year.

Attending classes is very important in order to get good marks


EXPLAINS WHY IT DOES NOT MATTER WHO PAYS FOR THE DATE OR HOW MUCH YOU SPEND ON IT.. My mum once said to me: ‘A guy has not been brought up the right way, if he does not pay for the first date but a girl has not been brought up properly if she also does not offer to pay for herself.’ The price of dates should not matter, it is about getting to know the person. I have been on £100 plus dates and at the end of them, I had left wishing I had stayed in with my fluffy socks on, my cup of tea and digestive biscuits and a good old episode of love island.

“DATES SHOULD BE JUDGED ON THE AMOUNT OF CHEMISTRY” The price of the date doesn’t matter if the love is true

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Some people may feel like the first date amounts to how much is spent and how well the guy treats the girl financially and yes maybe this is the traditional

notion of a what a good date is: the wooing and the chivalry and money thrown around. But now we are in the twenty-first century, we are in the pivotal moment of life where women are given the power to take charge of their own sexual liberation and the opportunity to rebel from old dating etiquettes. Its time to stop thinking of the money that is being spent on the date and actually have fun and get to know the person. In my last relationship, the cinema was our first date. I remember the moment now. It was in the queue to ‘The Fault in the Stars’ and I was messaging my friend, ‘I can’t believe he took me to the cinema what sort of date is that?’ Yet that was one of the best dates I had at that time. We walked back to our houses and we talked and laughed. It got me thinking does money really make a date? Is it not the little things, like the way you are being treated? Dates should be judged by the amount of chemistry there is between two individuals and not how much money is spent. I am a huge advocator of low budget dates. Obviously, I still like going on what I call treat date nights with my boyfriend. But I am continuously on the lookout for cheap dates where we will still have a good night. London is expensive and date nights can be financially hefty. So I am going to share my cheap date night ideas with you... you’re welcome! And my mum is right, girls you should be taking your purse out at the end of the night regardless of if you end up using it or not.

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oments of excitement never fail to instill fear in all of us. The idea of embarking on a new journey, aiming to achieve something completely new - that butterfly feeling in our stomachs is completely understandable. For many of us, the university life is one of these moments, where every year, students experience a life of responsibility and new-found independence. Now that the second semester has started, many international students experience the same fears that many of us have felt before. First - there’s the moving out to deal with. Many students choose to live in the university halls to experience living away from family, or possibly to get some space and quiet to focus on studying, but what’s forgotten is the loneliness it can bring. Without family, there’s no one to comfortably talk to other than the mysterious flatmates living in the same apartment. However, it’s always difficult to settle in from the start. Everyone needs time to adjust to the new surroundings, to understand their flatmates’ personalities before being comfortable with living on their own. For international students, in particular, there’s also the culture shock to grow used to whilst living on your own. There might be a lot of differences between London and home, and although London is such a diverse and multicultural city, things such as the way people behave or the teaching styles of the university can come across as confusing for many students. Even something as trivial as buying an oyster card or just using the underground, in general,

can be a struggle for all of us sometimes. Another universal fear is the anxiety of not making any friends. All the childhood friends are at different universities, and possibly in different countries, so it’s like starting high school all over again, especially when the people can be extremely different to what you are used to. When I first started university, I worried that I would struggle to feel comfortable in a larger environment, with people from different communities and cultures. What I learnt though, was that within the first month, you will always find that group of people who stick with you throughout your studies. All you need is time.

“FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS, THERE’S THE CULTURE SHOCK” It’s normal to be anxious about starting university, as these fears make us human. The most important thing, however, is to enjoy the experience. It only occurs once, so it’s important to make the most of it, as time is very precious. The anxiety of being in a new place with new people is overwhelming




ou would think that in a time like today maintaining a long-distance relationship would be child’s play. We have the technology to hold it all together, texting, Skype, Facetime, and phone calls should easily be able to replace actual physical contact, but can this fulfill the innate human desire for companionship? Are long distance relationships (LDR) really worth the trouble? My short answer, probably not. I’d like to think that there are exceptions out there where a LDR can work out, but I just think that the maintenance required is way too much. Pessimistic? Maybe.

“THE COMMITMENT CAN BE VERY EXHAUSTING IN THIS RELATIONSHIP” Think about it, long distance is a risk. The first question anyone will ask you is “are you sure they’re not cheating?” and you’ll say something along the lines of “no, I trust them” or “I know them, they wouldn’t do that to me”. Yes, we shouldn’t worry what other people

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think of our relationships, but is the uncertainty worth it? How can you really be sure? Unless someone is physically around you, it’s impossible to know. Yes,

LDRs end eventually, leaving you with a bitter taste

this risk exists in conventional relationships too, but surely the extra miles apart increases the possibility of cheating. There is such thing as temptation and maybe we shouldn’t be so distrusting, but it can be tough to believe in something that you don’t know for sure. The fear of being cheated on isn’t the only

thing that makes a LDR difficult though. Sometimes it’s the commitment that can be exhausting. LDR’s require much more maintenance and commitment than other relationships. Constant texts and phone calls, but what about those days when life takes over and you just haven’t had the chance to look at your phone? Not replying to a text can be a problem for a normal couple but imagine this situation happens in a relationship where texts form the entire foundation of it. The bottom line, sometimes you need to physically be around someone. Words can only do so much before they become empty. You need to experience real life, missing a night out with your friends because you have Skype date with your significant other will quickly become exhausting. Seeing other couples in public might make you feel bitter and eventually you’ll end up feeling tired or lonely, even though you’re supposed to be in a relationship. But do not read too much into it, you will get what you deserve in the end, no matter how much you are suffering now.

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V&A Winnie the Pooh Exhibition: Were you a fan of Winnie the Pooh as a child and love the feeling of nostalgia? Hit up the V&A’s new exhibiton for £8 until 8 April. Judy’s 1KG Vintage Fair: Pop down to Bethnal Green to bag yourself a kilogram worth of vintage clothes for only £15. 11 February 2018 SupaDupaFly x Brixton: We all know how much it sucks having to spend a fortune on a night out. So head down to The Prince of Wales for a Hip Hop filled night. Tickets from only £5.


Fighting for gender equality is something that still needs to be done in 2018

In a fairly misogynistic world, the struggle among women to remain empowered, overcoming the patriarchal values normalised by society is very real. The official oxford dictionary definition for the term feminism is: “The advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes”. Albeit, it is an undeniable fact that gender equality has improved in several aspects of life, but it has not yet been – nor will it be for quite a while – achieved. So what can feminists and feminist allies do to raise awareness for the sake of women of all races, religions, and sexualities whose voices are silenced and trivialised each day.

Chinese New Year 2018: 16 February is Chinese New Year and London is set to host the biggest celebrations, outside of Asia. There will be parades, performances, and lots of activities for you to do. There will also be a huge firework display too. This will be taking place on 18 February in Chinatown and the West End.

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“ALBEIT, IT IS AN UNDENIABLE FACT THAT GENDER EQUALITY HAS IMPROVED” Over the past few years, feminism has essentially become a trend followed by most teenagers and influential celebrities. Therefore, an increasing number of fashion companies have inevitably begun to capitalise on this growing trend. When was the last time you walked into a high street store and was not surrounded by statement t-shirts and bomber jackets with slogans like “Girl Power” or “#Feminist” plastered over them? While it is certainly a positive movement which likely allows a great

amount of young girls to embrace an unyielding attitude and their femininst side, it does make you wonder; is this a sort of privilege? Are we turning a blind eye to the lady next door getting beaten up by her husband every other day? What about the little girl a few thousand miles away, who so badly wants to become a scientist when she grows up, but is being denied an education – simply because she is of a certain gender.

“OVER THE PAST FEW YEARS, FEMINISM HAS ESSENTIALLY BECOME A TREND” So many are wearing “Girl Gang” t-shirts on their Instagram posts now, boasting about being a feminist, when all they are really worried about is how they look, and maybe their own pay-check being equal to their male colleague’s, at most. As much as we make ourselves believe there is little to no difference we could make on such global, colossal issues; the money we spend on luxury items promoting awareness on them could potentially be used instead, to change lives for those affected by it. Since it isn’t being done by the fashion stores profiting off of the movement itself. Nevertheless, we’re all guilty of jumping on certain bandwagons and to be fair, it’s not like it’s hurting anyone. If anything, it has provided a larger platform for people to have their voices heard, as well as share their experiences, without feeling judged or misunderstood. All thanks to

feminists who are gradually becoming an accepted part of society, that aren’t demonised or marketed as “men haters”. Overall, it is evident that the ethical aspects of the growing trends in clothes concerning political and social statements must be considered by both the manufacturers and buyers in the market. Such movements must be carefully promoted in order to protect themselves from becoming a joke or a desensitised subject in the eye of the public.

“WHO’S GOING TO STOP US FROM ROCKING A “FEMINIST AF” CAP WITH OUR HAIR TIED IN A PONYTAIL” However, while the subject remains at the heart of popular culture, who’s going to stop us from rocking a “Feminist AF” cap with our hair tied in a ponytail, chasing dreams, and proving the underestimating crowd wrong.

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Are you really going to find “The One” through online dating apps?



BY CELLA COJOCARU 2018 has just kicked off and January has given us a small glimpse of what the year may look like. While busy working on our New Year Resolutions, we omitted the arrival of the month of cupid. For couples, Valentine’s Day is one of the most awaited holiday. As for the rest of us who live in solitude, the stress starts to take over our brains. There is nothing more terrifying than hearing the question: “What are you doing for Valentine’s Day?”. Some people, including myself, prefer a casual night in spent on Netflix and accompanied by a tub of Ben & Jerry’s. However, the rise of dating apps such as Tinder, Bumble, or Badoo grant us with the choice of staying in, or going out.

“TINDER IS WIDELY KNOWN AS THE “HOOK UP” APP” Tinder is widely known as the “hook up” app. I spent most of my first year in London swiping left and right in desperate need to find a partner. A tinder date is almost like a “blind date of the 21st century”: it is based on physics, but no chemistry – and I learned that the hard way. I was on a date with a gorgeous guy who I matched with on Tinder, who suddenly exclaimed as he scrolled on Facebook “Oh my god I absolutely love Trump”. Needless to say, I texted

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my best friend, she called me instantly fake crying and I was out of there in seconds. However, I did have a completely polar opposite experience: I matched a guy who was smart and had a deeper connection with, yet he had no intention of a second date or starting something more serious. In the end, I learned that dating apps can be fun and you get to meet people from various backgrounds, but you have to follow one rule religiously: DO NOT have any expectations. I will always remember one Tinder conversation that gave me a wake-up call: “What do you expect? To find your great love here? It’s just hook-ups. You don’t want to tell your grandkids that you met their grandfather on Tinder”. He was completely right, and that was the end of my “swiping” days. Therefore, I don’t believe in dating apps, as they just fuel your need for love for a while, without a genuine bond. But till then, enjoy your single life, love yourself, and do not despair your time to shine will come.

Christmas has been and gone, and so the next holiday approaches – Valentine’s Day. Supermarket aisles are already lined with boxes of chocolates and gifts, and Christmas cards have been swapped for Valentine’s Day cards covered with hearts, containing romantic poems or messages. People receive cards from their ‘secret admirer’, but it’s no secret the divided opinions that come along with Valentine’s Day. Some love it. Some hate it. Some people just don’t care – to them, it’s just another day. There’s no denying the fact that companies benefit from the holiday. It was estimated that last year, consumers spent approximately £1 billion on gifts for the special day.

“CONSUMERS SPENT APPROXIMATELY £1 BILLION ON GIFTS FOR THE SPECIAL DAY” Despite the fact that people in the UK are spending vast amounts of money, the company GlobalData reported that “more than four-fifths of consumers…felt that Valentine’s Day has become too commercial, while more than half felt that it is a waste of money.” Valentine’s Day has often been the object of negative opinions, as people believe it’s nothing more than a product of capitalism – a day that doesn’t have any real meaning except to the companies that make huge amounts of money from it. Besides, shouldn’t we be telling our loved ones how we feel about them all year round, instead of just one day a year? Do they really need cards, chocolates, flowers, or any number of teddy bears holding hearts to know how much they’re cared for?

it’s a holiday based around a positive message – tell your loved ones that you love and appreciate them. You don’t need jewellery or an expensive bouquet of flowers to do that. It’s true that companies benefit immensely from the sale of gifts but the same could be said for Christmas and Easter. Valentine’s Day however, revolves around thoughtful actions – buying a card for your significant other, flowers for your partner, or maybe even some chocolates for your best friend.

“VALENTINE’S DAY IS REALLY ABOUT TELLING PEOPLE HOW MUCH THEY MEAN TO YOU” Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be about how much money you spend trying to get your loved one a gift. As cheesy as it sounds, Valentine’s Day is really about telling people how much they mean to you. If you want to get them gifts, then that’s up to you. Some choose Valentine’s Day to propose to their loved ones, taking full advantage of a day based around love, even if some people hate the idea. But maybe that’s the point. If you like Valentine’s Day, then that’s fine, and if you don’t, that’s fine too. But surely a holiday based around love and chocolate can’t be all that bad.

“SHOULDN’T WE BE TELLING OUR LOVED ONES HOW WE FEEL ABOUT THEM ALL YEAR ROUND” But maybe Valentine’s Day is a good thing. Not only does it fill the gap between Christmas and Easter, allowing us to eat more chocolate and use these occasions as an excuse, but

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Whether it’s for a casual or fulltime position, job interviews can be a daunting process. During this process there is also the (sometimes) unsolicited advice from our parents, which usually have something to do with timing and arriving early. To be fair, it’s not the worst advice to receive. It is far better to apologise for being early than it is late. Another good piece of advice is to do your research. In any given interview, you are bound to be asked something to do with the company, so knowing a little bit about it can go a long way. Sometimes the things we don’t consider to being a huge deal, like presentation, are what actually end up standing out the most. The great thing about presentation is it is one of the things you’re in complete control off before and during an interview. Not only that, it’s paramount in showing off your professionalism. I have put together some simple and easy hacks on the presentation side of things:

Clothing: Always have your outfit washed, ironed, and ready to go the night before. Do not leave it until the day of your interview to put together your clothes. The chances that you will yell “I have nothing to wear” will be heightened. It also doesn’t matter what job you’re interviewing for, wearing professional business wear stands out so just ditch the jeans for a day! Pay attention to what the employer says about their dress code.

Make sure that you dress to impress at your interview

BY ASHLEIGH JONES There is no greater feeling than checking your bank account and seeing that your student loan has finally dropped. No more living off of super-noodles because now you can afford proper, healthy food again. That being said, it will probably only last for a month before it’s back to the noodles. If you’re anything like me, I can confidently say that budgeting is not something I’ve been able to master. However, what with 2018 just kicking off and it being a new year, I’ve decided that I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure I budget this second installment of loan - getting me safely through to April. The thing that I’ve found is most important (which I never used to do) is keeping track of what you are spending. It’s so important that you check your online banking daily. This way, you can watch what you’re spending and be aware of any over spending that you might be doing. Don’t leave it for two months to check your account and then realise you’re a few hundred pounds short of rent the day before it’s due. Trust me, it’s just stress that you do not want. Don’t buy things you don’t need! I know this sounds really obvious, but it tends to be the obvious things that we turn a blind eye to. Yes, that glittery, glow in the dark keyring might look

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really cool, but honestly, do you really need it? I’m not saying don’t treat yourself, just don’t go overboard on things you know you’re never going to look at again once you get it home. Prep your meals. Not only does this save you a lot of time, but it will also save you a tonne of money. If you’ve already made your meals, chances are that you’re not going to waste more money on buying food out. Those little £3 transactions that we think are harmless really do add up.




Shoes: Now that you have your outfit suited and booted, make sure that you finish it off with a pair of appropriate shoes. It isn’t going to be a good look if you rock up in your trainers, whilst wearing smart clothing, looking like you’re about to run to the gym after the interview. Alongside this, whatever shoes you eventually choose to wear, make sure they are clean and free of scratches. There’s nothing worse than a scruffy pair of smart shoes.

Hair/ skin: Having a clean and polished look not only makes you feel and look a lot better, but it gives you added confidence. A Bonus is that it shows the person interviewing you that you not only respect yourself, but ooze professionalism!

Body language: The way you present your body can be detrimental. You dont want to have made all the effort of looking smart just to mess up your chances with bad body language. Interviewers have given their top tips and they say the way you carry yourself can influence your interviewer’s perception. Smiling goes a long way, as well as eye contact and hand gestures when talking. The attitude that you should not have includes sitting lazily and lack of engagement in the conversation. Don’t forget to try this out next time. Good luck out there!


‘IT’S SO IMPORTANT THAT YOU CHECK YOUR ONLINE BANKING DAILY” As a student it’s inevitable that we’re going to go out partying. Being in London and going out isn’t exactly a great combo for our bank accounts. However, there are actually plenty of pubs and clubs that have cheap (or even free) entry and good drink deals. You’ve just got to do your research and find them online. What better than a night out that doesn’t fully damage your bank account? You can still buy that fancy new top you saw in Topshop and enjoy drinks with your friends whilst making your loan last. You’ve just got to be sensible.

Prevent over spending and make your student loan last until the next installment in April

01/02/18 4:51 PM

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